Rita's PlayPen™
15K posts
30ish black lady. I talk about a little of everything. From my culture to an evil Bambi who is in love with a Samsung television. Hope you enjoy the whiplash.
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ritamariealan · 3 minutes ago
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Yet another showing of Alastor doing the scared/angry cat fur thing.
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I love when Mr. I'm Definitely Not Prey starts showing his prey traits.
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ritamariealan · 24 minutes ago
I often think about a What If scenario in which Alastor's mother was actually just. Not a good mom. I don't mean in a "she's evil" sense or anything, I just mean it in a "she didn't want children" sense. Or at least, not children with Alastor's father.
I like to think about Alastor's mother doing her best, but her best isn't good enough because 1, this wasn't the life she wanted, and 2, her child's face reminds her of a man she hates. As a consequence, she doesn't actually love Alastor, and feels guilty about it.
Meanwhile, Alastor grows to understand his mother doesn't love him, but he still loves her because she stuck around anyways. Sure, she can't look him in the eyes, but she's still around, still feeding him, sewing patches into his clothes, teaching him life lessons. And most of all, she doesn't physically harm him, which isn't something he can say about his father.
Of course, the lack of love from both of his parents still does a lot of psychological harm that he's just not aware of.
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ritamariealan · 2 days ago
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Octavia ⭐💜
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ritamariealan · 2 days ago
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You might get adopted :3
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ritamariealan · 3 days ago
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ritamariealan · 3 days ago
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I like to think they had reached that level of friendship where everyone assumed they were dating
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ritamariealan · 4 days ago
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ritamariealan · 6 days ago
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I made a thing.
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ritamariealan · 6 days ago
'Oh, Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED'
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*Back arches insanely suggestively over a desk while ranting about Alastor*
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*still has a ripped picture of Alastor like a high school crush*
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*is the only person who knew exactly how long Alastor had been gone, probably down to the milisecond*
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'I'll destroy you!!'
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This has to be a world record for Freudian slips.
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ritamariealan · 6 days ago
Hear me out for the last two:
Tom Trench and Pentious
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I made a thing.
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ritamariealan · 6 days ago
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earlier this week Twitter user ppuccin0 tweeted about a fashion article that advised against tops with large floral patterns, saying the wearer was in danger of looking like a "ロマンティックおばさん," or a "romantic auntie." the tweet went viral with many agreeing that a "romantic auntie" sounded like a very nice thing to aspire to be, and some even posted illustrations or photos tagged with the trend
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illustration by Toyota Yuu (author of Cherry Magic)
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illustration by 141shkw/Sora Midori (author of Beautiful Curse)
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photos by Takinami Yukari (author of Motokare Mania and Watashi-tachi wa Mutsuu Ren'ai ga Shitai or "We Want A Painless Romance")
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illustration by m:m (mangaka of Matataki no End Roll)
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illustration by ooinuai (mangaka of Onikui Kitan)
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illustration by ma2 (mangaka of The Reason We Fall In Love)
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ritamariealan · 7 days ago
Don't get me wrong I love the fics/comics of Alastor being forced on a date with Vox (either because he needs something, has lost a bet, made a deal etc. wtv the reason) and he's suffering the entire time because Vox could not be any less impressive.
I haven't once seen a fic with the same plot, only Alastor doesn't want to go out with Vox because the date will be abysmal, but because he KNOWS he'll have the BEST time.
Think about it, we know they were friends before the "sad and complicated" falling out, which means Alastor (who barely stands men in general) must have enjoyed Vox's company so much that he allowed him in his close circle of friends, so close he actually let him take a picture. And no one can convince me that Vox doesn't know Alastor like the back of his hand.
They've spent years together, Vox would absolutely know what Alastor likes and what he doesn't. He would make the date as good as possible if only to irritate Alastor in a "this is what we could have had you fucking idiot" or a "admit that you missed me fool". He will buy him the biggest bouquet of roses imaginable, he will take him to his favorite restaurant in cannibal town (yes, his stalker ass knows which one Alastor’s favorite is), he will intentionally choose topics of conversation he knows Alastor is interested in and avoid any he isn't (*cough cough* modern tech), he puts on that charming gentlemanly attitude Alastor always falls for, he will get that man drunk off his ass and will pull him to the dance floor like he's done countless times before. He KNOWS what to do to make him happy, he's done it for years. The entire night is like one nostalgic walk in the park, it barely takes any effort from Vox. And besides, Vox's entire shtick is ingratiating himself to people and telling them exactly what they want to hear.
And Alastor HAAATES it.
He HATES how pleasant Vox's company is and no matter how hard he's tried to forget their past friendship, he gets swept right back up. No amount of denial or masking his enjoyment can hide it. He doesn't want to go on that date because he doesn't want to forget why they're enemies, he doesn't want to slide all of that pent up resentment under the rug and simply forgive and forget.
(This entire thing is made so much funnier if it's witnessed from a third person's perspective eg. Charlie. This girl is watching Alastor moping and complaining about having to go with the "ridiculous, inane picturebox" on a date like it's the worst thing that's ever happened to him and *proceed twelve hours later*, Alastor and Vox barge through the hotel doors drunk, bloody, missing several pieces of clothing, clutching onto each other for dear life looking like they've had several near death experiences, with the biggest, brightest smiles on both of their faces while they laugh their asses off.(they probably committed mass genocide))
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ritamariealan · 7 days ago
Video captions: And stop trying to show your ex what they missed out on! Stop trying to teach your family a lesson for not believing in you! Stop trying to shit on your haters! Do it for you! Do it because you deserve it! Do it for YOU! Water your dreams with love! Don’t put no hate and resentment, and try to — “oh Imma fucking show them, Imma show” — FUCK THEM! Fuck them, do it for you! They don’t matter! They NEVER mattered.
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ritamariealan · 9 days ago
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I see.
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That's an arrow... not a question mark
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ritamariealan · 9 days ago
For those who took a minute to understand what the hell his means like I did
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i love six o clock because the clock looks so stupid. "|" like get real
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ritamariealan · 9 days ago
Vox when Alastor returned to Pentagram City after 7 years:
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ritamariealan · 9 days ago
It's kind of standard to still do it with the right hand no matter dexterity. Also, he shook his right hand with Charlie for their deal. This was a deliberate act of disrespect and I love him for it ❤️
Can we talk about Alastor disrespecting this man 5 times in less than 10 seconds?
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Sneaking up on a monarch and scaring the shit out of him isn't exactly the most polite thing to do. Especially for the southern gentleman who knows better.
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You don't shake hands with the left hand... you just don't. It's a blanant sign of disrespect.
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And he shakes his CANE. mf doesn't even want to touch his hand
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He. Wipes. Off. His. Hand.
Realistically speaking, there isn't shit on that cane to warrant this. Al's just being an asshole.
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THEN, he calls him short! I am... I am thoroughly impressed by this level of haterism. Like Kendrick Lamar would be proud of this perfect art of being a hater.
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