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Nasmeh je nekaj najlepšega, kar nevesta lahko nosi na svoj poročni dan, lesketajoč prstan je samo še pika na i. 😍 Se strinjaš tudi ti? 🤗 📷 @marko__photography @kraftart_foto_video 👰 @ni.cindyh 👗 @porocnikoticek @revijamojaporoka 🖌️ @catspirit_makeup #zmay #zmayjewelry #ifeelslovenia🇸🇮 #slovenija🇸🇮 #ifeelslovenija #weddingrings💍 #customweddingrings #futurebrideandgroom #personalizedring #classicjewellery #uniquerings #finejewelrydesign #fashionrings #jewellerygoals #jewelleryonline #theysaidyes #classicjewelry #diamondlover #personalisedjewellery #bespokejewelry #weddingplans #customjewellery #alternativebride #diamondjewellery #porokaslovenija #weddingslovenia #slovenija🇸🇮 #poroka #nevesta #nakit
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Stephanie and Scott :) One of my very favorites from their spring engagement session at Legion Park. #chicagoengagementphotographer #springengagement #cheerstolove #goldenhour #realmoments #smile #documentaryweddingphotographer #chicagoweddingphotographer #blackandwhiteengagementphotos #reallove #shesaidyes #engaged #mrandmrstobe #futurebrideandgroom #emullinsphoto (at Legion Park)
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This picture is making me feel some type a way. How does it make you feel? #wedding #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photo #love #instagram #like #picoftheday #beautiful #portraitphotography #canon #weddingphotography #photographylovers #photos #ig #instadaily #blacklove #pennsylvaniaengagementphotographer #belmarbeach #newjerseyweddingphotographer #belmar #makesmefeelaway #kiss #bride #belmarnj #futurebrideandgroom #dayportraits #warmitup #bringonthesun (at Belmar Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEdb4seHom9/?igshid=h6g17r222ost
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#engagement #photo #2instagood #photographer #nikon #love #thecutest #engagementring #postthepeople #justgoshoot #galleryoflightfeature #tennesseeweddingphotographer #photography #cuties #lovestory #artofvisuals #thehappynow #ourclickdays #johnsoncitytnweddingphotographer #husbandandwifephotographers #weddingjourney #shesaidyes #sayingido #futurebrideandgroom #❤️ #engagementring #bling #marryme #phototechphotos @shythone @russcfig (at Sycamore Shoals State Historic Area) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bys5zs9nEy-/?igshid=rud9cbdpwbxw
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We're pretty cute (if I do say so myself). #mcm #futurebrideandgroom
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Que lindos! 😊 #futurebrideandgroom 👰🎩 @carmencristine @frankthetank07 (at Killian Palms Country Club)
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The matching couple at Sean and Laura's wedding. #FutureBrideandGroom #GilPartyof2
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Kaj je rose gold in zakaj ga obožujemo? 😍 Tako kot belo zlato, roza oz. rdečega zlata ni mogoče najti v naravi in je narejeno iz kombinacije čistega zlata in drugih kovin. Na primer, 18 karatno (750/000) roza zlato je sestavljeno iz 75% zlata, 22,25% bakra in 2,75% srebra. Odstotek bakra v zlitini določa končni odtenek roza barve, ki ga dobimo. Začetki roza zlata segajo v Rusijo iz 19. stoletja, vendar se danes njegova priljubljenost ponovno povečuje. Uporablja se ga za izdelavo vseh vrst nakita. Nežno rožnat odtenek deluje romantično v primerjavi z modernim belim ali tradicionalnim rumenim zlatom in je zato najprimernejša izbira za vse tiste, ki iščejo nekaj drugačnega. Mnogim je všeč tudi zato, ker se odlično poda k tenu kože in je zato videti bolj naraven in toplejši od rumenega ali belega zlata, ter hkrati manj vpadljiv. Diamanti, vkovani v roza zlato, izstopajo in poudarjajo dizajn, zato se vse več parov odloča za roza zlato za svoje zaročne in poročne prstane.💎 Kako se pa tebi zdi rose gold - bi ga nisil/a? 😋 #zmay #zmayjewelry #ljubljana #slovenija #slovenia #weddingrings💍 #customweddingrings #futurebrideandgroom #uniquerings #minimalistjewellery #finejewelrydesign #jewellerygoals #diamondband #jewelleryonline #rosegoldring #theysaidyes #classicjewelry #rosegoldjewelry #diamondlover #personalisedjewellery #weddingplans #customjewellery #diamondjewellery #jewelryofinstagram #jewelrymaker #handcraftedjewelry #rosegoldrings #everydayjewelry
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Ženska različica poročnega prstana v 14 karatnem (585/000) roza/rdečem zlatu, s črnimi diamanti v dvojnem eternityju. Nam je noro všeč 😍, kaj pa tebi? #zmay #zmayjewelry #visitljubljana #feelslovenia #slovenia🇸🇮 #customweddingrings #futurebrideandgroom #blackdiamondring #uniquerings #minimalistjewellery #finejewelrydesign #fashionrings #jewellerygoals #diamondband #jewelleryonline #rosegoldring #rosegoldjewelry #diamondlover #bespokejewelry #customjewellery #everydayjewelry #alternativebride #diamondjewellery #jewelryofinstagram #jewelrymaker #handcraftedjewelry
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Imaš raje klasičen videz ali iščeš nekaj nenavadnega? 🤩 Raznolikost modelov za vajina poročna prstana je neskončna! Od preprostih dvobarvnih do bolj zapletenih modelov. Časi se nenehno spreminjajo in verjamemo, da marsikatere sodobne neveste in ženini iščejo nekaj edinstvenega, nekaj, česar pred 20 ali 30 leti morda še ni bilo mogoče izdelati. Mnoge naše stranke iščejo modele, ki se povsem razlikujejo od poročnih prstanov, ki jih nosijo njihovi starši. V ekipi Zmay obožujemo vsak kos nakita, ki ga ustvarimo, naša največja želja pa je vedno bila izdelovati nakit po naročilu, ki bi bil dostopen vsem. Svoje stranke neizmerno radi poučujemo o nakitu in njegovi izdelavi, ker jim želimo ponuditi, ne samo tisto, kar je na zalogi, ampak dobesedno vse, kar jim srce poželi! Ne glede na to, ali bosta izbrala klasičen par ali prstane popolnoma po meri, komaj čakamo, da ju izdelamo za vaju.❤️ #zmay #zmayjewelry . . . #ljubljana #slovenija #slovenia #slovenija_ig #futurebridetobe #weddingrings💍 #customweddingbands #customweddingband #customweddingrings #futurebrideandgroom #weddingringshopping #jewelryshowcase #futurebrides #customweddingring #classicjewellery #preciousjewellery #weddingringset #studiojewelry #minimalistjewellery #customjewelrydesign #finejewelrydesign #jewellerygoals #meaningfuljewelry #jewelleryonline #ringspiration #wedding2021 #ringaddict #classicjewelry
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💡 Would you like to know more about the Micro pavé setting style? 💎 You're on the right spot. 😉 Unbox with us our soft and silky jewelry box to discover a unique pair of rose gold Micro pavé wedding rings inside. 😍 Micro pavé from the second picture features three rows of black diamonds, all of the same size. Each row is positioned so that the setting resembles a hive's hexagonal arrangement. The third picture represents a Special Micro pavé - two rows with different-sized black diamonds, which is a step up from the original Pavé or Micro pavé setting style. These setting techniques require exceptional skill and accuracy possessed by talented goldsmiths with many years of experience. We're very lucky that one of them is our goldsmith Matjaž, who invests all of his passion and dedication to create each and every one of our pieces. 💎💍 Seeing his talent recognized by our awesome customers is amazing and motivation never to stop learning and making quality pieces. Thank you all for the support ❤️ #zmay #zmayjewelry . . . #diamantniprstan #poročniprstani #porocniprstan #ponaročilu #slovenija_ig #porocniprstani #ponarocilu #poroka2020 #porokaslovenija #weddingslovenia #prstan #porokavsloveniji #porokabo #ljubljana #oblikovanje #slovenija🇸🇮 #poroka #nakitprodaja #unikatninakit #nakit #weddingrings💍 #customweddingrings #futurebrideandgroom #weddingringshopping #jewelryvideo #futurebrides #customweddingring #weddingringset
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Photography tip # 276 When the moon is full.... USE IT!!!!! #wedding #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photo #love #instagram #like #picoftheday #beautiful #portraitphotography #canon #weddingphotography #photographylovers #photos #ig #instadaily #blacklove #pennsylvaniaengagementphotographer #belmarbeach #newjerseyweddingphotographer #belmar #fullmoon #everdancewiththedevilinthepalemoonlight #kiss #bride #belmarnj #futurebrideandgroom #nightportraits #moonlightphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVqSIuniKC/?igshid=1ghp5peww9l4k
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I am a WEDDING photographer. As such, I have seen my fair share of kisses. Now most people are a little hesitant to really KISS infront of a dude they barely know AND one thsts holding a camera. I get it. And right off the block, I get it out the way. Any engagement or pre wedding shoot, I'll have you kissing within 5 minutes. Its just how I work. Let's talk about our happy couple- Nicole and Anthony. I asked for a 💋. I was underwhelmed. So.. i told Anthony to take that woman's face tenderly in your hands aka soap opera style and show your love. That was the first picture. The second is the last picture in that series. #wedding #photography #photooftheday #photographer #kisses #love #instagram #like #picoftheday #beautiful #beauty #portraitphotography #canon #weddingphotography #photographylovers #photos #ig #instadaily #blacklove #pennsylvaniaengagementphotographer #belmarbeach #newjerseyweddingphotographer #belmar #kiss #bride #belmarnj #futurebrideandgroom #showyourlove #Storyteller #passion https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkOr88BR1C/?igshid=8orep6ckkx89
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This was a such a beautiful moment, a beautiful setting... a beautiful result. #wedding #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photo #love #instagram #like #picoftheday #beautiful #beauty #portraitphotography #canon #weddingphotography #photographylovers #photos #ig #instadaily #blacklove #pennsylvaniaengagementphotographer #belmarbeach #newjerseyweddingphotographer #belmar #everdancewiththedevilinthepalemoonlight #kiss #bride #belmarnj #futurebrideandgroom #nightportraits #moonlightphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CDciHZkBHW6/?igshid=prdmr49v1zdf
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