#Issabel Drake
drakeaesthetics · 7 years
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Issabel Drake Ballgown
Aoidos’ Turban (Wine Red)
Makai Markswoman’s Battledress (Wine Red)
Choral Ringbands
Spring Skirt (Jet Black)
Taoist’s Shows (Wine Red)
Tremor Earrings of X
Meteor Survivor Ring
Eternity Ring
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foewreckem · 8 years
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attention internet 2: aetheric boogaloo, I might need saving from @twelvesavethequeen
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twelvesavethequeen · 7 years
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Entry 260, 
The toy drives have been going so well, and I am so grateful. And as heart warming it is to see families come in watch children’s faces light up with joy when they unbox their perhaps only Starlight gift, the experience is made so much better by being surrounded by those I love.
Over the few days we’ve been running this from the office, Jaraku has taken the girls to the streets and made an impact there, Paradyme, Anhe, and even Rex have stopped by. Whether to help out or simply say hello their presence has been much welcome. They know that this is something I have been looking forward to, and the fact that they made it a priority ti share their time with me during it is nearly enough to move me to tears.
This right here, this is what I want my life to be. I want to help those less fortunate than me and do it surrounded by those I love. I thank my father for setting me on this path, and while I continue to do all I can to honor him, this one is for me.
@safestsephiroth @paradymeshift @lance-of-fury @rexnorh
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31charactersxiv · 5 years
The Masterlist
The sum total list of characters I play as. I maintain two accounts for the purposes of RPing multiple characters in a scene/event.
After each character, a brief summary. In the future, I will expand upon these so each has their own page.
My characters are for the most part lore-abiding. None 100% directly contradict canon, but some stretch it (quite) a bit more than others. Note that in the case of the Lee and Wae families, especially, they are eccentric, and despite their claims it is inconclusive whether they’re actually correct or not. What your character believes is not dictated to you.
Account 1:
Trudy Bays: Seeker of the Sun exiled from her tribe because the only thing she was good at was stealing, something she is extremely good at, but did through compulsion only and can’t ‘turn on’ as an ability. Now she’s joined a traveling troupe of stage performers, and wears a cavalcade of clashing, garish colors because she just really likes bright colors.
- Annabel Lee-Wae: Youngest daughter of Amelia Lee-Wae and Gerard Wae (deceased), her rebellious nature has led her to trying to perform acts of charity for others. Her general dumbassery, exacerbated by her cloistered upbringing, has led her to be near-totally incompetent.
- Kagome Voulaizun: Writer for The Crucible, absolute dumbass. Exiled from Ishgard, a place she refuses to state she’s from - indeed, she insists she’s the reincarnation of an ancient Doman hero. At best, she only ever half-knows what she’s talking about. Will condescendingly explain to a Doman why they’re wrong about their own country’s history rather than accept she might be wrong.
- Amelia Lee-Wae: Mother to Annabel, Ebony, and Tara. Sister to Lulu. Widow of Gerard Wae. Outcast from the Lee family of Ul’dah for her refusal of an arranged marriage in favor of marrying a self-made “new money” rich man, Amelia was once a terrifyingly powerful black mage known as The Crimson Witch. 
Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for everyone else, in her old age and in grieving her deceased husband she has grown increasingly detached from reality and her crackpot theories about the nature of magic and Ul’dahn history culminated in her quietly being confined to the Wae Manor, save for rare (supervised) travels outside. The final straw was when she insisted that the Ul line is illegitimate due to the “fact” that Lalafell are descended from Mhachi mammets and therefore not people.
- Lulu Lee-Williams: Crime lord from Ul’dah, moved to Thavnair to escape the Lee family’s insistence she marry a man. Instead married a Thavnairian noblewoman, using the strength of this connection, her own magical prowess and raw determination to forge a half-cult, half-criminal empire. 
Her followers are chosen from the poorest and most vulnerable, and she manipulates and indoctrinates them until she’s satisfied their loyalty is unshakable. Any who fail she eradicates and uses for her own magical ends. She has intentionally created a structure which cannot stand past her own death, and has curried all the power and influence she has for the ultimate goal of destroying the Lee family. 
Their crime of casting her out will see them destroyed, once and for all, and Lulu will see to it that her darling nieces Ebony and Tara inherit what’s left of the Lees. Cunning, dangerous, a witch through and through, Lulu is not to be trifled with.
Lacina Lune: A Viera once kidnapped by Garlemald and turned into an experimental brainwashed assassin, Lacina has since been cut loose after a bout of mental instability had her deemed too much a risk to carry on. Instead of executing her, she was dumped into Eorzea to, the Garleans presumed, wreak as much havoc as possible. 
Instead, she has fallen to delusion. Unable to accept that she failed her final mission, she instead believes her target has faked his death and gone into hiding. She pursues him relentlessly, a phantom she can never catch, while making plans for the future she cannot hope to fulfill without accepting the reality she fundamentally and categorically denies. Fascinated by music and obsessed with perfection, she does her best to function in the world but finds doing so increasingly difficult.
Coulement Williquette: Dravanian hunter, hailing from Tailfeather, Coulement is a simple man. Stifled by cities and only at home when on the hunt, he is a dedicated and capable monster hunter. Coulement is good-natured, kind of an idiot, and strives to be something of a hero, but his severe difficulties understanding Spoken have been his primary inhibitor. Coulement is presently engaged in hunting a legendary creature with his girlfriend (?) Alya, a far more cerebral hunter who is a perfect counterpart to him
Jaraku Drake: A bard with a long and storied past, Jaraku is ultimately a man defined by his passions and talents. His overwhelming love for and devotion to his wife Issabel Drake, whose last name he adopted, drive every action he takes and every move he makes.
Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn: Bastard son of the dread pirate Doesmaga, Zwynmaga has carried the burden of his birth his entire life. Rather than lash out at the world which so cruelly compared him to his father before he could even walk, Zwynmaga has instead devoted himself to proving all his detractors wrong. Where he is expected to be cruel, he delivers kindness. Where he is expected to be defiant, he offers fealty. 
He is a firm Lominsan patriot and member of the Maelstrom, and his achievements (despite his relatively young age) are already impressive to behold. From his flagship the Reconciliation, he has brought more than one renegade pirate to justice, and been a thorn in the side of Garlean shipping time and again. Every last member of his crew are absolutely devoted to him, and he runs his ship with a level of professionalism far more in line with a proper military than anything which could be confused with a pirate ship.
Zwynmaga is childhood friends with his navigator Swyggsyg, and his first mate Hyltbryda.
Ryoko Kasai: (In)famous yakuza operating out of Kugane, head of the Kasai-gumi, and fire-obsessed engineer. Kasai is something of an enigma to most - her history shrouded in mystery. All that is clear is that she burst onto the scene with a vengeance some six years past, and has since then carved out a comfortable niche for the Kasai-gumi. Keeping her organization small, highly-capable and devoted, Kasai looks ever-outward for opportunities to expand, and spread her fire across the realm.
Chiaki Ishimoto: A creature most commonly termed a “vampire”, a term she takes offense to yet offers no satisfying alternative to, Chiaki is a ranking member of a Hingan secret society which exists to defend Hingashi from threats supernatural. Chiaki herself is specialized in the treating with and binding of creatures which cause trouble in and around Kugane. An exceedingly dangerous opponent in a fight with centuries of experience behind her, Chiaki had until quite recently grown complacent. Only after being shown she is not infallible has she begun focusing on self-betterment.
Chiaki despises Eorzea and has no interest in ever returning if she can possibly help it, and views Kugane as her own private treasure. One she defends with her life.
- Rydia Misuto: Survivor of the burning of Monzen, Rydia has been severely traumatized by the stark contrast between living with her kindhearted mother and watching the very same mother be violently killed in the attack. Near-broken by her single-minded lust for power and revenge, Rydia has done everything she is able to apply her unique tenacity towards her ultimate goal: Becoming strong enough to make sure, once and for all, that the Garleans never return to Doma.
Rydia is loosely inspired by the character Rydia from Final Fantasy IV.
Asagao Shiragiko: Hingan samurai who denounced the corrupt government of Hingashi but, rather than fight it directly, has instead resolved to spread knowledge and teaching to as many as she can, and thus empower the peasantry towards a peaceful revolution. Her lack of visible progress despite over a decade of work is starting to wear thin on her.
Asagao is exceptionally capable as a samurai, but certainly not the best alive.
Account 2:
Tabatha Tombclutch: Tabatha, or “Tabby”, rarely ever gives her last name to others. Instead, she self-styles herself the infamous “Tombclutch”, a grave robber and tomb explorer with zero respect for any of the historical ground she treads beyond stealing the most appealing items there. She does not fence any of her acquisitions, and gains nothing from them but the rush of success. Instead, she squirrels them away - so that her wealthy parents remain unaware of what their daughter’s been doing those nights she spends off on her own.
Tabby uses her cover as an archaeologist to find the best places to rob, and has absolute certainty in herself due to a unique power she has cultivated, through the aid of a tutor whose motives are far from benevolent. Casting aside the thaumaturgical lessons her parents sent her to, Tabby has instead delved into the magic of ‘luck’. The upside is it allows her to sharpen her senses to a supernatural degree, and gives her a sense for danger far more honed than most, as well as allowing her to manipulate minor aspects of fate around her (such as dice rolling or card games.) 
The downsides to this power are that it can be unreliable, and that the use of it casts a bright aetherial beacon around herself, one which is extremely easy to detect. She is unaware of this fact. In combat, she prefers to run away and fights only to escape. She “justifies” her actions to herself by refusing to kill Spoken, and will go out of her way to risk her own life to save a pursuer if they would otherwise die as a result of her own actions. To some scant few, this has ingratiated the “Tombclutch” as a hero of sorts. But in Nald’Thal-worshiping Ul’dah, robbing the dead cannot be forgiven.
Gaelle Troyes: Former Ishgardian knight, now exiled, Gaelle has devoted her life to being a living, walking mockery of everything Ishgard believes. By taking her superb skills in reading others and applying it to “fortune-telling”, Gaelle manipulates those she gives “readings” to towards ends which remain unclear to most.
Ultimately, she wants to mock the gods, spread chaos, and better the lives of people she finds worth it along the way.
Gaelle has sworn an oath of pacifism she will die before she breaks, a direct spit in the eye to the country that tried to make her into a weapon. Despite her act, no reading of hers should be taken as in-setting being an actual divine message, though what those she hoodwinks believes is of course up to them.
Kyou Hurekakuko: Hingan tattoo artist from Bukyo, Kyou is the inheritor to a school of tattooists which trace their lineage back generations... Or so she thinks. In reality, despite her impressive skill, her mentor decided it best she be pushed to start her own business, as she is too abrasive to become the face of his. Kyou is presently ‘exiled’ to Kugane by the Bukyo Yakuza for assisting Kasai, and her overwhelming egotism earns her few friends.
Still, it can’t be denied that when she knows someone enough to ‘peer into their soul’, she can swiftly identify the perfect tattoo to represent them as a person, and ‘empower’ them. If they were to allow her to use her magic-infused inks, that is.
That’s only if she can be bothered to care, of course.
Clyde Arrowny: Known as “Shadow”, he is a shinobi in dedicated service to Cardelica Tachibana, and tolerates no threats or slights against his master. A stark contrast to the cheery and optimistic girl, Shadow is noteworthy for being acutely stoic and grim. He uses a variety of glamours to move about Kugane and keep tabs on individuals of note who may either be of aid or a threat to his master, and responds accordingly.
An exceptionally-powerful shinobi, Shadow has been said to be the equal to a hundred men on the battlefield. The reality of this has never been tested.
Shadow is explicitly inspired by the character of the same name from Final Fantasy VI.
Gerrith Gaffgarion: An ex-Ala Mhigan national, Gerrith is an absolute monster of a man who revels in violence and killing. A Dark Knight whose powers grew twisted and far more malevolent than his mentor could allow, Gerrith slew his own mentor to ensure his own skills would be all the more valuable.
A villain through-and-through, he has spent decades as one of the more feared mercenaries operating across Thanalan and La Noscea. Despite charging exorbitant fees for his services, Gerrith has zero actual desire to amass wealth, and exclusively uses it to either pay his lone ‘partner’, create self-sustaining cash flow, and facilitate the continuation of his grim work through bribery and other such means. Gerrith has a well-reputation for leaving no survivors wherever he is hired to attack.
Gerrith Gaffgarion is loosely inspired by Goffard Gaffgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics. 
- Gui Charlemalde: A Gridanian adventurer, Gui was adopted by Duskwights as an infant, and has since grown to be one of the most kindhearted people in all the Black Shroud. Electing to inherit his father’s mantle as an adventurer, so that his elder brother would not feel guilt over following his dreams of being a carpenter, Gui has spent every day of his adult life with a very plain mission:
Do all the good he can.
Choosing to focus on smaller threats and problems than most, Gui firmly believes the role of an adventurer is to help those who otherwise would not be helped. No job is too small, no task is beneath him, so long as it is to help those in dire need.
In recent times, Gui has grown painfully aware that he has been cursed from birth to carry a voidsent in his blood which he is increasingly at odds with. His overwhelming positivity and commitment to his own good-naturedness have kept the voidsent mostly at bay, so far. But for how long can such a thing last?
Tange Shishido: Aged Doman samurai, severely injured in years past, Tange seeks to train all she can in her art so as to prepare another generation of samurai to defend Doma. The older he gets, the more her injuries hold her back, but in her day she was unquestionably one of the most powerful samurai in the realm.
Tange’s acceptance of ijin as students, contingent on their swearing an oath to defend Doma if ever the country needs them, has made her unpopular with many, but she has a long history of eschewing tradition wherever she feels it stifling her.
Ebony Wae: Eldest (by minutes) twin sister of Tara Wae, eldest sister to Annabel Lee-Wae, and oldest not-disowned child of Amelia and Gerard Wae, Ebony is a driven businesswoman with tyrannical tendencies. Devoted to an unorthodox cult of Nald’Thal espoused by her family, Ebony secretly thinks of herself as the incarnation of Nald. With a careful eye to the family businesses, and an insatiable appetite for expansion, the only things holding Ebony back are her insistence on fair treatment of employees, and the handful of distractions she often allows to get in her way.
Most notably among these are her love of combat and the thrill of the hunt, and her preoccupation with making sure Tara is able to find a husband of high enough quality to be worth continuing the family line with.
Ebony cherishes her Aunt Lulu, and is exceedingly protective of her little sister Annabel. Trained in the ways of the Dark Knight by a tutor who regretted the contract almost immediately, Ebony is prone to violence and destruction as her preferred solution to any problems or threats which arise, so long as she remains within the confines of her obsession with obeying the letter of the law.
Ebony and her sisters have a variety of beliefs which are foreign to the common resident of Thanalan, chiefly that hoarding money is a sin against Nald because the exchange of currency is how Nald expresses Himself. Between this and many other ideological anomalies, her radical and unusual beliefs have led her to accidentally be one of the more beneficial people in Thanalan to the region’s well-being.
Kogyoku Yuzuka: Yakuza, member of the Kasai-gumi, absorbed into the organization during first wave of expansion through Kugane. Kogyoku is a skilled fighter and loyal member of the organization. She is often paired with her best friend Ken, a Roegadyn who towers over her. The two make an effective duo - Ken’s brazenness tempered by Kogyoku’s cool-headed rationality.
Adroit Aegolius: Going by a pseudonym designed to innately test the knowledge of everyone he meets, Aegolius is a Sharlayan researcher come to Eorzea to learn more about Blue Magic. One of the younger children of a large Sharlayan family, Aegolius has used his family’s sway - with his eldest brother’s support - to allow himself the freedom to fully explore the potential of this new field of magic, contingent on having something to show it was worth the funding upon his return.
Aegolius is a smooth-talker who seeks out opportunities to enjoy life while he’s still young, but at the same time yearns for the days in decades to come when it is him who is the aged, wise wizard passing knowledge and judgment down to those beneath him.
Hyltbryda Eyrieynwyn: First mate to Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn, Hyltbryda is a rough-and-tumble Roegadyn who’s far more playful and competitive than her more reserved captain. Hyltbryda frequently challenges those she likes to competitions of physical strength and endurance, and has beaten more than a few people swimming back and forth along the docks of Aleport. She uses a spear in combat, a tradition she has kept onto after defeating a haughty Ishgardian in a fight with one.
Hyltbryda is often the source of minor pranks on the crew, and enjoys messing with those she likes in good-natured ways. Hyltbryda is dating Lee Whims.
Kavatch Beamsplitter: A Nagxian monk who emphasizes strength over all else, the “Beamsplitter” is noted for his single-minded devotion to bettering the world through what he sees as the only possible way to do so:
Tempering those who can weather his stern outlook, and breaking those who cannot.
Kavatch is brutal and forward-focused, always striving towards a place where he has enough strength to shape the world to his whims. To change the face of Hydaelyn to match his ideal: a world where the strongest rule and protect the weak, and anyone can rise to the top through self-betterment. Where positions of power must be fought for to be maintained, and the infirm or incompetent are ousted in short order by those wiser and more capable below them.
Kavatch has disdain for those who fight using entirely mechanical means, such as firearms. In his eyes, the truest expression of perfection is the ability to fight with one’s own body and spirit, eschewing all other ‘distractions’.
Kavatch set out on a journey, recently, telling the students of his school that those most experienced among them should build up the rest, and that he would teach them more when they were able to find and defeat him - not a moment before.
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yuri-cocaine · 7 years
giveaway story for @twelvesavethequeen!
A headline in the Mythril Eye drew attention that morning over breakfast and commute down the Fronds: the countess Fafano, heiress apparent to the Thanalan Diamond Emporium, a hair’s breadth away from a seat on the Syndicate, was found dead yesterday evening with her throat cut in an alley off Pearl Lane. Suspects were listed, motives were questioned, and the general consensus was that the good lady met her inevitable end from mounting gambling debt. An opinion piece written by a stodgy old reporter wondered if “millenniums” were killing the diamond industry.
But the corpse was found in a Drake’s Aesthetics gown, all silk and sequins, and Issabel Drake wondered if corrupt money-grubbers were doing this on purpose.
Sales were down. Sales were already down before word on the street spread faster than brush fire about the most fashionable way to die, which was in finery tailored by Izzi Drake.
“There is such a thing called reputation,” Issabel told her assistants as she fished around in a polished oak cabinet. ��We’re tanking, and it’s not with an axe.”
She pulled the cork from a frosted bottle with a pop, took a sip, shuddered, and smiled. “This ought to do it, I think.”
This was Ul’dah, where sand turned to gold, gold turned to blood, and Issabel turned to the myriad gleaming galas and soirees in which to dress new clients and take their money. There was something so satisfying about ripping corrupt coin from corrupt hands and putting the wealth back where it belonged. The masses thronging outside the city walls in Stonesthrow and Lost Hope deserved that gil. Issabel would help them, and in so doing help herself.
Hers was supposed to be a good business. It was fucking legit.
She went to lunch at a newly opened café with a white stucco balcony overlooking the Ruby Avenue Exchange. It was designed in the style of the Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa, complete with imported morning glories twining about the railing and imported La Noscean lilybells on every table and an imported waiting staff. Issabel smiled at the Hellsguard realtor whose name she couldn’t be bothered to remember sitting across from her. He was wearing, she noticed, the latest suit from Redolent Rose’s summer collection. It was pastel yellow and hideous on him.
“I hope you’re a drinking man,” said Issabel, pulling the bottle out from her bag. “This is a sixth astral era Bacchus.”
“Ooh, Lady Issabel, you shouldn’t have!”
Within minutes he was babbling about every topic he could think of, from vacations to his villa on Bloodshore to his plans for erecting luxury condominiums after every last soul left in the Silver Bazaar was evicted. Issabel hid her disgust and poked and prodded until at last he spoke of a celebratory party.
“We’ve got people coming in from Cinderfoot to the Sagolii,” he boasted. “Imagine! That whole stretch of land by Hammerlea, sold!”
He slapped the table for emphasis. 
“Biggest event of the season! No—the year! By Thal, it’ll be—hic—it’ll be magnificent!”
“And with a theme to match, I take it?” asked Issabel.
“Theme? Oh, right, a theme. Hmm, well, I hadn’t, uh, really thought about that.” He poured himself a sixth glass. “What do you suggest, my lady? A theme for the, uhhhhhh, the, uh, thing.”
“You want my suggestion? Well, then,” Issabel looked him in the eye. “How about an evening of mystery and intrigue. For the big man on the block.”
The realtor in the pudding suit roared with laughter. “Like the headline from this morning! Thal’s balls, murdered in an evening gown! It’s perfect! Masquerade, Lady Issa—Isshabella’s bloody gowns, it’s great, it’s the besht idea…”
“So you agree then? That you and your entourage will wear only Drake’s Aesthetics for the biggest upcoming ball in all Ul’dah?”
“Of course, of course! I wouldn’t have anything—anything else!”
That was the answer she wanted. Issabel pulled out a contract and quill like a gladiator unsheathing a blade and watched him sign it. When he left after lunch, wobbling and green-faced, Issabel stayed behind with the contract and looked out over the city.
The money from this venture will go to the Silver Bazaar, she decided. Kikipu would appreciate the donation. And there will be no evictions, no ivory towers at Hammerlea, no more tents at Stonesthrow full of desperate people.
This was a snake, she thought. Bloated with gold and poison, but Issabel will milk the venom from its fangs. She returned to her office that evening, and began drafting concepts for a new dress.
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feeny · 7 years
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Jaraku Drake: "So. Here you are again. How's it feel to be an extra in someone else's life?" Issabel Drake is annoyed with Jaraku Drake. You look at Jaraku Drake in shock! Lee Whims: "....hey remember that time I kicked your ass? How does it feel to be an extra to my fist! Jaraku Drake: "Please. I threw the fight for the audience. Makes for a better show, gets more sympathy than beating a tiny girl up." Lee Whims: "Tiny?!" Lee Whim: "Fine" You spar with Jaraku Drake. Lee Whims: "Lets go" Jaraku Drake: "Not in Issabel's office!" Jaraku Drake: "Are you mad?" Lee Whims: "What? You a coward? Jaraku Drake) "I /love my wife/ and don't want to cause her any more trouble than I already have." Lee Whims: "Fine! Lets take this outside!" ------
Jaraku Drake "Come on, then!" Jaraku Drake spars with you. You spar with Jaraku Drake.
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Jaraku Drake: "One two three FLOOR!" *WHAM*. Lee Whims Lee takes a punch straight to the face
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((Lee Whim gets knocked the fuck out featuring @safestsephiroth and @twelvesavethequeen ))
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sasha-rochester · 7 years
RP connections thingy
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Full Name: Sasha Elizabeth Rochester Race: Midlander Hyur Sex: Female Occupation: Scholar, Researcher, Alchemist, Independent Mage.
Personality type (laid back, militant, high strung, etc):
Equipped with smooth words, a disarming smile, and a keen eye for what she can use to her benefit, she sees the world as her playground for lies and deception. Her demeanor is pleasant and charming, always keeping a friendly though somewhat distant disposition. Seductive, provocative and perhaps a little cheeky, she takes pleasure from keeping others off-balance.
To those she can benefit from, this mask will be kept almost permanently plastered on her face, always willing to please and seduce. Analytical to the core, she will inspect and morph into what she believes others expect her to be, from the foolish, harmless damsel in distress, to the cunning archmage. Give her a stage she desires and she will put on a show. To her, all truths are malleable and easily bent, words are nothing but child's play. People she considers fools or threatening will see another side of her, however. And they will soon discover that the coy smile bears sharp teeth and a sharper tongue. While she doesn't seek to harm, her patience is often limited towards those she deems incompetent, and her sweet words will turn into bitter sarcasm and condescending arrogance.
Due to a distaste towards violence, she has a strong inclination towards battles of wit when facing conflict. Sasha also implements under-handed tactics, and more than anything, persuasion. She sees fists and blades as the arms of savages, and will frown upon those who see them as their first resort.
Despite her seemingly refined demeanor, she can be quite reckless and childish in her pursuit of magical power, having an absolute fascination for aetherial phenomena. She doesn't care that aether harms her. So long as she can feel the rush of magic surging through her veins, she will always be motivated to look for more. Due to her aetherial sensitivity, her obsession with magic has proven many times to be highly detrimental to her condition. She stubbornly insists on continuing to push herself further and further, caring not for the consequences.
Manipulative, self-destructive, scheming, secretive, and distrustful, it's easy to portray her under a negative light when people discover that part of her nature, but in her eyes, her tactics are nothing but a shell that protects her from a harsh, ruthless world. With few enemies and even fewer friends, she feels deep affection and loyalty towards those who choose to stand by her side, even after witnessing the best and worst of her.
What does your character look like?:
Face Sasha has a very pale, clear complexion. She has a white birth mark on her left cheekbone, but no blemishes besides that. In a way, she looks like a porcelain doll. Her eyes are large, framed by thick, dark eyelashes. Colour-wise, they are what one would call a ‘forest green’, Green with a yellower undertone than blue. Her features could be described as delicate and femenine, with a thin nose, rounded, high cheekbones, and plump lips. Her face is relatively long, with a small chin and jaw. I would say her face is heart-shaped, and yes, her hairline does have a small widow’s peak.  Body Her body, much like her face, is diligently cared for. Her waistline would be like the classical femenine hourglass. She’s considered somewhat busty, but not as much as some of her friends. Her hips are proportional to this. She’s fairly slender, but lacks any good muscle definition save for her lower torso and legs. Her arms are likely a lost cause. I’d say her frame is medium to small. She also has the ‘dimples of venus’ on her lower back. 
Favorite hobby:
Forming Connections
Motto they live by:
“ Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”
Favorite type of environment:
She is very fond of the night--Particularily near the sea or the ocean. She also enjoys places that she considers lively bastions of civilization, like Ul’dah. Otherwise, give her a warm, starry night, a candle, and some books. 
(I can’t write down all her connections because I will murder my fingers that way. I will name her closest allies, or those she has had for the longest time. Excluding X’elo from this one.)
Edda Eglatine (@lodsamone) Edda is someone she finds deightfully entertaining and disarming, despite the fact Edda herself is played as a very awkward, uptight character. Sasha sees a kindred spirit in what she could have been, and seeks to break Edda’s uptight and timid exterior.  Lorentz Rivers (@andarion) He put up with so much of her shit and still protects her. He also isn’t scared to knock her out when she’s being irrational or violent. I guess he’s O.K. OOC, kind of a loser nerd.  Issabel Drake (@twelvesavethequeen) There’s a friendly competition between both of them. Sasha genuinely find her company charming and enjoyable, albeit vexxing at times. There are too many things they share in common for her not to constantly compare herself to Issabel.  Gogonji Gegenji (@gegenji) She cares about this man as much as she admires him. In a way, she sees Gogonji as a mentor. She values his counsel and input more than any other of her allies or friends.  Miziutte Zuiremand (@themizyin) Though their interactions are limited, she genuinely cares about Miziutte and truly wants to establish a healthy, lasting friendship with her. In a way, despite their different backgrounds, she sees a kindred spirit in academic pursuit. 
Who they admire:
Her grandmother (Caroline Chamberlain), though she admittedly does it because she idolizes her. Sasha admires Caroline as much as she fears and distrusts her. Their relationship is somewhat toxic and abusive, as they both idealize each other to the point of an unhealthy obsession to meet each other’s expectations.
What do they hope to do 10 years from now?:
Take over the world and let there be a dominion of the uncontrollable power of aeth--Okay, no. Just kidding. She hopes to become a renowned and respected archmage and scholar. Her ultimate goal is to be the kind of mage people write legends about, to her, that’s the only way she can truly honor her bloodline. She hates the fact her ancestors are so much greater than her, so she truly hopes she one day will surpass them.
Are they single? If not, who is their spouse/partner/life mate?:
 Happily married to X’elo Maimhov.
What do they look for in friends?:
People she can use. No, seriously. People she can use. 
If they walked into a bar and saw a talking slug, what would their reaction be?:
Be disgusted and fascinated. Would likely observe it for quite a long time. If the talking slug was somewhat intelligent, she may try to carry a conversation, but again, she may be utterly repulsed by the idea.
Usual Playtime: 6-7 p.m. EST
Server: Balmung
FC/Guild: <<Thorn>>
Looking for (friends, ships, hate ships, shady connections, etc.):
EVERYTHING. All of it. You want to stab her? Go ahead. 
RP Hooks: If you’re from Sharlayan: Sasha’s grandmother, Caroline Chamberlain, is a well-known professor and scholar who is native to Sharlayan. She doesn’t travel outside the city state much, but she certainly has a lot of connections within. It’s not difficult for me to set something up from this angle. If you’re from Ul’dah: She does not have a terribly good reputation, but hey! She’s known for being rich! And manipulative. And dishonest. Also, people die around her a lot, especially people who are inconvenient to her. But hey! Money! Also she spends like 90% of her time in Ul’dah.  If you’re in The Shroud: She travels to the Shroud a lot, mainly for research and alchemical ingredients. Usually goes with a bodyguard, but may go alone if she’s in a bad/incompetent mood. Aether there fucks her up. If you’re a Mage in any city-state: Sasha loooooves fellow mages. She has a record of academic excellence and is seen as competent in most, if not all forms of magic available to the Eorzean general public. Any magic is a common ground for her. If you have connections to the Ul’dahn or Lominsan criminal underground: Sasha’s former husband, Stefan Delumiere, used to have a big influence on the criminal underworld up until he dissappeared. He mainly dealt with the black market for “alternative medicine” (If you know what I mean). He was also known as a lying, scheming, criminal piece of shit. A complete con-man. The chances of him marrying her for the money are high. If your character is a Noble of any sorts (or stupidly rich): Sasha is a very socially aware character, so if your character comes from a wealthy family like her own, chances are, she has heard about them. There’s also a high possibility that there are pre-existing relations between her family and your character’s own. This can be settled OOC.  If you’re an Alchemist: She is often found in the Alchemist’s guild, but if not, she is more than open to people who share her love for Alchemy. If you’re a scholar: Same as Alchemist. She appreciates people she can have a common ground with.  Sasha should be back in the RP Scene next month, after a 6 month hiatus to Sharlayan. 
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@f-i-n-d-4 and @shut-up-crystal Drake, Issabelle and Crystal respectively. Had these done for a while now just forgot to post it. Sorry about that! Issabelle with cat ears doing a typical cat pose bc of a dumb thing with a friend and Drake in a dragon onsie bc another friend suggested it
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I met with Azi again. She’s doing well. I’m glad. Said she went into the Palace of the Dead on a training mission.
Training? Isn’t that a weird place to train? Maybe I’ll go, too. Azi seemed really opposed to the idea, too. So I decided to give her a chance to stop me, because if she really thought it was THAT dangerous she would have.
See, Turns out she raised a woman from the dead named Yue, and is lying to her about her past. I don’t care that she brought her back to life, but lying to her? That’s not okay. That’s what my parents did. When Yue finds out, she’ll be terribly upset.
She said she’d only told A’zaela and Ashe about this already. She refuses to tell Yue the truth. I can’t let that poor girl live a lie. I won’t let that happen to someone else. But how can I stop this? I don’t want to tell her, because it’d be better if Azi told her directly.
Maybe if I find someone else Azi respects? But who?
...Wait, she’s friends with Issabel Drake, isn’t she?
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safestsephiroth · 7 years
★ Jara -> Izzi
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you (consensually) / You annoy me/ You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me (dump dat vampire chick yo @sasha-rochester ) / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back (temporarily) / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you (consensually) / You’re wonderfully loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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drakeaesthetics · 7 years
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On December 21, at 8pm EST Issabel Drake will be opening her office to the public for an in-character toy drive! It will be held at her office in the Goblet Ward 5 Apartment 16!
The Rules:
We will be giving out real toys (Wind up minions and stuffed furnishing items).
Recipients will be divided into two groups using the honor system. If you play a poor character you will get a free toy. If you are a character with money who wants a toy, donate real gil and get a toy of similar value to however much you donated. More gil gets you better toys.
We will be going until we run out of toys and you’re free to hang around the office!
I know it’s a last minute announcement but I hope to see you there!
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dannycafcgoddard · 7 years
Rehearsals: Week evaluation
For the past week my group have made a lot of changes to our cover of ‘The Chain’ and the choices of songs we previously had in mind or attempted to run through. After deciding on The Chain we all discussed another song idea to cover and again. The ideas we all pitched together were:
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
Soft Cell - Tainted Love 
Little Willie John - Fever 
Drake - Passionfruit 
On monday morning our group was set to perform to the other class what we had been working on. It didn’t go well because Issabelle didn’t properly the guitar riff and we hadn’t got perfect from beginning to end. Also, Dave informed me that my bass wasn’t in tune.  
Again, Charlotte highly suggested that we should attempt ‘Cherry Bomb’ as it is an underrated punk classic with a lot of energy, vocal wise as well as instrumental. We listened to it on the speakers so everyone in the group could get a feel for it. We then received help from Jayden in the second year so we could configure the right chords, keys, timing, etc. Once everyone knew where they were at we practiced it a few times but we eventually scrapped it because Charlotte’s voice was too melodic and flat for the song (nevertheless she is still a fantastic singer). We also attempted Tainted Love but Charlotte felt as if she wouldn't be able to sing it, even though we could've changed the keys of our instruments but she didn't like it so we just moved on. I came up with the suggestion of covering 'Fever' by Little Willie John (1956) but make it sound different. Dave also suggested that the guitar and bass should sound quite raw and that Joe should perform a drum beat along the lines of drum & bass to create build-up. Dave also changed the bass chords to A1 (x3), A4 (x2), E1 (X11), E4 (x1), then back to A1 (repeat). Before the chorus comes in me and Charlotte agreed that we should both sing "You give me fever" because it would be a good build up to the following chorus which sounds really raw and energetic. When we finished everyone's roles and started practicing it, everyone was optimistic to the fact that something good is going to come out of this cover, as we turned a 50s jazz song to raw punk!
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twelvesavethequeen · 7 years
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Entry 258,
I’ve been spending a lot of time with Paradyme as of late. She’s genuinely a pleasure to be around, clothed or not. She's genuine and earnest and of course, quite awkward, though that's one of my favorite things about her. It's cute, actually. I look forward to spending time with her, and I know she does as well, perhaps more so.
Because she's falling in love with me. I treasure the words, from whoever they come from. But I still cannot help but feel something stir within me every time I hear it. I am happy with Jaraku, happier in my life overall than I've ever been, and this arrangement we've made is great because it allows me to experience a woman's touch whenever I'd like, which is something I sorely missed. And I set out knowing that this was a physical arrangement. Yet in bumbles this woman, trying too hard to seduce me at first, and she's so quickly drilled her way into my life.
What does it mean if I develop feelings for her as well? Does it mean that Jaraku is not enough for me? Or is it that I have so much love in my heart that it overflows? Gods, even ten years ago I'd have never imagined even thinking that thought.
I know myself, I get too caught up in my own head too often, I can think too much and feel too little. But these are uncharted waters for me. I enjoy my time with Paradyme, Jaraku enjoys his time with her, and we all enjoy being together as a unit.  I’ve asked her multiple times how she feels about this arrangement, if she feels it’s fair. And every time she’s not protested, simply glad to have me at all. Her adoration fills me with joy, but what does she deserve?
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dat-paw · 8 years
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i changed my hair for my All Saint's Wake costume and this happened
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feat. @varae-ver-you-are, @twelvesavethequeen, @ersatzalias
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An Anniversary To Remember
Jaraku Drake woke up excited and alone. Issabel had slipped out of the room while he was asleep, and his immediate suspicion was that she was planning something for what was sure to be one of the greatest days of the year: their wedding anniversary.
He spent a half hour looking over his wardrobe, debating what to wear. He eventually settled on his favorite clothes as of late, an outfit inspired by a drawing he’d seen of the Fists of Rhalgr in an old book. After the hour and a half it took to go about his daily routine of showering, hair care, skin care, makeup application and getting dressed, he left the room to look for Issabel.
He scoured the Sandsea, but could find neither hide nor hair of his much beloved wife. Unsure of where to search next, he went back to their room to regroup and think. There, he saw something new: a note on the cactuar lamp Issabel kept by the couch.
He retrieved the note without delay. It read:
“Dearest husband, this past year has been the most wonderful of my life. I’ve found happiness unlike I’ve ever known. I wish to show you a fraction of my happiness with a game. Open the drawer in front of the fireplace and follow the clues to find me. A familiar rose will guide you every step along the way.”
A game! How spectacular! I can’t wait to see what she has planned.
He slid across the floor to the coffee table in front of the fireplace, yanking open the drawer with all haste. Inside was another note, this one smelling strongly of Issabel’s rose-scented perfume:
“Your journey begins where ours did.Where I came running when you called for me.”
When everything was going wrong. When I wasn’t sure if I had a place in the world to belong. When I’d screwed up horribly, and couldn’t think of anyone to turn to but her.
That tree, by the Aftcastle.
As soon as he finished reading the note, Issabel buzzed his linkshell. She had a hint of mischief to her voice.
“I take it you’ve found my note, love.”
He grinned, and though she couldn’t see it he was sure she knew all the same.
“I have, and I must say that you’ve outdone yourself this time. This game is an absolutely wonderful idea!”
It was true. He hadn’t been this excited in ages. He was looking forward to this more than he’d looked forward to killing rogue gods with his friends.
“Oh, but you’ve just begun,” Issabel said, and the call ended.
He teleported for Limsa Lominsa.
He cut through the crowds with the speed that came with a lifetime of experience, briefly lamenting that he’d elected to wear an outfit that came with a stylish eyepatch but unwilling to sacrifice fashion for function. As he drew near the tree where he’d awaited Issabel over a year past, he caught sight of a Miqo’te woman wearing the same outfit Issabel had worn so often in those days. The woman had a red rose in her hair. She waved at him, confirming that this was, in fact, part of the game. The woman bowed to him by way of greeting.
“That’s...” he began, taken aback by the costume. He was blown away at how perfect a recreation the clothing was.
“You’ve found the first clue quickly, Jaraku.”
That’s what she has to say? Clearly Issabel didn’t tell her who she was dealing with!
He burst out laughing. She looked mildly confused, so he explained his reaction: 
“I can’t believe she made you a copy of her favorite outfit! Delightfully theatrical, she is.”
The woman shrugged. “‘Tis what she paid me to wear.”
He couldn’t contain his excitement, but he was quite grateful to the woman for playing her part. He considered how odd the assignment must have seemed to her - wait in one place for a man to come by and laugh, give him a hint for a puzzle.
“I appreciate your assistance in this grand game,” he said. “Might I ask where the next hint lies?”
She nodded, cleared her throat and quoted the next hint from memory: “Continue on to where we played a game and I spilled my heart, then and there does the fun truly start.”
Played a game... The Gold Saucer! She spilled her heart at the bar. Of course! And she won my jacket off me, for awhile, too.
He suppressed another laugh, nodding instead.
“Of course! I hope you have a good day, miss.”
He bowed to her, his mind already on the next task.
“Best of luck to you,” she said.
I was so afraid, when she came to see me there. And everything became so much better after that. We talked all evening and all night. I made a song for her, she taught me about arcanima. She showed me she had so much to give, and I was already falling for her.
As he turned to walk away, mind swimming with fond memories, his linkpearl buzzed again.
“Surely you can’t be stumped already,” Issabel said, playfully taunting him.
“Hardly,” he replied. “I was merely taking the time to be polite to your hired hand.”
He arrived at the Gold Saucer in good spirits. As he made his way to the bar, he eyed the various sideshow games. He thought about all the things they’d talked about, back then. About the suit he’d worn, and how he’d explained that it was a risk just to wear it at all. She’d seemed impressed by the story. It was with this on his mind that he approached the bar and saw an auri woman wearing a gold suit that perfectly matched the one he’d worn all that time ago, with a small fairy flying near her and a bottle of fine wine on the bar next to her. The woman had a red rose in her hair. He burst out laughing at the sight.
“…Well hello to you, too, Punchy,” the woman said. He wiped the tears from his eyes before he replied.
“I’m afraid that nobody in the world can make that suit look as good as I can. But a stellar attempt!” He couldn’t believe the level of planning Issabel had gone to.
And there was her voice, again, a pleasing tone in his ear.
“You seem fairly amused.”
“This is the best game I’ve played in a long, long time!”
“Good. I slaved long and hard to plan it.”
As if reading off a script, the woman began to speak.
“Isa-” The fairy pulled at her hair and gave her a stern look.
“…Mistress Drake’s-” She gave the fairy a pointed look “-idea.”
“Yes, I’d imagined as much. She’s a master planner. Thank you for assisting in our grand game, friend.”
He bowed politely, everything in his soul wanting to dance with joy for the memories leaping to the forefront again.
The woman, who did not and could not possibly share his joy, shrugged. “Anything for free drink, really.”
A drink! At the spot she got drunk off her ass she paid the help with a drink!
“Might I ask for the next clue and leave you to your drink, then?”
Before answering, the gold-suited woman took a long swig from the bottle of wine, which Jaraku noticed seemed to be obscenely expensive. 
“Sure thing punchy, its...” She cleared her voice as he suppressed another laugh at the nickname ‘punchy’. “’You’ll next find yourself in a place where I feel no fear. Where you expected me to flee, but instead held you more dear.’”
Expected her to flee... Forgotten Springs! Where we talked about fears, where I told her about my... less-legal actions towards horrible people. I was so worried she’d reject me, see me as a monster, think me a terrifying man of violence. But she didn’t. She held me all the closer for it. What a beautiful day that was!
It was as if a shining light had appeared above his head. The woman in the gold suit was completely unfazed.
“Of course!” he said. “Thank you for your help, friend.”
He bowed courteously and turned to leave. As he walked away, Issabel buzzed his linkshell again, and he blurted out the praise that was at the forefront of his mind:
“I can’t believe you managed to make a picture-perfect replica of that suit. You’ve been planning this for ages, eh?”
“But of course,” she said. Of course she’d put a grand effort into this. For a day this important, she wouldn’t hold anything back. She’s amazing like that.
He was completely enraptured with the game, dying to see the course it would take.
He made for Forgotten Springs.
He sprinted all the way to the spring, and was rewarded with the sight of a familiar rose and swimsuit, worn by another Miqo’te woman he’d never met before.
The same swimsuit she’d worn! It looked better on her.
Don’t say that, he warned himself. He feigned trepidation, as if there were any chance in the world he’d misunderstood why this woman was here.
“…So this is either about to be very awkward, or I’m here to see you.”
“I believe the latter, sir,” she said. “Have you enjoyed your journey thus far?”
What a silly question. But then, I suppose this woman wouldn’t be aware of how important this place is, would she? I wonder if Issabel’s been briefing these assistants of hers on why they’re waiting where they’re waiting.
“This has been far and away the most fun I’ve had in a long, long time. A fantastic anniversary gift from the greatest woman in the world!”
The woman seemed satisfied with his answer.
“Mmm,” she said, “Mistress Issabel is quite lovely indeed, to arrange such a fantastic affair for you. How long have you two been wed, might I ask?”
“Exactly a year today!” And the best year I’ve ever lived.
“Congratulations, sir! I am so very glad to hear.”
The grin in his heart spread to his face. He fired off the best metaphor that came to mind.
“We are the greatest pair to ever exist. We match better than flames and heat.”
“I would not deny you that claim, sir!”
Jaraku looked up to the sky a moment. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. I can’t believe this life’s real. So many things accomplished, so much inspiration, so many adventures... So much joy.
When he returned to reality, the Miqo’te woman was writing a message on a small piece of parchment.
“I’ll not delay your evening any longer,” she said, a pleasant tone in her voice. “This is your next clue.”
“Thank you!” he said. “I hope you’ve a lovely evening.”
She grinned, her ears wiggling.
“And you as well, sir.”
He took the note and looked it over, reading and rereading it. The woman had flowery, artsy handwriting.
“By the ancient city, where one was formed from two, is where the next clue awaits you.”
Ancient city? One was formed from two? Nym. The cabin! Our first kiss.
And much more than that.
Again, an expression of delighted enlightenment came across his face.
“Easy! And one of my fondest memories in this life. Thank you!”
He bowed courteously to her.
“Good luck on your quest, sir Jaraku.”
“This is a fantastic journey thus far!”
After bidding the pleasant woman farewell, his linkshell buzzed again.
“How are you faring?” Issabel asked.
How many times can I tell her this is an incredible experience before I’ve run the words into the ground?
Instead, he opted to tell her the first thing that came to mind: “I’m recalling how terrified I was you’d reject me for murdering monsters.”
“It was the moment I knew I was falling in love with you.”
It was -that- early, for her? And to think I was so afraid.
“I’m very glad,” she added.
He arrived at Camp Overlook, mounted the same white chocobo he’d ridden away from the sanctum with Issabel on, and as he made for the cabin and the nearby spring he called Issabel again.
“I’ve a question, love: have you half of Eorzea on your payroll? I’m not recognizing any of these agents of yours!”
“Not quite yet, but I soon will.” She sounded rather amused by the question.
As he came up on the spring, he spotted another Miqo’te woman wearing a blue swimsuit of the same sort Issabel had when the pair had been here last, as well as a familiar red rose in her hair. 
She’s doing a great job of picking out these locations. We should really come back here, sometime. Perhaps I’ll surprise her. We need to go on another date, anyway. This was the most romantic location we came to, back then. But maybe I’m just biased.
It was the perfect place for a first kiss. She’d said I shouldn’t have waited so long to kiss her, but I knew she didn’t mean it. Nothing before could’ve compared to the magic of that moment. Or that of what followed...
The Miqo’te woman waved to him.
“Hello there!”
He bowed, keen on showing appropriate respect to all of the people who’d agreed to participate in Issabel’s carefully-planned adventure.
“Good eve! You’re in on this grand game as well, I imagine?”
“I am!”
I knew it!
He pumped his fist with joy, and heard Issabel’s voice one last time in his ear.
“You’ve proved yourself worthy thus far. I feel you’ll have no problems finishing this on your own. Over and out.”
“Mistress Drake was pretty cryptic,” the Miqo’te woman said.
“She's a genius,” he agreed. “But I am her husband. I’m sure I can solve any riddle she’d throw my way.”
Both because I’m no idiot, myself, and because she’s keenly aware of my capabilities and wouldn’t throw an unsolvable puzzle at me to be cruel.
“You’ve solved everything so far, so I believe it.”
He grinned, proud of how quickly he’d managed to go through the riddles.
“So what she told me to say was, let me think…”
She thought on it for a second. For a brief instant, Jaraku wondered if the whole thing would fall apart because of a faulty memory.
“Ah, I got it!”
His doubts quelled, Jaraku paid rapt attention.
“’You did the impossible and found what I didn’t know was lost. Make your way there, and we’ll toast to you!’” The woman nodded, certain that that was the correct message.
The only thing I found was Lynn. They were so happy. Hells, I was ecstatic, myself. Amazing that I managed to find her. Out of the whole of the Shroud, the first place I looked was where she was.
Again, the joy at the revelation shone clear on his face.
“So you get it?” the woman asked.
“Of course I do!” he said. “I could never forget!” Beaming with delight, he bowed to the woman. “I thank you for playing your part in this grand game.”
For her part, she smiled. “May I ask where you’re headed next?”
“Issabel thought her mother dead for most of her life. But it was I who found Lynn, and brought her back to Issabel. And I found Lynn at Buscarron’s Druthers, in the Shroud. That’s my next stop!”
The woman seemed taken aback. Blown away by the romance of it all, no doubt.
“Oh goodness, that’s amazing!”
He grinned again.
“I must be moving,” he said. “Thank you, ma'am!”
“Well, get going! Your lady awaits!”
She pointed dramatically in the distance, and without further delay he was off for Buscarron’s Druthers.
He rode for the tavern in the Shroud, recalling how it had been that night. Raining, chilly, weather most would call miserable. But he couldn’t think poorly of anything from then.
I wonder who’ll be here this time. Maybe she’s got Lynn waiting for me? That’d be the perfect way to do it, and Issabel’s nothing if not a perfect planner...
He stepped through the doorway and looked around, hearing a familiar voice from a familiar table in the corner of the tavern.
“Hey Jackass, over here.”
Lynn?! And she called me Jackass! I can’t believe Issabel put her up to that, that’s AMAZING!
He jumped for joy, and Lynn smiled.
“I knew it!”
He was totally overjoyed, and didn’t have the presence of mind to think to sit down. Until Lynn pointed it out, at least:
“Well, are you going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to take a seat?”
He burst out in joyous laughter, then took a seat across from her at the table.
“I must admit,” Lynn said, “when Issabel came to me with the prospect of assisting in this scavenger hunt, I thought it was the most romantic idea. Are you enjoying it?”
There aren’t words strong enough, part of him thought.
Then do your best.
“Of all the countless crafts and skills she’s a master of, she’s proven that weaving fun, adventure and romance into a single cloth is as easy to her as swimming to a shark. This is a fantastic experience!
Lynn seemed satisfied with that. “Are you ready for the final clue?”
“I am. I’ve got this.”
Nothing can stop me from seeing this through. He put on his trademark shit-eating grin, brimming with confidence.
“’You’ll find me at the top of the world. Where you took my breath away. Where we said we’d make a home one day.’”
There’s only one place I told Issabel we’d make a home. It was the best experience I ever had that far north. When we soared across the sky, and I felt my fear of heights melt away.
Lynn smiled. “Have it figured out already?”
“Of course,” he replied. “It’s the Sea of Clouds. I told Issabel I want to build a house up there with her. It’s one of the most beautiful places in all the world. Perfect for us!”
Lynn seemed satisfied with the answer.
“Good. But Jaraku. Before you go…”
“Yes?” He asked.
He heard a crowd of people rush into the room. He leaped to his feet and turned to see all the hint-givers of the quest and several of the Riskbreakers gathered together.
She got all these people together for me?! They all cared enough to come do this for me?!
“To Jaraku!” Lynn called.
“To Jaraku!” The crowd cheered. They applauded him.
He couldn’t believe it. He was completely overwhelmed, caught completely flat-footed. For a moment, he almost wanted to cry at how beautiful it all was. At how much love went into all this. At how amazing and wonderful all these people were. On top of it all, on top of everything else, on top of the great memories and the long nights staying up enjoying one another’s presence, on top of the adventures together, on top of it all, Issabel had given him one of the things he wanted more than anything in the world:
She’d given him a loving audience.
When he’d collected himself again, he leaped for joy. He heard Lynn clapping from behind him.
“You’re all the godsdamned best!” he called out. He burst out laughing.
“Better than you mate,” the woman in the gold suit said. “Go get your girl!”
“She said we’d toast to you,” Lynn said, matter-of-factly. “Now go. Don’t keep her waiting.”
Jaraku nodded to his mother-in-law and bowed to the audience.
“Happy anniversary!” the woman in the blue bathing suit said. 
“You’re all wonderful,” Jaraku said. “May you keep joy ever in your hearts! “
He bid the crowd farewell and teleported to the Sea of Clouds, and his waiting wife.
The Sea of Clouds, Jaraku realized, was a massive place. And in the course of exploring it that wonderful day and night, they’d been to much of the islands in the sky.
The sun slipped below the horizon while Jaraku searched, systematically going over every single islet they’d stopped at and every single place they’d visited, until finally, as the stars shone bright above him, he found his dear Issabel.
She was singing a song as he approached, flying on the chocobo that represented so much.
“In the sky resembling the sea I await the man who loves me He brightens every single day And yet manages to find new ways. To make my heart soar And love him even more Here's to you Jaraku Drake What a lovely life together we'll make.”
After he landed, neither of the pair said anything for a time, each enjoying the other’s presence. Jaraku was overwhelmed by the magic of it all; by how incredible Issabel’s memory must have been to recall so perfectly all the things that had happened and the outfits they’d worn; by how much effort it must’ve all taken; by how incredible she was. He was content. More than content, he was overjoyed.
Finally, he spoke.
“I’ve gained an appreciation for a lot, you know.”
“There was room for more?”
“The level of preparation, coordination, execution…you’ve outdone you! And that’s something only you could ever do.”
She beamed. It made his heart sing.
“All the tiny details - the clothing, the roses, the order of events, even…You’re a master! And, well, I’ve also gained an appreciation for the fact that the Sea of Clouds is massive.”
He laughed at the humor in the fact that, while he’d torn through all the other clues, he’d taken far longer on the final step than the rest combined.
“Yes, lucky for you I packed some snacks to tide me over.”
“You’ve my apologies for my tardiness, love. In my defense, I solved all the other riddles at record speed.”
“That you did.”
“But then, the first attempt is always a record, now, isn’t it?”
He gave her a shit-eating grin. She laughed.
“I almost feel sorry for you.”
“How so?”
He saw laughter in her eyes, and she smirked at him. “Knowing that you won’t be able to top this.”
He burst out laughing. We’ll see.
“Well, love, I’ve two gifts for you, actually. But funny enough, neither can be carried with me.”
He had her interest. She was many things, but patience wasn’t something that came easy to her. He nodded. 
“Well then lead the way.”
He beamed.
“Back to the house, then, love.”
As they were about to leave, Issabel turned her attention to the sky above, where shooting stars danced.
“Shooting stars…”
They both gazed upon the beautiful lights in the sky.
“Almost as pretty as the sky that night,” Issabel said, finally. “Almost.”
“The Gods send fireworks to celebrate with us,” Jaraku said.
The pair grinned at one another.
“Well then, shall we?” Issabel asked.
A very special thanks to everyone who participated in this amazing RP. Without you, none of this could’ve happened, and this was far and away one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had RPing. I will never, ever forget this, and you’ve all my thanks for taking part.
@twelvesavethequeen, it’s been a wonderful time RPing this fantastic relationship with you. Jaraku went from a relatively minor character to my most-played, most-enjoyed, most well-known character and in large part it’s thanks to you and all the amazing RP we’ve done together. This is the first romantic relationship I’ve explored with RP, and between how fantastic a writer you are and how creative and ingenious you are with RP ideas and plot concepts you’ve consistently blown me away and made me feel like I’m a part of something wonderful. 
@anasitka, @opo-opos, @feycurfew, and http://rahelauillces.tumblr.com/
Thank you for agreeing to this, it added a special layer to the whole thing that the assistants along the way were people Jaraku had never met. I don’t think it would’ve been as meaningful and impactful if the various people he’d met over the course of the adventure had been people he knew well; the satisfaction in identifying people through the rose in their hair was a delightful cherry on top of it all.
 @onwesterlywinds, @sylvan-rain, and @crimson-bull
Thank you for taking the time to make an appearance towards the end. It means a lot both IC and OOC that you’d take the time to participate in this event, and you’ve my gratitude for taking part.
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safestsephiroth · 7 years
★ Rydia -> Izzi
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me/ You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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