dieletztepanzerhexe · 5 months
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
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goatlingsvent · 10 months
Lupisvulpes also dated a trans person despite being straight herself, I believe her intent was to encourage them to detranisition because she herself also concluded trans people being "just as perverted as gay people" and thus just as icky. Ironically if she was refusing to acknowledge them as their gender identity, she'd be, at least in her mind, in a lesbian relationship (dude was a trans guy) and this would be seem to be the case as she was nortious for misgendering him!
Also she sold off all the characters for her original series so she can't continue the series, this isnt a add on the growing list of the controversy irs just not a lot of people know that but still get confused why she won't continue the series. Additionally most of the new owners don't like lupis after the incident and or don't plan on reselling the characters either.
So please don't try and "steal" the characters thinking your reclaiming them. They already have new, better owners who have all but given them much more queer friendly back stories.
Point is of my rant however: my character uncommon-ish species that I had to go out of my way to look up to find any examples of, and none of what I found that look like my guy, it was a water fowl, and "dry land birds" are FAR more common. In my experience ravens, crows, jays and other corvids are much more common- and my guy wasn't a penguin either.
I'm not gating keeping the species either, is just the design while on the simpler side was 1:1 with the design I entered in their raffle, and they claimed to have never seen my design before, a lie.
I'm ok with "sibling" designs. It's just they took the design I entered 1:1 in their raffle, a simple design but the species and circumstances making at least hella sus to me. Had it been something way more common id easily shrug it off. But no, I had a very uncommon species by furry standards.
The reason the Christrain thing was brought up is I've never heard the words Christian and furry in the same sentence without the said "CF" (Christian furry) saying or doing some inheritly anti-christrin but also anti-furry: stealing someone's uncommon species fursona design- yes a real life animal, but us furies have a huge species bias so if it's not one of the cooler animals or as well known it gets shafted big time. Stealing and lying about is anti-christrian, but stealing someone's design and profiting off it is also anti-furry.
Like again, if it wasnt for the fact I entered in their raffle which was held through Google forms, I couldn't claim oh yeah they've already seen my design and made a 1:1 copy of it to keep for themselves because they are uninspired as all fuck. But I did enter and I paid to enter. Which caused some drama because something about the legal differences between raffles, lotteries and gambling or whatever. A Google search corrects me and that you can pay to enter raffles: however unlike a lottery there MUST be a guaranteed winner. Which I think there was.
It's just, claiming you never saw my uncommon species design before despite entering in your raffle some months earlier (about the time it would take to finish a fursuit give or take a month or two) with that said exact species and you turn around and 1:1 recreate it. Had I won the raffle I'd have the suit.
So like I shouldn't have done what I've done: I actually offered to buy it back much more than they were asking for, even offered to make stuff for them only for them turn around and give it someone else.
I don't trust Christrian furries any more. It's a walking contridicting giving the furry community has ties to the kink and LGBTQA+ communities which APPEARS TO GO AGAINST MOSR CHRISTIAN VALUES.
No seriously look it up, the first ever conventions that were anime related doubled as furry ones and the first furry conventions were kink met ups. Not saying modern furrism hasn't changed to very much being a welcoming space for all ages, but know your history given it's deeply connected to queer, kink and even anime history.
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scottsumrners · 2 years
Can gay furry MPreg turn fascists into freedom fighters?
furrism is the only way we can get rid of fascists
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zucca101 · 7 years
As a furry who has been as such for longer than most Tumblr users have been alive, I think that we need to hear more words like this.
We once held the gold standard of acceptance and chill among fandoms and lifestylers.
People made fun of us relentlessly, yet we kept our heads up and carried on. We accepted the weirdos, the nutters, the offbeats, the cool, the awkward, the privileged and the underprivileged alike.
This may surprise many of you, but there are WAY more Christian Furries than you realize.
Even Christian furries with weird kinks!
I’ve managed to reconcile those facets of my identity because none of them define me from the ground up. I am that I am.
But there are many who don’t wear their spirituality on their sleeve because they are afraid of ostracization by those who accept their furry selves and they fear revealing their furry selves to their spiritual community for fear of the very same.
My spiritual community knows me well and are fine with my furry self.
And for the most part, the furry friends I have are okay with me being Christian, Libertarian and a moderate Conservative because I pick my friends carefully.
But not all are.
And those that weren’t assumed not that I was simply wrong, but that I was evil.
And that everyone like me was EVIL.
That is some truly regressive, backwards, childish nonsense if ever there was.
But this is a message that needs to be heard...
So mia pizanos of the furred persuasion and those curious about it... if any of you may lend an ear... let them hear!
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lustsickpuppy · 4 years
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my face is dirty from make up I did earlier but I really like these fluffy ears I made and wanna wear them forever :3 
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ddonggeun · 7 years
the ask about scandals is so funny bc media has in fact tried to get them into scandals (e.g. minhyuk texting his ex) but ppl never pay much attention and we already know ilhoon likes toes and they're all fucking furries so like *vague gestures*
dont call yourself a melody if you wont pour one out plug that tail in and get yiffing for mh 😻
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nyaagolor · 2 years
Also, just wondering, what was Vex's reaction to the ask going "your Fluffyverse AU made me realize I'm a furry"? I was the one who sent that in, and you mentioned you were going to do some "light-hearted joshing and shenanigans" with her, so I'm curious to hear what entailed (if you're comfortable with sharing, that is).
okay. actually i have a bit of a long answer to this one! i (kabu) used to be a super devout like, "IM NOT A FURRY!! I DRAW ANTHROS" until i realized i was caving to the expectations of my family. I am now quite happily a furry--i think being a furry is so fun, and personally ive tried to make my own costumes before!! i am totally delighted that vex's fluffyverse made you accept your appreciation of furries : 3 now, as for my sweet wonderful pal vex, she's like, neutral to the furry term. it doesn't bother her or anything. BUT as an open and... fluffy furry myself, i love teasing her light-heartedly about it. i just say haha furry and she goes >:0 im not a furry noooooooooo!! its like... shes neutral to the term!! its like how im neutral towards being a girl i guess like yeah you can call me that i dont take any offense to it it just is anyway, we find that ask really funny bc she's impartial to furrism. the ask was completely unrelated to the Current Matter at hand, dont worry! you did not upset anyone, we really appreciated your ask and found it delightful. as a JOKE vex says this though:
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we love teasing each other a lot, its fun. she teases me for being a furry too whenever she gets the opportunity.
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herohotline · 4 years
Bro what cost? You livin your best gay life? I say do it -the gay trans dude (who may or may not have asked for a bunch of trans&male readers from you XD)
HFNNFNG ur right. But I’d prefer if ppl in this fandom would just write gn or more male readers so I don’t have to convert to furrism just to get my gay meal of the day >:/
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qveenofthefullmoon · 5 years
i'm a furry...
Don’t try to convert me to Furrism or whatever it is you do.
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lobokoni · 5 years
Cat vore day
Get your furrism out of here, for the last time I'm not interested in your religion 😤
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krytus · 6 years
i also built on airrazor a lot like instead of coming from a stasis pod her and rinox go way back because when she was a protoform he helped raise and inspire her, which made her to join an autobot training camp where she was singled out for being a maximal and didnt pass her tests even though she did fine because of hashtag anti furrism. shes like badass and i love her she was so underdone
oh god this is big valid i wasn’t really a fan of the protoforms basically being Reborn like......that didn’t make a lot of sense to me?? asdlkfj or maybe i just didn’t pay the most attention but i support this reboot idea and airrazor saying furry rights
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scottsumrners · 3 years
i’m looking at the other contestants for mister global and like. indonesia really bought furrism to this year’s contest huh
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justastraightupmess · 6 years
first furrism then mpreg now dd/l what's next
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i fucking hate us we need to fking delete 
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exo-s-victory-lap · 3 years
Why are we putting furrism on my dash. Again.
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ddonggeun · 8 years
do you have any btob furry evidence
i want to say "curiosity kills cat" but.... anyway this post and
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most importantly… the winter’s tale… the entire era….
also they did the theme song for a furry movie i just 
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