Six of Crows Pronunciation Questions
Inej: is it Inedge (like edge) or Inezh
Matthias: is it MaTHias or MaTias
Wylan: Why-lan or Vy-lan or Vee-lan or Wee-lan
Jesper: Jesper or Yesper
Jan Van Eck: Jan or Yan
Kruge: Crewg or Kruhg (rhymes with ugh) or Crewg-uh or Kruhg-uh
Jarl Brum: Jarl or Yarl? Bruhm (rhymes with come) or Broom?
Tante: Tant or Tant-uh
Fjerda: Fyerda or Fejerda (j pronounced like English)
Like I have my own opnions but I want to know what other people are saying in their head when they read it??
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sanktasansa · 3 years
So I finished Shadow & Bone (the TV series) and as a non-book reader, I liked it! The production value was *chef's kiss* and I really liked all of the characters and the acting. The characters were well defined and even the roles that could have annoyed me, weren't annoying because the actors brought just the right energy to bring them to life. However...I don't think I'll watch much of S2 besides whatever scenes the Darkling is in because the stakes of the plot conflict are just so... ill denfined.
Ravka and Fyerda (and Shu Han?) are at war for...reasons. It's never explained or I blinked and missed it. Is it just a land grab on all sides? Are they bored?? Bueller???
Also there is a civil war brewing...and we have no reason to care if Ravka does or doesn't stay together. The leaders on either side are rapey/ambush-y dicks; I am ambivalent.
So then you got The Darkling--who is a BAD MAN-- but he seems to be the only character interested in progressing the plot?? Because no one else has any plans to do something to major with the war?? Of course, his big idea is morally, ethically Bad because he's the Magneto, fighting for his people but in a genocidal way we don't approve of in this house! On the other hand, as a POC, I get the anxiety of "any second now the majority can turn on me/us when not outright persecuting us stops being useful to them", and that's without me personally witnessing the hundreds of years worth of atrocities done to my people. So yeah, Bad Manipulative Dude, no question, but The Darkling's motivation is clearly defined and he's brings the Epic Dramatics so no wonder he's the most popular character for the local bitches (I am local bitches). I'm just more curious to see what he does next then anyone else because I know what he wants and why it's so important to him. Also Bin Bons crushed it per usual.
I guess the Crows + Nina will be Oceans Eleven-ing and shit which will probably be fun but completely divorced from the A plot. They gave no hook for the Alina and Mal continuing story (to my show-only eyes, anyway) other than Alina wanting to eventual destroy the Fold, but it seems like she only wants to do so b/c she is hero now and that's hero shit. But honestly, I just want her to be as assertive as she was in E5. I kind of wish we had an extra episode of her training and gal paling around the Little Palace with Genya and her other girlfriends. She was so happy!
And you know, I mostly really liked Alina (Jessie is lovely) and I'm all on board with her being livid at The Darkling for his manipulations, but when she was like "You created the Fold! You killed my friends!", was I the only one like:
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No, sis; it was YOUR codependent ass got your crew ganked in the Gash because you couldn't deal with your separation anxiety! And I'm not taking any "She couldn't have known!" because she destroyed maps of a sizable place; of course they weren't gonna take just one cartographer when they got a whole team that could split the work! She had to know she gonna be signing up at least one other person for danger. I know that it's different in the book; ostensibly this change gives her more agency, but when you give a character extra agency just to do dumb shit that gets people killed--and then it's never use for character or plot development-- what have you really achieved?
Shipwise, I feel perturbed that by the end of 8 episodes we already know that 90% of the ships are all A) requited, B) genuine, and C) the only thing keeping the two parties apart is personal baggage to could be worked on through consistent communication (granted, Nina and Matthias have a more complex situation but at the base is trust issues). All that is left is the actual getting together which is like, the least interesting part because we already can tell they all will be functional-ish couples. Idk it just feels like Netflix really shot their wad there.
And then...there's dysfunctional Darklina. Listen, no argument that it's toxic, but at least what pulls them together and what keeps them apart are connected both with specific character psychology AND Themes (i.e. ideology clashes, yin yang, magic soul connection, lonely gods, etc. etc.). That's that good angsty depressing Russian shit with a little German Strum und Drang b/c Alesi be spilling his emotions all over the place like mom's spaghetti! And whatever happens with them could actually effect the Big Picture (the saints have granted The Darkling a soulmate and he's making it everyone's problem), so high stakes. Also, listen man: they got nice horny chemistry 🤷🏽‍♀️. Don't @ me about how it's toxic; of course it is toxic, everyone is clear on this, including (and most importantly) the narrative, but in the absence of complex plot, imo (IMO!) it's the part of the story that is most dynamic; dynamics are entertaining, yo. It's gonna end badly (probably?) and I'm ready for the catharsis!
As for S2: I know there is a Lovable Rouge waiting in the wings, so perhaps that casting will intice me to watch the whole season. Regardless of my viewership, I really hope they get renewed ; this cast deserves to be employed and wearing beautiful keftas for years!
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ragingstillness · 3 years
I just had the wildest but coolest Dark!Alina idea sort of based off a crack hc I had earlier.
Ok so what if in episode 8 instead of stabbing Aleksander through the hand, Alina took his hand, pulled herself up, then pulled him to her, in doing so stabbing him with the antlers.
I’m picturing it kind of like this Loki gif:
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The antlers then sort of detach from her body and wrap up and around his neck until they become a collar.
The control he has over her power gets reversed and now she controls him.
Bonus: we cut to Bagrah in her little cave saying: and thus the light conquers the dark, as it always does.
Not only does Alina then destroy the fold, she now has this new Darkling slave that she takes back with her to the palace. Using her power and him like a weapon she kills the King, banishes the Queen, and takes over a newly united Ravka.
I just love the image of her sitting on a throne and he’s like kneeling at her feet, his head in her lap, and she’s petting him like a dog.
Of course not all of Ravka wants to be reunited and they’re still at war with the Shu and Fyerda. Alina very quickly surrounds herself with trusted advisors because as it turns out ruling is very very difficult and there are a ton of tough decisions to make. She also becomes exposed to reports from spies, leading to her learning exactly how persecuted the Grisha have been and still are. Over time she becomes more and more jaded until she’s finally almost come around to the same moral stance Aleksander had. Some of her friends encourage it, some are horrified. Idk where this ends, maybe she goes full dark, maybe her former friends who don’t want her evil free him from her control and their roles get reversed.
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ragingstillness · 3 years
At the end of Shadow and Bone (the show) do we know which side of the Fold the Darkling comes out of? Like did he turn around and go back towards Kribirsk? Or did he keep going to the ruins of Novakribirsk? Or did he get completely turned around and come out in Fyerda or Shu Han? Do the books answer this?
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