#furby japan
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furbymother · 9 months ago
has anyone bought from the Japanese Seller “YuYu Beak Shop” ?
They make replacement silicone beaks for the 2005 furby and I really want to replace all of mine but I was wondering if any other furby fans from America had purchased from them.
You can find their shop here
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juliaprecourt · 11 months ago
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Love Daruma Dolls and Furbies? Now you can get them in one compact little tchotchke! Selling these little guys on Etsy. Only four posted but I have more versions available. Feel free to chat me.
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c0pp3li4 · 8 months ago
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Oh he looks a bit sleepy sorry
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ladyfurbton · 6 months ago
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A family friend of mine went on a holiday to Japan and brought be back this beautiful plate as a souvenir. Ami and Kasumi love it as it reminds them of their home country.
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archimer · 8 months ago
Day 2: Toh-loo Kah (American) and Nah Bah (Japanese) are undeterred by language barriers.
Nah Bah is waiting for his coat to come back from the cleaners.
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chatterbots · 1 year ago
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feeling very blessed.
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faunabel · 2 years ago
I’ve just noticed. Our profile pics are a bit similar don’t you think 😳
ur right..... maybe that means we should hold hands 😳
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
I'm still not over h2woah they're so funny to me. Especially the octoling, they rly managed to make the whitest ass character in the entire splatoon universe, I hope they explode <3
#rat rambles#splat posting#also points to the sight. stop agressively gendering characters before we know. thanks.#also I will not lie to you despite my teasing with their reveal I actually do rly like aquasonic it alas is catchy as hell#anyways Im excited to learn more abt them I wanna know what their dymanic is like#also how old they are cause they definitely seem young but I wanna know if I have to bully them extra hard cause theyre like 14 or smth#they definitely both have collector flavor autism to me tho I feel like they collect knockoff furbys or smth#the coral is always making sure theyre all nice and clean and the octoling does most of the skin bathing#since the coral feels too bad skinning them unless its for mechanical maintenance#the octoling makes them all ugly lil tshirts with horrible lil logos on them for their hypothetical future projects#oh and the coral in my minds eye also collects a few other types of old toys#mostly like small figure like ones that they clean up for fun#the octoling is mostly just in the offbrand furby game but loves any toys that use mechanical parts#any toy with a shitty voicebox and a skin of fur over hard parts will win their heart fast#well maybe not fur but yknow what I mean#idk maybe theyd still use fur for toys? at least in squid japan where they have the judds#actually maybe thats what the offbrand furbys they collect are like fluffies or smth that have a fluffy thing going on#anyways I should stop pulling hcs out of nowhere for an eternity and go shower lol
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lesbiancharliedalton · 2 years ago
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he’s so cute i’m gonna kill myself
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gamebrulee · 1 year ago
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Look at vintage furry!! I miss my childhood. The first furry I got was black and white fur.
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futurama · 2 months ago
i just learned last night that furby baby pajamas exist and were a japan exclusive... 😭
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enigmatic-bambi · 1 year ago
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I had a really good find on Mercari Japan recently!~ a Furby Baby accessory kit with onesie, carrier, bottle and what I thought was a playmat.
But omg, it's actually a swaddling blanket, with instructions!! I haven't seen one of these before, it's so cute!~
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furby-junkie · 1 year ago
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New Skinnydip x Furby merchandise is being sold in Japan by Plaza's website, including:
Plush keyrings
iPhone 14 cases
Airpods Pro cases
Shoulder rope straps
The website states the merch is exclusive to Plaza and MiniPla. Not sure if this is all of it, or if they could add anything else for sale.
Update: iPhone 13 cases are also for sale
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switch · 4 months ago
trick or treat!
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you get furby bubble gum (japan, 1999)
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ixirian-archive · 9 months ago
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the furry and the collection I my fursona Manzana depicted with my collection of small animatronic toys (and one wind up). may be redrawn later as I am still planning on expanding the collection.
-Flipper, the furby connect -Gen1 teddy ruxpin -Baby teddy ruxpin with a replaced lower jaw cosmetic -Baby furby named Warren -Gen1 Mother Goose -Hector (probably the only one in the collection who is almost completely not working) -Mysterious wind up toy dog made in japan in the 1950s -Bosco the Furby Boom (eyes don't work and neither does the speaker, but the high frequency used to communicate with other furbies of the era and all the movements do work) -Kiwi the Snow Leopard furby -Benjamin the Zebra furby (he was a gift, along with Flipper)
-2023 Furblet (the rock music one-I believe their name is Ooh-koo)
-2023 customized Coral Furby, named Tora Tora Tiger (or just Tora or just Tiger)
-Beneath the arm is Gabby Bear (french teddy ruxpin bootleg, fully functional, maybe haunted, definitely spiritually charged - Worlds of Wonder Snoopy (fully functional aside from a fluttery lower jaw motor, a little scarred) -Playskool Pterodactyl I got from my friend when we were kids, partially customized -NiB Millenium Furby
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mitarbeiter · 2 years ago
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