my-orly · 3 months
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resident44776 · 3 months
i've got 4 pages written today for my futurefic and im part relieved and part proud. i think i should have it out soon!! the working title is "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and it's about the time after Dr Young gets trapped on floor 13 >:3 i should have it out in the next few days!!
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honeytonedhottie · 10 months
please do after school routine I love you honeyy
ofc i'll make a post on it and release it saturday <3
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uglygirlprettyboy · 2 years
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omg first rewatch of the goldfinch time!!!
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gentlyouttatime · 2 years
art's heart
22 september:
“Well, for the life of me, Professor,” I said, “I can’t see anything to laugh at in all that. Why, your explanation makes it a harder puzzle than before. But even if the burial service was comic, what about poor Art and his trouble? Why, his heart was simply breaking.”
30 september:
when Lord Godalming found himself alone with me he sat down on the sofa and gave way utterly and openly. I sat down beside him and took his hand. I hope he didn’t think it forward of me, and that if he ever thinks of it afterwards he never will have such a thought. There I wrong him; I know he never will—he is too true a gentleman. I said to him, for I could see that his heart was breaking:—
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skwonkk · 3 months
Continuing to use Earth's calendar system as the universal default is highly inaccurate, as many planets have a completely different time cycle. The length of a year on Earth isn't even a good idea of the statistical average universally. Overall it's just an outdated system that doesn't consider the differences between planets.
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guys what if we all futureposted. schedule posts for as far into the future as possible. time capsule. :)
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mabeloid · 1 year
retumble this when pikmin 5 releases and there are magnet pikmin
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rootsinthefuture · 1 year
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Order your very own domestic robot
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lookforchy · 4 months
Does your kinito had any relationships?
Im just wondering that's all ≧∇≦
Aside from you, none at all! He only sees Sam and Sonny as platonic friendships!!;333 Maybe as an act, forced perhaps?
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Kinito Asks and Answers!!
I apologize for being inactive for a while, im currently working on a kinito art;33
Have this little fellow in a suit as compensation!! (I finally gave him arms) it is also a foreshadow for my futureposts!
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ialpiriel · 1 year
futureposting abt the gladiator novel, which will be out September 1st (ill be advertising more!)
thinking about the fact the gladiator never actually reflects on a characters note about "four chickens was all i could do" re: the dead year....thinking about the fact she never speaks to the only person who tried to help her. he exists in the world and he exists in relation to other people and not once do they speak. they dont even speak in flashbacks! never! not once! the only person who shows her kindness in the dead year never speaks to her! she never considers the implications of the note, because everything happens so much in the next couple days! shes gonna think about that note in like three months and have to go be alone for a while about it!
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tsukihigui · 5 days
re: last reblog I will be Phil of the futureposting for the next ten minutes or so
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resident44776 · 3 months
Spoilers for s5 currently thinking about the parallel of the Minotaur and Theseus with FUTURE and Dr. Howard Young (but in this one Theseus is killed, not the other way around) like i know this podcast has references to greek myth with like Argos, Aristaeus, Minos, and the beloved Ship of Theseus paradox. but like. Future controls a maze. and is penned in when floor 13 is cut off from typhon. The minotaur is trapped in a labyrinth designed to keep the monster in. Theseus traverses the labyrinth and is led to slay the minotaur. Young is led by Sayer to floor 13 to kill off something it considers a threat of replacement, young is (eventually) killed by Future(minotaur). This time the minotaur wins. with a MC like Sayer who loves the ship of Theseus making it's own Theseus paradox both by following the story/myth about the man Theseus and then the philosophical theseus,, insane. love it.
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Tokenize Your Vision: The Art of Crypto Token Development
In the ever-evolving world of blockchain, creating a crypto token is not just a technical endeavor but a craft—a blend of innovation, strategy, and foresight. Crypto token development is the cornerstone of digital asset creation, enabling visionaries and entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into tangible assets that can traverse the decentralized landscape.
The Genesis of a Digital Asset
The journey begins with an idea, a purpose that your token will serve in the digital ecosystem. Whether it's to facilitate transactions within a decentralized application (dApp), represent a stake in a project, or function as a utility or security token, the clarity of your token's purpose is paramount.
Crafting the Code
The next step is the actual development process, where the code is written and sculpted. Smart contracts are the soul of your token, governing its behavior and interactions on the blockchain. This is where precision meets creativity, ensuring that every line of code not only adheres to the highest security standards but also aligns perfectly with the intended functionality.
Auditing: The Seal of Trust
Before a token can make its grand entrance into the market, it must undergo a rigorous audit. Smart contract auditing is meticulously scrutinizing the code for vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. It's the final checkpoint that ensures your token is robust, secure, and ready to earn the trust of potential investors and users.
The Launchpad to Success
With a well-crafted token and a clean bill of health from the auditors, the stage is set for launch. The token's introduction to the market is a pivotal moment that requires a strategic approach, ensuring it reaches the right audience and gains the momentum it needs to thrive.
Navigating the FuturePost-launch, the focus shifts to governance and adaptability. As the blockchain landscape changes, so too must your token. Continuous development and community engagement are the keys to maintaining relevance and value in the competitive world of crypto.  Choose block intelligence as your crypto token development company
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Join us for a two-day conference focused on empowering youth and children across the worldThe International Youth and Children Conference (IYCC) is a corporate event organized Phil Child Care Foundation (PCCF) on September 30th & 1st October 2023, at Venu Event Space 2800 Hwy 7, Ontario L4K 1W8 in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. The two-day conference aims to bring together youth and children advocates, educators, policymakers, NGOs, community leaders, businesses, academia, institutions, supporters, well-wishers, partners and government officials from all over the world to discuss and address issues affecting the present and future of the younger generation.IYCC 2023 will address Mental Health Challenges, Social behaviors among youth and children, Social media and its impact on children and youth behaviors, Impact of COVID-19 on children, youth and families, Child and youth engagements to promote peaceful co-existence and positive living among others. Participants will also have the opportunity to network and engage with like-minded individuals and organizations who share the same passion for making a positive impact on the younger generation.The International Youth and Children Conference has been organized to provide a platform for the promotion of healthy behavioral lifestyles among children and youth. The conference will feature in person and online attendance geared towards sharing information and promoting open life skills to empower children and teenagers to lead positive and constructive lives. The event aims to increase awareness of behavioral challenges encountered by children and youth, as well as to promote youth-led initiatives, enhance public awareness of the impact of COVID-19 on families, and promote youth engagement in community support initiatives.The conference will address a range of issues related to child and youth behavioral health, including substance and drug abuse, addiction, and alcohol, as well as the negative impact of social media, cyberbullying, and reduced social skills. Participants will also learn about the importance of parenting in inhibiting child behavioral challenges, particularly the availability of parents during social challenges. By attending the conference, participants will have the opportunity to learn and contribute to providing lasting solutions to the plight of children and youth in regard to behavioral challenges.The theme of this year’s conference is “Seeing the World Through New Eyes.” The event aims to create a healthy-mind upbringing for children and youth to become responsible citizens who contribute to national development. The Phil Child Care Foundation, which is organizing the conference, hopes that this event will be the beginning of its efforts to establish lasting solutions to support government interventions. Attendees will be able to learn from experts and share their experiences and knowledge, contributing to the creation of a better future for children and youth.The International Youth and Children’s Conference is a testament to our dedication to this mission. We are excited to bring together individuals and organizations from all over the world to share insights and experiences on how we can empower and support our children and youth to reach their full potential.”
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gentlyouttatime · 2 years
queuing this for later (aka in 4 months): today's dracula has one of my favorite pasages:
Here he turned away and covered his face with his hands. I could hear the tears in his voice. Mr. Morris, with instinctive delicacy, just laid a hand for a moment on his shoulder, and then walked quietly out of the room. I suppose there is something in woman’s nature that makes a man free to break down before her and express his feelings on the tender or emotional side without feeling it derogatory to his manhood; for when Lord Godalming found himself alone with me he sat down on the sofa and gave way utterly and openly. I sat down beside him and took his hand. I hope he didn’t think it forward of me, and that if he ever thinks of it afterwards he never will have such a thought. There I wrong him; I know he never will—he is too true a gentleman.
what tenderness! what care
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