#gabriel medina imagine
melanieph321 · 29 days
Gabriel Medina x Reader - Untamable Part 3/8
Part 1 Part 2
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Reader spends the summer with her first love, Gabriel Medina, for him to get a chance to know their three year old son. However, both Reader and Gabriel struggle to keep their feelings at bay.
You and Gabriel worked out this co-parenting thing nicely. Once you trusted him enough to take care of Nemo by himself, you saw no reason why he couldn't stay in Maresias for the day. At least while you helped your grandmother with the maintenance of her house as it was beginning to fall apart.
"Vovó, what do you even need a golf set for?" You stumbled upon them while navigating through her overflowing garage.
"They were your Avô's. He would've hated for me to get rid of them, even though he never played golf."
"And the second car? Does it even start these days?"
"It just needs a little fine-tuning. Most of the things in here do."
She got that right. There were piles and piles of junk in your grandmother's garage. However, another man's junk was another man's treasure.
"These surfboards, for example." She walked over to where they stood leaning against the wall. "I can get good money for these. They just need a little polishing. Can't your Papai Açúcar help us with that?"
"Please Vovó." You chuckled. "Don't call Gabriel that." 
"What? Is he not your Papai Açúcar? The way he has been treating you and my dearest great grandchild makes me believe that he is."
It's true. In the past, Gabriel's presence in your son's life was only noticeable in the checks he sent you for food and clothing. You weren't complaining, though, since it was a very generous check, enough to pay your rent and your courses at university. But you've come to realize that Gabriel's presence in Nemo's life had more value than money could ever possess
"Well, things are different now." You mumbled. "He's different."
"Yeah right."
"Yes." You made your way over to the surfboards. "I'm sure he would help us sell these. Matter of fact, I'll take them to him right now."
You were already on your way to pick up Nemo. Hopefully, the day went well. You wouldn't know since Gabriel was not the texting type. And it was a bit alarming pulling up to his house, with no one answering the doorbell to the luxurious estate.
Peeking through the castle-like windows, you spotted some of Nemo's toys lying around on the floor. However, no Nemo or Gabriel were anywhere to be found. Your instincts told you to go down to the beach just behind the house, and to your relief there they were, Gabriel, in the water playing with Nemo.
"Hey Rico." You joined the man sitting in the sand, watching them.
"Ah, Amoreco! Come vai?" (How is it going, love?)
Rico was Gabriel's personal trainer, a short but buff man with an aggressive bowl cut. Much like Gabriel's other surfer buddies, he had a back full of tattoos, the meaning of them incomprehensible to you. Nonetheless, he was an old friend of your brother, and like Gabriel, you had known him all of your life.
"Have you come to watch the show?"
You looked towards the water, where Gabriel had gone to put Nemo down, allowing him to splash his little feet. "What are they doing?"
"What do you think?" Rico smiled. "Poseidon must teach his children his ways."
"Gaby is teaching your son how to surf."
"Yes. But first he must get used to the rough ways of the sea."
"Nah-uh! Over my dead body he is." 
You stood and marched down towards the water. There was simply no chance in hell that you'd let Gabriel teach your son the root to all of your problems in life. No chance in hell.
"Gabriel!" You reached the shore as he turned around.
"Y/N? You're early."
"Mama!" Nemo happily squealed. 
You ignored him, your narrowed gaze piercing Gabriel's. "Whatta hell do you think you're doing, teaching my son how to surf?"
"What? I can't hear you?"
Large waves crashed in the background, with more incoming in the distance, the noise draining the sound of your voice. However, Gabriel seemed to understand your distress by the look on your face.
"Get...Nemo...out of the water!" You shouted.
Gabriel did so, grabbing his surfboard that drifted on the surface. "Why, what's wrong?" He walked towards you, Nemo in his arms. Your eyes fell upon his lean torso and the muscles shifting with his every movement.
"You are what's wrong Gabriel. " You said, raising your head.
"Yes, you." You hurried to unhand him your son, his skin cold, teeth rattling. "Look at him. He's freezing." You wrapped Nemo's body in the sleeve of your knitted sweater. He was only wearing a pair of oversized boardshorts. BOARDSHORTS!
"Y/N, relax."
"Don't tell me to relax. For how long were you in the water for? Don't you know that children catch colds easily?"
Gabriel regarded you with concern. He then waved for Rico to bring forth a towel. The man did so in a hurry, handing it over to you.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I wasn't thinking—" 
"Of course you weren't. You never think about anyone but yourself."
Gabriel's eyes widened, shifting back to Rico, who shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't just stand there, help me get him inside."
He led the way, surfboard tucked underneath his arm. Once inside of the house, Gabriel made sure to light the fireplace that burned well into the night, keeping Nemo warm and cozy.
"Do you want something to eat Y/N? I'm about to order us some pizza."
"No, thank you, Rico." You were quite comfortable where you sat next to the fire, perfectly immobile. Nemo sat before you on the floor, watching TV and playing with his toys. 
"How about one for the little guy?"
"He can't have pizza." You frowned.
"Of course not." 
Something about the grin on Rico's lips told you that Nemo has had pizza served to him before. You'd have to take it up with Gabriel, educate him on your son's daily meal plans.
Somewhere in the distance the doorbell rang, followed by a loud commotion in the hallway.
"That would be Sophia." Rico sighed and correctly predicted the entrance of Gabriel's little sister. However, she wasn't as little anymore.
"Y/N, you're here!" The young girl rushed across the living room to give you a hug, her long hair draping over your face like a vail. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in like forever. How are you?"
"Sophia....you've grown." 
Her hair smelled of lavender and sea salt. A welcoming smell. Sophia was well into her teens now, a disturbing reminder that you were well into your teens the last time that you saw her.
"Yes, I can't believe I'm an aunty now." She said excitedly. "Remember the times you used to babysit me?"
"Please don't remind me."
Although her body had matured, Sophia still had the same babyface and youthful smile, much like Gabriel's. They were each other alike.
"Well, my friend and I thought we'd come over and help my brother babysit Nemo again since it went so well the last time I was here."
"Oh...it did? I had no idea." Your eyes drifted towards the young blond girl standing in the doorway. She was curiously watching you and Nemo. Nemo, who was still in his own little world, playing on the floor.
"Come, Luana, say hello to my nephew. He's really funny." Sophia went to pick him up, twirling Nemo around in her arms until his laughter echoed throughout the living room.
"It's such an honor to meet you, Mrs Medina, I had no idea that Gabriel had a wife, let alone a son."
"Erm....Come again?"
Sophia's friend had dared to enter the room, but instead of joining Sophia and Nemo, she approached you, politely offering to shake your hand.
"It doesn't say much about your relationship with Gabriel in the media. But my sister tells me that the two of you are trying to keep things a secret from the world."
"Your sister? And who is—"
"Lulu, please." Sophia stopped spinning Nemo, pinning him to her hips. "I only said you could come along if you didn't ask so many questions again."
"Right, right. My apologies."
Sophia rolled her eyes but moved on from the subject rather quickly. "Where is my brother?" 
"Basement." Rico said, stumbling back into the living room with a pizza carton in his hand.
"Well, what is he doing down there?"
"Probably hiding?" He chuckled, glancing at you. 
"Well tell him to come back upstairs. He promised that we were going to—"
"I'll tell him." You volunteered, hesitantly so.
"Oh, okay." Sophia nodded. "It's movie night. I was thinking that Nemo and I pick what film to watch, while Rico hook us up with snacks and refreshments. Gabriel was supposed to set up the theater outside. Maybe you can do that as well, Y/N?"
"But..." Her friend squealed.
"Lulu." Sophia gritted. "She's headed downstairs anyway. You'll help Rico with the snacks."
"Fine." She sighed, glaring at you rather stiffly. You didn't think much of it, though, and headed downstairs towards the basement, which was more like a studio, if anything. It was neatly furnished with a number of photos on the walls, photos of Gabriel surfing. There were also loads of trophies, some of them stocked on shelves while others lay piling up inside large cardboard boxes. It was all very impressive, you thought. Gabriel was really living the dream as a professional surfer. A dream that your brother would have loved to achieve.
You came around the corner and found him bent over a table, inspecting a surfboard that lay on top of it. He lifted his head, confirming that it was indeed you that was heard coming down the steps. The last person on earth that he wanted to talk to right now. On top of that, he was still shirtless, sweat dripping down the hill of his muscles as he worked on the board.
"Your sister is here." You spoke timidly. "She says that you've promised her some kind of movie night?"
Gabriel nodded his head. "Tell Sophia that I'll be right there."
"Right." You stood weighing on your heels. "She wants me to help you set up some kind of theater out in the backyard."
Gabriel lifted his head again regarding you skeptically. "She wants you to help me?"
"While yes. Don't you think I'm capable?"
Gabriel snorted his answer, returning his attention back to the surfboard. You kind of deserved it, the cold shoulder that he was giving you.
"Look, Gabriel...." You sighed, stepping closer to where he stood. "What I said on the beach—"
"It's okay Y/N, I know you meant every word."
"I did, but they weren't supposed to come out like that, not in that moment at least."
"Right." He reached for a tool on the wall, something to help smoothen the edges of the board.
"You're right, those words weren't meant to come out at all."
"And still they did." Gabriel rested his hands on the table, regarding you with slight amusement in his eyes. "Y/N, I get that I've done things in the past that would make you not want to trust me again. But if you've already made up your mind about who I am as a man, let alone as a father to our son—"
"I haven't." You shook your head. "I promise that I haven't...made up my mind."
He did not seem convinced. "I don't get it. Why can't I teach my own son how to surf? Because that's the real issue, no?"
Your lips pressed into a thin line. "Yes."
"But why?"
You frowned. "What do you mean why?"
"Yeah, tell me why you suddenly hate surfing so much? You were one of the best surfers I knew growing up."
"No, Y/N. I want you tell me why. It can't be because of Nemo's age, the two of us were practically born in the water. And if I remember correctly, didn't your mother—"
"Please Gabriel." You shut your eyes, preventing the tears from escaping.
"Fuck...I'm sorry. I didn't mean...."
You turned your back on him, quickly wiping your eyes with the back of your hands. 
"Hey." Gabriel's hand tugged at your waist, pulling you towards him. "Hey, don't cry."
His skin was warm against your face. He swayed you his arms, the sound of his heartbeat slowly drumming in your ear.
"You miss them a lot, don't you?"
"More than anything." You sniffled. "To think that Nemo will never get a chance to meet—"
"Hey..." Gabriel gathered your face in his hands, your cheeks pressing softly against his palms. "Nemo has got Vovó. He's got my parents, Rico's parents and not to mention Sophia. He's got a whole village looking after him. It's up to you to let them all in."
You got lost in his gaze. Gabriel's dark eyes that seemed to carry an infinite depth. It's what you loved the most about him. That and his gentle touch.
"What?" He smiled, seeing as you were smiling too. 
"Nothing. I guess I just thought of something funny."
"Which was...."
"Nothing, it was just something random."
"Don't leave me hanging now, I want in on the joke." He let go of your face, but did not let you escape from him.
"Well, if you must know, your sister brought a friend, Luana, I think her name was. Nevertheless, she called me your wife."
"She did?"
"Yes, she called me Mrs Medina, which is crazy since that is what I used to call your mother." 
It sent shivers down your spine just thinking about that woman. Especially when Gabriel mentioned her amongst the people to let into your son's life. His mother would never be one of them. Not after the horrors she put you through in the past.
"But you are..." Gabriel said, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"I am what?"
"My wife."
"Pardon me." You laughed. A gut wrenching laugh that almost made you choke. "I am not your wife Gabriel, we never even...." A flash from your past entered your mind. It was from the day Nemo was born. Gabriel wasn't there, only your grandparents and....Gabriel's mother. 
"I won't let you take him home unless you marry my son." She said, "It is already enough that you've tried to trap Gabriel with this baby. His career will not be shattered by a scandal. You will marry him or I'll see to it that you'll live your life out on the streets where you belong."
The memories from that day came and went, but the pain of his mother's words still carved its way into your heart, posing it.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
You winced with Gabriel's touch. 
He backed off immediately.
"We're still married." You gasped. That day had been a cluster of your dreams, until now.
"It's why I wrote you." He nodded.
"I thought enough time had passed without the two of you being in my life. I knew that my mother kept in contact with you throughout the years, making sure that you and Nemo had everything you needed. But it was time for me to step up and take care of business myself."
"Business?" You frowned. "Is that all we are to you, business?"
"Come on. You know that's not what I meant."
"But we are." You nodded. "Because you never even cared about us up until now. It was your mother, sending those checks out all along. Not you."
"Y/N, I think you're misunderstanding what I'm—"
"No, Gabriel. I understand perfectly that this summer and those letters were all about you making peace with yourself, not us."
"Hey, at leats I'm owning up to my mistakes."
"Not being man enough is not a mistake, Gabriel. It's a choice. A choice that you made the day you decide to go on tour, surfing, instead of witnessing the birth of your own child."
"Y/N, wait!"
He shouted for you in vain. You returned upstairs with heavy steps, only to be met by an audience who probably heard everything that just unfolded downstairs.
"Not now, Rico."
It was not your proudest moment, especially seeing the look on Sophia's face when you snatched Nemo from her. You left Gabriel's house with no intention of coming back. You were so rallied up by the fight that you failed to notice the surfboards missing from the roof of Vovó's car.
Part 1 Part 2
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leclewi · 1 month
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new obsession = need to be fed ˖* ℘ wrote in my mother language, kinda for my brazilian girls, i hope you enjoy it anyway. 🫶🏻 ( gabriel medina seu gostoso eu te amo )
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“você tá com gosto de sal.” o sentimento dos lábios dele se desgrudou do seu quando ele se puxou para trás, as ondas mexendo seus corpos devagar, de um lado para o outro, você protegida de ser levada para longe nos braços dele.
você rolou seus olhos, “depois de você ter me afogado, esperava o que?” você cutucou com o pescoço dele, a risada do gabriel ecoou nos seus ouvidos.
era isso o que importava. tardes na praia, com o sol queimando a sua pele, enquanto o gabriel te segurava. ele acabara de voltar de uma competição, a saudade roía vocês dois e logo ia se dissipando, com os beijos roubados dele e os seus toques, claro que ela iria embora.
“senti sua falta.” ele admitiu, os braços tatuados se apertando fortemente contra você. a cabeça dele se friccionou contra seu pescoço, um leve beijo deixado na sua clavícula. “sério mesmo.”
“também senti sua falta.” você disse de volta, beijando seu ombro em retorno. as ondas balançando no seu beijo devoto a ele. ele sorriu, o beijo trazendo um sentimento de calmaria.
vocês eram um contraste a vida agitada e festeira dele, totalmente diferente. seu efeito era algo inexplicável para ele, seu jeito de ser e amar era contrário ao qualquer um que ele já experimentou. era como se você fosse o oceano e ele desaguava em você. e estar de volta no oceano dele, onde ele pertencia, onde ele podia surfar nas suas curvas, era o que o fazia afogar no seu amor.
a mão dele deslizou para seu quadril, a curva perfeitamente encaixada em sua palma, apertou de uma maneira leve e suave, como ele sempre é com você. seus dedos enroscaram no seu biquíni, suas unhas encravando na pele do moreno o avisando para não ir além do limite.
“gabriel.” você sussurrou, e ele ignorou, completamente. nem aí para o mundo, você estava na frente dele. quem ligaria? ele te adoraria a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
“na próxima você vai comigo.” ele disse, seus dedos brincando na sua pele, apertando os botões certos para te fazer querer fechar os olhos e ignorar que vocês estavam no mar, no campo de visão de qualquer um. “foda-se, viu?”
mais uma vez, gabriel provou a especialidade dele em te fazer rolar os olhos. “desculpa se eu trabalho” você protestou, mesmo assim um sorrisinho apareceu no canto da sua boca.
ele imitou sua voz, de um jeito mais fino e zoando você. “bla bla, eu trabalho, bla bla.” ele disse, seu leve tapa deixado no ombro dele o arrancou uma risada.
“a gente briga mais tarde.” e com isso, ele te beijou e te amou, na praia, no mar.
se desaguando em você.
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wagconts · 1 month
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𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿! 𝗙𝗲𝗺!
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 :: where you and Medina are always getting on each other's nerves.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 :: mention of Tati and João (sometimes referred to as Chumbo/Chumbinho), two Brazilian surfers.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 :: 1.250k
𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 :: English isn't my first language; I write my stories in my native language and translate them with the help of translators. So, if anything's confusing, I'm sorry! Sometimes it might be a local slang.
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─ Another one for the collection! ─ Medina plopped down next to me.
Gabriel showed me a Polaroid he had just snapped of me while I was distracted, messing around on my phone. I looked at him again, and he had a grin from ear to ear.
─ Seriously? When are you gonna stop taking random Polaroids of me? ─ I asked.
─ Only when my film runs out. And sorry to break it to you, but I just loaded a fresh roll before we came here.
I sighed. Coming to Paris was amazing, like a dream come true. Representing my country in the sport I love, the one I’ve dedicated my entire life to perfecting, was a total win.
This was my second Olympics. I didn’t even make it to the podium in Tokyo, but this time, my confidence was on another level.
The downside? Sharing a house with Gabriel. We've been here for a little over a week, and I still couldn’t figure out his vibe.
One minute, he's all friendly, asking me to share my surf stories, even handing me a flower he picked from some random bush on the beach.
But the next, he's teasing me, throwing shade like we’re rivals from different teams or something. Go figure.
─ You love me, huh? Always sticking close. ─ I said, locking eyes with him.
─ Love’s a strong word, babe. Let’s just say I enjoy watching you lose your cool with my little jokes.
─ I never lose my cool, I’ve got better things to do!
─ Sure you do!
─ Are you two lovebirds joining me at the beach or what? ─ Tati interrupted, standing in front of us.
─ Beach? Hell yeah, I'm coming. ─ I jumped off the couch, excited.
─ What’s this, babe? You’re ditching me? I thought we could spend the whole afternoon together. ─ Medina teased with a smirk.
Tati and João burst out laughing at the surfer's joke. I shot him a look and flipped him the bird before heading to my room to grab a swimsuit.
[ .... ]
─ Eh... that was an average wave! ─ Gabriel said as soon as my feet hit the sand. ─ I'd give it a four.
─ Why don’t you go catch a better one then? Talk's cheap; show me what you got. ─ I shot back with a smirk.
─ I like the attitude! ─ he grinned ─ What do I get if I impress you?
─ Nothing, duh. It’s not a prize competition.
─ Kinda boring, but alright, just for the challenge... watch and learn from the best.
─ Best? That’s a stretch! ─ João hollered, making me laugh.
Gabriel rolled his eyes, grabbed his board, and headed toward the waves.
I hated to admit it, but... it’s Medina, you know? He really is one of the best surfers we've ever seen. It’s no wonder he gets all the recognition.
─ You got this, Gabriel! ─ Tati cheered, clapping ─ Come on, (your name), cheer him on too!
─ As if I'd boost that ego any higher ─ I muttered.
Medina spotted a wave and positioned himself on the board. Tati and João went silent, their focus shifting to the water. That wave was the biggest one we'd seen since my last run and his.
I stood up from the sand, watching along with the other two surfers beside me.
─ Is he crazy? He’s lost his damn mind.
The wave passed, but where the hell was Medina?
─ Shit! ─ I muttered under my breath.
─ What the hell did Gabriel do? He’s totally lost it.
The three of us started getting anxious. Tati began shouting his name, hoping for a sign that Gabriel was okay.
But nothing.
So we ran toward the water. Tati and I stayed at the shore, trying to spot him. João didn’t think twice before grabbing his board and heading to where Medina might’ve wiped out.
─ Relax, (your nickname), Gabriel’s a big boy. He knows what he’s doing. ─ The blonde reassured me, patting my shoulder.
─ He’s an idiot, that’s what he is! Did he really need to do all that just to mess with me? ─ I fumed. ─ We have no idea what happened, what if he hit his head on a rock and started bleeding?
─ Girl, stop thinking the worst ─ she scolded. ─ João’s already on it.
Speaking of João, we looked at him; he signaled that he hadn’t found anything.
I took a deep breath. After a few moments, João seemed to spot something, and then, Medina reappeared, climbing back onto his board.
Relief washed over me, and I hugged Tatiane.
─ He’s such a drama queen ─ she whispered, making me smile.
As soon as the two got back to us, the first thing I did was check if Medina was okay.
─ Don’t worry, I didn’t hit anything! Just got caught off guard.
─ Could be worse!
─ Just so you know, (your name) was super worried about you. ─ João teased with a grin.
─ I was worried, yeah, but not like that. I just didn’t want anything bad to happen.
─ Damn, babe, I was getting my hopes up here ─ I mean, who else can nearly have an accident and still crack a joke?
─ Open your eyes, Medina, and make things happen without the jokes! ─ Tatiane whispered, but he still heard it.
[ .... ]
Night had fallen over the skies of Teahupo’o, the sea was calm, and the stars lit up the sky. I was sitting on a rock, finishing up waxing my board so it’d be ready for the heats tomorrow.
I felt a cold weight on my shoulder and looked back to see Gabriel standing there.
─ Still here? I thought you’d be done by now ─ he sat down next to me.
─ Almost done. ─ I said, looking at my board ─ I don’t want any slip-ups tomorrow.
─ And you won’t have any! You just need to keep all the focus and courage you’ve had these past few days ─ he said, looking me in the eyes.
─ I know, but it’s tough. If I gave it my all in the group stage, now that it’s elimination rounds, I need to double that effort.
─ If you keep letting that fear in, it’s only gonna get worse. How about I grab us a couple of cold beers? ─ I laughed ─ What’s so funny?
─ Getting me tipsy the day before the competition? You trying to throw me off my game?
─ Never! It’s the opposite, to pump you up.
─ Damn.
For the first time, I really looked at his face. His brown eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky, and that smile... I could spend hours just looking at photos of him smiling.
─ Kiss me already, (your name)!
I smiled softly before our lips met. He kept his hands in my hair, deepening the kiss.
We pulled back, smiling at each other.
─ Easily my new addiction.
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alpineshift · 1 month
random ask time!
pick five Devils players and assign them a summer Olympics sport to compete in. why did you choose that sport for them?
oh I love this, it's making me think! personally I'm assigning them sports for entirely selfish reasons (aka events I want to see them compete in). it wouldn't necessarily be bc I think one of the boys has any super specific characteristic that makes them suitable for a particular sport 😂 also nobody gets golf bc fuck golf LOL
Jonas Siegenthaler - surfing. IDK - I think Siegs has the vibes. I think he'd do well in the water. He's such a balanced and steady kind of guy. I think he's one of those dudes that look effortlessly cool with a wetsuit tied around his waist and a board tucked under the arm. I want him to do the Gabriel Medina #1 pose flying out of the water like a rock star.
Nico Hischier - rugby. On the Paris Olympics site it says ruby sevens and IDK what the difference is, but whatever. I assume Nico is decent in field sports bc he used to play soccer. I think some of his on-ice playmaking skills would be useful in this scenario. This has nothing to do with the fact that rugby players have monster thighs I swear. I also want to see him go full beast mode and drag all the guys trying to tackle him as he makes a break for the try line.
Jack Hughes - tennis. I'm imagining him competing in men's singles, but I think he could also play doubles with one of his brothers or something. Jack's quick, strategic, got stamina, has good eye-hand coordination. I also think he could thrive pretty well in a solo sport, he's got that 'dialled in' mode down to a science. Not known for super powerful serves but gets internet love/hate for really sneaky saves and tricky shots that are hard to receive.
Luke Hughes - fencing. Specifically the épée category, which is the only discipline where the whole body is a valid target. Since Luke is a defensemen, it'd be interesting to put him in the one event where he has to do the most to defend! He's a tall boy so I think having a reach advantage would be great. I also didn't know this but the épée sword is the heaviest of the three. I also just want to give Luke a sword.
Nate Bastian - mountain biking. So it's not olympics related but I saw that clip of the American biker Aaron Gwin snapping his bike's chain literally a second after he left the gate but went full 'fuck it we ball' mode and won anyway. I'm assigning this vibe to Nater. I think Nate is someone who's a little rough-and-tumble and not afraid to get out there and get dirty! Speedy downhill racing! Out in the wilderness! Thriving in the noise of the spectators and cowbells and cheers!
That's my five - thanks for the fun ask! (You gotta tell me your top five picks and their assigned sports now too LOL)
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dinaive · 1 year
The Hadith of Gabriel (Part 2)
"Then the man went away. After I had waited for a long time, the Prophet said to me, "Do you know who the questioner was, 'Umar?" I replied, "God and His messenger know best. "He said, "He was Gabriel. He came to teach you your religion. "To begin explaining the meaning of this hadith let us flesh it out by adding some background information that would be obvious to the original listeners but not to a reader situated many centuries and miles away.Try to imagine the situation. The Messenger of God, at the time the greatest human being on the face of the earth (as far as his companions were concerned - and the historical record bears them out), is sitting at the edge of an oasis in Medina with a group of his companions, that is, people who have accepted that he is the mouthpiece of God. Suddenly a man appears whom no one recognizes.Medina, at the time, is a tiny community in the midst of the desert (with a population of several hundred or perhaps a few thousand). Everyone knows everyone. If a traveler arrives, it is no small event, given the difficulty of travel and the small population. Everyone learns about new arrivals within hours. The system of personal relationships established by familial, tribal, and other bonds ensures that news is spread around much more efficiently than can ever be accomplished by today's six o'clock news. A man appears whom no one knows, but no one has arrived in town for several days, except the uncle of so and so, whom several of them have already seen.Not only do the companions fail to recognize the man, but he also shows no signs of travel, which is very strange. If they do not know him, then he must be a newly arrived traveler. Someone would not be able to freshen up that quickly after several days of travel in the desert, even if he had traveled only by night on the back of a camel. (You think you feel bad after six hours in a car-think of six days in the hottest and dustiest environment you can imagine, with no air conditioned rest stops for coffee or soda.)As soon as the man arrives, everyone is all ears. Who can this person be, and how did he get here without our knowing about it? Next strange fact: The man is obviously on familiar terms with the Prophet of God. He comes right up to him and kneels down in front of him, his knees against the Prophet's knees. Notice that the Prophet himself is kneeling, not in prayer as modern Westerners might kneel, but simply because kneeling is, for most Orientals, the simplest and at the same time the most respectful way to sit. Remember that, even in houses, chairs were unheard of. People sat on the ground, as they still do in much of the world-and this includes some of the richest and most sophisticated parts of the world, such as Japan. For most of the ancient world, chairs were the prerogative of kings.You would not go right up to a person and kneel with your knees touching his unless he were, for example, your brother or a very close friend. The normal procedure, even if the person sitting there was just an ordinary person, would be to greet him from a respectful distance and keep the distance. But the stranger from the desert obviously knows Muhammad very well. He even places his hands upon Muhammad's thighs, which would be an unheard of piece of effrontery if the man were a stranger.
Excerpted from the book "The Vision of Islam" by Sachiko Murata and William C. Chttick
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rainy-autumn-day · 5 years
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50 songs to listen to this autumn
1 Gabrielle Aplin — Let Me In
2 FRAWLEY — Ain't Nobody's Baby
3 Patrick Martin — Stranger Nights
4 X Ambassadors — HOLD YOU DOWN
5 Better Off - Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler(Axley Remix)
6 I don't wanna be you anymore- Billie Eilish Cover
7 Bastille - Haunt (Live from the Troubadour)
8 Bad Blood - Bastille
9 BTSTU (Demo)
10 Beautiful Thing - Grace VanderWaal
11 POISON & WINE by The Civil Wars [Cover] - Jeric Medina and Julianne
12 Ira Wolf - Fickle Heart
13 Ingrid Michaelson - Light Me Up
14 Fenne Lily. — Top To Toe
15 9 Crimes (by Damien Rice feat. Lisa Hannigan)
16 Love Will Have Its Sacrifices By SOLES
17 Ed Sheeran - The A Team
18 isthatwhatyoumint — haunted
19 Jack Campbell - "Absentee"
20 Black City Lights - Offering
21 Till Forever - Acoustic
22 Lucy Schwartz Music — Ghost In My House
23 Gabrielle Aplin — Never Fade
24 Almost Autumn — A Little More
25 If I Stay- Halo Ane Brun
26 Shooting stars- Owl City (Credi remix)
27 Gabrielle Aplin — Lying To The Mirror
28 Go Easy Little Doves, I'll Be Fine
29 Electric Owls - Darken Me
30 Closer by The Tiny
31 Trent Dabbs - Turn Our Eyes Away
32 Gabrielle Aplin — Keep Pushing Me
33 Wicked Game By James Vincent
34 Gabrielle Aplin — Out On My Own
35 Eliza Rickman — Pretty Little Head
36 Billie Marten - Bird
37 Cleavers — Sleeping At Last - Earth
38 Two Hands by Chew Lips
39 Gabrielle Aplin — Home
40 Rebecca Black - The Great Divide
41 Mayday Parade - Ghosts
42 Learn me right
43 Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
44 Allie Marshall ♫ — Tee Shirt - Birdy
45 Aldous Harding - Stop Your Tears'
46 Jonathan Coulton - Creepy Doll
47 Ellie Goulding - Take Me to Church
48 Hopeless Wanderer (Mumford and Sons)
49 Radical Face — The Crooked Kind
50 Imagine Dragons - Walking the wire(Cover)
51 Ailee - Heaven Lullaby + Autumn Wind Ver.
52 OH MY GIRL - Closer Lullaby + Autumn Wind Ver.
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thetruthseekerway · 5 years
The Hadith of Archangel Gabriel
New Post has been published on http://www.truth-seeker.info/does-god-exist/the-hadith-of-archangel-gabriel/
The Hadith of Archangel Gabriel
By Sachiko Murata, William C. Chittick
The Hadith of Archangel Gabriel
Umar ibn al-Khattab said: One day when we were with God’s messenger, a man with very white clothing and very black hair came up to us. No mark of travel was visible on him, and none of us recognized him. Sitting down before the Prophet, leaning his knees against his, and placing his hands on his thighs, he said, “Tell me, Muhammad, about submission.”
He replied, ‘Submission means that you should bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is God’s messenger, that you should perform the ritual prayer, pay the alms tax, fast during Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to go there.”
The man said, “You have spoken the truth.” We were surprised at his questioning him and then declaring that he had spoken the truth. He said “Now tell me about faith.”
He replied, “Faith means that you have faith in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you have faith in the measuring out, both its good and its evil.”
Remarking that he had spoken the truth, he then said, “Now tell me about doing what is beautiful.”
He replied, “Doing what is beautiful means that you should worship God as if you see Him, for even if you do not see Him, He sees you.”
Then the man said, “Tell me about the Hour”
The Prophet replied, “About that he who is questioned knows no more than the questioner.”
The man said, “Then tell me about its marks.”
He said, “The slave girl will give birth to her mistress, and you will see the barefoot, the naked, the destitute, and the shepherds vying with each other in building.”
Then the man went away. After I had waited for a long time, the Prophet said to me, “Do you know who the questioner was, ‘Umar?” I replied, “God and His messenger know best. “He said, “He was Gabriel. He came to teach you your religion. ”
To begin explaining the meaning of this hadith let us flesh it out by adding some background information that would be obvious to the original listeners but not to a reader situated many centuries and miles away.
Try to imagine the situation. The Messenger of God, at the time the greatest human being on the face of the earth (as far as his companions were concerned – and the historical record bears them out), is sitting at the edge of an oasis in Medina with a group of his companions, that is, people who have accepted that he is the mouthpiece of God. Suddenly a man appears whom no one recognizes.
Medina, at the time, is a tiny community in the midst of the desert (with a population of several hundred or perhaps a few thousand). Everyone knows everyone. If a traveler arrives, it is no small event, given the difficulty of travel and the small population. Everyone learns about new arrivals within hours. The system of personal relationships established by familial, tribal, and other bonds ensures that news is spread around much more efficiently than can ever be accomplished by today’s six o’clock news. A man appears whom no one knows, but no one has arrived in town for several days, except the uncle of so and so, whom several of them have already seen.
Not only do the companions fail to recognize the man, but he also shows no signs of travel, which is very strange. If they do not know him, then he must be a newly arrived traveler. Someone would not be able to freshen up that quickly after several days of travel in the desert, even if he had traveled only by night on the back of a camel. (You think you feel bad after six hours in a car-think of six days in the hottest and dustiest environment you can imagine, with no air-conditioned rest stops for coffee or soda.)
As soon as the man arrives, everyone is all ears. Who can this person be, and how did he get here without our knowing about it? Next strange fact: The man is obviously on familiar terms with the Prophet of God. He comes right up to him and kneels down in front of him, his knees against the Prophet’s knees. Notice that the Prophet himself is kneeling, not in prayer as modern Westerners might kneel, but simply because kneeling is, for most Orientals, the simplest and at the same time the most respectful way to sit. Remember that, even in houses, chairs were unheard of. People sat on the ground, as they still do in much of the world and this includes some of the richest and most sophisticated parts of the world, such as Japan. For most of the ancient world, chairs were the prerogative of kings.
You would not go right up to a person and kneel with your knees touching his unless he were, for example, your brother or a very close friend. The normal procedure, even if the person sitting there was just an ordinary person, would be to greet him from a respectful distance and keep the distance. But the stranger from the desert obviously knows Muhammad very well. He even places his hands upon Muhammad’s thighs, which would be an unheard of piece of effrontery if the man were a stranger. Then the man addresses Muhammad by his name, whereas people always address him by his title, Messenger of God. The man begins talking without introduction as if he had been part of the conversation all along.
Once Muhammad answers the man’s first question, the man says, “You have spoken the truth.” ‘Umar remarks, “We were surprised at his questioning him and then declaring that he had spoken the truth.” This is an enormous understatement. More likely, the companions were flabbergasted. What kind of insolence is this? To come up to God’s own messenger and begin to grill him, and then to pat him on the head as if he were a schoolboy! This is inconceivable. But then again, the companions took their clues from Muhammad. He was acting as if all this were perfectly normal and natural. What could they do but follow his example?
After the man leaves, Muhammad waits awhile, allowing his companions to think about this strange event. Finally, he tells them what had happened. They would not soon forget, and you can be sure that by that night, everyone in Medina had heard about Gabriel’s appearance. No one was supposed to forget about this visit, for the Prophet had just presented them with their religion in a nutshell. If they ever wanted to know what was essential in Islam, all they had to do was remember the strange events of this day.
Excerpted from the book “The Vision of Islam” by Sachiko Murata and William C. Chttick.
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nights-days · 7 years
Naveed Ahmed - Who was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Spoken Word
..May Allah reunite us with him in Jannah...
Born in the year of the Elephant Even as a child he was special it was evident Birth of The Prophet mentioned in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 18:18 that’s your reference
Perfectly proportioned the most handsome, most elegant Impeccable character the most humble and intelligent Compassionate, considerate in speech he was most eloquent Even before he was a Prophet he was a man of great eminence He’s ranked number one in Michael Heart’s book most influential Please refer to the books of Hadith If you need to check his credentials His message is worshipping Allah alone is essential and The Quran and his teachings make up all our fundamentals
On the day of Judgement, we rely on Allah’s mercy and his intercession. His words pearls of wisdom teaching us valuable lessons Liberator of women’s rights he was against all oppression The English language can’t do justice Forgive me for my indiscretions His face was more radiant than the full moon And his sweat smells better than the most expensive perfume The light that shone bright like the sun shines at noon
Follow his example if you want to be Al Muttaqun (the pious) He came to an illiterate nation at a time of desperation He was a real revolutionary who ruled by revelation Seal of the Prophets we wish him peace and salutation Testify he’s the messenger of Allah before our daily congregation
When the Arabs worshipped fire and idols he took them out of Jahiliyya (ignorance) Those were the real dark ages until people started to see clear He faced so many hardships but still he’d persevere And his Dawah is the reason why you see me standing here Even his enemies knew him as As Sadiq Al Amin (The truthful and trustworthy one) They tried to assassinate his character when he spread the message of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) He tried to invite everybody to Sirat Al Mustaqim (straight path) but most rejected his message and didn’t take heed
Every step he’d take was for Allah and his Deen (religon) Allah split the moon for the Quraish yet they still didn’t believe In fact they tortured the believers What a horrid sight it must’ve been But imagine the status in Jannah of the earliest Shaheed (martyr) They called him a liar, a soothsayer, a madman and a magician They couldn’t swallow their pride and let go of their traditions Offered him power wealth and women to stop spreading the religion But he said even if you offer me the sun and the moon I won’t accept your proposition They threw animal intestines on the Prophet while he was in prostration Even stepped on the blessed neck of the best of all creation
But instead of retaliation he turned to his lord in supplication Inna Allah Ma As Sabireen (2:153), Verily Allah is with the patient He was boycotted insulted treated like an outcast But through the pain and the struggle, he’d still remain steadfast He’s a mercy to mankind it even says in the Quran Surat Al Anbiya verse 107 He even lead the Anbiya (Prophets) in Salah before he ascended above the heavens
When he went to preach in Ta’if, yeah, they pelted him with stones He had blood soaked shoes and he was bruised down to the bone Jibreel (Gabriel) Alayhi Salam (peace be upon him) descended and said give me the command and I’ll get the angel of mountains to destroy all their homes but Allah’s merciful messenger said no and let them be for the land may one day be home to people who believe
I remember these stories in times of difficulty And remind myself that The Prophet had it more difficult than me Even through the slander and the rumours spread by the people of Quraish The Ansar came to know about the Prophets message and his demeanour They accepted Islam and vowed to keep The Prophet safe
So The Messenger Of Allah had migrated to Madinah At that that time it was known as the city of Yathrib He ended their tribal feuds and led the people with justice The land of the dates became the most blessed place Became an even bigger problem for the people of Quraish Because their caravans to Shaam were no longer safe The believers had a home, Islam had a base
He was content in every situation as it is all Allah’s Qadr He even had the help of the angels at the battle of Badr He taught us to love for ourselves what we love for each other And SubhanAllah he even referred to you and me as his brothers I envy the sand that met his blessed feet It’s hard to comprehend how a man could be so humble He’s the perfect example for the likes of you and me He even forgave the people that mutilated his uncle
The Sahaba became human shields for The Prophet When he would make Wudu (ritual purification) They would make sure they catch every single droplet of water that would flow off his blessed body Their actions proved that they loved him more than anybody Islam spread from medina Muslims multiplied in numbers The idolaters in Makkah feared that their days were numbered
And when The Prophet returned to Makkah he could have taken his revenge On the people who use to oppress and torment He could have captured and enslaved them He was in a position of power and surrounded by thousands of brave men What he did next left the people in amazement Rahmatul Lil Alameen (mercy to the worlds) Turned around and forgave them The best leader the best father the best husband the best person Imagine how it must have felt to witness the last sermon Imagine you were there and lent an attentive ear And you had to hear that the messenger of Allah May not be with you the next year.
Indeed, the greatest calamity is when he departed this Dunya We show our love for the beloved by following his Sunnah Insha’Allah on the Day of Judgment We get to drink from his blessed hand 21st century role model he’s not just your average 7th century man May Allah reunite us with him in Jannah And save us from the fire of Jahannam We love him more than our own selves.
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam (peace be upon him)
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melanieph321 · 24 days
Gabriel Medina x Reader - Untamable Part 4/8
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Reader spends the summer with her first love, Gabriel Medina, for him to get a chance to know their three year old son. However, both Reader and Gabriel struggle to keep their feelings at bay.
"He's calling....again."
"Let it ring." You groand.
Vavó entered her living room with the homeline in her hand. "I think he's just making sure that you haven't left São Sebastião yet."
"I told you Vavó, we're not leaving you. I want to stay here and help you with the house."
"If you say so, querida. But right now you seem to need more help than my house."
She was right. You were a mess and embarrassingly so. Gabriel had gotten under your skin without even trying.
"Fine, give me the phone." You held out your hand, asking for it. Vavó handed it to you and stuck around for the drama that might unfold.
"This is her."
"It's me, Gabriel."
"Yes, I know the sound of your voice, Gabriel. What do you want?"
The weight of his sigh blew in your ear. "I've been calling you for a week now. Why haven't you picked up?"
"I've been busy...helping Vavó with her house."
Vavó chuckled from where she stood. You were a terrible liar.
"So you're still in São Sebastião then?"
"Yes, Gabriel. We're still here." It broke your heart a bit, hearing the angst in his voice. Little did he know that the last thing you wanted was to take Nemo away from him. The whole point of this summer was for Nemo to finally know his dad. To know him for all he was and all he could be.
"I was thinking...." Gabriel said.
"About what?"
"About this whole co-parenting thing."
"Yes, it has to work. For Nemo, I mean."
"For Nemo?"
"Yes, we have to get along for him."
"I....agree." You sighed.
"Good. Because I understand that you hate me. I mean, you have every right to after all I've put you through."
"Gabriel, I don't—"
"But we shouldn't let our feelings for each other affect what is best for our son, meaning what happened last week can't happen again. Ever."
There was a loud thud in your ear. It was either the beating of your heart or the beating of Gabriel's. Nevertheless, you were left speechless.
"If we ever disagree on something, anything, we have to work it out right away. With words." He emphasized, acknowledging without scrutiny, that your actions last week had indeed been childish. This level of accountability and maturity humbled you.
"Hello, Y/N. You still there?"
"I'm here." You pressed the phone to your ear.
"Good." He chuckled. A soft chuckle. "That's good."
"Why is that good?"
"I dunno." You imagined him on the other end of the line, running a hand through his wavy hair. "I guess I was a little afraid that you packed your bags and went back to São Paulo."
"Gabriel." You pinched the bridge of your nose, feeling guilty as ever. "I would never leave without telling you. Nemo would be so upset."
"How is the little guy? I hope he's not up to no good."
"No, he's alright." You chuckled. It was a nice feeling, laughing with Gabriel. "He's actually out playing in the backyard. Some of the neighborhood kids are teaching him how to fly a kite."
"Hey, I wanted to do that."
You bit your lip, everything inside you screaming. Don't say it, don't say it. "You should come over. Nemo will be happy to see you." You immediately looked to Vavó, who stood with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
"Shit, I can't today."
"Oh." His words hurt more than you expected. Followed by a prickly sensation beneath your eyelids.
"Yeah, it's my friend's wedding. He's getting married tomorrow, but Rico and I are leaving for the venue tonight."
"I see."
"But hey!" Gabriel's voice sparked through the phone. "You should come with us?"
"I...I should?"
"Yes, you and Nemo. Please, you have to come, my friends would love to meet him."
"Right...meet Nemo."
"Yes. It'll be perfect. I can pick the two of you up tonight, and we can all go together like a—"
"....Family." You nodded.
"Yeah, a real family."
It's all you ever wanted and now he wants it too. How could you say no?
"Yes. Okay. We'll come with you to the wedding."
"You will?" Gabriel sounded like he had shot up into the air. Or at least that he was bouncing up and down. "That's great Y/N. Rico and I'll will pick you up around eight. And anything you need, like money for a dress, just let me know and I'll send it to you."
The phone call pretty much ended there, with Gabriel offering to pay for your dress. But only when Vavó asked, "What did he say?" Did it all hit you.
"Erm...Vavó. I think we need to go shopping."
You nodded. "Like, right now."
Not only were you in need of a new dress, you also needed new shoes, a haircut, a manicure, and a tuxedo to fit a three year old boy. To think that you got all of that done by the time Gabriel came to pick you up was a miracle.
His car pulled up to the house, with Nemo running down Vavó's driveway, dragging his little suitcase behind him.
"How is my little fish?" Nemo tripped on his feet. Fortunately, Gabriel caught him just before he fell.
"Good, papa." Nemo giggled.
"Yeah? Are you ready to go to a wedding with Papa and Uncle Rico?"
Nemo nodded his head, then pointed back towards the house. "Look at Mamãe."
You came down the driveway, dragging your own suitcase alongside you. On your feet were a new pair of heels you wished you had broken into earlier. The walk from Vavó's house to Gabriel's car might have been the most painful walk you had ever experienced.
Looking up from your feet, you saw Nemo in Gabriel's arms. Gabriel, who looked a bit lost as he stood, gaping at you, his mouth left wide open.
"A little help, please?" You groand.
"Erm...of course. Sure." He came to your rescue, helping you with the suitcase, while Rico put Nemo into his baby seat.
"Thank you." You said, flickering a strand of hair that irritated your eye.
"You look good." Gabriel tilted his head, watching you curiously.
"I do?" It was probably the haircut. Other than that, you looked pretty normal, you thought. Except for the high heels, of course.
"Yes." He muttered. "Did you do something to your hair?"
"I actually got it blown out this morning. But I might have over done it."
"No, no." He assured. "It looks good. You look good."
"Thank you, Gabriel. " You felt the need to complement him too. He was dressed so casually, though, a t-shirt and the usual baord shorts. But he smelled like a dream. You were drawn to it, his scent.
"Do you wanna ride shot gun?"
"Huh?" You batted out of your trans.
"Shot gun?" He smiled. "Or do you prefer sitting next to Nemo in the backseat?"
"Erm...no. I can ride shot gun."
"Great, I'll tell Rico to move over."
It was a nice little road trip. You were headed just up the coast where Gabriel's friend had booked out a resort by the beach to host the resption of the newly wedded couple.
It was no surprise that a lot of people at the resort knew Gabriel. People, guests of the resort who didn't even know Gabriel personally, came up to him and patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him on his recent successes as a surfer. Adults became children, begging Gabriel to pose for pictures or a quick video to someone's beloved back home, all while holding up the line in the hotel lobby.
For a moment, you got a glimpse of what it felt like to be Gabriel Medina, where even at someone elses wedding venue, he was the spectical.
"We should get the bags to the room. Maybe unpack." Gabriel said, who was a handed a keycard from the reception. Both he and Rico had previous reservations. You, on the other hand.....
"I'll share with Rico." Gabriel said, handing you his key in the elevator.
"Where will you sleep?" You asked.
"With Rico, of course. Right Ricci?"
"Right." The buff man muttered. Rico had given up his seat for you in the car and now he was giving up his hotel room. You felt so sorry for him.
"It's okay." You said, handing Gabriel back his key, to which his eyebrows furrowed. "It's okay." You nodded. "Nemo and I will stay with you."
"With me?"
"With him?" Even Rico was flabbergasted. Although, he seemed more worried than surprised.
You shrugged, Nemo bouncing in your arms. "We're a family, aren't we?"
Gabriel looked to you, a sly smile on his lips. "We are."
"It's settled then."
The doors to the elevators opened, and you went ahead, leading the way to your room. You waited for Gabriel to catch up with the keycard while Rico slipped into the room next door, but not before whsipering the words "Good luck." to Gabriel, who dismissed his laughing friend.
You had no idea why Rico found this predicament so funny. However, you did see the irony in the whole situation as a queen-sized bed stared back at you upon your entry into the hotel room.
"There's only one bed." The rest of the room was lovely, with glass widows for walls giving you the perfect view of the sun setting over beach.
"Had you expected there to be two. I only booked the room for myself." Gabriel said.
"No, but at least for the bed to be king-sized. The three of us won't fit on the queen sized one."
"Oh." He scratched the back of his head, appearing rightfully confused. At least he wasn't freaking out like you were. "Do you want me to go down to the reception, see if they have another room available?"
"No it's okay." You waved. "We'll only cause them trouble."
"Are you sure? I'm certain that they'll arrange it for us." Gabriel said, with a sense of security that only a person with his level of fame could have.
It never occurred until later in your relationship that Gabriel was of importance. That a lot of people would go great lengths to keep him happy. To you, he had just been Gabriel Medina, your first love.
"It's okay Gaby. We'll figure something out." You said.
He perked up, eyes widening.
"You called me Gaby." He said, not even attempting to hide the boyish grin on his lips.
"Yeah, and? I've always called you Gaby."
"Yes before, but then you stopped."
"I did? When?"
You didn't have to ask him when, you already new the answer and so did Gabriel. Perhaps that's why he chose silence as his answer. A good choice, since it allowed the smile on his face to linger.
"I think Nemo needs to stretch his legs from the car ride." You muttered. "Will you take him for a walk before he goes to bed?"
"Sure." Gabriel picked him up from the floor where he was playing with your rooms. Do not disturb sign.
"Hey buddy. How about a walk with Papa before bed?" Nemo yawned in his arms but still brought himself to nod his head. "Alright then, let's go." Gabriel looked to you, a wink of his eye. "Well, be right back."
The two of them left you to unpack your suitcase, and only then, while folding clothes, did you acknowledge how fast your heart was beating. Beating for Gabriel.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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leclewi · 1 month
false god — medina.
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warnings ⟅ conotação sexual, palavrão.
WHAT ABOUT?╭ . .⃗ vocês brigam, mas ainda se amam.
MARI’S NOTES! ╭ . .⃗ oi vidocasss, me pediram e eu trouxe mais meu homem. espero que gostem de vdd! se vcs puderem comentar o que acharam, eu aprecio demais! eu não sei se eu gostei desse, relação de amor e ódio. não revisei, perdão por qualquer erro.
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a bateria não foi boa. faltou ondas, atenção, equilíbrio, suporte e cabeça. gabriel não tinha cabeça, desde quando vocês brigaram pela manhã. uma briga sem fundamentos, sem nexos e sentido, mas mesmo assim acontecia.
a prancha logo foi jogada ao chão, a imprensa pedindo por uma palavra, mas ele não tinha alguma. o corpo dele doía, a água gelada secando tornou o traje grudento e desconfortável. o mundo contra medina e, aparentemente você também.
o foco dele era voltar para o hotel, ter o mínimo de conforto que ele podia, merecia, depois dessa prova. mas, a visão do seu rosto absento de um sorriso, fez a frustação vencer a vulnerabilidade. assim como palavras se tornavam armas, o silêncio era um abismo de pena. e era seu mecanismo, ele aprendeu — forçadamente —, mas aprendeu. de certa forma, o acalmava.
o amor não era algo rotulado, um jogo com um manual de instruções, era uma dádiva, concedida pelo seu próprio organismo e lá se sabe quem, se você acreditar. é uma destreza, necessitada de tempo e sofrimento para ser entendida e manejada. e gabriel sabia, que pra te amar, precisava sofrer antes amando as suas imperfeições.
no quarto de hotel, ele foi para o banheiro, ainda quieto. o banho foi demorado, a água quente queimava as tatuagens e ele rogava para que o ressentimento também fosse embora.
“qual foi, s/a?” foram as primeiras palavras que ele direcionou a você, depois desse tempo. “esse silêncio vai te matar antes mesmo que eu te diga desculpas.”
a sua raiva ainda borbulhava por dentro, de forma branda e controlada, mas o suficiente para que você rolasse seus olhos. “como se você fosse capaz.” sua voz sussurrada.
ele resolveu ignorar, o amor em ação era uma coisa horrenda em comparação ao amor dos filmes. a ação de ignorar a alfinetada e a dor que ele sentiu uma prova.
“você não tem ideia.” ele referiu a você de novo, o corpo dele afundando ao seu lado. um suspiro pesado e cheio de cansaço flutuando dos lábios dele. — tão lindos. “foi uma porcaria, eu tô me sentindo mal. e você ainda insiste na ironia. por deus, s/n.”
querendo ou não, te afetou. você causou o cansaço nele, de certa forma, você causou uma infelicidade maior quando negou o que ele queria, o amor e conforto. o silenciou possuiu de novo.
“você me tira do sério.” você admitiu, sua mão acariciando o braço dele antes mesmo de pensar. o erro dele realmente te tirou do sério, você disse coisas que não deveria, assim como ele te disse coisas que não deveriam ter sido nem cogitadas. — mas, ele ainda era aquele gabriel. o que faria de qualquer coisa para redimir seus erros, mesmo que negaria as desculpas.
ele sem pensar te beijou, rolou para o lado e grudou seus lábios. o amor não sobressaia o ressentimento, a dor, mágoa, aquilo era parte do amor de vocês, de qualquer um. a necessidade se sobressaia.
o corpo dele se pressionou contra o seu, te prendendo contra a cama. “você que é maluca.” ele protestou, em um gemido pequeno e quieto, relaxando na sua pele. “sério, ciúmes daquela bruaca loira?”
sua mão puxou alguns fios do cabelo dele, em retaliação, mas falhou quando seu sorrisinho apareceu. “minha culpa se você é educado demais? qual foi, ela ainda fala de você.” a explicação meia boca serviu de nada, além de alimentar o ego dele e apaziguar as sensações ruins.
não importa as condições, vocês ainda se amariam. os lábios dele — constantemente admirados por você. — deixaram um beijo no seu nariz, “você não quis me escutar, s/n. não vem com essa.” um selinho no seus lábios. “é sério. me mata toda vez que você resolve calar a boca e ainda me leva junto nessa porra de silêncio.”
uma das mãos dele guiou sua perna para descansar na cintura dele, obediente seu corpo seguiu. o toque físico era sua melhor forma de reconciliar e foi isso que você fez, beijou ele antes mesmo que ele pudesse te retaliar de novo.
a língua dele era tão familiar que seu coração apertou, um dia e meio era o suficiente para você sentir falta dele. e vice-versa. ele procurava pelo seu corpo, pressionando o quadril dele em meio a suas pernas.
não demorou muito para vocês estarem doendo de desejo. “desculpa.” você tentou e ele não caiu, riu da sua palavra. “mentira, nem vem.”
ele se levantou, ainda no meio das suas pernas, puxando sua saia para baixo sem prolongamento. você desmanchou nas mãos dele, como sempre.
“tá, bobão.” você riu de volta e ele te beijou.
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wagconts · 2 months
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𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿! 𝗙𝗲𝗺!
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 :: One Day with You and Medina
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 :: no warnings.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 :: 0.590k
𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 :: English isn't my first language; I write my stories in my native language and translate them with the help of translators. So, if anything's confusing, I'm sorry! Sometimes it might be a local slang.
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─ Such a bummer, huh? ─ Gabriel walked up to me.
─ About what exactly?
─ You won't get to see the show I was gonna put on today. ─ he said with a smirk.
Unfortunately, the surf competition got postponed because of the wave conditions. They let us know at the last minute, though. All the surfers were ready, including Medina, and even the news crews were there.
─ Seriously, you're so not full of yourself, are you?
Medina and I have known each other for ages. After I finished my journalism degree, I chose to work in areas related to the sea, like surfing and sailing. I've always been a beach lover, so it was the perfect fit.
Our "relationship" has always been like this—full of teasing and banter. Scooby, one of Medina's good friends, who also became my friend for a while, says that deep down, we love each other.
─ I can't believe it, got all dressed up for nothing. ─ he said, sticking his board in the sand and sitting down next to me.
─ Things don't always go our way. You were all confident and '𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦.
─ You're ridiculous! You were supposed to have my back," he laughed.
─ Who says I'm not? I just keep quiet so I don't inflate your ego.
─ You could use this time to try surfing. ─ he said, looking at me.
─ Are you nuts? The competition got postponed because of the waves, and you wanna go surf!
─ They postponed it, not me. I'd be out there catching waves right now. ─ he said, pointing to the forming waves.
─ Go ahead, I'm good right here.
─ You don't know how to live a little. I'm sure if Pedro were here, you'd go.
─ No way! Pedro's even crazier than you. ─ I said.
─ Alright then, 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵, I'll go change and be back to drag you into the ocean. ─ he said, kissing my forehead before grabbing his board and heading to the locker rooms.
[ .... ]
─ How nice! Great friends you are. ─ Scooby said as we sat at the same table for lunch.
─ Here we go. ─ Medina said, rolling his eyes.
─ They went for a swim and caught a wave without inviting me ─ Pedro said, feigning drama. ─ I thought you guys cared about me.
─ Sorry, dude! ─ I said. ─ We had no idea where you were.
─ And we wanted some alone time, but with you around, it's impossible.
─ Gabriel! ─ I scolded him, and he laughed.
─ On top of that, you're dating and didn't tell me! ─ Pedro continued.
─ He's lying; we just went surfing, nothing more!
─ 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘮, sure ─ Medina muttered under his breath.
[ .... ]
─ Is Greece's economy that bad? ─ Medina barged into my room while I was putting on makeup for dinner. ─ Because this Greek goddess escaped to be near me.
─ What a lame pickup line, Gabriel ─ I shot back, unimpressed. ─ You used to be better at these.
─ Of course I used to be better; I've used up all my best lines, and you still don't care ─ he said, making me laugh.
─ Keep trying, maybe one day, huh? ─ I blew him a kiss, and he pretended to catch it mid-air.
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
DJ D-Nice Hosts The Hottest #ClubQuarantine Party Ever – Michelle Obama, Oprah, Janet Jackson, Joe Biden & Tons More Virtually Pull Up, Reaches 100K Viewers
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Folks have been struggling being quarantined due to the spread of the Coronavirus. However, DJ D-Nice is making it or new normal more tolerable. More inside…
  DJ D-Nice has the world rocking…literally!
The federal government advised we all self-quarantine and to not gather in groups over 10 people, dubbed "social distancing." So, DJ D-Nice brought the party to everyone’s living room!
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                  I never would’ve imagined that the best party I would create and DJ would be from the comfort of my own home. Homeschool is a thing! Yesterday was absolutely insane. The amount of artists and friends that virtually partied with me far exceeded my expectations. I’m feeling nothing but gratitude. Thanks to all of you that supported. This has been a great way to keep our spirits high. Blessings! Sending some love to my family. Shout out to all of my industry execs! Much love to all of the artists! JLo, Drake, Naomi Campbell, De La Soul, Black Thought, Diddy, Bun B., Keri Hilson, Will Packer, Gabrielle Union, H.E.R., America Ferrara, Donnie Wahlberg, Uncle Luke, Russell Simmons, Dapper Dan, Rob Morgan, Mary J. Blige, DJ Khaled, T.I., Kelly Rowland, Common, Lance Gross, Queen Latifah, DJ Clark Kent, Rich Medina, DJ Tony Touch, Stretch Armstrong, Traci Ellis Ross, Ne-Yo, Usher, DJ Premier, Swizz Beatz, NO I.D., Yvette Noel Schure, Erykah Badu, Fat Joe, Jay Electronica, PNB Rock, Nile Rogers, Fonzworth Bentley, Marisa Tomei, Michelle Williams, Victor Cruz, Karruenche Tran, Ciara, Daymond John, Angie Martinez, Groove Theory’s Bryce, Tank, Cam’ron, Ludacris, Fabolous, Dorian Missick, Yvette Nicole Brown, Tasha Smith, Jadakiss, Kwamé, Chris Spencer, Royale Watkins, Estelle, Bresha Webb, Jermaine Dupri, Vanessa Williams, DJ Aktive, Lee Daniels, Affion Crockett, MC Lyte, Ro James, D-Dot Angelette, Kenny Burns, Tika Sumpter, Marlon Wayans, Lauren London, Loni Love, Dallas Austin, June Ambrose, April Walker, Just Blaze, Kangol Kid from UTFO, Omar Epps, Keisha Epps, Roland Martin, Big Tigger, DJ Trauma, Lil Jon, Dule Hill, Jazmyn Simon, DJ Cassidy, Marsai Martin, Lance Gross, Anthony Hamilton, Young Guru, Lalah Hathaway, Carl Payne, Damien Hall, Denyce Lawton, Lennox Lewis, Niecy Nash, Mashonda, Erick Sermon, Jairobi, DJ Envy, DJ Enuff, Miles Brown, Lamann Rucker, Mark Brown, DJ VLuv, and more. Wow! #DNiceHomeschool #DNicePhotography #SelfPortrait.
A post shared by D-Nice (@dnice) on Mar 21, 2020 at 7:40am PDT
  Over the last few days, DJ D-Nice has been hopping on IG Live to host what he calls “Homeschool at Club Quaratine.” Last night, EVERYONE was in the online mix. Like, everyone. We've been rocking out since Day 1!
Forever First Lady Michelle Obama, Drake, Ciara, Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Oprah, Gayle King, Queen Latifah, Naomi Campbell, Steve Wonder, Clive Davis, Chaka Khan, Will Smith, Diddy, Ellen DeGeneres, Bruno Mars, LL Cool J, Jada Pinkett Smith, Quincy Jones, Joe Budden, Jadakiss, Fabolous, Magic Johnson, Nia Long and Tina Knowles Lawson joined in on the TURN UP. Politicians also joined in, including Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris.
"I never would’ve imagined that the best party I would create and DJ would be from the comfort of my own home," DJ D-Nice wrote on IG. "Homeschool is a thing! Yesterday was absolutely insane. The amount of artists and friends that virtually partied with me far exceeded my expectations. I’m feeling nothing but gratitude. Thanks to all of you that supported. This has been a great way to keep our spirits high. Blessings! Sending some love to my family. Shout out to all of my industry execs! Much love to all of the artists!"
And guess what?!
Last night, the Live stream peaked all the way up to 100,000 viewers. Woot! 
The good vibes caught the attention of The New York Times: “Sitting at home during this quarantine I started to feel empty,” he told them. “There is nothing like playing the music and feeling the music.”
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A post shared by D-Nice (@dnice) on Mar 19, 2020 at 9:23am PDT
And he doesn't stop. Some of his sessions have gone up to 9 hours long!
Step into the party below:
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                  One good knee right now but gotta move its called jammin in your jammies with @dnice someone commented that we should not be dancing right now ! There is a time to pray, which i have done several times today, a time to be sad , which i have also done today , a time to check on everyone , which i have done today , now a time to enjoy an hour of joy listening to music that brings back fun memories and connecting thru this thoughtful young man @dnice Who has been bringing joy for seven hours straight. “ “Dont let anyone Steal your Joy” . That is a Woodrownash sculpture @woodrownash. My talented friend
A post shared by Tina Knowles (@mstinalawson) on Mar 21, 2020 at 8:37pm PDT
    Best party of 1 and 100k I ever been to! Thanks @djdnice #ClubQuarantine
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) March 22, 2020
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                  #MichelleObama dropped in on #DJDNice’s lit IG concert. Several celebs also tuned in online, including #Oprah, #EllenDeGeneres, #GayleKing, #TinaKnowlesLawson, #BrunoMars, #LLCoolJ, #BernieSanders, #JoeBiden and #KamalaHarris. He also hit 100k viewers! @badgyalreesie
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Mar 22, 2020 at 5:06am PDT
    DJ D-Nice reaches 100k people at #ClubQuarantine breaking IG live records pic.twitter.com/DmFUOU9dEt
— Complex Ambition (@ComplexAmbition) March 22, 2020
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                  Listening and dancing to @dnice live on Instagram. Everyone is there. It’s the biggest party in the world.
A post shared by Ellen DeGeneres (@theellenshow) on Mar 21, 2020 at 8:04pm PDT
  Presidential Candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders rocking out with 72k people at DJ D-Nice Homeschool Party #ClubQuarantine pic.twitter.com/QCjMwV2LZX
— Charisse Roland (@SugaC920) March 22, 2020
    Presidential Candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders rocking out with 72k people at DJ D-Nice Homeschool Party #ClubQuarantine pic.twitter.com/QCjMwV2LZX
— Charisse Roland (@SugaC920) March 22, 2020
    D-Nice was “fangirling” like crazy when he saw her join live then played a whole @JanetJackson set. Like 5 of her songs back to back.
D-Nice: “One of my favorite artists is in here, Janet Jackson,”
“We love you Janet. C’mon man. We love you. It’s insane.” #ClubQuarantine pic.twitter.com/379YjePw1d
— CH A M E L E O N (@Chameleon876) March 22, 2020
  Former NFLer Spice Adams shared a hilarious DJ D-Nice paradoy:
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                  Love you man!! You’re a legend!!
A post shared by Anthony Adams (@spiceadams) on Mar 19, 2020 at 7:49pm PDT
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                  And it’s not close.
A post shared by Van Lathan (@vanlathan) on Mar 21, 2020 at 6:59pm PDT
  No lies told.
DJ D-Nice is set to hop back on live today at 3pm PST/6pm EST. We're ready!
Photo: Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/03/22/dj-d-nice-hosts-the-hottest-clubquarantine-party-ever-%E2%80%93-michelle-obama-oprah-janet-jackso
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Luciano Huck and friends will donate R $ 1.5 million to help slums against COVID-19
The presenter of Rede Globo Luciano Huck joined some friends Celebrity, in the last week, to promote a solidarity action in times of a worldwide pandemic due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19). The idea was to raise financial funds to help the poorest communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro, at a time when many poor families are at risk of not having work, money and, consequently, food in their layoffs. The information came from the columnist of the newspaper “O Dia”, Fábia Oliveira.
Action by Luciano Huck and his companions
The friends Luciano Huck managed to get together to do this solidarity campaign are: Bruninho Resende (33 years old), Gabriel Medina (26 years old), Neymar (28 years old), Rafael Zulu (37 years old) and Thiaguinho (37 years old). Together they form a self-titled group “Board”, where friends get together for trips or parties.
This time, the meeting was for a noble cause and this Sunday (29), the husband of the also presenter Angélica went to her accounts on social networks to make an account of the campaign mentioned above.
In the publication, he wrote that everything that was collected (about R $ 1.5 million) by the family and friends involved, will be donated to favelas and underprivileged communities in the wonderful city. He said he was connected to social entrepreneurship active in this type of poorer region and that he has 20 years of partnership, when he was in various corners of Brazil.
Message from Luciano Huck
Along with this post that the presenter made this Sunday (29), was a motivational and hopeful message: “Solidarity must be more contagious than the virus”.
Lastly, he summoned people who are able and supportive to do the same act that he. Famous artists such as Preta Gil (45 years old), Astrid Fontenelle (58 years old) and singer Sandy (37 years old) reacted to the publication of the presenter of “Caldeirão do Huck” by placing some emojis and congratulating him.
Controversial week for Luciano Huck
This attitude of the global presenter served to counter ua very delicate situation that he lived during the last week.
Angélica's husband is a partner of Junior Durski in the restaurant chain called “Madero”. However, the partner put him in dire straits when he used his account on a social network to defend that Brazil does not stop entirely due to the worldwide pandemic of the new coronavirus. Junior stated that the country cannot promote social isolation just because “5000 or 7000 people are going to die”.
Luciano Huck also used his Twitte accountr to hit your partner last Tuesday (24). He said that he was always interested in entrepreneurship and that he has several partners in companies that he decided to invest in, however, he stressed: “It would be unreasonable to imagine that everyone thought the same way about everything. “
I always liked to undertake. Throughout my life I had, and have, a significant number of partners, especially founders of the companies in which I invested. It would be unreasonable to imagine everyone thinking the same way about everything.
– Luciano Huck (@LucianoHuck) March 24, 2020
Don't miss our Facebook page!
The post Luciano Huck and friends will donate R $ 1.5 million to help slums against COVID-19 appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/30/luciano-huck-and-friends-will-donate-r-1-5-million-to-help-slums-against-covid-19/
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dinaive · 2 years
The Hadith of Gabriel
Umar ibn al-Khattab said: One day when we were with God's messenger, a man with very white clothing and very black hair came up to us. No mark of travel was visible on him, and none of us recognized him. Sitting down before the Prophet, leaning his knees against his, and placing his hands on his thighs, he said, "Tell me, Muhammad, about submission."
He replied, 'Submission means that you should bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is God's messenger, that you should perform the ritual prayer, pay the alms tax, fast during Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to go there."
The man said, "You have spoken the truth." We were surprised at his questioning him and then declaring that he had spoken the truth. He said "Now tell me about faith."
He replied, "Faith means that you have faith in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you have faith in the measuring out, both its good and its evil."
Remarking that he had spoken the truth, he then said, "Now tell me about doing what is beautiful."
He replied, "Doing what is beautiful means that you should worship God as if you see Him, for even if you do not see Him, He sees you."
Then the man said, "Tell me about the Hour"
The Prophet replied, "About that he who is questioned knows no more than the questioner."
The man said, "Then tell me about its marks."
He said, "The slave girl will give birth to her mistress, and you will see the barefoot, the naked, the destitute, and the shepherds vying with each other in building."
Then the man went away. After I had waited for a long time, the Prophet said to me, "Do you know who the questioner was, 'Umar?" I replied, "God and His messenger know best. "He said, "He was Gabriel. He came to teach you your religion. "
To begin explaining the meaning of this hadith let us flesh it out by adding some background information that would be obvious to the original listeners but not to a reader situated many centuries and miles away.
Try to imagine the situation. The Messenger of God, at the time the greatest human being on the face of the earth (as far as his companions were concerned - and the historical record bears them out), is sitting at the edge of an oasis in Medina with a group of his companions, that is, people who have accepted that he is the mouthpiece of God. Suddenly a man appears whom no one recognizes.
Medina, at the time, is a tiny community in the midst of the desert (with a population of several hundred or perhaps a few thousand). Everyone knows everyone. If a traveler arrives, it is no small event, given the difficulty of travel and the small population. Everyone learns about new arrivals within hours. The system of personal relationships established by familial, tribal, and other bonds ensures that news is spread around much more efficiently than can ever be accomplished by today's six o'clock news. A man appears whom no one knows, but no one has arrived in town for several days, except the uncle of so and so, whom several of them have already seen.
Not only do the companions fail to recognize the man, but he also shows no signs of travel, which is very strange. If they do not know him, then he must be a newly arrived traveler. Someone would not be able to freshen up that quickly after several days of travel in the desert, even if he had traveled only by night on the back of a camel. (You think you feel bad after six hours in a car-think of six days in the hottest and dustiest environment you can imagine, with no air conditioned rest stops for coffee or soda.)
As soon as the man arrives, everyone is all ears. Who can this person be, and how did he get here without our knowing about it? Next strange fact: The man is obviously on familiar terms with the Prophet of God. He comes right up to him and kneels down in front of him, his knees against the Prophet's knees. Notice that the Prophet himself is kneeling, not in prayer as modern Westerners might kneel, but simply because kneeling is, for most Orientals, the simplest and at the same time the most respectful way to sit. Remember that, even in houses, chairs were unheard of. People sat on the ground, as they still do in much of the world-and this includes some of the richest and most sophisticated parts of the world, such as Japan. For most of the ancient world, chairs were the prerogative of kings.
Excerpted from the book "The Vision of Islam" by Sachiko Murata and William C. Chttick
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jsadiq · 6 years
Slo-mo burpees in a sacred journey
Thanks to jet travel and cheap flights, a trip to the Holy Land is as easy for a Muslim as it is trotting down to the ubiquitous convenience store for a soda.
But it remains a long journey of faith. One that tests you in many ways, and either cures or creates more doubts along the way.
This was my second visit, but a longer and more challenging one than the first done in 2016.
Both were during the Ramadan fasting month, in the summer when days are long and the heat higher than ever. Both equally exciting, interesting and finally uplifting.
Mecca was the first stop, quicker than my first time there but double in time for prayers and circumbulation around the Holy Kaaba in the Holy Mosque. We did two Umrahs in 10 hours, once before dawn and the other by noon.
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To say it was packed or crowded would be an understatement. But this was in the last 10 days of the fasting month and considered a more pious or holy period for prayers and pilgrimages.
Patience is key here what with the number of pilgrims such as ourselves making this trip and journey of faith.
Anger, irritation, envy and all that is seen as the badder side of the ego simmer and lurk in the shadows of our minds and corners of our hearts. It would be too easy to give in and only human to do so.
But you to try to rise above it all as you pray, prostate and plead to be a nicer person blessed to be there, if not a pious one.
For everyone is equal in the Holy Mosque as they face the Holy Kaaba. All are in ihram - either in the state of seclusion or in the two pieces of unstitched cloth though women wear their normal modest wear save for exposing their faces.
All too soon, we quit Mecca for the five hour land trip north to Medina in the Hejaz desert where the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) had moved to nearly 1400 years ago.
I had never been there, for the last trip was short and quick, and my family had visited there before making it to Mecca. This time, Mecca was first and Medina the final destination.
Why? Because many find Medina a lot more serene and peaceful than Mecca where the babble and behaviour of humankind from the Muslim diaspora can be enlightening if not exasperating at times.
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Medina, like Mecca, is a holy city in Islam and the Prophet's Mosque here is the second most holiest site after the Holy Mosque in Mecca.
And that would explain the mosque being the locus of the city and the hub of daily life. The Prophet's Mosque in open 24 hours a day, though it has 40 doors and 10 gates.
It is a beautiful mosque, inside and outside its cavernous dimensions supported by so many pillars and lit by circles of chandeliers and spotlights.
Classy and elegant. And serene and peaceful.
The open courtyards within the mosque has huge tarpaulin umbrellas that open to shield from the hot sun and heat and fold for cool breezes to bring down the mercury.
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The centre piece of the Prophet's Mosque is the Prophet's Tomb ensconced in the old section of the mosque and under the Green Dome. It is nearest to Door 40, or Jibril (Archangel Gabriel) Gate.
It is said the Archangel Gabriel used that door as the messenger of Quranic verses to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
An area around the tomb is called the Rawdah and is seen as a piece of Paradise and those who get to perform their prayers there are equal to praying in Paradise.
So I didn't get to do that.
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But obviously, the Prophet's Tomb is where everyone wants to be at. Some visit and die, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your view. It is said Heaven awaits those expiring there and buried in the Al-Baqi cemetery.
Again, that didn't happen to me. Or you won't be reading this.
While those inside the mosque try to get as close to the Rawdah to pray or get to pray inside the area marked by the green carpet, others spend time outside in prayer as they gaze at the Green Dome among a clutch of silver cupolas or domes if you prefer.
More so after the dawn prayers. Possibly one of the best times to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents of perfumed oils before the mercury shoots to 47 degrees C.
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The interior is cooler with air conditioning vents at the base of the pillars while water mist fans mitigate the heat outside.
Most of our prayers were inside the mosque though we did pray at the roof and also in the courtyard outside.
The mosque can comfortably accommodate 600,000 at any one time and some one million during the Ramadan month and the Hajj. It felt like 500,000 of us at most of the prayer times when I was there.
Yet it was calm and orderly throughout our time there. Even queueing up to go past the Prophet's Tomb was a lot more pleasant.
I did that almost daily especially after the dawn and noon prayers.
But our group was fortunate. We managed to get two visits into the library and area next to the tomb where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and two of his companions are buried.
An imam sits there to lead prayers for the groups that get to visit the tomb.
But there was some drama for me before the first visit which happened in the early hours of my birthday on June 8.
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First, let's just say the visit to the area next to the Prophet's Tomb is a privilege. Malaysia's recently defeated Pm had boasted about it before the polls that buried his career.
And that while a visit can be arranged, the chances of you entering the area depends, whether you're prepared for it.
So, world leaders who are Muslims get to visit and I'm not going to judge that just as much as I don't judge whether I'm worthy for it.
Well, I nearly didn't make it although I was there.
Because just a few hours before the visit, I was breaking my fast and blacked out.
And fell over backwards in my chair and hit my head magically cushioned by my right arm. Also, I puked my guts out.
These things don't ever happen to me.
I came to, picked myself up, apologised to the number of people breaking their fast and got to my room to clean up and rest.
We had a doctor in our group and she came by to check me. She then asked my medical history, found nothing unusual and put the episode down to a bad stomach flu, and the reaction from taking soda water on an empty stomach.
My friend Sharin, whose father had invited me for the pilgrimage, was a walking pharmacy and gave me antibiotics and antihistamines for me to ingest.
I rested a bit and then made my way to the mosque for the visit. I was determined to make it one way or another.
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Of course, we had some time before the visit and performed our Terawih prayers obligatory during the fasting month.
I was feverish but attempted it until the end.
My face was flushed, my body tired but the soul was calm and ready. I think the blackout had cleansed me. Well the bath did anyway.
And so we went it. We were told it would just be five minutes or so and to perform our prayers and get ushered out.
Well, we spent nearly an hour there. We prayed many times, all three sides of the tomb.
We were fortunate. And in all that, the clock ticked past midnight into June 8 and I was a year older, a milestone year and praying next to the Prophet's Tomb.
Who would have thought or imagined this day would ever come? Death is certain but this?
I felt blessed, no, I was blessed.
And then we left after all our prayers and for me, seeking the blessings for family, she who can't be named, friends and country.
There were tears in my eyes. Perhaps it was the long hours of contact lenses in a dusty environment.
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Anyway, our group was allowed another visit two days later, although it was a bit shorter due to the number of visitors there.
We prayed.
And I had time to see more of the wrought iron wall and library around the tomb. Here's the thing, we weren't unsure of snapping pictures but we did anyway.
How would I call it? Well it is similar in style to the Nagore Dhargha Sheriff in Penang but the Prophet's Tomb is behind the wrought ironwork.
One doesn't actually get to see the Prophet's Tomb. You just get to pray metres away with the ironwork which provides a polarised view through the fine filigree.
And around it is the pillars and iron shelves that contain the Holy Quran and a few other books that scholars used to read there.
See, Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) died in the 11th Hijrah year, named after the time he led the early Muslims to Medina from Mecca. He was buried in the house he shared with Aisha, next to the original mosque he built from wood and date palm fronds.
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His grave is now a tomb, his house the library we prayed in and the Rawdah, while the mosque is now this beautiful Prophet's Mosque with the Green Dome.
And when we prayed on June 8, it was exactly 1386 years since Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had passed away.
Oh, and the slo-mo burpees? That's how we pray, no? I look forward to the next trip there, and my journey of faith.
May Allah bless us all. All mistakes are mine, of course. Have I changed? Let's see.
* all pictures from the Huawei P20 Pro, shot in colour, edited and converted to black and white.
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thetruthseekerway · 5 years
On the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Special Folder)
New Post has been published on https://www.truth-seeker.info/jewels-of-islam/on-the-sunnah-of-prophet-muhammad-special-folder/
On the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Special Folder)
By Dr. Ali Al-Halawani
No doubt, Islam is a divine faith revealed by Allah the Almighty Who created the whole universe and beyond to guide all humanity towards the Right Path.
The Qur’an, the Divine Book cherished by Muslims, is a comprehensive book that contains everything ever needed by man to obtain the state of being well satisfied in this present life and the hereafter.
The one who carried the Qur’an to Muslims was Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) who was sent by Allah to humanity to teach them all about Islam and to show them through practice the innate essence of Islam as a faith and how it can mingle with life to make it far better than ever before.
He was the practical example of Islam with all its principles, morals, ethics and all. Through him, Muslims came to know all about their faith and the sound and only the correct way of worshipping Allah the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad’s traditions and narrations are called hadiths.
Below, you can find a number of articles that deal with the Prophet’s Sunnah, ahadith as well as the compilers and narrators of Hadiths:
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5 Prophet’s Hadiths About Smiling
Prophet was so eloquent that he could express many meanings via using a few words only and that some hadiths are more comprehensive than others in terms of addressing issues so that if one only practices or applies these hadiths he may not need to do anything else to obtain Allah’s Pleasure
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The Hadith of Archangel Gabriel
Try to imagine the situation. The Messenger of God, at the time the greatest human being on the face of the earth (as far as his companions were concerned – and the historical record bears them out), is sitting at the edge of an oasis in Medina with a group of his companions,
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Significance of Knowing the Narrators of Prophetic Hadith
The narrators of Hadith are the most honourable and respectable Muslims, as they are keepers and preservers of the Prophetic Sunnah. Most of them are the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) who witnessed the acts and learnt the sayings of the Prophet
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Human Development as Revealed in Qur’an & Hadith
The two theories in Aristotle’s time were: (a) the embryo is preformed as a miniature in either the male semen or the female secretion and then grows in the womb; and (b) the embryo is actually formed and created out of the menstrual blood. Aristotle favored the second view,
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Four Hadiths are Sufficient!
This hadith deals with the significance cum importance of intention in the life of a Muslim who should always be sincere to Allah the Almighty and should carry out all his actions while observing loyalty and sincerity to Him Alone without associating any partners to Him, Glory be His.
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Al-Bukhari: Master in the Science of Hadith (Part 1/2)
One night, Al-Bukhari (May Allah have mercy on him) had a strange dream that later had a great impact on his life. He saw himself standing before the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him), holding a palm-leaf fan in his hand with which he pushed all evil away from the Prophet.
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Al-Bukhari: Master in the Science of Hadith (Part 2/2)
The pious mother walked to her son’s room, hardly able to move her feet. When she reached his bed, she was about to wake him up but she hesitated. Her broken heart was beating and she kept tenderly and kindly caressing his head with her shaky hands.
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Aishah bint Abi Bakr: Mother of the Believers
Aishah lived on almost fifty years after the passing away of the Prophet. She had been his wife for a decade. Much of this time was spent in learning and acquiring knowledge of the two most important sources of God’s guidance, the Quran and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Aishah was one of three wives
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Abu Hurairah: Master of the Memorizers
Abu Hurairah had an excellent memory and he was able to quickly memorize and did not forget. Ash-Shafi‘i said about him, “He is the person who memorized the most Hadith in his time.” Abu Hurairah, said about himself, “No one knows the Hadiths of the Prophet
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What Do You Know About Imam An-Nawawi?
An-Nawawi first studied at the Saramiyyah school in Damascus. This is where his father left him. He had no housing there whatsoever. After some time, he approached the Shaykh of the school to ask if he had any housing, as many of the schools house their students. They had no housing
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Imam Malik ibn Anas
Malik ibn Anas is especially recognized for his voluminous book ‘Al-Muwatta’, which is said to be the second compilation in Islamic history of religious teachings. It was compiled, according to some historians, in 40 years. Today, that book is still a major guiding authority for millions of Muslims
Dr. Ali Al-Halawani is Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Translation Studies. He is an author, translator, and writer based in Canada. To date, Al-Halawani authored over 400 original articles on Islam and Muslims, most of which can be accessed on www.truth-seeker.info and other famous websites. He has recently started to self-publish his articles and new books, which are available on Amazon and Kindle. You can reach him at [email protected].
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