redwhistles · 2 months
personal reference post for us;
list of flora-themed prefixes representing a gender quality ^^
alba-; feminine in a nonbinary way (made by neopronouns (link))
annu-; masculine in a nonbinary way (made by neopronouns (link))
azur-; masculine (made by neopronouns (link))
botrys-; male in a nonbinary way (made by neopronouns (link))
caladi-; feminine in a xenine way (made by neopronouns (link))
calla-; neutral (made by epiceneandroid (link))
coreo-; neutral and/or xenine (made by revenant-coining (link))
croto-; male in a xenic way (made by daybreakthing (link))
dianth-; masculine femininity (made by yureipunk (link))
flower-; feminine and/or neutral (made by TMNBFF (link))
fuchsi-; queerly female (made by neopronouns (link))
gailla-; female in a nonbinary way (made by neopronouns (link))
gerbe-; male in a nonhuman way (made by daybreakthing (link))
hyaci-; queerly male (made by neopronouns (link))
laven-; queerly feminine (made by neopronouns (link))
lavandula-; primarily feminine but still masculine (made by gendernovus (link))
lily-; masculine in the way dykes are (made by neopronouns (link))
ludovi-; ambiguous (made by neopronouns (link))
pansy-; feminine in the way fags/faggots are (made by neopronouns (link))
pere-; female in a nonbinary & xenic way (made by daybreakthing (link))
ros-; feminine (made by neopronouns (link))
roseus-; primarily masculine but still feminine (made by genderpotion (link))
shiso-; male in a nonbinary & xenic way (made by daybreakthing (link))
taconi-; masculine in a xenine way (made by neopronouns (link))
viola-; feminine masculinity (made by local-yurei (link))
viole-; queerly masculine (made by neopronouns (link))
willi-; masculine (made by rodysgf (link))
wisteri-; androgynous (made by neopronouns (link))
other mentions (not flora-themed);
verde-; agenrine/neutral/neutrois (made by welphereiam (link))
dew-; masculine and/or neutral (made by TMNBFF (link))
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neopronouns · 28 days
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flag id: two flags with 5 stripes. the left flag's stripes are faded red, soft red-orange, light golden yellow, very light sky blue, and light sky blue. the right flag's stripes are faded sky blue, soft teal, light yellow-green, very light red-pink, and light red-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
gaillaboy | botrysgirl
gaillaboy: a boy who is female in a nonbinary way; someone who both considers themselves male and has some significant connection to nonbinary womanhood, either in their gender or expression; a boy aligned with nonbinary womanhood; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both male and female in a nonbinary way
botrysgirl: a girl who is male in a nonbinary way; someone who both considers themselves female and has some significant connection to nonbinary manhood, either in their gender or expression; a girl aligned with nonbinary manhood; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both female and male in a nonbinary way
[pt: gaillaboy: a boy who is female in a nonbinary way; someone who both considers themselves male and has some significant connection to nonbinary womanhood, either in their gender or expression; a boy aligned with nonbinary womanhood; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both male and female in a nonbinary way
botrysgirl: a girl who is male in a nonbinary way; someone who both considers themselves female and has some significant connection to nonbinary manhood, either in their gender or expression; a girl aligned with nonbinary manhood; an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both female and male in a nonbinary way. end pt]
terms like albaboy and annugirl but with nonbinary femaleness/maleness! anon asked for the nonbinary male girl term and i wanted to also coin a boy counterpart. the top three stripes are inspired by these nonbinary man and nonbinary woman flags!
'gailla' comes from 'gaillardia', in reference to 'gaillardia pulchella', a flower with red petals with yellow tips; 'botrys' comes from 'macrobotrys', in reference to 'strongylodon macrobotrys', a vine with turquoise flowers!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @prettypinknarc, @skrimbliest, @fem-mogai, @revenant-coining
dni link
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lilirot · 3 months
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Lili's three moms. Sunflower, Adonis, and Gailla. They're a lesbian witch throuple and also extorting mammon.
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infiwrites · 4 years
i did same issue. but maybe as a response it works; u know home comforts is my fav wip of urs........... but why is len there while miku and rin enjoy some nice fries
(For context to those not privy to my inbox: tumblr’s eating messages again.)
SO! This fic is a bit of an old concept I’ve picked up after about like.... three years. Going on four? Somewhere about then. Long story short: siblings giving eachother hell while one of them is trying to convince the other to stop dancing around a crush. Bribery gets involved at some point via food.
Rin doesn’t appreciate that intense concern is involved with the food because Len’s a shit liar who’s aware he’s a shit liar so he picks the one guy he knows he can get away with saying very little to. She also doesn’t appreciate that Len gets Kaito involved because the last thing she wants to do is talk about her crush on Miku to, y’know... Miku’s older brother. Good going, Len.
Something something intense spoilers, baby gay wings get spread a couple times before falling out the nest. Do they ever go out for fries? Stay tuned until the fic gets finished. Excerpt beloooooow.
“All I know is, one of us is right, the other one is you.”
"Says you, dipshit." Rin removed her face from her pillow. "I didn't ask for your stupid opinion anyway."
"You didn't ask for the stupid crush either. Must be your unlucky day." Her brother shrugged, leaning back in her chair. She kinda wanted to kick his stupid legs out from under him, teach him a lesson.
Then again, if he got hurt, he'd be insufferable for the rest of forever. Which wasn't all that different from now, granted, but still.
"Must be." She muttered instead, going back to dying on the inside.
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musical-heart-beat · 7 years
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hookist · 5 years
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Congratulations to #PAGIRL #mav1302 #Gailla #mwriley2 #MarianneMurdock and @StevenHuff! . The great @beth_nielsen_chapman chose your lines for the 1st 2 verses! Rock on, guys! . Big shout outs to @ColleenStevensLaylon and @tadarlod for the 'trying' rhymes and #PCam for the "why" rhyme! . Kudos to EVERYONE! You made Beth's job sooooo hard! But our song is ROCKING! Watch Beth's video in The Winners Circle at Hookist (link in bio) and be sure to read the instructions in the credits - and then submit your best stuff! . Sign up for email notifications on your profile page to get an email each time a winner is chosen! It could be YOU!! . #songwriter #singersongwriter #writeasong #lyrics #songlyrics #nsai #sesac #ascap #collaborate #learnfromamaster @therealonj @amyskymusic https://www.instagram.com/hookistmusic/p/BwTkAboAZXV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6p8d7m45fmn5
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ishgardener · 7 years
tfw you realize that while the blog name ishguardian/”Thordan quivvers before her!” is still heckin’ hilarious, your friend pointing out that ishgardener fits your character better is just
(it was free too :eyes:)
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dilfsisko · 3 years
ferengi tierlist?
Top Tier, S Class: Quark <333333, Nog
Favs: Rom, Ishka, Pel, Gailla
I know he’s really popular on here but I actually have little to no attachment to Brunt (or leck rip)
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agathaarts · 5 years
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Some more DnD character minis!
Kiga, Half-Orc Ranger (who was pretty obviously raised by her elven mother) Dello, Tiefling Warlock and Gunslinger Lalaura Silverbell Teeny Tiny Farflung Blue, Gnomish Psion (NPC) Gailla Glassbeard, Dwarven Alchemist aaaand a young Tanarukk I’ve been tinkering with, named Belga! Belga’s....gonna be so HECKIN huge when she finishes growing up and she’s already like nine feet tall.
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fibonaccimegumi · 5 years
Tagged by @melodicwhisper8079 !! ;v;<3
Nickname: Gailla, or Gail
Zodiac: Virgo!
Height: 5′2
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw babeyyyyy
Last thing I googled: houses in my area.... I’m moving soon..... hopefully...
Do you get asks: Nope! Wouldn’t mind if I did, but yolo, bruh
Amount of sleep: 7ish hours... Unless it’s quiet enough to catnap, then it can be 10-12
Lucky Number: 2, 7, 12!
What I’m wearing: I have a t shirt I got from redbubble with Majima’s tattoo on it... It controls my laundry schedule now.
Dream Trip: Gosh... Idk. All expense paid trip to whatever landmarks I desire with my friends? I’d love to see salt lakes, forest hiking trails, views from the tops of mountains, I’d probably love visiting Asia, and any weeaboo wants to see Japan, but I’d be down for India or Korea too. I want to see Scotland and or Sweden as well.... Maybe France. There’s quite the bucket list.
Instruments:  I don’t know how to play any! But my favorite sounds are from pianos, acoustic guitars, and whatever the fuck makes that nice growl from dubstep songs.
Languages: English, and I’ve been meaning to learn Japanese, but haven’t really gotten to it...
Favorite songs: It changes with time, but I’ll never get over Eine Kleine by Kenshi Yonezu, or Days from Kagerou Project
Random Fact: I have a story I’ve held in my head for a while, but it feels weird to type it out to actually make something of it. I’ve begun drabbling out the ‘final scene’ in a notepad doc on my phone when work is slow, but it feels like... I don’t deserve to make anything big of it? Or I’ll do it wrong? Or it just won’t matter? Not to be like, depressing, though. I’m sure these are common writer woes. I’m trying really hard to make something that has a real impact, and I think I finally have the life experience to complete the puzzle pieces, at least!!
Aesthetic: I think the most catch-all thing I can call my aesthetic is “floral punk.” but like, I like punk, I like floral punk, but I also just like floral. I tend to lean towards minimalism though?
Tagging: @typo-queeen, @infiniteleft @breakingbridges? :D
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gaillaffxiv · 5 years
LFRP - A Little Ill Will Never Hurt, Right?
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Dallia Akita has in secret been stockpiling resources for a little hobby... A Curse Parlor.
What is a curse parlor? Well think of someone you detest, or hate, or even loathe. Wouldn’t you like to see tragedy befall them, without the consequences? Well with a little help from your Mistress, now you can. For coin, of course. Be it a simple curse to make them trip at the top of every flight of stairs, or something much more detrimental, like uncontrollable vomiting for an undetermined length of time, or even a coma, Dallia’s your witch.
How to find her, though, is a tricky question. She’s not one to give the location of her parlor to just anyone, but people wandering the Shroud with a little hate in their hearts might just stumble upon an intriguing shed in the woods...
If you’re interested in her services, or even just curious to know more, please contact me here on tumblr via ask or message, or friend me on my discord, Gailla#9347! 
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willow-of-hingashi · 5 years
Fighting Style - Nobuyuki “Ichihiko” Ienaka
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                              “A talented hawk hides its claws.”
bold what consistently applies || italicize situational, not always || both, a priority while fighting
fight honorably /  fight dirty /  prefer close-quarters /  prefer range / chat during /  go silent / low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance /  attack in bursts  /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm /  fight defensively /  bait an opponent’s first strike /  strike first  / provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent /  tease /  get visibly frustrated  /  shout while attacking /  use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly  /  try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly  /  fight calmly apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement  /  fight because they have to / fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  /  take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  / prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional  /   transform for battle  / fight as they appear / rely on strength  /  rely on speed  / use everything they have /  hide their full potential  /  exhaust quickly  /  high stamina  / doubt their strength / proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  /  brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings /  avoid damaging surroundings /  signature fighting style  / making it up as they go / mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  /  fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter  /  elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy  / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent  / use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) /  move efficiently /  barely move  /  prefer to dodge  /  prefer to block  /  defend their blindside  /  has no blindside  /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready /  strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  / fear pain /  fear killing  / has PTSD / avoid fighting  / has lost a fight  /  has won a fight /  has killed (as of this post, only indirectly) / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
 Tagged By: @lightofthecrystal​
 Tagging: @the-firetouched​ (for Emma!) , @infiniteleftdoesffxiv​ (for Sechen!), @houserosaire​ , @gaillaffxiv​ (for Gailla!)
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fulviomeloni · 7 years
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First Flower - New D850 by tdlucas5000 http://ift.tt/2iDgxNT #macro
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Time Travel Fix-It, Star Trekish, Time Travel, and Winnie the Pooh?
Time Travel Fix-It:
This one was one of my first Fix-It fics where a descendant of Anakin travels back in time to fix it. Medeia hasn’t really developed much as my other Skywalker OC’s but she is unique in the fact she’s the only one who time-travelled alone and went back the furthest to the TPM era, freed Anakin and Shmi and basically steamrolled over any of the council’s objections. It’s pretty indulgent.
“Match my breathing like I taught you, Anakin. In through the nose. Quietly out through the mouth. Focus on what you can feel through the Force. Let the sensation of everything physical around you fade away. Like the wind over the desert, be like the bedrock beneath. Quiet and stable, unaffected by the wind above. Very good. Keep going.”
Anakin’s bright presence in the Force slowly became less energetic with each minute. It still glowed brightly and rippled with Emotion and Self and Power. His presence reached out a few times, slipping over his mother and Qui-Gon as if to reassure himself they were still there. He reached further out and found Padmè, gently nudging against her for a moment. He sent a trail out and entwined himself around Medeia’s presence, adding another layer to their bond.
Medeia was still Eye-Of-The-Storm-Calm but he noticed something else about her. Light and Dark twirling inside her in near perfect harmony. Neither ever overwhelmed the other. There was no internal struggle. They just mixed and unmixed and mixed again to create a soft glow of Grey in the Force.
Obi-wan nearly jolted when Anakin’s bright presence turned to him. At first it was a nudge which turned into curious gentle prodding.
“Easy, Ani.” Medeia murmured from far away even as her own presence curled around Anakin’s to guide him away from Obi-Wan.
He would never know why he did what he did but it felt right to reach out and brush his own presence against both in acceptance.
Medeia’s presence brushed against his for a moment then released Anakin’s who immediately curled against Obi-Wan’s like a small tooka kit seeking warmth from its mother.
Obi-Wan reached out to Medeia’s presence who followed sedately like a gentle shower of rain and rested against both presences.
The Force seemed to rise in Light at the occurrence and became clearer than it had been before. The Universe seemed to sing and for one moment, Obi-Wan felt complete and utter peace.
They stayed like that for what seemed like eternity. Obi-Wan’s gentle sunshine Light resting against Medeia’s calm-before-the-storm Grey as Anakin’s Supernova brushed around them, occasionally prodding at them and being tugged back gently by Medeia before he went too far.
Star Trekish:
This idea came around when I was watching some Star Trek and figured that what if the galaxy eventually evolved into a Star Trekish culture rather than the pit of corruption primed for an angry white man to take over every other half a century. So Four ships from that kind of era time travel back (I like my time travel fics) to the Clone Wars and revolutionise the galaxy mostly by accident. I also have another Skywalker who is the Captain of one of the ships. (Mostly so I could make Captain Rex and Captain Skywalker jokes.)
Time Travel:
Oooooh, this one! This one was inspired by Chapter 62 of No Love is Greater than that of a Father For His Son by Geekygirl24. I’ll try not to spoil it but my idea was what if they didn’t go back? I had a great time chatting about it on the Ani5 Discord and it basically evolved into Anakin gets all the love and care he needs and winds up married to like the entire 501st again. (He seems to do that a lot in a few of my au’s)
Excerpt (does contain a few spoilers)
“When my mother died in my arms, the people who did it were damn lucky I was nowhere near them and that Padme had the foresight to stun me. It was only thanks to the fact I had the Master-Padawan bond with Obi-Wan,” here the younger version of his master startled and flickered wide eyes between him and the younger version “that stopped me from going completely darkside. Even then it’s left its mark on me. I have mental scarring. Scarring I will never recover from. The healers thought it was a miracle I’m still functioning!”
“Anakin?” The quiet voice of Obi-Wan piped up and Anakin took a deep breath before facing his master who looked devastated. He’d never told him what the healers had found in the aftermath of Geonosis. It had been hard enough speaking about how he’d felt his mother die and to feel the healer’s horror at missing something so integral to his health.
The distance and time that had been put between Anakin and his mother had done it damage even before she had died. It explained a lot apparently.
“It’s not your fault. You never knew. No one did, not even the Healers figured out I need Force bonds to remain healthy.”
“But, if we’d just…”
Winnie The Pooh:
Oh, this au is like my baby! It’s just crack. I’d just seen Christopher Robin (10/10 would recommend) and my thought was what if Anakin made friends with Pooh when he was younger? It kind of exploded and became Shmi Lives (and makes friends with Kanga after moving into the Hundred Acre Woods), Eeyore’s tail is the reason Sidious is revealed and Pooh wins 4 arguments against Yoda’s Line about Attachments.
Winnie the Pooh, accidental Social Revolutionist, is also a thing in this au.
The Tree to access the Hundred Acre Woods somehow relocates from England to Tatooine (sshhh just go with it) to the Room of a Thousand Fountains.
 Anakin is doing so much better since Pooh is amazing and it’s very hard to be angry at him or about things when Pooh phrases it differently and basically forces you to talk it through. He and the 501st also do the morning exercise routine with Pooh. (The mental image is hilarious since it’s basically Space Yoga with Pooh leading.) The Tigger song is a staple. 
Mace Windu is conned into fighting off Heffalumps and Roo decides Commander Wolffe is the coolest thing in existence. Commander Wolffe has no idea what to think about this. (Plo thinks it’s hilarious)
Just pure mayhem and fluff. No angst allowed.
Excerpt from the Discord Discussion I had
Me: On yet another note, Kanga. Kanga has SO much stuff in her pouch. Kanga managed to outfit all of the 212th Attack Battalion with scarves. 
Kanga once kicked a droid through a wall.
The clones are in AWE of Kanga.
The clones take after Tigger and start referring to her as Mrs Kanga, ma'am.
Shmi is referred to as Ms Skywalker, ma'am.
You do not cross either mom since they will mom you into submission or you get glared at by at least 20+ clones and a jedi knight.
Obi-Wan is mom'ed into submission 
The council would argue against Shmi’s presence but that would mean loosing access to Kanga and Shmi’s cookie recipe.
@serenityharkness​ : Akemi will lead a Youngling and Healer REVOLT before she allows access to the cookie recipe to be lost.
Adi Gailla would revolt before allowing the cookie access to be lost. It’s the only thing that gets her through some of those meetings.
Yoda has lost all control over the Order ever since he lost the argument about attachments with Pooh. (Several people are honestly wondering HOW but that is a thing that happened.)
@lylilunapotter​:Everything, EVERYTHING, about this is precious and amazing and I love it. What kind of cookies are they?
Me:Depends on the person. Some are choc chip, others are oatmeal, a really popular one is kelp.
Kit Fisto would go to war for those kelp cookies
Kit Fisto would take on the entire Separatist Confederacy, shirtless and with one hand tied behind his back
Lylilunapotter:Kit, you are so completely valid
Me:Anakin isn’t sure if Fisto is trying to woo his mom or just get more cookies. Shmi finds this hilarious
Lylilunapotter:Anakin’s just praying it’s the latter. He likes Kit just fine, but as a father-in-law?!
Me:Neither of them will tell him which is the case. Kanga just takes pity and plies him with hot coco and bisuits. She also pats his hair
Ask me about my Star Wars WIP from this list or any of the other fandoms I have!
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agotajohanna · 2 years
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Ael(iae) Domitiae ann(orum) III pr(a)e / fas sapienti Ael(ius) Domit/ius et Aurel(ia) Gailla parente/s infelicissimi
Provinz: Pannonia superior
Ort: Tata / Brigetio
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erstwhile25 · 7 years
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Some couples make a big deal of couples photos, but these two hecks are just letting their enemies take care of it for them.  Amazing commission by the very talented Gailla ( @himeheishi)
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