#furkan aldemir
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pazaryerigundem · 8 months ago
TEV'in 57. yılına Türkiye Virtüözleri'nden konser
TEV'in 57. yılına Türkiye Virtüözleri'nden konser
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Eğitimde fırsat eşitliği sağlamak amacıyla faaliyetlerini sürdüren Türk Eğitim Vakfı (TEV); kuruluşunun 57. yılı dolayısıyla mezun bursiyerlerinden ve gönüllülerinden oluşan TEV Türkiye Virtüözleri Oda Orkestrası’nı sanatseverlerle ilk kez buluşturdu.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Mezun TEV bursiyerlerinden ve gönüllülerinden oluşan TEV Türkiye Virtüözleri Oda Orkestrası’nı sanatseverler ile ilk kez buluşturdu.
Cemal Reşit Rey Konser Salonu’nda düzenlenen konser izleyicinin yoğun ilgisi ile karşılandı.
TEV Mütevelliler Heyeti Başkanı Ömer Koç, TEV Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Mehmet Şükrü Tekbaş ve TEV Genel Müdürü Banu Taşkın’ın açılış konuşmalarıyla başlayan, TEV bağışçıları ile bursiyerlerinin katıldığı özel gecede, dinleyiciler arasında İBB Kültür A.Ş. Başkanı Murat Abbas, Erol Evgin ve Süher Pekinel gibi isimler yer aldı.
Gecenin sunuculuğunu TEV mezunu ve Tiyatro Yönetmeni Merve Taşkan üstlenirken, TEV bursiyeri ve uluslararası alanda tanınan keman virtüözü, MSGSÜ Öğretim Üyesi Özcan Ulucan’ın önderlik ettiği orkestra, seçkin bestelerin yanında, TEV Türkiye Virtüözleri Oda Orkestrası için Türk besteci ve eğitimci Prof.Dr. Ali Özkan Manav tarafından bestelenen ve ilk kez seslendirilen “Horonlar” eserini icra etti.
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Konserin solistleri olarak, Başkemancı Özcan Ulucan; kendisi gibi TEV yurt dışı(Londra) mezun bursiyeri Piyano Sanatçısı ve Pedagog Birsen Ulucan; yurtiçi mezun bursiyeri, Leipzig MDR Senfoni Orkestrası Viyola Grup Şefi Atilla Aldemir ve Üstün Başarı Bursiyeri genç kemancı Selen Aydoğan sahne aldı. Bununla birlikte keman sanatçıları; Buse Aksel, Furkan Cicim, İmge Tilif, Asaf Öksüz, Furkan Ayhan ve Rüzgâr Turgay viyola sanatçıları; Emir Kemancı, Bengi Bahar Işkıncı çello sanatçıları; Nil Kocamangil, Seren Karabey kontrabas sanatçısı; Deniz Akgün ve klavsen Ayşe Nil Ülgener ile birlikte toplam 16 üye orkestrada yer aldı.  
TEV Mütevelliler Heyeti Başkanı Ömer Koç, her daim genç yeteneklerin hayâllerine destek olmaktan gurur duyan vakfın yıllar boyunca verdiği sanat bursu ile kendi alanında olağanüstü yeteneklere sahip müzisyenlerin eğitim hayâtına katkıda bulunarak öğrenimlerine devâm etmelerini sağladığını söyledi. ”
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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basketbola1 · 7 years ago
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Sinan Güler ve Furkan Korkmaz iş birliği.
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askdiyebirseyyok · 7 years ago
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1 Eylül Cuma: Türkiye - Rusya 21.00
2 Eylül Cumartesi: Büyük Britanya - Türkiye 21.00
4 Eylül Pazartesi: Sırbistan - Türkiye 21.00
5 Eylül Salı: Türkiye - Belçika 21.00
7 Eylül Perşembe: Letonya - Türkiye 20.45
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denemebonusu-blog · 7 years ago
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Haydi 12 Dev Adam️ 🏀
Sırbistan maçında tüm Türkiye’den sana dev destek!
💸 https://goo.gl/yz9f8K 💸
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diehaberwebsite-blog · 7 years ago
EuroBasket 2017 hangi kanalda yayınlanacak
EuroBasket 2017 hangi kanalda yayınlanacak
A Milli Basketbol Takımı parkeye çıkıyor  A Milli Erkek Basketbol Takımı, 2017 Avrupa Şampiyonası’nda (EuroBasket 2017) D Grubu’ndaki ilk maçında yarın Rusya ile karşı karşıya gelecek. Ülker Spor ve Etkinlik Salonu’nda oynanacak karşılaşma Türkiye saati ile  21.00’de başlayacak ve NTV Spor’dan canlı yayınlanacak. A Milli Takım, Rusya karşısında salondan galip ayrılarak D Grubu maçlarının yanı…
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bulancakajans-blog · 3 years ago
Alperen Şengün Göğsümüzü Kabarttı.
Alperen Şengün Göğsümüzü Kabarttı.
Basketbol severlerin merakla beklediği NBA Draft’ı Brooklyn Nets’in evi olan Barclays Center’da gerçekleşti. 16. sıradan seçilen Alperen’in yeni takımı Houston Rockets oldu. Giresun Belediye Gençlik Spor Kulübü antrenörü Salim Taslı’nın yetiştirdiği Alperen Şengün böylelikle Mirsad Türkcan, Hidayet Türkoğlu, Mehmet Okur, İbrahim Kutluay, Ersan İlyasova, Semih Erden, Ömer Aşık, Furkan Aldemir,…
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trendoa · 4 years ago
Furkan Aldemir'den Suriye’ye insani yardım
Furkan Aldemir’den Suriye’ye insani yardım
Milli basketbolcu Furkan Aldemir, Kilis’in karşısındaki Suriye’nin Azez kentinde ihtiyaç sahibi ailelere yardım ulaştırdı. Milli basketbolcu Furkan Aldemir ve şarkıcı Resul Aydemir, Kilis’in karşısında bulunan Suriye’ye bağlı Azez bölgesinde yardım organizasyonuna katıldı. Bölge ziyaretleriyle beraber ailelere 118 aileye gıda kolisi, 80 aileye kömür, 445 aileye nakdi yardım ve 80 aileye et…
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mansetmalatya · 5 years ago
Altın Değerinde 3 Puan
TFF 3.Lig 3.Grup’ta mücadele eden Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor, sahasında Yozgatspor 1959 Futbol Kulübü’nü Erhan Gözetlik’in golüyle 1-0 mağlup etti. Galibiyet sonrası temsilcimiz Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor puanını 29 a yükselterek düşme potasının hemen üzerine çıktı. STAT: Yeşiltepe Spor Kompleksi 1 nolu saha HAKEMLER: Alkan Parsak, Fatih Deveci, Bedirhan Soydemir, Mustafa Yerli MALATYA YEŞİLYURT BELEDİYESPOR: Emrah Tuncel (Dk.15 Timur Çakıroğulları), Alpay Aldemir, Ali Kemal Başaran, Deniz Işık, Savaş Yorulmaz, Erhan Gözetlik, İbrahim Tokay, Muhammed Öztürk, İsmail Güner, Emre Fırtına (Dk.88 Halil İbrahim Can), Emrah Özyaylaz (Dk.72 Mustafa Pınar) YEDEKLER: Timur Çakıroğulları, Sefa Korkmaz, Halil İbrahim Can, Mustafa Pınar, Miraç Ölmez, Sıddık Çelik, Selim Dedekoç TEKNİK SORUMLU: Alaattin Gülerce YOZGATSPOR 1959 FUTBOL KULÜBÜ: Mustafa Köseci, Osman Keçelioğlu, Abdulsamet Kırım, Oğuzhan Kandemir, Mustafa Serkan Demirel (Dk.81 Furkan Demir), Beytullah Ersoy (Dk.72 Cevatcan Ekinci), Aytaç Deniz, Tuncay Kılıç (Dk.69 Uğur Erdoğan), 53.Tamer Arıcı, Mehmet Ali Can, Osman Paşa Zorlu YEDEKLER: Uğur Erdoğan, Ramazan Erarslan, Bilal Karataş, Cevatcan Ekinci, Samet Göker, Ali Kaan Şahanbaz, Furkan Demir TEKNİK SORUMLU: Cemal Çıldır GOL: Dk.62 Erhan Gözetlik (Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor) SARI KARTLAR: Ali Kemal Başaran, Timur Çakıroğulları (Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor), Tuncay Kılıç, Beytullah Ersoy, Furkan Demir (Yozgatspor 1959 Futbol Kulübü) Mücadelenin ilk yarısı 0-0’lık eşitlikle sonuçlanırken, Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor’un ağlara gönderdiği iki toptan biri ofsayt, diğeri ise kaleciye faul nedeniyle geçerli sayılmadı. Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor, mücadelenin 62.dakikasında Erhan Gözetlik’in korner atışında kafayla attığı golle 1-0 öne geçti. Mücadelenin kalan dakikalarında başka gol olmadı ve Yeşilyurt Belediyespor mücadeleyi 1-0 kazanarak, kritik bir 3 puan aldı.
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barkoturktv · 5 years ago
Hava Harp Okulu darbe davasında 8 ağırlaştırılmış müebbet
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Fetullahçı Terör Örgütü'nün (FETÖ) 15 Temmuz 2016'daki darbe girişimine ilişkin Hava Harp Okulu'nda görevli subayların da aralarında bulunduğu 24'ü tutuklu 43 sanığın yargılandığı dava karara bağlandı. İstanbul 37. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesince Silivri Ceza İnfaz Kurumları karşısındaki binada yapılan 29. duruşmaya, 24 tutuklu sanık ile 14 tutuksuz sanık ve avukatları katıldı. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, TRT Genel Müdürlüğü, Milli Savunma Bakanlığı ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi avukatları da duruşmada hazır bulundu. İstanbul 37. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi Başkanı Akın Gürlek, verilen kararı okudu. Mahkemece, 15 Temmuz'da sözde atama listesinde ''İstanbul TRT Müdürü'' olarak geçen eski Albay Hüseyin Ergezen'e "Anayasayı ihlal etme" suçundan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezası verildi. Ergezen'e ayrıca, "Hava ulaşım araçlarının kaçırılması veya alıkonulması" suçundan 16 yıl hapis cezası veren mahkeme, TRT Genel Müdürlüğüne ait kamu binasına yönelik "cebir ve şiddet kullanarak gece vakti iş yeri dokunulmazlığını ihlal etme" suçundan da 9 yıl olmak üzere sanığın toplamda 25 yıl hapis cezasına çarptırılmasına hükmetti. Darbe girişimi sırasında İstanbul Valisini derdest etme planını organize eden eski Albay Süleyman Demirci ve Hava Harp Okulu'nun darbe girişimi eylem ve faaliyetleri ile yapılan görevlendirmeleri koordine eden eski Kurmay Binbaşı Ecir Şık'ın yanı sıra sanıklar eski Kurmay Binbaşı Mustafa Serbest, eski Üsteğmen İsa Pek, eski Binbaşı Ümit Lütfi Altıntakan, eski Üsteğmen Sercan Özdemir ve eski Albay Ali Başaran da "Anayasayı ihlal etme’’ suçundan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. 6 sanığa müebbet hapis cezası Sanıklardan eski binbaşılar Mücahit Erken ile Numan Ünaldı, eski yüzbaşılar Mustafa Aktaş, Mehmet Yılmaz, eski Teğmen Burak Arı ve eski Astsubay Muhammed Ali Üstün'ün "Anayasayı ihlal etme" suçundan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapse çarptırılmasına hükmeden mahkeme, suçun işlenmesinden sonraki tutum ve davranışlarını lehlerine takdiri indirimi nedeni sayarak bu sanıkların cezalarını müebbet hapse çevirdi. Karargah binası ve dışındaki kameraların sökülüp okul dışındaki boş bir alana gömülmesine ilişkin eski astsubaylar Burhan Torlak ve Yavuz Baguç'u "Anayasayı ihlale yardım etme" suçundan 13 yıl dokuzar ay hapis cezasına çarptıran mahkeme, eski Kurmay Binbaşı Osman Seven'in de aynı suçtan 18 yıl hapisle cezalandırılmasına hükmetti. 7 sanığa beraat kararı Eski Kurmay Albay Zafer Mercan, eski Albay Yılmaz Altuntaş, eski Binbaşı Sezgin Kaplan, eski Yüzbaşı Bahattin Gül, eski Üsteğmen Ali Ejder, eski Astsubay Furkan Vahidoğlu, eski başçavuş Serdar Bay "Anayasayı ihlale yardım etme" suçundan 13 yıl 1 ay 15’şer gün hapse çarptırıldı. Sanıklardan eski Albay Mustafa Er, eski yüzbaşılar Hasan Günsel, Hüseyin Özdemir, Umut Vedat Aydemir ve eski üsteğmenler İlhan Aldemir, Tuncay Demirci, Murat Günler, eski Teğmen Adem Çelik ve uzman çavuş Serdar Şahin'e de "Anayasayı ihlale yardım etme" suçundan 12 yıl altışar ay hapis cezası verildi. Mahkeme heyeti, eski hakim Yüzbaşı Özgür Tüfekçi'ye "Anayasayı ihlale yardım etme" suçundan 16 yıl 6 ay hapis cezası vererek, bu sanık hakkında tutuklamaya yönelik yakalama kararı çıkartılmasına hükmetti. Tutuksuz sanıklar Oktay Erkin, Muhammet Ali Kaya, Ziya Güler, Barış Ulusoy, Ünsal Eken, Mustafa Böcek ve Ozan Gürşimşir'in tüm suçlardan beraatine karar verildi. İki sanığın dosyası ayrıldı Mahkeme, sanıklar Yusuf Günana ve Emin İrfan Kara'nın savunmalarının alınmamasından dolayı dosyalarının ayrılmasına, sanık Adnan Çetin'in vefat etmesi nedeniyle hakkındaki davanın düşürülmesine ve 24 sanığın tutukluluk hallerinin devamına karar verdi.  İki avukata suç duyurusu Mahkeme Başkanı Akın Gürlek'in kararını okumasını tamamlamasından sonra sanık avukatları Kemal Uçar ve Elif Esra Kırımlı, "Vatan sağolsun." ve "Darısı başınıza." dedi. Bunun üzerine başkan Gürlek, bu avukatlar hakkında suç duyurusunda bulunulmasına karar verdi. Read the full article
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stormkarate19-blog · 5 years ago
Sixers fans should let Ben Simmons and Kendall Jenner live their lives
Kendall Jenner, one of the most famous people in the world, has been spotted at Sixers games throughout November. It appears that her fling with Ben Simmons, which had reportedly fizzled out this past summer, is back on, as she was most recently seen sitting adjacent to the Sixers’ bench at the Wells Fargo Center Friday night.
Philadelphia fans, ever the calm, rational bunch, are losing their minds over it. There’s a petition to ban her from Sixers home games. There’s a counter petition that says she should go to every Sixers game too. I agree with the latter camp. Or you know, just let her attend any game she chooses.
Ben Simmons, who has never met nor will he ever meet the thousands of people who signed these petitions, should date whomever the heck he wants.
Who is a rich, good looking, 22-year-old basketball star playing in Philadelphia supposed to date? Phoebe Phanatic? Though Simmons being the stepfather of the Phillie Phanatic seems like fan fiction that I would tweet out, it’s just not feasible. He’s obviously going to date someone else who is wealthy and attractive while doubling as a supermodel and reality TV star. 
Everyone whines that Simmons has his eyes set on Hollywood when he hits free agency down the line. Maybe he really does want the glitz and glamor of Los Angeles that he can’t get in Philadelphia. It would probably be refreshing to him that no Lakers fan would bat an eye about one of the team’s players dating someone who’s impossibly famous. Know what’s a good way to make Simmons take a one-way trip to Bel-Air Fresh Prince style? Making an online petition that goes viral about how the man’s girlfriend should be banned from watching him play basketball at his home arena. 
The Sixers are first in attendance in the entire league this year after finishing dead last in 2015 and just 28th in 2016. Who are Sixers fans to turn people away from watching their team in person despite no one bothering to show up when Furkan Aldemir, Sonny Weems and Phil Pressey (all three are real people) were wearing Sixers uniforms? I’m still in awe when I go to a game now and the arena isn’t just filled with 300 guys who used to wake up at 5 a.m. to watch Dario Saric play basketball in Croatia or Turkey. 
The Sixers have been hoarding cap space for a half-decade in the pursuit of star players. The easiest way to get players is to have a good team in place already, which is where Simmons, Joel Embiid and Jimmy Butler come in, or to play in a major market. No one in Los Angeles, New York or Miami is losing their mind overseeing Jenner attend their respective basketball team’s games. It’s commonplace for them, which is why NBA stars seem so keen on playing in those hotspots. 
Know who else would probably like to play in an environment where celebrities are scattered across the courtside seats at the Wells Fargo Center? Kemba Walker. Kawhi Leonard. Khris Middleton. Klay Thompson. Bradley Beal. Fostering an atmosphere that draws celebrities will have the double whammy of drawing star players.
On a personal level, it makes no sense to hate who a person you don’t know dates. 
On a basketball level, it makes no sense to hate who one of your team’s star players date.
Simmons isn’t beyond criticism. If you want to get on his case for his flat-out refusal to take a shot outside of five feet or his reluctance to draw contact in traffic and get to the free throw line, you’re more than within your right there. I scream about his on-court flaws at least twice per game but leave the dude’s off-court exploits to himself. 
Click here to download the new MyTeams App by NBC Sports! Receive comprehensive coverage of your teams and stream the Flyers, Sixers and Phillies games easily on your device.
More on Ben and Kendall:
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Source: https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/the700level/sixers-fans-should-let-ben-simmons-and-kendall-jenner-live-their-lives
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yedi24haber · 7 years ago
Furkan Aldemir: Gruptan lider çıkmak istiyoruz
Furkan Aldemir: Gruptan lider çıkmak istiyoruz
İSTANBUL – Süha Gür A Milli Erkek Basketbol Takımı oyuncularından Furkan Aldemir, 2019 FIBA Dünya Kupası Avrupa Elemeleri B Grubu’nda İsveç ve Letonya ile yapacakları maçları kazanmak istediklerini söyledi. AA muhabirine açıklamalarda bulunan Furkan, Letonya ve Ukrayna’yı yenip gruba 2’de 2 yaparak başladıklarını belirterek, “İlk iki maçı kazanmamız takımın öz güveni açısından çok iyi oldu. Genç…
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alibiappeal6-blog · 6 years ago
Sixers fans should let Ben Simmons and Kendall Jenner live their lives
Kendall Jenner, one of the most famous people in the world, has been spotted at Sixers games throughout November. It appears that her fling with Ben Simmons, which had reportedly fizzled out this past summer, is back on, as she was most recently seen sitting adjacent to the Sixers’ bench at the Wells Fargo Center Friday night.
Philadelphia fans, ever the calm, rational bunch, are losing their minds over it. There’s a petition to ban her from Sixers home games. There’s a counter petition that says she should go to every Sixers game too. I agree with the latter camp. Or you know, just let her attend any game she chooses.
Ben Simmons, who has never met nor will he ever meet the thousands of people who signed these petitions, should date whomever the heck he wants.
Who is a rich, good looking, 22-year-old basketball star playing in Philadelphia supposed to date? Phoebe Phanatic? Though Simmons being the stepfather of the Phillie Phanatic seems like fan fiction that I would tweet out, it’s just not feasible. He’s obviously going to date someone else who is wealthy and attractive while doubling as a supermodel and reality TV star. 
Everyone whines that Simmons has his eyes set on Hollywood when he hits free agency down the line. Maybe he really does want the glitz and glamor of Los Angeles that he can’t get in Philadelphia. It would probably be refreshing to him that no Lakers fan would bat an eye about one of the team’s players dating someone who’s impossibly famous. Know what’s a good way to make Simmons take a one-way trip to Bel-Air Fresh Prince style? Making an online petition that goes viral about how the man’s girlfriend should be banned from watching him play basketball at his home arena. 
The Sixers are first in attendance in the entire league this year after finishing dead last in 2015 and just 28th in 2016. Who are Sixers fans to turn people away from watching their team in person despite no one bothering to show up when Furkan Aldemir, Sonny Weems and Phil Pressey (all three are real people) were wearing Sixers uniforms? I’m still in awe when I go to a game now and the arena isn’t just filled with 300 guys who used to wake up at 5 a.m. to watch Dario Saric play basketball in Croatia or Turkey. 
The Sixers have been hoarding cap space for a half-decade in the pursuit of star players. The easiest way to get players is to have a good team in place already, which is where Simmons, Joel Embiid and Jimmy Butler come in, or to play in a major market. No one in Los Angeles, New York or Miami is losing their mind overseeing Jenner attend their respective basketball team’s games. It’s commonplace for them, which is why NBA stars seem so keen on playing in those hotspots. 
Know who else would probably like to play in an environment where celebrities are scattered across the courtside seats at the Wells Fargo Center? Kemba Walker. Kawhi Leonard. Khris Middleton. Klay Thompson. Bradley Beal. Fostering an atmosphere that draws celebrities will have the double whammy of drawing star players.
On a personal level, it makes no sense to hate who a person you don’t know dates. 
On a basketball level, it makes no sense to hate who one of your team’s star players date.
Simmons isn’t beyond criticism. If you want to get on his case for his flat-out refusal to take a shot outside of five feet or his reluctance to draw contact in traffic and get to the free throw line, you’re more than within your right there. I scream about his on-court flaws at least twice per game but leave the dude’s off-court exploits to himself. 
Click here to download the new MyTeams App by NBC Sports! Receive comprehensive coverage of your teams and stream the Flyers, Sixers and Phillies games easily on your device.
More on Ben and Kendall:
Source: https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/the700level/sixers-fans-should-let-ben-simmons-and-kendall-jenner-live-their-lives
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flauntpage · 6 years ago
Let’s Improve Ourselves in 2019, Philadelphia
Ahhh it’s a New Year in Philadelphia. The sky is brighter. The people are friendlier. The puke stench from New Year’s Eve is finally dissipating from the 8th and Market PATCO stop, but the urine funk is still holding strong. It’s 2019. It’s a new year with new horizons and new opportunities to better ourselves and our city.
This is the year, Philadelphia. Can you feel it? This is the year we pull ourselves up from this stink hole and really make a difference. I’m not saying this city isn’t already great, or its denizens pitch perfect, but we can all stand to improve and better our lives for the benefit of us and the loved ones we hold so dear.
Even the best of us can improve. Take the venerable John Middleton, for instance. Maybe this year he can resolve to stop saying stupid shit before the opening of free agency that gets everyone’s hopes up for the signing of Bryce Harper and Manny Machado, while it becomes increasingly obvious that neither of them want to play here. Maybe don’t show your hand before the chips are pushed into the pot, John? And hell, maybe have the doors ready and open to Citizens Bank Park when your #1 target actually deems you worthy of a visit and not leave him and his pissed off wife outside in the cold to be accosted by South Philly electricians, right? What do I know, I’m just spit balling here.
Or hey, even Carson Wentz should have a resolution. He has room for improvement, right? Maybe in 2019 he can resolve to stop getting hurt and force us into this never ending quagmire of a discussion on whether he or Nick Foles is the future of the Eagles franchise. I’ve fucking had it. Carson, either get healthy and take this city by the balls or stay hurt and let Foles and his massive genitalia lead us to the promised land. Mother of God.
But it’s time to look at ourselves in this city, starting first at this site. What can we do better, as people and as fans? What are our resolutions for a better 2019 at Crossing Broad?
Now, I know what you’re all thinking – “Coggin, we love you. You’re hilarious, you’re witty, you’re undoubtedly the most handsome individual at Crossing Broad and we wouldn’t ask you to change a god damn thing. Why fix what is assuredly not broken? You’re the best, and Kyle should really consider stepping down and letting you take over the day-to-day operations.”
Thank you. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment, but we can all be better people, even the very few of us that are so clearly better than the rest of you swine.
For me, I have two resolutions in 2019. The first is I will try to better appreciate Ben Simmons and his unique talents. I’ve caught myself becoming audibly frustrated at Simmons this season and it just needs to stop. Why? Because after watching the likes of Tony Wroten, Isaiah Canaan, JaKarr Sampson, Hollis Thompson, Henry Sims, Furkan Aldemir, et al bumblefuck their way through 82 games a year, criticizing one of the most transcendent athletes to play in Philadelphia just seems silly.
I once proclaimed giant turd Andrew Bynum as the savior of this moribund franchise. Am I really going to get mad that a once-in-a-lifetime talent like Simmons refuses to take a jump shot? Even if he is the team’s point guard, is 7-feet tall, and one of the MOST ATHLETIC PLAYERS IN THE NBA WHO YET SOMEHOW CAN’T MAKE A CONSISTENT 15-FOOT SHOT OR TAKE HIS GAME TO AN ELITE LEVEL.
Jesus. Stop it Coggin, you’re doing it again. No more of that in 2019.
Oh yeah, and no more Flyers in 2019. No jokes there. I’ve just had it with them. The Broad Street Bullies stunk and this franchise needs to go sit in a cornfield until it gets its shit together. Enough of them.
As for the rest of Crossing Broad? Their resolutions were much more in-depth and serious than the drivel I spouted out.
JoyOnBroad – My Philly Sports New Year’s Resolution is to support the team at this site – a truly great group of people – and continue to make Crossing Broad a great place to take in Philly sports content via the written word and podcasts. I want to keep learning the ins and outs of writing about the Flyers from a vantage point that so few people get to experience. My real goal – perhaps the one I’m the most focused on – is to get Crossing Broadcast back on track AND continue building on the really solid numbers the other shows on the Crossing Broad Podcast Network have done over the last eight or so months in particular. The work that Anthony, Kevin, Bob, and Phil have done to grow their respective audiences is a testament to their hard work. Final one: to continue giving grief to investor Jeff for not having the guts to Tweet out his hot takes.
Chris Jastrzembski – My sports resolution is to try and wait before firing off instant opinions (which sometimes always change towards the opposite side). I hated Gritty when he first came, but now he’s a national treasure. Will I try? Yes. Will it happen? More than likely no.
Kevin Kinkead – My New Year’s sports resolution is to spend less time on Twitter, which has turned into an exhausting rat race of hot takes, political posturing, trolling, and general myopia. I’m really appreciative of our followers and I’ll always try to engage in conversation with the people who read our stories and support the site (and my previous work), but there are too many times when Philly sports Twitter becomes borderline insufferable and I need to log off and go outside to water the flowers or walk the dog or do something basic and rudimentary to regain my sanity.
Philip Keidel – My resolution is not to think any more about Ben Simmons and his inability to make a shot outside 8 feet… midrange jumpers are the worst shots in basketball and I don’t need a 6’10” guy with a handle jacking up threes…let’s be happy with his game as it is…but he has to make more free throws, I’m still going to complain about that.
Jeff Wuhl – I guess my resolution is not getting infuriated and tweeting DURING Sixers games. Only between games.
BWanksCB – I don’t have any resolutions. I possess zero willpower. I’ll try to reduce the frequency that I angry tweet Phillies games, but, ultimately, nothing will change. And neither will my diet.
There you have it. How will you improve yourselves, dear readers? I look forward to reading your resolutions in the comments sections and the 900 comments telling me that my resolution should have been to stop writing altogether or to kill myself.
Here’s to 2019.
The post Let’s Improve Ourselves in 2019, Philadelphia appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Let’s Improve Ourselves in 2019, Philadelphia published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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alaturkaspor · 7 years ago
İSTANBUL (AA) – Darüşşafaka Basketbol Takımı'nda forma giyen Furkan Aldemir, ameliyat edildi. Yeşil-siyahlı kulübün internet sitesinden yapılan açıklamada, 26 yaşındaki basketbolcunun Acıbadem Maslak Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Bölümü Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Metin Uzun tarafından kıkırdak operasyonu geçirdiği bildirildi. Başarılı geçen ameliyatın ardından rehabilitasyon süreci geçirecek olan Furkan'ın, sezon başı çalışmalarına başlayabileceği ifade edildi. via Spor
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steenpaal · 7 years ago
2017 Turkey men's EuroBasket team - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkey cut its squad to 14 players on 18 August 2017.[1]
Turkey men's national basketball team – EuroBasket 2017 roster
Players Coaches
Pos. # Name Age – Date of birth Ht. Club Ctr. 5.0 !C Aldemir, Furkan 7001260000000000000♠26 – (1991-07-08)8 July 1991 2.08 m (6 ft 10 in) Darüşşafaka TUR !
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1.0 !PG Balbay, Doğuş 7001280000000000000♠28 – (1989-01-21)21 January 1989 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Anadolu Efes TUR !
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5.0 !C Erden, Semih 7001310000000000000♠31 – (1986-07-28)28 July 1986 2.13 m (7 ft 0 in) Darüşşafaka TUR !
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2.0 !SG Güler, Sinan 7001330000000000000♠33 – (1983-11-08)8 November 1983 1.92 m (6 ft 4 in) Fenerbahçe TUR !
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4.0 !PF Hersek, Barış 7001290000000000000♠29 – (1988-03-26)26 March 1988 2.08 m (6 ft 10 in) Fenerbahçe TUR !
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2.0 !SG Köksal, Göksenin 7001260000000000000♠26 – (1991-01-08)8 January 1991 1.97 m (6 ft 6 in) Galatasaray TUR !
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2.0 !SG Korkmaz, Furkan 7001200000000000000♠20 – (1997-07-24)24 July 1997 2.01 m (6 ft 7 in) Philadelphia 76ers USA !
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2.0 !SG Mahmutoğlu, Melih 7001270000000000000♠27 – (1990-05-12)12 May 1990 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in) Fenerbahçe TUR !
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1.0 !PG Muhammed, Ali 7001340000000000000♠34 – (1983-04-10)10 April 1983 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) Fenerbahçe TUR !
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3.0 !SF Osman, Cedi 7001220000000000000♠22 – (1995-04-08)8 April 1995 2.03 m (6 ft 8 in) Cleveland Cavaliers USA !
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5.0 !C Şanlı, Sertaç 7001260000000000000♠26 – (1991-01-01)1 January 1991 2.13 m (7 ft 0 in) Beşiktaş TUR !
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1.0 !PG Sipahi, Kenan 7001220000000000000♠22 – (1995-05-26)26 May 1995 1.97 m (6 ft 6 in) Beşiktaş TUR !
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4.0 !PF Türen, Metin 7001230000000000000♠23 – (1994-05-02)2 May 1994 2.06 m (6 ft 9 in) Darüşşafaka TUR !
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3.0 !SF Veyseloğlu, Erkan 7001340000000000000♠34 – (1983-03-13)13 March 1983 2.00 m (6 ft 7 in) Beşiktaş TUR !
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Head coach
Assistant coach
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Ertuğrul Erdoğan
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Erdem Can
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Arda Demirbağ
Club – describes last club before the tournament
Age – describes age on 31 August 2017
Exhibition games[edit]
000000002017-08-16-0000August 16, 2017 17:00
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keremtaydas · 7 years ago
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FURKAN ALDEMIR ILLUSTRASYONU @furkan_aldemir #caricature #karikatur #cartoon #doodle #comic #draw #drawing #cizim #illustration #illustrasyon #karikaturcizim #sports #spor #instaart #2018 #likeforlike #like4like #keremtaydas #sanat #paint #artist #artmag #basketball #furkanaldemir
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