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djarrex · 2 years ago
any reading suggestions before your fan fic
I saw you rb one of my series - are you referring to From Where We Stand?
that series is on an indefinite hiatus - and tbh it's been so long that I'm not entirely sure I have the juice to continue with it. If you do end up reading, I hope you enjoy the few chapters that I put out there long ago 🫣😅 as for suggestions... I'm not sure. I know that wasnt much of any help sorry! 😬
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thearunadragon · 3 months ago
just did the math after studying TFTWTW and Eragon had to CUT 3 notches into his belt in about 3-4 weeks. He’s confirmed by Paolini to be about 5’10. The average weight of a healthy 5’10 male is about 156 lbs. 3 notches would equate to about 10 pounds. Boy dropped 6% of his body weight in just one month 😭 What about the previous months?? He’s been on Arngor a year! What about the future months?? Boy was already toned and stressed half to death, Paolini what are you doing to the poor man 😭😭
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deandoesthingstome · 25 days ago
COD Fic Rec #3
Okay look. I know I'm mostly screaming into the void here anymore. I know that the majority of followers found me for fandoms I only lurk in these days. And that's not to say I don't lurk in this fandom as well. I don't know the lore and I don't play the game. But I love good fic and I love to tell you about it, so here we go again. #fww redux
I made a few recs a month ago and then threw myself down the masterlist of @the-californicationist over on Ao3 and, I don't know guys. I may never find my way out for several reasons.
A. It's huge. Over a hundred works to wade through. And while the majority are Capt. John Price, not the least of which is Ursa Major, just an incredibly crafted tale that I gushed about here and still has a little way to go before it's over and you should totally go check it out and then just hibernate until the next update, or go check out Gunslinger to keep you company for a bit, some of the masterlist belongs to
2. Soap. Johhny MacTavish. Wee Scottish Weapon. Man of my dreams. Star player in at least two fics I cannot stop re-reading. Hence why I may never escape the masterlist above.
Do you want to be Johhny's secret girlfriend? Best friend to his sister who has sworn you to celibacy around the man? Yes. Yes you do. You want to love this man with all your heart. You want to try your best to keep your promise to your friend, who has created a home for you so far away from the States, and you want to find yourself breaking that promise despite all your best intentions because Johnny is your man. I mean, he's my man, but I'll share. Along with this little playlist I created by mashing up the songs from the chapters with few of my own favorites inspired by this fuckin' story that will never let me go. You could fit this into cannon, I bet.
Oh, and then. AND then!!! You absolutely want to try starring in your very first porn. Because Johnny "Danger" MacTavish wants to star in it with you. i come back to this one time and again also. There are these scenes that just, grab me. These little snippets of who Johnny is, deep down, that just beg for attention. The way he prompts you to let your true feelings shine through in the first scene. The way he confesses he thinks you're his glass slipper. The way he fights for your honor when the studio tries to do you dirty. They way he provides a truly safe space for all his friends to cut loose. (Cali, I swear there was a record scratch in my head when he stopped in that hallway and asked if I saw any cameras. It was so pure, so right, so perfect.) The way he makes you beg for him and turns your head to the camera so you can declare to the world who you belong to. He is absolute goddamn perfection.
There are more. You'll find Ghost and Gaz and a variety of other combinations, too. Check it out.
It's been a while. I may not have a solid foundation to keep these up for this fandom but I'll sure try to let you know when I find a gem and maybe, if you aren't already into it, you'll find yourself drawn to these men and the fanfic writers (or fan artists!) who bring them alive for you outside of the game. And if you do, be sure to let them know. Hit like/kudos. Leave a comment when you can. Reblog a story/image or two and get the word out yourself. It's what makes this place magical and it's the fuel that feeds the engine whether you like it or not.
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katakosmos · 2 months ago
the rosier twins incest hits harder if it happens in a universe where voldemort wins the first war and evan, rewarded and free, returns to france to his sister.
rosier manor is now completely empty: mr and mrs rosier are dead, and pandora lives alone, alienated from the world. for years she hasn't left her laboratory. she has lost all her splendor, she barely recognizes where and who she is. evan drags her out of her world and explains everything that happened.
she's devastated, for all the wizards and muggles in england. but above all she can't believe that evan took part in such an oppressive movement. their parents didn't raise them that way, the rosiers don't despise muggles or non-pureblood wizards. evan has made their ancestor's mistakes, tarnishing the family name again. it's an insult to the memory of their parents, and pandora can't forgive him.
she rejects evan. she refuses to talk to him, to see him. but evan lived two years without her and he can't lose her again, he misses her so much. he tries in every way to make amends, but pandora has now made her decision. the first few months, when evan is forced to continually receive visits from the death eaters, are the hardest: evan is tormented by his guilt while pandora cultivates her hatred. it seems like they don't even live in the same house.
but pandora is now weak both physically and psychologically, and she needs help. she's forced to rely on evan and he's forced to stay by her side. they get closer again, but they hate each other. they hurt each other. for years they don't leave that house, forgetting the outside world. for years they don't see anyone but themselves.
there are moments when, with a sharp pain in their heads, they remember the years gone by. they loved each other, they cared about each other. the closer they get, the more those feelings increase, mixing with contempt. by now something indissoluble binds them.
when the name rosier starts to be heard again among the families, evan and pandora are now a couple. they got married in a moment of madness, but the memories are still lucid. they are now 50 years old, they call each other husband and wife, they kiss in public.
when they die, together, no one remembers that they were once twins.
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warmestshrine · 5 months ago
I think I might. Have a dissociative disorder. Um. I'm scared.
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inheritancetrain · 1 year ago
I was so hyped when Fork Witch Worm came out.
Read the whole book the day it showed up in my doorstep. It’s not a long book, but still.
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ms-boogie-man · 3 months ago
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I voted for him in 2016 I voted for him in 2020 I voted for him in 2024 … and I would vote for him again!
Read and consider every line in Delani's X-post Really think about what this person is saying on a platform that is worldwide. Then understand that Wil Wheaton is a deranged clown who completely ignores every shred of evidence that exists as he continues to propagandize against people with truth on their side. Then consider that this cutie37 is still rolling a mask and pushing the jab almost 5 years in, and in the face of massive evidence that really should have her abandon her liberal position and apologize to all who have been hurt by the COVID SCAM. Then observe that she is located in Southern England, a land that not any longer belongs to the English. A land that was sold out by its elites and is now overrun by violent Islam and trans-activist lunatics
I think evidence has shown by this point that if you did not vote for him, President Donals J Trump, and you think you have some high horse you can sit upon as if to judge others who did vote for him, you are the weirdos
I have not met one liberal who has any real basis for holding their position against President Trump or any of his supporters
If you think you are based in hating on Trump and his supporters, bring your evidence that backs this stance. Let me help you with that… you have none — Too, I double dogg dare you to step to me and prove I am stupid, ignorant, ill-read or unread, a nazi, a bigot, a racist, a fascist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe … whatever that stupid Democrat made-up word even means, or any of the other myriad of idiotic names the left calls Trump supporters
regarding this cutie37… that moron simply Blocked me
*end lesson
As a sider, my Follower count dropped on Dec 3 from 1355 to 977 What is up with that, Staff? 378 blogs gone? Did Tumblr finally rid itself of all the spam? … all the trash, liberal-based, left-wing cancel culture and snitch accounts who infringe free speech, and all the garbage bots?? Did Staff give the axe to all the child pron and groomers, and hand over the names of the account holders to the authorities?? Is that what we are looking at here?! I had a blog from almost 4 years ago that I never used for more than a handful of patriotic and rando Angie-posts. I had forgotten about it but my trusty little Macbook had not. I found the login info in my Keys about a week ago and logged in for a butcher's take yo. 984 in mostly garbage blogs following me. Then yesterday I logged in… 287 followers. The account is terminated now, btw. I loath managing more emails than I need to, and despise the notion that anymore I must have backup blogs… but most of all, I have nothing but contempt for the surveillance state as well as another group I will leave nameless
… over to you, brave patriots 🇺🇸
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ratintank · 2 years ago
Fanon Fashion Weekend ain't havin' it
bad news guys
This weekend's Fanon Fashion isn't gonna happen
show's been canceled. Reason: me tired.
So sorry :0(
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spearzreloaded · 4 months ago
Pink stayed smacking Stone's ass. I'd do the same.
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mmyashas · 5 months ago
i liked parkour civilization before it was #cool
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katakosmos · 4 days ago
The Rosier twins in the First Wizarding War
part one
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part two: the house
When Evan and Pandora were born, on April 19, 1960, it was full spring. And yet, that night of so many years ago, it snowed.
It wasn’t really a surprise: at Rosier Manor, the weather changed with emotions.
The manor had been built centuries ago with ancient magic. The power emanating from those spells, partly forbidden and partly forgotten, had been so strong that it had created not just a house, but a whole organism. Rosier Manor was a new world on earth. Rosier Manor lived.
It was inextricably linked to its owner. The interior could be modified to accommodate the life and tastes of the family, while outside the weather reflected the emotions felt by those who lived there. Evan’s grandparents, who were on the verge of death when the twins were born, loved the snow: the emotion of seeing their grandchildren born had been so big that it had brought winter to France, at least for one night.
Evan and Pandora had never set foot outside the confines of their home until they were eleven. As a child, he had been terrified of the outside world for that reason. But now that he had known it, he was almost afraid to return to the safety of his home.
When he had left, there had been a cool, rebirthing breeze.
Now it was pouring. The rain was falling so hard that Evan could barely see the path in front of him. It was cold, perhaps even colder than in England.
Closing the gate behind him, he quickly pulled his wand from his pocket. He pointed it at the sky, and a transparent layer immediately spread from the tip, shielding Evan like an umbrella.
A feeling of dread came over him. The trees that shaded the driveway to the front door had grown enormous, stretching into the sky with no end. But behind them, a dark and frightening forest had formed, creaking under the rain. Looking around, Evan no longer saw the lawns and hills surrounding the lake; only shadow and darkness.
The gravel driveway was covered in roots and potholes. Trying to avoid puddles while simultaneously looking straight ahead, hoping to soon see the porch of the house, Evan set off.
What had happened to the house? Where was the sun, the beautiful garden, the chirping of birds in the air?
But above all, if Rosier Manor now belonged to Pandora: what had happened to his sister?
The closer he got to the entrance, the more the trees leaned towards him to swallow him in the darkness. The path became uphill, tiring, long: endless. Even his magic stopped working, abandoning him alone in the rain, with a wand that was now just a piece of wood. And Evan understood that the house didn't want him there. His mind was crowded with worrying and frightening thoughts, but he didn't give up, and instead he increased his pace.
When he arrived at the house, he felt disheartened to see it in the same state of decay as the garden. It wasn’t falling apart, no: Rosier Manor only disintegrated if it was far from its owner. And in fact, every step was in its place, every balcony, every brick. But it was dirty, gloomy, dark. The large porch at the entrance looked like a cave, and it was full of cobwebs.
But Evan, soaked, had no other option than to enter. His teeth were chattering, and he was shaking from both the cold and fear.
Oh home, sweet home. What had she done to it?
Nothing remained of the places he and Pandora had walked as children; time had erased every trace, every memory. He too had tried to forget, but he kept everything, waiting to be ready to relive the past: the house had instead eliminated every trace of him, and Evan could only feel betrayed.
Sad, he opened the door.
The entrance was a dark cave.
It seemed to suck the light like a black hole, and even with the door open Evan couldn't see anything. In front of him, on the creaking floorboards, the unknown stretched out.
His magic didn't work and his eyes were useless. He held out a hand straight in front of him, ignoring the heart pounding in his chest, and he caressed a wall to his right. Once, passing through there he would have reached the living room without encountering obstacles. But just like the garden, left in Pandora's hands, the house had also changed. It had become a labyrinth of rooms and corridors in which Evan would have never been able to orient himself on his own.
He was not welcome, both inside and out. But he didn't let that stop him, and he closed the door behind him.
"Pandora!" he called, receiving no answer. His voice echoed endlessly, until it was lost in the void.
"Pandora!" he tried a second time, but in vain.
Who knew where she might be; who knew if he would ever find her. Who knew if there was any trace left of all the places Evan knew. Of their bedroom, of the library, of the great dining room. Pandora had a passion for puzzles and labyrinths: if Rosier Manor reflected even a little of the complexity and disorder of her brain, Evan would never have had a chance of getting out of there alive. He would starve to death in his own house.
His house…
It was then that he decided to appeal to his right as heir to the Rosier family.
He knew that the house wouldn't listen to him: that it would reject him, not immediately recognizing him as its owner. But Evan pressed his hand against the wall he had touched and, closing his eyes, he tried with all the strength he had to find a connection with the house where he had grown up. He doubled over in pain, while smells, tastes, voices and memories flooded his mind.
In the end, the house didn't move or vary by a single millimeter. And yet, after giving Evan the shock, the lights in the corridors began to turn on one after the other, showing him the way to take to reach the deepest part of the building. Its heart.
Evan set off quickly.
He didn't look around as he proceeded following only the light; he didn't want to. He was not sure he was ready to accept the changes, not yet. He didn't want to realize how much he had left behind, how much everything had changed. Instead, he focused on the noises, which grew louder as he closed the distance between him and his sister.
They were familiar sounds: gas boiling, poured liquids, whispered spells. They echoed through the walls, in that house so used to being alone, deserted, abandoned to itself.
Until Evan reached a door that was half open. His head hurt—the sounds were deafening there—and from inside came a faint blue light. He shivered, recognizing the voice, the smell, the shadow of his sister that stretched ghostly across the floor.
He ran towards her, opening the door.
And there she was: bent over a cauldron, her ruined hair in a messy hairstyle. She was hidden by smoke, while holding two different bottles; she was carefully pouring the liquids onto the purple surface of her potion. Around her, on the table, there were open notebooks full of notes and calculations.
She had changed, she had grown, just like him. She had lost the well-groomed appearance she had had as a girl, but everything else—the concentrated expression, the curly handwriting, the low, whispered voice—everything was the same.
That was his sister. Even in his daze and darkness, after years of separation, Evan would have recognized her.
He smiled.
“Pandora” he whispered, almost imperceptibly.
Slowly, she froze. Her eyes widened, she turned around.
When she saw him in the doorway, she shivered. She stepped back, bumping into one of the tables.
A stack of books fell, knocking over the bottles delicately placed behind her. The mixed liquids began to react with each other, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, terrified.
Behind her, a spark lit up on the table.
Soon, the room exploded in a cloud of smoke and color.
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edbanger7 · 9 months ago
They call me food the way I poisonign
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needcaffeine · 1 year ago
Service, Fall In! National League For Womans Service / Joignez les rangs! Ligue nationale pour le service des femmes by Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada Via Flickr: Title / Titre : Service, Fall In! National League For Womans Service / Joignez les rangs! Ligue nationale pour le service des femmes Creator(s) / Créateur(s) : Unknown / Inconnu Date(s) : 1914-1918 Reference No. / Numéro de référence : ITEM 3667988 central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.redirect?app=fonandcol&id=3667... Location / Lieu : Unknown / Inconnu Credit / Mention de source : Library and Archives Canada, e010697670 / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, e010697670
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29121996 · 1 year ago
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oxy-stars · 2 years ago
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bakatenshii · 2 years ago
angel pls come out of retirement 🥺
I WOULD LOVE TOOO idk if my brain is sahara’d out BUT I GENUINELY GENUINELY WOULD LOVE TO AHHHHHH IM MAYBE?? gonna make @theygottheircages hold me to it
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