#funfact about bsd irl!author
So I just found out that irl!ranpo is gay????
So the story is that I was just scrolling through tumblr for a bit and found a post that say(questioning) that ranpo is gay and I was like
(Here the link if you wondering)
I was shocked I was completely shocked like my mind was just repeating a sentence
"Irl!ranpo is GAY??!"
So I calm down a bit go to Google and search and found a reddit post kinda explaining the part "irl!ranpo is gay"
So the gist of it was ranpo and his friend name Iwata who was anthropologist that spent years researching the history of homosexuality in Japan, during the 1930s edogawa and Iwata had a competition to see who could find the most books about erotic desire between man.
Edogawa dedicated himself finding books published in the west and Iwata dedicated himself finding books published in japan
But unfortunately, iwata died in 1945 leaving with only part of his work published so edogawa worked to have the remaining work on queer historiography published.
And there was also this too "Vision and Putrescence: Edogawa Rampo Rereading Edgar Allan Poe"(you will also find this in the reddit post link that I put up there) that talk about his sexual indentity and heterosexual love? (Idk know how to explain it though but if i have to sum it up I will take a page from the reddit post and said "A quote verifying that Edogawa Ranpo was almost certainly gay.")
This is why I love irl author fact so much like, they have things about them that we don't know yet and when we find out it just leave us completely shocked
Like seriously iam so completely shocked right now to the point that iam completely ignoring my homework to write this
(Also a reminder iam not a researcher who did some kind of in depth research about this, this post is just me finding some kind of fact about irl!author if there is any misconception then iam sorry also if you want to discuss more about this then feel free to comment in the tag or the comment section but I will not accept any hate comment if you don't like it just scrolled past it this will not affect your life)
P.S: while I was writing this I just remember that I have some post that I haven't finished and edited or post yet but if you curious about it then I could said one is about kinda related to jouno, one is atsushi and one is just random, I might post it if I have the motivation but maybe it will take a while
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
That was a pleasure to read, I'm in awe. I've been itching to read someone's thougts on characters like Shibusawa, Ivan, and maybe even Bram for a good amount of time!
Alright but what if Asagiri pulls a huge ass plottwist on us and Ivan's suddenly relevant? /j...
In any case you. you ever just become hyperaware of how someone actually WROTE all of that? Asagiri came up with all of that.. He's read all those books, he's informed himself on the author's lives, on various murder methods and such, he came up with that god-tier plot, he made up characters THIS complex and fucked up... that man's intellect must be on a terrifying level.
in addition, a funfact (one of which you might already be aware, but bare with me): irl Nikolai Gogol had schizophrenia if my sources aren't lying. and he had quiet the... fucked up life story, especially closer to his end. and I noticed some things that are similar to the BSD plot, which might just be coincidental, but I don't know how to feel about that nonetheless..
AHHHH TY im glad u liked it :) Those kinds of characters are honestly my favorite, they're so mysterious and weird and scrunkly.
And yeah that would be nice but I doubt it 😔
but yeah.... writing manga and keeping up with all of it must be insane tbh. Like, the narrative is one thing, having all the backstory knowledge of the authors and everything msut be insane, I've already read a few things each from poe, dazai, akutagawa, steinbeck, lovecraft, dostoevsky and I think a few others but I couldn't imagine managing to have that all in ur brain god it's so much
And on the Nikolai point, it does not surprise me. I have got to get my hands on some of his writing but I've heard it's. Rather Fucked. I can imagine it tbh
I don't know his real life story well enough to be able to say, but I have a giant essay locked and loaded about the similarities between Dazai and the authors and everything I think i must have published it a while back i just. Yeah Dazai has a lot. A lot a lot going on
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