#hermetic order of the blue rose
unholly-reader · 7 months
Darling - Hamish Duke x fem!reader
Just a little something for us all Hamish lovers <3
Please, keep in mind - English is NOT my first language, so I apologize in advance for any errors.
Warnings: a little emotional, fluff
- Vera, are you really that blind? They will remember sooner or later. The hides are incredibly powerful and sensible to magic, might I add. They will not succumb to your wishes. You have to find a different way to convince them to the ideals of the Order. 
The Grand Magus turned away from her sister, huffing out clearly annoyed with the reprimand. 
- I assure you, Aria, your little wolf friends will not pose a threat to us once we induct them into the Order. But first we need to control them. 
- Good God, Vera. These are werewolves, not puppies. You will make an enemy out of them much quicker than you may befriend them. Maybe Jack Morton will be more amicable considering his feelings for miss Drake, however I can’t say the same thing for the rest of them. Lilith won’t forget it. Randall won’t forget it. Hamish won’t…
- Oh please, this again? He doesn’t remember you. He won’t remember you. He will never be back the way you want him to. Deal with it, you big baby. 
- Enough! 
Aria shouted out like an enraged animal sending waves of wind around her settling between the books and furniture fit inside the reliquary. Although Vera never feared her sister’s magic, as the time went by, she started seeing her true power. As much as it didn’t bother her she began worrying if she had overlooked her too much. 
- You don’t get to take him away from me and then rub it in my face, Vera. I don’t care you’re Grand Magus. I don’t care you have the power to destroy me or dispose of me or even kill me. I have loved him for years and there’s no way in Hell I’ll ever stop. Even if he doesn’t remember me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare for tonight. In case you forgot, we are celebrating your new Acolytes. 
Before Vera could mutter a single word, Aria left the reliquary, heading to the one place she knew she could calm down before the upcoming event of the night. It was as if her feet dragged her to the Den by themselves as she felt no control over her body. One lonely tear slid down her cheek as the house showed up in the distance and all the memories, she made there came running down like an avalanche. Pushing all her emotions aside she stepped confidently inside the Den, heading straight for the stairs and eventually to his room. It still looked as neat as it always has. Bed perfectly made but still wrinkled from the last time she slept there. All his clothes hanging in the closet, his vest and shirts and sweaters. His smell lingering in the room as if he never left. But then again, she knew he would never come back there. 
And just as she did it countless times before, she slowly reached for the one cashmere sweater he always loved and she slid it over her head, feeling his scent fill her nostrils. She couldn’t cry anymore as she has already cried many nights hugging his clothes and sleeping in his bed, where they used to sleep together before. Her dark brown hair splayed on his gray pillows as she laid on her back, hugging her arms gently feeling the fabric of his sweater. 
She didn’t feel the time passing by until one moment she heard some noises coming from downstairs. Normally she would have been alarmed by those sounds but she knew perfectly well nobody came down to the Den and so she had no reason to fear uninvited guests, so she didn’t even move, snuggling even more into his pillow. She chose to ignore the silent steps coming up the stairs same way she ignored the slight crack in the door when it swung open. Only then did she sit up on the king-sized bed and looking at the entrance her heart stopped. 
- Hamish? What are you.. I mean, who are you and how did you find this place? You shouldn’t be here…
- Aria, I remember. 
His voice. Soft as ever, calming as a rainy day in the middle of summer. He stood in the doorway dressed in his somewhat usual attire – the pale blue shirt and a vest fitting him so damn well she almost forgot how to breathe. As soon as she heard his words, she slid off the bed, keeping her arms crossed over her chest as she absentmindedly hugged her form still clad in his sweater. 
- You remember…? 
She could barely speak as her she couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood still frozen in place as Hamish quickly approached her, stretching his arms towards her. 
- Come here, you. 
As her last doubt finally fell, immediately she threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Hamish instinctively hugged her back, hiding his face in her shoulder. Holding her close like he used to so many times before finally felt he was himself again. He breathed in her intoxicating scent as memories flooded his mind. Their first date. The first time he kissed her sweet lips. The first night they spent together wrapped in each other’s arms. Aria was barely registering what was happening around because all her focus was on Hamish and his arms holding her so tightly. She let all her anger and rage and overwhelming sadness out, crying inro his chest like a little baby. She clawed at his arms desperately trying to reassure herself, that it was not a dream. 
- I missed you so, so much, Hamish. Every day was like a reoccurring nightmare watching you live your life without me in it. I could barely stand it. 
- Shh, I’m here now, darling. I’m here, everything is alright now – he kept whispering sweet nothings into her ear, holding her trembling body close to him. Slowly he cupped her cheek with his right hand, forcing her to look at him. She was crying her eyes out, mascara slowly dripping down the corner of her lashes, but to him she was still the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid his eyes upon. 
- Don’t you ever forget me again, Hamish Duke. Don’t you even dare. 
- Believe it or not, even when I was supposed to forget you, I remembered. I kept hearing your voice in my dreams, your laughter, seeing you face every night I went to sleep. Missing my darling Aria. 
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jenwritespoems · 4 months
Hi The Order fans!!
Here’s my take on what season 3 would have looked like in my eyes. 
A continuation of season 3 if it was never cancelled.
So far there are 27 chapters with more coming out soon, set in the form of episodes. 
Extra info: Randall and Gabrielle and Jack as main characters but others characters do have their time to shine. LOTS OF DRAMA, WAR, BLOOD SHED, FRIENDSHIPS, HEARTBREAKS AND RELATIONSHIPS. 
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New Chapter ~ H.D.
A/n: Finally getting more requests out!! Six left :)
Request: “Hamish falling for the reader (male, if thats okay?) who has just been chosen by one of the pelts, and being terrified of losing him because of what happened with Cassie?? Maybe Randall pushes him into confessing by threatening to ask him out himself? (I love a chaotic good wingman )” by anon
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It had been a long time coming.
Hamish knew what was going on with him. He knew what that feeling in his chest was when he looked at Y/n. He knew why his fingers twitched when Y/n had a hair out of place, or something smeared on his face. He knew why he tended to lean into Y/n, like he was magnetic, and why he protected him more than anyone else. Why he listened to Y/n talk about things that Hamish otherwise found incredibly dull and a waste of time. Why he let Y/n invade his space and do things he’d murder any of the others for doing - like making drinks with his special cups. He knew what it meant when Y/n stole a random shirt and it happened to be Hamish’s and when he wore it around, it made the poor TA unable to move or breathe or think.
If any of that wasn’t obvious enough, he gave himself away with his thoughts. The ones that took him through a day distracted because he was thinking about what Y/n was wearing, or his smile or voice or laugh or touch. The ones that excitedly counted down the seconds until Hamish could see him again. The ones that had him waking up gasping from dreams he did not want to think about... the ones that followed him in the daytime too, dreaming even with his eyes open and smiling to himself at the fantasies his stupid little mind came up and tortured him with.
Hamish knew he was in love with Y/n.
That wasn’t the problem.
Y/n was another TA, and worked for one of the math teachers - physics. They had initially bonded over people thinking their subject boring and hard and ridiculous and unnecessary. The men had exchanged so many jokes about it they’d started to wonder if the other would be able to understand their subject. So they’d done lesson plans together, and then... kept doing that, because it was a lot easier and more pleasant to do it with someone else.
Now they were friends...
But Hamish wasn’t human. Not really. He was a Knight, a wolf. He was caught in a war of magic and moral greyness. One that held either death or misery for everyone who was apart of it. He couldn’t have a relationship in this world - he had tried once, and it had failed. Now more than ever, he was surrounded with failing relationships that reminded even more that it just wouldn’t work.
And even if it did, how could he ever subject Y/n to this world? He was already stressed, even if he did talk about having adventures and becoming a hero. Even if he did like fantasy books and studied mythology lore. Even if he dreamed of more... he didn’t actually understand what he was asking for. While Y/n was busy dreaming of magic, Hamish wished he could join him. Wished he didn’t know. That he had never even looked at or touched or smelled any of it.
And yet, he’s in love with him.
So really it was inevitable.
In one way or another, Hamish expected Y/n to learn what was going on. Learn about the secrets Hamish had been hiding from him. If not the shifty behavior, perhaps the actual magical battle that happened on the porch of the den, or the fear eating demon that went around, or the wolves who had lost their memories freaking out when they heard magic, or the hundreds and hundreds of memory altering spells that began rolling in as magic got closer and closer to being exposed.
He had accounted for everything.
Except for this.
Because how could it go any other way. Right?
Hamish tried to calm his breathing. Tried to clear his mind. Tried to steady his heartbeat. He hadn’t known what to expect when today had gone oh so wrong. Alyssa’s funeral had been today, and Lilith was still trying to get back into hell as they tried to figure out what exactly to do about the whole situation. And... then there was Y/n.
He had come to the funeral mostly to support Hamish. Y/n had only met her once, and it had been brief. She was in his class and had missed a day a while back when she caught the flu. Of course, it had actually been because she was losing sleep trying to come up with a memory dust that would actually wipe the wolves’ minds so they wouldn’t be killed - but details, details right?
The point was, Y/n shouldn’t have even been there. Maybe at the funeral, but not after. Not when the wolves and magicians all gathered around the trunk a way aways from the crowd that had been dispersing. Everyone was going home, and even if they did look over they’d see a bunch of people who had been close to Alyssa gathered together over a trunk. Hamish wondered, looking back, if that was what Y/n had seen. Maybe a trunk of Alyssa’s things, being discussed over.
Whatever he saw, it worried him enough to approach. None of them noticed - they were too distracted by the way the trunk bucked, jerking as if something inside was trying to get out.
They all knew what that meant.
Unfortunately, that made no damn sense. Everyone currently in the group was already wolfed up, except Vera whose face was twisted with horror as she feared that she was about to be chosen by not just any wolf pelt, but Alpha.
It wasn’t Vera.
The chest fell onto its side, stilling for a second.
“Is everything okay over here, guys?”
Hamish watched his life turn into a horror movie in slow motion. Of all the terrible things he’d faced, watching in bullet time as the trunk exploded open and the pelt launched out from inside, swallowing a wide eyed Y/n whole - that was the worst thing Hamish had ever seen or experienced. Nothing could top this.
Thankfully most of the people were gone and Jack acted quickly, rushing Y/n into the woods and even further away from anyone who might see anything. Y/n didn’t seem to be on the attack for anyone specific, but when any of the other wolves went to stop him, Y/n would growl and his teeth would bare and they all felt a pull to obey. To kneel. To listen.
Not even Hamish had seen anyone take to Alpha so well as Y/n.
The next few days had been hectic. Catching Y/n up on the reality of life had been a lot, and with the new emotions of Alpha driving him, his usual placid nature was becoming aggravated. The more they tried to teach or place Y/n in a situation he felt out of control in, the more agitated he seem to become, reactions arranging anywhere from verbally retaliating to literally trying to bite someone’s head off.
The turn for the better had kicked off when Lilith had tried to claw her way back to Hell yet again an Y/n had been able to stop her. She may be a demon, but she had been a wolf first, and as Timber still lived on inside of her, he answered to Alpha before anything else.
It was what seemed to have pushed Alpha to find a host. Timber was trapped in Lilith until she died and if she was a demon, it meant she’d be nearly if not completely immortal. Which meant Timber would be lost forever. The wolves may not totally care about their hosts but they did care about each other - first and foremost.
A weird relationship formed between Y/n and all the other wolves because of this.
Not only did Lilith, a demon, listen to him despite all her best efforts, so did Randall. Even with his dumbest ideas and impulses were satiated by a strong word or look from Y/n. Jack’s craziest plans were paused, and with some pressure they all finally slowed down - which meant they made better plans, but no one was happy about it. Gabrielle tried to flirt to get out from under Y/n’s gaze, which seemed to sear deeply into all of their souls, but even she found her eyes averting when Y/n pressed issues and shut her attitude down, or stopped her when she was lashing out or treating someone badly.
Hamish was weak to Y/n, but the other wolves knew that wasn’t because of Alpha.
The real tragedy was that Y/n wasn’t doing it on purpose. He tried so hard all the time to not to, in fact, and cringed every time he shut down Jack or Randall, or silenced Gabrielle or brought Lilith to a stand still. He recoiled physically when Hamish would stop dead in the middle of a sentence, or how he backed down far too quickly from his team leader role the second Y/n was in the room.
He really couldn’t help it though. Not only because Alpha didn’t hesitate a second to flex his authority over everyone else in the group, but because Y/n was a very assertive person. Never in an overbearing way, but more in a mom friend way. When he spoke, people listened. When his students goofed around or did something stupid all he needed to do was shoot them a look and they’d usually calm down. It wasn’t new that Y/n walked into a room and held authority - it was a problem that he hadn’t earned the authority he had with the Knights. It’s was even by choice - Alpha’s wolf magic or whatever the fuck was forcing the other wolves to listen to Y/n, and it made him the most uncomfortable - even more uncomfortable than Gabby and Lilith who constantly bit that this was incredibly sexist.
The second turn for the better came full circle when Y/n seemed to get his impulses under control.
At first he avoided speaking or eye contact, still radiating that aura of power but containing it as best he could. This is when Hamish would take over again, working with Vera to help the rest of the group.
After that, it was that he could speak, or make eye contact, but not at the same time without triggering some Alpha power. Very quickly he learned how to do both and still not inflict his will on other people.
Then Y/n became a much better leader, making suggestions and letting his own charisma and good ideas influence others rather than influencing everyone via force. He earned his spot the right way, eventually reaching a place where he and Hamish were sort of co-leaders.
Y/n was struggling though. Even with his powers slowly getting under control, Y/n constantly beat himself up and felt horribly guilty when Lilith would freak out and Y/n was forced to use his abilities to stop her from escaping. Then kept her in a demon circle in the basement, trapped for now but ready to escape at any second.
Even with powers aside, Y/n was struggling with this new world he now had to face. He was curious, and asked lots of questions and generally seemed to enjoy it, but... that joy seemed to drain a little, more and more as bad things started to happen. Y/n had thought magic was cool until someone used it for evil, or until the ringing made him shift and kill people, or some seriously fucked up shit started to bubble up.
He struggled to wrap his head around it as they all did in the beginning, and as he battled with his dreams coming true versus realizing those dreams had only been half of the story and that there was actually a darkness to this life he had once wanted, Hamish suffered more and more. His relationships had been hopeless before, but now that was gone. Now it was so much worse, because not only was Y/n’s suffering greater and his view of the world darkened, but Hamish desperately yearned for him.
That was the thing about Y/n. He might have lost some of his vigor, but at his core he still believed that people were more inclined to be good than evil. That those who made bad decisions were just lost, and usually searching for something else entirely but had been convinced that their current way was the only way to get what they really wanted. The vampire wasn’t a sadistic killer, they just needed to eat. The Order wasn’t cruel and power hungry, they were hiding who they really were in a world they feared would reject and attack them. They felt out of control and ultimately scared - being brought to your knees wasn’t for everyone.
His compassion and mercy only made him so much more amazing in Hamish’s eyes. Y/n was a great leader, and even better when he worked closely at Hamish’s side. Randall began to joke that the two men were the Den Mother and Father, which didn’t help Hamish’s poor heart.
As things heated up and the pack got closer and closer, Randall cornered Hamish. “Okay all chaos and shit hitting the fan aside, what is wrong with you?”
Hamish blinked, looking down at the shorter man. “I’m... not sure what you mean.” He knew exactly what Randall meant. Since even before Y/n had been a wolf, Randall had been pushing Hamish to act on his feelings. This pushing had turned to shoving since Y/n had bonded with Alpha, and then escalated into full body tackling when things had regulated and turned into what it was now.
Randall rolled his eyes. “You two are perfect for each other. Why work you do anything?”
“Why won’t he?” Hamish snapped. “Why is it up to me?”
Randall immediately knew that they were getting somewhere. “He tries! He doesn’t flirt or anything, but if he even tries to joke with you, or do anything that normal friends do - if it’s not leading the pack together or doing something school related you shut down. You keep your distance like he’s trying to kill you or something.”
Hamish didn’t have anything to say to that. He just shrugged. When Randall rose an eyebrow, Hamish sighed. “Everything’s really complicated right now. Lilith is finally acting like her old self, and warming up to Y/n. I’m trying to not make it any more complicated than it is.”
Randall scoffed. “It’s always complicated, Hamish. Jack and Alyssa are the best of example that there’s no good time to do this kind of thing, and that sometimes it fails even when you try everything. I mean, look at Nicole and Lilith even, or-“ he cut off for a second, holding something back.
Hamish’s lips twitched just a little. “You and Jack?”
Suddenly Randall looked less confident. It had been a long time coming between them. After Jack had gotten his memories back, his relationship with Alyssa hadn’t been the same. It quickly seemed like he was growing more and more platonic with her, and stopped chasing her altogether. When she died, he had been heartbroken - not for his lost love, but for his lost friend. He had cared about her very differently to the day they’d met and the relationship they’d had after that. Along with that, Jack and Randall had been getting closer and closer, and Hamish was pretty sure there was something going on there.
Hamish was also sure that was why Randall wanted Y/n and Hamish to get together. Not just because he wanted to see the people he cared about happy, but because if they worked out, it meant some hope for Jack and Randall too.
It had been unfair to point out though, and they both knew it. “Feelings are hard and people are complicated, and this weird dynamic between the Order and the Knights isn’t going to get much easier - at least not in our time line. Even if we work together better eventually, there’s still too much history. Even more so with demons in the mix, and these rogue magic users trying to end the world with their pride.” He rolled his eyes, ever trying to ease tension with soft teasing and a joke or two. “It’s never going to be the right time. The right time doesn’t exist - even for normal people. Life is complicated and hard and against everyone.”
Shrugging again, Hamish brushed off the rather good argument. “It’s hard for normal people. And it’s even worse for us. More complicated, and more dangerous, and way more pointless. Don’t we have enough to worry about?”
“Don’t we have enough suffering?” Randall argued. “Haven’t we lost enough? Told ourselves no? Fought our feelings and forgiven people we didn’t want to? Why can’t you let yourself be happy? Adding more suffering into your plate by refusing to allow yourself this is just another goddamn thing that life gets over you. You’re miserable!”
A scoff shot from Hamish. They were both getting agitated, voices rising just a little as they got heated. “Haven’t we lost enough?” Hamish mocked. Not that it had been a dumb question, but that Randall had said the exact reason Hamish was so hesitant to do anything about his feelings and still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Couldn’t see the simple truth staring him directly in the face.
Before, Randall genuinely hadn’t understood what the big hold up was. As he looked at Hamish now though, it clicked. He softened. “This is about Cassie.”
Did Randall have to say her name? In this conversation that hit hard and cut deep, couldn’t they spare the TA and not force him to relive everything in blinding vibrance? As if the situation itself wasn’t enough. Randall sighed, frowning.
“Every once in a while, I forget.” Randall’s voice was soft. Hamish looked up at him; Randall looked back steadily. “You play cup pong to solve problems and rant about shit so nerdy I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around it. You mix drinks and have all these traditions. You seem... so unphased, by everything. Older too. You’re only a year or so older than me, but you’re just constantly oriented.” He smiled fondly, chuckling. “I always admired your ability to keep it together. To have an open mind and keep going, even when you’re so tired and done and sometimes I think you’re finally going to stop. Give up in some small way or another. And then you don’t.”
For a moment, Hamish can’t look at Randall anymore. He shakes his head. “What’s you’re point?”
“Goddamnit,” Randall sighs. “I can’t imagine what it was like to lose her. You changed so much after that... but you shouldn’t stop yourself from being happy every again.” A pause. “But hell, if you really are decided to lose him, don’t let me stop you. In fact, please give me the sign that it’s cool to make a move. The man is...” Randall tilted his head, smirking, looking off I RK the distance a bit, like he was admiring a memory instead of anything around him. “If you don’t ask him out, I’ll be happy to do it instead.”
Hamish rolled his eyes. They both knew Randall was full of shit. No matter how attractive he found Y/n, his heart was set on someone else. That didn’t stop Hamish from finding himself suddenly very willing to talk to Y/n about his feelings. The real fear had always been losing Y/n, and now a different kind of loss occurred to him.
In all his agony, Hamish had never considered losing Y/n to someone else. Not death or magic or depression or the pressure of their new life or even Alpha. Not to school or students or time or graduation or when they eventually moved onto the next thing. Hamish could lose him, right here, right now, to a pretty smile and shimmering eyes.
Just someone else.
Kicked into gear, Hamish didn’t even give Randall a response. He just shot him a glare and then huffed, turning and pulling out his phone as he began to walk toward the school. He called Y/n. “Hey are you available right now?”
“Like, right at this very second?” Y/n asked. “Um. I’m grading. But I could take a break,” Y/n added hastily. “If you needed something.” He’d been trying to leave things open ended so it was less a shit down or a command and more of a conversation. It made Hamish smile.
“Maybe not need.” Hamish knew he was stalling. That didn’t stop him from doing it though, pretending that he was considering leaving Y/n to his work even as he quickly made his way to Y/n’s form. “If you’re too busy.”
“Never too busy for you,” Y/n answered with a slight chuckle. He got a lot softer when talking to Hamish, a little lighter too. Like the sun was coming out after a cold night, or weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. Like just talking to Hamish was enough to make the burden of life a little easier to bard.
Oh boy.
Please have mercy, he silently begged, more than sure that he was about to get anything but.
“Quick, meet me at your dorm. I do need something, but if we keep it fast you can get back to it.”
Really, Y/n was almost done. He wasn’t stressed about it. He was tired from all the things he’d been keeping track of though, so he didn’t mind keeping the option to keep the hang out short in case he ran out of a social battery completely. So he didn’t tell Hamish that. “Okay, I’ll be down soon.”
Something sharp started to turn in Hamish’s stomach as he tried to not let his brain talk him out of meeting Y/n and going through with what he was about to do. The second he got to the form and saw Y/n’s smile, he thought about bolting... but then he thought about Y/n smiling at someone else. At Randall or maybe even Gabby or someone else entirely. Someone other than him. Suddenly it wasn’t hard to stay in place and approach the other TA.
They both walked toward each other, meeting in the middle. Y/n seemed a little concerned at the intense look on Hamish’s face. “You okay?” He asked gently. A part of him worried there was some horrible news once again, but he got the feeling it would have been a meeting at the Den, or a discussion for when they got together and did their grading if it had to do with the Knights of school.
“Unlikely,” Hamish joked. It fell a little flat and he shook his head, deciding to simply going for it. “Y/n, I...” he looked away, swallowing. Maybe it would have been better if Y/n ended up with someone else... and then something clicked in Hamish’s head. “Our lives are so fucking complicated. Between teaching classes and fighting the forces of evil, I feel like we can never catch a break.” Y/n chuckled and Hamish actually smiled. “But then I’m with you, and you make it all a little bit easier. It’s not complicated with you, and you help me with everything else. With anyone, for either of us, it’s going to be harder. You get what it’s like to be a TA. You know what it’s like to be a college student. What it’s like to be in on this world of magic. What it’s like to be a Knight when there’s the Order, or tourist magic users. What it’s like to be the leader of a team of idiots.” They both laughed again, but this time they were both blushing. “I was so scared to lose you. But... I am. By not acting on my feelings, by letting you pass me by. I’m losing everything - and I’d rather lose you after I’ve gotten to experience what it’s like to have you. Really have you, as mine. And me as yours. We all lose each other eventually, but maybe we can get a few years first.
Voice gone, Y/n could only stare at Hamish. His eyes were full of tears but he was smiling, his lips pressed together as he tried to hold himself together. When Hamish didn’t say anything for a while though, it was obvious that he was waiting for a response though so Y/n tried to manage it. “Are you saying that you want to try something more than what we have? Because if this is one of those ridiculously cheesy love confessions, theoretically, I would say - in this situation - that I’d maybe like to step back for a second. Maybe we could start with a date and then go from there.
Whatever fears had been holding Hamish back before disappeared and he laughed. “I would love to start with a date. Just the two of us.” He tilted his head, suddenly feeling sheepish and silly. “What did you have in mind?”
Y/n smiled. “I was about to finish my grading.” He didn’t want to go back to that nonsense now. This was so much better. “Come inside and I’ll make dinner. Maybe we could make it together, and then play a gam for watch something. Or just talk.”
Nodding, Hamish stapled closer and brushed his knuckles along Y/n’s. They both let a breath of relief out as Y/n intertwined their fingers. It seemed they had a lot to talk about after all. Hamish couldn’t wait.
“Lead the way.”
Male reader: @stuckoutsideofthebox @sortzz
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anarcho-occultism · 10 months
Miskatonic University
Miskatonic University is a private university based in Arkham, Massachusetts. Miskatonic University was established in 1690 by Ward Phillips. The University originally was heavily modeled on neighboring schools like Harvard, but would begin to move in a different direction early on when, in 1693, Philips gained custody of a number of rare occult books from the collection of the Sanderson sisters in the aftermath of the Salem witch trials. Thus, from an early era, Miskatonic University was heavily colored by an interest in paranormal and occult phenomena. This would in early history largely remain underground–especially in the late 1600’s still dominated by a Puritan ethos. However, the university would gain a reputation for addressing unusual incidents. It was Miskatonic University scholars who were tasked with figuring out what caused the events around Rip Van Winkle’s anomalously long sleep, investigating rumors of a so-called ‘headless horseman’ in the backwoods of New York and carrying out research into reversing the effects of ‘the Alteration’ rendering the ocean treacherous to navigate. Much of this research was carried out in secret by professors ostensibly dedicated to other subjects. In the mid-19th century, the growth of Spiritualism and interest in the occult led to the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose at the school, which quickly became a much larger esoteric order. A large archive of occult tomes and supernatural artifacts were accumulated at the school and in 1871, the American Secure Containment Initiative was founded by Artemus Gordon, Brisco County, Sr., and Jonah Hex, who set up the ASCI’s headquarters underneath the campus library.
These elements largely remained underground into the early 20th century, though plenty of cracks were present. Miskatonic University professors helped analyze the origins of the so-called ‘boomfood’ that triggered a wave of gigantism in the 1900’s, recognizing that radioactive particles played a key role. Research into weapons development sponsored by the U.S. government made it a major target during the War in the Air, with German air raids heavily damaging the campus. It has been suggested that Dr. Herbert West’s later experiments occurred because of trauma experienced when West survived a bombing raid that killed an entire class of students in the room with him. A number of Miskatonic University faculty became involved in incidents involving the supernatural or paranormal-Henry Armitage, Randolph Carter, and Seneca Lapham among others-but overall most students were more focused on traditional prestige in this era. While the occasional figure in the vein of William Fitzgerald or Trevor Bruttenholm was attracted to attend by the university’s occult underground, this was the exception rather than the rule well into the 20th century.
However, the mid-20th century saw the paranormal and occult elements of Miskatonic University creep into the open. As part of the Cold War, the US government had developed a keen interest in supernatural phenomenon and developed many agencies–Delta Green, the Unusual Incidents Unit, the Federal Bureau of Control and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense–aimed at researching the supernatural, combating threats it posed and even perhaps weaponizing it. Miskatonic University’s familiarity with these anomalies was seen as a positive by the government. Furthermore, the prestige associated with paranormal and anomalous research was expanding. Columbia University Professor John Montague had helped make parapsychology a much more respectable field. These factors combined to allow for Miskatonic University to become the first university in the world to open up a Department of Paranormal Studies, containing such majors as Parapsychology, Occult Studies and Esoteric Archaeology. The existence of these departments would require unconventional hiring choices and so the likes of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, MACUSA member Gomez Addams, self-proclaimed ‘psychic doctor’ Miles Pennoyer and former news anchor Carl Kolchak would end up among the faculty of the school by 1980. Members of the Department would play a key role in providing information to the White Committee, which sought to determine the implications of the Black Prom incident in Chamberlain, Maine (though much of the opinions of Miskatonic faculty were discarded by the committee).
The establishment of the Department helped the school draw an unorthodox array of students in the years that followed. Alongside the old-money crowd of future lawyers and businessmen came the likes of Lydia Deetz, Jack and Maddie Fenton, Tommy Jarvis, Nathan Dawkins and Nancy Thompson-all figures drawn to the school by its expertise regarding supernatural and paranormal phenomenon. However, this also drew less savory individuals to the school. The likes of Nikolai Wolf (who would resort to human sacrifice to gain fame for his band Low Shoulder), Cole Turner (a half-demon lawyer who briefly became the Source of All Evil) Edgar Zambus (the creator of a strain of zombism that combines supernatural and viral methods of reanimation that he deliberately infected himself with), Roman Armitage (inventor of the infamous Coagula procedure which hijacked the bodies of numerous African-Americans) and Amy Hughe (a serial killer and worshiper of the demon Malphas) all attended or were planning to attend the school only to make use of its occult secrets for not-so-noble ends. The near-miss awakening of Cthulhu in 1983 during World War III only further caused the school to develop a sinister reputation. Senator Bob Roberts launched a quixotic bid to bar students attending the school from receiving federal financial aid in the 1990’s over these ties to black magic, though his proposal never made it in front of the President before Roberts resigned due to being implicated in the Mattiece scandal of 1993.
The more sinister reputation enjoyed by the school was particularly ironic knowing the role of faculty, alumni and current students in preventing a number of prophesied calamities surrounding Y2K. Miskatonic University Professor Iain Gladstone was the first to take notice of multiple prophecies related to the Apocalypse being fulfilled in the lead-up to the turn of the millennium. Working with his colleagues Rayna Kazuki, Leroy Brown and Dirk Pitt, Gladstone worked to recruit a team that could identify potential Antichrists and, if possible, eliminate them. Most of the team were current students at the school-Sarah Bailey, Steve Urkel, Charlie McGee, Casey Connor and Kate Libby were selected based on a combination of desired research capabilities and known or implied paranormal prowess. Beyond the current students, the quartet of professors brought in a few university alumni-the previously mentioned Lydia Deetz, ex-football star Scott Howard and on-and-off X-Men team member Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde. Aside from Deetz, the alumni were brought in as additional muscle. Through diligent investigation, this team was able to identify Angel Caine-the son of businessman Robert Caine-as a potential Antichrist working through his father’s business empire to bring about the End Times. Caine had additionally formed an alliance with Adrian Woodhouse, another potential Antichrist who sought to co-opt remnants of older Great Old One cults for his ends. The team brought these two to the attention of the BPRD and, alongside a military forced headed by one Colonel John McNamara, were able to prevent Armageddon.
The modern Miskatonic University has enjoyed an enormous boost to prestige following the Awakening of Magic and the widespread embrace of occult and supernatural research. The school was able to greatly expand operations as a result, pursuing ideas that were fringe even amidst the ‘new normal’ of anomalies. After the Amphibian invasion of 2020, the school became a locus of research into extradimensional phenomenon, discovering the realms of Mewni, World A, Oz, and Throne among many others. Researchers from the school helped create the EVA units used to fight the so-called ‘angel’ incursions of the 2010’s and chronicling the spread of ‘quirks’ across 90% of the human population post-Awakening of Magic. Miskatonic University has also begun tracking temporal anomalies after the Warren & Warren incident of 2021, partnering with Britain’s Anomaly Research Center in the process (the ARC has indicated interest in a ‘temporal storm’ appearing to connect 2023, 1890, 1941 and 2053 in some way). Beyond this renown, however, the highs and lows of a normal prestigious school remain. Students briefly seized control of Armitage Hall in protest of the school accepting a $30 million grant from Fortunato Pharmaceuticals, right-wing pundit Lindsey Bluth-Funke has condemned the school for pushing ‘wokeness’ and allegations that rich alumni bribe there way into the school continue to dog its reputation alongside its more fantastical dimension.
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Cthulhu Mythos, The Lurker at the Threshold, Hocus Pocus, Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Order, SCP Foundation, The Wild Wild West, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Jonah Hex, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, The War in the Air, Herbert West: Re-Animator, The Lurker at the Threshold, The Diviners (Bray novel), Delta Green, Control, Hellboy, The Haunting of Hill House, The Conjuring, The Addams Family, Miles Pennoyer, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Carrie, Beetlejuice, Danny Phantom, Friday the 13th, Beyond: Two Souls, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jennifer’s Body, Charmed, Plants vs. Zombies, Get Out, Dead of Summer, A Colder War, Bob Roberts, The Pelican Brief, The Secret World, Explorer Woman Ray, Encyclopedia Brown, Dirk Pitt, The Craft, Family Matters, Firestarter, The Faculty, Hackers, Teen Wolf, X-Men, Holocaust 2000, Rosemary’s Baby, Hatchetfield Universe, Shadowrun, Amphibia, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Final Fantasy, The Land of Oz, Kill Six Billion Demons, Neon Genesis Evangelion, My Hero Academia, Old (film), Primeval, Bodies (Netflix series), The Fall of the House of Usher (2023), Arrested Development, Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters
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The Order - can u bounce
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gingersimasnaps · 4 years
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88 notes · View notes
mistressvera · 4 years
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The Order season 2 trailer
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amythecinnabunny · 4 years
Hamish and Vera soulmates au anyone???? First and last words?? Lovers name and enemies name??? COLOUR??? Please I'm literally begging here I'd do it myself if I haven't already committed myself to two other fics & series of shorts right now
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ecrirereadver · 4 years
I am rewatching season 2 and in episode 2 once Jack chooses Silverback and is about to leave the Collective Unconscious Professor Clarke tells him to come see him the next he’s around and Jack is confused.
Does that mean the champions can access the Collective Unconscious whenever they want?
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doubtspirit · 4 years
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Belgrave University
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unholly-reader · 7 months
Missus Duke - Hamish Duke x fem!reader
Welcome lovely people, here comes another piece about our favorite werewolf acolyte! Hope you enjoy <3
As always, bear in mind English is not my first language.
This one is a bit longer so be warned! Lots of emotional crap and fluffy bits with a teeny, tiny hint at some freaky action.
Walking inside the den Beatrice wasn’t sure what to expect. The sole fact that her fiancé was a werewolf baffled her as to how he could have kept this a secret from her but then again she has been doing the same thing in regard to her being a member of the Order. Still, the trust they have established over the years they’ve been together began to falter as she entered the old house, where the Knights established their lair. She’s been there before, but briefly and still unaware of the werewolf company she has kept for the past few years. Entering the building now was more of a venture into the unknown rather than visiting an old friend. Righty of the bat she heard Randall and Lilith frantically discussing something but at first she wasn’t able to make out the exact words. Only when she entered the living room still unnoticed, she registered three words that made her freeze in place. 
- Hamish got hurt. 
Suddenly nothing else mattered as she quickly approached the two Knights, immediately grabbing their attention. 
- What do you mean “Hamish got hurt”? What happened? Was he attacked? 
Both Lilith and Randall turned around in a blink of an eye, the girl still holding her phone on speaker with Jack’s name clearly visible on the screen. The pair standing before seemingly lost their ability to speak and unsurprisingly the person to reply to her question was none other than mister Morton. 
-  Is that Beatrice? What are you doing there?
- Apparently saving the day. You take care of your things, I got this covered. 
Before he could even answer, Beatrice hung up on him, focusing on the two standing in front of her, still unsure how to react. 
- Bea, what do you mean? And what are you doing here? Hamish is not here so… - started Randall but didn’t get the chance to finish the sentence as Beatrice interrupted him midsentence. 
- Cut the bullshit, Randall. I know you’re werewolves and I know Hamish is one too. I need to know what happened to him and where he is now?
Although Randall was utterly shocked hearing Bea’s words, Lilith was quicker to shoot back as she stood tall, raising her head a bit to look properly at the taller woman. 
- And how do you know about werewolves anyway, Beatrice? I don’t think they teach about lycanthropy in law school. 
As she realised there was no hiding the truth now, she rubbed her temple and gripped her hips staring the black-haired girl down. 
- You really are smarter than you look, miss Bathory. As you’re clearly implying, yes – I am a member of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, but right now that doesn’t matter. I need to know where Hamish is and how badly he got hurt. 
Lilith’s eyes glowed silver as her fangs revealed themselves. That was Timber acting up only fuelled by his champion’s hatred for the entire Order. 
- You don’t belong here. Your place is back with the Order, all of you psychotic lunatics. You want to know how he got hurt? One of your idiot disciples stabbed him in broad daylight. In human form. 
Before Beatrice could truly understand Lilith’s words, the doors opened wide and through then entered the universities mascot stumbling badly on its legs. The Timber Wolf took off its head and revealed a hurting Hamish beneath. 
-  A little help here? 
Immediately Lilith calmed down and all three of them rushed to Hamish. Bea was the first one to get to him, quickly grabbing his arm and swinging it over her shoulders. Randall came to his other side, mimicking Beatrice’ actions.
- Did you ditch them? – asked Lilith, leading her friend inside.
- For now. 
Hamish stared at the both of them and then took a second look as he realised the person holding his right arm was his fiancée who had no reason to be in the den. Most definitely she should not have seen him like that. 
- Bea? 
The brunette didn’t acknowledge his question as she and Randall led the hurt man to the couch where they gently laid him down. 
- Where did they get you? – asked Randall as he and Lilith both helped their leader out of the upper part of the wolf costume, while Beatrice stood back staring at the blood covering her fiancé’s shirt. 
They could have killed him.
- Right here – said Hamish, gasping out while lifting his shirt over his right side and revealing a nasty stab wound infested with greenish foam oozing out of the cut. Once the odour hit Lilith and Randall, they immediately felt heir breakfast coming back up their throats. 
- Jesus, this smells even worse than it looks – exclaimed Lilith, hiding her nose in her arm similarly to Randall who already presented with a gag reflex. 
- It’s like if vomit and sulphur had a baby – added Randall, covering his mouth with his hand. 
Beatrice quickly regained her focus as she concentrated on the still bleeding wound gaping in Hamish’s side. Carelessly she pushed Lilith away, taking her place next to the blonde and quietly examining the cut. The girl growled at the older woman, but she didn’t pay any attention to the protesting werewolf as she rolled up the sleeves of her dark green jacket and looked up to meet her lover’s stare. 
- It’s okay. I’ve got you now – whispered Beatrice gently with a hint of apology in her voice.
Bea reached inside her university bag and grabbed her engraved knife with confidence subsequently slicing her hand open. Hamish was baffled observing his fiancée’s every movement, too stunned and in too much pain to utter a single word. Bea carefully placed her uninjured palm over his wound and brought the bleeding one to her mouth as she muttered the correct incantation. 
- Restituattur. 
Suddenly, Hamish felt the pain disappear and all that was left of it was a nasty memory and blood covering his skin. He looked down at his side and there was no signs of his injury. Beatrice quietly retreated, standing up while throwing her knife back in her bag. All three Knights marvelled over her work as Randall poked at Hamish’s skin in the exact place where the stab wound gaped just seconds before. 
- Okay, but seriously, this is some cool shit, Trixie – said Randall amused and astounded at the same time, turning his head to Beatrice, who was wrapping the cut on her palm with some tissue she found in the pockets of her jacket. 
- Not all magic is bad, Randall. Sometimes it’s really helpful. 
Hamish looked up at her as he stood on his own two feet, still clad in the pants and boot sof the Timber Wolves mascot. There were so many thoughts running through his mind, but the one reoccurring over and over again was the lie. 
She lied to me.
He was painfully aware that those skills did not come to the members of the Order with ease so it was only logical to assume she’s been a practitioner for a longer period of time, which meant she has been lying to him for years. There were now words that came to him at that moment except what he actually wanted to say despite her deception. 
- You saved my life – he stated simply, staring at her without as much as a blink.
Beatrice felt the guilt running through her veins, still trying to remember he lied to her just as much, but the guilt trip was about something other than keeping their societies a secret for all those years. Her disciples attacked the love of her life. If she wasn’t there, Hamish might not have made it out alive. The sheer thought of losing him was the most terrifying thing she’s felt in a very long time. She gulped quietly, squeezing her still bleeding hand never taking her eyes off of Hamish’s blue orbs staring at her shamefully. 
- I couldn’t let you die – said Beatrice like it was the purest truth in the world. 
Silence fell over the room as the two Knights witnessing this unusual lover’s quarrel stood quietly waiting for the grand finale. That is until Lilith decided that her rage was more demanding than she could manage and so Timber took over the reins, growling at the intruder. 
- Yet it was your idiot wizard who almost killed him. 
- You have no idea what you’re talking about Lilith, so I suggest you stay out of this. 
- Why don’t I give you a taste of your own medicine, you bitch.
What happened next was an insane chain of events, one following the other and all in the matter of thirty seconds. Lilith launched herself at Beatrice who was completely defenceless without her knife as she watched the werewolf girl jump at her. Those few seconds when Hamish watched Lilith attack his fiancé felt like hours when he battled between his integrity and his love for Beatrice. There wasn’t much time to waste on logical thinking or reasons why he should do this or that, but in the end the heart won. Swiftly as the lightning hits the ground Hamish ran ahead, jumping in front of Beatrice and throwing Lilith into the couch he occupied just seconds before. His eyes glowed like silver strikes as he growled viciously at his wolf sister standing before Bea like a human shield. She barely noticed his actions as she awaited the impact but when she saw his back in front of her and his arms spread out in a protective manner a part of her felt some sort of relief. He was still her Hamish. 
- That’s enough, Lilith. Stand down. 
His voice was powerful and strong. He sounded like a leader should. Calm and collected but still firm. Beatrice peeked over his shoulders and saw Lilith slowly rising from the couch, eyes still shining with silver. The girl was clearly fuming with anger but the hide inside her heard his command and obeyed.
- She’s one of them Hamish. How can you defend her?
- She’s my fiancée. She has just saved my life. We have bigger concerns on our hands. We must deal with Kyle and his little death squad first. 
Bea furrowed her eyebrows shocked to hear Kyle’s name mentioned as the one leading the attack. 
- That moron? 
After Midnight returned to his locker following Kyle’s unfortunate death at the hands of Gabrielle Dupres, the Knights returned to the Den for the traditional après-kill drink. Hamish sipped on the red liquor swimming in his glass as his thoughts kept running back to his fiancée. Now that he knew the whole truth about Beatrice Stone a war has started between his heart and mind, both equally convincing and both screaming in his head. Even as they toasted their victory, he was clearly someplace else and his loss in thought did not go unnoticed by his comrades. 
- You okay, Hambone? – asked Randall. 
Hamish raised his eyes to the brown-haired boy nodding his head silently. Lilith glanced at Randall knowingly as they simultaneously grabbed one of his arms and slowly dragged him upstairs. Once they reached the couch the sat the man down, took the drink out of his hand despite his loud protest. 
- Excuse you, I need that glass. 
- You need to spill, Hamish. You’ve been staring into nothing like Grinch on Christmas Day – explained Randall, crossing his arms over his torso – Now talk, mister. 
- There is nothing to talk about, Randall. Now give me that drink – denied Hamish, reaching out for the crystal glass in his friend’s hand.
- Don’t bullshit us – intervened Lilith, taking the glass in her own hands and putting it back on the bar before turning to face him again – You were stabbed, almost died, found out your fiancée is a member of the Order and all of that in the span of what, two hours? 
- Wow, thank you for summing up this fiasco in one sentence. That really helps – said Hamish, huffing. 
- We just want to help you – replied strongly Randall, sitting next to his leader – We both know how much you love her. You literally talk about her every single day. What was it you said the other day after those negronis? “Bea is the butter to my bread, the breath to my life”. This is still the same woman, Hamish. 
- Yes, but this one has been lying to me for the better part of our relationship. Hell, she may have been lying to me from the very beginning. I’m not sure if I really know her or is it just the pretty picture she sold me over the years. Is her name really Beatrice? Does she really like cats better than dogs? Does she really like my drinks?
- Hold your horses there, my friend – said Randall calmly, patting his arm gently – We met her too. She was real. She is real. I think she may have even liked me. What I know for sure is that she loves you.  
Hamish turned his head to face Randall, suddenly so grateful for his goofy demeanour and never-ending positive attitude. 
- I really hope you’re right, dude. Because I know I am in love with her. I can’t even try to hate her, which is kind of frustrating. 
- You should go talk to her. 
This time it was Lilith still looking down at the heartbroken man. Hamish furrowed his eyebrows as he shot her a glance of surprise. 
- Weren’t you the one who tried to rip her throat out just today?
The black-haired girl shook her, rolling her eyes back. 
- I am still not a fan of the witch and her magic buddies, but she came through for you. She saved you and you didn’t hesitate to jump to her rescue. It’s clear as day you mean to each enough to look past your mistakes. 
Apparently, Lilith’s speech was all that Hamish needed to get up and run out without a second thought. He grabbed his phone and car keys on the way and quickly left the Den, leaving his two comrades grinning like idiots. 
- We should start a couple’s therapy clinic, cause we’re damn good at this shit – exclaimed Randall, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp.
The ride to their apartment in Norwich felt agonizingly slow as he drove past the red lights and other cars, impatient to get to the building. Upon arrival he didn’t even bother with parking his black BMW properly, instead just carelessly left the car in the middle of the private parking place and ran out to the door. As usual he was greeted with a polite “good evening, Mr Duke” but he was too busy running to the elevator to acknowledge the kind security guard. The elevator seemed to be taking forever to get down so instead he chose to sprint seven storeys up to get to their shared apartment, praying Beatrice was there. Without thinking twice, he pushed the door open and entered the dimly lit flat. 
- Beatrice? Are you here? 
The living room connected with the kitchen and the mini bar they had installed for his alcoholic beverage’s construction was quite dark except for two dim lamps on the underside of the kitchen cupboards, but the main source of light was their bedroom. It was also the room from which Hamish clearly heard hangers ruffling in the closet. Quickly he made his way to the bedroom and found Beatrice fishing out her clothes from the closet and chucking them inside the giant suitcase which laid open on the neatly made bed. Hamish felt a pin in his heart, seeing his fiancée moving out of their apartment and out of his life. 
- Bea, stop it – said Hamish firmly, grabbing the woman’s attention. 
Beatrice turned around with two hangers in her hands, tear stains covering her cheeks. She froze in place as she gripped the hangers in her palms. On one of them hung the satin red dress she wore to the dinner, when he proposed to her just a few months prior. Just seeing the dress brought a wave of memories to the both of them. Hamish looked into her glassy blue eyes, unsure of his own words and actions, but certain of his feelings. 
- I still remember how you took my breath away when I first saw you in that dress. I swore I could marry you right there and then.
His voice was just above whisper, but she heard him clearly. She swallowed her tears, feeling a corner of her mouth rise involuntarily. 
- I had to pinch your arm because you stood still like a deer in headlights – chuckled Beatrice, remembering the day as if they just lived it. 
Hamish smiled fondly at the memory, never taking his eyes of her blue orbs glossy with new coming tears. 
- I was certain you were the woman I would call mine for the rest of my life. 
- I knew you were the love of my life. 
Silence fell on the two lovers as they stared at each other unsure what comes next. They both lied to the person they love most. They both did it to protect the other. Was it reason enough to accept living a lie for four years?
- You can’t leave, Bea. I won’t let you – stated Hamish, slowly approaching his fiancée. 
- Hamish, I lied to you – said Beatrice with a shaky voice – I have been lying to you from the beginning. I have been doing the Order’s bidding, my sister’s bidding and now Coventry’s. I could basically become the new Temple Magus in Washington if I didn’t refuse it because I couldn’t leave you. I am so deep inside the Order sometimes the only thing keeping me sane in my life is you. I am a pathological liar, Hamish. 
- I lied too. I have been a Knight for the past eight years. I’ve led the Knights for the past six years. I’ve attacked and defended and did some thing I’m not proud either, even if I believe in the cause we serve. 
- Your pack literally hates my guts.
- The Order is hunting werewolves down. 
- I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because the Order, Hamish. 
- I can’t imagine my life without you, Beatrice. 
The honesty in his tone was almost murderous. She felt his words crawling down her skin as she tried with all her will not to fall apart and into his arms the second he touched her. When he finally did place his hands on the hangers and took them out of her palms, she seemed to have lost her balance for a second. Carefully he placed her dresses back in the closet, brushing against her arm only to return to his previous spot standing before her and looking into her eyes. Beatrice tilted her head up as he was a bit taller, barely standing his intense gaze. 
- The Order is your enemy. Werewolves and practitioners are enemies.  
- Are you my enemy?
Beatrice sucked in her next breath as she felt his hand reach for her own gently intertwining their fingers. She couldn’t look away as if his gaze was a magnetic force and she couldn’t overpower it. With his free hand he slowly reached to her cheek wiping away the fresh tear that fell down her eyelashes. Her whole body was trembling beneath his touch just like she always did when he was this close. His scent was driving her crazy, muting her senses and blinding the reason she always followed. It was only after a few moments of undisturbed silence that she spoke up, giving up all her will power to the love she knew was stronger than anything she has ever witnessed in her life. 
- You own my heart and my soul, Hamish. I could never knowingly stand against you. 
Beatrice barely got to finish her sentence before Hamish crashed their lips together, habitually wrapping his arms tightly around her form and pushing her flush against him. An uncontrollable moan escaped her mouth as she melted right into his embrace, entangling her fingers in his silky hair. They were used to messy kisses, those filled with lust and passion and always ending in their bed or other less comfortable places in their apartment, but this was different. The urgency in their movement, hungry lips learning each other like it was the first time, greedy hands trailing invisible paths down their bodies. The act itself felt less like a physical form of dealing with the recent events, but like the final stage of accepting who they are as individuals and who they become as one body, one mind and one soul. When breath came to call they broke apart, but never left each other’s embrace, resting their foreheads against one another. Both were breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down at an astounding pace but all that didn’t matter when they knew they had each other despite everything that happened and will happen in the future. 
Hamish could hear Bea’s heart beating like a hummingbird locked in a golden cage. He felt the way she shifted in his arms, trying to get even closer than she already was. Suddenly everything was back to normal. She was his, he was hers. The Order didn’t matter. The Knights didn’t matter. In the silence they exchanged wordless vows promising to protect the love they found in the chaos of their lives. Truth was simple and in plain sight. There was no life for Hamish without Beatrice and there was no life for Beatrice without Hamish. Not even their allegiance to enemy societies could tear them apart. 
- We’re going to figure it out. I don’t know how or how long it will take but there’s one thing I am certain about. You are my life, Bea. I don’t care what anybody else says, you’re the one thing I can’t live my life without. 
Beatrice looked up, catching his longing gaze with her teary eyes. She could see all that he didn’t say but felt within. All the love, the adoration, the promise of life by her side. 
- And I can’t live without you. I can’t breathe without you. To hell with the Order, to hell with Coventry. If I have you, nothing else matters. I love you, Hamish. More than anything. More than life. 
The blonde man gently squeezed her sides, bringing her impossibly close as he pecked her lips quickly, but fiercely. He had this bewildered look on his face as if suddenly he swallowed all the energy in the world and was just ready to release it all back like a supernova. 
- You have no idea how happy I am that you said that. But all things aside, your magic? That was incredible! I can’t even wrap my head around it. You must teach me sometimes. 
Beatrice laughed out gleefully, wrapping her arms tightly around Hamish’s neck, gently nudging his nose with her own. 
- A Knight of Saint Christopher’s willingly asking to be taught magic? Dear God, a true miracle. 
Hamish smiled wildly, staring lovingly at the woman in his arms. All the emotions he felt flying through his mind, he could barely register them all. The happiness, the hope, the overwhelming joy, the relief all flooded him at once, buy unlike before he felt more at peace than ever. Instead of a hurricane he was standing in the soft rain in the middle of summer. Gently he released Beatrice from his grip, turning towards the bed, where the half-filled suitcase laid wide open. Without a word he reached for the clothes already inside and started unpacking it. 
- Since you’re not going anywhere, I believe these belong back in the closet. 
- But only if I am the one to put them away – agreed Beatrice, taking the clothes from her fiancé’s hands – If you start putting my clothes back in, I will never be able to find anything again, so move aside, Mister Duke. 
- If you say so, Missus Duke – replied Hamish cheekily, relinquishing his grip on the hangers. 
Beatrice turned rapidly to face him, almost dropping the dress she was hanging back in the closet. She raised her eyebrows at him bewildered by the name. 
- What did you say?
- If you say so, Missus Duke. 
The sheer tone of his voice, so sultry and alluring made her weak at the knees. Trying to shake off the effect he clearly had on her, Bea turned back to hang the dress she was holding, when she heard the suitcase gently hit the floor beside the bed. The next thing she knew Hamish had his arms around her middle, standing right behind her with his chest lightly touching her back. Every place his fingers touched her body felt like electricity running over her skin as he gently slid his palms beneath the white flowy shirt she was wearing, running invisible traces over her stomach and ribs. He felt her shaking under his hands and smiled wickedly, proud of how she reacted to his even smallest actions. 
- I don’t see a wedding ring in my left hand yet, Mister Duke – whispered Beatrice, leaning into Hamish as his hands roamed freely over her skin. 
- A small technical issue I will see to first thing tomorrow – purred Hamish, tracing her neckline with his nose – But right now we have more pressing matters to attend to. 
Beatrice heaved heavily as she laid her head over Hamish’s bare chest regaining her breath after the last few hours they spent in their bedroom. 
- Now I understand why you never got tired. Werewolf durability.
Hamish laughed heartily, wrapping hir arms around her body and kissing her temple gently. 
- Darling, believe me. The werewolf part is just a small particle of my endurance. Mostly it’s the fact that my future wife is the sexiest woman on planet Earth, and I can’t control myself around her. 
Bea raised her eyes, looking up at a very smug looking Hamish grinning like an idiot. She propped herself on her elbow, resting her free hand flat on his chest. 
- Say it again. 
- What?
Beatrice shook her head quickly pecking his lips. 
- You know what. 
Suddenly his gaze softened as he expertly tucked a rouge whisp of her chocolate hair behind her ear. For a moment he remained silenced as he admired her flushed cheeks and sparkling blue irises looking back at him with so much love and adoration he could burst. Gently, he cupped her face, stroking her cheekbone with his thumb never breaking eye contact. 
-  My future wife.
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jenwritespoems · 1 month
The Order fans if you are missing the order like iam then check out my fanfic that i have been writing ( these past 2 years). We deserved a better ending. 
"𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐀 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧?
{ 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝟐 } °˖➴
⋆𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐱'𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫⋆
Source: archiveofourown.org
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
Hamish & Vera soulmate au headcannons
Oooohhhh who has the self control of a temperamental baby? Ma-ra! Mel-vyn!
This one feels longer than the others but I'm 43% sure it's because there's no angst and I'm a big fan of Person A and B continuously screwing up or screwing (with) each other
Up next, folks, is the lovely direction of your soulmate au. Fun.
Everyone is born with a little compass tattoo thing on their wrist. Instead of pointing north, it points to your soulmate. It heats up -- very slightly, almost unnoticeable -- when you're quite close to each other. Now and then, people can be seen walking up and down somewhere, eyes glued to their wrist because goddamnit it was pointing this way five seconds ago and now it's pointing the direct opposite way and-- wait shit turn back around
Vera knew her boyfriend wasn't it. Her compass never pointed at him. He knew it too. Still, she didn't leave.
Hamish knew Cassie wasn't it. His compass never pointed at her. He never said. She never noticed because she never checked her own. She didn't like the idea of soulmates anyway.
Hamish walks past "that scary girl who spends all her time studying" once and in his haste to step put of her clear warpath, he doesn't notice the slight tingling on his wrist.
Someone in the Order comes up to Vera before her Temple Magus days and gushes about how they think she's their soulmate. Vera, who has since kept up a facade of not really caring about her soulmate, sticks her wrist out and exposes her compass, which points towards the entrance to the Order. "Whoever he is, he's not in the Order."
For a while, Hamish tried to find his soulmate. Then he got caught up babysitting Randall -- and then Lilith. And then Jack showed up and there was no time for soulmate hunting when Jack Morton brings about the doom of the world somehow.
Jack and Hamish stand near the entrance to the Temple one day. Both their compasses point in the same direction. "Look, man, I know mine's this way because Alyssa's down there. . ."
Hamish doesn't believe his soulmate's an Order member.
A lot of shit happens. Their compasses go crazy when they fight the Order together, wildly spinning as they repeatedly cross paths. Given that Hamish is currently a werewolf, Vera is the one who notices this. Fucking hell, is it really a disciple???
Vera spends a few days walking through the Temple with her eyes on her wrist after they powder the werewolves. Once again, her compass is pointing in the direction of the entrance to the Temple. So who the hell was it??
The Knights get into the Order. Both their compasses stop pointing to one general direction and start randomly pointing in others. They're always watching their compass when they're not in the same room.
"If you're going to stand there, make yourself useful." Hamish gets Vera a drink. Vera chases him from the table. THEN Vera looks at her wrist and the mingling disciples. How could she possibly guess which one of them it is? °0° it's impossible.
"Bring me something in a tall glass." Well, I was about to go on a small soulmate hunt before I leave the temple for good but ok sure, let's rather do that instead.
When Vera's about to do the Excidium, she glances at her wrist to see that the compass once again points towards the temple entrance. She hopes her soulmate's far enough away, knowing that a good chunk of Belgrave is going to go down with her.
The more time Vera and Hamish spend around each other, the less they look at their wrists.
Once, they crossed paths while both looking at their wrists and when the compass flipped back, they turned, looked at each other, and went on their merry way
The have The Big Dumb okay
Gee I wonder who my soulmate is. Definitely not that one person the compass is literally always pointing to.
It's only after Alyssa, after Hamish is gathering his things and crossing the reliquary to find his other shoe that Vera sits back in the chair and glances at her wrist around Hamish. She watches the little compass follow Hamish as he goes from one end to the other.
"What are you laughing at, you're the one who threw everything around." "Nothing."
Hamish is there when Vera addresses the Order about the 'mysterious' passing of Kepler. As long as she still stands, his compass remains frozen. Hm, interesting. I wonder if there's a room behind Vera where -- OH!
"Mr Duke, do I have something on my face? . . . Stop grinning like that-- w-why are you? -- are you okay? Do you want to see the college therapist? Psychology? Psychiatrist? . . . An exorcist?" "I'm fine."
Vera loses Hamish in a crowd. I could check my wrist or I could-- "VERA STONE IS WEAK!" "WHO THE FUCK--" "ah, there he is."
"Hey you -- you new Medicum -- I swear I knew your name a minute ago-- have you seen the Grand Magus?" "No." "Damnit." Now I have to resort to old methods *cue Hamish marching around with his eyes glued to his wrist*
"Miss Dupres, do you know where the rest of the Knights have gone?" "No, Grand Magus." "Hm."
Vera gets Nicole in and checks her wrist against Gabrielle's. Both in the same place. "Those fuckers are up to something. Has anyone seen Mr Morton or do we have another impending apocalypse?"
Hamish won't stop tickling Vera. So while he's gone, she gets out her makeup bag. Fucking Alyssa. Could have returned my magic and then, not only would I be able to use magic for this, she'd be, you know, alive. Fucking stubborn Alyssa
Vera gets an epiphany. She might not have magic but she knows someone who does. Several someones, in fact.
Jack scrambles into the reliquary as fats as he can. "You said something about Hamish and an emergency."
Vera hands him a book. "Do this spell. Do it now."
"This is an illusion spell to cover up powerful magic . . . what did you do?"
"Nothing yet, I'm fucking with Hamish."
You mean you're fucking Hamish. "What was that, Magistratus?" "Nothing, Grand Magus. So, this spell, what do I do?"
Jack @ Randall: hey, do u wanna go get a beer like right now and this exact moment which has nothing to do with all the yelling at all
To get back at Vera, Hamish decides to do thr same thing, except he has a 100% willing disaster partner Lilith to work with him on this one.
Hamish and Lilith sprint past Jack. "WE FUCKED UP WE FUCKED UP WE FUCKED UP WE FUCKED UP!"
Vera in the doorway with a knife in hand. "AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU'VE THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE."
"So, is what normally happens when the temple is empty?" Gabrielle asks, "or is today a special occasion?"
"No, this is normal. Hamish and Vera often--" "Don't you finish that sentence Mr Morton or I'll be hanging Silverback up on my wall." "Noted."
Hamish loses Vera in a crowd. I could use the compass or I could-- "CHANCELLOR STONE IS STONED" "WHAT THE FUCK--" "ah, there she is."
Had Kepler been alive post S2 there's like a 99% chance she would've been like "why are your compasses pointing at each other?" Long silence. "Because we're sworn enemies, Bitsy, why else?"
Hamish is trying to teach a class. Vera stops by to ask something -- which would've been considered normal if she weren't also the chancellor. Whispering in the back: "Did you see their compasses?? Do you think they know??"
Vera doesn't have magic or werewolf senses, but she does have some good natural senses. "Krowchuck is looking to retire. Belgrave is looking to hire. Make sure you submit an application, okay, babe?"
Vera has literally never called him babe before. In fact, Hamish doesn't think she's ever called him anything other than Mr Duke, Hamish, or "you absolute fuckhead dickface" that one time he ate the chocolate she was hiding.
Hamish glares as she leaves. How the hell is he supposed to get a lesson done now.
Hamish turns up to the next Order meeting with his sleeves high enough that everyone can see his compass point directly to Vera. She isn't happy about it.
"Hey, how long do you think it took before they realised it was them?" "Like a year. I kept track." "That's creepy, Randall." "No, it's like watching your favourite show. Entertaining."
"Mr Morton, my favourite disciple! You look well! How are you doing today? Your magic keeps getting stronger, I'm so proud--" "What do you want?" "Do this spell and I'll let you play with one artefact from the reliquary." ".....You're fucking with Hamish's compass again aren't you?" "I would never! How could you -- okay, yes. Make it point to the most annoying person he knows."
Randall chilling in the temple. "Wtf. Jack what did you do?"
"Why you always gotta blame me?"
Lilith, Randall & Gabrielle: because we're almost always right.
"Daddy, how long did you know Mommy before you knew she was your soulmate?" "Very long." "How did you and Mommy meet?" "I want a new question."
Can you tell my favourite trope is Hamish & Vera either vehemently denying that they're soulmates or just almost never realising it?? And then absolute chaos, of course.
See the other AUs I've mutilated
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
Rare crossover setting person who was also real.
Please note this is based on combining fictional depictions of Crowley in a crossover setting please do not take anything here too seriously.
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was an English occultist and magician. Even with centuries of prominent magicians arising and asserting themselves—from John Constantine to Saruman to Stephen Strange to Merlin to Heinrich Kemmler—Crowley nonetheless manages to stand out in the history of magic. This is not due to being among the more powerful magicians—indeed compared to many wizards, witches, sorcerers and mages he was rather weak. Nor was he exceptional in his alignment. While he claimed to speak with many entities of a darker note such as the Great Old Ones, the Lords in Black and various demons, he did not appear to direct much of his energies into working to bring about the destruction of the old world even as he did genuinely seek a new Aeon. On the other hand, Crowley was not exceptionally good either. A number of his acolytes would go on to do quite awful things citing his ideals as inspiration even if Crowley himself steered clear of such things. His knowledge of the principles of occultism was solid, but far from universal. Perhaps the main thing that makes Crowley stand out was his own sense of flamboyance and willingness to be known as a magician.
Crowley was born to an upper-class family in Britain in 1875. From a young age, Crowley was fascinated by more supernatural aspects of the world. He was supposedly a childhood friend of Cecil Phantomhive and claimed to have met Phantomhive’s rumored demonic servant on several occasions. Crowley as a child also reported an encounter with the infamous Mr. Hyde as a child. Hyde, in a state between sizes, chased young Crowley for several blocks but ultimately did not harm the child. Crowley also bore witness to the ‘Autumn of Death’ in 1886 and claimed to never have believed the claims of London authorities that sightings of the undead in this time were the result of illness-induced hallucinations. These childhood encounters helped establish Crowley’s early fascination with esoteric topics and hidden knowledge, as did the various murders of Jack the Ripper and Count Dracula that occurred around the same time. Crowley tended to be drawn to the darker side of the occult in particular, but was also fascinated by the Kabbalah and various legends of ancient gods from Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia.
Crowley would seek out a number of groups in the 1890’s. He was involved in forming the Guild of Calamitous Intent in 1897 alongside a number of other notable figures. Crowley would be removed from the group, however, as a result of attempting to use the powers of a mystical orb for himself. An embittered Crowley would next seek initiation into the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, a highly powerful secretive magical order. However, Crowley failed the vetting process and was as a result not allowed to fully initiate, with his mind wiped so he could cause no trouble for the group. The group Crowley ultimately would stick with the longest in this time frame would be the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn was far less powerful than the Blue Rose and its members were not as strong, but Crowley would remain involved in the group until 1901. In 1901, while visiting Egypt, Crowley would come into contact with a number of divine beings. The goddess Nuit and the gods Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Kut spoke to him, dictating the text of a document he later titled The Book of the Law, which proclaimed a number of genuine esoteric secrets alongside the titular Law, being “Do what thou wilt, that is the whole of the law.” Crowley recorded this text in three days with help from his wife Rose and additionally came into contact with the goddess Babalon and the entity Aiwass, who provided guidance in how the Book ought to be written.
Following this, friction soon arose within the Golden Dawn. Crowley’s longtime partners SRMD and Arthwaite would turn on Crowley over forming this new doctrine as the two secretly intended to use the Golden Dawn to advance the agenda of the Black Lodge and viewed Crowley’s ideas as threats to this goal. An undeterred Crowley would chose to break off from the Golden Dawn and form his own group, the Ordo Templi Orientis. The OTO drew a number of major figures over the years, not all of whom remained within the group. The occultist Albion Crawley, who operated largely independently for many years, was an early member, as was Roderick Burgess before he broke off to form his own less successful group. The poet Shelley Arabin, the doctor John Taverner, and the defrocked ex-priest Damien Morcata all were early members of the OTO. The OTO practiced a number of rituals that seemed odd to outsiders and Crowley often bragged about engaging in depravity. He also claimed to communicate with evil forces and called himself ‘the Great Beast 666.’ However, as he eventually expelled Morcata over attempting human sacrifice, it appears this was primarily for show rather than genuine black magic.
Crowley was quite active in the period from after World War I to 1947. He had a residence called Bolskine. He earned quite a reputation as a flamboyant character, but set himself apart from other magicians by his deliberate pursuit of a high profile. Crowley’s prominence led to him being consulted as an expert on occult phenomenon by outsiders such as Professor Edward P. Dunning, American detective Nero Wolfe and criminal mastermind Harry Lime. Crowley also made the acquaintance of American rocket scientist Jack Parsons and encouraged his study of the occult—encouragement which led Parsons ultimately to ill-fated interactions with L. Keith Winton and the ruining of Parsons’ personal life (Crowley himself worked with Parsons and Winton on a lunar expedition in the early postwar era that led to his face being carved into the dark side of the Moon). While most of those who came to Crowley were people who lacked any genuine knowledge of the occult, Crowley did encounter genuine supernatural entities and had some talent.. The magician Oliver Haddo had a number of contacts with Crowley and is generally accepted as the root source of many of Crowley’s deeper magical practices that possessed unambiguous and genuine power. He met the immortal woman Mara at one point and used her experiences to further shape his skill in that side of things. An encounter with a changeling who conformed to others’ desires was another encounter Crowley had that risked great consequences, as Crowley wanted the changeling to be a harbinger of the New Aeon. Crowley himself is considered responsible for creating the Unsound, a cursed audio form that can, if heard in totality, kill one within a year of hearing it. Crowley also formed the sect known as the Hymn of One, which remained active until relatively recently.
In the postwar era, the aged Crowley engaged in a number of pursuits intending to allow him to live for far longer. Crowley had, in his younger years, made a pact with a demon for increased sexual prowess and feared torment in Hell. As a result, he sought to avoid death by any means necessary. Crowley carried out a ritual based on ancient alchemy and texts obtained from a parallel world dominated by alchemists to produce a new body for his soul to inhabit, but the replica he produced of himself (a younger, long-haired version of himself but who possessed his memories) fled rather than complied, ultimately rejecting occultism in favor of hyper-advanced science in exile in Japan. Crowley, on his deathbed, carried out a ritual intending to ensure he was reborn. This ritual succeeded in part, but unfortunately trapped his soul in a realm inspired in shows made by Toon actors conforming to many of the rules of that world. Meanwhile, Crowley’s body would be found by a vampire, who converted him into one. This vampiric body would go on to dub himself Black Sabbath and carry out many atrocities. A portion of Crowley’s soul had been left behind in his body before the vampire attack and this portion was consigned to Hell as agreed. Eventually, this shard of Crowley’s soul would become a demon using Crowley as his name. This demon would eventually become ruler of Hell—something that doubtless the original Crowley could not help but envy.
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hyperion-moonbabe · 6 years
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Just a few gifs I made of the temple in the Order.
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gingersimasnaps · 4 years
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Thomas Elms about Katie. I ship it. ❤️😀
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