#fyi there is no mentioning of Hermione's ethnicity and heritage in the HP books
annachum · 1 year
Okay so my HC of Book! Hermione Granger is that she is of Moroccan and Jewish descent
. My HC is that Hermione's dad Vincent Burhan - Granger is Moroccan British, and her mother Helene Deschamps is French
. Hermione also has Jewish heritage from her mom ( who is of Jewish descent )'s side
. Actually Hermione also got Jewish descendancy from both of her parents' sides btw
. Hermione definitely got her dark brown bushy hair and bronze skin from her father. While her mother has dark honey colored hair and bright brown eyes ( her father has grayish blue eyes )
. And being of Moroccan heritage, She defo got her French fluency from both of her parents
. Given Hermione having Moroccan heritage in her from her Moroccan - British father ( my HC ), she defo regularly teaches her friends Moroccan Arabic and Amazigh, Has several Moroccan traditional attires for fancy events and such, And also I think she also has a love for Moroccan pottery and such
. Hermione got a Star of David necklace from her dad. She regularly wears it around her neck for protection ever since he gave it to her on her 8th birthday
. Hermione defo is also an avid defender of the Moroccan and Jewish community in London ( and to an extent UK and France, really )
. Hermione also defo regularly teaches her friends how to make several Moroccan and Jewish dishes on the reg. In fact, Harry and his friends regularly tell each other about their heritage and cultural related things
. Ron isn't Jewish. But he and Hermione would love to honor their heritages and all with their wedding ( with Ron and his siblings being Welsh - British and all )
. If anyone dares to ask her along the lines of ' So your dad is half Moroccan - why are you white?! '. Cue Hermione, who definitely isn't ' white ' or ' black ', going OFF about the whitewashed AND afrocentric depictions of North Africans in several media and all to those thugs until those thugs back off.
. Her Jewish heritage also literally is a reason why she is so fucking passionate about the rights of house elves and an AVID Anti pureblood supremacist supporter - her Jewish ancestors been through similar shit in WW2 as the Death Eaters regularly had on those who they torment, and Hermione DEFINITELY is not gonna back down on her fight to support anti pureblood supremacy and the rights of house elves.
. Hermione is fluent in Moroccan Arabic, French, Amazigh and Hebrew
. Rose and Hugo Granger - Weasley have their mother's bronze skin and bushy hair texture, and their father's freckles. And they both have dark auburn hair. Rose got her father's blue eyes while Hugo got his mom's bright brown eyes. Bless.
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