#gabrielle dupres imagine
thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
hi! could i request what i a headcanon what it would be like dating randall (or all of the knights individual, if you want to)? thank youu!!
· the biggest dork
· he's always making you laugh
· but he's also really sweet 
· brings you your favorite snacks when you're feeling down
· big cuddler
· he can be the big spoon or little spoon doesn't matter 
· walks around naked as often as he can much to the other knights dismay 
· he'll come into the kitchen fully nude while everyone is eating breakfast and you have to cover him with your jacket
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· so smart it's kind of intimidating
· he'll make references you don't understand 
· teasing him by hiding his vests before class
· he takes you out on the most luxurious dates
· pulling him in by the tie to kiss him
· he always helps you write your papers which makes Randall jealous cause Hamish makes him and Jack do their homework themselves 
· he'll get you flowers for no reason 
· and writes you poems 
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· you're the only person she's not grumpy around 
· the way she told you she liked you was "i hate you less than most people" 
· she's so tiny she drowns in your sweaters 
· frequently having to stop her from ripping Randall's head off 
· carrying her to bed when she falls asleep on the couch while you watch movies 
· calling her Lili to mess with her 
· calming her down when she's angry 
· picking her up and throwing her over your shoulder when she's yelling at Randall or Jack 
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· the himbo of the knights 
· he's dum but cute so it makes up for it 
· he has zero logic so you're always getting him out of trouble
· good luck though when Randall is the one giving him ideas 
· his idea of a date is getting McDonalds 
· all he eats is junk food so you have to force him to eat a salad once in a while 
· he's so clumsy you're always cleaning up his messes 
· he tried baking you a cake for your birthday and ended up with batter on the ceiling 
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· she didn't ask you on a date she told you you were going on a date 
· when you find out about her dad it makes sense why she acts the way she does
· she's actually pretty soft with you 
· though in public she still puts up her mean girl persona 
· no one understands why you're with her but you don't care 
· she's smart, headstrong and determined and that's what you love about her 
· she constantly buys you clothes she thinks you'll look good in
· so many couples photos on instagram
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
Hey ya’ll! I’m sure some of you have heard that The Order won’t be returning, I’m so disappointed! This show had so much potential, and not to mention the cliffhanger!!!!! but....... I will be continuing the third season for Taste Of Secrets. I love this show so much that I thought it would be fun! If you have suggestions or ideas, feel free to message me on here or on Wattpad!
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drakoneve · 4 years
why is NO ONE talking abt the fact that Vera had a daughter?? did everyone just miss that?? I wanna know what happened!!
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dw-writes · 4 years
Its a Holiday Something - Knights of St. Christopher & GN!Reader
SO @whatafuckinnerd offered up a WONDERFUL suggestion of “Experiencing the winter holidays with the Knights for the first time (And Amir, if you choose to do this as some sort of list instead of a fic. Also if you just want to add Amir)”. I, personally, love it. It’s a lot of fun. And I hope that you guys will enjoy it as much as I did writing it!!!!
The Den a garish display of holiday spirit – tinsel framed every window, every door was covered in wrapping paper, lights were wrapped around every column and hung from every eave and rail and windowsill.
Jack had been going overboard ever since Amir had returned to the realm of the living – and proved to be a Knight, no less. It had been a mess: there was magic, Amir came back, Alpha’s hide returned to the locker, Midnight left Gabi, Alpha found Gabi, Midnight found Amir – it was a whole thing, honestly, and just remembering it all made your head spin in the same way that the ‘Exorcism of Lilith Bathory’ made your head spin.
The Den being a testament to Macy’s Christmas Department was just one of those things that Amir’s return had (kinda) caused. You took a deep breath and released it slowly as the lights started to flicker in a rhythmic beat.
“Okay, Randall!” you shouted, “That’s too much – you’re gonna give someone a seizure!” You squinted at the lights. “Me, you’re gonna give me a seizure,” you added.
The lights stilled, and Randall poked his head out of his window. “Sorry!”
Another window opened, and Hamish peeked out. “No blinking lights?”
“No blinking lights,” Randall called back.
You rolled your eyes. “I think the aliens out on Saturn know that the Den is here, you know,” you commented. You jogged up the front steps. “And the fae in the Other Realm, and ghosts, and, I dunno, China,” you muttered.
Amir was standing in the front room when you walked in, looking up at the tree you and the Knights had put up. “There’s faeries?” he whispered when you approached. You arched an eyebrow. He rubbed his chest. “Oh, this is gonna be wild.”
“It’s only been a few weeks, Amir,” you said, nudging his shoulder with a smile, “You’ll learn.” You tilted your head. “I’m still learning, and I’ve been a Knight for a year.”
“How’s Aster doing dealing with a pack?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Dealing. Has to, you know?”
A shoulder smacked against yours. You looked back, arching an eyebrow as Lilith stood next to you, looking up at the tree. She still sported the tattoo on her face, an indication of her trip into the realm of demons or into Hell or wherever she went. “I hate Christmas,” she mumbled darkly. She looked over at you. “Not because of all this. It’s my family,” she muttered.
“We’re your family,” you said. She tilted your head. “Where’s the rest of the knuckleheads? This is the only thing in the Den that isn’t lit up, so we might as well do it now before we get drunk.”
Lilith wrinkled her nose. “Gabi’s bringing more lights – she said we need to wrap up the banister and decorate the bar – and Hamish is upstairs looking for his eggnog recipe and—”
“And Randall!” said werewolf jumped over the last few stairs and threw open his arms, “is right here.”
You nodded and smiled. Then, pausing, you looked over at Amir. “Hey, do you even celebrate Christmas?” you asked.
He shook his head as he looked down at the phone Randall had handed him; the lights were hooked up to an app and allowed Amir to change the pace of the twinkling to slow but steady. “I don’t, no,” Amir answered. He shrugged. “But, I mean, it’s a pretty widely celebrated thing, so it’s hard to avoid.”
“What do you celebrate?” Hamish asked as he came down the stairs.
“Ehhh,” Amir drawled. You snorted. Kicking your foot up behind you, you smacked the man in the rear and ducked into the living room when he gave chase. Hamish stepped behind the bar with a light chuckle. “Not really? My parents both used to be strict Hindus but since they came over here, they haven’t really practiced and?” he shrugged again. “Eh. I don’t think we’ve really celebrated anything for years.
The door of the den burst open and bounced against the wall. Randall released a strangled cry and threw his hands up. You watched him as you blindly groped the bar for the eggnog Hamish had poured for you, only for him to take your hand and wrap it around a glass. “Really?” Randall asked, “I just fixed that wall.”
“You can fix it again,” Gabi stated. You watched her walk in, followed by Jack, whose arms were laden with bags and boxes. You took a deep drink and turned away from her. “Oh, you started decorating already.”
“Uh,” Randall lifted a hand, “Started?”
You heard Gabi’s shrug and the clatter of the boxes falling out of Jack’s arms. “Yeah,” she replied, “Started.”
Amir leaned on the bar behind you. “Is this normally how Christmas goes?” he softly asked.
Hamish snorted. You turned around to face the two, and lifted your glass when they did, clinking the bottom against theirs before taking another drink. “Not even close,” Hamish said as he stared into the glass. He looked up to watch Gabi step back and direct Jack and Randall in how to decorate. Lilith made a beeline to you three, and took the glass that Hamish held over your head. “We normally watch Elf, get drunk, and go running out in the woods,” he replied.
“No,” Lilith protested after downing half her glass, “Last year we watched A Christmas Story.”
“Oh,” Hamish scoffed, “I am so sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
You wrinkled your nose as you caught Amir’s gaze. “We can totally find a better Christmas movie,” you said.
“Isn’t Die Hard a—”
“We are NOT watching that,” called Gabi.  You rolled your eyes and leaned on the bar, drinking as she rattled off a long list of movies that were far more appropriate for the season then Die Hard. Amir snickered.
You smiled. Holding out your glass to Amir, you cleared your throat. “Happy, uh….”
“You can say Christmas,” Amir said as he clinked his glass against yours again.
You tilted your head towards Hamish. “Happy family festivities?” he offered.
You pouted. Amir hummed. “Nah, that’s trying too hard.”
Hamish shrugged and finished his eggnog. “We’ll think of something.”
“No, guys, the lights go around the banister, not over it!” Gabi shouted. You, Lilith, and Amir shoved your now empty glasses at Hamish, who shoot his head with a grin.
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
The order pokemon au
Vera - psychic
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Vera is the leader of the order of the blue rose, she recruits Jack unaware that he is also a part of the knights of saint christopher and is secretly using information he learns to eventually use against them. Her alakazam is one of the toughest pokemon most trainers have ever seen and no one in the order questions why she was chosen to be the head of the group. 
Jack - ground
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Jack came to the Belgraves academy searching for a secret society of elite pokemon trainers, he ends up discovering there are actually two of them and becomes a member of both. He and his golem are equally as hard headed and stubborn but have a unique bond being that golem started out as a geodude that his grandfather had given him to start out his pokemon journey. 
Hamish - dragon
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Hamish's dragon pokemon are just as poised as he is. He was gifted a dratini as his first pokemon from his parents that they paid quite a pretty penny for. He's the unofficial leader of the knights being the oldest and most experienced along with his dragonite being nearly impossible to beat since very few trainers have ever encountered one. 
Randall - fire
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Randall became a fire trainer to get his brother Todd to keep his bug pokemon away from him. His Cinderace is just as much of a dork as he is, for a pokemon that is supposed to be good on its feet it is a major clutzs and is constantly tumbling into Randall. Randall was recruited into the knights on accident, Hamish saw him when one battle by pure luck and once Randall completed initiation he basically said no taksies backsies. 
Lilith - dark
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Is it really a shock that Lilith's specialty is dark pokemon? Her and her Grimmsnarl love to scare other trainers and many don't even have the guts to battle her. Her lycanroc is also the perfect team sweeper when someone thinks they have her cornered in defeat of battle. She very rarely loses and when she does she trains even harder and demands a rematch in which she always wins and why she was a perfect candidate for the knights. 
Gabrielle - fairy
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Gabrielle only trains pokemon that are as fabulous as herself. She is originally recruited to be a part of the blue rose but leaves to join the knights when she realizes the order is not entirely what they appear to be. She doesn't battle very much because what's the point in getting her beautiful pokemon dirty but when she does accept a challenge she is a force to be reckoned with. 
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
Randall x reader please
Of course, thank you for requesting 😁
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The Order Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Randall x-reader 
Randall and I sat on the couch, my legs rested on his lap. He scrolled through his phone while I finished my World History project. I could feel Randall’s eyes on me. “Randall, what do you want?” I asked, not glancing up from my screen. Randall shrugged and looked back at his phone. “When are you going to finish?” he questioned, putting his phone away. 
“Soon,” I replied as I continued to type. He sighed and played with the zipper of his jacket. I put my computer to the side and laid my hand on top of his, stopping him from playing with it. He looked at me and smirked. He leaned forward, about to kiss me. I pulled away and grabbed my computer. 
“Babe...” he whined, leaning his head back. “I said not to call me that,” I said, “Hamish and Lilith are in the basement, they could easily hear us.” I pulled up my document again, finishing up my assignment. After I finished up the essay and shared it with my professor, I slipped my computer into my backpack. I stood up from the couch, but before I could walk any further Randall grabbed my hand. He pulled me down on the couch, kissing my lips. I went to stop kissing him, but decided not to resist. 
I draped my arms around his neck as he lightly pushed me onto the couch. He trailed kisses down my neck, my arms reached for his jacket while his hands reached for my shirt. Our moment was interrupted by the sound of Hamish and Lilith arguing. Randall sat up quickly, accidentally pushing me to the ground. My back hit the floor as I grunted from the hit. “What are you doing?” Lilith asked, walking into the living room. “Just uh,” I gulped, “Admiring the ceiling.....fan?” 
Hamish walked over and helped me up from the ground. I looked over at Randall, he was fixing his jacket. He discretely pointed to my sweater, which was halfway off my shoulder. I quickly nodded and fixed the white material. Hamish and Lilith looked at the two of us, suspiciously. “What’s on your neck?” Lilith asked, crossing her arms. “I uh,” I said, “I have to go help my mother with-”
“Moving into her new house,” Randall finished, standing beside me. “Yes,” I agreed, “She uh, bought a new house here locally. Surprise!” They looked at Randall and I, eyebrows raised. “We’ll see you guys later,” Randall said as he grabbed my arm. Randall handed me my backpack, we walked out of the den. “Randall,” I said, “We were this close to getting caught.”
“but we didn’t.”
“but we could’ve.” 
“I have a hickey on my neck!” I exclaimed. He looked at and chuckled. “Don’t laugh!” I said, hitting his shoulder. “Ow,” he said and rubbed his arm, “That hurt.”
“Oh! I’m sure it did,” I rolled my eyes, we walked towards my dorm room. “I’ve got to help Gabrielle with some calculus homework,” I informed him. “Where the hell am I supposed to go?” he responded, throwing his arms up in the air. “You can stay,” I said, “Gab won’t mind.”
“Uh, I think she will.”
“if she does, than to bad,” I said, shrugging. I hovered my key card in front of the detector. The device beeped, opening up the door. 
I unlocked my dorm door, revealing a very pissed off Gabrielle. “Where were you? I’ve been waiting for an hour and a half!”
“I’m sorry,” I said, setting down my bag. “but now you have my undivided attention,” I added. “Are you sure?” she asked, “because it seems like you had your ‘Undivided Attention’ towards Randall.” She pointed to my neck, I reached my hand up and covered Randall’s work. Randall sat down on my bed, playing with his lanyard. “Have you two done it?” Gabrielle asked, sitting down on the couch. 
“Done what?” I inquired. I leaned against my desk as I waited for her answer. “You know?” I looked over at Randall and saw him nod. “Randall!” I said, sternly. He then shook his head ‘No’ (GIF Above). “You won’t tell anyone, right?” I inquired, leaning forward. She shrugged and looked at her nails. “Gabrielle,” Randall said. 
“Ugh, fine!” Gabrielle rolled her eyes, “I have to go.”
“Where are you going?” I asked. “Just visiting a friend,” Gabrielle replied. “um,” I said, “Are forgetting that I came here to help you?”
“It’s fine, I’ll just fail.” 
Gabrielle grabbed her purse and left the dorm room. 
I sat on the chair in the den’s living room, reading a book. Lilith sat on the other chair while Jack sat next to Randall on the couch. It was silent between us, nobody had spoken since my boyfriend and I walked in. I licked my finger and flipped the page of the book. Hamish stepped in, smirking at Randall and I. “Group Meeting,” Hamish said, “Come on!” Randall and I exchanged a nervous glance. 
“We need to talk about the elephant in the room,” Hamish said, sitting at the bar. “What about the elephant in the room?” Randall said, glancing at me then Ham-sandwich. “Two people in this room are dating,” Hamish said. “What? I-I wonder who,” I said, scratching the back of my neck. “Oh stop,” Jack countered, “We know it’s you and Randall.” 
“Wha-” I started, but Randall interrupted. “They already know,” he said, “Wait, how did you know?”
“Did you seriously think you could sneak around us?” Lilith said, “You guys are terrible at it by the way.”
“You’re not going to tell my mother, are you?” I asked, standing up from my chair. “No, why would we?” Hamish replied. “Maybe because you’re hot for teacher,” Randall said, smirking. “I-I....am not going to answer that question,” Hamish said. He slowly walked out of the room. Lilith and Jack followed him, teasing him to death. I walked over to Randall and sat beside him. 
He cupped my cheek, kissing me passionately. “Oh get a room!” Lilith yelled from the other room. We released each other, laughing at our friends comment. 
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
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Alcoholic Aficionado 
The Order Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Part Two 
Hamish Duke x-reader
I walked over to the bar and poured a glass of liquor into a shot glass. Hamish watched me pour the liquid it into the cup. He stared at me and laughed (GIF Above). “What?” I asked, “Am I not being a correct....”
“Alcoholic Aficionado,” they finished my sentence. “Okay,” I sighed, “Why the hell did we know that?” They all shrugged, looking curious as ever. “All right, I’m sure we’ve met before,” Jack said. 
“Wait,” Hamish looked at me, “I know how I know you!”
“And that would be?” I said. “You’re in Pre-law,” Hamish said, “We must know each other from a class.” 
“That would makes sense,” I replied, shrugging. “Someone's coming,” Randall said. “I don’t hear anything,” said Lilith, taking a sip from her drink. “No, he’s right,” I agreed, “I hear a heartbeat.”
“and I can...smell them?” Randall said, questioning himself. “That’s ridiculous,” Lilith said, rolling her eyes. Just then a knock interrupted the conversation between the five of us. “Jack!” a girl called, “Jack, are you in there?” I walked over to the door and opened it. She pushed me aside and walked to Jack. “Oh, god I was so worried,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. 
“You ran off again, did you have another blackout?” she asked, “You did didn’t you? I brought your medication.” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. For some reason I could hear her heartbeat quicken, like she was lying. 
“Wait!” Randall ran forward, “They don’t have medication for that...” Randall grabbed the girls arm, forcing her to drop the bag of. The white bag fell to the ground. I saw white powder fly up in the air, causing me to cough. “I told you it wouldn’t work,” a boy walked in, “he’s Pre-med!” 
Gabrielle kneed Randall in the groin, he stumbled back. Lilith grabbed the boy from the shoulders and pushed him against the wall. Gabrielle ran to the door, but I grabbed her shoulder and punched her in the jaw. Two other people walked through the far hallway. Lilith and one of the girls made eye contact, but before they could speak to each other Hamish and Jack both knocked them out. 
Gabrielle held her jaw and glared at me. “Something you want to tell me ‘Babe’ ,” Jack retorted as he stood in front of the girl. “You’re dead, all of you,” She said. 
“Oh shut up,” I said. I stepped forward and punched her again, successfully knocking her out cold. “Ha! Nice!” Hamish cheered while he gave me a fist bump. “We should probably get out of here,” I said, “They’ll be looking for us.” 
“I agree with Y/N,” Hamish said, handing me a sweater. “Who put you two in charge?” Lilith asked, raising her eyebrows. “I don’t know,” Hamish said, “but it feels right to have her by my side.” 
The five of us walked down the sidewalk, Hamish’s shoulder brushed against mine causing me to blush. I questioned myself as to why I was blushing. Students walked on either side of us, giving us weird looks. “We shouldn’t be in the open like this,” I said. “We should split up than,” Lilith said, “We’re a pretty conspicuous group.” A high pitch ringing sound erupted, only the five of us winced in pain. 
The thing inside of me was slowly trying to itch its way out of me. I could feel sharp teeth grow out of my mouth. I looked to my side and saw the others doing the same thing. Hamish grabbed my arm before I could fall to the ground. “What the hell was that?” I said, taking a breath. 
“We were changing,” Randall said. 
“Into what?” Lilith replied. 
“I don’t know, something scary,” he said. “Is that what happened to us last night?” Hamish asked. “Yeah,” Jack sighed, “I think so.”
“In the mean time why don’t we just-” my sentence was cut short by a woman's scream. “It could be a trap,” I said, standing beside Hamish. His arm still rested on my shoulder. Alyssa ran over to the white statue, resting her hand on it. It fell to the floor and revealed what looked to be cut limbs. 
“Oh that’s unsettling,” I commented, covering my mouth in disgust. Alyssa looked at me with a shocked expression. “Run!” she told us. Hamish grabbed my hand, leading me away from the crowd. 
Hamish and I sat down at a table at the Blade and Chalice, the rest of the group sat beside us. “I thought she was my friend,” I said, “I trusted her.” Hamish laid a hand on top of mine, comforting me. “So...” Hamish trailed, “Magic is real.”
“Yep,” Lilith said, “So what are we?”
“I don’t know,” I said. I picked up my drink, taking a sip of the beer. “Aliens? Superheroes?” Randall guessed, “Alien Superheroes?”
“What ever we are, it’s not human,” I said. 
The rest of the day was all weird, Hamish insisted on staying with me. “I’m sure Alyssa has a good reason,” he said. “For what? Not telling me what I am? or possibly wiping our memories?” I responded. 
“We’ll figure this out,” he stopped amid the sidewalk, grabbing my hand. “We’ll figure this out together,” he said. I immediately felt safe, like I was with the person that made me feel like I was home.  
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
What do you think being best friend’s with jack would be like?
🙂, I feel like it would be so much fun! I think he would be a great friend! (I didn’t know if you wanted a imagine, but wrote one anyways 😁).
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The Order Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Jack Morton x-reader
“I’m just saying that you should live a little,” Jack said, sitting in front of me at the Blade and Chalice. He handed me a glass of beer along with a coaster. “Excuse me,” I said, taking a sip of the alcohol. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “What I mean is,” he sighed, “Maybe you should just go to a few parties.” 
“A few?”
“Yes, a few.”
“No, absolutely not,” I said, shaking my head. “Oh my god, why not?” he asked. “A. because I don’t like parties,” I set my glass down, “and B. I just don’t want to go.” 
“Give me another reason,” he replied. I looked around the room, checking to see if anyone was listening to our conversations. “Maybe it’s because there have been a bunch of sacrifices lately, and I don’t want be next,” I said. He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He took a sip of his beer and glanced behind him. A boy wearing wearing a camouflage jacket with curly brown hair sat behind us. 
“Come on,” my best friend said, stealing my beer. “Hey!” I exclaimed and followed him. Jack sat down in front of the boy, motioning me to sit. “We need your help,” Jack said. 
“We? I haven’t even agreed to whatever you’re about to say,” I said, turning to Jack. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. “We want to try and find a Werewolf,” he said. 
“You want to find a mythical creature?” the boy asked. “What if he’s wrong?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows. “Dude, what if he’s right,”  the boy with curly said, smirking mischievously. “Oh by the way,” he set his beer down, “I’m Randall.” He held out a hand for me to shake. 
“I’m Y/N,” I said, “Jack here never told me he was good friends with his RA.” I looked at Jack, a little pissed off. “That’s all you got from this conversation,” Jack countered, “not the fact that we’re looking for a Werewolf?!”
“Let’s just look for it before I change my mind,” I said, getting up from the table. The two boys sat there. “Are we going or what?” I added, “Do either of you speak English? Come on!” 
Randall took a swig of his drink and set it down on the table. They followed me outside. “So.....” I trailed, “Are we looking for anything else besides the werewolf?” I walked in the middle of the two boys, my purse hanging from my shoulder. “Well, I think that Gabrielle is the next sacrifice,” Jack answered. “I mean I wouldn’t mind if-” I started. 
“We’re talking about someone murdering students and you go on and say that you wouldn’t mind!” Jack interrupted. “I mean I wouldn’t either,” Randall said, raising his hand. “Okay!” Jack said, “Will both of you just shut up! So we can continue protecting Gabrielle.” I looked ahead and saw her strolling down the sidewalk in front of us, she talked on the phone with a friend of hers. “Doesn’t it just look like we’re stalking her?” I said. “Oh my god, you’re right,” Jack sighed, bowing his head. 
“Okay, um..” Jack said, “Randall you stay behind and find the ‘mythical creature’, and Y/N and I will follow Gabrielle to make sure she’s not the next sacrifice.”
“and how do I know you two can take this ‘killer’ down,” Randall said, using air quotation marks around the word ‘Killer’. “My father taught me hand to hand combat along with how to use a dagger,” I answered, “It’s a enchanted blade that can kill any magical creature.”
“Interesting,” Randall said, “Keep in touch.” Jack and I nodded. We made sure to keep a good distance away from Gabrielle so she doesn’t suspect a thing. “Do you really think a Werewolf is killing the students?” I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets. Jack shrugged and watched Gabrielle. “It’s the only thing that I can think of,” he responded, “You got any other ideas?”
“Well,” I sighed, “I’m not expert on mythical creatures, but the last time I read anything about a Werewolf was in 1589.”
“Sounds like someone’s been doing their research.”
“I used to be obsessed with them in middle school,” I said, “It’s all I would talk about.” Jack smirked, we stopped walking and stood in front of a Frat house. Frat boys stood on the front porch, drinking beer or talking with girls. Gabrielle walked up to a boy and starting flirting with him. “Gross,” I cringed, “That’s disgusting.”
“It’s disgusting if a girl is flirting with a guy?” Jack questioned, looking at me with eyebrows raised. “Look what they’re doing now,” I said, pointing to the girl. “Ew! She’s practically eating his face off,” Jack commented. The frat boy knelt to the side, throwing up. Gabrielle screamed in disgust and stormed off. “Oh! that’s sucks,” I said, slightly laughing. “We should probably follow her,” Jack said. 
“Or we could just let her die,” I said, Jack glared at me. “Or not, that’s fine too,” I added. 
I walked behind Jack, who was ahead of me. He stepped over a gate and waved me over. It had slowly began to get dark. All I could see was the glow of the moon and the streetlights that aligned the road. Jack and I knelt behind a bush, watching as Gabrielle had stopped walking. 
A figure wearing a blue Belgrave sweatshirt along with a blue hat appeared in front of Gabrielle. Before she could fight back Jack and I ran towards our culprit. Gabrielle ran away without even helping. The figure grabbed ahold of Jack’s arm, immediately covering it in mud. I grabbed the dagger from my purse and stabbed the killer in the shoulder. It stumbled back, holding its arm and pulled the dagger out. Jack fell to the floor and yelled in pain. The figure tossed the blade to the side and looked at me. I swung my fist at it, but was stopped by him grasping my fist. He held me up from the ground and threw me to the side. 
I grunted from the fall and looked at my hand, it was covered in mud. I stood up from the ground, my back faced Jack. I picked up my knife, shaking it to get the mud off. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, pointed the knife at the person. Jack jumped back and held up his hands. “Okay,” he sighed, “Sorry....” (GIF Above). 
I rolled my eyes and glanced down at my knife. “What was that thing?” I asked, wiping my weapon on my jean shorts. “I don’t know,” he said then looked at me, “Are you okay?” he put his hands on my shoulders. “Yeah, are you okay?” I said, “he grabbed you pretty hard.”
“Me?” he countered, “he threw you!”
“Eh it’s fine,” I started walking, “I need a drink.” 
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its-an-obsession · 4 years
Hey everyone! I’ve edited the update for Season three of my Taste of Secrets story! I added some new settings along with reoccurring characters. The link to the story is in my bio!
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