bionic-bat-archive · 7 years
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Chapter 2: The Last Summer (Part 1)
Summary: Amid the corruption in Goryeo, Furatai sends letters recounting the events of his life to his father in Yuan who's losing his battle with Alzheimer's.
You can also find this series at: Wattpad // A03 // FF
@dontshootmespence  @nyxhikari  @fierce-ramyun @chokingonmyemotions @drabbleland @pennybraddock @themadvigilantist @ultrarebelheart @natfuku @brywrites @aimeelawho @stunudo  @red-beryl-pumpkin  @cherry-loves-fanfic  @asa-sohma @mssmartian
Her Majesty sent word to one of the palace Physicians in Yuan. I trust you'll be in great care and will recover soon.
However, I was advised by one our palace Physicians that helping you to recall memories of our family and our lives together would aid in your recovery.
There is much I wish to tell you since I've lived here in this country, yet, there is equally as much that I cannot share.
Perhaps regardless what I write, you'll have to "endure my son's dull storytelling"- as you used to say- until your memory gets better. While I know I was better at swordsmanship and military combat, I will do my best to retell our family's history with the same expressiveness as you and Uncle did when we were children.
However, I won't take the same creative liberties like you when you claimed to slay that dire Wolf-Dog.
It was the first night we left Yuan to travel to Goryeo, I swore I'd boil alive wearing my leather armor in the scorching humid air. Still, despite the fatigue and dizziness from the weather, I endured it for Her Highness's sake. She stayed close by my side for those months we traveled through the rough terrain. Despite how stoic she tried to be and her efforts to endure the weather and seemingly endless journey, I saw her fear and weariness. It was the first time I felt our ranks mattered not as our hearts spoke of similar turmoils.
We were both teenagers going to a Kingdom where the language barrier was great and acting as a mere rope tying back the dogs of war.
If her Highness failed to bear an heir to Goryeo, our Great Emperor would swiftly retaliate. But, going there posed another danger, those who were defiant of Yuan's control and hated the idea of their King taking a Yuan Princess as his consort and the deal that was made.
Despite knowing not, the extent of the dangers that her Highness was walking into, I knew it was my duty to ensure all those risks were swiftly eradicated.
If I failed...
My life was for forfeit the day I stood before His Majesty Kublai Khan and swore to protect Princess Wonsung- his daughter that he favored and cherished like a precious flower. If I failed, you and my sisters would be exiled and I would be put to death. I made peace with my fate and even took great pride in the honor our Emperor bestowed upon me. However, I feared that if I failed it would mean our family's execution or exile.
Despite the years that have passed, my fear for our family's safety has not changed. Lately, they have grown.
If I fail to protect her it's not just our family that will lose their lives, I dare not think what would become of the Crown Prince and the people here.
As we stopped one evening to set up camp, I stayed close to her Highness while our men gathered firewood in the dense forest. The temperature was better than it had been in the prior days, yet, the guards and I still felt suffocated from the immense heat.
"Are you married, Furatai?" She asked me.
Her Highness's question caught me off guard. I know not why I recall that question so clearly. Never had she inquired about my personal affairs and in hindsight, I suspect she asked to silence her troubled thoughts of marrying King Chungyeol of Goryeo.
"No, Your Highness," I answer. However, she followed up by asking me if there had ever been someone I wished to take as a wife. Truthfully, at that time there was a woman you arranged for me to consider. I liked her a lot and could have easily loved her, but, it was not until I came to Songak that I met a woman who shamelessly fell in love with.
Perhaps, Father, the time has come I tell you the truth about her. I admit withheld her identity and only told you I had found love, but, you deserve to know why I never married or gave you Grandchildren like you expected of me.
I need not your forgiveness, but, I hope you will not think less of me as your only son for what I had to do.
Please, give my regards to my sisters and take care of your health.
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lissachan504 · 7 years
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 Some Furatai for my friend @ashes-of-elysian
 Part one...part 2 in the works
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berberanews · 3 years
Imaaraadka oo si rasmiya u furay safaaraddooda Israel
Imaaraadka oo si rasmiya u furay safaaraddooda Israel
Israel-(Berberanews)-Isutaga Imaaraatka Carabta (UAE) ayaa safaaradiisa ka furatay Israel, wax ka yar sanad kadib markii labada dal ay sheegeen inay dhisayaan xidhiidh diblomaasiyadeed oo rasmi ah. Safaaraddu waxay ku taal dhismaha Tel Aviv Stock Exchange iyo furitaankeedu waxay daba socotaa furitaankii safaaradda Israel ee Imaaraadka bishii hore. Goobta oo ku taal badhtamaha degmada maaliyadeed…
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haldoornews1 · 4 years
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Shirkada Transfer Galaxy oo Xafiis ka Furatay Magaalada Frankfurt ee Dalka Jarmalka Shirkada Transfer Galaxy oo Xafiis ka Furatay Magaalada Frankfurt ee Dalka Jarmalka
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codkasomaliland · 4 years
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#Jaamac-shabeel Muxuu Ka Yidhi, Xafiiska Dawladda Taiwan Ka Furatay #Somaliland ? Siyaasi Jaamac Ismaaciil Cige (Jaamac-shabeel), ayaa ka hadlay aragtidiisa ku waajahan Xafiiska ay Dawladda Taiwan ka furatay Somaliland, waxaanu sheegay ayaa-daro ku tilmaamay in Dawladda Soomaaliya ay sheegato dal aanay xukumin, awood ay wax kaga qabatana aanay lahayn.
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warganenews · 4 years
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#Somaliland: Shiinaha Iyo Soomaaliya Way Ku Karaamo Seegayaan Dagaalka Ay Kula Jiraan #Somaliland Iyo #Taiwan Dowladda Shiinaha ee uu hoggaamiyo Xisbiga Shuuciga ah iyo dowladda aan iskeed isku maamulin ee Soomaaliya, ayaa si isku mid ah uga qayliyey xafiiska ay Jamhuuriyadda Shiinaha (Taiwan) sida rasmiga ah uga furatay Caasimadda Hargeysa ee dalka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland maalintii Isniinta ee ay taariikhdu ahayd 17 August 2020, kaasoo qayb ka ah heshiis dhinacyo kala duwan ah, salkana ku haya iskaashi diblomaasiyadeed oo dhexmaray dalalka Somaliland iyo Taiwan, balse maamullada Muqdisho iyo Bejiin (Beijing) oo cambaareeyey tallaabadan, waxay ku sifeeyeen mid aanay aqbali karin oo xad-gudub ku ah qarannimada dalalkooda.
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kdramathots · 7 years
Omg things got so crazy... I feel bad for Won, he has always been lonely and now he seems to be obsessed for the only people that stayed by his side.
I feel bad for everyone actually. What a mess... Rin almost unintentionally has become the head of a rebellion. San and Rin can't love each other because Won is keeping her locked up.
And Furatai... he loved the Queen. He has always been there for her.
What I don't get is if the writer really decided to make Won an antagonist. He told San to stop loving Rin, otherwise he would kill Rin???? Wtf
What is going on @_@
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bionic-bat-archive · 7 years
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Synopsis: Amid the corruption in Goryeo, Furatai sends letters recounting the events to his father in Yuan who’s losing his battle with Alzheimer's.
A/N: After seeing The King Loves, I wanted to delve into this character. Something about Furatai really interested me. These are just little drabbles between major protects. Please like or reblog if you enjoyed it! :)
Tagging: @dontshootmespence  @nyxhikari  @fierce-ramyun @chokingonmyemotions @drabbleland @pennybraddock @themadvigilantist @ultrarebelheart @haraff @brywrites @aimeelawho @stunudo  @red-beryl-pumpkin  @cherry-loves-fanfic
Winter is fast approaching. Months like these take me back to the days spent in Yuan with you and my little sisters.
I recently came back from a trip to the Duta Mountains. Her Highness had sent me and a small group of soldiers to escort the Crown Prince and the Minister of Defense’s third son back to the Capitol before the King discovered where he was. They are trying to find a means to charge him with conspiracy and planning a revolt.
However, I’ve watched him grow up and grow into the man he is now. The Crown Prince is reckless and free-spirited, but, he’s honorable. He walks among the commoners and holds them with higher regard than even some of the most respected ministers of Goryeo.
He reminds me of Bataar before he fell ill and passed away. Has it already been twenty years since his passing? I remember the time he stole my blade and tried to shave his head like our Great Emperor. The shock and fury in your and mother’s faces when you saw the clumps of hair all over the floor and the servants panicking trying to fix it. How old was he then, five? I never spoke of this to anyone but I was the one that told him to do it. I lead him to believe he would marry into a prosperous family when he came of age if he cut his hair like that. Looking back now, I wonder why he kept that secret.
I wonder what kind of man he would be today? Being three years younger than me, maybe he’d follow in my footsteps and become one of the Crown Prince’s guards. I’d like to think that he would serve the Crown Prince well.
Have you been well enough to go to his grave recently? Geriel informed me that for the last three months, you’ve been forgetting who she and your old  friends are.
 I’ll ask her Highness if she will allow one of the palace physicians to come see you.
Pass my regards to my sisters, and take care of your health. I will inform you as soon as I’m able to send a Physician to see you.
Be well,
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dtnews1 · 5 years
Xaaska Qamar Suugaani afka furatay
Xaaska Qamar Suugaani afka furatay
Xaaska Qamar Suugaani afka furatay
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laacibnet · 5 years
Barcelona vs Real Betis - Faah-Faahinta Kulankan & Shaxda Uu Tababare Valverde Ku Xalin Karo Maqnaanshaha Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez & Dembele.
Kooxda Barcelona ayaa toddobaadka labaad ee horyaalka La Liga qaabili doonta dhigeeda Real Betis kulan xiiso badan oo ka qabsoomi doona garoonka Camp Nou oo ay Betis xilli ciyaareedkii horeguul 3-4 ah ku gaadhay.
Kulankan ayaa ah mid Barcelona ay ku raadinayso inay kaga soo kabato guuldarradii ay toddobaadkii hore ku furatay horyaalka markaas oo ay Athletic Bilbao 1-0 kusoo garaacday iyadoo…
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haldoornews1 · 4 years
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Dawladda Taiwan Oo Xafiis Dublamaasiyadeed Ka Furatay Magaalada Hargeisa ee Caasimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Dawladda Taiwan Oo Xafiis Ka Furatay Magaalada Hargeisa ee Caasimada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland
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codkasomaliland · 4 years
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Shiinaha Iyo Soomaaliya Way Ku Karaamo Seegayaan Dagaalka Ay Kula Jiraan Somaliland Iyo Taiwan Dowladda Shiinaha ee uu hoggaamiyo Xisbiga Shuuciga ah iyo dowladda aan iskeed isku maamulin ee Soomaaliya, ayaa si isku mid ah uga qayliyey xafiiska ay Jamhuuriyadda Shiinaha (Taiwan) sida rasmiga ah uga furatay Caasimadda Hargeysa ee dalka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland maalintii Isniinta ee ay taariikhdu ahayd 17 August 2020, kaasoo qayb ka ah heshiis dhinacyo kala duwan ah, salkana ku haya iskaashi diblomaasiyadeed oo dhexmaray dalalka Somaliland iyo Taiwan, balse maamullada Muqdisho iyo Bejiin (Beijing) oo cambaareeyey tallaabadan, waxay ku sifeeyeen mid aanay aqbali karin oo xad-gudub ku ah qarannimada dalalkooda.
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warganenews · 4 years
Somaliland: Xafiiska Taiwan Ee Hargeysa Oo Bilaabay Inuu Ganacsatada U Fiiseeyo Baasaaboorka Somaliland
#Somaliland: Xafiiska #Taiwan Ee Hargeysa Oo Bilaabay Inuu Ganacsatada U Fiiseeyo Baasaaboorka #Somaliland
Xafiiska Dawladda Taiwan ka furatay Caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa ayaa si rasmiya u bilaabay shaqadiisa.
Xafiiska Taiwan ee Hargeysa ayaa shaqooyinka uu bilaabay waxa ka mid ah inuu Ganacsatada Somaliland u fiiseeyo Baasaaboorka Somaliland, si ay ugu safraan Dalka Taiwan.
Wargeyska Geeska Afrika ayaa loo sheegay in Xafiiska Diblumaasiyadeed ee Dawladda Taiwan ka furatay Hargeysa uu si rasmi…
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barxad · 6 years
AC Milan oo markii ugu horreysay tallaabo horumar leh u qaadday lasoo saxiixashada Fabregas. Sidee?
AC Milan oo markii ugu horreysay tallaabo horumar leh u qaadday lasoo saxiixashada Fabregas. Sidee?
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Waxaa lagu soo warramayaa in kooxda AC Milan ay wada hadallo la furatay wakiilka laacibka Chelsea ee Cecs Fabregas, si ay kagala hadlaan in laacibkan uu usoo wareejiyo dhanka Milan.
Fabregas ayaa ku guuldarreystay in xilli ciyaareedkan uu kasoo dhalaalo kooxda Chelsea gaar ahaan horyaalka Premier League oo uu keliya saddex jeer kasoo muuqday, weliba isagoo…
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Today Furatai broke a man’s wrist when he was grabbed and called a racial slur.
(Because Furatai takes no shit)
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bionic-bat-archive · 7 years
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Chapter 2: The Last Summer (preview)
Synopsis:  Amid the corruption in Goryeo, Furatai sends letters recounting the events of his life to his father in Yuan who's losing his battle with Alzheimer's. 
A/N: This is a sample of the next chapter. It’s still a work in progress. I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate formal speech into it without making it feel off. 
Chapter 1: The Eve of Winter is available at:  Wattpad // Ao3 // Fanfiction.net
Tag list: @dontshootmespence @nyxhikari @fierce-ramyun​ @chokingonmyemotions​ @drabbleland​ @pennybraddock​ @themadvigilantist​ @ultrarebelheart​ @haraff​ @brywrites​ @aimeelawho​ @stunudo​ @red-beryl-pumpkin​  @cherry-loves-fanfic​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel
We were both teenagers going to a Kingdom where the language barrier was great and acting as a mere rope tying back the dogs of war. 
If her Highness failed to bear an heir to Goryeo, our Great Emperor would swiftly retaliate.  But, going there posed another danger, those who were defiant of Yuan's control and hated the idea of their King taking a Yuan Princess as his consort and the deal that was made.
Despite knowing not the extent of the dangers that her Highness was walking into, I knew it was my duty to ensure all those risks were swiftly eradicated.
If I failed... 
My life was for forfeit the day I stood before His Majesty Kublai Khan and swore to protect Princess Wonsung- his daughter that he favored and cherished like a precious flower. If I failed, you and my sisters would be exiled and I would be put to death. I made peace with my fate and even took great pride in the honor our Emperor bestowed upon me. However,  I feared that if I failed it would mean our family's execution or exile.
Despite the years that have passed, my fear for our family’s safety has not changed. Lately, they have grown.
If I fail to protect her it’s not just our family that will lose their lives, I dare not think what would become of the Crown Prince and the people here.
As we stopped one evening to set up camp, I stayed close to her Highness while our men gathered firewood in the dense forest. The temperature was better than it had been in the prior days, yet, the guards and I still felt suffocated from the immense heat.
"Are you married, Furatai?" She asked me.
Her Highness's question caught me off guard. I know not why I recall that question so clearly. Never had she inquired about my personal affairs and in hindsight, I suspect she asked to silence her troubled thoughts of marrying  King Chungyeol of Goryeo.
"No, Your Highness," I answer. However, she followed up by asking me if there had ever been someone I wished to take as a wife. Truthfully, at that time there was a woman you arranged for me to consider. I liked her a lot and could have easily loved her, but, it was not until I came to Songak that I met a woman who shamelessly fell in love with.
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