#gaelle troyes
safestsephiroth · 4 years
#9: Lush - Gaelle Troyes (FFXIVWrite2020)
More information on FFXIVWrite can be found here: https://sea-wolf-coast-to-coast.tumblr.com/tagged/ffxivwrite2020+prompt+list
"I have no fear of those who claim to speak for the Twelve, nor of any other would-be diviner or fortune-teller. My fate is my own alone. Now leave me be, you annoying lush."
Gaelle Troyes had approached the man before - the owner of a small mining outfit in Thanalan. The word had been, again and again, that his were among the worst working conditions for the desperate. An attempt to compete with those above him, he surely justified it.
Gaelle had no interest in such justifications. And so, three moons later, she was there to see as a multitude of coincidences manifested.
The owner's wife had been far more open to the idea of having her fortune told, interestingly. A message from the Twelve told her that she needed to divert her husband's obsessions before an imminent disaster came to pass. She took it about as seriously as he had. The way she clutched at her things as she spoke, it was quite keenly clear to Gaelle that whether she knew or not what he was up to was irrelevant so long as it meant she had the money he brought back.
Truly, they deserved one another.
But there so often is a mistress, particularly when the man in question is quite happy to flirt with a pretty elezen until she mentions the future, and will go right back to flirting with another afterwards.
As it turned out, Gaelle uncovered three. Naive young things. Filled with promises of love and wealth. How despicable.
So to the only one which listened with an open heart, she delivered the message of The Twelve:
'On a given day, at a given hour, be at a given place, and you will be freed from your burdens.'
That line intersected with a double-dinner date; her self-appointed target was out with a business partner and their wives. The business partner whose wife was most receptive to her horoscope, and chose, predictably, her favorite restaurant as a place to 'grow closer with all you hold most dear to you'.
The finishing touch, of course, was worked out with the chef. A bit of overkill, to be sure, but well worth the effort. The chemical would hardly kill, but it had quite an odor if sniffed. Gaelle looked every bit the perfect member of the wait staff. The disguise would last as long as she needed it to, thankfully. It was good to be owed favors.
The stage was set. The performance prepared. The play penned by a woman none of those present would recognize, with her appearance so radically different - with such people, regardless, Gaelle had found a wait staff uniform was enough to make her face disappear.
It was a beautiful order of events.
The drink was delivered to the mistress after the slip of the chemical, its odor covered up well enough by the potent liquor. The mistress was young enough and well-behaved enough she would shy away from drinking it immediately, but malleable enough she wouldn't refuse it. Delightful.
The mistress, spotting her benefactor, approached the table precisely as the quartet were declaring a toast to one another.  Congratulating themselves on their relationships personal and business alike. Annoying.
The benefactor, spotting his mistress, predictably panicked. He was already standing and saying "I don't know this woman" before she had even spoken. A thing you certainly say when you don't.
The wife was aghast - the business partner even moreso. What Gaelle had not foreseen, what had passed her entirely, was that the businessmen were not the only ones whose relationships were not as exclusive as it may have seemed.
Because both men recognized the girl, and the girl recognized both. A table of five, all well-suited to one another. A shame they would never see it so.
Yelling. Arguing. Shouting. The frustrated girl threw her drink on Gaelle's target - his skin turning red immediately. He screamed as he felt pain for possibly the first time in his life - real pain. The pain of an irritant that would burn at his skin for the coming hours. A fraction of what he had caused. But perhaps it would put him in an empathetic mindset.
The quartet, seeing this, assumed assassination. Each half accused the other, fists were thrown, and all present were banned indefinitely from the establishment.
Gaelle was already gone by the time the shouting started.
She did have a lovely time reading about it the next day, however:
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theexecutionerssong · 6 years
good morning, @skam france I’ve got a request: drop a clip before 12pm today or none at all today, because i won’t be able to emotionally handle a clip, Louis’s song dropping and my Troye Sivan concert all at the same time pls
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louisinmadrid · 6 years
Troye and his boyfriend Jacob are so sweet. I’m glad they made it to three years.❤️🧡💛💚💙
same!! I remember being so distrustful of Jacob at first asdgjfhdkjnb which really wasn’t my place but hey I was dumb. And cute baby Nash is adorable too. Here’s to many many more years for them.
look at them :’)
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31charactersxiv · 5 years
The Masterlist
The sum total list of characters I play as. I maintain two accounts for the purposes of RPing multiple characters in a scene/event.
After each character, a brief summary. In the future, I will expand upon these so each has their own page.
My characters are for the most part lore-abiding. None 100% directly contradict canon, but some stretch it (quite) a bit more than others. Note that in the case of the Lee and Wae families, especially, they are eccentric, and despite their claims it is inconclusive whether they’re actually correct or not. What your character believes is not dictated to you.
Account 1:
Trudy Bays: Seeker of the Sun exiled from her tribe because the only thing she was good at was stealing, something she is extremely good at, but did through compulsion only and can’t ‘turn on’ as an ability. Now she’s joined a traveling troupe of stage performers, and wears a cavalcade of clashing, garish colors because she just really likes bright colors.
- Annabel Lee-Wae: Youngest daughter of Amelia Lee-Wae and Gerard Wae (deceased), her rebellious nature has led her to trying to perform acts of charity for others. Her general dumbassery, exacerbated by her cloistered upbringing, has led her to be near-totally incompetent.
- Kagome Voulaizun: Writer for The Crucible, absolute dumbass. Exiled from Ishgard, a place she refuses to state she’s from - indeed, she insists she’s the reincarnation of an ancient Doman hero. At best, she only ever half-knows what she’s talking about. Will condescendingly explain to a Doman why they’re wrong about their own country’s history rather than accept she might be wrong.
- Amelia Lee-Wae: Mother to Annabel, Ebony, and Tara. Sister to Lulu. Widow of Gerard Wae. Outcast from the Lee family of Ul’dah for her refusal of an arranged marriage in favor of marrying a self-made “new money” rich man, Amelia was once a terrifyingly powerful black mage known as The Crimson Witch. 
Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for everyone else, in her old age and in grieving her deceased husband she has grown increasingly detached from reality and her crackpot theories about the nature of magic and Ul’dahn history culminated in her quietly being confined to the Wae Manor, save for rare (supervised) travels outside. The final straw was when she insisted that the Ul line is illegitimate due to the “fact” that Lalafell are descended from Mhachi mammets and therefore not people.
- Lulu Lee-Williams: Crime lord from Ul’dah, moved to Thavnair to escape the Lee family’s insistence she marry a man. Instead married a Thavnairian noblewoman, using the strength of this connection, her own magical prowess and raw determination to forge a half-cult, half-criminal empire. 
Her followers are chosen from the poorest and most vulnerable, and she manipulates and indoctrinates them until she’s satisfied their loyalty is unshakable. Any who fail she eradicates and uses for her own magical ends. She has intentionally created a structure which cannot stand past her own death, and has curried all the power and influence she has for the ultimate goal of destroying the Lee family. 
Their crime of casting her out will see them destroyed, once and for all, and Lulu will see to it that her darling nieces Ebony and Tara inherit what’s left of the Lees. Cunning, dangerous, a witch through and through, Lulu is not to be trifled with.
Lacina Lune: A Viera once kidnapped by Garlemald and turned into an experimental brainwashed assassin, Lacina has since been cut loose after a bout of mental instability had her deemed too much a risk to carry on. Instead of executing her, she was dumped into Eorzea to, the Garleans presumed, wreak as much havoc as possible. 
Instead, she has fallen to delusion. Unable to accept that she failed her final mission, she instead believes her target has faked his death and gone into hiding. She pursues him relentlessly, a phantom she can never catch, while making plans for the future she cannot hope to fulfill without accepting the reality she fundamentally and categorically denies. Fascinated by music and obsessed with perfection, she does her best to function in the world but finds doing so increasingly difficult.
Coulement Williquette: Dravanian hunter, hailing from Tailfeather, Coulement is a simple man. Stifled by cities and only at home when on the hunt, he is a dedicated and capable monster hunter. Coulement is good-natured, kind of an idiot, and strives to be something of a hero, but his severe difficulties understanding Spoken have been his primary inhibitor. Coulement is presently engaged in hunting a legendary creature with his girlfriend (?) Alya, a far more cerebral hunter who is a perfect counterpart to him
Jaraku Drake: A bard with a long and storied past, Jaraku is ultimately a man defined by his passions and talents. His overwhelming love for and devotion to his wife Issabel Drake, whose last name he adopted, drive every action he takes and every move he makes.
Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn: Bastard son of the dread pirate Doesmaga, Zwynmaga has carried the burden of his birth his entire life. Rather than lash out at the world which so cruelly compared him to his father before he could even walk, Zwynmaga has instead devoted himself to proving all his detractors wrong. Where he is expected to be cruel, he delivers kindness. Where he is expected to be defiant, he offers fealty. 
He is a firm Lominsan patriot and member of the Maelstrom, and his achievements (despite his relatively young age) are already impressive to behold. From his flagship the Reconciliation, he has brought more than one renegade pirate to justice, and been a thorn in the side of Garlean shipping time and again. Every last member of his crew are absolutely devoted to him, and he runs his ship with a level of professionalism far more in line with a proper military than anything which could be confused with a pirate ship.
Zwynmaga is childhood friends with his navigator Swyggsyg, and his first mate Hyltbryda.
Ryoko Kasai: (In)famous yakuza operating out of Kugane, head of the Kasai-gumi, and fire-obsessed engineer. Kasai is something of an enigma to most - her history shrouded in mystery. All that is clear is that she burst onto the scene with a vengeance some six years past, and has since then carved out a comfortable niche for the Kasai-gumi. Keeping her organization small, highly-capable and devoted, Kasai looks ever-outward for opportunities to expand, and spread her fire across the realm.
Chiaki Ishimoto: A creature most commonly termed a “vampire”, a term she takes offense to yet offers no satisfying alternative to, Chiaki is a ranking member of a Hingan secret society which exists to defend Hingashi from threats supernatural. Chiaki herself is specialized in the treating with and binding of creatures which cause trouble in and around Kugane. An exceedingly dangerous opponent in a fight with centuries of experience behind her, Chiaki had until quite recently grown complacent. Only after being shown she is not infallible has she begun focusing on self-betterment.
Chiaki despises Eorzea and has no interest in ever returning if she can possibly help it, and views Kugane as her own private treasure. One she defends with her life.
- Rydia Misuto: Survivor of the burning of Monzen, Rydia has been severely traumatized by the stark contrast between living with her kindhearted mother and watching the very same mother be violently killed in the attack. Near-broken by her single-minded lust for power and revenge, Rydia has done everything she is able to apply her unique tenacity towards her ultimate goal: Becoming strong enough to make sure, once and for all, that the Garleans never return to Doma.
Rydia is loosely inspired by the character Rydia from Final Fantasy IV.
Asagao Shiragiko: Hingan samurai who denounced the corrupt government of Hingashi but, rather than fight it directly, has instead resolved to spread knowledge and teaching to as many as she can, and thus empower the peasantry towards a peaceful revolution. Her lack of visible progress despite over a decade of work is starting to wear thin on her.
Asagao is exceptionally capable as a samurai, but certainly not the best alive.
Account 2:
Tabatha Tombclutch: Tabatha, or “Tabby”, rarely ever gives her last name to others. Instead, she self-styles herself the infamous “Tombclutch”, a grave robber and tomb explorer with zero respect for any of the historical ground she treads beyond stealing the most appealing items there. She does not fence any of her acquisitions, and gains nothing from them but the rush of success. Instead, she squirrels them away - so that her wealthy parents remain unaware of what their daughter’s been doing those nights she spends off on her own.
Tabby uses her cover as an archaeologist to find the best places to rob, and has absolute certainty in herself due to a unique power she has cultivated, through the aid of a tutor whose motives are far from benevolent. Casting aside the thaumaturgical lessons her parents sent her to, Tabby has instead delved into the magic of ‘luck’. The upside is it allows her to sharpen her senses to a supernatural degree, and gives her a sense for danger far more honed than most, as well as allowing her to manipulate minor aspects of fate around her (such as dice rolling or card games.) 
The downsides to this power are that it can be unreliable, and that the use of it casts a bright aetherial beacon around herself, one which is extremely easy to detect. She is unaware of this fact. In combat, she prefers to run away and fights only to escape. She “justifies” her actions to herself by refusing to kill Spoken, and will go out of her way to risk her own life to save a pursuer if they would otherwise die as a result of her own actions. To some scant few, this has ingratiated the “Tombclutch” as a hero of sorts. But in Nald’Thal-worshiping Ul’dah, robbing the dead cannot be forgiven.
Gaelle Troyes: Former Ishgardian knight, now exiled, Gaelle has devoted her life to being a living, walking mockery of everything Ishgard believes. By taking her superb skills in reading others and applying it to “fortune-telling”, Gaelle manipulates those she gives “readings” to towards ends which remain unclear to most.
Ultimately, she wants to mock the gods, spread chaos, and better the lives of people she finds worth it along the way.
Gaelle has sworn an oath of pacifism she will die before she breaks, a direct spit in the eye to the country that tried to make her into a weapon. Despite her act, no reading of hers should be taken as in-setting being an actual divine message, though what those she hoodwinks believes is of course up to them.
Kyou Hurekakuko: Hingan tattoo artist from Bukyo, Kyou is the inheritor to a school of tattooists which trace their lineage back generations... Or so she thinks. In reality, despite her impressive skill, her mentor decided it best she be pushed to start her own business, as she is too abrasive to become the face of his. Kyou is presently ‘exiled’ to Kugane by the Bukyo Yakuza for assisting Kasai, and her overwhelming egotism earns her few friends.
Still, it can’t be denied that when she knows someone enough to ‘peer into their soul’, she can swiftly identify the perfect tattoo to represent them as a person, and ‘empower’ them. If they were to allow her to use her magic-infused inks, that is.
That’s only if she can be bothered to care, of course.
Clyde Arrowny: Known as “Shadow”, he is a shinobi in dedicated service to Cardelica Tachibana, and tolerates no threats or slights against his master. A stark contrast to the cheery and optimistic girl, Shadow is noteworthy for being acutely stoic and grim. He uses a variety of glamours to move about Kugane and keep tabs on individuals of note who may either be of aid or a threat to his master, and responds accordingly.
An exceptionally-powerful shinobi, Shadow has been said to be the equal to a hundred men on the battlefield. The reality of this has never been tested.
Shadow is explicitly inspired by the character of the same name from Final Fantasy VI.
Gerrith Gaffgarion: An ex-Ala Mhigan national, Gerrith is an absolute monster of a man who revels in violence and killing. A Dark Knight whose powers grew twisted and far more malevolent than his mentor could allow, Gerrith slew his own mentor to ensure his own skills would be all the more valuable.
A villain through-and-through, he has spent decades as one of the more feared mercenaries operating across Thanalan and La Noscea. Despite charging exorbitant fees for his services, Gerrith has zero actual desire to amass wealth, and exclusively uses it to either pay his lone ‘partner’, create self-sustaining cash flow, and facilitate the continuation of his grim work through bribery and other such means. Gerrith has a well-reputation for leaving no survivors wherever he is hired to attack.
Gerrith Gaffgarion is loosely inspired by Goffard Gaffgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics. 
- Gui Charlemalde: A Gridanian adventurer, Gui was adopted by Duskwights as an infant, and has since grown to be one of the most kindhearted people in all the Black Shroud. Electing to inherit his father’s mantle as an adventurer, so that his elder brother would not feel guilt over following his dreams of being a carpenter, Gui has spent every day of his adult life with a very plain mission:
Do all the good he can.
Choosing to focus on smaller threats and problems than most, Gui firmly believes the role of an adventurer is to help those who otherwise would not be helped. No job is too small, no task is beneath him, so long as it is to help those in dire need.
In recent times, Gui has grown painfully aware that he has been cursed from birth to carry a voidsent in his blood which he is increasingly at odds with. His overwhelming positivity and commitment to his own good-naturedness have kept the voidsent mostly at bay, so far. But for how long can such a thing last?
Tange Shishido: Aged Doman samurai, severely injured in years past, Tange seeks to train all she can in her art so as to prepare another generation of samurai to defend Doma. The older he gets, the more her injuries hold her back, but in her day she was unquestionably one of the most powerful samurai in the realm.
Tange’s acceptance of ijin as students, contingent on their swearing an oath to defend Doma if ever the country needs them, has made her unpopular with many, but she has a long history of eschewing tradition wherever she feels it stifling her.
Ebony Wae: Eldest (by minutes) twin sister of Tara Wae, eldest sister to Annabel Lee-Wae, and oldest not-disowned child of Amelia and Gerard Wae, Ebony is a driven businesswoman with tyrannical tendencies. Devoted to an unorthodox cult of Nald’Thal espoused by her family, Ebony secretly thinks of herself as the incarnation of Nald. With a careful eye to the family businesses, and an insatiable appetite for expansion, the only things holding Ebony back are her insistence on fair treatment of employees, and the handful of distractions she often allows to get in her way.
Most notably among these are her love of combat and the thrill of the hunt, and her preoccupation with making sure Tara is able to find a husband of high enough quality to be worth continuing the family line with.
Ebony cherishes her Aunt Lulu, and is exceedingly protective of her little sister Annabel. Trained in the ways of the Dark Knight by a tutor who regretted the contract almost immediately, Ebony is prone to violence and destruction as her preferred solution to any problems or threats which arise, so long as she remains within the confines of her obsession with obeying the letter of the law.
Ebony and her sisters have a variety of beliefs which are foreign to the common resident of Thanalan, chiefly that hoarding money is a sin against Nald because the exchange of currency is how Nald expresses Himself. Between this and many other ideological anomalies, her radical and unusual beliefs have led her to accidentally be one of the more beneficial people in Thanalan to the region’s well-being.
Kogyoku Yuzuka: Yakuza, member of the Kasai-gumi, absorbed into the organization during first wave of expansion through Kugane. Kogyoku is a skilled fighter and loyal member of the organization. She is often paired with her best friend Ken, a Roegadyn who towers over her. The two make an effective duo - Ken’s brazenness tempered by Kogyoku’s cool-headed rationality.
Adroit Aegolius: Going by a pseudonym designed to innately test the knowledge of everyone he meets, Aegolius is a Sharlayan researcher come to Eorzea to learn more about Blue Magic. One of the younger children of a large Sharlayan family, Aegolius has used his family’s sway - with his eldest brother’s support - to allow himself the freedom to fully explore the potential of this new field of magic, contingent on having something to show it was worth the funding upon his return.
Aegolius is a smooth-talker who seeks out opportunities to enjoy life while he’s still young, but at the same time yearns for the days in decades to come when it is him who is the aged, wise wizard passing knowledge and judgment down to those beneath him.
Hyltbryda Eyrieynwyn: First mate to Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn, Hyltbryda is a rough-and-tumble Roegadyn who’s far more playful and competitive than her more reserved captain. Hyltbryda frequently challenges those she likes to competitions of physical strength and endurance, and has beaten more than a few people swimming back and forth along the docks of Aleport. She uses a spear in combat, a tradition she has kept onto after defeating a haughty Ishgardian in a fight with one.
Hyltbryda is often the source of minor pranks on the crew, and enjoys messing with those she likes in good-natured ways. Hyltbryda is dating Lee Whims.
Kavatch Beamsplitter: A Nagxian monk who emphasizes strength over all else, the “Beamsplitter” is noted for his single-minded devotion to bettering the world through what he sees as the only possible way to do so:
Tempering those who can weather his stern outlook, and breaking those who cannot.
Kavatch is brutal and forward-focused, always striving towards a place where he has enough strength to shape the world to his whims. To change the face of Hydaelyn to match his ideal: a world where the strongest rule and protect the weak, and anyone can rise to the top through self-betterment. Where positions of power must be fought for to be maintained, and the infirm or incompetent are ousted in short order by those wiser and more capable below them.
Kavatch has disdain for those who fight using entirely mechanical means, such as firearms. In his eyes, the truest expression of perfection is the ability to fight with one’s own body and spirit, eschewing all other ‘distractions’.
Kavatch set out on a journey, recently, telling the students of his school that those most experienced among them should build up the rest, and that he would teach them more when they were able to find and defeat him - not a moment before.
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onwesterlywinds · 8 years
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Ashelia Riot approaches with a screaming Anastasia tucked under her arm. Ashelia Riot: Quiet. Or you'll wake the whole damned house. Gaelle Troyes: My, what a creature you've got. Is that a baby griffin? Ashelia Riot looks up in surprise. Ashelia Riot: Well! Welcome back, Miss Troyes. Gaelle Troyes: It's a pleasure to return. It's been far too long. Ashelia Riot looks between the two women. Ashelia Riot: I'm glad my letter reached you. Your journey here went well? Natalya Nibiru: For some reason nobody saw fit to challenge us. Gaelle Troyes: You can be rather terrifying, Natalya. Ashelia Riot doesn't think she's ever seen the two together, and understands at once that she would not want to be on either of their bad sides.
Gaelle Troyes: I've an important question for you, while you're here. Ashelia Riot: A moment, if you would. I need some food for this spoiled little girl. It's the only way she'll stop shrieking so. Natalya Nibiru: She's quite the delight, isn't she? Ashelia Riot: That wasn't sarcasm, I trust? Natalya Nibiru: Perish the thought. I'm sure her disposition will only improve with time. Anastasia tries to pick a fight with Gaelle Troyes's owlet. The owlet is entirely disinterested in Anastasia. Ashelia Riot: Now, then. Your question? Gaelle Troyes: I recall in your letter you said not to charge your rank-and-file for premonitions of the future. But what if I offer them for free? They're quite fun for me, you know. And I recall them being a smashing success. They went over rather well. Truly a successful endeavor. Gaelle Troyes has clearly rehearsed this speech. Natalya Nibiru: And a great service, indeed. Ashelia Riot shoots Natalya Nibiru a mildly exasperated glance. Ashelia Riot: Oh, very well. So long as you say nothing to offend. Gaelle Troyes: I can't falsify a reading. But I am sure {Nymeia, the Spinner} has naught but good things to say about the heroes who ended the Dragonsong War. Ashelia Riot: Can you stop doing that with your voice? It's rather unnerving. Natalya Nibiru snorts audibly. Ashelia Riot scowls at Natalya Nibiru. Gaelle Troyes: Oh dear. Force of habit, I'm afraid. I'll do my best to stifle it in your presence. Ashelia Riot: My thanks. Gaelle Troyes: Care for a reading of your own? By my recollection and what Natalya's told me, your last proved rather accurate. Ashelia Riot: I'm sure you know I don't truly believe in such things. We barbarous Ala Mhigans resort to more primitive superstitions. Gaelle Troyes bursts out laughing at Ashelia Riot. Gaelle Troyes: Barbarous? You're not barbarous! Truly, there are few I've met with more dignity than the Ala Mhigans! You've a strong sense of unity. You work together better than even the Gridanians, banding against hardship most admirably. And your knowledge of herbalism is second to none. All the more impressive, since you outclass the people who spend their lives surrounded by greenery. Ashelia Riot: You've a better opinion of us than the vast majority of Eorzeans, then. Gaelle Troyes: Well, put frankly, I'm a bit weird, Ashelia. Natalya Nibiru and Ashelia Riot laugh. Ashelia Riot: You? Of course not. Gaelle Troyes: I was born in Ishgard and swore an oath of pacifism. That's not typical behavior. Ashelia Riot: Pacifism. Gaelle Troyes nods to Ashelia Riot. Ashelia Riot marvels at whatever circumstances might have led Gaelle Troyes to Natalya of all people. Gaelle Troyes: But then, I'd never force my ideals onto Natalya or anyone else. Which works out quite nicely when there's trouble. Natalya Nibiru mutters something that sounds suspiciously like “Of course you don't.” Gaelle Troyes pretends not to hear. Ashelia Riot laughs at Natalya Nibiru. Ashelia Riot: Well, then. I'll leave you to your breakfast. Ashelia Riot: ...Unless... Gaelle Troyes: Unless? Ashelia Riot: ...You've piqued my curiosity. I'll submit myself to one of your readings. Gaelle Troyes: Excellent! Gaelle Troyes draws a deck of cards from her coat and begins shuffling it, eventually dealing out five cards face-down. Natalya Nibiru closes her eyes for Ashelia Riot. Gaelle Troyes: Do you remember how this goes? Four of the five cards will end up selected by you. The first applies to your recent past, the second to your present, the third to your near future and the fourth to your far future. Ashelia Riot nods to you. Gaelle Troyes: In that case... please select your first card.    Ashelia Riot selects the second card. Gaelle Troyes: O, {Nymeia, the Spinner}, guide this choice! Show us what this dear woman has seen and done in recent times! Let me gaze into Your workings! Gaelle Troyes flips the second card. It's the Jack of Hearts. Gaelle Troyes: Ah! The Jack of Hearts. In your recent past you dealt with a figure you love dearly, most likely a male one, and it was a fortuitous meeting indeed. You likely gained something significant from this meeting. Does that sound about right? Ashelia Riot: “Most likely”?! You know I'm married to Edge! Ashelia Riot does not say that she is indeed right. Gaelle Troyes: Hmm... more recent than that. Your wedding was moons ago, was it not? And a tragedy I missed it. I'm told it was a beautiful event.  Ashelia Riot: ...Very well! Yes! Gaelle Troyes smiles at Ashelia Riot. Gaelle Troyes: Your next card deals with your present. Go ahead and select it.   Ashelia Riot selects the third card. Gaelle Troyes: O, {Nymeia, the Spinner}- Ashelia Riot scoffs. Gaelle Troyes: -grant me sight into this woman's present. Let me see through this card the answer I seek! Gaelle Troyes flips the third card. It's the Ace of Spades. Gaelle Troyes gasps. Natalya Nibiru echoes the gesture. Ashelia Riot raises an eyebrow. Gaelle Troyes: A great trial, a great conflict ongoing! Something of massive importance, something you'll never forget as long as you live, something incredibly life-changing! You're wrapped up in an event that you may very well tell stories of to your grandchildren! Ashelia Riot glares at Natalya Nibiru, though she knows full well that her friend likely said nothing at all of her recent predicament. Natalya Nibiru gives Ashelia Riot an innocent look. Ashelia Riot scoffs. Gaelle Troyes: I take it by your reaction that this is an accurate statement, that The Spinner has guided me correctly so far? Ashelia Riot: Next card. Gaelle Troyes: Next card. Ashelia Riot selects the fourth card. Gaelle Troyes: O {Nymeia, the Spinner}, guide us in this search through this woman's future! Show us what the near future holds for her! Ashelia Riot: You're doing it again. Gaelle Troyes: How can I not beseech the gods properly in this sacrosanct procedure? Gaelle Troyes flips the fourth card. It's the seven of clubs. Gaelle Troyes clears her throat. Gaelle Troyes: The Seven of Clubs. You will find yourself engaged in an industrious activity, one that the Seven tells us will be immensely lucky and fortuitous. Perhaps the gain will be in wealth, perhaps it will be in something even more important. Whatever it is, it will take hard work and dedication to see through. But I have faith you'll rise to the occasion. Ashelia Riot blinks, somewhat lost in thought, but only for a moment. Ashelia Riot: The last card, then? Ashelia Riot selects the first card. Gaelle Troyes: O, {Nymeia, the Spinner}, as you have guided us til now, guide us one last time to see the truth of this woman's far future! Show us what the future holds! Gaelle Troyes flips the first card. It's the Red Joker. Gaelle Troyes: My, my my! Natalya Nibiru nods to Ashelia Riot. Natalya Nibiru: Very strange. Ashelia Riot: That certainly isn't comforting. Gaelle Troyes: Indeed. This is one of the two rarest of all the cards. The other being the Black Joker, of course. But take heart, for while the Black Joker heralds despair and doom, the Red Joker is quite the opposite. It will sideswipe you, it will be something you'll almost certainly not see coming, but good fortune will find its way into your life. It may take moons, it may take longer... it may take less time. But mark my words, you will find that something of unparalleled greatness will happen in your favor. Ashelia Riot: ...Interesting. Ashelia Riot: Well, then. My thanks regardless. Gaelle Troyes beams with delight at Ashelia Riot. Gaelle Troyes: Congratulations on a fortunate reading! It's exceedingly rare for one to go so well for anyone! Natalya Nibiru: It really is. I've never seen one like that before. Gaelle Troyes nods to Natalya Nibiru. Ashelia Riot: I'll leave the two of you to ponder it. Ashelia Riot: Also- Gaelle Troyes waits expectantly. Ashelia Riot: This year's sparkling white from Wineport is lovely for a romantic breakfast cocktail. Ashelia Riot smiles. Natalya Nibiru blushes ever so slightly. Gaelle Troyes: How kind of you to offer. I look forward to the great fortune that finds its way into your life. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: Welcome back, Gaelle. Gaelle Troyes: It's truly wonderful to be back. Anastasia makes one last swipe at the owl before finally perching on Ashelia Riot’s shoulder. Ashelia Riot: Take care, then. Gaelle Troyes: You as well.
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nogodsarebastards · 9 years
A Missive
To All Riskbreakers:
My name is Gaelle Troyes. Some of you may have met me in my time at the Sandsea. Some of you may have heard of my talents. Nymeia, The Spinner grants me wisdom and aids me in seeing the future and assisting others through these revelations. I am, ultimately, an altruistic person who plies the trade of fortune-teller purely to aid others. (While I’m always accepting of tips, I will never charge any Riskbreaker for my services.)
We live in troubling times, however. These days there are many who would prey upon the trusting, the honest and the hardworking. Many are those who would claim at talents beyond their reach, who would manipulate others for selfish gain. Call them grifters, con artists, charlatans. I call them abhorrent and anathema. Truly they are a blight upon the land.
Have you noticed the same? Have you ever felt that perhaps someone was shortchanging you in the Ul'dahn marketplace? Have you wondered if the soothsayer outside the city of Limsa Lominsa was pulling your leg for coin? Have you been taken in by a shell game?
I will be offering lessons, free of charge (tips optional) to all Riskbreakers to prepare you for the grifters of the world at large. I will teach you how to spot a con, how to thwart a con, and for advanced students I’ll show how to turn a con against the originator and even, in some situations, how to secure proof of the perpetrator’s misdeeds for the authorities.
This service will be offered solely to official members of the Riskbreakers.
Fear not, however! If you’re not a Riskbreaker and reading this missive, I assure you that there is plenty of benefit you can get from having read this far!
I, Gaelle Troyes, am always willing to relay to you a glimpse at your future as told to me by Nymeia, The Spinner through the medium of playing cards. My services come with a nominal fee for non-Riskbreakers but the list of satisfied customers is too long to fit on any feasible amount of paper. You could be the next happy soul to step away from my readings armed with knowledge that can prepare you for your life to come!
Simply track me down at The Sandsea, which is located in The Goblet, ward 3 plot 5.
[OOC: For either of these, please feel free to contact me through ask or IM via tumblr at safestsephiroth.tumblr.com or over skype at the_rain_transformed (display name as of this writing: Not Gill (Salty Pal with 16 characters)). I am available most days and am more than happy to offer RP on the fly or by appointment. I am usually available from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Central Time. For appointments please allow at least a day in advance to respond and plan a time.
I am on FFXIV infrequently unless asked to be, so please feel free to contact me via the methods mentioned above rather than waiting for me to sign on. In-game I play sixteen different characters so the odds of you catching me on any specific one are not very great.]
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Confrontations and a Confession
Gaelle took another sip of her wine.The booth grew lovelier with every glass. Mara sat across from her, watching with obvious worry on her face.
“You're putting down wine a bit fast, Gaelle.”
“You're not putting it down fast enough. We can't...we can't just leave this bottle open. It'd be a waste of gil.” Mara shook her head and leaned against the back of the booth.
And then they both saw Jaraku was storming up to them, visibly outraged.
“Oh dear, Mara, I think I upset him.”
“Gaelle, what did you-”
“GAELLE TROYES!” The shout sent a shock through Gaelle, and she almost dropped her glass. Almost.
“Jaraku, to what do I owe the ple-”
“What in the HELLS have you been doing?”
“Drinking wine with Mara.” Gaelle gestured to the woman across from her.
“Is that a new nickname for Marguerite, then?”
“Marguerite Lafontaine is gone, Jaraku, and I'll thank you to never refer to me by that name again.”
“Whatever. I don't give a damn about your aliases. What I do care about is what Gaelle is planning.” Mara gritted her teeth. Gaelle cocked her head to an awkward angle and grinned at the bard.
“You should pull up a chair, Jaraku. We've brought a fine wine with us, you're welcome to it.” He clenched his fist.
“Don't you ever mock my-”
“You really could use it.” He grabbed the bottle by the neck and hurled it across the room, wine spilling out from it across the floor. Gaelle frowned. “That was paid for with your gil, you know. I'm surprised you're so loose with it.”
“I'm sick of this.”
“Sick? What are your symptoms? I'd be happy to treat you.”
“Stop playing with me, Gaelle. I know you're a fraud, I know you've been toying with Madelaine and gods only know who else, and I'm not going to let this continue.”
“Jaraku.” Gaelle smiled again and he had to fight an overwhelming urge to scream in her face. “You're redder than that wine, redder than I imagine you leave Issabel's a-”
“Stop, Gaelle.” Mara had interrupted the game. Gaelle frowned.
“You're on his side, now?”
“You are making this situation worse than it's been. You need to stop.” Gaelle pouted. Jaraku eyed Mara carefully, trying to read her face, but said nothing.
“Maraaa, I'm having so much fun. Don't take this from me now.”
“You're drunk and antagonizing someone who in all honesty's had enough shite from us already.” Gaelle looked up at Jaraku innocently, turning in the booth to sit on the edge of the seat, facing outward. If she were shorter she'd dangle her legs and kick them playfully, but much to her chagrin that wasn't a possibility for her.
“Fine, Jaraku. I'll have a real conversation with you. Ask me whatever you like.” She smirked at him. Mara shot her a warning glare Gaelle completely ignored.
“First off, what's this I hear about you ripping off some writer?”
“I didn't rip him off at all. I traded a reading for him writing a story for me, and I offered information to him in exchange for another.”
“MY information. Information I specifically paid you to keep quiet. Paid an outrageous sum for.”
“Oh I know it was outrageous, we were able to buy so m-”
“Alright, dear. Now... what was I saying?” Jaraku spoke up.
“You're going to refund him.” Gaelle scowled.
“I will do no such thing.”
“You're not going to rip off people in any way associated with this company ever again.”
“But I've never ripped any off! I give them what they really want. Nobody truly thinks a fortuneteller sees the future, they're paying for peace of mind. They're paying for contentment. They want to hear certain things and they pay to hear them. Besides, practically none of you have paid me a single gil for these.”
“Then why do them?” Gaelle couldn't help herself.
“Because it's a fantastic way to move them across the board.” She frowned, the first wholly sincere gesture she'd made the entire conversation. “Drat, I let that slip. You're right, Mara, I've had too much wine.”
“You think we're GAME PIECES?!”
“Not really, it's...a metaphor.”
“Gaelle, what in the hells are you expecting to pull off here?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Would you rather deal with one bard or the entire company?”
“One bard, thanks.” Mara's interjection annoyed Gaelle significantly.
“You're not the one making the decisions here, Mara!”
“We both are, Gaelle. You can't do this anymore.” Gaelle shook with rage, giving in to it for the first time since walking into this home. Mara shook her head. “Stop, Gaelle. Stop this now.”
“You're not the boss of me, Mara!”
“You're acting a child.”
“I don't care how I'm acting, you're ruining-”
“Lies and deception unending are the tool of Ishgard.” Gaelle's rage dropped entirely.
“I...I hadn't thought...” Gaelle struggled to finish the sentence as tears started welling up and falling to the floor. Jaraku took a step back. This wasn't what he'd expected in the slightest.
“I know, love, but it's time to stop.”
“But getting them all together with one another will be ultimately better for them, really!”
“That's their decision. Not yours. The game's gone too long.” Mara gestured to Jaraku. “We've proof positive you're hurting people, now.”
“Gods damnit.” Gaelle held her head in her hands, and what were undeniably small sobs came out of her. “I'm better than them, Mara, aren't I? I'm not like...I'm not like...”
“You are, love. You are. But you can't keep doing this. It's too much. I told you I'd keep it quiet, but...this place is home. You can't hurt people here.” Gaelle nodded, silently. Jaraku considered asking if this was all an act. It....seemed pretty genuine. But then-
“Are you two just putting on an act?”
Mara stood from the booth, towering over the bard. She stared down at him and he started noticing small things he hadn't seen before: the knives sheathed at her waist; how her hands were shaking for the first time he'd ever seen; the fury in her eyes. Uh oh.
“If you ever speak those words again, I swear to the gods that Riskbreaker or no I will spread the pieces of you I'm left with to all the corners of Eorzea.”
“Well. I understand, then.” Jaraku's prior boasts about how he didn't fear either of the two were echoing in his mind, laughing at how much fear was gripping him now. Suddenly Madelaine's warning about any fight being two against one was seeming much more realistic than they had earlier. “Could you please sit down? I think all of us here are just a bit too emotional right now, I think it would be best if we all, just...calmed down.” Mara glared at him, then slowly sat back into the booth. Gaelle blew her nose on a handkerchief, and dabbed at her eyes. “I'm going to get a chair, so...” He wasn't sure where he was going with that, and decided to let the sentence die where it was. Jaraku grabbed a chair and set it down in front of the two, turning it away from them and sitting in it backwards.
“Right. So.”
“I'll tell you everything, Jaraku. I didn't realize what I was doing...” Gaelle's voice was cracking. He had no idea why in the hells being compared to Ishgardians would do this to her.
“Okay. So. Let's take it from the top. You've bartered for more than one story from a friend of Madelaine's?”
“Not a friend, but yes.”
“He writes particularly explicit works. I wanted some.”
“That's it? No shadowy agenda? No other reason?”
“The second one was requested both for that and to irritate Madelaine.”
“Why irritate her? And why offer my secret as payment?”
“By the time he's done writing your secret won't be. I wanted to irritate her because that moves towards my ultimate goal.” Mara was sitting back and observing the two, ready to intervene if she was needed.
“What goal is that?”
“You all deserve love.” Jaraku blinked.
“Excuse me?” Gaelle wiped her nose again and nodded to Mara. Mara took a piece of paper from her pocket and set it on the table, unfolding it out into a huge sheet that covered much of its surface. On it were drawings, names, and connecting lines. It took him a moment to realize what this all was.
“This is...these are...” Gaelle nodded. “THIS is what you've been doing with your time?”
“Well, what else am I to do? Sit back and be bored?”
“Be honest with us! Gods, Gaelle, you could've just spoken with anyone about it! Literally anyone!”
“Hardly! Most of you would deny it solely because I suggested it, and that can't happen!”
The paper was a massive relationship map, detailing the connections between all of the Riskbreakers and several people in some way related to individual Riskbreakers.
“You're trying to get everyone together romantically in some way. This is madness.”
“Is it?”
“It is! All you've done is agitate people and make these things even less likely!”
“Edge Marbrand's reading proclaimed a long and healthy love. Ashelia Riot's took the same. Zulak Rah's spoke of an important woman he would fall for, and unfortunately neither he nor A'zaela Linh are bright enough to realize what that meant. I've actually been trying to think of another way to push that all this time, incidentally-”
“Issabel flirted with Zulak her first night here, after your reading scared her half to death.”
“Of course! She was vulnerable and worried. I imagined you two would meet sooner or later, you know, which is why I was so agitating to you leading up to your fight with Sairsel...”
“Fighting with Madelaine's adoptive relative would absolutely turn her heart away from you, if was ever there at all, and would drive you to seek comfort from someone. Lo and behold, Issabel Drake came when you asked. You mentioned the reading. I'd bet anything you told her about how hogwash everything I've done is. You two were perfect for each other from the start, I just had to guide you away from the pirate and everything fell into place.”
“I can't believe this. Is this...are you mocking me? Is this some elaborate joke?” Gaelle shook her head. Mara's face betrayed severe annoyance. “What in the hells is wrong with you?!”
“You were all so dreadfully lonely. Love is a wonderful gift! Wouldn't you say, now that you feel it again?”
“...Did you cast some sort of-”
“No. Absolutely not.” Gaelle scowled. “I would never, I swear to you. That would be pure evil. I merely sought mischief.” Jaraku breathed a sigh of relief.
“Your whole gods thing is a gimmick, though. A cheap trick.”
“Menphina is real, Jaraku, I promise you. I'm trying to honor her, you know.”
“I don't believe you.”
“It's true. It honestly, truly is. I'm done lying to you, Jaraku.”
“So why harass Madelaine?”
“Oh, I didn't really harass her until I had the good fortune of running into Ser Chevalier.”
“What does that have to do with it?”
“I gave them a common antagonist. What better way to drive them together? It's not as if Madelaine would just take my word that they're a great couple. She distrusts me completely, I'm sure.”
“SHE DISTRUST YOU BECAUSE OF THIS KIND OF STUPID SHITE.” Mara flashed a warning glare, and Jaraku took a breath. Gaelle adopted a sad smile. “If you would just be honest with everyone, they'd be far more trusting of you.”
“I don't think they would, really. I've got so many terrible secrets, and the only one I've told I told to Sylvan Rain alone.”
“Which was that?” Mara asked.
“My trip out of Ishgard.” Mara nodded and said no more.
“Why did you deceive Madelaine's friend...that's the ser Chevalier you mentioned, right?” Gaelle nodded. “Why did you offer bad information as payment?”
“He asked for it as payment. What was I going to do, pay him? I told him I have a wide variety of services to offer, after all...”
“You're ridiculous.”
“Yes, sometimes I get ahead of myself. But it's so much fun...” Jaraku sighed.
“Promise me there's not going to be any more of this, that you'll apologize to Issabel, Madelaine, and Chevalier specifically, then confess and apologize to everyone you gave a reading to in this company. If you do I won't force you to confess to the entire company all at once.”
“Why Issabel beyond the rest I gave a reading to?”
“You faked a reading specifically to upset her. That's not acceptable, Gaelle.” Gaelle sighed.
“You're right, of course. I'm sad to see this game end prematurely, but I suppose it was fun while it lasted.”
“You don't feel an onze of remorse, do you?”
“I do, I do. I just don't think most of what I did was all that bad.”
“Madelaine told me she refused to join the Riskbreakers if there were going to be people manipulating her. She specifically meant you.” The words hit like a punch to the gut.
“Really? But...gods, was it that bad?”
“But she can't have noticed-”
“She's not an idiot, Gaelle. She knew you were trying to control her, just not the end you were pushing her towards.”
“Alright. You're right. I'll stop with the lying. I'll stop giving readings to the company. But I don't want to confess to anyone I don't have to confess to.”
“All of them, Gaelle. All of them..”
“Gods, Jaraku, this is so m-”
“He's right.”
“Damnit, Mara, why do you have to be so responsible at the most inconvenient times?” Jaraku sighed.
“One chance, Gaelle. You get one chance to do this right and not try this nonsense again. Make it count, because you'll not be forgiven past that.” Gaelle nodded, slowly.
“I accept your generous offer.”
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The Gameplan
[Note: The following is a canonical drabble. Actual canon events beyond the ending have been written out, as this is an excerpt from a longer work. However, I feel the longer work contains parts that really have no business being on any of these blogs, and as such am withholding it from public view. This excerpt contains everything important to the progression of both characters involved as far as the rest of the company is concerned. (Should you wish to view the full document, contact me privately and such a thing might be arranged. I rather enjoyed writing the full work, myself.)
As with a few other recent drabbles, there is content here that might be uncomfortable for those who dislike talk relating to or referencing sexual interactions. If you are interested in the reveals contained within and do not wish to delve through that, rest assured posts are coming soon that will cover everything of paramount import in this writing.]
“Gaelle.” Gaelle read in front of the fireplace, taking advantage of the couch inside the Sandsea's library. She put the book on the floor and beckoned. It had been awhile Gaelle had seen this woman so serious. She was Marguerite Lafontaine, but-no, that wasn't quite right. She once wore the mask of Marguerite Lafontaine. Gaelle knew as well as she did that it had never been who she truly was. It was a tool. Something to hide behind, to justify the measures she'd gone to to do the right thing. “Yes, love?”
“There's two things we need to discuss.” Gaelle nodded and smiled. “Anything you like.” “I've decided on a name. Something that spoke to me.” The two had been poring over book after book to find a proper name. After much debate, she had decided that a strong Highlander name would suit her best. As she no longer entertained ideas of leaving Eorzea, she was best off embracing what she was here. Her pulse was quickening at the idea of belonging once again. Gaelle nodded to her. “Who are you, then, love?” Gaelle saw hesitation. A monumental decision, certainly. Almost two weeks now had been devoted primarily to this task, and Gaelle had already seen the stack of papers covered with potential names. “One finally caught my eye, one from this.” Gaelle's eyes darted to the cover of the book. Fists and Fire: The Untold Story of Ala Mhigo. “Ah. That one's a history of the defenders of the city, in part, as I recall?” “It is.” She began to read off from a certain page. “This woman was an officer in the city's law enforcement. She was well-known for rooting out corruption, and survived several dedicated assassination attempts, emerging from many completely unharmed. She was particularly known for her direct attitude when it came to dealing with crime, and her specific targeting of criminals in the higher eschelons of the nobility. It's written here that she imprisoned the commander of the guard for several murders that had been swept away.” “Hmm. What happened then?” “The mountain of evidence she had collected was ignored by the judge presiding. When the commander was released, his first act was to fire her.” “A woman wronged by authority for doing the right thing, then.” “There's more. She had served to the age of 38 by this time, and many in the city were more loyal and respectful of her than the rest of the guard as a whole. The details of the trial leaked - it says here by someone unknown, but the truth seems fairly obvious to me – and the commander was left to deal with a violent mob who tore into his house and left him hanging from a nearby tavern's rafters, quite dead by the time anyone allied to him got there.” “And what happened to our mysterious heroine after that?” “She disappeared from record. No one saw her again, no reports of acts credited to her, but plenty of reports from unreliable witnesses alleging her involvement in a variety of major events. Indeed, it seems there are those who believed her still alive at the time of this publishing, long after the events transpired.” Gaelle smiled. “She sounds remarkably like you. Kindred spirits, you are.” “Yes. Her name calls out to me. I have a sense that she must have retired, found a quiet place to stay out of the city's affairs, and spent her life in peace.” “A romantic notion if ever I heard one. What we her name?” “Mara Bloodseeker. Her first name is archaic and rarely-used, its meaning being 'the immortal one'. I believe her last name fairly straightforward.” Gaelle nodded. “Welcome home, Mara Bloodseeker.” She set the book aside and the two embraced, this moment in time burning itself into both their memories. “Thank you, Gaelle.” Mara smiled. “I will need to inform everyone.” Gaelle nodded. “Before that, though. You said there was a second thing we needed to discuss.” Mara nodded. “I'm worried about what you've been up to, Gaelle. It's unlike you to plot like this.” Gaelle frowned. “I wasn't aware I was worrying you so. What exactly bothers you about what I've been doing?” “You're playing with particularly-powerful people, moving them around with all the thought of a game piece. If this goes badly, it could become exceptionally dangerous for you.” “I fear not a one of them for as long as you're with me.” “No. You cannot make rash decisions solely because I'm here to bail you out.” “Why is that?” “What we have here... this place, these halls. This could be a home, Gaelle. Somewhere we could stay for as long as we like, if things go well. But if you cause chaos and trouble they may cast us out.” “They may cast me out, you mean.” “I wouldn't leave you on your own. Not again.” Silence fell upon them. “I never understood why you did the first time.” Mara looked away. “Because doing what's right is often hard. I never wanted to, I...” Gaelle nodded quietly. “It's okay, love. I know it must have been important. I don't hold it against you.” Mara nodded. “But don't leave this topic behind. It's important, Gaelle.” The prophetess sighed. “Are you asking to know my goal, then?” “Yes. I need to know how foolish it is.” Gaelle scowled. “I'm no fool, Marg-” she bit her tongue, hard, and started again. “I'm no fool, Mara. Don't demean to me.” “I'm sorry, but you've a terrible track record for ideas.” “The inn was a great one right until they set fire to it.” “That time in the Shroud.” “You mean the same Shroud we met in? Isn't that a fonder memory to dwell on?” “The fight in that godsawful tavern in Limsa Lominsa.” “They were hardly a threat, and the practice was good for you.” “That time you told me we'd paid for the boat when we hadn't.” “We needed it and didn't have the money. What was I supposed to do?” “Gaelle.” “Yes?” “Tell me what you're doing here. I know you've been manipulating Madelaine Lachance, I know you've been tugging at her lover's strings.” “Ah, you're always listening when I'm around, are you? And they're not lovers, not yet.” “You've been toying with Jaraku.” “And all the gil we made off it! Well, all the gil we made and then promptly donated to those children you're so fond of.” “He paid you for silence and you sold his secret. For a childish, lustful desire.” “You and I both know the secret won't matter by the time I'm required to pay.” “Your readings here are all part of the game you're trying to play, aren't they?” Gaelle smiled. “I'll explain everything to you if you promise not to interrupt until I am done.” Mara nodded. “Good. You're right that I've been pulling Madelaine about, that I've pulled at Ser Chevalier's strings, and I'm sure you've realized my offers to bed them have been primarily insincere.” A condescending look from Mara. “Primarily. I'm sure you agree it is not a completely unappealing idea.” Mara nodded, after a moment. “Now, I've found what I believe to be the easiest way to get what I need out of them, and I've already set it in motion.” Mara opened her mouth to speak and Gaelle held her finger in front of Mara's lips. “Silence, we agreed.” Mara scowled. “To continue: You're correct that the cards are all related. You're correct that I've been nudging damned near every single person I've spoken with here into place. I assure you that finding Ser Chevalier was a coincidence, though I'm half-convinced one from Nymeia. Or perhaps dear Menphina. Regardless of the circumstances, he was the perfect piece considering the developments regarding the bards.” Gaelle stopped to think. “And that turned out flawlessly, as well, I believe. And a good thing, too. She almost walked the wrong path entirely, she even attempted to take steps down it! I grow more sure by the day my plan is approved by and blessed by the Gods, considering how well it has done so far.” Mara glared. “But yes, you want to know my plan. You want to know my objective. And I will tell you, here and now. But first, I want to promise you this: If you think it is in even the slightest bit harmful, if you think considering the methods I use and the methods I refuse to that it remains a plan they would grow furious at me for, then when I am done explaining tell me such, and I'll quit immediately. I'm fond of this home as well, you know.” Mara nodded. “Now then....”
The objective explained, Mara considered what she'd just heard for several minutes. Gaelle waited patiently and silently for an answer, positively beaming with how proud she was of herself. “You've my blessing in this endeavor.” Gaelle nodded. “I knew I would.” “But, Gaelle.” “Yes?” “Two things.” “Lot of twos today, aren't there.” “First off, I believe you should enlighten the Grand Steward, but I imagine she'll demand you shut it down. She has precious little tolerance for this behavior, I'm sure.” “So I won't tell her, then.” “Let all official testimonies show I advised you to.” Gaelle grinned. “But of course. And the second?” “....Madelaine, yes. Until I've learned more of him, I veto the writer.”
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safestsephiroth · 5 years
FFXIVWrite #21: Crunch - Gaelle Troyes
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It had snowed for six months straight in Coerthas. The ice still hadn't melted. She had started to think it never would.
She had once been a knight. She had once sworn to fight the dragons that were, she was told, her enemy. She once basked in the so-called 'holiness' of Halone.
The biting winter wind was still warmer than Ishgard ever would be, to her, now. If Gods were real, they would smite the ones taking their names in vain. Or perhaps they would not have gifted her the insightfulness she had carried all her life.
Studying those around her, paying attention to the minutest of details. Watching in silence. Crowds going about their days, merchants in the markets, clergy delivering their trite stories.
The city had a sickness that would never be cured. They cast her out - tried to have her thrown off a cliff - and it started because she asked a simple question. Just one question, then another, and suddenly she was a heretic. Suddenly she was the enemy. Her whole life to now had been loyalty to her city, no matter what the hairs on her neck told her.
"If the priests are so certain that Halone guides and protects us, why have the snows not receded? If it is divine punishment, and She is just, then why are the peasantry with the least power those who suffer the most?"
"If the dragons are our enemy, would it not be the case that they had called down the snows? Yet no such thing happened. Because if it had been the case, surely they would have done so before now."
"Why is it the Inquisitor looks at the women around him like a wolf at a sheep? And why has nobody else noticed this?"
"How can we say anyone is our enemy more than the ones with power who abuse that power?"
She stopped trudging through the snow. Drew her sword.
"So," Gaelle Troyes said. "They sent you after me."
"Face the judgment of the Holy See, and the Fury may have mercy upon you in the next life."
Gaelle turned. Sword in hand, held low at her side. Smiled at the woman with the spear behind her. "Beatrice. You still believe such things? After all you've seen, after all they've done, you still think there's any Goddess guiding their hands? Guiding the hands that take what would better help the starving?"
"I will not listen to your riddles, heretic."
"Yes, it's easier to sleep at night if you don't /think/, isn't it." Gaelle sighed. "I don't want to fight you. I don't want to fight anyone."
"Good. Your surrender-"
She ripped a knife from her coat, flinging it left-handed, and closed the gap just after. Beatrice ducked to the side, overcompensated, feet slipping on the ice beneath the layer of snow.
The sword found its mark - half of Beatrice's forearm hit the snow, hand attached, and the spear fell. Gaelle stomped the shaft, snapping it in half, and the knight fell to the ice. Blood spurting from the wound.
"Gaelle...Damn you..."
"Save your words. You'll see it before I do. That there's nothing after death." Gaelle looked into the distance. The silhouette of Ishgard looming through the foggy snowstorm.
Beatrice tried to kicked her legs from under her, and Gaelle slid back along the ice, wobbling but still standing.
"You'll be the last person I kill, Beatrice. I'm not coming back to this hellhole. I'm not waving the flag, or preaching the word, I'm going to do something better. So much better." She grinned madly, the pale-faced knight's blood pooling beneath her.
"You want a heretic's help? And be branded one yourself? I thought Halone's halls would welcome you if you stared death in the face alone. Just like your father. Just like mine. Like everyone else whose bodies are Coerthan dust."
Gaelle bit her lip. Sighed. Rifled through her pack, yanked out a length of cloth. Stepped towards Beatrice - knelt down. "Hold still, Beatri-"
A sharp pain at her side. Gaelle forced the weakened knight's remaining arm back - too slow, too slow. Blood soaked into her coat, from a small knife slipped through her ribs. She coughed. Gasped. Yanked the knife out.
"Rot in hell, heret-"
She drove the knife through Beatrice's face, slapped the bandage on her own side. Agony. Every breath agony. Not good. Not good at all. Hateful Ishgard. Spiteful Ishgard. She had to live to see it burn. See it all fall down.
And mock it every step of the way. Mock the Twelve, mock their priests, mock their faith, mock their war, mock their murders and mock their lies. She struggled to stand. She couldn't die here. Not yet. She couldn't let Ishgard defeat her.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
She fell to a knee. Desperately pressing against the wound. She couldn't let this be it.
She couldn't...
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theexecutionerssong · 5 years
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louisinmadrid · 6 years
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safestsephiroth · 4 years
DailyWriting2020 - 2: Stolisomancy - Gaelle Troyes (FFXIV)
My dear friend Seyrr is assisting me in continuing my goal of daily writing by supplying prompts for me. Feel free to write to the prompts yourself, if you like!
Gaelle Troyes sat, as she often did, in her inn room. A plethora of costume kits, of makeup sets - one of the limited things she actually spent her money on was expanding her ability to look like whatever she damned well pleased. If there were a way to disguise herself as a lalafell, she would have found it. Just to have it on hand.
Yet as she sat there, she also deliberated.
The whole 'voice of the Twelve' schtick had worked for awhile now, to be sure, and it had that delightful little hint of blasphemy she did so adore - but surely she could expand her repertoire of ways to con the gullible and manipulate the wicked.
She rarely took notes, or kept them - too much evidence to leave behind to be found - but now she scribbled on a pad of paper, working out the next ideas:
-Divination by place of birth. Will work well on Ishgardians, possibly residents of Thanalan, unlikely to work elsewhere.
-Divination by scattering seed for dodos and observing their movements. Too inconvenient. Nobody keeps dodos lying around the city in enough quantity, and doing so outside leaves me vulnerable to ambushes.
-Divination by stars. Too dangerous; apparently the Sharlayans' Astromancy isn't all talk, and if one that actually knew it challenged me I'd be in trouble.
-Divination by paint-spattering. Too expensive, and I'd have to carry the supplies around everywhere. Makes it harder to run away.
-Divination by spinning until falling. Not worth the headache when I can just blaspheme.
-Divination by viewing entrails. Killing a goat every time I con someone is immensely wasteful and disrespectful of life. Not an option.
-Divination by clothing.
She blinked.
There it was.
It was so damned simple.
She already had to pay close attention to the clothes of her marks to begin with - to spot hidden weapons, of course, but also to get an idea of the sort of person they were. She had a keen eye and a sharp mind, and had more often than not been able to pry out some insight out of how people dressed. Including if they were trying to hide something by it.
So making a skill she already employed into another hoax...
Gaelle grinned. Tore the sheet off the pad, threw it into the fire. She'd need to practice in front of a mirror for a few weeks, but she could do it. Oh, but she could do it.
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safestsephiroth · 5 years
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This generator is AWESOME.
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theexecutionerssong · 6 years
troye cancelled the show tonight i’m about to cry but also baby needs to take care of himself and not feel guilty ahhh i’m a mess again i’d been waiting for this for years fuck
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theexecutionerssong · 6 years
demauryy replied to your post “troye cancelled the show tonight i’m about to cry but also baby needs...”
what happened? :((( ugh this sucks, but hopefully they'll be able to reschedule ����
no, he said it’s cancelled and that we’re getting a refund, it won’t be reschuled. I’m trying not to be disappointed because it’s not his fault he’s so sick he can’t talk let alone sing but yeah, I’d been waiting for so long and was so excited. Half the people at the London meet and greet were sick but he insisted on hugging them anyway and caught something :(
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theexecutionerssong · 6 years
i was going to troye’s concert as well so we can be sad together in solidarity
je suis tellement :(((( obviously i’m not mad at all, it is what it is, but yeah a little solidarity right now is appreciated. sending lots of good vibes your way
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