#gah inke is such an adorable way to make a word sound small ;-;
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Day #35 - Kinslaying
Yes, Curufin. Yes it could have.
(Blood version under cut)
#maedhros#maitimo#curufin#atarinke#tagging atarinke because wahhh it sounds so cuteee#atarinke!! atar-inke!!#gah inke is such an adorable way to make a word sound small ;-;#ok im done now#the silmarillion#silm art#doodle#digital art#chibi#cute#daily smol silm
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Diamond In The Rough: Chapter Six
Roman has always wanted better. Has always believed that there’s a better life, a better world, just out of reach. Just beyond the veil of shitty teachers who don’t care, angry classmates that scream insults and slurs at each other all day, and drug-hazed parents who are more concerned with their next hit than looking after their ten year old son.
When he runs away after a particularly bad night at home and finds a quiet little cafe/bookstore tucked away in a back alley of the city, the sweet couple who run the joint (an odd pair; a quiet, gloomy man with a wry sense of humour and a cynical gleam in his eye, and a bouncy man who smiles like sunshine and laughs like a storybook king) help show him that maybe- just maybe- he really can have the life he always dreamed of.
Masterpost (to be added soon!)
Word Count: 2786
Chapter Warnings: probably terribly translated Spanish and I’m Incredibly Sorry, insanely sappy couple, anxious child continues to be anxious, hygiene issues, food mention
It didn’t take long to finish closing up the cafe, and they were soon on their way home. Virgil was glad he’d already cleared out the backseat of Patton’s old blue sedan for the next lot of groceries, as it gave Roman space to sit without being crowded by bags and boxes of books. Roman, meanwhile, peered out the window curiously as they drove along, watching the trees and buildings lit up by the headlights of the car before they slipped past and disappeared into the darkness of the night.
Patton pulled into their apartment block’s parking lot, and was around to Roman’s door before Virgil could even unbuckle his seatbelt. He chuckled as his husband scooped up the small boy into another quick hug before setting him down and grabbing the box of leftover baked goods from the other seat.
Virgil led Roman across to the front door and upstairs, making sure to keep an eye on him in case he stumbled on the slightly uneven steps. Roman bounded up them effortlessly, though, his backpack bouncing against his shoulders as he scaled the staircase. Patton followed close behind them, carefully balancing the wide, thin box of pastries and biscuits, humming cheerfully.
Virgil... really wished he’d had a camera right then. When he unlocked and opened the front door, stepping back to let Roman enter first, he’d frozen at first. He took a couple of small steps over the threshold, eyes as wide as dinner plates as he looked around the living room.
Aesthetically speaking, it was very much a reflection of everything that they’d put into the cafe. Fairy lights were hung carefully around the edges of the room, and as Virgil reached across to the power point near the door, they flickered on; a warm, soft glow around the cozy space. The couches here did match, but the patches covering old repairs were a variety of colours and patterns- floral and rainbow and zigzag and galaxies peeking between the pale blue.
Roman looked over his shoulder. “This is your house?” He whispered, voice laced with excited disbelief.
“Sure is. Go on,” Virgil urged, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Have a look around, explore the apartment.”
“Mi casa es su casa!” Patton beamed, setting the box on a table near the door. “Come on, Ro, I’ll show you ar-”
“¿Tu hablas español?” Roman interrupted, snapping to look at Patton, mouth hanging open in surprise.
“¡Por supuesto! Mi mamá es cubana,” Patton clapped his hands together, clearly delighted.
Virgil couldn’t follow most of the rapid stream of Spanish that Roman babbled out, but between the adoring expression on his face as he gushed to Patton, and Patton’s sparkling eyes, he could tell that the two were bonding over their shared language. He knew bits and pieces; growing up with Patton, he’d picked up words and phrases- mostly curse words and sappy declarations of love- but it warmed his heart to see Patton so excited as they spoke.
“Patton, hon, should we finish showing Roman around?” Virgil smiled, reaching over to prod him gently in the arm.
“Oh! Oh, of course. Sorry, I guess we got a little distracted,” Patton giggled. “How about you show Ro around, and I’ll sort out some clean clothes for him? I think we still have some spare stuff from when your cousin and her kids stayed over.”
Virgil nodded. “Sure thing. Hey, kid, how’s it sound if I run you a bath and we get you some clean PJs?” He suggested, turning to face Roman again.
Roman paused for a moment, clinging to his worn red jacket, before nodding. “Um... yes, please,” He said softly as he slipped off his backpack and set it down by the front door, toeing off his shoes as he did so.
Virgil tousled his hair again before making his way into the bathroom, Roman trotting along behind him. He sat on the closed lid of the toilet as Virgil started running the bath, his legs swinging back and forth, his small socked feet drumming against the porcelain base.
“You can drop your dirty clothes over there when you hop in,” Virgil gestured towards the half-full launder hamper that hung from a hook on the wall. “Patton or I will wash ‘em and have ‘em back for you in the morning, alright?”
“Thank you,” Roman nodded, his eyes fixed on the basket.
Virgil watched him for a few seconds, as he added a dash of bubble bath liquid, a little thrown off by how still he was. This was the same kid who spent an hour and a half squealing with Patton about princes, right? The same kid who’d snapped right to teasing Virgil back when he’d poked playfully at how much he sang? “Hey, are you okay?” He asked. “You look like a helium balloon someone poked a hole in.”
Roman blinked, turning his head to meet his gaze. “Wh... why helium?”
“Because you’re squeaky, bouncy, and I’ve never seen anything bring you down,” Virgil reached over, tipping up his chin lightly. “What’s on your mind, short stack?”
“Oh. Nothing, I’m okay,” Roman shook his head.
Virgil raised an eyebrow wordlessly.
“No, for real this time!” He insisted, crossing his arms and sticking out his chin. “I just don’t wanna make a mess or anything. Especially since you have a nice house and stuff, I don’t want to ruin it... I guess.” He sagged a little as he spoke, the proud indignance melting into uncertainty.
“Kiddo, trust me, you don’t have to worry about that. We’re hardly super neat freaks, so you can chill. Even if anyone makes a mess- you, me, or Patton- we’ll just work together and tidy up. That’s what me and Pat’ve always done.”
Roman’s face twitched with an emotion Virgil didn’t quite recognize before he nodded again. “... Okay.” He hopped off the toilet, peering at the bathtub. “It’s kinda full, isn’t it gonna spill?”
Virgil gave a start, snapping around to lunge for the tap handles before it overflowed. “Gah-!” He twisted them around quickly to shut off the flow of water. “My bad. Nice save, kid,” He wheezed. “Patton would’ve kicked my butt if I flooded the bathroom again.”
“Again?” Roman’s eyes widened.
“No time for questions, you got a tub of steamy goodness to tend to.” Virgil clapped him lightly on the shoulder. “We’ll be just out in the living room, give a yell if you need anything, okay?”
Roman nodded once more. “Alright. Thanks.”
Virgil left the bathroom, shut the door behind him, then walked over to flop onto the couch. “Goblin prince is in the tub,” He announced as Patton appeared out of their bedroom, a bundle of clothing in his arms.
Patton swatted his shoulder. “Oh, knock it off!” He chided. “You adore him, I know you do.”
“I love nothing and nobody,” Virgil droned, slouching further into the couch cushions. “My heart is as cold as ice, hard as granite, untouched by anything on this mortal plane.”
Patton giggled, then leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Mm-hm. My big, strong, tough, badass man,” He teased.
“I said mortal plane. Angels like you don’t count, babe,” Virgil retorted, pulling Patton into his lap and dotting kisses across his face. He was rewarded with more peals of laughter, and couldn’t help the wide grin that appeared on his own face at the delightful sound.
“Hey, hey, easy!” Patton squeaked, his face flushed red as he giggled, squirming slightly in Virgil’s grip. “I’m gonna get hiccups if I laugh too hard!”
Virgil pulled him close, burying his face in Patton’s soft messy curls. “You’re adorable,” He hummed happily.
“And you’re a cutie pie,” Patton murmured, nuzzling close to his neck. “I love you, so much.”
“Really? How much?” Virgil’s voice took on a teasing lilt as he spoke.
“More than all the stars shine in the sky,” Patton answered immediately.
“Well, I love you more than the soft glow of an almost-full moon,” Virgil responded.
“I love you more than tiny hermit crabs in big, big shells.”
Virgil smiled at the mental image. “I love you more than copper windchimes.”
“I love you more than antique stores full of old tea sets.”
“I love you more than just-bloomed heather swaying in a summer breeze.”
Patton shivered a little, and Virgil laughed. “That’s practically cheating,” He mumbled.
“Does that mean you give up?”
“Never.” Patton shook his head, his curls brushing against Virgil’s face. “I love you more than smooth, pretty calligraphy done with real ink.”
“I love you more than fresh coffee with creamy milk and sugar.”
Patton was quiet for a moment as he thought. “I love you more than...” His eyes lit up. “I love you more than the yellowed pages of an old family recipe book!”
Virgil hissed through his teeth. “Alright, alright, you win this round, jelly bean,” He conceded.
Patton beamed, and his bright-as-sunshine smile sent a happy thrill through Virgil. "Yes!" He squealed happily.
“Um, excuse me?” Virgil twisted around to see Roman peeking out from the hallway, a towel clumsily wrapped around himself. “Um... sorry, but... um... can I have some help washing my hair?” He asked shyly, half-hiding behind the corner of the wall.
“Of course you can, sweetheart!” Patton cooed, bouncing to his feet. He pecked Virgil on the cheek before trotting over and offering a hand to Roman. “Let’s get those lovely locks soft and shiny, hm?”
Roman took his hand and giggled. “Thank you,” He said sweetly as he swung their joined hands.
“¡Eres muy bienvenido!” Patton tousled his slightly damp hair as he led Roman back into the bathroom. “Oooh, bubbles!”
Virgil grinned to himself. Patton sounded almost more excited about the bubbles than Roman seemed to be. It was little things like that that made Patton such a bright person to be around. His warm smile. His adorable, bubbly laugh. His kindness. The way he loved fiercely with all his heart. The way he loved people and pets and clouds and flowers and foods and smells and blankets and life.
While Virgil hated to sound like some cheesy romance movie cliche, Patton took his breath away, and he fell a little more in love with him every day.
“Hooooooon?” Patton called from the bathroom, breaking Virgil from his thoughts.
“Yeeeeaaaah?” Virgil pushed himself to his feet, already heading towards them as he responded. “What’s up?”
“Um... the shampoo bottle’s empty, and the new bottle is up on the top shelf, and...” Patton waved helplessly, stretched up on his tiptoes. His fingers just grazed the bottom of the shelf, a good couple of inches short of reaching the green bottle.
Virgil shook his head fondly. “Yeah, don’t worry, I got it,” He replied. He walked over to where Patton stood, easily grabbed the bottle, and handed it to the shorter man. “That all you guys need?”
Roman popped up from a pile of bubbles, his hair wet and his face flushed from the warmth of the water. “Virgil! Look!” He exclaimed as he scooped up a handful of bubbles, then blew on them, making the foam float around the room like snowflakes.
“Anybody would think you haven’t had a bubble bath before, kiddo,” Virgil leaned over to scoop up a palm full of bubbles and deposit them on top of Roman’s head.
“I haven’t!” Roman responded, practically vibrating as he scooped more bubbles up, squishing them between his hands. “This is so fun! And they’re so light and fluffy and soft! And they smell nice!”
Virgil felt Patton melt, without even looking in his direction. “Well, it’s an honour to be part of your first ever bubble bath experience, then, bud,” He nodded as he leaned back against the counter.
Roman giggled again. “Virgil es muy agradable, ¿verdad?” He asked Patton.
“El realmente es. Por eso me casé con él, después de todo.” Patton replied as he bobbed down next to the bathtub and started to lather up Roman’s hair.
“Hey, I may not know Spanish, but I know my name when I hear it,” Virgil complained, poking Patton gently with his toe. “What are you slandering my name with now?”
“All good things, all good things!” Patton assured him, then sent Roman a very obvious conspiratorial wink.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Sure, sure. That’s what you said when you ripped Chloe Casiano to shreds in sophomore year.”
“She started it,” Patton shook his head as he scrubbed shampoo into Roman’s hair. He wrinkled his nose as his hands came away grey. “Gosh, Ro, hon, has it been a while since your hair’s been washed?”
“Um... I haven’t been able to have a proper shower in a while,” Roman answered, shrinking in on himself a little. “And Mom and Dad don’t really help me wash my hair, and I don’t like doing it because I always get soap in my eyes, and it stings a lot, and, um... yeah.”
“Aw, that’s okay, sweetheart, it’s not your fault!” Patton hummed. “Me and Virge will help you, and we can help you learn how to do it and not get it in your eyes. Sound good?”
“Perfect! Now, just tip your head back for me, sweetpea, and I’ll rinse your hair a bit and we’ll see how it looks, hm?”
Roman leaned his head back, and Patton scooped up water in the plastic cup that sat by the tap, then gently tipped it over his hair to rinse away some of the soap and grit and dirt. It looked so much lighter after that, and Virgil smiled.
“What, is your hair blonde under all that muck?” He joked, easing himself down to sit on the floor next to Patton.
“Uh-huh!” Roman chirped.
“Wait,” Virgil blinked, taken off guard. “Really?”
Sure enough, as Patton washed, rinsed, and then dried his hair, a poofy mess of curly blonde hair was revealed. Patton squealed as he ran his fingers through it, rambling excitedly. “Dios mío, eres tan lindo! ¡Nunca me hubiera imaginado que tu cabello fuera tan rizado!”
Roman blushed and shook his head stubbornly. “¡No soy lindo!” He argued.
“Muy lindo,” Virgil drawled. “Very, very cute and tiny. The smallest. A total shorty.”
“Pattoooon!” Roman whined, clinging to Patton’s sleeve. “I’m not that short, am I?”
“Well... I’m sure you’ll grow! You’re probably gonna end up taller than me, so!” Patton ruffled his hair lightly.
Roman groaned, sagging against him. “I'm nooooot!" He whined.
Patton giggled and wrapped his arms around him, pressing a kiss into his hair. "Aw, it's not so bad! Being small can be great! You can fit into small spaces, and you don't hit your head on low ceilings, and you can get piggybacks, and... there's a lot of really neat stuff!"
"Yeah, yeah," Roman grumbled half-heartedly, turning in Patton's arms and burying his face against his shirt.
Virgil grinned as he got to his feet and stretched. "Mm... you guys hungry? I think we have some pasta bake in the fridge still," He suggested.
"Sounds perfect, mi alma!" Patton beamed. "I'll go set the table while Ro gets dressed, then we can have some dinner!"
Roman nodded enthusiastically, pulling the towel tighter around himself. "Yes, please!"
Virgil gave them a thumbs up, then slipped out of the room. He made his way into the kitchen, humming to himself as he went. Patton popped in behind him as he slid the dish into the microwave.
“So...” Patton hummed as he fished cutlery out of the drawer under the coffeemaker. “We should probably start looking at where the poor lost little bird came from, huh?”
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed. “From what he said earlier, his parents aren’t exactly the most attentive, but I’m sure they’ve noticed he’s missing.” He twisted a dishcloth in his hands for a few seconds as he thought. Patton waited for him to continue, the soft hum of the microwave bridging the silence between them. “... I’ll start looking on Facebook and stuff in the morning. Maybe there’s one of those search party pages or whatever.”
Patton crossed the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Virgil in a hug. “And what do we do if we can’t find anything?” He asked softly, leaning his head against Virgil’s shoulder.
“I dunno,” Virgil admitted. “But I’m sure we’ll figure something out-”
“Virgiiiiil? I got my hair stuck in a button!” Roman whined from the other room.
“- And everything’ll be fine,” He finished, then pecked Patton on the forehead before heading towards the distressed boy. “Coming, bud! Try not to pull on it unless you want a bald patch!” He chuckled at the alarmed squawk he got in response as he ducked out the kitchen door.
#TS-Storytime 2019 Submission#milo writes#ditr#gemstone tales#roman sanders#virgil sanders#patton sanders#sanders sides
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dorky love notes ➵ t.h
my masterlist :)
authors note → hdjsjck i’ve never written for tom and i wrote this on mobile but i thought this idea was cute ya know tom makin u all shy while ur trying to wOrk and he's cute so u can imagine why
wc → i might’ve gone overboard sjjckx 2147
warnings → tom being a complete dork, duh.
summary → during a long and tiring shift at your job, a cute and familiar face shows up and messes up your whole game. in a good way.
you had been at this cozy, warm cafe working since eight in the morning, and it was currently only three in the afternoon. although you enjoyed working here, you wanted to go home to your boyfriend more than anything; to run your hands through his brown curls, watching television for hours and hours on end.
as you’re wiping down the coffee machines with a sanitary rag, you quietly hum to yourself as you hear the familiar jazz instrumental play in the background. that’s what you adored about working here; it was never too crowded, the people were always nice, and the music they played was always so quiet and relaxing. you were so invested in cleaning the bar area; the angelic sound of sinatra playing in the background, that you didn’t even hear the bell sound the door made.
“hey, someone needs to get their order taken. i can take over here, hon.” your coworker stands beside you, holding out their hand for you to give them your washcloth to.
you give them a friendly smile back, thanking them in return as you quickly grab an apron hanging from the back wall and making your way to the register, having no idea who’s order you were just about to take.
“hi! what can i g-“ before you could finish your sentence, your face immediately grows warm as you come face to face with your boyfriend, tom. flushed face, the familiar butterflies growing in your stomach - you stare at him starry-eyed as you’re trying to form a coherent sentence.
the brown eyed cutie giggles as he tilts his head, his smile telling a story as always. “hi, can i get...one cute girlfriend of mine to go?” tom always knew how to make you incredibly bashful, but right now was not the time.
“tommn,” you whined, fiddling with the sharpie laying on the counter. “what’re you doing here?” you question shyly as if it wasn’t obvious that he wanted to see you. had you known he was coming, you’d actually try to look your best; but, your hair was messy, the required uniform consisted of a boring colored shirt, khakis, and a ridiculous hat that made you look twelve years old; not to mention you had zero makeup to cover the bags under your eyes.
but tom still thought you were looking utterly adorable and pretty. he always did.
he shrugged cutely, brown eyes brighter than ever, and they were only bright when he saw you. he, on the other hand, looks adorable. he was dressed casually, in a basic hoodie, jeans, and his hair was all messy and curly due to the rain from earlier. so cute. “haven’t seen ya, all day, love. i missed your face. also, your humming was cute. was that our song? fly me to the moon?”
you scrunch your nose up, feeling your cheeks flare up and mess with the keyboard from the cash register in front of you, pressing random buttons as you avoid eye contact with tom. didn’t help, he knew you were shy. “it might’ve been. and are you just saying that because you want a free coffee?”
“i don’t even want a coffee, i just wanted to see you.” he laughs, swinging his arms back and forth as he gives you a wide, goofball grin. “what time are you off, babe? maybe we can go for a nice walk? oh! on my way here, i saw some flowers! peonies, your favorite. i thought of you.”
“don’t,” you try not to smile as you lift up your index finger, “don’t do that, tom. i’m working.” you shake your head as you blush profusely.
“aw don’t do what? all i’m doing is talking to my pretty girl!” tom spoke in a warm, angelic tone. but also slightly teasing. all he wanted to do was snuggle you and kiss you all over - and he couldn’t wait to do that later on. his girl.
“that! you cannot make me all...flustered while i’m trying to do my job.” before tom could answer, you hear someone behind you clear their throat. turning around, your eyes widen as your supervisor had their arms folded and a blank stare at you. never in your life had you been more embarrassed and mortified; surely it wasn’t toms fault, you’d never blame this on him. you just were embarrassed that she was about to scold you in front of your boyfriend.
“oh, hi. sorry, i was uh -“
“not taking the next customers order - there are two people behind him and you’re wasting their time.” they snapped, turning to the other to people in line and giving them an apology for you taking too long. luckily, none of them were impatient nor rude and just smiled back.
you rub your forearms, embarrassed, and turn back to tom as you see the soft, worried look on his face; the kind where you just wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay. kind of like when you scold your puppy for getting into the couch cushions and instantly feel bad for being rude because they’re so soft and warm - never would harm a thing in the world.
that’s how tom looked, his brown eyes with green and yellow specks - an utter dream. the last thing he wanted was for you to be upset with him. but you were far from it.
“gah..i’m sorry, y/n. if i had k-“ tom starts to ramble on about him being wrong for messing with you while you were on duty, but you shushed the cute boy.
“don’t apologize, it’s okay tom. my boss is just a jerk.” you giggle nervously. “uh, do you mind..waiting for me? i only have like... forty-five minutes left.” you question, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“yeah of course! i’ll uh..just go wait at a table. go ahead, cutie.” tom gave you a warm smile as he stuffed his hands in his front pockets and waved at you, walking over to the nearest table.
“hi, im sorry about the wait.” you apologized to the customer and proceed to take their order.
as you’re writing down the customers name on the cup, you felt his pretty eyes on you; butterflies forming, shaky hands, red cheeks as you try to write the name but only for you to drop the stuff in your hand - causing a little scene.
tom couldn’t help but snort at the scene in front of him, “dork.” he mumbled to himself as he doodled a little on the napkin in front of him.
you glance over at him and attempt to glare, only to just simply wave shyly at him. no way you could be upset at him. he waves back at you, mouthing, “get to work, doofus.” you roll your eyes as a lame try to avoid blushing and smile wide as you get the customers coffee ready.
while making the customers drink, you look over at tom who is smiling at you. smiling back at him, you didn’t notice the countertop right in front of you - your body bumping right into it, making you drop the cup for the billionth time in the past five minutes. embarrassed, you tell the customer that you’re fine and adjust yourself quickly. you were a flustered, dorky mess around tom and there was no way to fix it.
tom pouted to himself as he saw you struggle, adoring how shy you had quickly become in the last half hour. he adored you.
see, tom admires the small things; the way you smile at the customers and how kind you were, even if they were being grumpy. you were always kind to everyone and that was something he adored so much about you. he noticed that you had a habit of not making eye contact with people, being very bashful and timid.. yet, you were also bubbly and happy. you did this quite often with him, but he adored the fact that it was with everyone too. well, it was more with him, in the end.
he also loved the cute conversations you made with people. asking them how their day was, giving them suggestions on what drink to get when normally baristas just take the order and go about with their life. tom adored you so much it was insane. every little soft, poetic thing about you.
as the next half hour goes by, the same thing happening; you being flustered by something tom does, such as giving you a dorky look or something cute, you finally finish your shift.
grabbing your belongings from the break room, you eagerly clock out and say a quick goodbye to your supervisor and other co-workers that were lingering in the back. you tried your best not to smile as much, but you just couldn’t help it. after five hours of being on your feet, and most importantly missing your boyfriend you were about to go to him and get all the hugs you wanted and needed.
you trudge your way, quite eagerly, over to tom; biting your lip as you try not to smile too much. you were rubbing your forearm as you nervously come up to him and wave shyly.
“hey. i’m off.” you spoke softly.
toms heart fluttered at your cute smile, and without hesitation, he pulled you into a warm embrace. “mm i’ve wanted to do this all day, cute stuff.” his lips were pressed against your hair, giving you tiny kisses. you weren’t very prone to pda, so this made you timid and tom loved it.
“tom, you know this stuff makes me nervous!” you groan into his chest. as much as you felt people’s eyes on you, nobody was paying attention.
he chuckles lightly as he brushes a few strands of hair out of your face, “you look famished. ready for our walk? i wanna get you those cute flowers.” he beamed.
you nod sweetly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. “sure!”
“cool! okay, wait i have something for you.” tom gives you a half smile as his slightly clammy hands reach into his back pocket. he pulls out a slightly crumpled up, brown napkin with the logo of the coffee shop name. “uh, it’s kinda lame..but i was getting a little bored and i wrote you something.”
you scrunch your face up in confusion as tom hands you the little napkin, sending butterflies into your stomach as his hand lightly brushed against yours - tom giggled slightly as he saw you blush at the small touch.
you hold the napkin and glance at the words written in green ink; nice touch. your lips slowly curve into a goofy grin as you see the dorky message:
hey. as i’m watching you dorkily mess up all these orders, (hmm i wonder why) i just wanna say that you look cute and i can’t wait for our walk later. :) - the boy that adores u
that person, the one with the cool yoda shirt, asked for a mocha, not a hot chocolate. you’re the biggest dork i know.
and on the bottom of the note, he attempted to draw a ton of hearts - they looked like butts and it made you giggle; and he also drew a stick figure of you and him holding hands.
tom often was the one that made you shy, but there was no point in lying that he was most definitely blushy right now. he felt so..dorky and lame; but he knew, in the end, you’d appreciate this small thing.
a tiny giggle escapes your mouth, your hand touching your warm cheek.tom runs his hands through his soft, brown curls, “uh...whaddya think?” he inquires shyly.
“you made me shorter than i am,” you spoke quietly, giving him a playful glare.
tom scoffs, but also felt relieved, ”wow thanks for telling me whether it’s good or not, dork.”
“it is! i like it, i just...why did you make me shorter!”
“because you are shorter i don’t know why you insist you’re, like, 5’10.” tom laughs, grabbing your free hand and swinging it back and forth a little. “well, i know you’re blushing, sooo.. i take you do like it.” he smiles and rubs your hand with the pad of his thumb.
“i am NOT.” you squeaked, only to grow even pinker.
tom ducks his head as he laughs, bringing his hand up to poke your cheek. he loved having this warm, shy effect on you. it was so sweet and cute. “you’re adorable. yes you are, cutie.”
“come on, my shy goofball, let’s go on our walk. i’ll hold onto your stuff for you. and, i believe there are some peonies with your name on them.” he says, holding his hand out for you to hold; something he always did, he never just grabbed it. he wanted to be polite and make sure you were okay. and you always were.
“of course, nothing is as cute as you, my nerd.”
tagging a few so it doesn’t flop: @spideypeach @cutiehollands @cutesparker @plushparker @gigglyparker @rileywrites-parker (lemme know if u wanna be removed !)
#tom holland#peter parker#tom holland imagine#tom holland x reader#tom holland fic#tom holland blurb#tom holland drabble#tom holland headcanon#tom holland x oc#peter parker x reader#peter parked drabbles#peter parker imagines#peter parker x you#peter parker blurb#peter parker fluff#tom holland fluff#marvel#spider man: homecoming#avengers infinity war#spider man: far from home#spider man drabble#spider man#captain america the winter soilder#captain america: civil war#iron man#tony stark
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