#fusion bullshit
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box-architecture · 1 year ago
Uhhh ckau au where fusion is possible thoughts:
Sam and Dream a couple of times while building the prison together. Generally they didn't fuse that often before because they weren't as close, but as two of the OG 8 they cared about each other and trusted each other well enough to fuse a few times as kids.
Sam doesn't mind fusion, he likes getting to have a connection with people. He'd do it with Ponk to just zoom around together, and Bad. He's used to the Many Limbs and thinks they're very useful.
Punz has not actually fused with Sam prior to ckau. They didn't fuse much in general as a kid. They get a little antsy at the idea of people having access to their head. Purpled and him have, and possibly he did so with Dream once when they were kids? But they don't actually do it that often until the revival book shows up, and when the first of their experiments works, they jump and cheer and someone leaps into the others arms for a hug and- well.
Dream fused with the dteam a lot. He loved it. He loved getting to be surrounded by the love they all had for each other. He loved knowing he was cared about. If one of the OG8 said "let's fuse" he'd be ready in an instant. As the dsmp goes on and the DTeam stops fusing, he has a hard time dealing with it. Feels very cold. He pretends he isn't starved for affection until he accidentally fuses with Punz and then it becomes a thing they do Often because Punz could feel those little cracks where Dream was lonely.
Sam never actually fused with Dream in prison. He never asked. Dream never offered, even when he offered sex, because it didn't occur to him that that might be something Sam would want.
Sam would probably insist that the idea was revolting: Dream was Evil his mind was likely Tainted (even though he had fused with Dream just a few weeks back and had been happy and warm and in sync.) Sam pretends to consider it only as a way to Keep Dream Locked Up. Wouldn't it the ultimate way to do it? Dream can't escape Sam that way. He'd be able to keep Dream with him. Just the two of them.
Dream doesn't fuse for a while after prison. Punz tentatively offers, hoping to comfort, but Dream is terrified of Punz feeling or seeing anything that happened. Punz can't know how it felt, being tortured, Dream won't do that to them.
a few sessions into the ckau, Dream feels well enough to fuse with Punz during Aftercare in an extremely tender moment. It's uplifting. It's everything to them. After the tension of adding Sam to their relationship, it's exactly the thing thats needed to calm and reassures Punz. Feeling their bond overwhelm with lovelovelove I trust you more than anyone
Drunz fusing is also something that Punz taunts Sam with during one of their spats. Yeah, Sam may be able to fuck Dream, but Punz and Dream fuse, they have love and trust, and Sam doesn't. It's something that bothers Sam immensely.
they don't fuse after Sam rescues his partners from Quackity. They don't fuse in a high tension moment, or even a particular notable one. Sam and Dream are taking one of their evening walks, somehow end up holding hands. They stop for a bit to let Dream rest, and he leans his head on Sam's shoulder. All Sam has time to think is Oh. and then-
SamDream curls up in the grass until late in the evening, just quietly existing. They're not really able to identify the emotions in their chest, they just know they don't want to leave this moment
Sam and Punz actually do fuse during a notable moment. During the first anniversary where Punz comes alone to reveal that he's a hybrid to Sam. Punz puts a leg on Sam's shoulder, and Sam grabs it with gentle firmness, and for a moment they're just. Both staring. Intimate and intense. They don't remember who leaned in first, but that's okay, because SamPunz doesn't care about that. They feel a rumble in their chest before they even stand. Warm.
there's a competitive air to who gets to fuse with Dream More for a while in the beginning. If Dream fused with one he has to fuse with the other. He thinks it's ridiculous but he'll do it, because he loves fusing with them, but good God. Neither of the two will admit to being jealous of the idea that the other has a deeper connection to him. It's only when the two finally Settle and fully complete the triangle that the insecurity fades.
Sam tends to crowd Dream against the wall and beg to fuse. He is Very sad wet and pathetic.
SamDream has Dream's adhd and Sam's ocd. They also tend to get caught in loops very easily
It's very important that I tell you that when Sam and Dream fuse, their fusion is filled with complete and utter contentment. Sam's need to Keep Own Consume is finally appeased, their souls are now Entwined. He is in a formless state of bliss, and their fusion reflects that, purring constantly. They are together, and Dream is so cozy from how wanted he is. He's being engulfed by love, enough to make him want to rest, just a little.
Their fusion is a many legged puppycat, all fluff and fur, several long tails that poof a little, and loveslovesloves Punz so much. They have zoomies where they get So Excited and have to Build Things and Go Places, but it's always followed by a period of needing to lounge and sleep and get So Many Pets. They've created a large tree made of non-wood materials that is big enough to hold them in its branches, and they like pawing at Punz.
When Dream and Sam have to unfuse, Sam tends to become discontent, whining and begging for just a little longer; he doesn't want to leave Dream. But Dream tells him he wants a kiss and a hug and to see Sam for real, and Sam remembers how much he loves those things too, so it makes the transition easier. They have to kiss after they unfuse. It's Important.
"Are you coming down any time soon?" Punz called up to them. The mass of fluff and arms peeked out from over a branch of deepslate.
"Hm," they considered. "Maybe. Yes?"
"That doesn't sound very sure."
The fusion shrugged, and leaned over to hold out a paw. Several tails wiggled hopefully. "Punz?"
They sighed, but couldn't help the wry smile. They leaped onto the offered paw and let themselves be brought up to the top of the strange, manmade tree that they had been building for the entire day.
Humming in delight, they set him carefully in the top base of the tree. He looked around, at the numerous branches, the insane amount of blocks required for the sheer size of the thing, and felt a soft warmth.
"It looks good." He said. Immediately, a thunderous purr echoed.
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abbidavisart · 11 months ago
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ambyandony · 5 months ago
give me 2 Vento Aureo characters and I'll come up with a fusion or at least a name
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slowdrippingnoise · 2 months ago
i like rose actually hes full of Concepts. i like how leon could easily remind him of peony and of himself (personality, talented champion / older brother, beloved golden child) and i like how bede could also remind him of them/what his remark about seeing himself in bede could mean if taken as truth (ignored child, desperate to prove his worth / uncompromising confidence, needs to feel in control, perfectionistic) so he gives them both important roles to keep them around. very normal very well adjusted good job man.
swsh should have had 500 more lines of major npc dialogue. also leon and marnie should have talked about the whole being a symbolic king/princess thing. or she could talk to hop about it and he could talk about how he thinks leon feels about it which could be interesting also. even more economic fuckery talk i know its a sports thing but leon's Sponsor Cape drives me a little nuts. catch him between his own hopes/the needs of the league/rose's ideas specifically. he's been champion since he was like 10 right. something like that. im going back in time sneaking into the swsh writers room and taping up a big poster of N Harmonia. how soon we forget Boy King Prime. also pokespe was right rose should just be Objectively Correct about the impending energy crisis, his problem is that he tries to solve everything by himself by manipulating everyone around him, and is cool with putting the whole region in danger if he thinks it will Solve The Problem. his problem isnt being pro-nuclear power his problem is he thinks like a king. ideal swsh is anti-monarchy as well as anti-monopoly it would make more sense.
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firedragon1321 · 1 month ago
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I swear I thought Tumblemon could evolve to Gotsumon. But they can't for some reason. Gotsumon has like...no main forms. I define "main" as "anything bolded on Wikimon", with some exceptions (X-Antibody, warp, Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode which evolves from all the Digimon of the Digital World combined, requirement of another Digimon and inability to reach that form solo, etc.)
Tumblemon really exists for Sunarizamon. Admittedly, Sunarizamon is not a main form. But there's no other solid direction for Tumblemon to go in. Unless you count the Card Game Cheat (which I abuse to create fan evolution lines). Basically if a Digimon has a "Any x Digimon from the Digimon Card Game" evolution requirement on Wikimon, any Digimon in the link is legal. Incidentally, Gotsumon can evolve from any Black Lv. 2 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game, so he's free real estate! Just in Fantasyland and not in any official Digimon media...
Gotsumon has no main baby forms, and it gets worse going forward. Golemon and Minotaurmon are dead ends unless you get creative. Icemon is a clone (so is Meteormon, which is even called out in Data Squad, but he's a warp evolution). And Monochromon is better suited to a dinosaur line (but hey- he's at least not a dead end!).
...I feel bad for Gotsumon, okay? He's been around forever (read- 1998). Frigimon and Shellmon both got proper evolution lines through Liberators. When will Rock Boy have Justice?
(On the plus side- it is possible to use Golemon as a bridge to Pumpkinmon! But according to Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project, these two become less charming as they faked their deaths and spent 11 years partying, thus traumatizing a child for no reason.)
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bassboosted-moon-chao · 1 year ago
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Jupiter better run as fast as he can, because it looks like he's not the only fusion around here.
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 months ago
Having a SIGNIFICANTLY better time! also i had to go scroll though my blog because I couldn't remember if I talked about Lucidity and his evil gay polycule here yet. I thought i did but i wasn't sure. and then they made me make and eat dinner
anyways perceive him again. look at him. ooo ahhh pretty man
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No longer looks like a hobo. Probably helps that he's actively taking care of himself.
Uses Dream's signature weapon still
Actually quite likes himself, but also takes himself way too seriously sometimes
disrespect can result in anger or just a moment of utter confusion. what do you MEAN you don’t respect me?? (Nightshade is the only exception. but only because he knows Nightshade is doing it because he loves him)
Quite spiffy, I must say. Actually bothers to look presentable. Probably amenable to letting Nightshade pick out clothes for him, SOMETIMES. Not every day. Not every day Nightshade. put those away.
probably still wears stuff Nightshade got for him on a semi-regular basis, whether Nightshade says something or not
also since he doesn't absolutely despise the two that fused to become Him, he has no issues with looking like either of them. Some days he dresses more like on than the other.
Switches between Ani's charm and Obsidian's iconic necklace. Would wear both at once, but isn't sure how to do that without it looking weird.
Still kind of emotionally constipated. Nightshade’s gonna bully him (lovingly)
May or may not still have particular affection towards Jasper. If yes, I am fascinated by the implications. Also that probably means whatever is going on with Entropy and his version of Jasper is probably much deeper and possibly more concerning than it looks.
It's notably easier for him to come to a balance that lets him summon storms. he's totally normal about that. nightshade is also very normal about it.
some of the bits at the end i'm pretty sure hasn't been shared in the discord server yet. so. oopsies? there was another thing i was going to add to it, too, but i don't remember what it was now...oh well.
Atrophy is more affectionate than Shale, but has a harder time opening up than Lucidity. So he's like. moderately emotionally constipated
Also, Shale is very violent and rough, whereas Lucidity is generally more gently and chill. This makes for a very interesting combination when he’s doing stuff like, oh, spending time with Nightshade, trying to get Nightmare to stay in the manor with them…that sort of thing. Fighting’s more or less the only exception.
While he’s generally chill about the fusion thing, he still would like to un-fuse. But it’s more of a “Hm. Things were more fun when there were three of us.” Thing that absolutely despising both ‘halves’ of himself, and by extension his entire existence. Having said that, Lucidity and Shale would probably be amenable to fusing again; especially with how powerful they were
although the entire polycule is very curious if Lucidity and Nightshade could fuse
In regards to Nightmare, Atrophy is generally a lying bastard. Some of his promises he does somewhat intend on keeping. He promises to make sure no one will ever hurt him again, and that, if he can manage to unfuse, Nightmare and Lucidity can stay together prettty much forever. He promises that they’ll all make sure Nightmare never wants for anything again, never has to be on the run again, so on.
The thing is, Atrophy’s idea of hurting Nightmare, in this context, is only physical harm.
Mental/emotional harm by manipulation? Nahhh that’s not real (he knows it's real. But he’s pretending it isn’t, around Nightmare). Subtly/gently coercing Nightmare into doing something he doesn’t actually want to do? Well if he really didn’t want to do it, he wouldn’t have said yes at all <33
He’s way too good at getting most of the desired reactions out of Nightmare, which is a combination of Shale being a manipulative little bastard and Lucidity having known Nightmare their whole lives. He would also let Nightshade gently push Nightmare into doing something
Fortunately (?) for Nightmare, part of the reason Atrophy’s trying to get Nightmare to say yes instead of just going ahead and doing things is because of how often Shale avoids doing certain things because Lucidity would be upset. Particularly in regards to Nightmare.
“Having some fun” with Lucidity’s childhood friend was never worth losing his boyfriend such a useful ally
Unfortunately, Shale’s influence is why Atrophy is pushing in the first place
Nightmare keeps freezing up instead of running when Atrophy tries to get him to stay at the manor. Cross and Error are slowly becoming Nightmare’s only reason for staying away; even if they’re not right there.
It still got steadily worse as Atrophy managed to get Nightmare alone more and more, but that also meant it was becoming increasingly clear to Nightmare that Atrophy did not like Cross and Error. At all. Like. Nightmare is genuinely afraid for their lives.
If he ever does start to cave, he’s going to make Atrophy do a few things for him before he comes to the manor.
Nightmare knows there’s several people in the manor who can’t leave, because Shale (and presently Atrophy) won’t let them. Nightmare needs to be able to leave when he wants, for whatever reason.
In no way can Atrophy be a reason why Cross and Error get hurt. He can’t hurt them himself, he can’t get someone else to do it, he can’t lure them into danger or danger to them, or anything else. Not intentionally, not as a ‘suggestion’, not a ‘ohhh nightmare said I can’t hurt Cross and Error. Be a shame if something still happened to them wink’. Nightmare tries to cover as many possible loopholes as he can, but he’s afraid he’s still missing some.
Atrophy has to prove to Nightmare that he can be trusted. which is going to be quite difficult. Especially since he’s hesitating to agree to Nightmare’s terms now that Nightmare told him to prove he can be trusted :3
Champ is SO confused for a while. who is this??? Why does he smell like Lucidity but also Shale but also not quite either??? What is going on where's his human*
Atrophy is just as affectionate with Champ as Lucidity was, which most of the rest of the manor is quietly snickering about. what was that about not liking the loud husky, Shale?
Also, since Atrophy's status as a fusion means that, technically, Lucidity and Shale do not exist while he is here, he kinda misses them. Which is a really weird feeling. He is them, but he also feels like some of the people he loves are Missing.
he expresses this to Nightshade, who bites his lip and goes "i wasn't going to say anything, but. same. it's a shame I can't have you and dream and obsidian at the same time." and then does an over-dramatic sigh
atrophy thinks this is very funny
*he's not human but y'all know that already
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svtskneecaps · 8 months ago
ok maybe i'll elaborate on this later but there is Something to the fact that. purgatory 2 day 4 battleship event, in the meeting room the whiteboard had BOLAS scrawled along the top. and below it, during the event, someone wrote RACCROW. idk what it is but its making me tear up lmfaooo
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beyblade-e · 2 years ago
Genuinely I'm so upset about how they did Reiji. They gave him so much nothing that half the people who watched the show thought he died. Every other antagonist up to that point at least got another cameo to show what they were up to after the battle but they just dropped him in as a last minute time filler for a couple episodes and never breathed on him again.
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dylan-welcome-bot · 2 years ago
My luck is fucking abysmal Istg!
If only my friends could make as much time for me as random people do in Halo Infinite matches, jumping in front of me at inconvenient times.
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box-architecture · 1 year ago
They went slow. It was almost excruciating, feeling that velvet heat sink slowly over their cockheads, blissfully tight, but they would endure anything to ensure Dream could take them without pain.
He wasn't even able to moan at this point, too caught up in trying to breathe. They'd drop him down a little more, and he'd gasp, any relaxation gone as he adjusted to the stretch and burn of them inside him. His entire figured quaked beneath their hands.
He was gorgeous. similar adjectives weaved themselves in their mind. A combination of Punz and Sam's thoughts braided together, but not quite the same. So much they disagreed on, in theory, but when the man in their lap threw his head back at the next inch, the parallel currents merged into a single thought.
"Good boy." They breathed, and it was only their ironclad control that kept their hands tight around his waist when Dream keened. Prime, they wanted to drop him on their cocks. They wanted to hear him scream until his voice gave out.
They wanted a lot, but more than anything they wanted Dream to feel good. So they waited for him to compose himself once more.
He glowed in the fading sunlight. It hung around his head like a threaded halo, an angel that had fallen straight out of heaven into their lap, letting them do whatever they wanted and looking at them with such deep trust they had to force back tears from the intensity of its weight. Their angel, all theirs. To love, to fuck, to serve and to cherish, to-
-corrupt. a thought seperated. to taint. To defile-
No. another said coldly. They felt two sets of eyes linger on where a silvery Q was etched into Dreams hips and their heart froze horrifically in their chest. Not again. Not ever again.
Not like that. The first thoughts came again, a little panicked, and they held Dream close in reassurance, hearing his whine of confusion. never like that. Please, no. Just-
Images floated to the surface. Dream tied up and covered in come. Dream bitten and marked up everywhere. Dreams lips red and bruised from kisses alone. Slowly, they warmed again, until a throaty rumble was settling in their chest and they could drop Dream down fully on their cocks. He shrieked, creating a beautiful arch with his spine.
Yes, good. Better. As it should be. they purred, their thoughts back in tandem. Mine. Ours. Theirs.
In a single motion they had their teeth at Dream's neck. His every noise echoed loudly in their ear. It made them moan, content, though a stray thought was also present in their head.
Yes. Yes yes yes. After so long. My Dream. All mine, please.
One of their components hadn't been allowed to mark Dream as an individual, and was greedily exploiting the loophole now. They sucked a mark into his skin, then another, and another, until the purring became bodily, and Dream was laughing through his gasps.
"What the fuck?"
Sam. the thought was exasperated, but fond. They felt suspiciously like pouting. Reluctantly, they nuzzled him, before pulling away to reach out their hand (one of many) to tilt Dreams chin up to see his face. They listened in on their background thoughts with vague interest, preferring to thumb their angel's cheek and watch his eyes go half lidded. He smiled at them, and emotion bubbled in their throat.
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abbidavisart · 11 months ago
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ambyandony · 10 months ago
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heres the limbo fusions with the rest of the vento aureo main protags
Limbo + Mista
Mimbo - any pronouns
"Are u lost bbygrl? :)"
(They give a weird stare if asked for a full name. They only use Mimbo, even though it’s a combination of Limbo’s forename and Mista’s surname.)
most stable Limbo fusion merely by virtue of Mista’s simple ability to just not give a fuck.
bitch gon step on my fuckin toe bitch with them fuckin cowgirl fuckin boots
VITALLY important that you know that despite being easily mistaken as fem on first glance, Mimbo also has the deepest voice of any Limbo fusion for literally no reason other than it’s funny to me. They also have sideburns
Stand: Mighty Wings - Redirects Signals. Still a colony Stand, looks like tiny little pastel fighter jets!
Limbo + Abbacchio
Lio Adkio - they/them
“Don’t say SHIT about my mascara or my eyeliner.”
“In fact, don’t fucking look at me or I’ll have to kill you or myselves.”
stable only because when Limbo started panicking in the mindspace, Abbacchio simply pointed and snapped at her to CALM THE FUCK DOWN. and she did so immediately.
nicer than Abbacchio. not by that much, though… but weirdly apologetic about it.
the eyeliner doesn’t appear to be due to crying, it seems that it just looks like that.
Stand: Keeping The Faith? Never Too Late? Shawty like a melody-
“rewinds” signals to previous states or connections and/or can do a “replay” of those signals’ succeeded actions (i.e. having a phone replay a prior conversation) Unfortunately, it’s pretty useless in combat.
Limbo + Giorno
Glimbo Giovadkins - she(?)/they/them
“Wouldn’t you like to hear one of my 765 fun facts about aerodynamics, animals or Air Bud?”
“I also have a few facts about botany, blood and birds.”
stable, until they’re not. they’re incredibly calm and delightful, but when they think someone’s mad at them they panic and start excessively apologising.
genuinely the softest cutest sweetest lil bitch you’ve ever seen. also traumatised with a guilty conscience and can flip on a dime in a terrifying way.
shortest Limbo fusion for no clear reason? shorter than both Limbo and Giorno.
Squalo’s worst fear.
sounds pretty much how you would expect.
Stand: Crystal Dolphin - can transform signals into life—by taking the signals out of something, typically disabling it, they can create life like Gold Experience can. The more complex the device, the bigger its potential creation.
Limbo + Buccellati
Bimbo Luno Adkellati - they/them
"...I've lost the conversation. I'm gonna go make pizza!"
Megan Thee Stallion?!
has no idea what’s going on for some reason? always looks a little confused and loses track of conversations very quickly.
very good with kids! practically unable to have a coherent conversation with Abbacchio. They don’t seem too distressed, but they just stop making much sense and seem to confuse themselves.
Stand: When Doves Cry? Perhaps Freewill? Uhm… I don’t know? Maybe it can sort of, ‘zip’ signals together, combining two or more functions into one sent signal? Bruno's ability is just so specific... I can't think of many ideas.
Limbo + Fugo
Fimbo (Pannalimbo Adkigo) - they/them
( Note: all currently depicted instances of Fimbo seem to be post-PHF, as Fimbo is almost always seen with the mouth scars hidden by the tattoo.)
enemy of the state. punches fascists. lovecore punk goth. in terms of authority figures they only respect Buccellati and Limbo’s dad.
AuDHD trauma poster child. Short fuse but very friendly until something sets them off and they start screaming and or burst into fucking tears.
Self-love in the sense that the fusionmates care about each other deeply and both sides are trying to look out for the other knowing the other won't look out for themself.
Stand: Cabin Fever - Terrifying deathly virus that, rather than being airborne like Purple Haze, is passed though signal transmission. Fimbo doesn’t know if the virus is the same as Purple Haze, a different strain of it, or something entirely different. It spreads most quickly through vocal communication between two people.
Limbo + Narancia
Nimbus Ghirgins - he/they/she
"tummyache... :("
Libby why does my stomach feel like it’s going to fucking collapse in on itself and why are my knuckles torn? aren’t they supposed to bruise when you punch?
bad relationship with food. Hanahaki disease, what are you doing here? (/ij)
sometimes they find Mista sitting around, sit next to him and fall asleep on him immediately
incredibly bad with emotions and doesn’t even get angry they just get overwhelmed instantly at any presence of significant emotion
Stand: Falling in Love/Hard on the Knees - who the fuck let this kid control CO2 emissions?? They can barely control themselves???
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firebuug · 1 year ago
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years ago
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lmao its just reshiram but happy
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bassboosted-moon-chao · 1 year ago
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oh wow; more corsairs! just silly doodles this time around.
he's comically large btw. that's a big chair he's sitting on, he's just MASSIVE.
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