#gahin loutrain
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tarohonii · 11 months ago
eleceed guys on fuckboy scale
(slight nsfw)
Sucheon has neither the capability nor desire to be a fuckboy. Purposefully drives people away and has far too much trauma to even think of putting his dick anywhere. Also has the charisma of a rabid wet rat.
Duke is such a fuckboy, but in a political, ulterior motive kinda way. He'll dick anyone down if it means he can emotionally manipulate them with it, or he can use it as a bargaining chip to get what he wants. He's a charmer, good-looking, and had one of the highest prestige in the academy; he could literally ask nicely and he'd have someone in bed with him. I imagine he slept with at least half of the academy, and nobody except the top ten knew of his escapades (they all given him crazy ass side eye for this)
On the other end of the spectrum, Ian is a "i cannot for the life of me keep it in my pants" fuckboi. He's young, attractive, has a crazy amount of prestige to his name, and also has hormones he cannot keep under a leash. Anywhere he goes, he's bound to at least attract someone for the night. He's crazy flirty and leads people on just for the sake of his ego, but never gets attached on his side. It's only because of that he doesn't get in serious trouble with his grandpa for it.
Jisuk has the capability, but no desire. He has the laid back, chill, fratboy adittude that could easily pass as fuckboi, but ask him what his body count is and he'll immediately assume you're talking about death count. Not interested at all in that sort of thing, but he could if he tried.
Gahin doesn't have a crazy high body count like Duke does, but do not let this man ever get in your head. He's got the most inflated ego, but his face card is absolutely lethal and he knows it-to the point where his ego gets glossed over. Not a love bomber, but a serial flirter who plays his honey trap well. Probably stringing along like. five people, and like three are unintentional. Does it half because he likes to stroke his ego and half because he thinks it's important to have a handful of "followers" in your corner.
Curtin does not entertain anything like that; thinks his worth is beyond one night stands. He already knows he's beautiful, why would he need some simpering rat in his bed telling him that? Stringing people along seems cumbersome and annoying, no thank you.
On the other hand, Kayden doesn't have an issue getting down and dirty. He knows he's handsome and the hot shit, but he likes having his ego stroked to inflate that; and what better way through having a roster? He'll rarely ever actually entertain them, but he does sometimes when he's feeling especially shitty or bored.
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midnightemy35 · 1 year ago
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I have too much time
original template : https://www.tumblr.com/mirrorbird/699387005691379712/this-is-genuinely-one-of-the-best-character?source=share
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adavana · 3 years ago
They look like a family, Curtin being sick of his husband and their son
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After being defeated by Jiwoo, these two kept sitting beside each other. Their bond lmao
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im looking forward for gahin, duke and arthur to be part of jiwoo's protection squad
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dil-a-to-ry · 3 years ago
Do we think these two sit together because they’re friends or because they don’t have friends?
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ladyhatter614 · 3 years ago
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kaywoo · 3 years ago
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gahin loutrain icons ★ like or reblog if you use/save ! ♡
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xseldax · 3 years ago
Gahin Loutrain Icon -Eleceed
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eatsbop · 2 years ago
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The Great Awakened Bake Off
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tarohonii · 11 months ago
eleceed guys on: texting their ex
Sucheon will not text under any circumstance. His pride and hurt won't let him, and also probably blocked your contact the moment things went sour. Suppresses everything- out of sight out of mind. He will agonize over it sometimes, like maybe asking why it ended the way it did, or a scathing remark, but in the end, he never will.
Duke? Don't make him laugh. Once you're done, you're done. Contact blocked, messages deleted, and you're all but non-existent in his head. Your house could be burning down, he'd hear there's a hit out for you, he's not texting you.
Jiwoo, the poor thing, is absolutely texting you back. Unless if it ended absolutely horrifically (like trying to murder him), beyond a romantic partner, he'd still want you to be by his side and would go to great lengths to keep it that way. Would be heartbroken if you stopped keeping in touch, actually.
Wooin won't respond at first over text. However, if you keep texting him, he'll eventually show up in person to confront you and talk to you face to face.
Jisuk is fighting literal demons not to text you. He has a whole album on his phone filled with memes and photos he wants to send to you, but he can't because that shit's embarrassing. He does give in pretty quickly though; especially if you text first.
Ian is likely the one to text first. Either does it because he's a.) bored and doing it for the plot or b.) misses you so bad he has no idea what to do with himself. Will text you a lot, but plays the games and responds only after leaving you on delivered for a whole day.
Asher is similar to Ian and Jisuk, but I can see him getting attached pretty easily, and doesn't text you just to fuck around. Misses you and wants to text you back, but his pride and hurt will override everything and likely won't end up texting them back.
Gahin can only last about 24 hours after seeing their ex's text before going ham in the responses. He's sending paragraph after paragraph, fluctuating between cussing them out for fumbling the best option they had, and demanding answers for why it ended the way they did. Very much a stream of consciousness and has shit to say.
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tarohonii · 3 months ago
Eleceed guys as situationships/talking stages
Jisuk is the nonchalant, dry, but strangely very attached talking stage. After a day of talking with him, you start getting the feeling he has the personality of a guy looking to just hit and nothing else. Just constant streams of 'lmao' 'wyd' 'k' as responses. But then you realize he has never once made any sexual implications, and is surprisingly pretty consistent with his texts. Also sends surprisingly thoughtful (but short and dry) messages at times, or sends photos of things that reminds him of you. And then comes the very belated stage of realizing he's just completely and utterly hopeless when it comes to talking stages and in actuality is trying his very hardest in this. 10/10 talking stage who will take you very seriously if you manage to stick through the very rough beginning stage
Sucheon is a serial ghoster. Consider yourself lucky if you manage to get past even one message without him completely icing you out or blocking you. If he even cares enough, you might get a text of 'Sorry. busy.' 36 hours after your initial message. He will always be busy and he will never ever have enough to entertain a conversation with you no matter how hard you try.
Ian is the heartbreaker situationship. 100% has a roster. 100% only hits you up only when he's bored. Between said roster and how busy he constantly is, he barely has time for you. But when he does-oh man. The chemistry is off the charts. The conversation is back and forth, the topics are interesting, you're giggling and kicking your feet the entire conversation. But it will last for a total of around thirty minutes before he mysteriously disappears around 1-2 weeks before hitting you back up again. Will be very active on social media, though. Always vaguely mentions taking you on dates or meeting up but never does. Logically, you should drop him asap, but he has a way of reeling you back in.
Duke is the disaster situationship you meet at 19 years old. Charming, manipulative, and a serial lovebomber. Probably the first guy to ever "want a serious relationship" but for some reason wants to keep it somewhat on the downlow and never ever wants to put a label on any of it. Showers you with lavish gifts, makes you feel like the only person in the world, talks about starting a future with you, then ghosts you for days at a time because "he's busy" Reveals the most menial, benign facts about himself and then says "wow..I never let anyone see this side of me..." There is a 70% chance he is seeing other people and will gaslight the hell out of you on your perception of your guys's relationship if he gets caught. Will he make the time you're with him make you feel like you're the most cherished, loved, and wonderful person on earth? Sure. Will you be mentally torn to shreds and never be quite the same at the end of it? Absolutely.
Gahin is somewhat on the same vein as Duke, except he's a bit more candid about it. Makes it pretty clear from the get-go he's not going to take you seriously and he has priorities that takes a much higher place than you and isn't afraid of showing it. You end up falling anyways, especially since Gahin can't help but lovebomb a little-he thinks it's a little entertaining to string along people. It is a disaster-on your end. Gahin could not care less, unfortunately.
Asher is the startlingly clingy talking stage. Deprived of any genuine interpersonal connection, so imagine his shock when someone actually..wants to know about him...and wants to talk to him daily. Once he gets past his general confusion and distaste over it, you have unfortunately unlocked a burr. Spams you 24/7. Will text back as soon as you respond. Trauma dumps and yaps like a goddamned pro. Will bare all of his deepest darkest secrets to you and wear his heart on his sleeve-which is generally not a great idea in the talking stage. So if things go south or you ghost him or things don't work out...he will hold a grudge. will pretend to be nochalant, but he is the absolute opposite.
Wooin clingy talking stage pt. 2 but like. worse. Honestly has very little grasp on the concept of a 'talking stage' or a 'situationship' at all, so he has a very ride-or-die mindset when it comes to romantic prospects. Once you're in the talking stage, he assumes he's talking to his potential life partner and must tread with the upmost care. Will bombard you with apologetic paragraphs late at night if he feels he did something wrong. Will be very very very distraught if you end it after like. two dates. Will likely never get over you.
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tarohonii · 3 months ago
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they're so cute i should kill them actually
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tarohonii · 3 months ago
Duke is so cooked
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tarohonii · 2 months ago
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cw: mild nudity
hair holds memories.
(aka loser in loserville wants that cookie so bad)
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tarohonii · 8 months ago
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they make me sick. nauseous.
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tarohonii · 7 months ago
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a human and a sinner watch each other die
top line comes from an excerpt from a book called MotherThing by Ainisile Hogarth, and the last two lines are an excerpt from a poem from the book "Sad Sexy Catholic" by Lauren Micili
full uncut comic!
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tarohonii · 8 months ago
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the illusion of choice
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