#funny golf shirt quotes
xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
i just know that eddie would ruin so many jokes/memes because of how often he'd say them. it would be so bad that you'd have to stop yourself from ripping your hair out with how much annoyance it caused you.
you're lying on your back, the comfort of his mattress pressing into you. eddie is hovering over you, wedged between your legs, as the two of you makeout.
little gasps and moans fill the room, he's grinding into, making you pant even harder. against your wishes, he moves away from your mouth, trailing small kisses down the side of your neck and up to your ear.
removing his mouth from your skin, his mouth is right next to your ear and you can hear and feel him breathing heavily.
"baby," his voice is husky and dripping with desire. after you answer with a small hmm, he goes to talk again. "do you want to know what i think?"
pulling his face back, he's now looking down at you. a millisecond of silence goes by and he's grinning down at you playfully.
"i think," before you know it, he's shouting "LIFE IS ROBLOX."
making the both of you fall into fits of giggles.
it goes on like that for weeks, him saying random dj khalid quotes every time you try to have a conversation. at first it's funny, always making you burst into laughter. but after so many times it genuinely starts becoming blood boiling.
the two of you are in the middle of target, you're crouched down reading the labels between two different face cleansers. your first mistake was leaving your guard down, the second mistake was taking your boyfriend to the store with you. before you know it, Eddie is shouting at the top of his lungs.
the minute it leaves his lips you drop both bottles and scurry out of the aisle with your basket. when he finally catches up to you at the self checkout, he's laughing so hard he's crying. you're not though, you can feel the burning sensation of embarrassment all through your body as other shoppers stare at the man who caused a disturbance.
it doesn't stop there though, oh no.
you're out at dinner, it's a fancier restaurant, with the rest of the gang. everything is going well, a bottle of wine has been ordered for the table, fancy little appetizers being shared between all of you, when the waiter comes over to take everyone's orders.
you should've known what was coming, really you should've but when you realized what was about to happen it was too late.
the middle age man wearing a white button down shirt and black slacks, stands next to eddie asking him what he would like. it seems like your boyfriend just couldn't help himself because he's shouting out,
immediately you cringe, hiding your face behind your hand as you sink lower into your seat. although you and other patrons don't particularly find it funny, some of the group can't help but find it amusing.
all you want to do is cry when you see the poor waiter's face, scrunched up in confusion, trying to understand whatever joke it is that eddie just said. finally after the most awkward ten seconds of your life, the boy next to you finally has the common sense to order what he really wants at a normal volume.
it's all the time that he does these things. you ask him what he wants to do for the day and he's responding with,
you're sitting on the couch on a zoom call since it had been a work from home day. while you're trying to talk to everyone in the meeting, eddie walks out of your spare bedroom with his acoustic guitar. he starts playing atrociously like dj khalid did after receiving Bob Marley's guitar. to make matters worse, he can be seen in the background with the way you're sitting. he knows this since he placed the guitar down and starts dancing the same way the celebrity did in multiple videos.
it's exhausting and honestly it's starting to piss you off to no end.
you're in the car with him when you finally break, yelling at him that it's not funny anymore. he's quiet, letting you rip him a new asshole. when you're finally done, all the pent up rage leaving your body, all that can be heard is your hard breathing.
finally, finally you had some peace and silence in the car. you couldn't get too used to it though because before you know it, he's saying something else.
after that day he seems to quit with all the stupid quotes, giving you a sigh of relief. what you don't realize is that you defeated one beast and woke up another.
one morning you ask him if he can take a look at your car, see what's causing it to make that weird noise. you can't help but feel your heart sink when he answers you.
"i would love to babe, but i'm just ken."
for the next month that's how he's answering all your questions and every shopping trip is stopped short the minute he breaks out into song and dance, singing the popular song from the movie at the top of his lungs.
idk i was just thinkin thoughts
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cdyssey · 5 months
Elsbeth (1.07) Reactions:
Spoilers under the cut!
first episode I’ve gotten to watch live. :’) I cannot believe how fast I’ve fallen for this show.
KEEGAN MICHAEL KEY!! He’s looking so good.
I love that because elsbeth isn’t a whodunnit, the show can get away with casting insane guest stars for the culprits since it’s the “showcase role.”
It’s kind of delicious that Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are mutually down to murder akaksowkskwksosn—and in fact, it’s implied that this is far from the first time they’ve had to get rid of someone the hard way.
Relatedly, kudos to the creators and writers. all of the culprits have felt unique in their motivations, personalities, and skill sets so far.
“A long line of honorable men have worn this watch, and you desecrated it with that abominable dance.” FJSDJJS, god, Keegan is so funny.
I appreciate that they’ve been consistent with having some of the detectives start to recur! Makes the show’s world start to feel lived in.
Both Donnelly and Kaya, shocked to hell: “You’re married?!”
Lol, Mr. Hayes is a sloppy murderer. He doesn’t try to look bothered at ALL.
Elsbeth housewarming party! Yay!!!
“People doing stupid stuff at a wedding—like having them! Sorry, bad divorce.” Gdkwkqkqkkw
I like how Detective Donnelly has clearly softened up a bit—she even seems a little fond of Elsbeth.
LOL @ THE BRUTAL CUT TO KEEGAN CONFESSING ABOUT THE AFFAIR ANSNSNANSNSNS. The show knew they had a comedian on their hands, and they were going to treat him well.
Ooooh, Keegan’s character knowing Claudia. Interesting.
Elsbeth’s dancing outfit!! The leg warmers!! The blue barrette!!!
Kaya and Elsbeth going out for a lady’s night!!
“A clown emoji was used.” [Cue Kaya laughing fondly.] 😭
Ugh, love that coat on Kaya
I’m going to ignore the elsbeth would love to be Kaya’s mother-in-law quote for reasons.
Anyway, for totally unrelated reasons, do Kaya and elsbeth have a ship name yet. I’ve been calling them kayabeth in my head
Yay!! Love that Teddy’s gay.
Apparently, he doesn’t fall for kind or honest people
FJSDJDJSJ, elsbeth sticking the beer bottle near the golf cart pedal. She’s so fucking wild.
“Oh, you’re no dummy. I could tell that right away.” I love the moments when Elsbeth’s ruthlessness comes through.
The deputy(?) Dave might be the one covering up the Flair-All thing.
That rainbow sweater and the jacket Elsbeth originally had over it was a gay ass fit <3
Sorry, this case is bringing up some stuff.” Lmao, I like Donnelly. Her dryness is fun.
Omgg, Hayes and Elsbeth DANCING!! AKQKWKQOQOKSJS, Carrie Preston is a master of physical comedy
This was just an excuse to get Keegan Michael Key to dance and I love it
I love that they’re genuinely having fun together. One of the biggest draws of the show to me is the unique relationships that Elsbeth has with the culprits of the episodes. She’s out to get them, sure, but she takes great pains to understand them too.
THE WATCH!!!!! That was such a fun set-up.
Kaya is so fucking pretty.
The fact that she got Elsbeth a hook for all her tote bags. 🥺 A pragmatic and thoughtful gift.
this apartment is goddamn gorgeous. All those windows feel very elsbeth.
Lieutenant Noonan… omg, I called it… but now that Wagner is saying the same thing, I’m back to the drawing board on whether I think it’s true or not yet. They’re doing a nice job of continuing to pull this tension in different directions.
This was a very fun episode. Keegan made for a great culprit, and there was a lot of awesome work in fleshing out different characters/dynamics in the main cast.
I’m so charmed by this show. 😭
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art-of-manliness · 1 month
Odds & Ends: August 9, 2024
Lawerence of Arabia. I recently watched the classic 1962 film Lawerence of Arabia during my Zone 2 cardio sessions. It had been on my to-watch list for a while since it’s my father-in-law’s favorite movie. It did not disappoint! The movie chronicles the life of T.E. Lawrence (played brilliantly by Peter O’Toole), a British officer who unites and leads Arab tribes during World War I in a revolt against the Ottoman Empire. The film does a great job exploring the nature of power, ambition, and idealism, as well as the complex geopolitics of the British empire. Amazing acting and amazing cinematography. Highly recommend.  “No Name” by Jack White. Jack White released a new album a few weeks ago, and it’s been getting a lot of rotation during my weightlifting sessions. This is a good, old-fashioned rock album full of electrifying guitar riffs and songs with a nice mixture of rock and blues. “That’s How I’m Feeling,” “Old Scratch Blues,” and “Bless Myself” are three of my favorites on the album.  Abercombie & Fitch Woods. The other day, Gus asked me what my go-to cologne was in high school. Answer: Abercrombie & Fitch Woods. Which is funny because I generally loathed A&F clothing (too preppy!) and opted for wearing vintage bowling shirts or 1970s golf shirts I found in thrift stores (punk rock!). For some reason, I made an exception for my antipathy towards A&F when it came to fragrance. Anyways, Gus’ inquiry got me curious about whether they still make Woods, and lo and behold, they do! So I bought a bottle and have been wearing it the past few weeks. I’m enjoying it, and it reminds Kate of when we first dated. Whether from its legitimately nice citrusy/woodsy smell or from the nostalgia factor (even if you didn’t know someone who wore Woods, the A&F stores smelled of it), I bet this is a cologne that makes a lot of Millennial women swoon.  Why I Hate Instagram Now We’ve been on Instagram since 2010, and it’s been interesting to see how the platform has changed in the past 14 years. Conor Friedersdorf articulates the lamentable shift Instagram has undergone from a fun, organic platform that allowed you to share life’s goings-ons with friends and family to a platform that’s dedicated to entertaining you with algorithmically-driven, revenue-generating content created by influencers and brands. I’ve noticed that I’ve been using IG less and less because the content that shows up in my feed is mostly reels (do not like!) from accounts I don’t follow and ads. Bring back personal blogs for sharing life’s ephemera with friends and family! Quote of the Week Decide! There is nothing in the world so pitiable as an undecided man, who wavers between two feelings, hoping to reconcile them, and does not understand that nothing can unite them. —Goethe Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/TBk8PL
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
BCPOLO Men's V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic Windbreaker V Neck Shirt
BCPOLO Men’s V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic Windbreaker V Neck Shirt
Custom Golf Shirts 2xl. BCPOLO Men’s V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic Windbreaker V Neck Shirt. Golf Shirts 2xl – Shop for Discount Price New Arrivals Golf Shirts 2xl, BCPOLO Men’s V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic Windbreaker V Neck Shirt. USD$19.35   BCPOLO Men’s V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic Windbreaker V Neck Shirt Buy Now for Sale Price. BCPOLO Men’s V Neck Golf Wind Shirt Athletic…
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positivityfortoday · 3 years
☀ PositivityForToday’s 10K Celebration ☀
There are SO many things worth living for and reasons to smile and be happy! With the help of my lovely followers/friends, I have compiled a list of 1,000 things that make people happy, for my 10,000 amazing followers! Hopefully, this list is able to help you, make you feel better, or give you a reason to smile today! 
☀ 1,000 Happy Things ☀
Seeing cows while driving
Moss on really old fallen trees 
Seeing a lil baby you don't know in public, and they smile at you!!!
Parents doing their kids hair or just people doing someone they care about’s hair
Really ragged old and well-loved stuffed animals 
When the dandelions start blooming
Spring blossom
When you're sitting outside your house or something and people passing by wave and say hi
That feeling in the summer when you have your window open and you're listening to your favorite music
When someone does a hobby just because they enjoy it even if they aren't the best at it
Comfort shows and books
People speaking their native languages
When my brother gets something to eat and always gets me something he knows I like
When I finish a crossword 
When I see something that reminds me of someone I care about
My best friend (I love her so much shhhh don't tell her)
My dog! I love him 
My little sisters! Adorable, creative, and very witty. I love them
Music! I get the happy shaky feelings and just,,, y e a h/listening to songs
Singing! Especially for band practice!
Sunlight beams in the morning
The moon
That feeling when you’re with friends and you’re all laughing so loudly, and you just feel complete
Talking to my favorite people/talking to my best friend
Sunrises and sunsets
Seeing the stars
Warm sunshine
Purple gel pens
My children
Sunny days
Beautiful views
Spending time with my family and friends
Playing badminton
Playing with little kids
Playing with dogs
Animals doing daft things 
Talks and walks with my son 
Morning breakfast and coffee 
A good spicy lunch
Laying in my bed at night and just checking on current affairs and news
My boyfriend
My friends 
Voice acting
Petting my dog
Smelling Flowers 
Feeling a cold thing when I’m warm or a warm thing when I’m cold 
Giving and getting kisses
Random texts from friends
Coffee flavored chocolate 
Moths with big white wings
Underdone scrambled eggs
A rainy night
That first warm day of spring
Going on hikes
Being outdoors
The smell of playdoh 
Taking photos
Getting new clothing 
Going on picnics
Writing poetry
Reading books
The holidays
Making people smile/laugh
A nice warm blanket
Eating ice cream
Snow globes
Lightning bugs
Flowers after the snow melts
The smell of rain
Sitting on the steps early in the morning
Being the first to wake up
The feeling I get after running
The comfort of a favorite shirt
My girlfriend 
Random acts of kindness
When I play with my dog by pretending to run at her and she goes crazy with excitement 
My cat 
Piano (playing or listening)
Small flowers
Flowy skirts/dresses
Wholesome romances
Hearing a song for the first time and loving it immediately 
Playing my flute
Listening to vinyls on a record player
When someone remembers a little detail about you
Painting my nails
Doing yoga
Doing exercise
Beating a personal record
Making crafts
Taking a shower after a long day
Going to the zoo
Going on vacation
Being at the beach or near water
Watching Netflix
Going to the movie theatre
Watching a live play at a theatre
Learning something new
Teaching someone how to do something 
Toasting marshmallows and eating S’mores 
Seeing a shooting star
Taking a nap
When someone compliments me
Decorating my room
My favorite band
My favorite celebrities
My favorite actors
Setting a new goal
Collecting rocks
Putting on fresh clean sheets
Seeing Christmas lights
Listening to birds chirping
Sitting by a bonfire
Eating mashed potatoes
Bullet journaling
Driving in the car with the windows down
Looking at pretty pictures
Funny jokes/puns/memes
Pretty clouds
My favorite shoes
Getting new art supplies
Making photo edits
Making gifts for my friends and family
Getting gifts from people 
Playing an instrument
Drinking a nice cup of tea
Iced tea on a summer day
Eating fresh fruit
Getting my hair braided 
Eating at a restaurant 
Being on a boat
Making new friends
Finding an animal in nature 
Pumpkins and pumpkin patches
Carving pumpkins 
Autumn and all the beautiful colors
Acting for theatre
Making video edits
Wearing a costume for Halloween
Dressing fancy
Finding four leaf clovers
Pressing flowers
Scrap booking
Handwritten letters
Eating breakfast 
Inspirational quotes
Wearing my favorite necklace 
Baby animals 
Little streams and ponds
Sun shining through trees
When it’s foggy out and you can see dew drops on plants and spider webs
Being on a swing
Finally accomplishing a goal you’ve been working on 
When a new season of your favorite show comes out
Doing my makeup
Cleaning and organizing 
Taking a bath
Watching funny videos
Wearing sweaters and hoodies
Fuzzy socks
Helping people 
Little figurines and objects
Looking out the window 
Opening a window for fresh air
The smell of coffee 
Watching YouTube videos 
Getting a haircut 
Seeing a deer in the woods 
Watching birds fly
Finding shapes and objects in the clouds 
The smell of fresh laundry
When someone tells me something reminded them of me
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Animal crossing
My switch
Seeing cool cars/old cars
Drawing with chalk on a sidewalk
Going to bed early
Making progress
Checking things off my to-do list
Taking Polaroid pictures
Going for walks
Going to the library
Starting a new book
Finishing a good book
Playing board games
Big trees
Sunlight coming through the windows
Waking up on Christmas morning
Getting book, song, movie, etc. recommendations from my friends
Making music playlists
Finally receiving packages I ordered in the mail 
Baking desserts
When my favorite song comes on
When people make playlists for each other
Finding new characters to ship
Having free time
Sticky notes
Peace and quietness
Alone time
Meeting my step/exercise goal for the day
The people who love me
Coloring books
Getting into bed after a long day
How unique and different everyone is
Getting a lot of work done
Looking forward to my future dream job
Playing video games
Being on Tumblr
Taking time for myself
Practicing self-care
Face masks
Finding money you forgot about
Holding hands
The smell of apple pie
Starting a new tv show
Getting letters in the mail
When the seasons change
Mugs and teacups
Breakfast food
Going into the woods/forest
Trying new creative outlets
The smell of sunscreen
Eating the food you’ve been craving
Knowing and feeling that people care
Telling a good story
Laughing so hard can’t stop and your stomach hurts
Late summer nights
Late night drives
Listening to people I love talk about their favorite things and what they’re passionate about
Listening to podcasts
Turning up the volume of my music
Putting my headphones in
Blasting my favorite songs through my speaker
People accepting and supporting others for who they truly are
Wearing something cozy
Soft light
Warm weather
A well-rested night
Waking up in the morning and feeling refreshed
Knowing that every day is a fresh start
Well written characters
A book I can get lost in
My parents
My siblings
My grandparents
The feeling of sand beneath your feet
Heated blankets
Getting something for free
Mason jars
Practicing a new skill
Finding a new hobby
Lazy weekends
Mac n cheese
French fries
Having deep conversations with my best friend
New jeans
Going to IKEA
When other people are happy (especially people I know and love)
Marching band
Sleeping in
Having the day off
Getting new books
Playing guitar
Playing ukulele 
Random compliments
A change of scenery
Waking before the sun is up
Reading old letters
Building Lego sets
Using photoshop to make edits
Walking along the seafront and breathing in time with the waves
A good rom-com or nostalgic show
Writing lists
Pinterest boards
Looking back at my accomplishments
Talking on the phone with a friend or family member
Wrapping presents
A blue sky
Loving someone 
Washi tape
The color yellow
Cooking dinner
Kind gestures
Inside jokes
Songs that make you feel nostalgic
Seeing other people’s art
Comfy clothes
Wearing pajamas
When someone calls you by your nickname
Going to Target
The first sunburn of the summer
Ramen noodles
Chinese food
Thrift shopping
Flower fields
Flowers growing in random places, like through a crack in the sidewalk
Sparkly snowflakes
When it snows on Christmas
Mixing paint colors together
Perfectly shaven legs
The color red
The smell of flowers
The ocean 
Adult sized onesies
Driving a golf cart
The color blue
Crickets chirping
Seeing everyone’s houses decorated for the holidays, especially Christmas
Other people sharing what makes them happy
Being understood
When someone texts to make sure I got home safely
Iced coffee
Becoming better at communicating with others
Seeing a friend for the first time in a while
Good morning and good night texts
Drinking a cold glass of water
Deep conversations in the middle of the night
Collecting sea shells
Building blanket forts
Tan lines
Being under lots of blankets
Making better health and money choices
Getting chills from a song even after hearing it countless times 
Liking how I look
Hot chocolate
Finding new music
Buying cute things
Wearing an outfit I really like
When someone tells you how glad they are to be your friend
Watching raindrops race down a window 
Trying new food
Finding exactly what I was looking for 
Planning my future
Finding a song that perfectly fits my mood or describes how I’m feeling
Writing little notes to people
When someone tells me I did something good
Eating ice cream on a hot day
Making friends with animals
Going to football games
Seeing people genuinely interested in something
Snow days
The last day of school
Winter break
Spring break
New Year’s Eve
Sitting outside on a cool summer day
Watching rain
Watching the ocean waves come in
Netflix binges
A new movie release I really want to watch
Driving with a window down for the first time in the spring 
Taking a cruise
Giving helpful advice
Getting helpful advice
Doing a favor for someone who needs it
Someone referencing one of my fandoms or something I love out of no where
Learning and knowing stuff
Doing something physically challenging or scary
Listening to my bedroom fan while I fall asleep
Coming up with a new creative idea 
Finding something I wanted at the store on sale for a good deal
Finishing all my assignments on time or even early
Hugging my dog
Taking my dog for a walk
Teaching my dog a new trick
When strangers stop to say hi to my dog
Listening to audiobooks
The weekend
Finding a new flavor of chapstick
Drinking Kool-Aid, it makes me feel so nostalgic
Watching nature shows on a weekend morning
Watching cartoon shows on a Sunday morning
A good TV show, most likely something I've watched before because that way I know it ends well
A good, delicious comfort meal on a Friday night by myself 
A café in the city centre at noon when it's not filled with the morning rush or afternoon coffee breakers
The stars from my childhood bedroom because they're the brightest here
Listening to my favorite playlist really loud on a long road trip and singing to myself loudly in my car
Having an entire day to myself without interruptions from anyone
Opening the curtains first thing in the morning 
A new jacket
Going to the cinema on a first release day because it's always super exciting and full of people anxious to see a movie they've been waiting for forever
Listening to live music
Riding roller coasters
Going to amusement parks
Eating fair food
Feeling an instrument vibrate when you’re playing it
Hearing my dog snore
When my dog dreams in his sleep 
Wearing a new piece of clothing for the first time
Feeling the sun on you
Eyes in the sunlight
Seeing city lights
Singing in the shower at the top of my lungs
Looking at someone and them knowing exactly what they’re going to say
Laughing till you cry
Being under a blanket
Going to craft stores
Watching boats
The idea of traveling the world
When my dogs let me lay my head on them
Listening to an old song and having it bring back memories
Candy corn
Crazy socks
Fall and the leaves changing color and the crisp feeling in the air
Making snowmen
Making gingerbread houses for Christmas
Making videos with family
Burning a candle
Booping a dog’s nose
Getting letters/notes from people; writing them
Snow globes
Dr. Pepper
Doc martens
Fortune cookies
Finishing something
Skipping rocks
Warm rain
When someone opens up to you
Finding the right words to say exactly what you wanted
Animal footprints
Eating outside
Fairy lights
The smell of a hotel
Meeting a new dog
Getting magazines in the mail
Being in the woods as the sun starts to rise and the animals wake up
Warm days
Adirondack chairs
A warm breeze
Clothes and blankets hanging outside to dry
Feeding birds
The color green
Tie dying things
Going to art museums
Going to science museums
New albums from my favorite artists 
Seeing moss in nature
Finding cute little mushrooms 
When a dog wags its tail a bunch and is excited to see me
Playing fetch with my dog
Obsessing over something and having someone to talk about it with
Going on a walk with my best friend and talking about life
Looking at old pictures and reminiscing on good memories
Reading a book that's so good your brain wants to read faster than it can
Laughing with friends about the weirdest things
Being appreciated for doing small things you wouldn't even have thought about yourself because it's something you *just do*
Being creative
Watching animals
A story I can't put down
The moment when you listen to a new song/album by your favourite artist
When you're at a concert and anticipating the moment before the band comes out
When at a concert and they play your favourite song live
The moment when someone compliments your outfit 
When you see someone wearing merch of something you like 
Seeing the sunrise/sunset 
Watching the sun rise out of the water or sink down into it as it’s setting
This ecstatic feeling in general when you're just living in the moment with people who love something as much as you do
Hugging my cat and smelling his fur
Listening to my music by myself and singing to it 
Making edits I’m really proud of 
Losing hours in a good book or fanfiction
Writing sentences that I actually like 
My siblings and my parents when they're being chill and funny
Watching my favorite tv shows and movies and yelling about them into the void 
Finding a new good song 
Fresh out of the shower + fresh clean sheets feeling when you go to bed
When I come downstairs in the morning and my dog greets me right at the bottom step with her lil’ tail wagging
Knowing that if I ever needed someone to chat with, someone would be there to lend an ear
When you shuffle your music and the exact song you want to hear plays
When all my family is around the outdoor fire on a summer’s evening
When my nieces and nephews give me squishy kid hugs
Being home alone and being able to cook or bake in the kitchen without disruption
Driving around with a friend in the evenings and just belting our favorite songs
Seaside walks
Disney World
Seeing live theatre
The sun shining on leaves and stone buildings
Dancing when I'm alone
Color-coordinating my outfit
Floating on my back in the sea
The smell of summer nights
The smell of winter mornings
Colorful things/environments
Walking along lakes/rivers/the sea
Spending time in nature
Taking care of my plants
Giving affection to my loved ones
Listening to other people's stories
Reading about people I've never met before or places I've never visited before (especially if they are now just a part of history)
Swimming in a river or the sea
Stargazing (my favorite moments usually happen an hour before sunrise)
Feeling the breeze when I spin and my heartbeat when I dance for an hour at a time
All the wonderful smells of flowers and colours that nature has to offer
Sharing good laughter with someone
Feeling like I belong
Travelling and discovering new customs of different cultures
Hiking or foraging
That feeling when I'm approaching the end of a really good book and I let myself be engulfed by the fact that it's a unique experience, that I'll never experience as the first time again
Observing my local fauna
Petting and taking care of an animal (double the joy if it is friendly with strangers)
Drinking a good cup of honey tea
Finding a perfume that suits me
Eating something sweet
Enjoying a meal with others
Cat paws tapping on the floor
Dipping a biscuit into tea
Trying to catch leaves falling from the tree
Having sunlight hit your face when you’re napping
Objects that cast a rainbow when the sun shines through them
Seeing patterned shadows
Ambient mood lighting
Wearing jewelry 
Playing chess
Fresh air
Going somewhere new
My Mom’s cooking
Being inspired
When someone holding your hand rubs their thumb lovingly in circles
Picking strawberries
Painting the walls of my room
Wind chimes
Seeing that your favorite people are active online
Finally understanding something you were struggling with
The excitement you get when someone reblogs your writing or art
Getting a new notebook or journal
When someone tells you they love you and mean it
The smell of freshly baked bread
When my dog falls asleep on me
Making new online friends
Found family
Finishing cleaning my room
When someone lays their head on your shoulder
Doing something right on the first try
Finally sitting down after standing for a long time
Getting goosebumps from hearing or seeing something you love
Seeing a gorgeous view
Loving someone and them loving you back
Freshly baked gooey cookies
When a song comes on and everyone starts singing
When I’m out for a run and it’s hot and it starts raining. Nothing makes me feel more like a human than getting caught in the rain on a run
Swimming in the ocean
When people are talking about something they really love and get carried away trying to explain it all to you
Being in the middle of nowhere and actually getting to see the whole sky of stars that you never get to see in a city
Finding people that love the same things you do
 When something silly reminds you of someone you love; like every time I see an orange and green gummy worm I think of my sister
When you’re hugging someone and they squeeze you a little bit before they let go
Weather where you can leave all the windows open in your house
Driving with no destination in mind
Falling asleep to the sound of rain
Hearing other people laugh
Laughing only because you hear someone else laugh and it's just so contagious
The first snowfall of the year
Disney movies
Listening to someone tell stories and they have like 15 side stories in between the main one
Romantic movies
Bubble baths
Smiling between kisses
Wearing sweatpants
A clean house
My computer
Cheesy pickup lines
When people tell me they miss me
Cool spring mornings after a storm
My job
New shoes
Oversized shoes
Caramel apples
Running my blog
Finding sea glass at the beach
Getting my nails done 
Planning vacation
Hot cider
Telling people I love them
Writing in my gratitude journal
Eating homegrown vegetables, fruit, and herbs
Remembering a good dream I had
Happy endings
Colored pens
Decorating for the holidays
Finishing a really good tv show
Summer rain
Thunderstorms where I can just open my window to the full extent and just watch and listen
Calls with my best friend
Seeing a meme and sending it to my friends
Getting an email from AO3
That moment when you get an idea for creating something
Walking barefoot on the grass
Sending thank you notes
Writing events I’m looking forward to on my calendar
Dippin' Dots
Spicy food
Seeing a full moon
Eating cookie dough
Eating seasonal food
Bubble wrap
Going to the car wash and getting rainbow soap
Dark chocolate
Soft blankets
Weighted blankets
Soft drinks with crushed ice
When I get an unexpected phone call from someone I love
Wearing flip flops
Longer daylight hours
Having a BBQ
Frosting cookies
Making cupcakes in the microwave
Watching the Hallmark channel during the holidays
Taking selfies or photos with people I love
Putting on lotion
The smell of a baby’s head
The Office
Online shopping
The smell of freshly cut grass
Surprising my family or friends
Looking at the clock when it’s 11:11
Being productive
Doing good on an exam
Someone doing a favor for me (especially when I didn’t ask)
Eating pancakes with syrup
Waving at people
Giving high fives
Complicated Handshakes between you and your best friend
Naps/feeling well-rested
Eating one of my favorite foods
Hearing good news from/about a friend or family member
Looking at nature (these days it's seeing squirrels in my neighbour's garden and looking at my plants and trees)
When make someone happy or feel like I made a difference (including a satisfied client)
Success (good grades, a gifset that does well)
Hugs from my mom
Learning new things
Chatting with my friends because they’re all amazing people
Group watches of my favorite tv show or movie
That feeling when the house has just been cleaned/when I’m freshly showered
Making jokes/laughing with people
Reading fluffy fanfics
Driving on the road to a destination far away, I love the trip as much as (if not more than) arriving at the actual place
Reading affirmations
Green tea
Getting breakfast or lunch from a nice restaurant 
Learning about topics that won’t benefit me; like Chinese history, geography, ancient flora and fauna, etc. just things that I find cool 
The jokes my girlfriend makes, especially when they’re the same ones she always makes
Stories from the past! Stories from history from people who actually lived through it
Stories in general, just hearing the life experiences of people in completely different positions from me. I love hearing people’s stories
Drawing intricate things, like old buildings, landscapes, and plants
Cooking a nice meal
Grocery shopping and farmers markets especially 
My cat! All of her weird little habits too, like how she stands in front of my feet so I’ll push her where she wants to go 
Botanical gardens
State parks
Art galleries
Listening to stories my grandparents tell
When people tell me about their life goals and dreams
Being surrounded by the people I love 
Living the best life I can
Partying hard the night away
Sunflowers always make me smile
Warm tea
Big fluffy clouds in a blue sky
Friendly babies
Hearing a past favorite song
Singing karaoke 
Biking riding
Helping others
Chocolate milk
Sweets and fruits
Having fun doing things I love
Video games
My favorite things
Being on Tumblr
Looking at flowers and plants
Playing with my cats
Chatting with my friends (at the moment it’s through zoom, of course)
Finding new ways to decorate my room
Window shopping
Spending time with my boyfriend
Wearing my favorite outfit/accessory
Eating something delicious
The cool side of my pillow 
Tears of joy
Reading poems
Hugging trees
Tree houses
Playing frisbee
Making sculptures
Puppy ears
The first day of spring
The first day of summer
Sending silly photos to my friends
Building sand castles
Winning prizes at the fair or arcade
Scrolling through my phone
Writing fanfiction
Seeing someone you haven't seen for a really long time
Putting together collages
Printing out photos I love
DIY projects
Listening to steel drums
Haunted houses
Going through a corn maze
Picking fresh fruit or vegetables
Bubble tea
Dunkin donuts
Disney Princesses
Climbing trees
Finishing errands
Rewatching my favorite episodes
Ice cream blizzards
Listening to acoustic versions of songs
Hot tubs
Rubber ducks
Coconut flavored food
Dipping fries in ice cream
Discovering a new type of animal
Seeing hot air balloons
Splashing in puddles 
Having plants inside my house
Teddy bears
Iridescent/holographic things
Bird houses
Breakfast in bed
Dew drops
Glow sticks
Flower crowns (especially handmade ones)
Spring rain 
Watching other people make art
Finding heart shaped things in nature
Thinking of getting my own apartment
Coming up with a new recipe for food
Cookbook recipes passed down through families
Making pretty yogurt bowls
Seaside houses
Flying on planes and being in/above the clouds
Flower bouquets
Looking at and learning about the planets
Fruit snacks
Palm trees
Weeping willow trees
Cherry blossoms
Eating cake
Decorating cakes with eccentric icing designs and colors
Whipped cream
Having snowball fights
Hearing Christmas music
Wearing rings
Green grass
A tidy organized desk with cute desk supplies
My craft room
Little cottages
Cotton candy (and cotton candy flavored things)
Looking at all the paint pallet colors in paint stores
Taking silly photos in photobooths
Going to the mall
Making jam, especially strawberry jam
Reading outside
Finding a bird nest and watching eggs hatch
Looking at photos of my family and friends 
Finding old flora and art books
Eating fresh corn on the cob with butter on a summer day
Lily Pads
Inner peace
Sitting under a tree
Not having to turn on the light in your room when the sun is shining through
When restaurants have patios you can dine at
Fishing on a pier
Seeing old couples in public
Making gifs
Trees swaying in the wind
Dying Easter eggs
Laying in the trunk of a car and watching the clouds or stars
Night lights
Flower shops 
Outer space
PB&J sandwiches
Toasted Cheese
LoFi music
Listening to/watching ambience videos
Turtle necks
Looking at old maps
Figurines of the earth/globe
Honey and bees
Seeing footprints in sand and watching them be washed away by waves
Anything related to the moon, stars, and sun
Reading my horoscope (even if I know it’s not real)
Archways decorated with hanging flowers
Knowing that I’m not alone
Ancient roman sculptures
When someone tells me they care about me
Birthday parties 
My brother
My sister
When my dog leaves his bed to lay in the sunlight
Doing mini photoshoots with my friends
Hand making bracelets/necklaces (friendship bracelets)
When someone calls me darling or honey
Love letters
Game night
Stress balls and squishy toys
Starting something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time
Playing cards
Doing puzzles
Word searches
Ordering takeout
Stepping out into the fresh air
Creating vision boards
Getting a massage
Writing positive affirmations
Lunch dates
Standup comedy
Listening to classical music
Nature/animal documentaries
Having someone there to listen to me
Listening to someone when they need it
Accepting myself for who I am
Looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and all the progress I've made
Doing something my future self will be thankful for
Speaking up for myself
Being near loved ones
Finding time for my hobbies
Giving myself time to rest
Saturday mornings
Marrying the one I love
Discovering new things
Going to new cities
My idols
Feeling the wind on my face on a car ride
The sensation of music in my ears and like nothing else matters
People who have my best interest in mind
Fulfilling my dreams
Discovering a new ice cream flavor
Making myself a priority
Knowing that I am important, and I matter
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Thank you all so much for following me and supporting my blog! It means a TON! I never expected for this blog to become popular, especially because I originally started it to help myself get through some mental health issues. I am so happy to be able to share my journey of healing with you all! It means the world to me to help or make a positive impact on even just one person’s life! Each and every single one of you is amazing!! You matter and you are SO important! Thanks again for your everything! Have a great day!!! Sending sunshine your way!! 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Tues 16 March ‘21
Zayn liked a post of singer Ingrid Michaelson wearing a Zayn shirt. How odd, I (and everyone else) thought, Zayn never publicly likes things what is going ON. Well SURE ENOUGH – Ingrid and Zayn collab OUT TONIGHT! WHAT! To Begin Again comes out Midnight EST tonight, omg, and not only that-- there’s a Zinterview coming out!! GQ (using a very cool aesthetic gif with the tag line Everyone is Watching) announced an interview with Zayn coming out TODAY (on newstands in Spain :| available everywhere else sometime later)- they say Zayn “discusses his latest album, his relationship with fans.” ZOMG!! We don’t have the whole thing yet, not being able to pop to a newstand in Spain personally, but there’s a cute picture of Zayn looking young and fresh in one of those gucci disney stripey shirts and his blue hair (so from last Dec-ish), and we got one teaser quote-- “I continually go against the grain when people tell me to do things a certain way, but my stubbornness and willingness to want to do things differently help me get through it.”
Niall is everywhere today in advance of his show tomorrow! He’s back on the golf (promoting) circuit, getting the word out about the Modest tournament- he says “I think some of the female golf professionals who currently play need to be celebrated more so these young girls have icons to look up to, and that was a part of the reason I was so passionate about making our event,” and that he wants to “educate these young girls and get rid of some of the pre-conceived ideas of golf being an old man’s sport.” He also mentioned the old Rio bread van story but with a twist, saying “often that was the only way of getting out of the hotel to see things or to get a bit of golf in” hmmm I feel like that was just your priority Neil but he does talk about how he used to play with Harry “out on tour for a bit of downtime” and says “Harry Styles was a pretty keen player at the time and the golf course was somewhere to chill out for us” (at least he doesn’t call him ‘grammy winner Harry Styles’ and I know it isn’t actually weird but the full name thing sounds so funny from him). There’s a sneak preview of him in the promo for Dermot O Leary’s new podcast series which looks awesome, and he congratulated Roman Kemp on his new documentary about the mental health/suicide crisis among young British men, calling it “eye opening and beautiful” and saying, “we must all look out for each other. The two ok rule, always ask twice.” And of course he’s promoting his SHOW, that’s TOMORROW-- he says he’s put together an acoustic set and makes a cute lil face and tells us “don’t you worry” about not going out this year “cause this little Irishman has got you covered”! THANKS little Irishman! But hey-- what about that Anne Marie collab from way back? Niall and Anne Marie both respond to a tweet asking just that to say… well literally nothing. They both just posted eyeball emojis. Hmph.
Grammy winner Harry Styles was spotted out to eat in Malibu in his favorite personal-time look, the bode ship jacket and floppy pants, and an official portrait with his grammy is up, very cute, an excellent Mona Lisa smirk and boa. Alicia Silverstone (Cher from Clueless herself!) took to twitter to compliment Harry on the “Clueless vibes” of his grammys look- “Cher would be so honored (and totally approve!!) of this chic look,” but backing vocalist India Shawn shows some regret after braving the world of twitter harries all week-- “some of y’all are annoying.” Very mildly put, I can only imagine, I hope Alicia doesn’t get any trouble. Oh and Brazilian artist Fiuk spilled that someone in 1D flirted with him back when they partied in 2014 and he now regrets not going for it (even though the reason he didn’t was that he’s straight). Pictures from that party of him being firmly gripped around the waist by a happy looking Harry circulated, but all five of the boys were there and drunk and of course there’s no reason to believe (knowing what we know about how they are, ie casually flirty) that whoever it was was actually prepared to follow through on any flirting, but who can’t relate to “I’m the wrong sexuality but is there really a WRONG sexuality to want to smooch a member of 1D?”
A couple of the guys from Only The Poets talk about Louis and how amazing Kill My Mind is (“that is a FUCKING CHUNE THOUGH”) and reveal that Louis agrees with me that Ceasefire is the OTP tune that matters. Twitter louies started Louniversity, an account that helps louies with school, so if you trust twitter stans to give accurate info that seems very sweet, and dusted off the Buy Defenseless push, which is always nice right, love that song- except when people are doing it to be dicks about Fine Line pushing back up in the itunes (and probably other) charts due to Harry’s grammy win, which is stupid. FFS if you’re not into someone just ignore them, not everything has to be so hostile all the time jeez.
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astrovian · 4 years
ranking daniel miller outfits because apparently I have nothing better to do right now
an extremely long one y’all, so it’s under the cut
started at the bottom, now we’re.... still here at the bottom of the list
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the running outfit. y’know. that one
look, I know it’s the middle of winter in Berlin and Daniel’s doing his best, but there is something about this that is just not that great. still looks 100x better than my running outfit but I think it’s the beanie that really gives this last place. or is it the double beanie? either way, not an outfit I would wear to try and romance my girl in (even if you are exercising with them). the only real redeeming feature of the outfit is the black turtleneck all zipped up
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the sneaky sneaky boy outfit
the perfect outfit for the job because it’s completely unremarkable. the ‘hood over cap’ combo makes me expect to see a 20 year old hacker skulking about under there, but wait - surprise... it’s a handsome middle-aged man? 
RA can rock a cap or hood but the double-combo just doesn’t do it for me. I guess I can be happy the third hood isn’t up as well to form a trifecta?
Daniel may need to be sneaky to do his job but I would argue that if I saw a man with a hood over his cap in broad daylight chilling in a cemetery I would have more questions than if I just saw a regularly dressed man chilling in a cemetery in broad daylight
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almost every s1 suit
look, RA looks fantastic in a suit and no one is disputing that. I’m just saying that this is about as bland a suit and tie combo as it gets and from my recall of season one we see this almost every single time he’s in the station.
this one is even a bland grey. grey has it’s place but in the office it can turn into a bit of a snooze. mix up your office-wear & make it fun Daniel. wear a cool-coloured tie. put some funny socks on.
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the casual summer businessman
something bothers me about this. is it the combo of the untucked shirt and the khaki pants? on their own either is fine
or is it just that this is one of the first times we see Daniel and the look has almost no personality to it? who knows
4.1/10 (for the unbuttoned collar and rolled-up sleeves)
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the casual summer businessman goes to a bbq
almost the exact same outfit as the casual summer businessman, but the shirt’s a different colour which somehow makes it a lot better
this man wouldn’t look out of place at a bbq, which is a great choice from the styling team considering Daniel actually wears this to the team bbq in the show
4.5/10 solely for just being a bit plain and boring
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I’ve finished filing those papers you wanted
no tie and one undone button? Daniel, you tease!
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sneaky sneaky boy part 2
this is what I’m talking about. I still find people wearing caps indoors incredibly suspicious for someone trying to blend in (possibly because I was raised to believe that hats were an outdoors only look) but Daniel looks like a grown man and no longer looks like he should be a 20 year old hacker. success!
4.6/10 for an ultra-casual Daniel
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I’m just here to file some papers and get paid 
see? same suit every time. at least this one’s a nice black which is an upgrade from the grey and really suits RA
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every day is a work day if you try hard enough - the winter edition
a non-matchy-matchy blue tie! a winter coat! a turned up collar! it may not be exciting but at least now we’re cooking
in all fairness though, our coat is quite dull and anonymous and the only real notable thing about it is the choice to keep the collar upturned. nothing to write home about if it wasn’t for the RA attached to it
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every day is a work day if you try hard enough - the winter edition pt. 2
the hooded coat makes for a nice relaxation of the business suit. other than that, not much to say.
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once more unto the (lapel) breach
we find ourselves having to ask: is Daniel Miller really Daniel Miller if his coat lapel isn’t popped?
this the FBI man who turns up at your house to either arrest you or escort you to safety. oh, sorry, CIA I guess given the context of the show
looks great because of RA being the one wearing it but a fairly mundane look
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up, up, and away
bicycle Daniel was a nice look which I wasn’t expecting out of this show. mainly because I have never ever in my life seen a man in a suit on a bike. 
in NZ they all use cars and at the very least bike in casual clothes then get changed at work. is biking in suits a European thing?
there’s absolutely nothing special or spectacular about the clothes, but put Daniel on a bike and it works really well?
maybe it’s the cape effect or leather gloves. or even just the notion of seeing a fully-dressed business man in a suit whiz by you on a bicycle.
whatever it is, it’s appreciated
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the party boy
in s1 Daniel has only one look if he’s going out on the town - he ditches the tie & opens two buttons (or three if he’s feeling saucy)
I’ll never complain about this this look because let’s be honest, who would, but we also need to face reality that, like his suits, it’s also a bit repetitive and lacks a bit of something after seeing it for the 5th episode in row
4.9 /10
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it might be time for you to go to bed
the party boy has finally lost his ‘I’m too cool for you’ vibe and partied his jacket and several shirt buttons off (quite literally). bonus points for the completely rumpled shirt and hair
the only thing that is eye-catching in this outfit is the skin it reveals
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puzzle time *finger guns* (to anyone who didn’t grow up in New Zealand quoting this ad I apologise)
now this is a Daniel I would sit down and do a puzzle with. which is probably a good thing as he is quite literally solving a puzzle in this scene
5/10 for evoking the correct feeling from the audience but otherwise there is nothing special here
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is mission impossible hiring?
the gloves? the backpack? the jacket and zipped sweater? you see this man and know your mainframe is about to be hacked
not the worst. but not the best. love the zipped sweater, could lose the gloves.
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let’s get cozy
now this is a dapper fellow. the thin black scarf? brilliant with the signature coat collar
a Daniel who would probably lend you his coat or scarf if you complained about the cold
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someone who would feed the ducks at the park
this is how to put in RA in a baseball cap. the subtle tartan of his scarf, which is tied in a knot? the perfect winter spy outfit
this is a Daniel you want to go on walks in a park with.
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uncle Daniel goes on a trip to the mall
the more I look at that jacket the more I appreciate it. It’s a stunning blue which makes a nice contrast to the usual dull grey of his sweater and is a colour that looks great on RA. It even has some quilting for added interest
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he’s the ‘fun uncle’
the warm sweater and scarf? this is the uncle who takes you out to do fun things while you’re supposed to be grounded and tells you not to tell your mom
nothing amazing in this outfit but also nothing to complain about considering it’s in s1. a funner, casual side to Daniel we don’t often see (am I bitter about never seeing his cousin and her son after s1? a little)
a solid 6/10
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hope is fragile and also a black sweater
the fact that we never see this sweater on its own is what lets it down here
putting that to one side, the snuggly sweater? the green bomber jacket? this is a classic s2 Daniel look. but hang on - this is from s1?
Daniel’s letting us know via this s1 outfit that it will all be good in the near future if we can just hang on until he gets his s2 wardrobe
6.1/10 for providing hope for the future
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hello? it’s your future ex-boyfriend calling
this man isn’t Daniel Miller - he’s a career model who can GET IT and he knows it
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comfy sweater boy
so simple but so, so, so good
this is a Daniel I would want to cuddle up on a couch with. he’s a soft boy who wouldn’t hurt anyone and probably makes a great hot chocolate
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comfy sweater boy goes for a walk outside
the colour of his sweater goes nicely with the coat. and once again: is he really Daniel Miller if his collar isn’t popped?
he loses 0.1 of a point for losing a bit of the soft boy look that the sweater just by itself brought to the party
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comfy sweater boy ran out of hot chocolate at his so comes round to your place for takeaway
I just really enjoy the colour of this sweater, okay? the easy, layered sweater look? the takeaway chinese? this is a man after my heart and I’m also pretty sure I’ve worn this exact outfit before
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if looks could kill
leather jacket? perfect. but what really brings this together? the black v-neck of course. RA never wears enough v-necks
‘nuf said
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the Adam Price moment
this is one of the rarest of cases - a s2 outfit that wasn’t a 100% hit for me. everything about this outfit slaps except for the polo shirt
blue bomber jacket? hell yeah. hidden orange detailing on the inside? that’s what I’m talking about. colour combo of shirt and jacket? well done
polo shirt itself? meh. even if it was just a plain polo that would have been great. for some reason the embroidered logo and collar stripes push me over the edge
I don’t know why but whenever I see a man in a polo shirt like this, I immediately think they are heading to the golf course and are probably not the type of person I would chill with (given that I don’t play golf)
on Adam Price? sure. on Daniel Miller? nah, he knows better
7/10 (mainly for the bomber)
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guess who’s back? back again. Adam’s back. tell a friend
I know this is lower ranked than most of the outfits on this entire list but is still found at the upper end of this list. That’s ‘cause it just had to come after the Adam Price moment, okay?
they took everything that was wrong with the Adam Price moment (e.g. the entire polo shirt) and then focused our attention on it
it doesn’t matter how tightly it clings to RA’s body, it’s not overriding my unjustified hatred of polo shirts 
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I’m here to make important calls while I dine in a fine restaurant
another updated suit look post-s1. I picture this Daniel eating at a nice Italian restaurant for lunch before returning to work for an important business conference
and is that a textured shirt I spy? well done
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the shirt is even better without the jacket.
the undone buttons? c’mon
it’s just a nice shirt okay
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comfy sweater boy’s older brother
for one thing, those low-slung sweatpants are a blessing and didn’t get enough screen time.
then on top of that the oversized shirt that drapes in just the right and most comfy way? the bare feet? I would call in sick to work if I saw Daniel wearing this outfit in my house
this is a Daniel who has lost comfy sweater boy’s innocence but who I would still wanna cook food and binge netflix with
this is absolute peak comfy Daniel
a well-deserved 7.8/10
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the ‘I can’t believe I wasted so much time with the same suit and coat combo over and over in s1′ Daniel
this Daniel is the sum of everything that is wrong with s1 Daniel and everything that is right about s2 & s3 Daniel
the casual suit jacket. the rolled up sleeves. the loose casual shirt. this is a Daniel who works hard but knows how to have a good time and will 100% seduce you in a foreign city
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come to the dark side
the same as the ‘I can’t believe I wasted so much time with the same suit and coat combo over and over in s1′ Daniel but with his classic coat and popped collar for some added mystery to the character
like the ‘I can’t believe I wasted so much time with the same suit and coat combo over and over in s1′ Daniel this man will 100% seduce you in a foreign city but also will not hesitate to use his superior strength to pin you against a wall while he makes out with you
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I mean...
I’m not sure you can class underwear as an ‘outfit’ as such, but uh.... sorry, what was I saying? I got a little distracted 
I refuse to put a numerical rank on this/10
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don’t tell your dad about this one
I know we’ve established that underwear is not really an outfit, but these are pants so I’m gonna say this one counts.
the undone belt? the obvious shirtlessness? hanging with this man will definitely end with someone in jail (and it won’t be him). but at least it’ll be a fun ride on the way down to hell
i refuse to assign numerical value to the semi-naked ones because that’s not fair on the other outfits/10
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is he here to fix a car, murder someone or sweep me off my feet? who knows and honestly who cares when he looks like that?
the khaki jacket brings in some ruggedness which tip-top Daniel below is missing while still keeping it effortlessly cool.
this is Daniel. fucking. Miller and he doesn’t care what you think
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tip-top Daniel
this is Daniel right at his peak. 
everything - the casual bomber from the Adam Price moment earlier, the plaid shirt, the undone buttons, the aviators. the HAIR. 
Damn, Daniel. Damn.
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omfgtrump · 4 years
Bail to The Chief
With The Don banished, silenced on Twitter and other social media, and left only to spread lies about his golf game, this was the time to cut the head off the orange snake. After all, the snake was being served up on a platter with the sign: Convict and Banish.
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Mitch McConnell, a snake of different color, saw an opportunity to lead the beheading. In his conniving manner, he intimated he would be willing to consider bringing the ax down. But a funny thing happened. Talk of challenging his leadership role spooked him and he joined 44 other Republicans to try to cancel the trial completely. The “Grim Reaper” also wanted to avoid a scenario where his cronies would publicly be on record with their vote, as for now, big business has decided they won’t throw money into Republican coffers for supporting the “Big Lie” and failure to denounce The Don’s actions. (We will see how long that lasts!)
Though there is precedent for impeachment trials after a public official leaves office, the Republicans decided to continue their odious sycophancy. And anyway, what’s all the hubbub about instigation of an insurrection. Just a few dead police officers (two by suicide), 140 injured, confederate flags carried through the halls of the Capitol, a guy wearing an Auschwitz t-shirt, threats to lawmakers lives and and a lively chant of “hang Mike Pence” for good measure. As I said, what’s all the hubbub?
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In fact, The Don’s legal team decided to jump ship because he insisted that they use the “they stole the election defense.” Imagine arguing that the election was a fraud, stolen from The Don, so it was his right to incite a riot to take back what was properly his. So in other words, “Yeah, he did it, but you can’t steal stuff from people and not expect someone to fight back!”
Let’s face it folks, if many Republicans are still propagating the “Big Lie,” that Biden is an illegitimate president, and instigating an insurrection against your own government doesn’t rise to the level of convict and banish, then any hope of sanity and unity is gone.
When members of congress do not feel safe in their work place because of  menacing colleagues, we have arrived at a dark place.
At a press conference Nancy Pelosi, someone who was a target of the rioters, stated it very clearly: “The enemy is within.”
This quote from A.O.C. directed at Ted Cruz regarding their mutual support of the anti-Wall street populism of the “Game Stop” stock extravaganza says it all.
“I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out,” she responded. “Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign.” Talk about speaking truth to power!
Cruz, the poster child for unity, response was to cry foul and state that A.O.C.’s anger stoked further division.
Mr. Unity, what have you got to say about fellow Republican, Qanon lady, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, in an October 2020 video surfaced recently by Mother Jones,  said that the “only way you get your freedoms back is it’s earned with the price of blood.”
What’s that I hear? Umm! Thought so. So you can take your cry for unity and shove it up your ass. You are scum. A sniveling, conniving, morally bankrupt opportunist who gives a shit about no one but yourself and desire for power. And that goes for you too, Josh Hawley.
Lady Q has also repeatedly claimed in multiple videos and social media posts that several school shooting massacres were “false flag” events perpetrated by government officials in an attempt to drum up support for gun control laws. 
Lady Q has implicated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that a Jewish owned international investment banking firm, Rothschild, Inc. was somehow involved in creating the devastating fires in California this past summer and suggested the fire was caused by a beam from “space solar generators.” 
Cori Bush, a black, newly elected congresswomen from St. Louis, felt so threatened by Lady Q, that she asked for her office, which was located next to Lady Q’s, to be moved.
And then there is Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader, making a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago, to lick the soles of The Don’s shoes to ask for forgiveness for ever turning against him. McCarthy’s response to the dangerous conspiracy theory Q Lady was to appointment her to the Education Committee, where she will promote curriculum that promulgates theories that the Jews are behind everything that is wrong with America and for that matter, the world. Heil Hitler, sister Q.
Let’s imagine that conversation K.M.’s conversation with The Don:
K.M. Mr. President.
The Don: It’s about time you showed up. I had you on my list of who to primary.
K.M. Mr. President, Mr. President, I don’t know what got into me. Maybe I was drugged by A.O.C. Marjorie told me that I must have been zapped by a mind control laser beam sent by some Jew that rearranged my thoughts. Do you forgive me? Please forgive me, Mr. President. We need you. You are our fearless leader.
The Don: On your hands and knees Kevin.
K.M. But Mr. Pres..
The Don: Shut up and lick.
K.M: But Mr. Pres…
The Don: Shut up and lick…thatta boy.
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K.M. Mr. President. Why are you pulling down your pants?
The Don: Remember all that talk about the pee tapes in the Steele report in the hoax Russia investigation? Well they were true!
from WordPress https://ift.tt/36xOu81 via IFTTT
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satoru-chan · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @he4rtofsteel 💖
1. What are you wearing? Burgundy Maruchan shirt & grey leggings. It’s pajama time, baby.
2. Ever been in love? Yeah, sure, whatever.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yeah, yeah.
4. How tall are you? 5’3 or 4.
5. How much do you weigh? I’ve stopped checking.
6. Any tattoos you want? I’m not into tattoos. If I were to get one, it would be something very small... like a teeny tiny star on my wrist.
7. Any piercings you want? I used to have my ears pierced a few times. But no, I don’t want any.
8. OTP? Me and Mike Ehrmantraut! :D
9. Favourite show(s)? Mr. Robot, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld, The Office, Taxi... I’m sure there are more, but that’s all I can come up with at nearly 10:00 PM.
10. Favourite band? Ultimate #1 spot goes to Queen.
11. Something you miss? I miss being able to actually make plans and traveling :’)
12. Favourite song(s)? I absolutely am in love with The March of the Black Queen by Queen! List a band and I can name a favorite song from them... but then we’d be here all night!
13. How old are you? One year away from 30.
14. Zodiac Sign? Cancer.
15. Hair colour? Blonde. I’ve been known to dye it pink from time to time.
16. Favourite Quote? “It was probably nothing but it felt like the world.” quoted from Morrissey, apparently. I find that one to be very relatable.
17. Favourite singer? Hands down, Freddie Mercury.
18. Favourite colour(s)? I’m really into teal. Mostly the darker shades.
19. Loud music or soft music? Depends on the occasion, but generally... LOUD!
20. Where do you go when you’re sad? I will generally go on a walk or stay in my room.
21. How long does it take you to shower? About 20-30 minutes.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? I spend most of my morning laying around, listening to music or an audiobook. I like to take an hour to get ready, but if I’m running late, I can get ready in 10 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight? No. I’m very smol and frail. It wouldn’t be very smart for me to get involved in a fight... :3c
24. Turn on(s)? Good sense of style, similar taste in music, open-mindedness...?
25. Turn off(s)? Jerks, recklessness, people who only stare at the phone when hanging out...?
26. The reason I joined Tumblr? Long ago, I think I joined because I was a huge hipster and tumblr was the hipster place. Then I fell into the fandom trap and stayed for the Sherlock, X-Men First Class, and Marvel, among others. :)
27. Fears? The unknown.
28. Last thing that made you cry? I probably cried from laughing too hard.
29. Last time you cried? Actual crying? I have no idea.
30. Meaning behind your URL? Me and my best friend made OCs many years ago and I named mine Satoru.
31. Last book you read? I just finished up Caitlin Doughty’s Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?... it was good, but not as good as her others, in my opinion. Definitely a great choice for little ones curious about death! Also, audiobook for the win. It’s narrated by Caitlin herself and it’s a blast.
32. Last song you listened to? Astronomy Domine by Pink Floyd
33. Last show you watched? An episode of Community last night!
34. Last person you talked to? My mom.
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? A coworker.
36. Favorite food? I’m known for my love of the crunchwrap supreme... but I also love curry, kimchi fried rice, and cinnabons :9
37. Place you want to visit? Tons of places! I’m dying to go record hunting in Japan... I would also love to sight-see around the UK.
38. Last place you were? Work.
39. Do you have a crush? Can you call it a crush if it’s never gonna happen!?!?
40. Last time you kissed someone? A person? Don’t know exactly. I did kiss my doggo on the forehead last week...
41. Last time you were insulted and what was it? I generally get insulted when politics gets discussed with the family. Ahh, yes. Me, the “stupid democrat.” The funny thing is, I don’t side with parties! I just oppose Trump, therefore I must be a democrat. :)
42. What color underwear are you wearing? Quit being a wiseguy, would’ja?
43. What colour shirt are you wearing? Burgundy.
44. What colour bottoms are you wearing? Grey.
45. Wearing any bracelets? Nope. Going to bed soon. I usually wear a gold wristwatch.
46. Last sport you played? I went to the driving range yesterday, if that counts. I’m terrible at golf, but I love hitting the ball.
47. Last song you sang? Gimme Three Steps by Lynyrd Skynyrd, lol
48. Last prank call you remember doing? The last one I did was probably sometime in third or fourth grade...? Girly sleepover shenanigans.
49. Last time you hung out with someone? 2 days ago.
50. Favourite movie(s)? So many! I like Quentin Tarantino films, Disney’s Hercules, and Pretty in Pink... just to name a few.
This was a long one! I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you would like to fill it out, go for it! And if you’re still here after all this, thank u for your time. uwu
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Penny Prompts
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1 “If I take it off, NAME wins.” “Sweetie, every night you don't kill him/her in his/her sleep, he/she wins.”
2 “Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.” “Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie.”
3 “NAME, what did we say about being a nicer friend?” “Thank you.” “NAME, what did we say about being a gullible weeny?”
4 “I'm not signing a prenup.” “All right, NAME, listen up! You sign anything he/she puts in front of you, because you are the luckiest man/woman alive. If you let him/her go, there is no way you can find anyone else. Speaking on behalf of all men/women, it is not going to happen, we had a meeting.”
5 “What am I supposed to do?” “Err, keep your mouth off other men/women.”
6 “So you have a song stuck in your head. It happens to everybody.” “Well, I'm not everybody. I have an eidetic memory. I should be able to remember what song this is, but I can't. Something's wrong with me.” “I told you if we were patient, he'd/she’d figure it out for himself/herself.”
7 [Person a knocks on NAME’s door three times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.” [Knocks 3 times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.” [Knocks 3 times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.”
8 “NAME 's mad at me, and I'm not clear why.” “Okay, were you talking before he:she got upset?” “Yes.” “That's probably it.”
9 “Ignore them, NAME. They're just jealous because they'll never have a relationship as good as ours.” “Isn't this when he/she says "bazooka" or something?”
10 [looking at caller ID] “Ooh, looks like I'm gonna have sex tonight.” [answering phone] “Hey, baby...” “His/her right hand is calling him/her?”
11 “Doesn't he/she know you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” “He/She doesn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend he/she has a NAME.”
12 “What kind of teenager did you think I was?” “Slutty.” “Easy.” “The word is 'popular'.”
13 “Once you open the box it loses its value.” “Yeah, yeah. My mom gave me the same lecture about my virginity. I gotta tell you, it was a lot more fun taking it out and playing with it.”
14 “Is that all you have? Shop-worn tidbits like ‘talk to him/her’ and ‘let it go’? Gee, NAME, life's given me lemons, what should I do?” “Well, you could shove them somewhere.”
15 “More Halloween candy. Didn't you just buy a bunch of it yesterday?” “Oh, yeah. That's gone. It's a rough month when Halloween and PMS hit at the same time.”
16 “I don't believe it. What's gotten into him/her?” “Oh, maybe a couple of virgin Cuba Libres that turned out to be kinda slutty.” “You didn't.” “Hey, you do your experiments, I do mine.”
17 “Come on, we are not old, boring people. We can do better than this.” “That's true. How late did we stay up last night?” “Almost 1 am.” “Damn straight almost 1 am. And we weren't even watching TV, we were watching Netflix like the kids do.” “Yeah. Is it a comedy, is it a drama? Nobody knows!”
18 “You gotta help me get my arm into my sleeve.” [Eyes closed] “Okay!” “Is that my arm?” “It doesn't feel like an arm.” “Then maybe you should let it go.”
19 “Who do I speak to about permanently reserving this table?” “I don't know, a psychiatrist?”
20 “Why would you buy peppermint schnapps?” “Because I like peppermint, and it's fun to say schnapps!”
21 “You wanna turn yourself into some sort of robot?” “Essentially, yes.” “Okay, here's my question: Didn't you already do that?”
22 “I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido.” “I could think about you.” “Whatever works.”
23 “We cover ourselves in body paint and then we get on this big canvas and do our thing.” “Woah, that's kind of a big step for a guy/girl who only recently agreed to take his/her socks off.”
24 “He’s/She's only been here a day and a half, and I'm seriously considering alcoholism as a new career path.” “Hey, I talked to him/her for five minutes yesterday, and I've been half bombed ever since.”
25 [To NAME’s dog] “Bark once if you need me to call PETA.”
26 “NAME, that's not what boyfriends/girlfriends are for. Although you don't use them for what they're for, so what do I know?”
27 “Don't you dare knock!”
28 “Don't you think if a man/woman was living with me I'd be the first one to know about it?” “Oh, sweetie, you'd be the last one to know about it.”
29 “Good morning, slut!” “What?” “Oh, please! I recognise the walk of shame when I see it. All you're missing is a little smeared mascara and a purse with panties wadded up in it!”
30 “They're gonna get beaten up at that club.” “They're gonna get beaten up at Walgreens.”
31 “Holy crap on a cracker!”
32 “And then you put it back, compromising the rest of the onion rings.” “Aw honey, the buses don't go where you live do they?”
33 “What's up, buttercup?”
34 “And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?”
35 “Really still can't talk to me?”
36 “This is banana bread.” “This is a door knob.”
37 “Oh, I don't know. I don't want to manipulate him/her with sex.” “Oh, sweetie, that's what sex is for.”
38 “I'm a little low on cash.” “How much you got?” “Nothing.” “How can you walk around with no money?” “I'm cute, I get by.”
39 “And this is also not the right time. Do not propose.” “What?!” “I know that face. That's your proposed face.”
40 “Don't come to the hospital. We're headed home.” “Oh, that was fast. Did she sneeze the baby out?”
41 “NAME, will you marry me?” “Oh my god, yes!”
42 “Is this the stuff you want me to try on?” “No this is the stuff I want you to throw out. Seriously, don't even give it to charity. You won't be helping anyone.”
43 “If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?” “Well, not to steal from the bible, but turning water into wine sounds pretty good.”
44 “Oh, my God, you’re about to jibber jabber about jibber jabber.”
45 “I love him, but if he's broken, let's not get a new one.”
46 “We can't keep explaining everything. Read that book we gave you.”
47 “You know deep down inside, NAME’s a nice guy.” “The problem isn't what's on the inside. It's the creepy candy coating.”
48 “Um, you know it's kinda early. Do you wanna maybe come in for some coffee or something?” “Oh gee, its a little late for coffee isn't it?” “Aw, you think coffee means coffee. That is so sweet.”
49 “The thing about tomatoes, I think you will really enjoy this, is that they are shelved with the vegetables but they are technically a fruit.” “Interesting.” “Isn't it!” “No, I mean what you find enjoyable.”
50 “Do or do not do there is no try.” “Did you just quote Star Wars?” “I believe I quoted The Empire Strikes Back.”
51 “You can't let him/her get into your head.” “It's too late for me, my head is his/her summer house.”
52 “Well, while they're acting like teenagers we could do something grown up.” “Ooh, you mean like a museum?” “Yes, like a museum but anything else!”
53 “NAME’s being reasonable.” “Yeah, it's freaking me out. I'm gonna go.”
54 “Oh, my God, he/she won't stop.” “How does he/she keep coming up with new ways to be annoying?” “Nobody knows. That's why he’s/she's number one.”
55 “I love you.” “Who cares?”
56 “You're okay with an experiment where you have to answer awkward questions about your innermost feelings?” “Yes.” “Please can I do it with him/her, please.”
57 “Don't be like that. You two need to talk this out.” “Yeah, because you sound really funny.”
58 “I really thought he/she was going to say ‘let it go’.”
59 “Honey, you don't have to thank me every time we have sex, sweetie.”
60 “I finally realize I don't need to be famous or have some big career to be happy.” “Well what do you need?” “You, you stupid Poptart.”
61 “What are you saying? That I'm using my body to get dinner? That I'm some sort of Chinese food prostitute?”
62 “I was unstoppable. I was on fire. It was like my mind and my body were totally connected, like athletes must feel when they're in the zone.” “Again, it was miniature golf.” “Admit it, you're a little turned on.” “You can't be this proud.” “Why not?” “Because I beat you.”
63 “How do you not know how to use glue? Did you ditch pre-school?” “Yeah, but only because I was dating a second-grader.”
64 “Come on. How can you be sad when you're going home with all five foot six of this?” “You think you're five foot six? That's funny.”
65 “Look, I'm telling you I've done it. I clearly remember the cow standing up and then a cow on its side.” “Were you drunk?” “I was sixteen and in Nebraska, what do you think?” “I think you're the one who fell over.” “Well that would explain why the sky was also on its side.”
66 “I need to go back to dating dumb guys/girls from the gym.”
67 “We'll take you to the mall to get it done.” “Why? I can do it right here.” “Really? You have a piercing gun?” “No. All you need is a needle and an ice cube. I've done it, like, a dozen times.” “Oh, I don't know.” “Oh, come on. I'll be gentle. Let me take your ear virginity.” “This party's weird.”
68 “So is that it? Are we engaged?” “Yeah, I think so.” “All right.” “What's wrong?” “I'm not sure. It just feels a little anti-climactic.” “Yeah, it kinda does, doesn't it?”
69 “I promise next time I get married, it won't be a joke. It will be for love ... or money.”
70 “I don't understand, exactly how did he/she get any friends in the first place?” “We liked NAME.”
71 “Here, have some pizza, sweetie.” “You know I'm lactose intolerant.” “I know; I just need you to stop talking.”
72 “So, what do you think?” “I thought it would be a little more ... just more.” “I'm not even sure why we were out of breath.”
73 “I mean I was on fire. I was in the zone like an athlete.” “Sweetie, I beat you at this, too.”
74 “Well, I can't eat like a ten-year-old all the time.” “You're dating somebody! Who is it?” “What? What are you talking about?” “You only watch what you eat when you're afraid you might have to take your shirt off.”
75 “So I'm like a bran muffin?” “What? No, that's not what I'm saying.” “No, that's exactly what you're saying. I'm the boring thing you're choosing because I'm good for you.” “What does it matter? I'm choosing you.” “It matters a lot. I don't want to be a bran muffin. I want to be a cinnabon, a strawberry pop tart. Something you're excited about, even if it could give you diabetes.” “Sweetie, you can be any pastry you want.”
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title:  Tee Time Pairing:  KuroTsuki Rating: G Word Count:  3,572 Read on Ao3 Summary: When Kuroo and Tsukishima fight about trivial things, there is only one way to solve their problems.
For @its-love-u-asshole because she’s the best and deserves all the fluffy Kurotsuki!!! Thanks to @liziscribbles for betaing this!
The tension was palpable, angry sparks zapping through the air.
"I'm telling you," Kuroo insisted.
"You can tell me all your want, doesn't mean I'll listen," Tsukishima was quick to retort.
Kuroo wished he could remember exactly how they had gotten to this place. It was rare for Kuroo to find himself fighting with his boyfriend.
He couldn't pinpoint when it got so intense, but it most likely started when Tsukishima pulled out The Good Dinosaur and declared it to be the best Pixar movie.
"The... Good Dinosaur..." Kuroo sputtered. Did anyone else even remember that film existed? "Babe... I think your bias is showing..."
Look, it was on brand for Tsukishima, Kuroo could agree with that for sure. But...
"No, it has nothing to do with my... appreciation for dinosaurs."
Kuroo raised an eyebrow, clearly finding that difficult to believe. Tsukishima simply clicked his tongue. "Okay, that is a small part of it... " He rolled his eyes. "Okay then, what is the best Pixar movie in your opinion? I swear if you tell me Cars, we're getting a divorce."
"Pfft! No, not that! It's Toy Story. The trilogy is amazing and wraps up nicely!" Kuroo nodded sagely. It was the obvious right answer, even with the uncertainty of Toy Story 4 looming on the horizon. "Plus, there's a dinosaur in it, so that can satisfy your dino needs."
Tsukishima's face fell. "Eh, Toy Story? It's okay, I guess."
"Okay?! Just okay?!"
Kuroo decided that response was far worse than anyone saying Cars was their favorite Pixar movie.
And so now, here they were, arguing.
"Babe," Kuroo urged. "It's okay to be wrong."
"Are you giving yourself a pep talk?" Tsukishima snorted, folding his arms over his chest.
Kuroo sighed, tilting his head back and forth. "Well... it seems we've come to an impasse."
"Mmm..." Tsukishima nodded, turning towards the window to check the weather. It was a nice enough day for it...
Yes, it was rare that Kuroo found himself fighting with his boyfriend, but when they did fight, there was only one good way to solve their problems...
"Two for a round of mini-golf please," Kuroo smirked, slamming his money on the kiosk desk and looking up at Terushima Yuuji.
The idiot had been working at the mini-golf course for the past few months, but not because he wanted or needed a job. Currently, he was being punished for diving into the mini-golf pond when he missed a hole-in-one on the final hole. It had been funny at the time, but Terushima certainly wasn't laughing now. Not when he was forced to dress in the stuffy Putt-Putt Castle green polo shirt, and deal with dumbasses like Kuroo and Tsukishima.
However, he still regretted not finishing first in that epic game. He would beat Futakuchi one of these days. He swore on the ugly green polo shirt, or so he declared passionately to Kuroo when he was drunk one night.
Currently however Terushima was trapped in the kiosk, staring at the two guys in front of him. He raised his eyebrow. "So, what did you two dorkwads fight about this time?"
Terushima was more than familiar with how Kuroo and Tsukishima worked. They would fight about something fairly inconsequential (because when did they ever fight about something real), and then they would show up to play a round of mini-golf to determine who was correct in the fight.
It wasn't a very sound solution and usually resulted in one them being disgruntled for the rest of the night, until they started making out and all would eventually be forgotten. The road to the make out session was long, yes, but hey, they had fun along the way.
"This beautiful idiot seems to think The Good Dinosaur is the best Pixar movie of all time." Kuroo snorted, gesturing to his less than happy boyfriend.
Terushima folded his arms. "Wait... what movie is that? I don't think I even saw it."
"'Course you didn't," Tsukishima clicked his tongue. He sighed heavily, as if explaining this movie to Terushima was the biggest burden the blond ever faced. "It's the movie about the dinosaur-"
"I mean, I assumed! Is he good too?" Terushima smirked, leaning over the counter of the kiosk.
"You know what-"
"Okay, okay, I'll try and check it out! What did Kuroo say his favorite was?"
"Toy Story. The correct answer," Kuroo insisted.
"Okay, so, you're both wrong. Up is obviously the best Pixar movie-"
Kuroo rolled his eyes. "Wrong."
"Basic," Tsukishima clicked his tongue.
Of course, Terushima would like Up. In fact, he probably cried like a baby in Futakuchi's arms at the beginning of the movie, and Terushima probably quoted Dug's 'I have just met you and I love you' line to Futakuchi on a regular basis.
"Hey, at least I didn't say Cars," Terushima muttered.
"Fair enough," Tsukishima nodded. It was good they could all agree about one thing at least. What self-respecting person over the age of ten would actually say Cars is their favorite Pixar movie?
"Can you just give us the clubs man?" Kuroo asked, leaning against the kiosk.
"I mean, you are holding up the line," Terushima said, glancing to the empty spots behind Kuroo and Tsukishima. He reached behind him and pulled out the tallest golf clubs they had (which were still pretty short). "Here you go. What color balls you want?"
"Heh," Kuroo smirked but Tsukishima nudged him.
"Orange," he said.
"Red for me!" Kuroo reached forward to grab the red ball off the counter and they started on the path.
"Good luck!" Terushima called out. "I hope you have fun watching The Good Dinosaur later!"
"Hey! I have the power of god and Toy Story on my side! To infinity and beyond!" Kuroo called out, zooming towards the first hole. He didn't need to look at his boyfriend to know his face was probably bright red.
Putt-Putt Castle was what one would expect from a mini-golf course. It was medieval themed, so of course, one hole had a castle, one had a windmill, there were scattered decorations of knights, horses, and princesses, and one hole even had what was now a deformed wizard after someone threw their golf club right through the dude's head. Kuroo was happy he missed witnessing that.
There was a large pond in the middle and the course looped around it. It led up to a tall waterfall and there was one hole that hooked around the water and led them back down to the beginning of the course.
They both knew the course by heart.
In fact, they shared their first kiss up by the waterfall. There was a small lookout point on at the top hole. It overlooked the small pond and water fountain. During one of their spats, Kuroo took Tsukishima over there and kissed him. He couldn't really remember why they were arguing at the time (that was usually how these mini-golf challenges went) but he did remember how beautiful Tsukishima pale skin looked in the moonlight that night, the glowing lights on the waterfall reflecting off his skin.
Even now, with his angry, furrowed brow, Tsukishima looked beautiful. Unfair.
"Should we flip to see who goes first?" Kuroo asked and Tsukishima nodded, pulling a coin from his pocket.
"I call tails," he said, and flipped it up, letting the coin land on the ground. Heads.
"Oh, ho, ho look who's off to a good start!" Kuroo smirked, leaning forward on his golf club.
"You say that every time and then you end up losing," Tsukishima scoffed.
"Listen, sometimes, I can't stand looking at your beautiful face pouting all the time, so I let you win." He wiggled his butt and placed his red ball on the green, getting ready to aim.
"Sure. I'm sure that's what it is," the blond snorted, looking at him in disbelief.
The first hole was simple. Probably to help little kids think they could handle this course no problem. It wasn't exactly challenging, but there were a few evil holes.
"You ready for this expert putt?" Kuroo asked.
"Please, go ahead," Tsukishima said, pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"There's a way to putt perfectly, Kei," he smirked, tapping the putter against the ground.
"Enlighten me," he muttered, voice falling flat.
"First, you gotta really line everything up." Kuroo held the putter up and aimed the handle directly towards the hole. "Then you gotta imagine the curve of the ball from where you hit it. It's all geometry babe."
"Right," Tsukishima snorted.
"Here goes," he said. He drew back the putter and tapped it forward, so the ball curved slightly to the right. The landed towards the back of the hole, pressed against one of the bricks. Of course, he missed the hole completely, but Kuroo shrugged his shoulders back. "Tada."
"What is 'tada'?" Tsukishima asked, raising his eyebrow.
"This is exactly what I planned!" Kuroo said, walking down the course to stand by the ball.
"It is? You planned to have it close to the wall?" he asked, a playful lilt in his voice.
"Uh huh! This spot is optimal for putting!"
"Yes, next to the wall," Tsukishima nodded, his eyebrow quirked. He leaned down, placing down the orange ball on the green. Tsukishima glanced at the hole and gently moved the putter back, tapping the ball down the course. It rolled mostly straight, though it curved, ending just a few inches away from the hole.
"Nice try," Kuroo smirked, shooting finger guns at him.
Tsukishima walked up to his ball and stared flatly at Kuroo while he gently tapped it in. "At least I'm not next to the wall."
In the end, Kuroo got a three while Tsukishima walked away with a two.
The first few holes were mostly simple, and Kuroo and Tsukishima stayed close in score. On hole two, Kuroo scored a two and Tsukishima scored a three, but later on they both scored two and then Tsukishima pulled ahead when Kuroo accidentally hit his ball into a tiny sand trap.
Though Kuroo noticed Tsukishima did seem quieter than normal. Even when they fought, mini-golf always cheered them up. However, Tsukishima didn't even seem to care about Kuroo's competitive quips.
Then came hole number seven, the three-hole hole. It was famous for being cursed, since the three holes which ultimately led to the final hole were unpredictable. For awhile, everyone believed if one were to hit it down the left hole, it would guarantee an automatic hole-in-one. However, that theory was quickly debunked a few games later when hitting it to the left actually got the ball the furthest away from the final hole.
Kuroo was convinced it changed on a daily basis, but it was probably more about the angle and velocity at which he hit his ball. Why ruin magic with math?
"I wonder which one is special today..." Kuroo tapped his chin.
"Who knows," Tsukishima shrugged. "But you're going first, so test one out for me."
"What!?" Kuroo blinked. "Maybe I won't tell you where the ball lands," he snorted.
"I'll go look myself then."
Kuroo twisted his lips, frowning at his boyfriend. If Tsukishima won this, it meant he would have to sit and actually watch The Good Dinosaur again. Of course, getting to see Tsukishima looking all cute and happy while they watched the movie would probably make it worth it, but Kuroo's pride was also on the line.
He placed the ball down and decided to aim towards the right. With Kuroo's horrid luck, the ball bounced against a tiny pebble he must not have seen and awkwardly swerved towards the middle hole. It went down the tube and eventually spit back out on the other side.
Kuroo dashed towards the other side side of the green, watching as his ball rolled out of the middle hole and down towards the main hole. Kuroo's eyes widened as the ball stopped right before the hole, just an inch away. "Dammit!" he yelled and suddenly Tsukishima was peering over his shoulder.
"Seems the middle is good today."
"Oi!" Kuroo snorted. "If you knock my ball away... we will get that divorce."
"Sure," Tsukishima shrugged at the very empty threat.
Gently he tapped his ball forward, watching as it rolled down the middle slot. He walked casually forward, watching as it pressed against Kuroo's ball.
"Aw babe," Kuroo said, leaning towards Tsukishima. "Our balls are kissing-"
Tsukishima immediately pushed Kuroo's face out of the way as he tapped his ball in, not touching Kuroo's.
"Well," Kuroo frowned, hitting his own in immediately afterwards. "At least you didn't ruin my shot."
Tsukishima scoffed. "Of course not. I'm playing fair," he smirked, "and winning." He grabbed the score card from Kuroo to enter their numbers.
"For now," Kuroo smirked, climbing up the stairs towards the next hole.
They began to climb the stairs to head up to the tall waterfall hole. Hole number thirteen. Though Kuroo honestly considered it to be a lucky hole, since he usually got to steal a kiss or two up there, especially if the place wasn't busy.
At the top, Kuroo immediately bounded over to the lookout point. "C'mon Kei! C'mere!" he smiled and held his hand out to him.
Tsukishima frowned. "I'm winning. I want to keep winning. Stop trying to distract me."
"Eh!?" Kuroo pouted. Normally Tsukishima would always let Kuroo kiss him here, but today he didn't seem to be in the mood.
Maybe he was more upset than Kuroo realized.
"It's your turn," Tsukishima said, and Kuroo blinked, nodding as he stepped over to the course. He placed his ball down and smirked as he tapped it, letting it roll down the long hill. If anyone got a hole-in-one on this course, they won 5 bucks and a free game of mini-golf. It was rare that it ever happened, though once Kuroo's uncle had won. He gave it to Kuroo instead.
He turned towards Tsukishima, a playful glint in his eye. He wanted him to have fun, even if this had all come about because of a silly fight.
Dashing down the hill, he ran down the green instead of taking the stairs. As a kid, he always did this, but as an adult, well... he still usually did. He laughed when he got the to bottom, looking at how both of their balls seemed to be far from the hole.
"Neither of us were close. I really could've used that free game!" Kuroo said, he said, snapping his fingers.
"I think you can afford mini-golf," Tsukishima said, walking down the steps.
Something didn't feel right, and Kuroo was determined to get to the bottom of it. "Hey... Kei... are you okay? You seem... I dunno... actually mad?"
"Hm..." Tsukishima muttered, tapping his putter against the ground. "I'm not mad."
"Yeah, right," Kuroo snorted. He slowly stepped forward, taking Tsukishima's hands in his own. "Look, I think I know you well enough by now to know something isn't right. I mean even when we have these silly fights, we both have fun doing this. This is the best part of our 'arguments!'"
A small smiled appeared on Tsukishima's face. "Yeah... it is the best part. Especially when you're losing like this."
"Hey! Shut up! Don't change the subject! Are you really upset that I teased you about The Good Dinosaur?"
Tsukishima immediately looked down, shrugged his shoulder, and retreated into himself, like when he was dealing with something too painful to admit. He'd gotten much better at speaking his mind, but sometimes...
"Kei..." Kuroo whispered, cupping his cheeks. He turned the blond's face to meet his, staring into his golden eyes. "I love you... and no matter what you say, I'm not going to actually judge you or anything. I'm never serious about teasing you when it comes to things that are important to you."
"The more I thought about you hating it the more... frustrated I got," he admitted finally.
"First off, I don't hate it, and second off, why? You never care when I don't like something. I mean we have these... joke arguments but..."
"I know but..." he trailed off. Tsukishima's cheeks flushed, his face bright red. He bit down on his lip and sighed. "In... The Good Dinosaur... the two main characters, Arlo and Spot don't have to talk to connect. They find comfort in each other, despite being... so different. And that's how... I feel about you. You make me feel comfortable... you remind me of... family."
Kuroo immediately pressed his lips against Tsukishima's; he couldn't help it. Of course Tsukishima would feel upset about Kuroo not realizing how this movie could relate to Tsukishima's own feelings! It was personal; it held more depth than other movies they had fought about.
Kuroo brushed his thumbs over Tsukishima's pale cheeks, and held him so close, not caring they were practically making out on the mini-golf course.
"Also..." Tsukishima breathed. "I really do like dinosaurs."
Kuroo chuckled softly, pressing his forehead to Tsukishima's. "I know you do, Kei."
Kuroo didn't want to pull back, but they did have a mini-golf game to finish. "How about no matter who wins, we go home and watch The Good Dinosaur?"
Tsukishima smirked. "Maybe we could watch Toy Story after it."
"I sure as hell wouldn't mind that! But first, I gotta kick your ass," he smirked.
"In your dreams," Tsukishima said, moving away from him to tap the ball in one more time.
Things began to feel normal as they made their way through the back nine. Kuroo was happy to see Tsukishima cheering up, back to his competitively playful self. Of course the final, eighteenth hole, loomed on the horizon.
The spinning arms of the windmill slowly rotated. It was next to impossible to get a hole-in-one on the final hole, since the spinning arms usually hit the ball back, blocking it from getting it in on the first try.
Kuroo and Tsukishima were tied now, and Kuroo supposed ending things on a tie would make sense, since they already agreed to watch both movies.
"Alright, time to meet my end," Kuroo muttered, letting the ball drop on the course. It bounced once and he stopped it with his foot. His technique of holding the putter up and aiming carefully had now been replaced by a much faster technique of whacking the ball and hoping it went somewhere.
He slammed his putter against the red ball, watching as it hit the windmill, rolling immediately back to him. "Dammit!" he cursed and behind him he heard Tsukishima snicker. "Don't laugh! You're gonna have to do this in a minute!"
"Mhm..." Tsukishima snorted again.
Kuroo hit at the ball a few more times before he finally slipped by one of the arms, hearing the red ball clatter as it returned to the main kiosk. "Hah! Only took 4 tries! Good luck," he smirked.
Tsukishima slowly leaned down to place his ball at the edge of the green. (Kuroo would've been lying if he said he didn't check out Tsukishima's ass every time). He adjusted his stance and watched as the windmill moved around and around, very intent on watching the rotation.
Finally he nodded his head and swung, his ball passing by and down into the slot. A hole-in-one! "I beat you," he smirked, leaning on his club.
Kuroo's eyes were wide. "Absolute... mad lad!" he breathed, cheering as he ran over to Tsukishima. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheek. "I can't even be mad because you just defeated the 18th hole windmill and holy shit, I... am so proud!" he said, pretending to wipe a tear away.
Tsukishima clicked his tongue, a smile pulling across his lips. "C'mon... let's get out of here," he chuckled, tugging his overly-excited boyfriend back to where Terushima looked bored out of his mind in the kiosk.
"So... who won?" he asked.
"Kei!" Kuroo said, slinging his arm around Tsukishima's neck. "But... we decided to watch both movies anyway." He kissed Tsukishima's cheek.
"And you're both disgusting again," Terushima snorted, taking the golf clubs back from them. "I'm supposed to tell you it's half-off if you play a second round, but I have a feeling you're just gonna go home."
"Yeah," Tsukishima said, a small smile on his lips. "I think we're good. See you."
"You're just saying that cause you won!" Kuroo snorted, waving goodbye to Terushima as they walked back towards the parking. Really he was happy to go home. Mini-golf was always fun, but spending quality time snuggled up to Tsukishima on their couch was his favorite thing.
"You didn't actually think you were going to win?" Tsukishima asked.
Kuroo could only shrug. "I dunno, maybe this was gonna be my time to shine."
"I'll let you believe that," Tsukishima said.
"Aren't I lucky?" Kuroo chuckled, nuzzling his cheek.
"You're embarrassing, that's for sure," Tsukishima snorted, pushing his face away. "But... I guess that's what happens when you're family..." he muttered, lacing their hands together, holding them behind his back.
"I love you, Kei. And I'm ready to watch dinosaur movies all night."
Tsukishima's eyes widened. "Does this mean we can watch The Land Before Time too?"
"Hell yes!" Kuroo smirked.
Honestly, if it meant something to Tsukishima and made him smile, Kuroo would've watched any movie he wanted.
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cali-holland · 6 years
Double Dates- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: Your best friend falls in love with Harrison, but you and Tom hate each other.
Word Count: 2400
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“You said you would always be my wingwoman.” Your friend, Penny, playfully whined from your doorway.
“I’m not going.” You replied, not even looking up from your laptop.
“I can’t go on a double date without you.” She said, sitting on your bed. When you didn’t reply, she shut your laptop, turning off your Netflix show.
“I was watching that.” You grumbled, going to open it again. Penny kept her hand firmly placed on your grey laptop. “Look, it’s a blind double date. Why would I want to go?”
“You can’t be bitter about Derek forever.” Penny stated, referring to your ex-boyfriend who you two had caught cheating. Ever since the breakup three months ago, you had closed off from the world, convinced that love was not an option for you. “You need to get back out there in the dating world.”
“I don’t want to ‘get back out there’,” You used air quotes to emphasize the ridiculousness of her statement, “I’m perfectly content right here.”
“You won’t be content when you’re 30 and I’m no longer your roommate because I’m married.”
“Who says I won’t live with you and your husband?” You joked.
“Please, Y/N, just this one date at least. This guy sounds really sweet, and having you there would be a plus because you’re my wingwoman.”
“Fine, but prepared for me not to hold any awkwardness back.” You replied with a laugh.
“Yay!” Penny cheered, hugging you, “Thank you, thank you!”
“When are we leaving? 5?”
“Yep, so get cute! Your first date in months- this is exciting.” She smiled, bouncing out of your room so she could get ready. You took a deep breath as you moved off your bed. It had been so long, you practically forgot how much pressure came from a first date or any date really.
Right at 5, Penny was ushering you out of the apartment. You got in her car and she drove to the place that she had chosen with her date.
“Mini golfing? Are you serious?” You asked her with raised eyebrows as she parked the car.
“Yeah, it’s fun and lowkey.” She smiled.
“I’m horrendous at mini golfing.” You groaned.
“Oh, please, I thought this was more of a date for me- it’s just a bonus if your date is great.” Penny teased.
“But that doesn’t mean I have to make a complete fool of myself. If I have to go on this double date with you, I might as well be amazing.” You replied.
“Come on, it’ll be fine.” She said, stepping out of her car; you followed suit. Penny saw two guys standing beside the entrance to the place and she waved over at them. The one wearing a black leather jacket smiled back at her, also waving back. You two made your way over to the guys.
“You must be Penny. I’m Harrison.” The one with the leather jacket smiled.
“Hi,” She replied with her own blushing smile. Looking down at her blouse, she said, “I hope the polka dots were recognizable enough.”
“They were. I’m glad the leather jacket worked too.” Harrison looked over at his friend who had yet to say anything to you. He nudged his friend, who then decided to speak up.
“I’m Tom.” He told you, not offering the same bright smile that Harrison had given Penny.
“Y/N.” You answered.
“Shall we get started?” Harrison asked Penny, holding a ticket out to her. “We paid for you two already.”
“Really? Thank you.” She smiled, taking the ticket from him graciously, “Let’s go.”
As Penny and Harrison walked to the entrance, Tom let out a slight grumble as he handed you your ticket. You prevented yourself from full on rolling your eyes at him, knowing already that this double date was going to be the worst.
“Thank you,” You told Tom as you two went to the entrance. He didn’t respond to you, not that you were very shocked anyway. The four of you got your clubs and color-coded balls and headed to hole 1.
“I’m going to be honest, I’ve completely forgotten how to hold this.” Penny laughed. Harrison quickly set his gear down and went to help her. You and Tom watched as the cliche scene happened in front of you- Harrison wrapped his arms around Penny, teaching her how to put perfectly. For the second time that night, you had to withhold from rolling your eyes; you and Penny had gone mini golfing loads of times, there was no way she didn’t know how to put. You, on the other hand, were the worst at, no matter how hard you tried.
“You know how to put, right?” Tom asked you in a dry tone as Harrison went.
“Yes, even though I suck at this.”
“Don’t expect me to help you.” He said, making you cock an eyebrow at him. Seeing as it was his turn now, he got in position to put.
“Really? You don’t want to wrap your arms around me?” You teasingly asked. He shook his head in response, staying focused on the ball on the ground in front of him. As he went to swing, you exclaimed, “Miss!” and laughed as he did just that.
“Will you stop?” Tom looked at you exasperated.
“I don’t know. I’m quite enjoying this.” You laughed with a smirk.
The slight bickering between you and Tom managed to continue throughout the game. At the very last hole, Harrison and Penny left you two alone, seeing as they had finished already.
“Okay, Tom, just get it in- a hole in one. Or do you need help with that?” You inquired.
“If you’d be quiet, I could get it in.” He replied. Before you could respond, he putted the ball and got it right in the hole.
“Well, that wasn’t very entertaining to watch.” You laughed, stepping up for your turn.
“Do you need help too?” Tom asked you in the same sarcastic tone you had used all night. You shook your head as you hit your ball straight in as well.
“No, but you can hold this for me.” You said, handing him your club. He rolled his eyes and went to turn them in. He then followed you to go find where Harrison and Penny went. Walking outside of the building, you found them basically eating other’s face off against the wall.
“Penny!” You exclaimed as Tom awkwardly cleared his throat.
“Oh, you guys are finished.” Penny said, pulling away from Harrison. She casually wiped the fresh saliva off from around her mouth.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked.
“I’ll walk you to your car.” Harrison piped in, taking Penny’s hand and leading her away.
“Is she wearing his jacket?” You questioned, staring at their retreating figures. You looked over at Tom, awaiting a response.
“Well, I’m not giving you mine.” He said. Tom’s tone switched into a baby voice, “Do you want me to walk you to your car too?”
“I can handle myself, thank you.” You replied, not refraining from rolling your eyes this time. You headed towards the car to find Penny and Harrison getting their “goodbye”s in. You got in the car on the opposite side of them and honked the horn until Penny got in. Harrison left back to his car with Tom.
“That went well.” Penny smiled with red cheeks.
“Yeah, which was better? Mini golfing or his tongue down your throat?” You questioned. “Oh nice move by the way. ‘I don’t remember how to mini golf’” You raised your voice higher to mock her.
“Shut up, like you wouldn’t want Tom doing that to you.” She playfully hit your arm as she drove off.
“I wouldn’t. He’s so arrogant and rude, why would I ever want that?” You said.
“I think you two were quite enjoying your immense teasing.”
“Please, Penny. If anything, it was just a distraction from you and Harrison making googly eyes all night.”
“Lighten up. Harrison’s a great guy, besides we’re going out tomorrow night too.” She smiled. You fake gagged at her response. You just hoped her dating Harrison didn’t mean you had to put up with Tom.
“He doesn’t even know me that well.” You told Penny flatly.
“So? It’s a going to be a great party. Please, come.” She begged as she curled her hair in the bathroom.
“The last time you begged me to go somewhere with you, I met Tom.”
“And I met Harrison.” She smiled over at you.
“Nope, I’m not going.”
“Please, pretty please.”
“Why would I go to your boyfriend’s birthday party?”
“Because you’re my bestest friend ever.” Penny replied, “And I know he’s got some hot friends who are very single.”
“I’ll go, but only if you promise to stop trying to hook me up with someone.” You held out your pinky to her.
“Pinky promise.” She nodded her head in confirmation as her pinky met yours.
As you began to get ready for the last minute party, your mind began to wander back to Tom. You hadn’t seen him in months- four months really, way back at mini golf when Penny and Harrison first started dating. Sure, Tom was annoying and arrogant, but there was something about him that made your heart flutter.
When you and Penny arrived at the party, Harrison greeted her with one of those annoyingly long kisses and you dove into the kitchen for the free drinks your friend had promised you.
“What are you doing here?” A voice asked and you groaned, recognizing it immediately.
“I thought you might miss me.” You teasingly said as you turned to Tom.
“Very funny.” He replied as you reached into a cooler to grab a drink.
“I know, I’m hilarious.”
“I wouldn’t-” Tom’s warning was cut off by you opening the can and having it explode all down your front. You gasped as your once pristine white shirt was now covered in brown stains.
“I tried telling you.” Tom attempted to laugh it off.
“Oh really?” You questioned, throwing the can and its remaining liquid at Tom. He didn’t react quickly enough to catch it and you watched as payback hit him in the form of the same stains.
“What the hell? Now I have to change.” He said, looking down at his shirt.
“That makes two of us.” You replied and he huffed, throwing away the can.
“Fine, come with me.” Tom led you through the party and to one of the bedrooms down the hall. As he looked in the dresser for some new clothes, you looked around the room and took in that it was most likely his, considering how bland the walls were. ‘Matches his personality’ you thought to yourself with a mental laugh.
“Here,” Tom said, shoving a white t-shirt in your arms. He pointed to the door across the room, “That goes into a private bathroom. You can change in there.”
“Thank you.” You responded softly, making your way to the bathroom. As you closed the door behind you, you took one last look at Tom to find him ridding himself of the stained shirt. You admired his chiseled back for a moment before he put the new shirt on, and you shut the door all the way. You laughed to yourself about the incident as you changed shirts.
When you emerged from the bathroom, you found Tom waiting for you on his bed. He stood up and held a hand out to you.
“I’ll put the shirt in the wash, so it doesn’t get stained.” He said, and you handed your old shirt over to him. As he left to put it in the laundry, you returned to the party.
Deciding to give up on actually drinking anything, you chatted with Penny. After a few minutes of talking, Penny excused herself to dance with Harrison. You smiled upon seeing how completely happy your best friend was; she was content and carefree, what you wish you could be right then. You saw Tom come back in the room and he offered you a small smile before disappearing into the crowd.
“Y/N?” You froze upon hearing a voice you had gotten so used to such a long time ago. The voice called to you again and you finally turned to them with a head held high. Your ex, Derek, gave you a tight smile, “How do you know Harrison?”
“Penny,” was all you managed to get out.
“Can we talk?” He asked, stepping closer to you.
“Derek, I don’t-” You tried to speak, but your voice was feeble. You felt as weak as you had been seven months ago.
“We can talk outside.” Derek grabbed your hand, pulling you out front to where no one was.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You croaked out, feeling tears sting your eyes. “I can’t.”
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. I still love you, I want you.” He pulled you closer to him as you tried to step away.
“No, please,” You closed your eyes as you shook your head.
“Hey, mate. Lay off her.” You heard Tom’s voice approaching the two of you.
“Why would I listen to you?”
“Because I said so, jackass.” Tom replied. Derek let go of your arms and you stepped away from him.
“Tom, please, leave it.” You said to him, grabbing his clenched fist.
“You miss me, Y/N. You know you do.” Derek called out to you.
“Tom, can you drive me home?” You asked quietly and he nodded.
“Of course,” He led you away from Derek, leaving your ex alone and empty-handed on the lawn. The drive to your apartment was silent and Tom even walked you into your place.
“Thank you for helping me.” You said quietly.
“You were uncomfortable; it was the least I could do.” Tom replied.
“Really, though, thank you for everything.”
“I am a gentleman, even if you don’t believe that.” He joked.
“I do.” You spoke up after a moment of silence.
“You do what?”
“Believe you’re a gentleman. I mean, sometimes you act like an arrogant jerk, but tonight you really showed me that you’re much more than that.”
“I hope I can keep showing you that.” Tom smiled, leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Your reputation’s improving already.” You teased, kissing him again.
Tag List:  @gray-rose13 @flammy-whater @cutefluffy89 @ria132love @klausbaudelaireee
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