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funkyfreshray · 8 months ago
Sometines, we aren't who we are supposed to be because of others...
Do you want to know what makes us different? It's not only the color of our skin. It's not only our race. It's not only our ethnicity or our culture. Can those influence us and possibly our thoughts or feelings of others? Most likely, but they shouldn't. Those arent reason to hate or judge someone. Our differences should be based on our minds and how we think. Our mind is what convinces us to act a certain way towards others. Whether it's self convincing or someone else convincing us. Let our experiences help guide us if anything, and that alone isn't definite because not all people who act or look similar think the same. Especially when it comes to acting with hate, greed, or selfishness. You are what you feel or think, and what you may be convinced of really affects how you feel because of your thinking. The one thing that we all have in common is that we are all UNIQUE. No two people are the same. Everyone's experiences vary as well as our interactions. So don't judge a culture, a race, or a group of people because of, let's say, someone's actions. Dont tie it into the culture or religion. Although it may be an influence on them, think outside the box. There are many who want to help change that negative behavior and that way of acting or thinking that a lot of us display. This is all over the country, all over the world really. It's an example we ALL need to set for each other and especially our younger generations. No one defines you. You do though. Let's help make a difference for the better. Acting like the bad, whether through revenge or frustration, makes you like those individuals spreading hatred. We are better than that. No matter who you are or where you're from. Maybe it's easier said than done, but we gotta try. Know that having fear puts us on the defense. Whoever you are fearing might be on the defense themselves because they fear for themselves. Understand we have nothing to fear but fear itself...
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funkyfreshray · 10 months ago
Measuring Success
Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It's how you face or deal and get past the challenges or obstacles you know are. Proving to others, and more importantly to yourself, that you can overcome these struggles against what you felt were overwhelming odds is what helps make it all possible. In the end, realizing it was all possible without doubt is what makes you successful. Have confidence in yourself and what you can potentially do...
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funkyfreshray · 11 months ago
Lost senses but didn't lose the reasons...
Being someone who lost his sense of taste and smell since the accident, I realized it wasn't about the taste of the food, it was and still is about remembering how it made you feel eating it because of the taste and purpose....(moms cooking, spouses cooking, even friends cooking for example, and the reasons you made a restaurant your favorite place to eat.....besides the taste 🙂)
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
"Don't play hard to get. Play hard to forget."
- Drake
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, and racked with sorrow, but through it all, I still know quite certainly that to survive and be alive is a grand thing. Opportunities will always come because of life. It's up to you to see those opportunities and not blind yourself because of the grief, suffering, or misperception of the unfortunate...
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
You are not alone
Some of you believe you can fight for yourselves, even defend yourselves and need others to mind their business but when the disrespect happens in front of someone that loves you or even has compassion for you, expect them to jump in because it's only right. They are not use to that type of attack on you even though you are or may be....
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
The thought because of the song
it's not the song that makes you emotional. It's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it that gets you a certain way...
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
Our life is what our thoughts make it. It's plain and simple
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
It's not about achieving a goal. It's about how you set yourself up to achieve it.
in life, it's not about the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. For example, the importance of setting a goal is not about achieving it but about the opportunity given to yourself to achieve it. Think about it. Your struggles will make you stronger and allow you to triumph. If you fight your battles with strategy and purpose and not with anger or frustration, you will overcome them. As for your goals, if you give yourself the opportunity, you will achieve them. How you deal with what you're faced with is and will be the result. Food for thought...
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
Don't ruin today with yesterdays problems. You keep looking backward, and you're bound to run into a wall or lose your balance.
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
Think before you act..
1) Suffer the consequences for the hurt you do to others even if done to you. Revenge is not an option. It's a choice. You have all the control to do right by them or fix it right and if you judge, don't act on judgment. If you're frustrated, don't act on the frustration.
2) forgive those that have made you suffer because of # 1.
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
Don't make mistakes. Just make it right..
To those of you who are married: In every marriage, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is continuing to find grounds for marriage. There are many excuses people can come up with for wanting a divorce. We have to find reasons to stay in marriage. Mistakes are made to learn from but not to use as an experiment. Don't make it a habit. Just make it right.
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
The two most important days of your life are the days you were born and the day you find out why.
- Mark Twain
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funkyfreshray · 1 year ago
There's too many people in this world to consider being them. You are enough. (The impact Peter Parker's story had on me)
Sometimes anger or frustration will lead you to finding unnecessary ways to confront embarrassment, insults, conflicts, and arguments and changes you to become someone you are not. You dont need to live believing you need to become better than others. You are all the person you need to be. There are too many people in this world for you to even consider becoming someone else. Too many of them, yet only one of you. That's why mistakes exist, so you can make them and help yourself learn from them. Dont let others influence you or disrespect you to the point you feel you need to change and then find out you hurt, disappointed, disrespected, and insulted others because you decided to treat everyone as if all of them are taking advantage of you or disrespecting you.
Peter Parker didn't need that black suit to be more powerful. He convinced himself he didn't need the original suit, so instead, he threw it away and let whoever he became in the symbiote suit become him. He then realized it just made him selfish, leading him to think of what he would get out of it and not consider others, whether they were good or bad. He eventually goes back to the original red and blue suit after realizing the hurt he caused good people and loved ones izncluding mistakes he made using the symbiote suit because he thought power he felt after getting fed up with the bad, made him feel stronger and forget what his intentions and motives were when choosing to live the life of a hero.
There are haters and people who are grateful for the good you do. All I can say is that in life, you are rewarded through your daily dealings because of the good you do and the intentions you carry. Although selfishness, being challeged, and getting provoked may make you react in a way that makes you feel superior, there is no need to go about your day convincing yourself you are owed something. I can learn from fictional super heros. Just have to wake up the kid inside me sometimes to remember also how fun it was to do good for others and remember how good it made me feel to help make a difference for others as well as my self..
There are enough of "them" in this world for us to be like someone else. Be you because YOU are enough.
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