#fun little extra tidbit for you if you read this far down in the tags:
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doodleodds ¡ 3 years ago
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Hmm...it’s been two months......I think it’s reasonable to post akeshu week day 2 now
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hahahaha day 2 am i right fellas? only a week late....haha...........
#akeshu#p5r#akechi goro#kurusu akira#p5r spoilers#yeah im not even tagging it as the week anymore its been so dang long since i started this#this was an idea i had in my head for a while and i just figured 'oh huh day 2's prompt fits this' so. bam! there it is#and yes before you ask the rest of the pt also play with them. they're just doing a solo mission because theyre alone at the moment#and idk i just like thinking that akechi's mom is still alive so. she is in this au. congrats mamakechi!#this was the first comic i ever felt like i had to color code the word bubbles to tell who was speaking...which is probably not a good sign#just means that they were confusingly placed! so. sorry about that! i hope the flow of the panels isnt too bad#so uh. in other news i am going through possibly the worst case of art block i've ever gone through before#i think i was able to force myself to draw like. 1 panel a day of this. i drew like one line and then i closed the canvas#did i make joker a character sheet for funsies one day instead of drawing this? yes. yes i did. send help#i have a few ideas i still want to draw...but lord knows if i'll have the ability to actually force myself to draw them any time soon#i might? open commissions??? to force myself to draw on a deadline and for a reason rather than for myself and on no deadlines#maybe. maybe i will do that. or maybe i'll see if i can organize a collab of some kind....that would be fun too#hm. things to ponder#anyway! i hope you've all been well. see you in a month again probably knowing my posting schedule ^^;#fun little extra tidbit for you if you read this far down in the tags:#goro was originally trying to keep crow as a mysterious villain; he rolled a nat 1 in deception when introducing him to the party though#hence the 'oh did i hear something about delicious pancakes' line :P#outed IMMEDIATELY as a villain lol. bad luck goro!
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studypride ¡ 7 years ago
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hello my friends! in a moment of inspiration (aka me not wanting to write another paragraph for my essay), i have decided to make a post of tips! and hopefully it’s helpful to some of you :0 some of these are common and worth repeating, whereas others i haven’t seen? and are hopefully useful
disclaimer: i’ve only been in uni for one semester and everyone is different so if some of these don’t work for you then that is a-okay! also i don’t know much myself so feel free to comment/add as you please
there will be a day where you need a Very Small Thing (socks, necklace, That One Homework Assignment, a paperclip, an earring) and you won’t be able to find it
how do you avoid this? easy. stay organized
have pillows/blankets if you can. they’re nice to sit on if your desk chair is hard and wooden. also you can be cozy and turn yourself into a burrito if it’s cold, 10/10 would recommend
be nice to your roommates and/or suitemates if you have any
on that note, set rules right away
possible things to consider when making room rules:
whether or not you’re okay w having alcohol/substances in the room
if you wanna know when your roommate’s friends are hanging out in the room (i personally have to mentally prepare myself to walk into my room and see 8 people hanging out)
if visitors are allowed to sleep over, and if so, how many days in advance do you wanna know
snack policy. shared? individual? ask before you eat?
what time is “quiet time”
if you’re gonna sleep and i have hw, is it okay if i stay in the room or is that distracting?
who takes out the trash/cleans the bathroom/vacuums (switch off every week? one person does each thing? do it if you see it needs to be done?)
sometimes you will have to compromise and that’s okay
eat. eat 3 meals. eat 4 if you want. just please please eat
don’t skip meals. it’s not healthy and you should treat your body nicely bc it’s the only one you have
get a water bottle and bring it with you to class
have snacks. have ones that come in little containers or smaller packets. put them in your backpack. pull those bad boys out when it’s 3pm and you still have 2 more classes and you need a little pick-me-up
fruit is good. apples, oranges, bananas, plums, etc.
my food tag has lots of easy things to make
or just google “easy college food” and you’ll find stuff too
freshman fifteen doesn’t have to be a thing if you are mindful of what you’re eating and how much you’re exercising and all of that
also a little weight never hurt anybody so calm down and be nice to yourself and know that it’s okay
i don’t ever skip class. maybe you will have an easy class and you will want to skip it. it’s up to you.
however, you will not be able to skip class all semester and teach yourself everything about an unfamiliar subject
make friends in your classes. text them. eat lunch with them once in a while so they know who you are when it’s halfway through the semester and you’re sick and miss two lectures and need their notes
know when the tests are. study for them. even if it’s a subject you know well, study anyway and get a 100%
sometimes professors change exam dates. or they assign extra homework.
 they might post it online or email you or something
or they might announce it in class. and if you’re not in class then you won’t know. so maybe go to class
stay on the cautious side your first semester. don’t overwhelm yourself with 5 difficult courses. after that, tailor your schedule times and difficulty to suit you
do it, and do it asap
i’m not kidding, it will save you so much trouble later on
start studying for tests at least a week in advance
prioritize things. yeah that discussion post is really interesting but if your professor just checks it for participation, then maybe spend less time on that and instead prioritize the project that’s 20% of your grade
if a prof’s office hours don’t work then email them, usually they’re nice and will find a time that works for both of you
i’m not kidding you should really do your hw asap
stick with what you like. stop what you don’t like.
go to club meetings, they’re usually not longer than like an hour (mine are only 30mins) and the club heads will notice you and appreciate you
it’s a nice way to meet people who are interested in similar things 
ask people to eat lunch with you. 90% of the time they will say yes.
the other 10%, they either already ate or are in class, but they would if they could. don’t take it personally if they’re busy
seriously ask people to eat with you. it’s a nice way to get to know people
do things off-campus once in a while. go to museums, the beach, shopping, laser tag, escape rooms, etc
do things on-campus too. there are usually cool events and sometimes they end up being a lot of fun
 don’t go to parties if you don’t want to. it’s okay.
don’t drink if you don’t want to. seriously. it’s okay. people will understand. and if they don’t, then they’re not a good friend
if you live close to home, visit your family, but also spend time with people/friends. they want to get to know you
if you live far from home, hang out with your friends, but also take time to call your family (+ pets) and update them on your life. they miss you
have some cash on you if you can. i keep ~$20 on me
things get stolen on campus. don’t leave your stuff lying around. bring your backpack into the bathroom if you need to
get a stapler. professors like it when you staple things
headphones/earbuds. you will use them at some point
find time to read for fun, it’s a nice way to get away from screens and think about something else
AND THAT’S A WRAP!! Good luck, all! My ask is always open c: ~Aisa
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itsniaeveryone ¡ 3 years ago
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I posted 350 times in 2021
6 posts created (2%)
344 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 57.3 posts.
I added 14 tags in 2021
#tiktok - 2 posts
#comedy - 2 posts
#america reacts - 2 posts
#kamala harris - 2 posts
#singer - 1 posts
#all the episodes are on youtube so i can reminisce - 1 posts
#children's tv - 1 posts
#i miss good quality tv - 1 posts
#ballet - 1 posts
#fantasy - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#all the episodes are on youtube so i can reminisce
My Top Posts in 2021
Share a paragraph for an OC’s story you haven’t posted yet! :)
So sorry for your loss. Hope this cute tidbit of tomorrow's "Sewing It Up" oneshot (Ballet Bunheads) makes you smile a tiny bit. :-)
“You okay, Mimsey?” Nyris asked, remembering how her stepmother sometimes got dizzy after going in circles.
“Yes, Jellybean. I’m okay,” Villy smiled, squeezing her hand. “How far is your studio?”
“It’s the last one down the far hall.” The six-year-old led her past the other studios, describing the large photos of the dancers and previous productions that hung on the walls.
She loved to point out everything she saw, which was a huge help to the blind dressmaker. She liked using that time to help Nyris grow and learn, as well as extracting information for herself.
“We’re here,” she announced after turning down three long hallways. “The benches are over here.” She led her over to the wooden benches in front of the studio window, slinging her dance bag off her shoulder and digging through it. She was wearing her leotard and tights under her dress, so she slipped it off and slipped into her ballet skirt. “Can you tie my ballet slippers, please?”
Villy folded her cane, placing it next to her on the bench. “Of course, honey.”
Nyris shifted so her feet rested on her stepmother’s lap. “You tie it in a pretty bow.”
“Two pretty bows, coming right up.” She tied the drawstrings into bows, double-knotting them for extra security.
“Thank you, Mimsey,” Nyris giggled, kissing her cheek. “I have to put my bag in a cubby.”
She stuffed her bag into the small cubicle, before noticing her friends and going over to meet them. They all asked how her rehearsals for the professional company's spring ballet were going, and how they couldn’t wait to see her.
“It’s really fun. Everyone’s super nice, and we’re getting measured for our costumes today.”
She was flooded with more excited inquiries until the teacher came out of the room and announced it was time for class to begin. The young students hurried inside and began their warm-up stretches.
1 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 01:19:10 GMT
I can't be the only one who remembers this show.
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I loved "The Toy Castle" when I was little, because I was a ballerina.
1 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 22:36:12 GMT
New series: “🇺🇸 America Reacts”
If America was a person, how would she react to her new government administration? Episode 1: Biden/Harris First Day
1 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 00:16:56 GMT
There’s nothing more satisfying than your voice teacher (who’s always honest and will read your life for all it’s imperfections) smiling and clapping when you belt 1 note, for the first time, and it sounds good! 🎶🎉🎊🎤
4 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 14:52:47 GMT
I'm a musical theatre writer (book & lyrics). This 30-minute one-act was our final project last semester, and I was the lyricist.
"The Papillon Waltz" ~ A Magical Musical
A seamstress, Adella, has the gift of "woven hands", where she transfuses her emotions into her clothes. At the Papillon Waltz, she's hit with all these different emotions, and magical chaos ensues. Will she be able to calm herself down and get things back to normal?
37 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 01:58:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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workfromhomeyoutuber ¡ 5 years ago
You Need A Budget (YNAB): Humbly Confident Public Relations Manager
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Headquarters: Salt Lake City, UT URL: https://www.youneedabudget.com/
At YNAB, we build the world’s best budgeting software. But teaching people how to get control of their money and changing lives, one budget at a time, is what gets us up in the morning. Over the years we’ve slowly gained some notoriety (the good kind!) but there are still a whole lot of people who have never heard of us, and it’s a budgeting shame. 
We’re looking for a natural storyteller, connector, and media whisperer, with years of public relations experience, to help us raise our profile. 
You have experience working with influencers and understand that bigger isn’t always better, but also, that sometimes, it is. You’re flexible like that. In fact, while reading the last two sentences, you began making a mental list of people you’d want to connect with right out of the gate. 
You see opportunities all around you and the thought of cold-calling a potential partner and pitching a potential project or campaign sounds thrilling. If you’re thinking, “Where is the challenge in that? I may even get an invite to the wedding!”, you just might be our person. 
You understand what makes a great story and what makes something media-worthy. And you love nothing more than packaging it all up and getting it in front of the right person, at the right time. 
When you look at all the awesome content the YNAB marketing team produces, you can’t help but think of 14 other ways you would promote it. Don’t be shy—we can’t wait to hear your ideas.  
If you are the right person for the job you’ll have the following experience and/or qualities: 
Experience in public relations, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, referral marketing, and/or partner marketing 
A sense of humor and the ability to think on your feet (this sounds like improv, which isn’t a requirement, but how awesome is improv?!)
Strong skills as a writer, communicator, and negotiator  
Strategic-minded planner who can execute the details without losing sight of the big picture 
An assertive, proactive personality that is energized at the prospect of building new relationships, partnerships, and programs
A natural-bridge builder that can’t help but make connections, build consensus, and invite collaboration
Excellent time management skills which make juggling multiple projects, priorities, and pitches look easy
That gives you a pretty good idea of the job and who we’re looking for, but first, you need to know if you’ll even like working with us. (Spoiler alert: We think you will.)
A Bit About Us
We build the best budgeting software around, YNAB or “You Need a Budget” if you have a lot of extra time on your hands. For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their friends what a difference it has made in their lives. (Google us, or read some of our reviews on the app store, and you’ll see what we mean.) We love building something that has a huge positive impact on people’s lives.
We’re profitable, bootstrapped, and growing. YNAB started in 2004 and we haven’t taken any outside funding—we’re in it for the long haul. 
We have one overarching requirement when it comes to joining our team: our Core Value Manifesto has to really click with you. If you’re nodding emphatically while reading it, you’ll probably fit right in, in which case, we can’t wait to hear from you! 
First, let’s talk about life at YNAB and then we’ll go into detail about what we’re looking for. 
Who you’d be working with:
Lindsey & The Gang aka the Marketing Team aka just a rag-tag but lovable bunch of underdogs who defy the odds—making budgeting software hilarious, emotional, and accessible—day in and day out. (Disney, are you listening?) 
We love musical theater, board games, stand-up comedy, the Enneagram, video games, and art, to varying degrees, depending on who you talk to first. (Oh, and Ryan likes sports.) Our internal Slack channel is so much fun, it has a growing fanbase of its own. 
Lindsey, our Chief Marketing Officer, will be the first to delete something very important, but also the first to celebrate your wins—big and small. Ryan, our Digital Marketing Director, will quickly become your lifeline in any type of bracketology-related emergency and even under website-launch-level-stress, he can sneak in the jokes that make you feel like, “if Dad’s OK, we’ll all be OK.” 
You’ll collaborate a lot with Rachel, who leads out on the blog, possibly from Hawaii, where she’s working from an AirBnB for a month or two, because she’s cool like that. And Janelle, who is the hilarious brain behind our social media. Of course, there is also Ashley and Hannah, who are growing our YouTube channel, and basically scream “lifestyle partnerships!” with their very existence. And then there are awesome teachers Erin, Ben, and Kelly, who are building out educational content and self-paced courses, that are begging to be discovered by the right verticals and communities… And that’s not even everybody! 
It’s a strong, creative, hilarious team that genuinely enjoys each other and their work. 
How You’ll Work at YNAB
We work really hard to make working at YNAB an amazing experience. In fact, we were recently recognized as Fortune's #4 best small company to work for in the United States! We have a team full of truly exceptional people—the kind you’ll be excited to work with. Here’s how we operate:
Live Where You Want
We’re a distributed team, so you can live and work wherever you want. Proximity doesn’t influence productivity. Taylor, our CTO, was traveling who-knows-where for a couple of years before he bought a farm. Up and move to France for a year? Sure, Todd did that. Don’t like France? How about London, where Janelle trotted off to. Tulsa Remote? Can do. Or if you just love LA or Baltimore or Buenos Aires, we’ve got people there, too.  Not all of us move around, but the fact that these folks have is totally okay because we’re all adults. Just make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
No Crazy Hours
We rarely work more than 40 hours per week. There have been a few occasions where things got a little crazy and people had to log some extra hours. But then they took some extra time off, so it all balances out. We work hard and smart but we’re in this for the long haul, no need to go crazy on the hours.
Take Vacation (Seriously)
We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year. Five weeks feels about right (plus two extra weeks for Christmas break). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures of your vacation in our Slack channel, creatively named #office_wall.
The YNAB Meetup
We get the teams together once a year to catch up on spreadsheets and powerpoints in a Best Western conference room. Just kidding. So far, we’ve done Costa Rica, a gigantic cabin in the mountains, a beach house in the Outer Banks, a ranch in Montana, and most recently, Laguna Beach. We work together, play together, and reinforce the bonds we’ve made as a team and company. Every year, we leave refreshed, motivated, and excited for the year ahead together.
Up Your Game
We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. We budget for it (hey-o!). Think conferences, Lynda subscriptions, dedicated time away from work to learn something new… it’s really up to you and your manager. But we love to see our people growing.  
International is Absolutely Okay
If you are Stateside, we’ll set you up as a W2 employee. If you’re international, you’ll be set up as a contractor. Employee or contractor, it’s all the same to us. You’re part of the team. (We are spread all over the world: Switzerland, Scotland, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Canada, and all over the United States.)
If You’re Stateside…
YNAB offers fantastic health, dental, and vision insurance, where we cover 100% of the premium for you and your family. (No need to check your vision, you read that right, 100%. Although if you did need to check your vision, NBD, we’ve got you covered!)
We also have a Traditional and Roth 401k option. YNAB contributes three percent whether you choose to throw any money in there or not. It vests immediately. (Are you a personal finance junkie like our founder Jesse? He set up YNAB’s 401k to have the lowest fee structure possible, where all plan costs are paid by YNAB, not your retirement nest egg. The investment funds available are fantastic, passively-managed, ultra low-cost index funds. You’re not a PF junkie? Trust us, it’s awesome.)
Other Tidbits
Once you start, we DEMAND (in a friendly, ALL CAPS IS YELLING way) that you fill out your “Bucket List” spreadsheet with 50 items. (That’s harder than it sounds!) 
The bucket list really helps in deciding what we should give you for your birthday and the holidays.
We have a bonus plan based on profitability. You’ll be in on that from day one. YNAB wins, you win. That kind of thing.
We’re all adults. There’s no need to punch a clock, or ask for permission to take off early one afternoon to go see the doctor (health insurance premium 100% covered!). We look at what you accomplish, not how long you sit (have you tried standing?) in front of a computer.
We want you firing on all cylinders so we’ll set you up with a shiny new computer and replace it every three years.
Did I mention we make a huge, positive difference in people’s lives? You may not think that matters much, but then a few months down the road you’ll realize it’s made your job really, really enjoyable. Don’t underestimate this one!
If this sounds like your ideal environment, read on because now I want to talk about you. You will play a big, big part in helping YNAB customers achieve success. You will change lives. I’ll only say that six more times.
Now, back to you, our new Public Relations Manager...
Before “content marketing” and “word-of-mouth marketing” were buzzwords, YNAB’s marketing efforts were anchored in content and community. It’s what we do best. But we have a lot of people focused on creating the content, and very few with bandwidth to really focus on promoting the content. This is where you come in. 
You are full of ideas. There are influencers to work with, content partnerships to forge, referral strategies to execute, media stories to land! 
You see our crazy, loyal fanbase and it gets your wheels spinning—oh, the things you could do with the two families who got YNAB license plates or the couple that threw a YNAB-themed Valentines date!  
If we told you that we were getting users to opt-in to share their data anonymously so we could publish an Annual Report full of spending trends and averages, your head might explode with the media coverage potential. (Oh, the potential!!) 
You are probably a storyteller in your own right, and although we have content creators, you wouldn’t be shy about diving right in and writing content for a partnership you are working on or an influencer campaign in the works. 
You are our ideal candidate if you: 
Have at least 3-5 years of professional experience in public relations,
Agency experience
Excel at juggling multiple projects and timelines at any given moment and switching gears keeps you fresh and stimulated. 
Opportunistic and proactive about sourcing, developing, and executing potential partnerships, programs, and/or campaigns
Energized at the thought of building something from nothing
Comfortable initiating and maintaining relationships 
Understand how to pitch the right media, the right content, at the right time
Persistent. Because media. 
Make us laugh. 
Manage your time exceptionally well and are comfortable working remotely. 
Incredibly organized, flexible, and collaborative. 
Never met a deadline you didn’t love. 
Self-motivated and driven by nature, maybe even a little competitive. 
Stay laser-focused on the big picture, without losing sight of every. last. detail. 
Wildly productive and independent, but a team-player at heart. 
Bonus Points: 
You already use and love YNAB. 
YNAB is an equal opportunity employer. We believe diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to be critical to our success and are passionate about creating a welcoming, supportive, and collaborative environment for all employees. All are encouraged to apply as we continue to grow a smart, hard-working, and diverse team who love working together to build something that matters.
How to Apply
Apply here (https://ynab.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0qmzk) by 11:59PM on March 12th, 2020. Firm. It’s a real deadline. The kind you love.
Attach a pdf of your cover letter. In your cover letter: 
Introduce yourself and explain why this position is of interest to you, and why you would be a great fit. Please limit this section of the cover letter to 1.5 pages. 
On a separate page of your cover letter, answer the following questions (with each response being about a paragraph in length): 
1. What attracted you to this position? (This is not about what attracted you to the software.) 
2. What criteria do you look for when searching for your next company or position? 
3. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your current job? 
4. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new to excel at your job. 
5. We recently launched two self-paced video courses and have two more in the works. How would you go about driving people toward those resources? 
6. Tell us about a campaign or program you built from concept to execution. 
7. With what you know about our brand and our product, share some influencers or other brands that you think could be strong potential partners, and why. 
If you have a prepared resume, attach it in PDF form. If you don’t have a resume because you aren’t even sure you’re looking to change jobs, that’s fine! An informal list of your work and education history are all we’re looking for.
Please send all attachments as PDFs. 
P.S.  If you’re not interested in or available for this position, but know someone who is, we would really appreciate it if you passed this along!
To apply: https://ynab.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0qmzk
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/3chu8kE from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/2w8wbXY
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tweakerwolf ¡ 8 years ago
Boyfriend to Death question: is everything to know about the characters in-game or are there tidbits of backstory info about the guys in outside sources (creator blogs)? —A person who is missing 5-7 endings for everyone, is stuck because already got the easier endings, and is kind of ashamed of having to use a walkthrough even though it saves me from wasting hours of trial-and-error.
Edit: So I rambled on a bit there…. I’m putting it under a read more XD just so that way not everyone has to scroll past it hahaha. There’s no spoilers (since I normally put spoilers under a read more), it’s just a few paragraphs so it’s on the longer side of a reply.
Um…. hmmm…. I want to say that everything you need to know is in game for both the first and the second. I technically follow Sano and Akira (characters from the first game) but I didn’t do that until AFTER I completed the first game. So I knew nothing about any of the men. I recognized Strade from Gato’s comic, but BTD!Strade is an AU Strade and it has nothing to really do with the comic. Demon!Rire is also from a HUGE AU that Darqx came up with about one of their other comics/stories but I knew absolute nothing about that AU at all. Or even the original story. I can’t say if that made the first game harder for me or not, I haven’t thought about it! But I do remember EP saying that they had to really change Sano around (personality-wise) in order to really include him in the game. So I feel like it’s safe to say that the game is an AU of their characters in general.
The same holds true for the second game as well (I’m assuming you’re asking about the second game but maybe you are only on the first?? But still, this is more evidence that the game is mostly just a fun AU of their characters). I know nothing about Lawrence, as far as I can tell he’s a new character of Gato’s?? I haven’t seen reference of him anywhere before but I could’ve easily missed something. I know Cain already existed but I knew very VERY little about him, just some tidbits on EP’s blogs, nothing that gave me a lot of background on him. And I didn’t even think about his background when I was playing, I just focused on what the game was telling me. Vincent I also knew nothing about, other than he was a werewolf. Technically speaking, if you know Ren’s backstory then his path makes A LOT more sense, BUT…. how he acted in the past doesn’t fully give away how he acts in the second game. Ren has evolved in a way, and it keeps the player guessing!
Honestly I think it’s just the game itself. There are a majority of endings that are easy to find (on average, of course individuals are going to have different play styles). There are the ones that are strictly dialogue based, you piss them off and then you’re dead! It’ll happen the same way every time! But then there are others that are a little bit harder. They require a certain heart level with the guy. Easier when you’ve died a few times and you are starting to understand what the character likes and dislikes.Then there are the ones that require a very specific path of dialogue to be followed. Require not only a certain heart level, but also a certain sanity level too! One missed dialogue choice can keep the ending hidden from you and it’s frustrating!!! Personally I think there’s no reason to be ashamed in needing a guide or two, the characters are complex and the choices are complex. Even if you are getting the same dialogue choices over and over, the combination that you select them truly matter in the hard-to-get endings.
I’m sure once you find those hard endings, it’ll make more sense. There was never a point when I was playing either game where I KNEW what to click because of some outside-of-game tidbit. There are easter eggs of course though! You recognize them referencing a character, or some artwork on their wall! But those kinds of references have mostly just been extra; exciting things to be like ‘I know that!’. I’m not sure if the game designers did that as a way to be fair (since obviously some players are going to be more knowledgeable about their works), or if they just didn’t want to make the game too easy. Honestly if I had to guess, I’m sure it’s the second XD They didn’t want people to have the guys figured out so they didn’t use too many aspects of their background/personality that were well known.
If you’re ashamed of using a guide but at the same time I totally understand how trial and error can take up hours of time!!! I say, try following a guide a little bit at a time. Don’t read the WHOLE thing and then find the ending. Read down the dialogue until you come to something you haven’t clicked before. Stop there. Play the game up to where you read (save) and then try to figure out the rest of the ending from there!  So if you’re reading a guide and it’s like Pick up _____ and you’re like we can pick that up??? Obviously you’ve never gone down that path before so try it :) That way MOST of the figuring out is still coming from you, maybe you won’t feel as bad about using a guide :)
ALSO, I’ve been giving out hints :D Feel free to use those hints. If the hints are really BIG, the ask will be tagged as spoilers. Try reading the basic hints first and then if you’re still stuck, try the “spoilers” edition of the hints. Or, feel free to ask me :) If you have a specific ending you want to get (obviously you’d have to ask by number since you wouldn’t have the title of it lol) but don’t want to be totally spoiled, I can give hints on how to get it… to the best of my ability. Hints are a lot more fun since it lets YOU find the endings yourself, with just a push in the right direction :)
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toastnekohime ¡ 7 years ago
By The Pulse Of A Heartbeat
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Part six of a 2018 Camp NaNoWriMo Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Elementshipping novel. Based on rp’s between myself ( @getyouraoion ) and my amazing, precious Twin’s Jaden ( @kiibx ), By The Pulse Of A Heartbeat tells the story of how Aoi and Jaden met at Duel Academy and formed their incredibly tight friendship, eventually falling into a relationship, and how they handle the various threats thrown at them over their three years of schooling.
There are currently no triggers, but should any arise, they will be tagged.
STILL IN PROGRESS. Please forgive any typos you may find~
Tagging @starisia, as this wouldn’t exist without my wonderful Twin <3
Duel Academy is the place to be, the dream school for many kids. Be it through intense studying, duel prep schools, scholarships, or being rich enough to buy their way in, most kids have had their sights set on it for a long time, knowing it to be the perfect place to start towards a career as a professional duelist. Someone has to Dethrone Yugi and take the title of King of Games, and everyone wants a shot!
Except that is, for Aoi Sakazaki.
Falling in love with Duel Monsters when her father bought her several cards in her childhood, she makes the choice to try her hand at the entrance exams, despite having no idea what she wants to do with her life… And just barely squeaks her way in. Her poor exams scores, combined with even poorer grades, land her a solid spot in the Academy’s Slifer Red dorm - The lowest of the low, where students are almost expected to drop out if they don’t advance to Ra Yellow or Obelisk Blue, first.
The rank comes with the rest of the school looking down on them, as well as the worst lodging the furthest distance from the main campus and fewest privileges  compared to the other dorms. But it also brings a surprise friend in fellow Slifer student Jaden Yuki, who seems to have absolutely no problem with the hand they’ve been dealt.
It’s not long before Aoi and Jaden find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of an adventure, dealing with exams, classes, ‘evil’ teachers, and somehow still finding enough time to explore the island they now call home. But living on Academy Island isn’t all fun and games; shortly after their schooling begins, things around their home begin to change, and rarely for the better.
Neither friend has any idea what lies in wait for them in the next three years… But is it an adventure they’ll be able to tackle together, or will it end their time at the school - and them - before it’s even begun?
It’s time to put their skills where their mouths are and find out!
Or be miserably left behind in the dust, that was, her legs still sore when she ducked out of her room and made her way down the balcony the following afternoon. It hurt to even walk, though there was no way she was missing this meeting, only releasing her iron grip on the thick binder hugged to her chest to knock on the door at the end.
The previous day's race had brought them to a stretch of beach on the island's southeastern side, water crystal clear and waves far more gentle than what usually hit the rocky cliff behind the Red dorm. With just about everyone exhausted after their first half a week of classes, they'd had the beach mostly to themselves... And like a couple of kids, settled for building a sandcastle until Syrus had caught up.
Sandcastles, jumping around in the surf, checking out the surf shack, nudging each other into waves, crab catching... By the time night had fallen, they'd done it all, Aoi and Jaden dripping wet from impromptu 'swims' in front of a campfire while Syrus took to scolding them and reminding if they got sick from swimming in the middle of October, they were on their own!
But it was a dose of normalcy, of happiness, she'd needed since coming to the academy. It'd been impossible to get too close to her roommates, and there was no way she could talk to Chazz the way she did Jaden, either. Even Syrus she was still guarded towards, keeping a fair bit of distance between them at all times, though he didn't seem to mind despite it all.
Jaden... There was something about him that just seemed to make it all melt away. All the stress, all the worries, her defensiveness and desire to keep her distance – Around him, she couldn't help but laugh and relax. His enthusiasm and grin made the day brighter, for sure, and in a place so determined and full of competition as Duel Academy, it was a breath of fresh air she hadn't known she'd needed until it'd nearly mowed her down – Litteraly.
Even when he opened the door, she could feel the tension melting off her shoulders, tight grip on her binder loosening slightly at the sight of that grin. Whatever it was about him, she didn't want it to ever change.”I though y' would b' out today, honestly.”
Jaden chuckled, stepping aside to let her in. “Nah. I can't feel my legs.” Closing the door behind her, he crossed the room to drop into a desk chair, a hand burying itself in his hair for a gentle scratch. Her laughter wasn't enough to make his grin fade, though it did get him to look up as she came closer after kicking off her shoes, pulling out another chair and setting her binder down on his desk. “What?”
“I can't feel mine either,” she managed out between laughs, sinking into her seat far slower than he had.  “Calves, mostly. Y' run t' fast.”
“Need to stay quick on my feet. Can't avoid friends and waves otherwise, y'know.” His eyes practically sparkled, the tease enough to get her to reach out and ever so gently push at his knee. Touching him of her own free will was still slow going; nudges and pushes had been as far as she'd gone, still wary of being too physical with him.
Still, it wouldn't stop her from taking out her deck and flipping open the binder she'd brought. “This is m' entire collection, mister speedyfeet. I'm n' good with homework an' m' grades're 'bout as good as yours, b' I try an' keep this organized th' best I can.” Her fingers ran over the clear plastic sheets, cards set into each of the nine slots. “Monsters, spells, traps. In that order.”
“And a page of charmers,” he pointed out, lifting several of the pages for a look at what lie beneath. “Wait... Is this all of them?! You've got them all?!”
Aoi laughed, flipping over the pages herself. “Mhm. M' charmers are m' favorite. All it takes is one little flip, an' y' can grab a monster off y' opponent's field n' problem. An' then once y' got that, y' tribute 'em both f' th' next form, th' familiar-possesed charmers. They work out a lot better then.”
“Mm, still level fours.” Placing a finger one a copy of Raging Eria, he reached over for the deck set down nearby with his other hand, spreading it out on the desk and nudging out both Eria the Water Charmer and Familiar-Possesed Eria. “See? You don't need the tribute.”
She laid a hand over his, gently guiding the pointing finger to Familiar-Possesed Aussa, letting it rest over the effect text there. “Look again. I don't need it, n', b' doin' it that way? There's extra damage t' b' dealt. Th' tribute grants them piercing damage. An' with an 1850 attack... Could d' some good damage.”
He nodded, glancing between the binder and spread out deck. Though he was still smiling, the look in his eyes had changed; he was more serious, focused, so much unlike the boy she saw in class. As if there was something that just clicked mentally whenever he looked at their cards. “I've never seen 'em myself, but I've heard of the charmers. Attack's good... Your favorites?”
“They are. See-” She paused, the hand still holding his lifting so she could flip the page, “they have three forms, matchin' traps, an' three of 'em have familiars t' match their second form: Jigabyte, Inari Fire, an'...” A groan. “Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness.”
The returned laughter brought her grin back. It wasn't her fault Aussa had a weirdly named familiar! “That's why they're all here. Er.. Except f' Eria. She's m' favorite above 'em all.”
“Then we keep Eria.” The moment she released his hand, he set about sliding several other charmers free, pushing them and the water magician up higher on the desk. “Here- It's your deck. What do ya wanna save from this one?”
“Eria... An' this...”
“You sure? What about this one?”
“Mmm... Nah, that one. N' Jigabyte, either. I have an idea. What about this one? Think it could work?”
“Pfft- It could- You've got a better idea going now, huh?”
“Yep- All 'cause y' pointed it out.”
An idea, that was, that would take them both the majority of the afternoon to execute. The sun had begun to set by the time Aoi leaned back in her chair, hugging her new deck to her chest; why hadn't they done this sooner?! “It's perfect! Ah, Jay, y' th' best f' this!”
Both teens paused, sharing a surprised glance. Had.. She just called him Jay? The hours hadn't been just deck talk either, jokes and vague stories of their pasts worked in between cards. He knew her father worked for the power company back home and had bought her Eria, and she knew he'd spent a lot of time dueling with the neighborhood kids in his hometown... And with little, smaller tidbits added in, it'd clearly led to... What, exactly?
Jaden's lips spread into a slow forming but broad grin first. “Hey, no worries- It's a cool nickname! But y'know what would be even cooler?”
“I'm gonna read y' mind an' say a duel.” She laughed, flipping the cover of her binder closed. “Depends. What time is it? 'cause I'm getting' hungry an' Professor Banner's cookin' is amazin'. M' stomach beats out a duel any day.”
As her deck found its way to her lap, his PDA came up from the pouch on his belt, the hem of his shirt tugged aside enough that she could see it. Her own was usually shoved in her pocket; maybe the school's store would have something similar? A holder would certainly come in handy rather than sitting on it every day! “...Six-thirty. Could probably get one in – Though I'm with you! Never miss a meal around here!”
“Tell m' 'bout it.” The tease was soft and gentle, widening her own smile at the sight of his nonchalant shrug. “What can I say, I'm a growing boy-”
“Y' got th' same endless stomach I d' is what y' are.”
“Heeey, no fair-”
“Wanna get back at m'? Get y' duel disk an' let's g'! I jus' gotta grab mine from m' room- Meet y' b' th' stairs?”
All but bouncing out of her chair, Aoi sipped her deck back into it's case; while it wouldn't stay there for long, it was better than accidentally dropping it while she tugged her boots on, making it a point to do so while leaning against the wall by the sink. The angle gave her a chance to watch him prepare, too, shrugging out of his uniform jacket and tying it around his waist. She'd never seen him without the blazer before...
Making sure the colored tongues of her shoes were straight, she stuck her tongue out at him and ducked out the door. She could always go back for her binder later, but for now she needed to get past her roommates and ignore the challenge called out by her friend for teasing him. She'd already agreed, what was the point of a formal challenge, anyway? If she'd agreed, it wasn't needed – Except for the dramatics of it, which she was quickly learning came easily in their newfound friendship.
Thankfully, it took all of three seconds to sneak past Kassidy and Mia and grab her duel disk from beside the sink before she was out again, sliding the device onto her arm. The familiar feeling of the wide metal band slowly tightening around her arm was almost comforting, relaxing; why was it just the idea of a duel of late eased a lot of tension? Taking her deck from the case and sliding it into the disk's slot ranked up there with it, the click of the band settling into place and deck held tight in the device's grip bringing a smile to her lips.
“Having fun without me?” Jaden questioned, stepping out of his room with a quick tug to close the creaky door behind him. Blazer still tied around his waist, he'd donned his own disk, deck already set and a wide grin on his lips. If she didn't know better, she'd think him a three year old on his way to the candy store, not a 15 year old headed out to duel!
She waited until he'd joined her to turn, the pair making their way down the balcony together. It was amazing how much more comfortable it was to have someone to talk to! “N' way. Y'know... Nothin' on this island's as fun as y' make it. Y' even made a walk t' th' beach fun.”
He bowed his head with a broad grin, gesturing to let her down the stairs first, to which she bowed in return with a laugh. “You've never had fun at the beach before? C'mon, Aoi, you make it sound like nothing's fun here!”
“It's n'. All th' studyin' an' th' homework... I fell asleep on that Spell Theories paper we had t' write. Pretty sure drool doesn't count as a theory.”
“...We had a paper?”
His grin faded into a sheepish smile, then a laugh shared between them, honey meeting green-blue. Settling his hands behind his head, he took up the lead, guiding her down the slope towards the cliff bellow. The red dorm had the fewest privileges of all the dorms, students even looked down on to the point of being expected to drop out, yet they had the best place to duel – a small, rocky bit of cliff the waves constantly crashed against, and this afternoon was no different.
“Gotta admit, this view's the best on the island,” Jaden blurted after a few moments, stopping by the line of large rocks making up a bit of a barrier on the cliff's edge. The breeze ruffled his hair, hands finally coming out from behind his head, smile falling to one of contentment and peace. “'Specially from our dorm. Yellow and blue don't get anything like this, I bet.”
Aoi sighed, biting the tip of her tongue right after. There it was, the reason he kept dragging people in; his boyish charm and optimism knew absolutely no bounds, the desire to see others happy and smiling as wide as he did harder to stop than a cockroach. He could bring in even the coldest, hardest soul and make them smile, of that she had no doubt... And she now suspected that smile had caught her a month earlier, when she'd first seen him at the exams.
“I wouldn't doubt it. They're nowhere near th' sea like we are – I mean, blue's got th' lake, right? They... would... Jay?” Just mention of the lake had turned his sunkissed cheeks a pale shade of red, stance shifting to reflect his sudden sheepishness. What in the world could've been wrong with mentioning the lake? It wasn't that far away and- Oh, for goodness sake, it was a lake! “Y' got issues with th' lake? I know y' can swim, s' what's wrong?”
All he did was shake his head, pressing his lips tightly together. The gesture was enough to make her laugh, but not eliminate her concern; what could've happened between him and the lake that would result in this? Everyone on the island already knew how he'd happily tell a story if it meant getting a smile or helping someone out, but this was a little on the ridiculous side, wasn't it?
A second later, he turned to face her, arm raised to show off his duel disk. “It's nothin', I promise. We came out here for a duel, right? Time to get your game on, Aoi!”
“M' game's always on, Jay, jus' y' wait!” A quick movement of her arm to match his activated both duel disks, the electronics starting up enough to get her even more excited than she had been before. Several large steps put a decent amount  of space between them, fingers all too used to the routine quickly drawing their starting hands, plus an extra for the barely quicker raven. “Ladies first- M' draw!”
This was already going to be easier said than done, and she knew it. She'd at least drawn a monster she wanted in her first go, but the rest wasn't quite as helpful... Pulling a card from her hand, she set it down on the disk, grinning at the charmer that appeared. “Aussa th' Earth Charmer, in attack mode! An' I'll set a face down,” a pause, sliding another card into the spell and trap zone, the hologram of the set card appearing between her and the brunette monster, “an' it's y' g', Jay!”
Aussa's 500 attack wouldn't get her too far, a thought that hit her harder than an 18-wheeler once her friend grinned at his hand. She knew his deck; full of elemental heroes, it was a challenge to anyone who faced it, with him being currently unbeaten on the island. Just like she knew he'd get rid of her face down – a tactic confirmed a second later when he held out a spell to show her before sliding it into his disk, the larger hologram easier to see.
“Mystical Space Typhoon destroys your face down! I helped you build that, I'm not risking it!” His chuckle was the only thing she could hear over the winds, sharp gusts forcing her arms up to shield herself and cutting through her set spell. That wasn't good... Book of Taiyou's effect would've needed some specific timing, but she'd hoped to protect Aussa by using it to flip his monster face down. Without it, she was defenseless, waiting for the gusts to ease before removing the card and sliding it into her disk's graveyard, with Jaden following suit a second later.
And he wasn't done, either, slapping a monster down before she could even try to guess what he held. “Elemental Hero Burstinatrix! Sorry, but I've gotta take down that charmer of yours – Attack Aussa with Flare Storm!”
She barely had a chance to shield herself from the heroine's flames, focusing instead on the life point counter on her disk ticking down. The drop to 3300 was one she could easily say she'd expected, mumbling an apology to Aussa while sending her card to the grave. It was still a new deck, one she was still learning, and things like that were going to happen, especially against the top duelist of the Slifer Red dorm. “Y' n' gonna get away with that one!”
Still completely at ease, her friend shrugged his shoulders, practically beaming. “Then c'mon, it's your draw! Show me what you've got!”
Why was he so bright and happy? Just like when they'd been building her deck, the spark in his eyes was less 'Slifer Slacker' and slightly more serious, focused – and overall like a kid with a brand new bunch of balloons. She couldn't say it wasn't cute, either, his clear excitement putting her at ease with her next draw. “Y' got it! I hope y' ready f' this one!”
Her eyes widened a fracture at the sight of her drawn card; if he wanted to see her best, he was about to get it! “I'm settin' two cards and throwin' down a monster in defense mode. Y' might have helped m' build this, b' I don't think y' gonna guess what I have in store f' y'!”
“Why would I want to?” He paused, two fingers set on his deck. “This duel's a blast! If I knew what was coming it wouldn't be any fun!”
“...Y' th' biggest dork I know.”
“I'm gonna take that as a compliment-”
“It was one, s' good.”
Any confusion he'd shown melted away with his draw. His stance shifted just slightly, showing more confidence than before, though she wasn't quite sure how that was even possible – Either he'd drawn something good or he was bluffing to throw her off... And worse, she was ready to believe a bluff that good!
“I'll throw down a face down myself, and summon Elemental Hero Avian!” The winds whipped up again with the hero's appearance on the field, but it was the face down card that appeared seconds before him that had her attention. For all she knew it was Polymerazation, though if it was, wouldn't he have used it already? To be fair, with a spell and trap left in her hand, she should've played her own, and.. Hmm...
So lost in her thoughts, she nearly missed the movement of his arm, a dramatic sweep to point at her face down monster. “Go, Brustinatrix! Attack that face down!”
In return, she lifted her own, one of her cards raising with it to reveal her trap. “An' I'm activatin' Unpossessed in return! On top that...” Aoi grinned; he'd fallen into her trap, the hologram of her monster flipping in reply to Burtinatrix's attack and bringing with it another charmer, hiding behind her staff and deflecting the fire thrown at her. It couldn't have worked out any more perfect! “Meet Hiita th' Fire Charmer! Her 1500 defense beats out Burstinatix's 1200 attack, s' y' get 300 damage from it!”
It wasn't the grand attack she'd wanted to, but there was something about seeing him take the hit that did wonders for her confidence. She'd actually dealt damage to their dorm's ace – and it she had her way, it wasn't the only damage he'd take, either! “An' that's n' all, Jay – Flippin' Hiita activates her effect! She grabs Burstinatrix from y' field and brings her over t' mine!”
Even with the distance between them, she could tell his eyes were on her rather than Hiita's grin, or Burstinatrix switching sides, slowly floating down to a stop beside the spellcaster. That feeling of being watched sent a shiver down her spine, but... Were his lips moving? Was he talking to himself? They were the only ones there - “My turn's over, then. That's a pretty good move there.”
“Thanks. Y' b' amazed what y' learn from listenin' t' y' friend durin' deck buildin'.” Whatever that had been, she wasn't going to question it, drawing her next card... And bursting out into laughter right after. “Remember when I first got t' y' room? An' I had t' tell y' 'bout th' charmers?”
His expression fell, shoulders sagging some. “You didn't-”
“I did! I'm tributin' Burstinatrix an' Hiita t' special summon her more powerful form, Familiar-Possesed Hiita! An' t' top that off, I'm activatin' m' other face down, Brain Control! This lets m' take y' Avian, t', f' this turn only!” With the continued slumping of her friend's shoulders, Burtinatrix faded from the field, leaving behind a rush of flames to consume the charmer. By the time Avian had switched sides, the fire had rolled away to reveal the far more powerful Hiita, twirling her staff around as an entrance. The perfect entrance, in her opinion, stifling a giggle with a lightly closed fist at his clear pout.
Like before, he was back to grinning and confident in no more than a heartbeat. “Attack?”
“Attack, definitely! Hiita, Inferno Rage! An' Avian, follow it up!” But this time, the attack was less satisfying, even if it did still give another confidence boost. Watching him shield himself from Avian's quills was one thing, but Hiita never held anything back, launching an oversized ball of fire at him. The connection forced him down to one knee, rubbing at the chest where the brunt of it hit in a reminder that though they were just holograms, the technology had advanced enough since the days of the Battle City tournament years ago, now coming just solid enough for the duelists to feel some of the damage they took.
And it didn't matter if Jaden was her opponent for the time being, he was still her friend. Hurting him was the last thing she wanted to do, concern hitting her hard at the sight of his shoulders trembling. “Hey- Y' okay? Didn't t' hard, did it?”
With the end of her turn, Avian returned to his side of the field, bringing with him the faint sound of laughter. Well, that explained the shaking shoulders... “I'm fine! Didn't expect that- This duel just got a lot more fun!”
Nuts. The kid was nuts.
His next draw had her shaking her head, more than amused; was there anything that could bring down the energetic boy before her? Even down to 850 life points compared to her 3300, he didn't seem fazed in the least-
“Now you're gonna meet one of my best heroes! I'm activating Polymerazation, fusing the Sparkman and Clayman in my hand!”
Though that could be why, Aoi realized, turning her attention from the brunette to the clouds and thunder rolling in above them. If that wasn't enough to make her nervous, the giant that descended from the storm was, the sparks coming off his hands and body the perfect match for Jaden's brilliant smile. “Aoi, meet Elemental Hero Thunder Giant! Hiita, too- 'Cause when he's summoned, his effect activates! It destroys one monster on the field whose original attack points are lower than his! Thunder Giant, blow Hiita away with Static Blast!”
“Kindda good thing I'm n' afraid of thunderstorms, huh?” Enough so that she only flinched with the loss of Hiita, Thunder Giant's electricity zapping the spellcaster like a lightning bolt in the midst of a real storm. “B' y' forgot 'bout m' trap!”
“What about it?”
“B' destroyin' one of m' monsters, once per turn I can replace 'em with a spellcaster from m' deck, s' long as it's of a different attribute an' has 1500 or less defense! An' since all I can d' is play defensively, I'm gonna summon out Gemini Elf in defense!”
As if on command, the requested card popped out from her deck, letting her switch Hiita for her replacement. The twins weren't exactly the sight she wanted to see, but at least they were a shield between herself and Thunder Giant-
“Avian, attack Gemini Elf! Thunder Giant's Voltic Thunder's coming right for ya, next!”
Not for long, anyway, her elf gone mere seconds before the lightning followed. That she could do without in the future, the attack reminding her just how hard the monsters could actually hit – and how realistic it could feel in some cases, knocking the wind from her and leaving her knees trembling. It was a reaction that passed rather quickly, but it was still frustrating none the less, especially knowing it'd dropped her down to 900, just 50 points higher than Jaden.
Pulling another card from her deck, she barely gave it a glance before throwing it down on her disk, following it up with another spell. “Last ditch effort- I'm summonin' m' favorite, Familiar-Possesed Eria! An' with her is Magician's Right Hand- as long as this's in play an' I have a spellcaster on m' field, y' can't use spells! Eria, attack Avian!”
“Sorry, can't let you! My face down activates- Hero Barrier!”
How had she forgotten about that? Eria's wave formed from the tip of her staff, spreading and growing as it raced across the field, just to disperse on hitting the barrier protecting Avian. She'd been banking on his face down being a spell, not something that could protect his heroes from attack. And as long as she only had her one monster, she couldn't even try again, waving a hand to Jaden with a slight bow. “Then it's y' move. An' speakin' of moves, that was a good one.”
“Thanks, I try.”
Their shared laugh at least made things even better, her eyes drifting closed. “'M sorry, Eria. I kindda failed y' this time.” And it meant she didn't have to see Thunder Giant destroying her favorite monster on his duelist's call, or watch Avian follow it with his attack, though not knowing when the quills would hit made the sting that much worse. Letting the pain roll off as fast as it'd hit, Aoi sunk to the ground, sighing softly and turning her gaze back up to her companion just in time to see him point with two fingers and grin, lips parting for the now familiar call of “That's game~!”
Slowly, her duel disk deactivated, the cards sitting in the graveyard ejected and carefully removed before the disk itself returned to standby mode. A loss was to be expected when testing a new deck, sure, but... A loss was still, and always would be, a bummer.
“You okay? Here.”
Jaden's voice pulled her attention away from her deck, cards returned to it, just to stare at his by now familiar red boots. Green-blue followed the curve of them to his jeans, then further up to his wast, stomach, chest... And finally the warm smile he wore, hand extended to help her up. “That was a seriously sweet match! We've gotta do that again!”
This time, placing her hand in his lacked the usual awkwardness she normally felt, replacing itself with warmth. Warmth from a friend, from his smile, the easy and careful way he helped her up, having an opponent who respected her, knowing he meant every word of his praise – she couldn't find the source of it, but it was by far nicer than the wariness she'd always felt around others. “Y' want a rematch? M' charmers're n' match f' y' heroes, y'know.”
“You kidding? I thought you had me with Hiita! I just got lucky with Polymerazation-” He paused, his stomach growling just loud enough to interrupt him and make her fight to hold back laughter. “Maybe we can get that rematch after dinner.”
“I'd say y' thinkin' with y' stomach, b' t' b' honest, I am t'. Dueling really makes y' hungry, huh?” She gave his hand a little tug before releasing it, turning for the slope they'd taken earlier. As adorable as his pale pink tinted cheeks were, she didn't feel the need to comment on it, especially not when they were both clearly starving! “C'mon. Let's get some food in y'.”
In a heartbeat, the brunette was right beside her, sniffing at the air. Gods above, did he ever remind her of a puppy sometimes! “I think I smell soy sauce- And fish! There's always fish! Er.. No wait, it's pineapple- ...Peas?”
“...Fried rice?”
“Nah. Banner's specialty is fish. I think.”
“Right now I'd probably eat a horse.”
“Not alone you're not! I'm hungry too!”
“An' y' sniffin' th' air like a dog! I can tell y' are!”
Jaden laughed, nudging her side with an elbow. “Pigs don't do that?” he teased, running ahead to avoid the playful swat she aimed at his head. “Gotta try harder than that! C'mon, Aoi, we've gotta get our dinner on!”
She shook her head, pace picking up to a jog. He had a point, and dinner did smell good, so... “What're we bein' s' slow f'? Dinner waits f' n' puppy!”
0 notes
workfromhomeyoutuber ¡ 5 years ago
You Need A Budget (YNAB): Humbly Confident Email Marketing Automation Specialist
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Headquarters: Salt Lake City, UT URL: https://www.youneedabudget.com/
At YNAB, we build the world’s best budgeting software. But teaching people how to get control of their money and changing lives one budget at a time is what gets us up in the morning. In order to teach the masses the YNAB way of budgeting, it requires sending emails...lots and lots of emails (and messages, really). That’s where you come in!
You are an HTML email-crafting savant on wheels. You scorn the decision makers at Microsoft for their implementation of Outlook 2003’s HTML rendering, but you also love the challenge and job security it brings. Also, it was a different time...who knew CSS would be a thing (everybody knew, but still)?
Even though you love getting into the weeds, creating and troubleshooting HTML emails and in-app messages, you also have never met a mind map that you don’t like. You’re building customer lifecycle messaging funnels in your sleep. You’re targeting, triggering and delaying like a procrastinating hunter! You’re fascinated by the user journey and you absolutely love finding new ways to convert, engage, and retain anyone and everyone who comes into the marketing automation orbit.
Requirements (these are real, actual requirements): 
You have a ton of experience using Marketing Automation platforms. We use Braze, but they all have similar rules (Marketo, Iterable, SFMC, Eloqua, etc.). 
You can take a messaging series strategy, develop the emails (we have designers to design them), implement all of automation details, troubleshoot, A/B test and optimize it to a degree that impresses everyone you know and have ever talked to.
You are a highly skilled HTML/CSS email developer. You can (and probably should) use a solid template as a base, but there’s no email client issue you can’t troubleshoot.
Oh, hey, also, it probably goes without saying, but you can make those same emails look amazing on mobile. Are we still using the word “responsive?” You get the idea.
That gives you a pretty good idea of the job, but first, you need to know if you’ll even like working with us. (We think you will.)
A Bit About Us
We build the best budgeting software around, YNAB or “You Need a Budget” if you have a lot of extra time on your hands. For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their friends what a difference it has made in their lives. (Google us, or read some of our reviews on the app store, and you’ll see what we mean.) We love building something that has a huge positive impact on people’s lives.
We’re profitable, bootstrapped, and growing. YNAB started in 2004 and we haven’t taken any outside funding—we’re in it for the long haul. 
We have one overarching requirement when it comes to joining our team: our Core Value Manifesto has to really click with you. If you’re nodding emphatically while reading it, you’ll probably fit right in, in which case, we can’t wait to hear from you! 
First, let’s talk about life at YNAB and then we’ll go into detail about what we’re looking for. 
Who you’d be working with:
Lindsey & The Gang aka the Marketing Team aka just a rag-tag but lovable bunch of underdogs who defy the odds—making budgeting software hilarious, emotional, and accessible—day in and day out. (Disney, are you listening?) 
We love musical theater, board games, stand-up comedy, the Enneagram, video games, and art, to varying degrees, depending on who you talk to first. Our internal Slack channel is so much fun, it has a growing fanbase. 
Lindsey, our Chief Marketing Officer, will be the first to delete something very important, but also the first to celebrate your wins—big and small. Ryan, our Digital Marketing Director, will quickly become your lifeline in any type of bracketology-related emergency and even under website-launch-level-stress, he can sneak in the jokes that make you feel like, “if Dad’s OK, we’ll all be OK.” 
And then there’s, Ben B. and Janelle, who lead out on Community Engagement and Social Media, respectively. They both have huge hearts, and a tangible passion for our customers, plus they are hilarious. Reema, our Marketing Production Manager, keeps all the balls in the air, while wearing many different hats, basically, if there is a need, yo, she’ll solve it (and yes, that was a seamless incorporation of Vanilla Ice lyrics). 
Plus, our brilliant creatives, Lauren and Marian (designers), Tristan (animation), Hannah and Ashley (video), and Rachel (writing) bring everything to life. They are a veritable idea machine who serve to make us look good on a daily basis. What more could you ask for?
More importantly, you get to work with Arturo, our brilliant marketing developer whose mult-lingual humor and je ne sais quoi (I don’t know what that means, but Arturo probably does) will restore all your faith (if you had lost any) in humanity on a daily basis. 
But wait, there’s more! As the sole Email Marketing Automation Specialist at YNAB, you’ll be working with Support reps to craft in-app messages and Product Designers to communicate with beta testing cohorts that help test new features in YNAB. Essentially, you will be the glue that holds together the YNAB email marketing machine (don’t ask us why our machine uses glue instead of, like, bolts and more-machiney-type things).
How You’ll Work at YNAB
We work really hard to make working at YNAB an amazing experience. In fact, we were recently recognized as Fortune's #4 best small company to work for in the United States! We have a team full of truly exceptional people—the kind you’ll be excited to work with. Here’s how we operate:
Live Where You Want
We’re a distributed team, so you can live and work wherever you want. Proximity doesn’t influence productivity. Taylor, our CTO, was traveling who-knows-where for a couple of years before he bought a farm. Up and move to France for a year? Sure, Todd did that. Don’t like France? How about London, where Janelle trotted off to. Tulsa Remote? Can do. Or if you just love LA or Baltimore or Buenos Aires, we’ve got people there, too.  Not all of us move around, but the fact that these folks have is totally okay because we’re all adults. Just make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
No Crazy Hours
We rarely work more than 40 hours per week. There have been a few occasions where things got a little crazy and people had to log some extra hours. But then they took some extra time off, so it all balances out. We work hard and smart but we’re in this for the long haul, no need to go crazy on the hours.
Take Vacation (Seriously)
We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year. Five weeks feels about right (plus two extra weeks for Christmas break). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures of your vacation in our Slack channel, creatively named #office_wall.
The YNAB Meetup
We get the teams together once a year to catch up on spreadsheets and powerpoints in a Best Western conference room. Just kidding. So far, we’ve done Costa Rica, a gigantic cabin in the mountains, a beach house in the Outer Banks, a ranch in Montana, and most recently, Laguna Beach. We work together, play together, and reinforce the bonds we’ve made as a team and company. Every year, we leave refreshed, motivated, and excited for the year ahead together.
Up Your Game
We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. We budget for it (hey-o!). Think conferences, Lynda subscriptions, dedicated time away from work to learn something new… it’s really up to you and your manager. But we love to see our people growing.  
International is Absolutely Oka
If you are Stateside, we’ll set you up as a W2 employee. If you’re international, you’ll be set up as a contractor. Employee or contractor, it’s all the same to us. You’re part of the team. (We are spread all over the world: Switzerland, Scotland, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Canada, and all over the United States.)
If You’re Stateside…
YNAB offers fantastic health, dental, and vision insurance, where we cover 100% of the premium for you and your family. (No need to check your vision, you read that right, 100%. Although if you did need to check your vision, we’ve got you covered!)
We also have a Traditional and Roth 401k option. YNAB contributes three percent whether you choose to throw any money in there or not. It vests immediately. (Are you a personal finance junkie like our founder Jesse? He set up YNAB’s 401k to have the lowest fee structure possible, where all plan costs are paid by YNAB, not your retirement nest egg. The investment funds available are fantastic, passively-managed, ultra low-cost index funds. You’re not a PF junkie? Trust us, it’s awesome.)
Other Tidbits
Once you start, we DEMAND (in a friendly, ALL CAPS IS YELLING way) that you fill out your “Bucket List” spreadsheet with 50 items. (That’s harder than it sounds!) 
The bucket list really helps in deciding what we should give you for your birthday and the holidays.
We have a bonus plan based on profitability. You’ll be in on that from day one. YNAB wins, you win. That kind of thing.
We’re all adults. There’s no need to punch a clock, or ask for permission to take off early one afternoon to go see the doctor (health insurance premium 100% covered!). We look at what you accomplish, not how long you sit (have you tried standing?) in front of a computer.
We want you firing on all cylinders so we’ll set you up with a shiny new computer and replace it every three years.
Did I mention we make a huge, positive difference in people’s lives? You may not think that matters much, but then a few months down the road you’ll realize it’s made your job really, really enjoyable. Don’t underestimate this one!
If this sounds like your ideal environment, read on because now I want to talk about you. You will play a big, big part in helping YNAB customers achieve success. You will change lives. I’ll only say that six more times.
Now, back to you, our new Email Marketing Automation Specialist...
We’re educators and content marketers here at YNAB, and email and in-app messages are the principal way that we teach and engage with our users after they have made the decision to give us a chance. We feel like our content is something that sets us apart from our competitors in an extremely crowded space, so you will be on the front lines, delivering that content (precious cargo). We’re counting on you. You’re our only hope!
You’ll have all of the tools you need to deliver engaging, personalized messages to these new, budding budgeters as they learn how to gain total control of their money. We have writers and designers to help craft the content that you’ll develop. We have full stack developers who will keep all the systems functioning and keep all the data (for targeting) nice and clean.
Now, we need you to develop the emails/messages, set the targeting, configure the triggers and unleash the campaigns into the world.
You are our ideal candidate if you: 
Have at least 3-5 years of experience using Marketing Automation platforms. Braze is preferred, but experience with any similar platform totally works. This probably wouldn’t include some ESP’s like Constant Contact. We’re really looking for more powerful Automation platforms.
Have at least 3-5 years of experience developing responsive HTML/CSS emails.
Are comfortable creating strategies for all phases of the customer lifecycle (acquisition, conversion, retention, winback).
Have some pretty stellar writing skills.
Make us laugh. 
Manage your time exceptionally well and you are comfortable working remotely. 
Incredibly organized, flexible, and collaborative. 
Never met a deadline you didn’t love. 
Self-motivated and driven by nature, maybe even a little competitive. 
Stay laser-focused on the big picture, without losing sight of every. last. detail. 
Wildly productive and independent, but a team-player at heart. 
Bonus Points: 
You already use and love YNAB. 
You are familiar with webhooks and API integrations and might even know a little bit of JavaScript.
You write some pretty amazing email copy, or at least you know it when you see it.
YNAB is an equal opportunity employer. We believe diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to be critical to our success and are passionate about creating a welcoming, supportive, and collaborative environment for all employees. All are encouraged to apply as we continue to grow a smart, hard-working, and diverse team who love working together to build something that matter
How to Apply
Apply here (https://ynab.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0q69o) by 11:59PM on March 9th, 2020. Firm. It’s a real deadline. The kind you love.
Attach a pdf of your cover letter. In your cover letter: 
Introduce yourself and explain why this position is of interest to you, and why you would be a great fit. Please limit this section of the cover letter to 1.5 pages. 
On a separate page of your cover letter, answer the following questions (with each response being about a paragraph in length): 
1. What attracted you to this position? (This is not about what attracted you to the software.) 
2. What criteria do you look for when searching for your next company or position? 
3. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your current job? 
4. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new to excel at your job. 
5. Tell us about the craziest email client bug/issue that you’ve ever troubleshooted (troubleshot?). What was it? How did you discover it and how did you fix it? What do you do now to make sure you never have to fight it again? 
6. What are some of the differences between emails, messages, and automation strategies that you would implement to convert users vs. those that you would send to retain users? 
If you have a prepared resume, attach it in PDF form. If you don’t have a resume because you aren’t even sure you’re looking to change jobs, that’s fine! An informal list of your work and education history are all we’re looking for.
Please send all attachments as PDFs. 
P.S.  If you’re not interested in or available for this position, but know someone who is, we would really appreciate it if you passed this along!
To apply: https://ynab.recruiterbox.com/jobs/fk0q69o
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/381DopO from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/2VwQZ5M
0 notes
workfromhomeyoutuber ¡ 5 years ago
You Need A Budget (YNAB): Humbly Confident Email Marketing Automation Specialist
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Headquarters: Lehi, UT URL: http://www.ynab.com
At YNAB, we build the world’s best budgeting software. But teaching people how to get control of their money and changing lives one budget at a time is what gets us up in the morning. In order to teach the masses the YNAB way of budgeting, it requires sending emails...lots and lots of emails (and messages, really). That’s where you come in!
You are an HTML email-crafting savant on wheels. You scorn the decision makers at Microsoft for their implementation of Outlook 2003’s HTML rendering, but you also love the challenge and job security it brings. Also, it was a different time...who knew CSS would be a thing (everybody knew, but still)?
Even though you love getting into the weeds, creating and troubleshooting HTML emails and in-app messages, you also have never met a mind map that you don’t like. You’re building customer lifecycle messaging funnels in your sleep. You’re targeting, triggering and delaying like a procrastinating hunter! You’re fascinated by the user journey and you absolutely love finding new ways to convert, engage, and retain anyone and everyone who comes into the marketing automation orbit.
Requirements (these are real, actual requirements): 
You have a ton of experience using Marketing Automation platforms. We use Braze, but they all have similar rules (Marketo, Iterable, SFMC, Eloqua, etc.). 
You can take a messaging series strategy, develop the emails (we have designers to design them), implement all of automation details, troubleshoot, A/B test and optimize it to a degree that impresses everyone you know and have ever talked to.
You are a highly skilled HTML/CSS email developer. You can (and probably should) use a solid template as a base, but there’s no email client issue you can’t troubleshoot.
Oh, hey, also, it probably goes without saying, but you can make those same emails look amazing on mobile. Are we still using the word “responsive?” You get the idea.
That gives you a pretty good idea of the job, but first, you need to know if you’ll even like working with us. (We think you will.)
A Bit About Us
We build the best budgeting software around, YNAB or “You Need a Budget” if you have a lot of extra time on your hands. For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their friends what a difference it has made in their lives. (Google us, or read some of our reviews on the app store, and you’ll see what we mean.) We love building something that has a huge positive impact on people’s lives.
We’re profitable, bootstrapped, and growing. YNAB started in 2004 and we haven’t taken any outside funding—we’re in it for the long haul. 
We have one overarching requirement when it comes to joining our team: our Core Value Manifesto has to really click with you. If you’re nodding emphatically while reading it, you’ll probably fit right in, in which case, we can’t wait to hear from you! 
First, let’s talk about life at YNAB and then we’ll go into detail about what we’re looking for. 
Who you’d be working with:
Lindsey & The Gang aka the Marketing Team aka just a rag-tag but lovable bunch of underdogs who defy the odds—making budgeting software hilarious, emotional, and accessible—day in and day out. (Disney, are you listening?) 
We love musical theater, board games, stand-up comedy, the Enneagram, video games, and art, to varying degrees, depending on who you talk to first. Our internal Slack channel is so much fun, it has a growing fanbase. 
Lindsey, our Chief Marketing Officer, will be the first to delete something very important, but also the first to celebrate your wins—big and small. Ryan, our Digital Marketing Director, will quickly become your lifeline in any type of bracketology-related emergency and even under website-launch-level-stress, he can sneak in the jokes that make you feel like, “if Dad’s OK, we’ll all be OK.” 
And then there’s, Ben B. and Janelle, who lead out on Community Engagement and Social Media, respectively. They both have huge hearts, and a tangible passion for our customers, plus they are hilarious. Reema, our Marketing Production Manager, keeps all the balls in the air, while wearing many different hats, basically, if there is a need, yo, she’ll solve it (and yes, that was a seamless incorporation of Vanilla Ice lyrics). 
Plus, our brilliant creatives, Lauren and Marian (designers), Tristan (animation), Hannah and Ashley (video), and Rachel (writing) bring everything to life. They are a veritable idea machine who serve to make us look good on a daily basis. What more could you ask for?
More importantly, you get to work with Arturo, our brilliant marketing developer whose mult-lingual humor and je ne sais quoi (I don’t know what that means, but Arturo probably does) will restore all your faith (if you had lost any) in humanity on a daily basis. 
But wait, there’s more! As the sole Email Marketing Automation Specialist at YNAB, you’ll be working with Support reps to craft in-app messages and Product Designers to communicate with beta testing cohorts that help test new features in YNAB. Essentially, you will be the glue that holds together the YNAB email marketing machine (don’t ask us why our machine uses glue instead of, like, bolts and more-machiney-type things).
How You’ll Work at YNAB
We work really hard to make working at YNAB an amazing experience. In fact, we were recently recognized as Fortune's #4 best small company to work for in the United States! We have a team full of truly exceptional people—the kind you’ll be excited to work with. Here’s how we operate:
Live Where You Want
We’re a distributed team, so you can live and work wherever you want. Proximity doesn’t influence productivity. Taylor, our CTO, was traveling who-knows-where for a couple of years before he bought a farm. Up and move to France for a year? Sure, Todd did that. Don’t like France? How about London, where Janelle trotted off to. Tulsa Remote? Can do. Or if you just love LA or Baltimore or Buenos Aires, we’ve got people there, too.  Not all of us move around, but the fact that these folks have is totally okay because we’re all adults. Just make sure you have a reliable internet connection.
No Crazy Hours
We rarely work more than 40 hours per week. There have been a few occasions where things got a little crazy and people had to log some extra hours. But then they took some extra time off, so it all balances out. We work hard and smart but we’re in this for the long haul, no need to go crazy on the hours.
Take Vacation (Seriously)
We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year. Five weeks feels about right (plus two extra weeks for Christmas break). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures of your vacation in our Slack channel, creatively named #office_wall.
The YNAB Meetup
We get the teams together once a year to catch up on spreadsheets and powerpoints in a Best Western conference room. Just kidding. So far, we’ve done Costa Rica, a gigantic cabin in the mountains, a beach house in the Outer Banks, a ranch in Montana, and most recently, Laguna Beach. We work together, play together, and reinforce the bonds we’ve made as a team and company. Every year, we leave refreshed, motivated, and excited for the year ahead together.
Up Your Game
We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. We budget for it (hey-o!). Think conferences, Lynda subscriptions, dedicated time away from work to learn something new… it’s really up to you and your manager. But we love to see our people growing.  
International is Absolutely Okay
If you are Stateside, we’ll set you up as a W2 employee. If you’re international, you’ll be set up as a contractor. Employee or contractor, it’s all the same to us. You’re part of the team. (We are spread all over the world: Switzerland, Scotland, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Canada, and all over the United States.)
If You’re Stateside…
YNAB offers fantastic health, dental, and vision insurance, where we cover 100% of the premium for you and your family. (No need to check your vision, you read that right, 100%. Although if you did need to check your vision, we’ve got you covered!)
We also have a Traditional and Roth 401k option. YNAB contributes three percent whether you choose to throw any money in there or not. It vests immediately. (Are you a personal finance junkie like our founder Jesse? He set up YNAB’s 401k to have the lowest fee structure possible, where all plan costs are paid by YNAB, not your retirement nest egg. The investment funds available are fantastic, passively-managed, ultra low-cost index funds. You’re not a PF junkie? Trust us, it’s awesome.)
Other Tidbits
Once you start, we DEMAND (in a friendly, ALL CAPS IS YELLING way) that you fill out your “Bucket List” spreadsheet with 50 items. (That’s harder than it sounds!) 
The bucket list really helps in deciding what we should give you for your birthday and the holidays.
We have a bonus plan based on profitability. You’ll be in on that from day one. YNAB wins, you win. That kind of thing.
We’re all adults. There’s no need to punch a clock, or ask for permission to take off early one afternoon to go see the doctor (health insurance premium 100% covered!). We look at what you accomplish, not how long you sit (have you tried standing?) in front of a computer.
We want you firing on all cylinders so we’ll set you up with a shiny new computer and replace it every three years.
Did I mention we make a huge, positive difference in people’s lives? You may not think that matters much, but then a few months down the road you’ll realize it’s made your job really, really enjoyable. Don’t underestimate this one!
If this sounds like your ideal environment, read on because now I want to talk about you. You will play a big, big part in helping YNAB customers achieve success. You will change lives. I’ll only say that six more times.
Now, back to you, our new Email Marketing Automation Specialist...
We’re educators and content marketers here at YNAB, and email and in-app messages are the principal way that we teach and engage with our users after they have made the decision to give us a chance. We feel like our content is something that sets us apart from our competitors in an extremely crowded space, so you will be on the front lines, delivering that content (precious cargo). We’re counting on you. You’re our only hope!
You’ll have all of the tools you need to deliver engaging, personalized messages to these new, budding budgeters as they learn how to gain total control of their money. We have writers and designers to help craft the content that you’ll develop. We have full stack developers who will keep all the systems functioning and keep all the data (for targeting) nice and clean.
Now, we need you to develop the emails/messages, set the targeting, configure the triggers and unleash the campaigns into the world.
You are our ideal candidate if you: 
Have at least 3-5 years of experience using Marketing Automation platforms. Braze is preferred, but experience with any similar platform totally works. This probably wouldn’t include some ESP’s like Constant Contact. We’re really looking for more powerful Automation platforms.
Have at least 3-5 years of experience developing responsive HTML/CSS emails.
Are comfortable creating strategies for all phases of the customer lifecycle (acquisition, conversion, retention, winback).
Have some pretty stellar writing skills.
Make us laugh. 
Manage your time exceptionally well and you are comfortable working remotely. 
Incredibly organized, flexible, and collaborative. 
Never met a deadline you didn’t love. 
Self-motivated and driven by nature, maybe even a little competitive. 
Stay laser-focused on the big picture, without losing sight of every. last. detail. 
Wildly productive and independent, but a team-player at heart. 
Bonus Points: 
You already use and love YNAB. 
You are familiar with webhooks and API integrations and might even know a little bit of JavaScript.
You write some pretty amazing email copy, or at least you know it when you see it.
YNAB is an equal opportunity employer. We believe diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to be critical to our success and are passionate about creating a welcoming, supportive, and collaborative environment for all employees. All are encouraged to apply as we continue to grow a smart, hard-working, and diverse team who love working together to build something that matters.
How to Apply
Apply here by 11:59PM on March 9th, 2020. Firm. It’s a real deadline. The kind you love.
Attach a pdf of your cover letter. In your cover letter: 
Introduce yourself and explain why this position is of interest to you, and why you would be a great fit. Please limit this section of the cover letter to 1.5 pages. 
On a separate page of your cover letter, answer the following questions (with each response being about a paragraph in length): 
1. What attracted you to this position? (This is not about what attracted you to the software.)
2. What criteria do you look for when searching for your next company or position?
3. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your current job?
4. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new to excel at your job.
5. Tell us about the craziest email client bug/issue that you’ve ever troubleshooted (troubleshot?). What was it? How did you discover it and how did you fix it? What do you do now to make sure you never have to fight it again?
6. What are some of the differences between emails, messages and automation strategies that you would implement to convert users vs. those that you would send to retain users?
If you have a prepared resume, attach it in PDF form. If you don’t have a resume because you aren’t even sure you’re looking to change jobs, that’s fine! An informal list of your work and education history are all we’re looking for.
Please send all attachments as PDFs. 
P.S.  If you’re not interested in or available for this position, but know someone who is, we would really appreciate it if you passed this along!
To apply: https://ynab.recruiterbox.com/jobs/4082ccba621b447ea26231e763aa824e
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/2PrYPdg from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/2Tgqsag
0 notes