#funny story my friend thought seb was gonna be my fav aai2 character but then. nope. uncle ray
dottyistired · 3 months
listen okay. eddie fender is probably the best alternative that they could have come up with and i give props for that.
but i was going to not like any alternative. no matter what. because raymond shields is a perfect name. it's cool and evocative and heroic-sounding, it has a star wars reference in it, from the minute i first heard it in a fic i was intrigued. "raymond shields?? who is that??? 👀"
and then you find out the name belongs to this kinda-pervy doofus and it's hilarious.
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but then!!! towards the end of aai2 when miles is really backed into a corner and he gives him some inspiring words and tells him his dad would be proud of him...i feel inspired. he totally earns the cool name.
it's the perfect name and anything less than perfection for my boy was gonna disappoint me.
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