#future episode titles were also taken from wikipedia so take the confirmation of them with a grain of salt
afterschoolcrewz · 6 months
potential abbott elementary spoilers but this is all speculation based on the new stills and upcoming episode titles!! i could very well be incorrect
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okay so
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these stills give off HEAVY flirt vibes and lisa ann walter already confirmed that melissa is gonna be hooking up with the older firefighter so that explains why she looks like the smirking emoji, but jacob and the younger firefighter also look pretty close with each other aaaand
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one of the upcoming episode titles is double date which i was initially confused about since at the moment the only real couples we know exist in canon are barbara/gerald and ava/iggy and they have zero reason to go on a double date together 😭 but now i’m thinking that since melissa and jacob are roomies now, they might invite their firefighters over for dinner at their place and i am hoping it’ll lead to crazy drama (tbh if jacob does have a thing with the younger firefighter i don’t think it’s gonna last more than these two episodes since he was announced as a guest star rather than a whole new side character but we shall see)
i have some more thoughts regarding the other episode titles and i’ll probably be talking abt them sometime soon too!
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parapluiepliant · 7 years
The 100 Season 5 - Title spec and thoughts
So, it's time!
Yesterday marked the start of filming season 5 and we got another title for the first three episodes (the first two confirmed by Isaiah Washington).
This also means, it's spec time! And I want to contribute my thoughts to it – bulletpoint style.
Assuming that those titles are legit, it becomes more and more clear that season 5 will be the creation myth for the generations to come. This idea is supported by Madi's way of telling the delinquents' journey like a fairy tale in the sizzle reel.
Their story will become a fairy tale, a myth, a legend. Or as Galadriel in Lord of the Rings said “History became legend. Legend became myth.“ So it comes not as a surprise that the episode titles allude to fairy tales and myths; either taking themes or (perverted) names of said stories (in the broadest sense) to achieve that effect.
More thoughts under the cut.
Tagging for a start @head-and-heart @insufficient-earth-skills @forgivenessishardforus @adamantinesky @sometimesrosy and everyone who might be interested or has some other ideas to add. :)
5x01 Eden:
recalls the creation myth of Adam and Eve and them being cast out of paradise
Eden was a garden, a paradise, pretty similar to the current patch of green Clarke and Madi live on
we know that there will be a fight for that patch of green (see Jason's interview from SDCC 2017), probably between Eligius and the post-apocalypse survivors; maybe there will be mutants as well [some people who somehow survived the apocalypse without the luxury of a safe bunker or nightblood]
a serpent (also the symbol for a liar) made Adam and Eve eat an apple and tasting the forbidden fruit was the reason they were cast out
not only did Kane make a reference to Adam and Eve in S1, he also said in 4x01 hat “the youth inherited the earth“, thus marking the beginning of a new generation that will save (dare I say recreate?) the world
Will the miners try to chase Clarke and Madi away? Will they try to trick Clarke by making false promises by offering “and apple“ which will ban her from the patch of green?
5x02 Red Queen:
Is it Clarke with her res streak of hair, the ruler of Eden one could say.
Is it one of the new characters from Eligius? So far, we don't know what kind of ruling system or government they have.
The first thing that came to my mind though was Alie due to her red dress and there might still be a chance that a remnant of her is on the Go-Sci ring (or somewhere else)
Becca → the red hazmat suit; being the first commander/queen of the survivors/first Grounders; also the red 'sash' as a regal symbol
which brings me to Octavia the Red Queen similar to the queen in Alice in Wonderland; she rules through fear and beheads those who she doesn't like (also: JR and Marie said at SDCC that Octavia will have a darker turn)
Other interesting Red Queen connotations (taken from Wikipedia):
"Isaac Asimov used it in his short story "The Red Queen's Race" to illustrate the concept of predestination paradox. // The term predestination paradox is used in the Star Trek franchise to mean "a time loop in which a time traveler who has gone into the past causes an event that ultimately causes the original future version of the person to go back into the past."
As much sci-fi as we have it's rather unlikely; maybe this falls more under 'history repeats itself' which the end of season 4 and parts of the sizzle reel suggest
“The Red Queen's race is an incident that appears in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass and involves the Red Queen, a representation of a Queen in chess, and Alice constantly running but remaining in the same spot“
This might allude again at the stagnant behaviour of humankind; no matter how hard you try you will be stuck, nothing changes, history is repeated again; it is also pretty similar to some actions that happened in season 4 in terms of taling action (running) but not going anywhere (finding a solution)
“Vernor Vinge uses it in his novel Rainbows End to illustrate the struggle between encouraging technological advancement and protecting the world from new weapons technologies“
Maybe Eligius brings a new form of technology/diferent technology which might be even considered as dangerous and those from the bunker don't want it therefore trying to protect Eden?
“In evolutionary biology, to illustrate that sexual reproduction and the resulting genetic recombination may be just enough to allow individuals of a certain species to adapt to changes in their environment—see Red Queen hypothesis.“ → do we see the first 'problems' for children that were born in the bunker? Parents being immune to radiation and their children, only used to safe bunker air will have problems to adapt to the 'new' outside environment?
“An alternative name for the Black Queen in chess“ Some chess people here to help me out?
5x03 Sleeping Giants:
A hybrid between Sleeping Beauty and Jack and the Giants? But who is sleeping and who are the giants?
Sleeping Beauty slept for a hundred years. The delinquents landed 97 years after the first apocalypse. Now, with the second apocalyspe, it's about 103-4 years later. Have other “sleeping“ bunker people emerged? If there was Mount Weather, are there still others in diffferent areas maybe even on another continent?
As far as I know, Jack steals the most valuable things of the Giants. They chase him to retreat their treasure and Jack cuts the beanstalk. The Giants fall and die.   
Will Eligius (those from above) steal something of valuable of the survivors or will they steal something from the miners?
A Giant as a superior being? Maybe Cadogan is still somewhere around and is about to awake from his cryo sleep?
From Wikipedia:
“Greek mythology: Various locations associated with the Giants and the Gigantomachy were areas of volcanic and seismic activity [...] were said to be buried under volcanos, and their subterranean movements were said to be the cause of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes."
Are the Miners the Giants? They have the technology to mine. Will they dig too deep, steering earthquakes and volcanos? Or are those in the bunker finally freed from being buried alive, starting a new war ('earthquake') in the process?
The Sleeping Giant is also the name of a mountain in Hawaii. The mountain resembles a sleeping figure who went to rest after eating too much.
“Riese [ˈʁiːzə] (German for "giant") is the code name for a construction project of Nazi Germany in 1943–1945, consisting of seven underground structures [...]“
Are there other bunkers left and people that survived the first apocalypse finally emerge? Rememeber Mount Weather. Maybe there are others all over the world who were only able to come out now.
“The Sleeping Beauty transposon system is a synthetic DNA transposon designed to introduce precisely defined DNA sequences into the chromosomes of vertebrate animals for the purposes of introducing new traits and to discover new genes and their functions.
Will nightblood again come into play? Do the miners have other solutions to make earth habitable again? Or will the children from those in the bunker need some modified genes to survive on the ground because they weren't exposed to radiation (due to filters and recycling systems) in contrast to their parents?
What shouldn't be forgotten either with all the spec is “who is telling the story“?
Obviously, Madi is.
So who will she consider a queen or a giant, assuming a certain knowledge about tales and myths?
Madi lives in a paradise. Patch of green with food and trink. She is, along with Clarke, the only inhabitants of Eden similar to Adam and Eve and thus not alone. We can assume that they had peace which is disturbed by Eligius.
Red Queen: 
For Madi this might be someone who rules and might have red as a trademark colour. She hasn't witnessed Clarke in her early days on the ground (as a leader, as the “princess“) so it is likely that she sees the leader of Eligius as such (in case it's a woman). If that's not the case and Eligius agrees to help freeing the bunker people, it is likely that Madi might see Octavia as the Red Queen (given that she is still the leader of those trapped underground).
Sleeping Giants: 
Who will be a Giant in Madi's eyes? The delinquents in space, not only living above the clouds but also non-responding (sleeping if you will) since forever. Maybe they are finally coming down, those mysterious creature from the stories Clarke told her? Or the survivors in the bunker, also “sleeping“ and upon awakening bringing metaphorical earthquakes and volcano erruptions, destroying the peace by destructive behaviour.
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