sandrockers · 13 days
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Rip my guy, we never knew you 🙏🔥
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idiot-sl-oth · 10 months
Hi I like drawing him weirdly ur honor
Shoes? Never heard of em
Lyrics from Finale (Can't Wait to See What You Do Next) by AJR!
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
if someone poured glue and glitter all over themself would Wild accidentally kidnap them?
Anon (•••)
It would not be an accident
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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Fecto Elfilis Ruler of the Realm of Blood. Successfully conquered the Forgotten Land and resorbed its missing half. After consuming its mind-controlled subordinates, it took a liking to the practice, and now continues enslaving and devouring any life forms it finds during its invasions. Searching across dimensions for any remnant of the Ancient people who originally captured it, intent on brutal revenge.
Star Dream Ruler of the Realm of Stars. Absorbed the mind and soul of its creator, and recreated society in its own image, bringing a new age of Infinite Prosperity to the universe. The hopes and dreams of its mechanical people are its lifeblood, all connected through a hivemind that stretches across time and space. Wants only to continue freeing souls from the torments of the flesh and welcoming them to the perfection of the machine, and will eradicate anyone who stands in its way.
Master Crown Ruler of the Realm of Fate. Parasitized the body of a young mage many eons ago, and has since destroyed every trace of its original owner. So it believes. Although it may not be a match for its more established peers…who do and say things it finds unnerving, for some reason…its sole purpose is to rule, so it will do whatever it takes to bring them to their knees. Failure is impossible…so it believes.
The Arbiter God of Life and Death. Challenged three powerful entities to each prove themselves stronger than the other two, or have their existence brought to a swift end. In truth, they already know which one of the three they would like to take, and hope that this trial will be just the thing to finally break them.
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meme dump sorry if you haven't noticed but yes it's almost all ishaan no i' not insane i'm just posting more of discord memes here now, yes there will be more, and no i won't apologize for spontaneous uploads bc this site wiped 8 paragraphs when i tried to click the EDIT BUTTON. more when i FEEL LIKE TOUCHING THE SITE WITHOUT FEAR OF THE WIPE.
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You know. Icarus found the prison book - the one that tells them just how *alone* they are - when they were with Ven. They weren't alone then, were they? Actually, they had *Ven* when they found that book. Guess what happened - Icarus is very alone now, and it's because *Ven* left. Ven - the same person who found that book with them, *told them* they aren't alone - *left them there.* (They know why - Gods how they know why, and gods how they just want to do the same. But even knowing *why* they're still- they're still *alone.*)
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moonferry · 4 months
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guess who woke up from hibernation and had the urge to draw. this looks bad but i spent 3 hours of my life on it so whatever. pov harvey gets woken up bc SOMEONE passed out in the skull cavern (again)
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theo4eve · 1 month
How. To. Write.
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gizm0-gadgetz · 3 months
Does anyone else ever get pain in their joints to the point they think it would be easier to just cut the limb off or is that just me
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
I'd leave this here and-
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princessaurayt · 8 months
Something feels so deeply sad standing where Sophia died as Bad End Carlo
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dokidokitsuna · 9 months
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...I was gonna wait till after I finished with the Dream Discoveries Tour before I got into this stuff, but god only knows when that’ll be, so why don’t I just talk about it now? ^^
-A long, long time ago, several million years before the start of GONE's story, Susie and Magolor met and became friends the same way I set up in Halcandran Days. However, in this version, Susie decided to help Magolor steal the Lor Starcutter from Landia’s territory, and ended up dying in the process…leaving poor little Mago alone with a harsh lesson about the costs of power.
In the present day, Star Dream knows about this, and deeply despises Magolor for indirectly killing the girl it was meant to search for, destroying its ultimate goal long before it became advanced enough to accomplish it. Fortunately, it can’t think of a more fitting punishment for the young mage than having his soul devoured from the inside out by a parasitic tree-demon. ^^ This is (secretly) part of the reason it has a bit of a soft spot for the Master Crown, genuinely seeking to help it find peace through mechanization. …Until, it has its little team-up arc with Fecto Elfilis, directly leading to the destruction of another one of Star Dream’s precious wards.
-One thing that sets Star Dream apart from its opponents is that it’s the only one of the three that (still) has the capacity to love-- to feel deep grief and the pain of loss, and channel that into its fighting strength. And the sheer power of its despair over what the other two have done temporarily catapults it to the lead in the challenge, as it burns them both alive, and continues brutally torturing F/E while the MC escapes, understanding the true meaning of ‘terror’ for the first time in its existence.
From then on, Star Dream’s avatar takes a new form as a symbol of its newfound hatred for the Master Crown, embodying the MC’s greatest fear. If you look closely, you can see a little bit of that Fem!Magolor concept art in this design~
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pechoraflow · 1 year
to all my fellow WeHeartIt users
it is ok to cry
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tabletop-nightmare · 6 days
Something so miserable about playing a tabletop system that is actively updating. Having something character based you couldn't use for two years, finally finally have it in your grasp only to move to the newest update an actually have the aspect completely deleted from existence. Actually legitimately crying in club like.... you took out the vampires ability to attack... with their fangs.
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morethanwords0475 · 10 months
It feels a bit ominous... I think my story with T really might be ending.
I messaged him to tell him I did something impressive related to the essay he had supervised me on, it was a big part of our relationship before he left. At first I was disappointed by his short reply, even though he wrote, "Wow! That is impressive." I had thanked him for his help on the essay, and he ended with, "I just wish I had been there to see it through." It made me so sad. I can't tell if it's genuine, but he'd never said anything like that before. It's how I've always felt with him.
After having time to process, his response no longer feels dismissive, yet I have still run out of things to keep in touch with him about. Exactly a year ago, we reestablished contact after three months, and since then we occasionally talked about my uni applications, the final exams, etc., but I have nothing left now. Unless he messages me again first, this might be the end. It's a sad note to end on.
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dollettethemoth · 3 months
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I don't feel well.
Something is wrong.
I have no blood.
I feel cold.
My body is cold.
I feel weak.
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