#gaara reader insert
She Who Suffers
@sacredwarrior88 asked: May I please request headcanons for Naruto, Shikamaru, and Gaara reacting to their girlfriend showing signs of PTSD after being kidnapped and tortured for days?
mmmm I love the smell of angst in the morning. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Talk of PSTD, Anxiety attacks, and torture
Waking up screaming was the biggest indicator to Naruto that you were having horrible bouts of PTSD from when you were kidnapped.
He felt startled and heartbroken for you and took you into his arms, trying to shield you from your nightmares and the horrors you've been through.
You'd be crying, inconsolable as he rocked you, whispering that everything is going to be alright.
Truthfully, he didn't know that.
"It hurts, everywhere hurts..." you'd say, tears dripping down your face.
Naruto would swipe them away, only for new ones to take their place.
"It's okay, you're okay. Here, in my arms, you'll never be hurt." He would tell you, his own breathing short and shallow, his heart shattering for you.
There wasn't a lot that Naruto could do, except be there for you.
He laid back down with you still in his arms and comforted you all night long until you finally fell back asleep.
And he didn't let go of you until morning rose.
He vowed then, to never let you go ever again.
Seeing you with a thousand-yard stare is all Shikamaru needed to know for him to act accordingly.
You were having an episode again.
They always frightened him. How you were somewhere when he was right there.
How it seemed like you weren't even breathing when you had them.
He took your hand in his as he looked out the window of the office building you both were in.
You flinched at his touch but didn't pull away.
He would notice the tears that threatened to fall and tighten his hold, moving closer to you.
"Where did you go?" he would ask in a tiny whisper. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat.
"To Hell," you replied, a thousand-yard stare falling over your face.
You describe to him the gruesome torture you were put through, the enemy looking for intel on Konoha. You wouldn't tell them anything but at a horrible cost.
You sanity.
It scared Shikamaru just how much you changed after that night. But he does his best to make sure you heal and never forget that he will always be by your side.
"My love, you haven't left the room in days."
You were curled up in your shared bed, the comforter covering your entire body.
"I don't want to, Gaara."
Gaara sighed, his soul breaking as he stared at your limp and lifeless form. He observed the dark shadows under your eyes, the dry cracks in your lips from lack of water, and how you just seemed that you could wither away at any minute.
He understood all too well what was happening.
PTSD was -- is -- something he still deals with on a daily basis.
What got him through it was family and friends.
So, he climbed into the bundle of blankets with you, taking you into his arms.
"Then, I suppose I'll just have to join you."
You broke down, clinging to him as you recalled the heinous acts that were done to you, a few of Gaara's own tears falling freely.
"I'm here for you, my love. I will always be here for you."
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wing-ed-thing · 10 months
Ghost (Gaara x SandNymph!Reader)
Synopsis: Gaara insists that he's been dating you for about a month. Well, Kankuro and Temari haven't seen you once and are convinced you're not even real. Temari is extremely concerned.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tags/Warnings: SandNymph!Reader, No Reader Pronouns, Humor, Fluff
Notes: I'm using "nymph" because I thought "sand spirit" or "spirit" would be confused with Shukaku, you know, Gaara's literal "sand spirit."
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“A… date…?” Temari was in such disbelief over what she had just heard that she had to repeat it aloud. The lecture she had prepared about scheduling meetings died on her lips. Gaara spared a questioning glance from his paperwork, holding his pen just barely over the pages below. He held his posture completely still as he studied his sister’s expression of disbelief. Her eyebrows shot to her forehead. “You?” she blurted.
He frowned. 
“Is it that hard to believe?” Gaara returned to his work, the previously motionless pen now sailing across the page. Termari opened her mouth before closing it again, at a loss for words, as she studied the schedule nestled in her hands. The slot of time that had been sectioned off still sat there just as it had the last time she stared at it. The location was marked “rooftop.”
The note made Temari quirk her lip in pleasant surprise. She nodded to herself, cocking her head to the side as she stared at the combination of letters. Now that she thought of it, the rooftop of the Kazekage office wasn’t a terrible date location. The time would set Gaara’s date to start around sunset, making for quite the romantic atmosphere she didn’t know he had the capabilities to foresee. 
Temari glanced toward the Kazekage headpiece displayed on the wall behind Gaara’s desk, wondering if the not-so-subtle nod to his position had been intentional when he chose the setting. It was quite the power move. She couldn’t decipher whether it was too intimidating or if her little brother secretly had more charm than he let on. 
“Do you need something from me?” Gaara corralled his paperwork, leveling the pages against his desk. Temari shook her head, physically dismissing her thoughts as she brought the schedule forward to place it in front of him. She stood there and rocked on her heels, always one to make it known when she had an opinion. Gaara let out a quiet sigh and spoke in an even tone. “Yes?”
“Don’t you think the Kazekage office is a bit intimidating?” Temari hummed, glancing off to the side. She pivoted the ball of her foot on the intricately woven carpet below. Gaara’s writing stopped for a second before picking up again. 
“Considering that this is my place of employment— and that I’m the Kazekage— I would hope not.” Gaara quickly dismissed the question, much to Temari’s chagrin. “But I suppose we can afford to purchase a decorative plant or two.” 
“I meant for your date,” Temari protested. An undetectable smirk tugged at Gaara’s cheeks, tarnishing his otherwise unreadable expression. “You knew what I meant.” Gaara blinked as he pivoted in his chair to stand and retrieve a few more pressing documents. Temari perked up instantly, folding her arms as she moved around the large wooden desk. “What’s with that look?” She jabbed a finger at him. 
“I didn’t say anything,” Gaara insisted with a shake of his head. A small crease appeared above his brow. He brushed past his sister, adamant about finishing his clerical work over engaging with her.
“You didn’t say anything, but you were thinking it.” 
“You put a date on your official calendar and didn’t even tell me about it?” As angry as she sounded, the gleeful inflection that whipped up the end of her sentence betrayed her. She leaned against Gaara’s desk to his left. With another subtle heave of his chest, he slowly met her eye. Her irises glinted. 
“We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time. This is nothing new.” 
“Wait, what?”
“Temari, please. If this is all—” He tapped the schedule with the back of his pen. —“I’d appreciate it if you left me to my work.” 
Temari visibly deflated and left with a huff, knowing ultimately that she had been pushing her luck. She glanced back at her brother one more time before gently closing the office door. It was time to compare notes. 
“It’s been maybe two months?” Kankuro took a sip of his tea with a shrug of his shoulders. Temari couldn’t help how her mouth hung open in disbelief. She stepped forward, slamming her palms on the surface of Kankuro’s glorified desk. A few papers went toppling to the floor as he visibly jumped. Liquid spilled over the side of his cup. “Probably longer?”
“You didn’t tell me?”
“I thought you knew!” Kankuro raised his hands in defense, three fingers still wrapped around his beverage. He snuck another sip. “I mean, it’s the same time every week. He puts it in the calendar for fuck’s sake.” Kankuro placed his cup on a few scattered papers in front of him, moving just in time to catch a falling pile of files.
“What do you mean ‘probably’?” Kankuro randomly spread the compilation of work across the desk, all the forms and other important documents blending together in the unorganized mass. He only shrugged, clearly disinterested in the matter at hand. “Kankuro.”
“I dunno!” He shrugged again, but higher this time, sinking in his chair to pout at the clock mounted on the wall. Kankuro had hoped that he could waste the rest of the workday away in peace. The bodyguard to the Kazekage being a clearly redundant position, there was only so much ass Kankuro could kick in the comfort of an office environment. While he certainly performed other tasks, those tasks… could be done another day. “I think he gets stood up half the time anyway.”
Temari tried to instigate a conversation about Gaara’s dating life twice that day, and twice, one of her brothers attempted to get her to drop the subject by inadvertently dropping the juiciest tidbits into the conversation. Suffice it to say, neither time worked in their favor. 
Kankuro tried to turn away from Temari in his swivel chair. She rotated him back. Fury mounted in her eyes. 
“He what?” She towered over him with her 
“I don’t know that for sure,” Kankuro whined, letting his head tilt back onto the back of his chair. He kicked an ankle up onto his opposite knee, cradling it in his lap as he braced himself for Temari’s firestorm. “He just always comes downstairs alone whenever I’ve been here late. But then again—” Kankuro scratched lazily at the back of his head. —“That’s me being here late.”
“Your brother has been dating—”
—“Our brother…?—”
“Your brother has had a more successful dating life than you—”
— “Okay, uncalled for—”
— “And you don’t want to know who it is?” Temari placed her fists on her hips with a puff of her chest. She sighed, walking around him to gaze out the window, watching people trickle in and out of the office building. Only when she had her back turned did Kankuro relax. 
“‘Mari, I know you’re concerned about this, but I honestly don’t think it’s anyone.” 
Temari snapped back around, causing Kankuro to sink back into his chair. She quirked her brow. Her lip twitched downward skeptically.
“What do you mean?”
“You really think he’s actually seeing anyone?” Kankuro stressed, leaning forward. He glanced in the vague direction of Gaara’s office. Temari followed his glance in consideration. “Even if he is the Kazekage, it’s just another degree of separation from being a regular guy.”
“You think he’s making it up?” The two locked eyes simultaneously, both having the same thought but neither wanting to vocalize it. Kankuro averted his eyes guiltily.
“I wouldn’t say he’s making it up…” he trailed off. “He has us, of course. And he has pretty good interactions with most people in, like, a Kazekage kinda way…” Kankuro heaved in a deep breath. “I just think he’s, um… compensating. I’m sure he’ll tell us everything when he’s ready.”
Temari wanted to fight him on his point, but she knew that Kankuro was right.
The rooftop housed a small garden. Flowerpots ranging in size lined the east side. A few sturdy stands had made their way upstairs, offering a few neat displays for the pots to sit. one of the older secretaries routinely arrived to work early to maintain his menagerie of drought-hardy plants: a well-kept compilation of cacti, succulents, and desert flowers. Over quite a number of years, the old man managed to turn the dreary, cracked rooftop of the Kazekage building into a rather peaceful space. 
You were already waiting for him when Gaara arrived. The glow of the fiery-colored evening outlined your silhouette, a sunset of painted crimson surrounding you in his sights. You turned as soon as you heard the door.
Gaara stood in the doorway of the stairwell. 
Your simple, traditional robes fluttered slightly in the evening breeze. Particles of sand fell from your fingertips, leaving a rounded puddle beneath around your feet. 
But he didn’t move. Instead, Gaara leaned against the doorframe; the inside knob of the wide-open door sat under his fingertips as he stood enamored with you. You lit up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. Gaara tried to suppress the bashful smile of admiration that slowly crept onto his lips. 
He stepped forward, letting the door close behind him, and stopped short in front of it. Gaara shifted his weight to his back leg. Two neat dimples indented his cheeks as he raised his arms, holding his pointed index fingers and thumbs to make a square shape as he lined you up in his vision with the blazing sunset in the background. 
Gaara squinted one eye. You rolled yours.
“Get over here,” you protested playfully with a droop of your shoulders. Gaara’s lips tightened to form a twisted line as he snickered to himself, jogging forward to embrace you. You pressed your forehead against his.
“Have I ever told you that sunset is my favorite time of day?” Gaara said softly. You kissed the corner of his lips. 
His fingers laced through yours. With a brush of your palm, a few more grains of sand fell to the ground. You chuckled, letting a sentimental smile rest across your mouth, pulling away to lead him to the edge of the rooftop. 
But Gaara stood still, letting the tension of your pull stretch his arm and stop you mid-step. He used your momentum to pull you back into his arms, adding a spin as he did so.
“You must have missed me a lot,” you quipped as you used his leather-clad shoulder to steady yourself. Gaara shrugged with an informality surely unbecoming of a political figure as important as the Kazekage. But the soft gaze that focused back on you held nothing but genuity.
“Every time I looked upon the sand,” he hummed, finally releasing you. You cocked your head to the side, mischief already beginning to cloud your illuminated irises. 
“Every time?” you repeated with a snicker and planted your hands on your hips. “It’s a miracle you can get anything done.” 
You backed up a step, and Gaara followed. A few feet before the edge of the rooftop, you had set up a modest, woven blanket and a spread of simple, traditional foods. The two of you sat, perfectly shrouded from prying eyes by the tall cacti that grew around you. 
“Bold of you to assume anything ever gets done with all these new global alliances.” Gaara’s forehead creased with amusement as he poured the tea for both of you. You began to fix the plates. “This is a government building, after all.”
“Oh, so the Kazekage has jokes. Does Baki know? I’m sure he would be thrilled to hear you say that.” 
“I can’t say he does.”
Gaara set your tea down in front of you. The sun had lowered enough so that you could see each other clearly in the indirect light. The sky cast a golden color over the desert, and the fading beams trickled through the desert flowers that surrounded you. 
“Well, I’m glad you found some time to take a break.”
“I always have time for you.”
The sun had set by the time Temari finally left the office. Bright moonlight lit up the roads as she began her trek home after a long day of running papers. Homes were lit with warm lantern light, laying the path before her. Kankuro already left hours ago. 
She strode through the street. A few people milled about around her, also commuting home from work or closing up small market stalls. In a moment overtaken by thought, Temari stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to turn back toward the office building. 
The outdoor lights had been lit. She searched for Gaara’s office window, only to find it dark. Perhaps he went home at the same time Kankuro had. Given the week they’ve had, Gaara deserved some well-needed rest, Temari decided. But two figures caught her eye just as she was about to turn her back to continue her walk. 
Obscured by the tall plants on the rooftop, Temari could have easily missed them if she had been looking from any other angle. She looked to her left, then right, scanning the street for people before she stepped forward, squinting to get a better look. Temari hadn’t forgotten about Gaara’s date for a second, but she hadn’t expected it to go so late into the evening. And while she happened to see you and Gaara saying your goodbyes, she might as well see who’s dating her little brother.
But as soon as Temari began to look closer, you disappeared into a swirl of sand, and the grains blew into the breeze. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I prefer to avoid gendering readers in my work. Originally I was wondering how to talk about you in third person without having to pick a set of pronouns, but the dialogue wrote smoother than I originally even thought! It's very possible to write reader inserts without mentioning any specific third-person pronouns, it just requires some creativity, flexibility, and thought— I stand by this!
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matchaxberries · 1 year
Gaara Relationship Headcanons
Gaara Sabaku (Naruto) x Gn!reader
Drabbles/Headcanons, Not requested, SFW
Summary: Gaara of the sand is perfect, no debates. Cute relationship Headcanons, fluffy.
Warnings: Talk about insecurities and nightmares, pet names, I don’t think there is anything else.
(A/N) Gaara is one of my favorite characters of this series. He deserves so much, and is soft. I do not care who thinks he’s terrible, he is perfect. If it’s requested at all I might make a smut version of this, or if I just feel like doing that. I also for the most part always will put the read more under the gif for my posts. I think it looks clean. :3 If anyone thinks I should change it, do suggest something else.
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Gaara is insecure of himself, that’s obvious in the show. He likes physical touch, and words of affirmation.
In public, he isn’t too big on touch though. Being the Kazekage, he wants your relationship a bit more closed. He wouldn’t want anything bad happening to his lover because of his status.
He will melt into grains of sand if you play with his hair while sitting behind him. If you’re taller, he wouldn’t mind sitting right in your lap, or in between your legs. If you’re shorter, he would sit in the floor in front of you, while you’re in a chair just so you run your hands through his red locks.
He would be very flustered by any nicknames, he likes kind words, but pet names turn him the color of his own hair. Bright red. He isn’t going to tell you to stop though, no. He’s going to enjoy it, and pretend he doesn’t like it, and he will turn away from you so you can’t see his expression.
Back on him being insecure, he gets jealous or possessive over you fast. He sees you talking to someone who makes you laugh a bit more than usual? He is by your side in a moment, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “What is so funny, (y/n)?” He will question, right in front of the person.
They will be scared, he is Kazekage. “Sorry, lord Kazekage-“ they’ll quickly let out, turning heel and getting away from you.
You’ll pout at Gaara, saying they weren’t saying anything with bad intentions. But he doesn’t say anything back, only drags you back to his office so you can tell him how much you love him, and how he’s the only one for you.
While you are laying and about to rest, randomly tell him how you love something about him. He doesn’t mind if he’s heard it before, it helps him fall asleep.
Gaara has nightmares frequently, he doesn’t want to wake you at all, but sometimes he jerks awake and you get jerked with him since you sleep right on him.
“I’m sorry my dear, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He will say, while out of breath. “Don’t worry Gaara, are you okay?” He will only nod, and hold you closer. He doesn’t like to talk about his nightmares, they’re often about things that would happen in his past. He’s afraid you’ll leave him if you find out that he’s a ‘monster’ in his own words.
Gaara doesn’t have too many facial expressions, at first it worried you, thinking you were boring him. But he assured you he just doesn’t react well, but he loves you very much, and finds you very entertaining.
Gaara likes to carry you around on his sand. He thinks it is fun, and you get to enjoy yourself watching over everything. He will have you float just a bit behind him, up a bit higher, but never out of his reach or sight.
His preferred pet name from you is love, sweetheart, and pretty boy. They all fluster him a lot, but those are his favorites to hear. He likes to call you dear, my dear, and on occasion darling. He keeps them to a minimum, and keeps them kind of professional. He will fluster himself by calling you something pretty out there.
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Word Count: 571
Character count: 2,974
(A/N 2) The word and character counts on these might not be 100% accurate. I paste everything into a random thing on Google, so it might be a bit wrong. I might make a part two for this, but for now this is all, it wasn’t too much but I just wanted to write something more.
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husbandograveyard · 1 year
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Flowers Characters featured: Gaara (Naruto), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: @silenceofthecookies [a/n]: soft Gaara? soft Gaara.
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Gaara is a busy man. You knew when you got together with him, and it hadn’t really changed. He takes his job as a kage very seriously, and you admire all the hard work he puts in. But sometimes you wished that you could get a little more attention from him, that you could spend just a little more time together. 
But you never brought it up, because you knew how hard he tried, and you knew how much he loved you. You couldn’t get your selfish wish past your lips, because you loved him so much and you knew he’d bend over backwards to give you what you wanted, only to chip away at himself even more in the process. And that was the last thing you wanted. 
So you tried to help out instead. You brought meals to his office, sat with him on late nights, even if it was just reading a book on a couch nearby. You helped wherever you could with the paperwork -although that took quite a lot of convincing-. You made sure the house was always a home for him to be happy to come home to. And you never even mentioned your extra efforts once. 
But they didn’t go unnoticed. One day you come home from grocery shopping to find a huge bouquet waiting for you at the dinner table. Your initial worry -who got inside the house? Gaara is working- makes way for all warm fuzzy feeling when you notice the redhead sitting on the couch, smiling, waiting for you to come home. 
“Gaara, I thought you were wo-” He interrupts gently, taking you by your hands and pulling you closer to him. “Not today. You have been doing so much to ease my burdens, and never once asked anything in return. So please, allow me to properly thank you today.”
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audreyscribes · 3 months
"Sand Sugar" Young! Gaara x Older Sibling Figure! Reader- Naruto Fanfic
Author's Note: I was looking at my old devianart page, looking for an art I did years ago and I found the small amount of fanfic works I posted there. The basis of the story was too good and much like what I did for the Clarisse x Reader fic, I thought why not post it here? For archival purposes. So here it is. Please enjoy and thanks for reading! NOTE: This was originally once a "Gaara x Big Sister OC" that was posted in 2014 but I have re-edited it to be a Neutral Gender Reader fic instead. I am also not that deep into the Naruto fandom or too much of the lore. I did at one time watch all of S1 and S2, but that was years ago so don't expect too much.
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You sighed as you walked through the Village hidden by Sand. It was one of those days that you had to walk around following your gut. After a while, you found yourself at the playground. You stared at the entrance of the playground, wondering if your subconsciousness wanted to bask in the nostalgia of a long gone childhood; before you had aspirations, before you realize the reality of living as an adult. 
Not knowing what to do else, you decided to lean against the wall, watching a group of kids play ball. Their laughter brought a small smile to your face, before you caught something in the corner of your eye. Your eyes wandered to a kid with red hair alone by his wholesome.
You stared at him before your eyes narrowed down in worry. Why was he out there alone? Where are his friends or his guardians? His parents or siblings? You did a quick scan around to have some indication of company belonging to the boy, yet nothing stood out to you. 
You heard the ball fly and your head turned back to the playground. The ball that the group of kids were playing rolled to the lonely kid as he stared at it like it was a foreign object. So foreign yet so familiar.
After a few seconds, he picked it up and seemed to want to give it back to the kids but you quickly caught the look of absolute fear and disgust, as they yelled something about a demon or some sort. They all ran away as the kid seemed awfully depressed as he watched the kids run away from him like he was going to kill them. 
Your heart clenched at the face he was making ad before you knew it, your feet had carried you over to him. You made sure to make your footsteps known before you gently touched his shoulder. Yet he jumped still as if he was spooked. His head whipped towards you and stared at you with frightened, wide eyes. The sand seemed to rattle and you thought it was the wind, but the voice in the back of your mind whispered something else.
You didn’t want to scare and agitate  him any further so you took a step back, hands up in the air with the best non-threatening gesture you could muster. You saw his tensed shoulders drop slightly and the agitated sand from before, seemed to go silent almost. A suspicion and realization was forming in your mind, but you were committed and crouched to his level. You gave him a smile, your hands still open for him to see.
He seemed to relax more, making you smile more. 
“Hey” you greeted first. 
“Hi…” he said, a bit afraid like he wasn’t used to talking to people.
“What’s your name?” you asked him.
“G-Gaara…” and you blinked at the name. So this was Kaze-Kage's son? From what you’ve heard, he has one of the tailed beast inside him; the Shukaku. Now you were starting to get the picture and the voice in your mind was becoming more right. 
“Hey Gaara.” you greeted once more, “My name is [first name].”
“Hi…” He said meekly.
“Why are you out here, alone?” you asked him, a bit worried. He looked down like he was about to cry. Immediately, you begun to panic while feeling like an idiot. Trying to cheer him up, you searched through your back pocket. It was a weak gesture but you grabbed a bunch of objects and held it out to him. He looked at your hand while you slowly revealed some candy to him.
“Here…want some?” you asked, stuttering with your heart beating against your chest with cold sweat prickling on your skin.
He stared at it before shaking his head. You were confused and more worried, as you kept up your appearance and tilted your head at him, “You don’t like candy?”
He shook his head, “No…I like candy.” He said, “But I don’t know if it’s poisoned or not.”
That threw you in for a loop as you blinked at him in surprise. He already knew about food having poison in them? This kid’s life must be tough. Was your thought before it transitioned to “man is this what being generations of ninjas have to deal with?" To the horrifying thought, “Oh dear Kami, someone has tried to poison before.”
You looked at the colourful sweets in your hand, pondered for a moment before you looked at him, “I promise there isn't any poison in them, but if you’re not sure, why don’t you pick a few out and I’ll eat it, okay?”
He stared at you before looking at your hand. He seemed to ponder and probably thought you were bluffing before pointing a few out. True to your word, he picked those up the most colourful candies and you opened your mouth. He slowly unwrapped one before dropping one inside. You closed it and chewed it, crunching it. You then grinned and tried not to show how you were going to regret this decision, “Come on, did I say to pick out a few more?” 
Gaara looked at you bizarrely before you opened your mouth waiting and he quickly unwrapped a few ones and it wasn’t long before your mouth was stuffed with candy. You then puffed your cheeks to exaggerate how much candy you had and imitating yourself as a hamster. Garra giggled and the sweetness of it almost made your heart burst (Nooo, it wasn’t the rush of sugar that was sitting in your mouth, what were you talking about?)
After a while, letting it dissolve, you then opened your mouth to show him it was all gone. You waited for a few minutes while playing Tic-Tac toe in the sand, before Gaara seemed to be convinced there wasn't any poison in it. He looked expectantly at the candy and you patiently held them out. He seemed to ponder the flavours and colours before he picked one up and tentatively ate it. His whole face brightened up as you giggled. Without thinking, you softly patted his head as he seemed surprised but quickly seemed to enjoy it. You tried not to let your face falter as you felt your heart breaking at the reaction, even more so as he tentatively held your hand to lean his head more.
You got up before you held your hand to him, leading him home. A ninja appeared in front of me as Gaara yelled “Yashamaru”.
You merely let go of Gaara’s hand as he ran up to him. Seeing as he knew the ninja and he was happy, you began to leave; now that Gaara is now with his guardian.
(you wondered where he was this entire time…was he watching you this entire time? But if that was the case, then he should’ve appeared earlier… questions begun to fill you and the sugary sweetness of the candy in your gut begun to turn bitter-)
You turned around to go back to your own home and give yourself a long teeth brushing session, when you felt a tug on my leg. You stopped to look down and saw Gaara, looking at you with his light wide, turquoise eyes. You then knelt down to his level as he gripped your arm like an actual child. You smiled softly at him, tilting your head to the side as you saw Yashamaru not too far away. “What’s wrong Gaara?”
He looked down like he was struggling to say something but you waited. He looked up like he was a bit hesitant but he finally got the courage to speak, “Will I ever see you again [f/n]-Nee/Nii?” 
You blinked at Gaara; thinking me as his older sister already but you merely smirked at him. You messed the top of his head, tickling him. “Of course! All you have to do is call me and you’ll see me~” you said, giving him a grin. 
He beamed before giving me a hug. You admittedly froze for a moment before you returned back with a warm hug and a kiss to the forehead before he ran to the ninja waiting for him. You stood back up while waving him good bye as he did the same. (You could see Yashamaru silently observing and deducing you from over his shoulder and you had a feeling you were going to be interrogated later).
When they were out of sight, you merely sighed to yourself before smiling. Whatever it may be, you had a feeling you were going to this kid no matter what, for a long long time.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Naruto boys and the inside jokes they have with their alpha
(some are n-sfw lol)
Yours and Naruto’s inside joke also kind of includes Sasuke, in that it’s about him, but Sasuke doesn’t find it funny and reacts with violence whenever you two bring it up. 
(I stole this from that post I reblogged not long ago.)
Sasuke said dattebayo by accident once. He immediately wanted to forget it ever happened, but you and Naruto don’t let him. 
Whenever Sasuke asks you for anything, you always say ‘only if you say dattebayo’ as if you were asking him to say please. 
“Pass me that kunai, dobe.”
“Hmm, only if you say dattebayo.”
“Yeah Sasuke! Remember your manners!”
“I’m killing you both.”
It happened during one of his bad days. 
You were at a loss of what to do to help him when he was miserable and stuck in his own head. 
Your last hope was that maybe some physical contact with you would offer some comfort for him. 
You put a hand on his knee and just to make sure he was okay with it, you said “Does this help?”
Sasuke blinked at you for a moment before he cracked a smile against his will. 
You realised that you just asked if you putting a hand on his knee helped his massive trauma filled breakdown... 
You flushed and tried to back pedal, but Sasuke wouldn’t let you. 
Now, whenever one of you is stressed or tired or grumpy, the other puts their hand on their knee and says “does this help?”
“The mission was shit.”
“Oh, I’m sorry... Does this help?”
“I hate you so much.”
You and Neji were at the park, watching your daughter play, as normal, when you got chatting to another parent. 
Everything was fine until they called their child over and called them by name... Pika Pika. 
This parent had genuinely named their child sparkly... 
You and Neji made significant eye contact and when you got home, couldn’t stop laughing about it. 
Now, whenever something needs to be named, whether it be a plant or a pet, whatever, one of you always suggests Pika Pika, in the most serious voice you can muster. 
“I bought this little plant for the kitchen from the market. It needs a name.”
“Hmm, how about Pika Pika?”
“The 7th?”
“Yes, Pika Pika the 7th.”
Your inside jokes with Shikamaru are absolutely at his expense. 
Mainly on the topic of his weird Nara obsession thing and his old habit of trying to get away from his dad and to you by climbing out of the window. 
You once saw those spikes that people use to discourage birds from landing on their rooves and windows, and decided to cover your window sills with them as a joke. 
Shikamaru’s unimpressed face sent you cackling to the ground. 
Now, your kitchen window sill not only has spikes on it, but also a ‘do not cross’ sign and red tape in an ‘X’ shape. 
People always ask why, but you both refuse to explain. 
“I still have no idea where you found a bunch of miniature red cones.”
“Don’t they suit our window sill perfectly though?”
“That’s what you said about the ‘no entry’ sign you stole.”
“And I was right, just like I am now.”
This inside joke is  about Chouji’s magic touch with pups. 
Like, he can keep even the most unruly pup or the most fussy baby calm, it’s like magic. 
Before you had pups, you used to always say “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” when Chouji would interact with his friends’ pups. 
It was cute, but it become something of a habit, hence why, when you had your first pup, you turned to Chouji and said “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” as he literally cradled your new baby. 
Sleep deprived, you both just blinked at each other, processing what you said. It was pretty funny. 
Now, whenever he does anything with your pup, you say that line. It always makes Chouji smile and roll his eyes. 
“Shh, come here little one, it’s dinner time.”
“Damn, you’re going to make a wonderful oma/dad one day 😌”
Whilst breastfeeding one of his many, many children, he had a milk clot in one of his breasts. 
His doctor said to use that breast often with feedings to encourage the clot out, which Kiba immediately decided meant you had to suck on his tit of course. 
When he brought it up, you genuinely and with a concerned voice said “but babe, I’m lactose intolerant 😞”
Kiba cracked up laughing for like an hour. 
Now, whenever one of you asks the other to do something, they use that response. 
“Hey Kiba, can you do some laundry real quick?”
“Sorry... I’m lactose intolerant :( “
You were punishing him in bed (spanking) and wanted him to count up the number he was going to get. 
You were giving him 20 for disobeying you, 5 for talking back to you, 5 for being too slow getting his collar and 5 more because he talked back again. 
You teasingly asked him to add up how many he was going to get. 
He said 35, which was correct. 
But you had added them incorrectly in your head and confidently said “Wrong.”
Kakashi’s brows furrowed. You could see him running over the number again in his head. 
At this point, you started to feel self-conscious and added them up again, realising that you’d made an embarrassing mistake. 
“I mean, that’s right.”
Kakashi snorted and the mood was ruined and you ended up stopping the scene. 
Now, whenever one of you is obviously doing something correctly, you just say ‘wrong’ to the other one. 
“I’m just putting on my shoes...”
Gaara will almost always get inside jokes wrong. 
He doesn’t really understand them, but he thinks he does. 
This creates inside jokes. Meta inside jokes, if you will. 
One time, Gaara misspoke and said ‘broccoli’ when you asked him his favourite drink because he was distracted and thought you were aksing about dinner for some reason. 
You laughed and next time he asked you a question, you said ‘broccoli’ back and then had to explain what an inside joke was. 
A few weeks later, you were having dinner with his family when Kankuro asked what Gaara put in the sauce because he liked it. 
Gaara smiled and said ‘broccoli’ before giving an exaggerated and very awkward wink and then looking at you for approval. 
Kankuro and Temari sat there confused as you burst out laughing at his attempt at copying the inside joke. 
And Gaara sat there proudly, thinking he’d made you laugh by successfully using the inside joke. 
“This sauce is great, what did you put in it?”
“Broccoli :D” 
(Ran out of ideas for the rest, so that’s it for now lol. Let me know your favourite.)
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 6: Hair-pulling
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At Wit's End
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: afab!reader, oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling (male receiving), little bit of dirty talk, Gaara is a bit of a dom in this ngl, vaginal fingering, lots of teasing, there's a little bit of fluff at the end
A/N: Man I love Gaara, like so much. This prompt was a prompt I was looking forward to and I'm sorry its so short but the ending just felt right. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy~
Read it on AO3
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The flat press of his tongue against your folds had you letting out a noise that was a mixture of a gasp and squeak. The next swipe of his tongue placed a good amount of pressure against your vulnerable clit and you bit your bottom lip to help smother the noise. The young Kazekage had your legs pushed up against your chest, his hands pressed against your knees, while he gave the entirety of his attention to your weeping sex. You smoothed his fiery locks against the back of his head, but the more involved his tongue became the stronger your grip on his hair.
“You’re twitching so much,” his gruff voice and hot breath fanned over your flesh and made you shiver. “But we just started.”
“Don’t tease.”
“Hm.” He brought one of his deft fingers down to rub around your wet entrance. “I’ll think about it.”
Gaara began to rub his thumb against your sensitive bud and lap at your opening. His attentions were too light, only enough to stimulate you but not enough to bring you to that blissful edge. He pressed his thumb down on your clit, roughly, and you gasped and pulled on his spiked strands. It was a sharp tug, only for a moment, but it was enough to get that sharp hiss of breath from him that you loved so much. The former jinchuriki began to move his thumb quickly, keeping that same rough pressure, and focused on worming his tongue’s way inside of you.
“Mmm.” You bit your bottom lip and curled your free leg overtop of his pale shoulder. He moved his tongue slowly, torturously, as he dragged it against your sensitive walls. Rarely did he lose his patience, especially when it came to these sorts of things. The young Kazekage loved nothing more than to tease, to give pleasure but only to the extent he allowed. All in order to see your reactions, but his favorite was when you pulled on his soft strands.
The first time was an instinctual reaction, a sharp tug to try and ground yourself during your orgasmic high, but his response to it had been more surprising. A gasp with wide sea-foam greens, an involuntary buck of his hips, and a tremble down his spine were not a reaction you had expected but definitely one you savored. From then on, when given the opportunity, you’d make sure to pull at his hair at some point during your trysts. Gaara was the one who told you how he preferred it when it was a response to his actions, and you were never one to deny him.
His tongue curled against your vaginal walls, and you let out a weak moan. That devious muscle could play you like a fiddle. The way he knew how to work you, how to get the most out of you and yet chose to keep you on that ledge drove you insane. “G-Gaara, please,” you whined, your fingers gripping his strands tightly. You tugged again, attempting to spur him to go faster, but his self-control was too great. He continued his languid thrusting, his lazy manipulation of your turgid bud. You whined, your hips trying to move against his face in attempts to reach your release faster, but he moved his grip down from your knee to your pubic bone and pressed down on your center, thwarting your plans.
Against your wishes, he removed his tongue from inside of you, as well as his fingers, and you groaned in frustration. “So impatient,” he muttered. He sounded so gruff and raspy, and when you looked down at him you could see the telltale sheen of slick against his lips and chin. You wanted to pull him right back to your center by his hair. That’s exactly what he wants, you thought as you watched him tap his fingers against your skin gently. “What are you so eager for?”
He swirled one finger around your sopping entrance before gently pushing it inside and pumping it languidly. You tugged on his hair in response, groaning at the minute amount of relief and giving in to your baser need to have his mouth on you again. The quiet moan that left him at your pull made you tug on it again. “I’m always eager for more of you,” you muttered, to which he chuckled.
Giving into your needs, but only a little, he began to lap at your clit while he added a second finger, the pace only a bit faster than before. You needed so much more, the pleasure and teasing had created a knot in your stomach that was begging for release. Without thinking, you pulled at his strands again and tried to buck your hips. The hair pulling made him close his eyes for a moment and groan into your sex. He paused his ministrations briefly before starting them again, scissoring you and licking your bud with random zigzag patterns, and it could have just been your wishful thinking, but you thought, or rather hoped, that he had gotten just a bit quicker.
You moaned, your back arching as he added a third finger. That damned teasing pace continued. You were almost at your wits end—he hadn’t teased you for that long before! With three of his pale fingers moving so lazily inside you and his tongue seemingly practicing shapes against your overly sensitive clit you could hardly feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes. Truly, this was madness. Your legs twitched, both now locked behind his shoulders in order to keep your teasing lover in place, your thighs trembled, and your hands shook as they kept their ever-tightening grip on his hair.
“You’re clenching my fingers rather roughly,” he grumbled into your soaked flesh. “Do you need something?”
You swore you’d never felt so aggravated with the man in your life.
With the last remnants of your sanity, you let go of his hair and that made him pause. He looked up at you, those heated eyes of his seemingly questioning if he’d gone too far and if you were alright, his hand at your pubic bone removing itself to hold your trembling thigh gently. But your response came slowly, as you carded your fingers through those messy locks, scratching his scalp lightly as you went. His eyes closed again, and a soft breath left his lips and blew against your aching sex. Gaara resumed his movements, his frustratingly slow movements, and you gathered as much of his hair as you could from the back of his head.
You kept your legs locked behind him, made sure you had a satisfactory amount of hair, and waited. The quiet schlicks, the wet sound of his tongue moving against your throbbing clit, and your quiet pants were drowned out by the sound of blood rushing in your ears. Maybe he sensed something was coming, or maybe not, but all the same he seemed to pick up the pace by a noticeable amount. It was too late, as wonderful as it felt to finally have a bit more of that heavenly friction that you’d been seeking, you weren’t going to let him continue to tease you. You were tired of the edge, you wanted to fall off.
On the next curl of his fingers, you pulled at his hair, hard. Harder than you’d ever done before, and you pressed your heels into his back to get him as close as you physically could. You were sure the pulling had hurt, but he only let out a loud gasp in surprise, a very similar sound to the first time you’d pulled at his locks. And it worked, that incredible patience finally seemed to snap as you kept your tight grip and he began to devour you like a man starved.
A loud moan left you, your back arching above the bed. He let you roll your hips against his mouth and fingers at the erratic pace you had so desperately been waiting for. “Nnnn, Gaara.” You squeezed your eyes shut and felt the very beginnings of that release you so desperately needed. His tongue licked your clit rapidly, his three fingers thrusting so hard and deep inside of you that you were sure to be sore later. “Yesss, coming!”
With only a few more bucks of your hips, laps of his tongue, and thrusts of his fingers you were coming undone. To the best of your ability, you tried to keep that strong hold on his hair, knowing that was what he needed the most. He moaned as he felt your walls flutter around his fingers and your clit throb against his tongue. Gaara lifted his head just a bit, just enough to watch your face and body contort as you lost your grip on his head. Your legs fell from around his shoulders, and he held them open.
He sat up, watching you closely as you basked in the blissful feeling of release after being pent up for so long. His hair was a disaster, some red strands having been pulled off remained in your hands. His chin was soaked with the evidence of your desire and his eyes told you everything you needed to know. That heated gaze, those gorgeous orbs, told you that the two of you were far from finished. So, you gave him as best a wink you could in your state.
Gaara let out a puff of breath at your sloppy wink and crawled further up your form until he was right above your face. “You drive me to my wit’s end,” he muttered before placing a soft kiss on your temple. You loved the small smile that had found its way to his lips.
“I can say the same about you.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal @nightingaleflow
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danddymaro · 1 year
Got me | Gaara x Reader
A lil fluffy
Could be a friendship/ship
Word Count: 363
Got me
You looked down at the aqua-colored eyes that looked up at you from below. They narrow slightly as the sunlight behind you felt a touch too overwhelming.
Strands of fire red fall over them too, obscuring the sight before they are blown away by a simple blow of breath of yours. 
After the small accomplishment, you smile just as those sea-colored eyes fully open, rounded.
The air fans Gaara's face, but rather than cool him off it makes heat rise over his features, gradually worsening before he looks away, his lips pressed together thinly.
"You've made your point..." he said wearily, flustered.
Grains of sand coil around your ankles, willing, but not going further. you can feel the bits of debris make way up your leg, crawling into your clothing too, making you huff out before you pout with a bit of disappointment.
"I'm not teasing you to be cruel," you say, your face demonstrating a softhearted expression soon after.
You did tease him quite a bit, but at that moment, you truly meant no harm.
He relied entirely too much on his sand, and while it'd started off as a silly challenge, the more you thought about it, the more you became stuck on the idea,
" Your taijutsu needs some work," you say just a tad bit smugly before you straighten out your back, though you don't back off. You're still sitting on the sand nin's stomach as you lean back, shaking your head.
"- Lucky for you, you've got me," you said with a hard grin as you point your thumb to your chest.
Silently, Gaara stares at you with the same rounded eyes of before, though they soon slack and he softly smiles at you.
He's not one to take for granted his new bonds, though as he's become more busy with his new position, he's had so much on his mind.
He hasn't even had a proper moment to spend with you, something he feels guilty for.
"Ah...I do, don't I?" he replies back in a tender voice, musing over how lucky he is to have you in his corner, even if you're a bit too cheeky sometimes.
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Anon asked: May I request comfort with gaara after he finds out about his s/o (gn, they/them pls) mother being toxic ? There’s nothing physical but still…it hurts when your mother says things about you then pretends she’s never insulted you.
Hello and thank you for requesting with us! I do hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Mild talk of mothers being mean
>Admin T
You buried your face into your hands, letting the tears fall. Gaara stood in the entry way of your shared home, surprised and concerned filling his chest. He immediately went to your side and wrapped his arms around you. "My heart, what's the matter?"
You groaned and burrowed yourself into his chest. "My mother, that's what happened." Gaara didn't know the relationship you had with your mother. How she hurts you with her words, how she destroys your confidence when she berates on how you act or dress, and as you told Gaara all that she has done to you, his hold tightened and he kissed your temple. "I don't know what I did to her to treat me like this!" you cried out, more tears falling.
"My love, sometimes people lash out at others because of their own insecurities and self doubts. It's unfair and horrible, I know. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. Trust me, I was the same way." Gaara explained, rubbing your arms comfortingly. You sniffed and looked up to meet his eyes.
"But you owned up to it all. My mother just forgets all the horrible things she's said the next day, so I can't even confront her. She just shuts me down."
Gaara's heart ached for you, your pain his pain. He didn't knows his mother, but his father wasn't 'Dad of the year' so he knew some semblance of what you were going through. "I'm sorry, my love, that you have to go through this. I am here, for you, now and forever."
This made you start bawling now. From sadness of not having a loving mom, and from happiness from having someone really care for you, to fill that void in your heart that your mother had opened.
"Thank you, Gaara, I needed to hear that." Gaara kissed gently, his lips soft against yours and he gave a winning smile.
"Anything for you, my heart."
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wing-ed-thing · 2 years
I Guess You Don’t Love Me Anymore (Gaara x Reader)
Synopsis: Your normal nighttime routine with Gaara
Word Count: 0.8k
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Gaara puts his whole weight on Reader, Fluffy Couple Things, Reader is Picked Up/Tossed
Notes: On the Gaara brain rot train
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When it came time to turn in, Gaara wore his nightshirt. The garment, traditionally worn by men of Sunagakure, was woven out of a light, tan fabric and featured three white buttons that led up to a scoop neck collar. Gaara pinched the front of it, almost to remind himself of the shirt’s looseness as he fanned himself. You watched as he cracked open a window from your shared bed, musing to yourself over how the fabric draped over Gaara’s shoulders. He always seemed more relaxed at night, like he could finally breathe after a day of work as Kazekage. Perhaps it was from wearing his armor all day…
“What?” His rough voice cut through your thoughts. You blinked, locking eyes with Gaara as his forehead crinkled in acute curiosity. “What are you looking at?” You sat up, leaning on one arm as you tugged him forward by the hem of his shirt. You leaned up to kiss him.
“Am I not allowed to admire my handsome fiancé?” you said, a playful vibrato in your voice. Gaara planted a firm peck on your lips. You fell back onto the thin sheets and Gaara unceremoniously plopped the entirety of his body weight on top of you. You let out a dramatic groan and the corners of Gaara’s lips twitched upwards from above you.
“You are,” he conceded, his nose touching yours. His elbows dug into the bed around the opposite sides of your head and he rested his cheek on his palm. “But you’re a mischievous one. I don’t know what goes on in that head of yours.” He gave your temple a light tap with his opposite hand.
“I was thinking about your shirt.” Gaara’s lips formed a tight, misshapen line. A light puff of air escaped his nose: Gaara’s rendition of a snicker.
“My shirt,” he repeated, stretching as he lifted himself off of you. By the time you sat up, he was already beginning to settle under the covers. “What about my shirt?” A hint of mischief of his own glinted in his tired eyes.
“I think it’s a nice look for you.” You flung the sheets over on your side and rested your head on Gaara’s shoulder. You tossed a leg over his. “It’s very… farmer.” You looked up at him, dragging your cheek across the light cotton of his nightshirt as you nodded. He looked down, chin beginning to scrunch up by his neck.
“Is, uh… I reckon that’s a good thing.” You couldn’t laugh at the innocently lost look on his face. No one had ever really joked around with Gaara before you. Between the stigma around his Jinchūriki status as a child to his drastic promotion to Kazekage, you figured that most of the villagers thought of him as too serious.
“I’ll have you know that farmer-Gaara is easily in my list of top fifteen Gaaras.”
“Ah, I see…” He hummed, straining to reach over to the bedside light. You always said things like that to him and he never understood. But he liked you, and so he had long since learned to simply roll with it. You wrapped your arm around his middle as darkness suddenly overtook the room.
You both shifted. You nestled deeper into Gaara’s side as he traced the outline of your ear. Gaara kissed the top of your head. The silence of the night filled the air. It had been a long day for the both of you.
Gaara’s chest rose steadily as he breathed. You played with the buttons on his shirt, his heart beating like a metronome in his chest. His fingertips drew little circles on your skin as the night grew darker.
As time passed, you couldn’t tell if you actually fell asleep. But in a half-awake trance, you felt Gaara move. He turned on his side, taking half of your portion of the blankets with him. You looked over at his broad shoulders and his messy hair. You clutched onto what little blanket realestate you could.
“Oh, I see how it is.” Your tired voice cut through the stillness. “I guess you don’t love me anymore.” Even just barely awake, you still found ways to joke with him.
Almost immediately, Gaara shot up in bed, resting his weight on his elbow away from you. He paused, almost as if he had to take a moment to process what you said. You giggled quietly to yourself, always one to be amused by your own jokes. But your laughter was quickly knocked out of you as Gaara, now laying flat, snaked one arm under you. And with one movement, he flipped you completely over his body. With you now on his left, he turned back on his side, holding you to his chest and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Go to sleep,” he muttered and held you close as the both of you fell asleep.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated. 
Notes: I think I once found a tweet that was like “When your partner turns on their side in bed and it’s like wow I didn’t know you didn’t love me anymore.” Ever since I showed my boyfriend that I say that every time he turns over until the one time I did it to him and he went “... wow I didn’t know you didn’t love me anymore” hahaha
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nexysworld · 1 year
My Naruto Fanfiction
My work is also posted to A03. For my non Naruto work see this directory.
Gaara x Fem!Reader
🖤 NSFW [Shippuden!Gaara] Patience is a Hard Lesson to Learn
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
hiiii!! sorry if this is kinda specfic but could i rq neji and gaara + anyone else you would like with a reader (romantic or close friends type thing, up to you!!) that grew up with older siblings (a kind of big-ish age gap? like they were around 8 or so when the reader arrived) and the reader + their siblings are all competitive over ANYTHING, so they love to rub it into each other alot (like a "heyyy big sib, remember when i beat you in a match of rock paper scissors and you promised me hotpot? well i want to cash in my reward now") just like a 'healthy' siblings dynamic, they aren't scared of inviting [insert character] into these little games, cause they just want them to let loose a little,,, so kind of just fluff, kind of like character getting to know s.o/readers family outside of formalities or important clan thingies,,,,
Neji and Gaara (separately) with a reader who has Older Siblings
More specifically, a healthy relationship with those siblings.
Neji Hyuga
He’s just a little jealous.
He admires your dynamic with your older siblings
The way you all bicker, compete over food, etc.
And especially the way you all have each other’s backs. Your older siblings, despite being quite a bit older than you, might bicker with you like your close in age, but they have the clear older sibling role.
All of them protect you. (Like how they all warned him not to hurt you. He won’t, but he admittedly was scared)
He keeps his distance from all of you when you’re bickering or competing though because he made the mistake of not doing so once, and he blinked and suddenly he was in the middle of a food fight…
He pretends not to hear you when you ask him to defend you, because he’s not getting involved and used as collateral.
If all of you decide to go out to eat and purposely seek him out to go with you all because he’s “part of the family,” he will be so happy (inwardly, he doesn’t show it)
He ends up involved in random games you all play together, usually as your partner in those games. He’s tired, but he’s so grateful.
Gaara of the Sand
Reminds him of his older siblings once he recovered and amended their relationships.
He’s glad you’ve always at that support system. He knows how important it is and how nice it is.
You have a much larger gap with your siblings than he does with his siblings though, so he wonders how you guys have anything in common at first. It’s hard to see how somebody 8 years older than you would share your interests or hobbies or anything really.
There is a rather large gap between him and Temari and they get along fine though, so he takes to just watching you and your siblings from afar.
He notices how you all bicker and argue. You’re clearly competing, but you’re laughing.
Any mean comments are taken lightly and don’t go too far.
He finds himself smiling.
Until he’s being dragged by the wrist to split some sort of tie. He’s startled, but goes along with y’all and tries to help.
If your siblings ever refer to him as family, his eyes will light up. He’s so happy to be included.
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Is there a reason why MC bias in Naruto is so bad? Is it really because of the self-inserts? In other manga/anime you don't get people blindly hating a character like Sasuke while loving someone like Itachi, Naruto or Kakashi because other fandoms know and accept when the MC is *wrong*. I just don't get how people like Naruto, Hinata and Gaara are so popular when they represent everything we abhor in real-life?
It's hard to answer your question without delving into the idea of "self-inserts." In short, people identify with the notion of being unpopular and considered less worthy or skilled than others, so they often feel more sympathy for characters that show similar traits to them.
Most people perceive their self-worth to be higher than what the rest of the people around them attribute them (or at least, the one they consider other people attribute to them), as they want to believe that their talents aren't recognized by their peers (either because their comrades felt threatened by them or because others considered themselves superior by diminishing them). Gaara in itself (sad background included) isn't enough to win the fandom's love, as he achieved such status by succumbing to Naruto's worldview, pledging loyalty and care to the character most people likely identified themselves with.
Sasuke is quite literally the opposite of most of them, he's talented, good-looking, and smart; he doesn't need to look for ways to validate his value as that is quite literally what everyone around him does over and over again. His specific background (UCM), while tragic, doesn't take away this recognition, which makes readers sympathize less with him as life isn't as "hard" for him because he's well-regarded, something Naruto, Gaara, and Hinata aren't -making their life harder.
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animeomegas · 2 years
can we hear more ideas of omegas with civilian alphas? (Naruto or of course it could also be mha, etc.)
You sure can!
Something really speaks to me when I think about Shinsou and a civilian lawyer alpha.
Like, they're super professional, an absolute god in criminal law who works for the fanciest firm in the area.
Shinsou is a terrifying underground hero.
But then they both get home and it's time for cat pyjamas, taking turns giving the other head scratches, and eating take away food. I live for that for them!!!
Okay, okay, what about Gaara with a doting stay at home civilian alpha?
The kind of alpha that bakes every day, that home-schools their pups and has dinner ready for Gaara every day when he gets home from working long hours.
It gets Gaara through the days, thinking of them. It helps him keep his work-life balance, knowing that they're waiting for him.
Or... what about Iruka with a professional chef civilian alpha?
Iruka is quite simply a disaster in the kitchen, and he watches his alpha bustle around cooking like they're performing feats of magic.
He has some seriously pornographic moans when he's eating delicious food too, so....
They don't cook everyday of course, because it's their day job, but they always sneak leftovers home and Iruka falls more in love with them every single time tbh XD
(And if they make him a cute bento to take to work, he will have to put real effort into not tearing up right there in front of his students or colleagues at the missions desk.)
And finally, I want you to consider Iida with a bakery business owner civilian alpha, only because the idea of him walking into the kitchen just to see his alpha icing a giant dick cake is golden.
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mortyvongola2-0 · 2 years
Day 2: Mutual Masturbation
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Loving Lesson
Pairing: Gaara of the Sand x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: afab!reader, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, fapping, pretty fluffy ngl
A/N: This is the softest smut I've ever written. Very fluffy, very domestic, very loving. For once there's not even any dirty talk which is crazy for me. If you're looking for more intense Gaara stuff don't worry, there will be later. Hope you enjoy!
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Physical affections were something foreign to you, but you were learning and adapting quickly. Your boyfriend was rather similar in his comfortability with touching. You both had overcome much, initially hand holding had been the extent of both of your tolerances for a few months before moving forward to embraces and continuing the progress to get to what you were so anxiously excited about. Both of you had been together long enough, longer than most other couples before they passed the stage you had yet to take on but that didn’t matter, what mattered is that you both felt ready.
He had broached the subject first, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and an avoidant stare to the side the only tells as to his own mental anxiety about the question. You had agreed, maybe a bit too quickly. The both of you had decided on a night where you both had a relatively lax schedule and you waited anxiously for the day to arrive. When it came, you had to ask your best friend to help you prepare.
She had helped you choose clothes, specifically underwear, that you had no idea even counted as underwear. You had never felt so pretty before, it was a good feeling but an unfamiliar one. When you arrived at his door you felt like your heart might burst from your chest. It’s just a regular date, you reminded yourself. A regular date with a little extra after dinner.
Before you could even knock on the door it opened and your favorite redhead stood before you, his body language giving more away than his face. He was a bit tense, his shoulders set back and straight, his hands clenching and unclenching, and there was an unrest to the sand around him. His nerves made you feel a bit better about your own. You smiled at him, wide and loving before he let you in and your date began.
The food was delicious, the conversation lighthearted and mostly steered away from work. When it came time for the after-dinner portion you were so comfortable you had almost forgotten about your plans. He held your hand gently, stroking the roughened skin from years of ninja work and training, as you both sat on the couch. Was he procrastinating or was he just taking your comforts into consideration? Either way you didn’t mind, you knew that he wanted you and that you wanted him too. Hesitation always came with change. Even if he suddenly changed his mind, you would be alright, maybe a bit disappointed, but respecting his boundaries was more important.
He hesitated a moment, his gentle strokes pausing as he looked you in the eyes. That lovely seafoam green made you melt a little bit. His gaze was meaningful and endearing. “Are you ready? We can do this later if you need more time.”
You thought for a moment, despite already knowing your answer, you wanted to be as sure as you could be; masturbating, but together, that was a big step after all. The farthest you both had gotten was some light under the clothes exploration, nothing too heavy. But you wanted more, much more. You wanted the full relationship experience and you only wanted to share it with him. He was the love of your life after all.
“No, I’m ready. Are you ready?”
His light strokes resumed as he gave the same amount of contemplation you did before he nodded seriously. “Yes, I want to—” he cut himself off and looked to the coffee table for a moment. The young Kazekage turned back to watch you intensely, his eyes looked like molten colored glass. “I want to learn how to make you feel good.”
You didn’t think it was possible for your cheeks to feel any warmer.
“Me too,” you muttered, feeling the twisting nerves in your gut from excitement and nerves. A lump began to form in your throat and to distract yourself from the thrum of your overly-excited heart you leaned forward to press you lips to his. You noticed that his were a bit chapped, not that yours weren’t, but you decided that when this was all over you were going to tell him to drink more water. Should you gift him a bottle for your anniversary? Maybe a big one, with cute cactus stickers—focus on Gaara, dummy.
Right, focus, you chastised yourself. He kept his hold on one of your hands as he gently reached behind your head with the other one. Carefully, with little pressure, he brought you closer to deepen the kiss. Your tongue moved first, licking against him and coaxing his own into action. His tongue met yours and they stroked one another with a soft eagerness. You pulled your hand from his and wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his now free hand on your hip. His tongue moved back first, allowing yours access to his mouth which you took full advantage of.
On average, you found that he tasted like sand. Not terrible, but also not the best flavor, but to your pleasure he tasted more like dinner with a hint of sand. A pleasurable change that made you hum into his mouth. Once your tongue was finished stroking the roof of his mouth his tongue entered yours. He dragged his tongue against the inside of your cheek and you begin to run your fingers through his crimson hair.
When you both pulled away you felt alight with excitement, you both watched each other as you breathed before you nodded and detangled yourself for a moment, beginning to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “Here or the bedroom?”
He took a moment before replying, “Bedroom.”
With eagerness, you both stood at the same time and began to walk, albeit a bit quickly, toward his room. After you both entered, he shut and locked the door, and you took off your fancy shirt and folded it before setting it off to the side. You fiddled with the frilled bow at the front of your bra for a minute before working up the courage to look at him. He seemed enamored, his hands unsure of what to do but his eyes soft and heated as they took in your rarely bare form. Gaara, whether to level the field or to get to the pleasure quicker, he took his shirt off as well.
You’d seen his bare chest only a handful of times, but the more you saw of it the better. His pale skin and lithe muscled form always excited you. For a moment you contemplated removing your pants too before deciding that was indeed the best option. When you had finished folding and setting down your clothes you waited anxiously for his next move. Likewise, he removed his pants and placed them neatly on top of his dresser. “Should we sit on the bed?”
He nodded, and you both got on opposite sides and faced each other. The redhead kissed you this time, and you ran your hands along his exposed chest until he began to shudder. His hands wandered and gently pressed against your covered breasts before stroking along your sides. You shivered when his strong fingers settled on your naked inner thighs. When you both pulled away, a small string of saliva connected your mouths for a moment before it broke and you asked, “Should we get started?”
Gaara’s serious nod made you giggle a bit, feeling high off of your nerves, and he gave you a small smile. You took a deep breath as you sat back from him and he from you, making sure that both got a good view of each other. He kept his boxers on, you didn’t push him to remove them, but his hands shook as he removed his erection from the black material. Your breath hitched in your throat. He was on the longer side with a thickness that looked just right. You felt your sex throb.
Your staring seemed to get to him, as he looked away with cheeks and chest almost as red as his hair. His adam’s apple bobbed, “Can I see you to?”
Broken out of solo staring contest, you nod nervously before hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your panties and sliding them down your hips. You almost squeaked when you realized how wet your underwear had gotten, and when you spread your legs for him you bit your bottom lip as you showed him just how excited you were. His breathing audibly stuttered, and your fingers twitched as they rested on your trembling thighs.
You wanted to squirm as his eyes were glued to you, and you understood how he felt while you stared at him. Were you pleasing? You thought you looked relatively normal but maybe there was something weird you hadn’t seen. “I-I’m going to s-start, okay?”
“Right,” he swallowed thickly. “Right, me too.”
Slowly, you brought your fingers to the wet skin of your lower lips and ran them over your excited flesh. You didn’t masturbate often, but you had once or twice to the thought of your boyfriend. But when he was there in front of you, doing something similar while watching you, it made it hard to think about anything. Your eyes were drawn to the slow up and down stroke of his fist as he began his own show, you became transfixed.
As you watched his rhythm, your own naturally followed. When he thumbed his tip, you circled your thumb on your clit, when he stroked all the way down before slowly stroking up again, you gently inserted a finger into yourself and moaned. Your thumb stayed on your clit and you pumped your finger to the same speed of his hand. It seemed like he hadn’t been fully erect when the two of you started, as his member had only gotten bigger and more agitated as you continued.
Eventually you decided one of your fingers wasn’t enough, especially while looking at such a lovely example of what could be stuffed inside of you instead, and you added a second. The stretch was something you weren’t entirely used to, but Gaara seemed to thoroughly enjoy the sight. His cock had throbbed, so much so that even you could see it, and the tip had dribbled more of the clear fluid than it had been releasing before. He groaned and you moaned in response.
You moved your free hand up and removed your bra, beginning to feel impatient. Your thumb sped its circling as you heard the sounds of his wet skin and your own slick meld together, accompanied by your soft noises and his pants and grunts, in a sensual symphony. “Gaara,” you let out as you thumbed your left breast until your nipple pebbled under your touch. The tightening in your abdomen grew stronger and it became harder to not close your eyes and revel in the feeling, but you didn’t want to miss a second of him.
The tips of his ears, his cheeks, neck and top of his chest was flushed a delicious shade of pink. His brow bone and forehead were furrowed in concentration and his eyes remained glued to your slick soaked fingers and thrumming clit. He had yet to notice your naked breasts. Your boyfriend let out a moan of your name and you mewled and began to scissor yourself. You didn’t think you would last much longer. His lust blown eyes trailed up your body and took in your naked breasts eagerly. The redhead watched them rise and fall with every shaky breath you took, and jiggle with every thrust of your fingers.
“Not much l-longer,” you whimpered. Your skin tingled and you began to feel the pleasure more and more intensely.
“Me too,” his gravelly voice took on an extra level of baritone. So deep that if he had spoken it in your ear you would have cum just from the sound alone. “T-Together?”
“Together.” You nodded, still breathy and on edge.
Your eyes met and stayed glued together. If only you were the one stroking him, if he was inside would it feel even better than this? He reached his free hand out and you leaned toward it, placing your cheek in his warm hand and tentatively licking his open palm. The redhead flinched, his eyes squeezed shut and he gasped your name.
You felt it before you realized, and you let out your own gasp when the hot fluid hit your leg. “G-Gaara,” you moaned out, over drawn and breathy as your orgasm flowed through you. Your eyes squeeze shut and your toes curled as your hands stopped their motion and you tried to catch your breath. His thumb rubbed your cheek continuously, his other hand still as he remained hunched over.
“I didn’t learn anything,” he huffed, slight amusement to his tone. A breathy laugh left your lips and you brought your head down to rest against his forehead, in a teasing lilt you said, “Really? I learned that you need to drink more water and,” you licked your lips before lowering your eyelids in an attempt at being sultry, “I memorized every little move you made, love.”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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brotheramberland · 1 year
So I wanted to talk about how some of my "fictional father" rules and ideas work.
First up: What characters from what fandoms would make good fathers? (Sorry it's a long list. Also, if you're wondering why certain antagonists' were listed, there's more explanation further down).
Fandom: Naruto. Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Gaara, Yamato, Gai, Neji, Shikamaru, Iruka, Jiraiya, Itachi, Obito, Orochimaru, and Zabuza.
Fandom: One Piece. Characters: All of the Mugiwara crew, Trafalgar, Kid, Ace, Sabo, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Lucci, Smoker, Katakuri, the Akazaya Nine, Shanks, Buggy, Marco, and Rayleigh. (I could honestly write almost every character on here as a parent figure, but the list would be way too long).
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen. Characters: Lol, all of them.
Fandom: Attack on Titan. Characters: Eren, Armin, Levi, Jean, Reiner, Levi and Erwin.
Fandom: Black Clover. Characters: Umm... All of them? This fandom is beyond rich with potential parent figures, don't even get me started.
Fandom: Guardians of The Galaxy. Characters: Quill, Drax, Rocket, and Yondu.
Fandom: Marvel. Characters: Tony, Thor, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Scott, Loki, Clint, and Sam.
Fandom(s): DreamWorks and Disney. Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Bruno Madrigal, Grug Crood, Death the Wolf. (And a whole bunch of others.)
Fandom: Criminal Minds. Characters: Spencer, Derek, David, Matthew, and Luke.
Fandom(s): Alien movies like Predator, Avatar, or Transformers for some extra flavor and diversity.
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Characters: Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, and Jet.
Fandom: 911 and 911 Lone Star. Characters: All of them. Every main character within these two fandoms is amazing.
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Why are certain antagonists listed?
Well that's because I'm obsessed with bad guys and I love imagining them in scenarios where they are actually good. Antagonists in general are very powerful, crazy and frightening, but if you keep those attributes and turn them into good people with good intentions, they make for some pretty awesome, likable parent figures.
So if I ever write an antagonist as a parent figure, just know that I'm intentionally making them good for the benefit of the reader-inserts and the drabbles. But, hey, if you wanna read and imagine them the way they originally are, then by all means I support you.
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I obviously have father figures covered, but what about mother figures?
There are lots of female characters I love, but I primarily want to focus on the males just because that is my preference. However, on down the road I do see myself writing mother drabbles. I wouldn't mind. And, considering the circumstances of the reader-inserts, a mother figure might be more suited for the plot. You never know.
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What will the reader-inserts be like?
For reader-inserts under the age of twelve, I will display it in the title as "child!reader".
For reader-inserts over the age of twelve, I will display it in the title as "teen!reader".
For child reader plots, I plan for them to be mostly fluffy and light-hearted. You know, young kids are curious, they're inexperienced, they're clumsy, they get scared, they get bullied, and so on and so forth. There's lots of topics and plots I can create for child reader-inserts.
For teen reader plots, things might get a little bit more angsty. As we all know, teenage years are absolutely insane. Teenagers are rebellious, they're curious, they're discovering their own sexuality, they're going through puberty, and they're trying new, dangerous and some times risky things. Teenagers are also very, VERY emotional, and under certain circumstances they can really struggle with anxiety, depression, social stability, loneliness and a whole bunch of other stuff. Of course there will be fluff in these drabbles, but also some light angst here and there.
For the most part the reader will be portrayed as the biological child of the character, but I do plan on writing lots of adoption stuff too.
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The father figures won't always be perfect.
As we all probably know, parents are anything but perfect. They make mistakes. Lots and lots of mistakes. And sometimes parents don't care that they make mistakes, nor do they ever try to right their wrongs and apologize. Some parents don't even want to accept nor understand their child. (I'm sure some of you know what I mean).
But whereas these fictional father figures may make mistakes, they also try to fix those mistakes and right their wrongs. That's what I plan to accomplish with my father drabbles. I want to create loving, supportive, understanding father figures who are willing to do anything for their child. Because when you're a kid and you struggle with life, a loving parent is all you really want.
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What about characters who are too young to have kids?
So an example for this would be any character that is around the age of 15-25 like Luffy. Well there are two simple solutions to this. Either I'll age up the characters or I'll say that the reader is adopted. It kind of just depends on what the drabble calls for.
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Why am I doing this?
Well if you're like me and you had a rough childhood, then you just kind of want to reimagine yourself in a scenario where you're happy, accepted, catered, loved, protected, safe and cared for. I just want this to be something akin to a safe place for people to come and find joy and peace in the drabbles that I create.
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Mild disclaimer: I know I have a lot of characters in mind to write for, but the process of my updates may be slow-going sometimes because I do have a full time job and annoying adult responsibilities. I try to write whenever I can. If updates seem slow, just know that I'm sorry and that I'm trying my hardest to supply you with all the fictional father goodness you crave.
Ta-ta my friends!
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