#gainer 5 kg
onlineshopig · 6 months
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Health Tone Weight Gain Capsules In Pakistan Description: Some people are thin and need a boost to develop the body mass. It is ideal for developing Saptadhatoos and can remove the mervine debility in patients. A patient taking this Powder will get rid of physical and mental weakness. The net result is a fuller body weight. Benefits: When the body is able to function with the right weight it gives confidence to the person. It is ideal for young people who need to add body mass to their personality without any side effects. As the physical body improves it allows the mental state to improve also. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan Type Of Supplement Weight Gainer Packaging Size 90 Capsules Packaging Type Bottle Form Capsule
(1) It will gain your maximum weight…
(2) It will increase your body size…
(3) It will increase your energy level & fitness….
(4) It will improve your skin complexion & get glowing skin…
(5) It will increase your appetite…
(6) It will increase your protien intake.. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan How to use? Dosage.. One capsule with water. 3 times a day After breakfast lunch and dinner with milk or water. Maintenance Period.. You can reduce the dose from the second month and can take one capsule twice a day after your two main meals. In the third month take Daily one capsule before going to bed. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan Health Tone Capsules Benefits If you are looking to build up an attractive body having proper shape and wants to build up muscles than Health Tone Capsules will help you a lot Weight Gain capsules by Health Tone are made from herbal and natural resources and can provide you results without any known side effects They help you to build proper muscles with great looking shape and make you stronger and fit. They are 100% natural and herbal pills and safe for both male and female. Health Tone weight gain pills helps you to increase your weight naturally Gain Maximum Weight & Satisfied Results It will Increase your Energy level & Period: 90 days Ayurvedic Weight Gain Pills India no 1 weight gain Pills If you want to increase your maximum weight.. If you want to change your physical personality & increase your body size…. or you want to be attractive & Good looking personality… Stop eating whey proteins and expensive weight gainers full of chemicals. Start gaining weight with herbal products. Creatine and other products like OptiMen create gas in some people and it may damage liver in the long run. Better switch on to Health Tone Powder from Hamdard Pharmacy By health tone weight gain Capsules Gain upto 3 kg's weight within a week.. Gain 8 to 10 kg's weight in a month.. No side effects.. 100% natural & safe 100% guaranteed result… male or female both can use this Pills..
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healthcoach95 · 9 months
How should I modify my diet to gain 5 kg in a month?
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In the journey for a better and more powerful build, numerous people are frequently confronted with the test of putting on weight. While some might mean to shed pounds, others look for ways of pressing on a couple of additional kilos, particularly for those hoping to fabricate bulk. On the off chance that you regard yourself as pondering, "How could I change my eating routine to acquire 5kg in a month?" this thorough aide is here to help. We'll investigate viable procedures to accomplish weight gain in a protected and maintainable way.
Figuring out the Nuts and bolts:
Before diving into dietary adjustments, it's urgent to understand the essential standards of weight gain. Acquiring 5kg in a month might seem like a grand objective, however, moving toward this target with an emphasis on both quality and quantity is fundamental. Essentially consuming extreme calories disregarding healthy benefits can prompt unfortunate weight gain.
Caloric Excess:
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To put on weight, you should consume a bigger number of calories than your body exhausts. This is known as a caloric excess. In any case, it's essential to find some kind of harmony and guarantee that the additional calories come from supplement-thick food sources as opposed to discharge calories. Go for the gold caloric excess to keep away from exorbitant fat addition.
Adjusted Macronutrients:
Your eating routine ought to incorporate an even blend of macronutrients - proteins, starches, and fats. Proteins are fundamental for muscle development, sugars give energy, and sound fats support generally speaking well-being. Focus on entire food varieties like lean meats, entire grains, natural products, vegetables, and nuts to meet your nourishing requirements.
Dietary Alterations:
Now that we've covered the essentials, we should investigate explicit dietary changes that can assist you with acquiring 5kg in a month:
Increment Protein Admission:
Protein is a vital part of muscle development. Incorporate lean wellsprings of protein like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like vegetables and tofu in each dinner. Consider protein shakes as advantageous enhancements to meet your everyday protein prerequisites.
Integrate Complex Carbs:
Complex starches give a supported wellspring of energy. Incorporate entire grains, earthy-colored rice, quinoa, yams, and oats into your eating regimen. These food varieties add to your calorie admission as well as help your energy levels during exercises.
Solid Fats:
Remember wellsprings of solid fats for your eating routine, like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats give extra calories and back general well-being, including chemical creation.
Normal Feasts and Tidbits:
Rather than three huge feasts, think about eating more modest, successive dinners for the day. Incorporate sound snacks between dinners to keep a steady caloric admission. Supplementing thick bites like yogurt with natural products, trail blends, or a protein bar can be gainful.
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Remaining all around hydrated is fundamental for by and large well-being and can uphold your weight gain endeavors. Notwithstanding, try not to top off on water just before dinners, as it might diminish your craving.
In specific cases, dietary enhancements can be a significant expansion to your arrangement. Talk with a medical care professional or a nutritionist before integrating any enhancements into your daily practice. Normal enhancements for weight gain incorporate protein powders, creatine, and mass gainers.
Work-out Daily practice:
While dietary changes are significant, consolidating them with an organized workout routine is fundamental for accomplishing a sound weight gain. Strength preparing works out, including weightlifting, can assist with animating muscle development and guarantee that the put-on weight comprises of fit bulk instead of an overabundance of fat.
Acquiring 5kg in a month requires a trained way to deal with your eating routine and way of life. Center around an even, supplement-thick eating regimen, guarantee a caloric excess and supplement your endeavors with a reasonable workout everyday practice. Keep in mind, persistence is vital, and focusing on your well-being and prosperity all through this journey is urgent. Talk with a medical service proficient or an enrolled dietitian to customize these rules because of your singular necessities and objectives.
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supplements-villa2004 · 10 months
On Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer Weight Gainer 5kg 
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Serious weight gain requires serious calories. However, those who need the extra calories most often have the toughest time consuming enough of them. For many aspiring to be bigger, a highly-active metabolism, weaker appetite and on-the-run lifestyle can make it a real challenge to consume enough calories through whole foods alone
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beautysaloonn · 1 year
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glitterybutter · 2 years
Muscle Mantra
Fitness enthusiasts from all sports and activities can use Muscle Mantra's clinically tested, safe, and effective supplements, which also support a variety of lifestyle objectives. Your goals for strength and muscular development, endurance, weight loss, weight gain, or general health and wellness are enhanced by the supplies. It provides a variety of goods that will surpass your expectations and assist you in achieving your objectives.
Muscle Mantra (MM) will provide you with two of the best goods in today's article. If you're trying to put on weight, this is the ideal place to find them and apart from this if you are looking for some healthy munching, you need to read the blog till the end.
Muscle Mantra Epic Series Awesome Mass Gainer(Chocolate) 3 kg
For you to keep a healthy nitrogen balance in your body, Awesome Mass contains slow-releasing soy protein and fast-releasing whey protein concentrate. L-glutamine for faster post-workout healing and creatine for power and endurance are added to further enhance it.
Along with the 11 vital vitamins and 11 critical minerals, Awesome Mass offers both simple and complex carbohydrates to provide you both a quick energy boost and long-lasting energy. The natural goodness of barley malt, which is renowned for its dietary enzymes, fiber, and digestion-improving qualities, is also present.
Depending on your protein and calorie needs, it is advised to consume 1-4 scoops.
Add 4-6 ounces of cold water, milk, or your preferred beverage to a shaker cup or blender for each scoop, then blend for 30-45 seconds. To achieve the flavor and consistency you desire, adjust the liquid amount.
You'll get a richer, creamier shake if you use nonfat milk rather than water.
Between Meals: Eat in between meals to support a high-calorie diet and preserve a positive nitrogen balance.
Post-Workout: Eat something 30 minutes after working out to restore glycogen and promote complete recovery.
Key Features: 
 High Calories Clean Carb Formula
High Concentration of BCAAs
Complete Spectrum Amino Acid Profile
Enriched with vitamins and minerals
For those who have been waiting impatiently for some healthy snacking, MM will not disappoint you because you will receive the tastiest snack ever!
Muscle Mantra High Protein Peanut Butter
One of the nutritional supplements in India that helps you get the necessary protein in one scoop is Muscle Mantra's peanut butter.
You can use this peanut butter without any regret as it is unsweetened and Made entirely of roasted peanuts 100% Vegan Gluten-Free Good Source of Protein and Fiber. 
The complete food pack recipe from Muscle Mantra!
1 cup (250 ml) of milk with 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1/2 tbsp honey, and 1 scoop of awesomeness or MuscleMantra whey protein.
Aren't you craving after reading this? Don't worry order it now! You can fill your cart on Muscle Mantra's official website.  Delivery in  North India,   typically takes 1-3 days, whereas the rest of India takes 3-5 days.
On every order, delivery is free containing fully effective doses, full label disclosure, and no proprietary blends. Made at a facility that is FSSAI, HACCP, and GMP certified. Premium ingredients are supplied from the US and Europe.
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sossupplements · 3 years
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Labrada mass gainer 5 kgs is the best choice for muscle building. Contains rich carbohydrates, creatine monohydrate, and other essentail nutrients that enhance the body's natural ability to produce energy. Get Original authentic Labrada mass gainer at great deals. Explore more wide range of Labrada products.
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ixopuwo · 5 years
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luispratts · 5 years
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vcmaclean-blog · 5 years
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twicethesize · 3 years
I know you're not a gainer, but don't you think it would be so much fun to let go a bit this winter and indulge a little? What would really happen if you accidentally put on 5 or 10 kg? Food is tasting and being stuffed feels good, and it would be worth it, wouldn't it?
it’s so tempting ngl 🥵
56 notes · View notes
onlineshopig · 6 months
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Health Tone Weight Gain Capsules In Pakistan Description: Some people are thin and need a boost to develop the body mass. It is ideal for developing Saptadhatoos and can remove the mervine debility in patients. A patient taking this Powder will get rid of physical and mental weakness. The net result is a fuller body weight. Benefits: When the body is able to function with the right weight it gives confidence to the person. It is ideal for young people who need to add body mass to their personality without any side effects. As the physical body improves it allows the mental state to improve also. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan Type Of Supplement Weight Gainer Packaging Size 90 Capsules Packaging Type Bottle Form Capsule
(1) It will gain your maximum weight…
(2) It will increase your body size…
(3) It will increase your energy level & fitness….
(4) It will improve your skin complexion & get glowing skin…
(5) It will increase your appetite…
(6) It will increase your protien intake.. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan How to use? Dosage.. One capsule with water. 3 times a day After breakfast lunch and dinner with milk or water. Maintenance Period.. You can reduce the dose from the second month and can take one capsule twice a day after your two main meals. In the third month take Daily one capsule before going to bed. https://onlinetrade.pk/health-tone-weight-gain-capsules-in-pakistan Health Tone Capsules Benefits If you are looking to build up an attractive body having proper shape and wants to build up muscles than Health Tone Capsules will help you a lot Weight Gain capsules by Health Tone are made from herbal and natural resources and can provide you results without any known side effects They help you to build proper muscles with great looking shape and make you stronger and fit. They are 100% natural and herbal pills and safe for both male and female. Health Tone weight gain pills helps you to increase your weight naturally Gain Maximum Weight & Satisfied Results It will Increase your Energy level & Period: 90 days Ayurvedic Weight Gain Pills India no 1 weight gain Pills If you want to increase your maximum weight.. If you want to change your physical personality & increase your body size…. or you want to be attractive & Good looking personality… Stop eating whey proteins and expensive weight gainers full of chemicals. Start gaining weight with herbal products. Creatine and other products like OptiMen create gas in some people and it may damage liver in the long run. Better switch on to Health Tone Powder from Hamdard Pharmacy By health tone weight gain Capsules Gain upto 3 kg's weight within a week.. Gain 8 to 10 kg's weight in a month.. No side effects.. 100% natural & safe 100% guaranteed result… male or female both can use this Pills..
0 notes
Pavel had always been skinny, maybe even scrawny. He was sick of it, but he never had the appetite to really pack on any more weight, nor the dedication. He went to the gym on occasion , but never stuck with it.
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He was turning 28 next month and he hated that he was still a twink. Sure, some guys liked him skinny and smooth, but he was tired of how skinny he was. 60 kgs on his 1.75m height was just not enough.
It was on a porn site where he heard about a new formula “bulk up instantly- massive weight gainer”. Pavel had seen adverts for similar “instant “ formulas come up in the past on that porn site before, but he didn’t buy into it. They were sometimes posted in the comments but always disappeared quickly, scrubbed from the site.
This time, however, it seemed different. Sure maybe it wasnt anything, but he clicked on it. It launched his email immediately with a subject line already filled out “request- massive weight gainer”
No way, this was suspicious as hell.
He thought he closed the tab, and his email, and didn’t think anything more of it.
Not even 5 minutes later he got an email from a strange email address with the like “Re: request- massive weight gainer”
“50€ for the full dose, 35€ for a half dose. Take with exercise.”
Pavel was pissed, the bastards had grabbed his email address and now he was getting spam.
Pavel ignored it.
An hour later another email popped in, from the same spam-ish looking sender:
“Pavel, spécial discount for you! 35€- full dose. Get huge “
How did they get his name?
He wrote back “take me off the email list”
And just moments later “Pavel, this weight gainer can make you enormous like you’ve always wanted. We will send it to you for free, just promise to take photos of your progress and it’s yours.”
Pavels dick stirred a bit. The idea of getting enormous did turn him on. He looked at his scrawny build and before he even finished typing his mailing address in the response another email came in.
“Your free dose of massive weight gainer is in the mail. It will be sent to
34 Rue de Sans Souci
1040, Ixelles, Belgique
Please use in conjunction with rigorous exercise”
Now Pavel was spooked. How had they known his full address? He turned off his computer and went to bed.
A small box came the next day from “Énorme, a division of Mass. Inc.”
He was too freaked out to try it. For days the unopened package sat on his desk. About a week after the mysterious package arrived he recieved another unsolicited email:
“Thank you for choosing Énorme, a division of Mass inc. Please go ahead and try the formula you have been sent. You will enjoy the huge bulk it will add to your frame. You will enjoy growing enormous. You will love your new size. Please respond to this email with your progress pictures.
The Énorme team.”
Pavel couldn’t believe it. What were they even talking about? As he read and re read the words in the email he felt himself getting turned on. He had to try it, he had to get enormous. Fuck he was getting hard as hell thinking about what that formula would do to him. He was all in on it. Suddenly, instead of uneasy, Pavel wanted to go all in. He wanted to get huge. He stroked his dick at the thought of it.
He opened up the package, found the vial and downed it without hesitation. He started jerking off imagining his thin frame blowing up.
Within the hour Pavel saw changes to his body. His thin frame was getting ever so slightly bigger. He was starting to fill out. He stepped on the scale. 63 kgs.
He was growing, the formula was working. Pavel jerked off a second time thinking about it. As the minutes passed he could feel himself getting heavier, adding more and more chunk to his frame, his ass filling out. Three hours after drinking the entire formula, he was up to 70 kilos and gaining fast. A small little belly was starting to form on his formerly flat stomach. He was ballooning up. By 14 hr he was 80 kilos and his belly was starting to really make itself known. His frame was widening, but he was growing chubbier without adding much muscle.
That evening as he jerked off the 6th time to his growing belly and fattening form, he realized he needed to workout, per the instructions. Fuck! No wonder he was just getting fat.
Pavel headed to the gym and began a half hearted workout in the biggest clothes he could find. His now nearly 100 kg frame was dominated by a new belly. Pavel was never one for working out, but he gave it a shot. He took the selfie requested by the Énorme team. His arms looked bigger and his shoulders had some suggestion of muscle- but mostly it was his belly. A big growing belly that was taking up more and more space in front of him.
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Fuck! He really was getting huge. He couldn’t believe how thick he was getting. His belly was getting so round and heavy. He could feel his new weight slowing down his steps. He could feel his new body still expanding as he lifted weights.
115 kgs was what the scale said at the gym. He was huge! There weren’t any men as chunky and thick as him anywhere in the gym. He looked at himself, turned on by his much fatter, rounder form. He looked like one of those fat American gainers he liked.
Wait, what? He liked gainers? Fuck. He was so turned on by his transformation. He did like gainers. He loved gainers.
Back at home he couldn’t do anything but explore his new growing form and jerk off. He could more muscle mass being added to his build- his shoulders were growing wider and his arms were getting much thicker. He liked what he saw. A fat man with muscle as his foundation. Fuck, this was him now. A thick, strong looking fat man. Huge belly, thick arms. He obsessed over his new body. Feeling himself growing... gaining.
He didn’t sleep that night, so was too worked up. After around 3 am, he could feel the growth was coming to an end. He knew it was wearing off. The only thing that still fit him were his elastic gym shorts, and even they were incredibly tight.
Pavel tried to weigh himself on his scale, but got an error message. He now exceeded the 150 kilo weight limit. Fuck, he was so blown up. He felt like a blimp and he loved every second of it. Pavel snapped the second pic to get a sense of his new size.
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He sent off the pics to Énorme that morning.
They were right, Pavel did love being enormous. Now the question was, what was he going to wear?
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pharmascience · 5 years
Health Gainer - Gain weight Up to 5 Kg In A Month | Pharmascience | Cont...
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fortunenikhil · 5 years
Gain weight By Body Gainer | Weight Gain Up to 5 Kg In a Month | Pharmas...
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