#fun for LARP if nothing else
guardevoir · 2 months
Why is it that I, haver of no patience, endurance, object permanence, or general good sense, am also so terminally attracted to gigantic mammoth projects that nobody with two braincells to rub together would want to attempt?
(also, why is that project I'm rotating in my mind like a well-done blorbo never the stuff I'm supposed to be working on? I literally have a whole fucking masters thesis to write, about a topic I actually like (and which I will talk about at length if anyone asks, hint hint))
I can spin, crochet, knit (badly) and weave (in three, soon to be four, different flavors). I've sewn things before. I've been severely eyeing nålbinding for a while and actually do have a needle for it.
I am mightily tempted, positively entranced, by the idea of making a whole outfit by hand. Spinning, potentially dyeing, making it into clothes, the whole deal. Bottoms, top, layering for warmth, accessories, all handmade completely from scratch. It would be the project of a lifetime. It would take a lifetime.
The only thing keeping me safe right now is that wool directly on the skin doesn't sound like a great time because even if it ain't itchy, it would be kind of a pain to wash, I don't trust myself to spin a cotton or linen yarn that's both fine and sturdy enough to weave with, and I think a crocheted base layer would be too bulky.
(Also I'd probably have to deal with the Vague Dysphoria of skirt, because I am *not* sewing pants, but I'd do it for the aesthetic. Also, Secret Pants might be a fun third option)
But dear fucking lord, the lure of the "Strange Temporally Displaced Pasture Gremlin"-Core outfit is strong.
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puppys-tiny-space · 1 year
☕Different types of caregiver archetypes pt.1☕
🩹these are just some silly little concepts to enjoy, see yourself in or get more of an idea what kind of cg you are. You don't need to fit into any category to be valid as a carer.🩹
🍪cozy carer🍪
Comfy sweaters, yummy drinks and fluffy blankets. These types of carers are all cozy and soft, they probably love fall, chill music and Halloween! They tend to be sleepy and might even be a bit of a stoner. They most likely love to read and are creative in at least one medium. They migth even like to cook/bake. They probably won't be strict with their kiddos and use gentle parenting styles. Cozy movie evenings, long walks and baking dates are this cg's favorite and they love to surprise their kid with them.
🖍️artsy carer🖍️
These types of carers love crafting and painting with their kids. They are probably either very extroverted or really introverted and quiet. They tend to spoil their kid with art supplies and organize cute activity dates like painting together or making clothes for each other. They most likely have a folder full of their kids projects and treasure them like nothing else. Gifts for their kid are almost always homemade and they probably made them at least one paci. Pottery painting and museum dates are this cg's specialty and they love to plan them with their kid.
🍃stoner carer🍃
A chill type of carer that's all about self care. They probably smoke to help themselves regulate but never in front of their kid (unless they too use it to help them regress). If their kid also likes to smoke they probably teach them all about different strands of buds and most likely make them and their bub matching vapes or similar. This type of carer is probably very gentle to their kid and loves to make yummy snacks for them and their tiny. They probably have a huge collection of music and comfy clothes that they love to share with their bab. Nature walks, cooking and smokie dates are a go to for this carer.
🎃spooky carer🎃
This carer probably loves Halloween, alternative music and clothes and anything horror related. They probably love to prepare for Halloween with their kid, watch nightmare before Christmas and Wendell and wild. They probably love horror movies but if their kid wants to watch them together they always put their hand before kids eyes if it's too bloody and keep checking in to make sure their bab is okay while cuddling them. They probably love doing them and their kids makeup and like to play dress up together while listening to cool music on vinyl with their kiddo. Pumpkin patch and trick or treating dates are a must with this cg.
👑royal carer👑
This type of carer loves playing pretend with their kid and probably calls them their little prince/princess/royalty. They most likely love to have tea parties with their kiddo and stuffies and bought them and their kiddo at least one tiara/crown. They probably love to go on fun dates to museums, castles and botanical gardens to play fun games in. This type of carer tends to love history and teach their kid all about it. They probably also enjoy DND and/or larping and introduced their kid to it, or the other way around. They probably love to prepare for events together and make matching costumes.
🚀space carer🚀
This type of carer probably loves stars and space crafts, they are probably more introverted and quiet but open up once they get to talk about their passions. They love teaching their bub about space and to watch old sci-fi movies together. Star gazing and planetarium dates are a must do date with their tiny one. When it comes to their kid they are probably very caring and attentive, this type of carer probably loves to help their kid learn to regulate their emotions, especially with counting the names of stars.
🎮gamer carer🎮
This type of carer probably loves to game with their kid and enjoys introducing their bub to all sorts of new games and gadgets. They probably have a comfy place with blankets, a sitting pillow and plushies set up for their kid to hang out in while they game, maybe even under their gaming table. They probably play all sorts of multiplayer games with their kid, like Minecraft, it takes two or unravel. They migth call their tiny something like their player two. When it comes to pacis they most likely love to get their kid some themed around games they both enjoy and might even get a matching phone case or similar. This carer probably has the release of the bluey video game marked in their calendar. When it comes to dates they probably enjoy quiet game nights, trips to conventions or similar.
🩺disabled carer🩺
This carer will need more understanding at times and even when their disabilities stop them from doing certain things they will always do their best for their kid. This carer probably let their kid decorate their disabilities aids like a cane, headphones, their wheelchair or communication cards. They and their kid love planning activities together, making plans on how to deal with flare ups and similar when outside, researching whether the place they want to go to is accessible and planning what food to take along. This carer will always be understanding towards their tiny's struggles and be gentle with their parenting.
🌱nature carer🌱
This type of cg probably has a ton of plants and gives all of them their own names. They love to garden and teach their kid all about it while doing something good for the environment. They most likely love to dress in a cottagecore sort of style and enjoy collecting crystals and plushies. They like taking their kiddo to walks in the forests trips to the plant store and the botanical garden. They enjoy teaching their kid how to make flower crowns, bark boats and how to recycle things into fun clothes and trinkets. For nicknames they probably enjoy to call their baby things like bug, critter, little flower etc.
⚔️nerdy carer⚔️
Board games, magic the gathering, dnd, larping and renaissance fairs bring joy to this carer. They love telling their tiny about their latest interests to teach them all about it. Mini painting, dnd session and costume crafting dates are some of their favorite occasions, aside from conventions, late events and fairs of course. Their kid and them probably love to learn rules for games together, co-dm campaignes and maybe even come up with their own playing system. They probably love making pacis for their kid to match their newest costumes and hyper fixations. They might be neurodivergent and their kid as well. As a cg their parenting style is all based on letting their kid make their own experiences, supporting them in their creativity and helping them learn to regulate their emotions
🐾puppy carer🐾
This carer enjoys running and playing rough with their kid. They are probably very hyper and kind hearted and love being outside. They are a pretty chill carer who wants to be their bubs best friend. This carer loves physical affection and cuddles with their tiny critter. They carry teethers on themselves at all times, both for their kid and them. This carer probably makes or buys collars and ears to match with their kid. Park, walk and any active dates are most likely this cg's favorite.
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Dad joke of the day: why can't you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom? Because the P is silent.
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egot1stical · 1 year
ramblings about how winter king is not a simon but an ice king from my insta story. no idea how much sense this makes
Not to post a serious analysis of mr oncest bait, but it's kind of... *wrong* to say the winter king is Simon? I think it's more accurate to call him an ice king who THINKS he's Simon. His whole bit is that he removed the madness of the crown from himself, but the ice king isn't just "simon but crazy". The ice king is the result of the wish crown's curse over the span of 1000 years breaking down Simon's psyche and replacing and warping and mixing it with Evergreen (specifically Gunther's warped view of him) and adding more madness and sadness till he basically experiences ego death. We know our Simon (at least at this point) considers he and ice king separate entities. They have pretty different personalities
Winter king is more like ice king than Simon:
* Physical stuff. Obviously. He's taller, has longer straighter hair, and is fucking bright blue+ still has evergreen's nose LOL. But also smaller stuff like the fact he dresses different and has different shaped glasses
* WAYYYYY more outgoing. Even before All That, Simon doesn't seem like the most outgoing guy. He would go on expeditions yes but could you imagine that guy throwing a party? No.
* Way more selfish and self absorbed. Which is in line with ice king, but now he's conventionally attractive so everyone else agrees. This is opposed to the fact Simon want to khs
* No consideration for PB. This is an interesting one, because it's the first departure from both our Simon and IK. Obviously ice king was terrible to PB LOL but like....he liked her.....because she was like betty..... And now Simon really respects her (and feels terrible about it.) while WK straight up does NOT care about her. Different from both, but closer to IK because he is a dickweed
* Deals with emotions differently than Simon. Seems to have completely blocked Betty out (assuming they were still close in this universe). And marceline bro... whatever happened there, ice marcy is the KID version of her. He has her bass, so she at least grew up and they've interacted. Maybe she saw him get "fixed" and was like.
Wow! You're not Simon!
* The name. Fionna's dream has the "ice prince", and that's what she calls Simon upon meeting him for the first time. If this was a True Simon, it would make more sense for him to be called the ice prince in universe, no? But he keeps the King title.
Simon spends a lot of the episode jealous of the winter king because he seems so well adiusted while he has the crown.
Simon has no magic, no nothing, but at least he has his brain back. The crown is very much directly linked to his loss of identity and to see WK be CONSCIOUS and LIKED and seemingly HIMSELF with magic is something he desperately wants especially at a time like this when his mental health is down the shitter while everyone talks about how much more fun he was when he was legitimately insane
The difference is that Simon spent every *conscious* moment FIGHTING the crown. Winter king is NOT fighting that shit. He says that he "conquered" it, but no you did not buddy. He is still dependent on it. He cannot survive without it. He just gave up. He's accepted that he's become one with it instead. So did ice king. Except without the madness of ice king, he can be a semi functional human being. He still gets the high of the crown and all its power, but this doesn't change the fact it Changed Who He IS.
Doesn't fucking matter rn becauee Simon hates himself and wants to be someone else but you get the idea. Winter king is just a version of Ice King LARPing as Simon. He can just do this way more convincingly even to himself because he can actually think now
Like “Betty? OH HAHA THE DEAD ONE” is an ice king ass reply and I swear to god at least part of the reason they didn’t get Tom Kenny to do his voice is because it would just be ice king’s voice again
also in regards to why candy queen is like that-Okay one, this goes with the name thing. Princess bubblegum. Normal. Candy Queen. Insane. Same as winter/ice king and ice prince. We cool?
The Madness manifested in Simon/ice king in regards to Betty as romantic obsession. With the madness gone, CQ is the one feeling the brunt of these feelings- which would explain why Winter king doesn't remember feeling so Strongly about betty. Because Simon's feelings about her are naturally just fucking insane, it's so intertwined with the Madness that when that part is removed, so are any feelings towards Betty.
CQ is probably also obsessed with WK and "being together" because the sane part of her mind recognises that this madness is HIS and this is her fucked uo way of trying to like. Give it back.
That’s all I got
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jackiezenauthor · 1 month
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Illustration by me.
Complete image will be available on my bluesky account. Full resolution image will be available on my Patreon once I figure out how to post on it from my tablet and how 'by item' subscription works to everyone's benefit (so u don't have to pay per just one drawing and I don't have to stress about posting monthly even though I probably will). I'll keep you updated
In the saddle
🔞 Minors DNI, ty.
Story posted on A03 as well, I won't remove it from there even if Tumblr goes entirely purity-mode one day.
Genre: Paranormal erotica
Word count: 3k
Cw: you pov, stink enjoying mc, mild self degrading mc, containment, dubcon (?), stranger danger, haunted item (lmk if I missed anything important, ty)
This is a work of fiction!
No haunted items were harmed for the writing of this story.
Synopsis: Some people enjoy LARPing and historical items. You take that a few steps further. Tonight, you have your eyes on a saddle so old, they even think it's haunted. You don't believe in such nonsense, but you might be proven wrong...
‘Tonight is THE night!’ you tell yourself as you head for the stables with the dimmest light you could manage, just enough so you don’t step on any unfortunate animals, but not enough to alert anyone else nearby.
You've been working at the farm for a few weeks now, and pulled your weight rather well too, if you might say so yourself. They expected a lot more complaining from your rich ass, raised in the big city, hydrated on cocktails around the pool, but they had no idea how much you found yourself loving the place. Among other things.
The smells, the animals, the sounds, the feeling of dirt under the manicure that you’ve already cut short as soon as you heard about your parents’ plans for your summer…
Not to say you couldn’t say no to them. Not only are you old enough to live on your own already, despite the struggles that cooking for yourself still raises, but you know exactly how low to lower your lip and scrunch your eyebrows at your parents to have them give up any ill will that they might hold against you. Deserved or not.
You didn’t do it this time.
They thought it was because you were finally willing to take responsibility for your irresponsible choices, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
The true reason was waiting for you in the barn. Quiet, rugged from overuse, smelling like anything but the leather that it’s made of: a saddle so old, nobody could tell how it even got there in the first place.
‘Might as well be part of the ole land, at this point’ their grandmother had said.
‘I reckon it outlived five barns now,’ the grandfather had said.
‘Word is, it’s haunted’ their daughter had said. ‘Don’t go looking about the barn if ye hear any ungodly noises, hear me?’
There were no ungodly noises to hear, as you stepped closer and brushed your fingers all across its unkept seat… yet.
If all went well tonight and nobody went by the barn, same as both weeks you’ve been around now, some ungodly sounds might come out… out of your mouth, that is.
Despite its mysterious age, the saddle holds perfectly fine as you move it from its resting wedge and onto the saddle rack closest to the height you need for your plans. Smells like sweat, tobacco, horses and filthy things that you can only guess, and you can feel your body tingling with anticipation, as you muse about adding your own filth to it.
There’s beauty in old things. You’ve always had a fondness to them, to the stories they might have lived through, the people who might have touched them. And old things in places as simple and unassuming as this, you can get to know them in ways that others might frown about… personal ways…
A horse whinnies in the pasture nearby and a dog barks with little conviction. You can hear the wind rustle the trees and grass around, but nothing human, nothing that could spoil your fun.
It’s time.
Your night gown drops off you easily and the hay and dirt on the floor sticks to your naked soles. There might be something wet on the ground too, and it makes you feel dirty. A smirk pushes at the corners of your mouth. The barn smells like it should: dung, dried herbs, old iron, spent wood, grains and leather…
The saddle is rough against your belly as you wiggle your way on it. Not sitting, like one should, but bent across it, like a damsel kidnapped by some rugged wild west men, ready to rob some train, lose all their loot in the pub, and brawl over which one gets to show you a good time first, not necessarily in that order.
Maybe the one carrying you might not even wait until you stop anywhere…
You bite your lip as your breasts hang down, your attempts at adjusting your position without touching the ground, as you would on a horse, making them jump, gravitation pulling against them. Your heart takes off as your imagination mingles with reality, the saddle under you easing you in the scene. It’s perfect like this, you know exactly what you want to hear, how to be held. Imaginary or not, you know you’re in for a really good time.
Touching yourself over the saddle sounded much easier in your mind, but you’ve been eyeing this saddle for far too long to have come unprepared. There’s something already inside you, just waiting for your instruction… at one press of a button…
Your smart watch is dead.
You could have sworn it was fully charged when you left your room in the farmhouse. You’ve been so meticulous too, made sure it worked on Bluetooth alone, if the signal was to fail you. There’s a manual switch too..
If only…
If only you could reach around…
A rag and what could only have been another saddle fall from a rack above and miss you by a scrape of your head, taking off your hair tie. That’s lucky. It could have taken off your conscience too, was it to fall any closer. Or worse? That would be a fun way to hit the news… good thing you wouldn’t be there to see it.
You could get off, start the vibrator, and get back on before you hit the first orgasm. Would be harder to stop or control it, but that sounds rather exciting, now that you think about it. Your misfortune turned out for much better instead.
You can’t get off.
Your toes can almost touch the ground, but your ribcage can’t pass through the space between the racks. They must have misaligned when that saddle tried to end your career…
Oh, no…
“Well, I’ll be darned…” a distinctly male voice vibrates in the silence of the barn, just as you were trying to turn around enough to see what’s keeping that blasted rack from moving off you.
You got so distracted with your fantasies, you forgot to pay attention to your surroundings. You’ve never gotten caught before. Today was the day.
“You look rather… tight, miss?” the man speaks again, from right behind you.
The racks are blocking your view and the hair in your face and the darkness of the night aren’t helping either. Moonlight doesn’t reach in the back of the barn, where he is. You don’t know his voice either. Who, and most importantly, why would they be here at this time of the night? Had he been here this all time? Watching you undress? Climbing in? Struggling?
He rests a hand against the rack that’s holding you pinned, but it doesn’t budge. You know he’s moving behind you, but you can’t hear any steps. Even if he was barefoot too, the floor should creak…
You do feel his hand caressing your waist, however, from right under your trapped ribcage.
“You could scream, ya know? I reckon someone would come help…” he says, his hand slowly following your hip and spine, his touch cold like the night air. You should be scared, but it makes you feel reassured somehow. Like you're some horse he’s trying to befriend… a very caught-red-handed horse…
You want to point out that he could help you himself, since he’s already here, but your voice cuts off when his other hand mirrors the first and his fingers dig into your ass, lifting you up for a closer look.
“What in tarnation?” he huffs and his breath travels all between your thighs.
He must’ve seen your vibrator and you’d like to tell him a thing or two about minding his own business, but he also found the button for it and your feet instantly raise and tremble as the stimulation hits you without warning. You hate to admit it but this entire situation… it works.
You curl against the saddle and jolt as you come before you can even remember yourself. The vibration keeps going as you do, and you can’t help but whine in humiliation and ecstasy as you come again, right between the strangers hands, his grip unyielding as you shake. He must be enjoying it. Seeing you writhe like this. Helpless. Trapped.
“You alright there, miss?” he asks while you come a third time.
You can taste the amusement in his tone, but his voice is low, his every word pronounced just a bit too carefully… He’s past just enjoying this.
There should be a remission time after you’ve come five times in a row, but you’ve never done that in front of someone else… your lower half entirely in their hands… Their eyes catching ever twitch of your pussy. You can’t even tell if your heart is racing or just took off on its own at this point.
You’re never going to hear the end of this, if word comes out.
“Please… stop it!” you manage to say between tears and gasps, too many emotions rushing for your attention at once while your ass is twitching so high in the air.
“Why, I thought you put that there plumb on purpose…” he chuckles but the vibration stops before you can start curling again. “Le’me give ya a hand then…”
A moan escapes your throat as you feel your vibrator pulled out of you, slow but deliberate, the orgasm you were heading for before he turned it off, revived within you. You can’t stop yourself from grinding against his other arm, as it stands right between your legs, supporting your belly.
You barely register your toy hitting the floor as you writhe in the stranger’s palm, his hold against you steady, despite your juices already spilled all between your thighs, much more still flowing out of you and all across his arm. You can feel him breathe against the curve of your back: cold but slow, heavy. It makes sense, a weak, rational thought passes your mind, but the animal, feral side of you is nothing but delighted to be met in kind.
Now that there’s nothing inside you, your body frets, demands… there’s nothing inside you…
“I reckon…” his voice is so low, he sounds like purring and your pussy throbs against his arm as the vibration trickles across your skin. “t’wasn’t bein’ stuck that ailed ya… and ya done made your problem mine, lass…”
He lifts your ass higher in the air, his hand still under you, your clit jumping to attention as it rubs against his wrist. You could die of embarrassment. But maybe… not just yet…
You try your best to keep from trembling and moaning as his other hand brushes across your innermost thigh and his thumb slips between the folds of your already tender pussy. It finds your entrance easily and he pauses by it, pressing to go in but not quite. Hesitant. He growls in a language you’ve never heard before and pulls his thumb away, straightening up and dropping you gently. He’s no longer touching you. Worse: he’s taken a step back.
After all of this?
Is he going to just up and leave you like this?
Would he at least set you free before, or will you have to endure the horror of being found in the morning, hopefully by anyone other than the grandma.
But you can hear cloth and metal, maybe leather?
“I won’t force myself upon you, miss,” he says while you can clearly hear him unbuckling his belt. “I never was that kind of man.”
‘Until now?’ you want to throw at him, but find yourself reluctant to argue.
“I reckon we can help each other a smidgen, though,” he says and grabs you once more, rougher this time, holding you up with an arm around your waist while he brings himself to you.
You feel his legs strap around yours while his cock slides right between your thighs, hard and impossible to ignore when it rubs tight between your lower lips and clit, hitting your belly.
On the outside.
“Just yell or make noise if you need me to stop” he says as his legs trap yours tightly and his hands grab each side of your waist.
It’s not stopping that you need him to do. You can tell he’d fill you up to the brim and your insides throb wilder than ever at the prospect. Wanting. Craving.
He pulls away before you can say anything, adjusting his grip one last time before slamming against you, his tip teasing your clit as your insides cry in equal parts excitement and frustration.
The sounds of your wet flesh against his unrelenting thrusts fills the barn and your entire body shakes with them. You want to say something, but save from yelling, you worry he won’t hear you, and he’s chasing the breath out of you as it is.
Your core heats up, you barely keep from collapsing against the rack you’re holding for dear life against. The pleasure. It floods from deep within you and your legs escape his grip as you shake under his thrusts. Your heels hit his ass hard and he grunts, his momentum disturbed.
He readjusts and is just about to resume when you finally manage to catch your breath enough to say “In…”
He pauses. He must’ve heard you but you weren’t clear enough.
“Put it in!” you manage to say.
“Well I’d never refuse…” he readjusts his grip on you and pulls away just enough to make room for his cock to tease your drenching pussy. “…such a lovely invitation.”
You can taste the smirk he says it with, even if he also sounds wistful, but have no time to even think of a retort before he moves inside you, your walls wrapping warm against him. Welcoming.
He swears, and whatever he mutters along with it comes out shaky as your insides throb against his advancing thrusts.
Demanding. Hungry. Still not full enough. Still not hard enough.
Your ass perks up, helpful, giving him all the room he could possibly need, your gspot pressed tighter against his length.
“Thirsty little thing…” he breathes out, his grip on you painful as he touches your inner ring at the same time as his hips come flush against your splayed ass. If his dick was made to order, it would still not reach as perfectly.
He seems to be enjoying the same idea for a moment, his grip loosening just enough that you can wiggle. Just enough that you can swing your hips against him. Urging him where your mind and voice are too taken with the thrill of a fullness you’ve never though possible, and the anticipation of what’s to come.
He resumes thrusting, too gentle at first.
“Harder…” you manage to breathe out but you can’t tell if your mouth managed to pronounce it. It felt more like a pleading moan… and once that was out, there is no stopping the others.
He thrusts harder with every single one of your moans, and every thrust breeds yet another moan, even more pleading than the other. More demanding… more pathetic.
If someone walked in on you now, you’d care for nothing, as long as you kept getting fucked.
Your throat is dry and you feel wet around your mouth but you can do nothing other than cry out in mindless delight as he slams harder into you, so hard that you could swear the whole barn might come apart above you. Your body holds. No, it craves for more. It craves for all. Insatiable.
His grunts behind you have long changed to moaning, his thrusts wild, unstoppable, unhinged. Pleasure that has been playing all across your body gets drawn to full attention, no longer just to the thrashing of your core, but to his grip, his voice, his mindlessness.
The ecstasy organizes. You feel it come together like a horde, savage and relentless in one goal only: ripping you apart. You’re helpless against it. And eager. It’s closing in.
He growls loud and helpless, his thrusts speeding up as your core clenches against him, your insides quaking as overwhelming pleasure threatens to tear at the very seams of your being. Unyielding. Unstoppable.
It’s as if a vulcano breaks from the center of your very existence as you shudder and curl against the saddle, around his cock, in his arms, his fingers digging so tight into your hips that you could swear your skin gave, but the pain only peppers the ecstasy that takes over when his moan sounds delightfully ethereal alongside yours. You can feel your insides trying to squeeze him dry still, as he fills every last space left within you with his cum.
You lay limp from the saddle, his hips still flush against your ass, his cock still deep inside you and you both catch your breaths and minds from everywhere.
“Darn, sweetheart…” he whispers, slowly pushing himself to his feet. Your insides complain as he pulls out just as slowly, but they’re too spent to put up any fight. “They’d need a locomotive to pull me out of you, were I still kickin…” he lets his hands brush across your back so slow and intent, it feels like a caress.
There is a mess of rags and saddles all around you, every rack destroyed, but the one you’re still bent over, the old saddle tight against your belly. The whole barn looks like a tornado just went through it…
“Alas…” the stranger whistles sadly.
It’s morning, and everything around you is increasingly visible, but when you slip off the saddle and turn to look at the stranger, there is nothing but darkness. Pitch, surreal, darkness.
You can feel his hands caress your legs as you pull away, but still nothing of him. The entire side of the barn where he’s standing is nothing but strange, unrelenting blackness. As if the night itself is taking refuge there.
A rooster crows outside, announcing the new day, and, as its song travels across the morning dew, the darkness lessens, giving way to… nothing. The entire side of the barn is empty of even the smallest speck of dust. Not even your toy is there.
Everything around, but the barn itself and the saddle you got fucked on is in complete disarray, you included. There’s bits of mysteriously old leather rubbed into your skin, the smell of it sunken into your pores. You can’t explain what has gone on, but you can still feel its aftermath. You can see it too: your inner thighs are punctured, blood dripping slowly, mixing with juices that are not only yours.
The dogs bark by the farmhouse and the animals start fretting. Soon, the family and their helping will come out to tend to the farm’s many needs. They’ll ask questions that you have no answer to.
You need to get dressed before they see you… still dripping…
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I just caught up with doctor who and I’m really curious what you think about the episodes? Specifically 73 yards, dot and bubble, and rogue were my personal favourites so I’d love to hear your thoughts on them or the others
ooooh ok yes here we go
space babies - i loved it. ok? i get that a lot of people didnt like the cgi baby mouths. but i think it had such series 1 vibes (i.e. ninth doctor). it took me right back to my childhood. loved it tbh
the devils chord - :/ yeah. maestro was the onky redeeming factor of this episode tbh. it was supposed to be about the beatles but like. nothing about the episodes plot felt specifically beatles-relevant? like. you could have had the exact same plot with any 60s/70s band and it would have worked out the same way. i think if you're gonna do an episode surrounding a specific historical figure, the plot has to Only make sense for that historical figure. otherwise whats the point
boom - ugh. yes. 10/10. loved ncutis acting in this one. HE WAS LITERALLY STUCK ON ONE SPOT THE WHOLE TIME. COULD BARELY MOVE. AND HE STILL GAVE A HELL OF A PERFORMANCE. i was so impressed tbh. i love bottle episodes. the side characters were a little lackluster tbh tho. my only qualm with it really
73 yards - ANOTHER BANGER. i love love love when they get a bit horror with it. i loved that we got to focus on ruby and get to know her and her character a lot better. i very nearly cried when she was sitting outside her mums door on the phone. loved the mystery and the lack of a coherant solution, really added to the spookiness and fae vibes of it all.
dot and bubble - ok. im gonna be honest. this episode was boring to me. nothing really happened for the first 30 minutes. lindy was annoying as fuck. and i know that was supposed to be the point but like. if you're gonna do a doctor-lite-ish episode you've gotta make the focal character interesting. give me sally sparrow any day. i get what they were going for, i see the vision, i just think it could have been executed a bit better
rogue - yessssss!!! yesssssss!!!! loved the gay of it all, obviously, but i feel like that has kinda. taken over literally everything else about the episode??? i love the idea of larping aliens thats so silly and fun. i loved the fight mode scene with ruby holding her own. i loved the bridgerton-esque drama and ruby trying to comfort emily. i loved seeing ncuti get his "fury of the timelord" moment when he thought ruby was dead. the doctors dark side is so important!!! hes not all sunshine and rainbows!!! family of blood anyone!!!!
legend of ruby sunday - hm. the pacing was a little off. i felt like a lot of the time i was like. ok can we get to the point now. they mentioned the anagram thing So Many Times. and probability of trap. like ok girl we get it!!!! but. im very excited about sutekh!! he seems like a fun villain and very high stakes. and im so intruiged and compelled by rubys story. i Need to know who she is and who her mum is so so bad.
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hms-lurking-latinist · 4 months
Fic rec, anyone?
I don't know if this is archived anywhere else; I only found it through poking around old LJ communities (it's from 2007). But it's a Star Trek AU of Hornblower, specifically Beat to Quarters. Captain Hornblower of Starfleet's USS Lydia finds himself transporting the disconcerting Federation Ambassador Lady Barbara Wellesley. Also featuring genderbent!Bush (after all it's not realistic for a Federation starship to have an entirely male bridge crew), a Cardassian frontier commander with delusions of grandeur, some LARPing in the holodeck, and plenty of starship combat.
Great canon fusion and fun use of existing worldbuilding; you know I'm interested in the genetic relationships between Boat Book media, and these authors had lots of fun with that.
Authors: quigonejinn, _oggy_
Length: Nine good-sized chapters.
Relationships: Basically gen, with BtQ-typical levels (maybe less) of Hornblower/Barbara pre-relationship-ishness, and a little bit of Bush/Gerard flirting (and everyone else/Gerard flirting), but nothing serious. Hornblower & Bush ridiculous-levels-of-unspoken-devotion also as per canon, but it didn't come across shippy to me.
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notthatalex · 10 months
alright man your fics got me into the chosen so now you're legally obligated to tell me his lore because i know absolutely nothing
1. Chek out this post
2. More:
I find it interesting that Chosen started out as "weird nerds that thinks highly of himself" but then in the middle it got a bit muddled, with the Chosen Multiverse videos. (A bunch of different chosens from different universes meet up to fight.
And there is no explaining that away with anything but at least something magical/out of this world going on.
But I think other than shayne straight up telling people that's that is Chosen truth more than once, in the past videos there has been a even bigger effort to show that he is just some guy who either lies a lot or is a bit delusional (i am a both truther)
So how do you explain the multiverse videos? Well I think the real answer is that they thought it made a fun video, so they did it. But that's boring, it is true, but it is boring and I am already reading too much into it so I have constructed an answer. Call me Matt pat, let's go:
I have 3 theories actually:
1. It is literally another Chosen. In the BAF Legacy BTS video, Shayne talked about how the Chosen is literally The Chosen One in all Universes except the one we know. This was to explain the BTS Legacy Chosen, which is confirmed to be separate. So he could as well.
2. It is our Chosen in the Multiverse Vidoes, but he has no control in opening the portal etc. All the other Chosens played by other people in those videos have powers and traveled through the universe to him. He is just good at gaslighting.
3. None of The Chosens in that video have powers and it is just a contrived LARP.
If you ever feel like soaking up all the Chosen lore. There is an appearance list in chronological order on the wiki that I keep up to date.
But it's a lot of video so here is my ultimate list to hit the most important plot points and get the best overview of his character
1. Playing Blackjack in VIVA Smosh Las Vegas
- first appearance
- very funny
- good view on very early Chosen
- interaction with Brianna
2. The Chosen vs Augustus Bakugan
- first nintendogs videos
- very important to me
3. POV: You enter a Gamestop
- second nintendogs video
- gives inside in his home life
- biggest loser coded vibes here
- where the ship name nintendogs comes from
4. The poppy playtime videos with Brianna
- big must
- him interacting with other characters over a long time just gives more insight into his character we otherwise wouldn't get
- also they are just so funny
- fun fact: shayne didn't actually play the game, they watched game play and reacted to it
5. The Chosen's Morning Routine (GRWM)
- get to see his living situation
- literally an overview how he spends his day, waht he eats etc.
- most important lore videos in my opinion
5. The Greatest Unsolved Mysteries w/ The Chosen and Sarah Christ - Smosh Mouth 22
- a very new one
- so much lore
- him and wet cop interacting is the best thing that happened
- one of the rare times where someone else is there to call his stories out
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gorogues · 1 year
Hey :o) I've been mulling for a while on a possible (possible) "Rogues play DnD" fic (where business is slow and/or dangerous and they have to lie low a while, so Piper suggests he run a campaign and helps the others make characters, because "it's good for cohesion and teamwork, Len" and also "you get to loot and have fun with no real-life consequences"). I'm going with a vague, mostly pre-52 version of Hartley, James, Len, Lisa, Mark, Mick, Roscoe and Digger, btw.
So I have my own ideas about the classes and races of the characters they'd want to play, running the gamut between "character is nothing like its player" and "character is basically a fantasy version of the player"), but I'd love to hear your thoughts about it - and your mutuals/followers! What would fit them? What wouldn't, but they'd find hilarious (and make work somehow)?
tl;dn - DnD Rogues. Go nuts :o)
(GAH I forgot Sam but he's there too!)
Hi, fun concept! I have to admit that I know very little about DnD, so am not much help in assigning classes or races, unfortunately! But I can suggest who might be more likely to play someone similar or different from themselves. Sam in particular would go with something very different; this is a guy who LARPed as a cowboy, had some lulz pretending to be a heroic Mirror Master, and thought it'd be fun to play a random joe in a leadership class. His Black Lantern incarnation -- which wasn't him, but was based on his memories -- said that he became the Mirror Master because he hated who he was. So I definitely think he'd want to be someone very different and possibly unexpected. And James likes disguising himself and playing around with different identities and gender, so he'd also be quite open to playing someone very different from himself…it'd all be part of the performance.
I think Len and Roscoe would be likely to play someone mostly like their own selves, or perhaps someone more like who they aspire to be. Roscoe has literally been other people, but he's kind of rigid in his thinking and has struggled hard to be what his parents wanted from him (and truthfully he's probably told himself that's what he wants too, even if it isn't). Mick would probably choose someone quietly steadfast, the strong and silent type, since he often seeks tranquility to escape the chaos of his own thoughts. He'd likely be open to any class/gender/race so long as it fit that archetype.
It might be a cheap `n easy answer, but I suspect Mark would want to be a wizard because he's not hugely imaginative and would enjoy the gravitas of being some kind of powerful Gandalf type. In practice he'd probably come across as an unintentional ham. And I don't know what class or race Digger would be -- he might enjoy the challenge of something unexpected or ridiculous -- but am pretty sure his character would end up a drunken lout because that's just how he rolls. No pun intended :]
With Hartley I go back and forth on whether he'd go with the obvious bard archetype he genuinely enjoys being or try something entirely different to have a new experience…not sure, really. I don't know what class Lisa would play, but I think she'd want to have a female character because she's in a crowd of guys (not that they'd all necessarily pick male characters) and I think she'd want to assert her identity amongst them.
Not sure if this helps!
Anyone else have some input?
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sl33py-g4m3r · 3 months
OCs from SMT IV that I accidentally created; or 2 but I’m only working on 1 currently I think. Fleshing him out more~~
Is what the larp is, lol. Accidental creation of characters.
Don’t have names for them yet tho.
One is someone from the monastery who’s somehow got access to this site and posts occasionally.
The other is a prentice samurai who completed a mission and unfortunately is now in the infirmary unconscious; with their soul somehow being isekai’d to our world somehow.
Whether he’s just a ghost or can interact with things physically around him is unknown at this time. How it happened is also unknown. Hopefully his soul returns to Mikado once more ~~
Rip new recruit. Shall he meet his end henceforth?
Still with all his equipment, gauntlet, and everything, except his memories of his fellows or what a samurai even is. Hadn’t determined whether he can still use the gauntlet to summon demons in our world or use any magic, or it’s simply cosmetic as he was wearing them in naraku and when he collapsed… remembers not of demons or magic…
Appears if at all, as a transparent figure of himself. Unsure to him if anyone can even see him or what happened. Finds interest in all the ‘magic’ he gets to witness in our time. Or relics as he would’ve known in Mikado.
Hopes to remember who he is, what the gauntlet is for and can do, and where he came from. In hopes that he can eventually get back to help his fellow samurai in Mikado. If he remembers that is.
Now he just has the vague feeling he’s missing and lost something deeply important; but knows not what nor whom. And is saddened by it~~
Thought it was a cool idea but now it sounds really stupid ~~~ as there’s nothing there that could possibly just do that to ones soul while leaving the body unconscious and not actively dying…. But suspension of disbelief I guess… magic doesn’t need to make sense in our world I suppose ~~~
Calling my own ideas and fantasies dumb… unbelievable… it’s supposed to be fun even if it seems stupid ~~~
Wanted to larp for fun but accidentally created characters instead….
For once creative post instead of an ‘I’m anxious darn you anxiety stop ruining my fun’ posts. A creative positive post??? Unbelievable ~~!!! lol.
Hope this is my own thought and I didn’t accidentally steal this from somewhere else cause I’m always afraid I had. Cause there’s an occult saying: “there is nothing new under the sun” so I might’ve picked it up somewhere but maybe I’m just overthinking my own creativity here…
How tf would a 1400’s society keep someone in a coma alive in the infirmary? Of course demons are a thing so…. Who knows…: are his fellows worried sick or too busy on missions to care that he’s vanished from this world? Is thee one that has a crush on him and fails to do missions in the hopes he wakes? Or does Hope make him do missions regardless?
Edit: fixed ‘for motions’ to ‘on missions’ as that’s what I intended to type. Stupid typo
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afreakingdork · 2 years
Donnie is supposed to be the smart one, but he sure is a fucking idiot.
I've been thinking it over, ruminating on what he's done so far, and the lengths that he goes to to dismiss his emotions borders on the absurd. No, it is entirely nonsensical. He says he feels nothing for them, but the act of agreeing to the date, setting it up, building a God damn telescope to impress them, holding their hand, having the notepad, all shows very clearly that this isn't true. If he truly felt nothing, he would have rejected them as soon as he heard the word 'date' on more than 0 hours sleep. Perhaps even then. He wanted to feel it out, pretend to be in the movies. Enact extravagance, a perfect date. Platonically. And I say either you're a manipulative piece of shit or a liar. Why exactly would you want to reenact a cut scene from Love, Actually on a date with your best galpal? And say it was for the experience? Please. You aren't larping, get a grip. This is real life. Gender nonspecific gal, of course. He blames the fact that he wanted, yes wanted because even if he refuses to use that word I will, to kiss this person on everything but the truth. You don't want to kiss someone unless you like them, and even if someone would want to kiss their friends, that someone is not you, Mr. can't-handle-physical-contact-or-affection. Yes, even when you eat good food and had fun with them. Why do you think you felt those feelings being close to them at the telescope? Idiot. And then the jealousy. The betrayal he felt. Not for a moment did he stop to consider its origin? He tore everything apart, lost his cool. Felt hurt for caring, just like everyone has. Ran away for gods sake. Only to recind all of his emotions after being confronted with them? They put their heart on the line with the truth, and he cowers. Its right there, staring him in the face. And yet he refuses to see it. As though by acknowledging it he would be taking a nose dive off the brooklyn bridge, or something equally horrible (to stay local in my analogies). Where is your bravery now, Don? His denial runs so deep he's convinced its his reality. Its a willful ignorance. I wonder how he would feel, knowing he is willingly blocking out important information. Like a person instead of a machine that processes data without bias. He continues to attempt objectivity, when he is incapable. As someone who values knowledge above everything else, how would he react knowing that something so clear was beyond his mental grasp. It's simply incredible. I wonder, if it were someone else, would he see through their bluster?
You're just as alive as the rest of them Donatello. Stop trying to outrun your feelings before you herniate something.
Im aware none of this is news to you nor anyone, but I just wanted to share my thoughts. You write him beautifully, and I suppose you could consider this is my love letter to your writing. I analyze him because I understand him, he exasperates me mostly because I recognize myself, and thats the beauty of a well written work.
No, but for real, absolute incredible analysis. It was a joy to read. I'm glad it ignited a passion in you even if that passion is great frustration! Thank you oh so much for sharing.
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ohblackdiamond · 1 year
2, 14, 20, for the kiss asks?
2. Who is your least favorite member?
probably tommy-- i have nothing against him as a person, but i don't find him that interesting. i mean, there's no goofy stories like gay kitchen or the dick-measuring contest or ace-larps-godzilla-at-a-restaurant that involve tommy.
14. What are your opinions on Tommy and Eric?
loaded question! if it wasn't them, it'd be someone else. i never would've seen kiss if it weren't for them, so i am grateful for that. and they've both been kind to me, so i can't complain on that angle, either.
20. How would you explain the band to someone who isn't familiar with KISS?
who in the world isn't familiar with kiss homoeroticism, heels, and hunger. the last of the glam rockers. the thottest band in the world. septuagenarians who wouldn't be out of place alongside regina george in mean girls. the most fun you'll ever have at a rock concert.
thank you for the asks!
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Could it be one where we see Kate demonstrate some talent that she has hidden from everyone and is accidentally discovered by Darcy?
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request!!! 😊��
Gosh, I'm sorry I've been gone from this fandom for so long! I've been seriously lacking in inspiration for anything lately 😅 No matter how hard I try, nothing in terms of writing has been working for me too well regardless of the fandom😬
Idk, hopefully I haven't lost my touch! This felt a little weird when I was writing it, but it was kind of lighthearted and fun, so hopefully it worked well! And maybe it could classify as Halloween-ish? Like they are dressing up, so... 🤷♀️
Btw, if I do much else anytime soon in the way of writing for this fandom right now, it’ll probably be slow, so y’all just be warned, lol 😅
I hope y'all enjoy! 😊💕
Word Count: 2866
  When Darcy had tracked Kate via FRIDAY’s emergency tracking system for the Avengers that triangulated their cell phone coordinates, Darcy herself breaking a ton of rules in utilizing it without true emergency, she had truly not expected to follow Kate and find her doing this of all things.
 Throughout last week, Kate had not really had much time to hang out, and Darcy had been busy as well. The both of them had been really wanting to spend time with one another, but their schedules had just not lined up at all.
  However, this was all fine until Darcy managed to get some time this week for several days. The first time was in the early afternoon, and she had caught Kate heading out of the compound. She had been confused, but when Kate assured her that she was very busy and had to go to something important, she had been somewhat willing to let it go.
  But when Kate had not been able to really tell her what those important things that she had to do actually were, Darcy had quickly grown suspicious. The next day, Kate had left at about the same time, and her excuse had been just as flimsy and unstructured. After the third day of Kate’s mysterious disappearances at the same time of day, Darcy was ready to get to the bottom of things.
  Which was how she ended up here in Central Park, currently looking upon the most horrifically terrifying battle that she had ever witnessed.
  She had managed to get through the fray as best as she could, stepping over bodies. And when she had finally managed to find Kate and get near enough to her, she called out loudly.
  Kate froze in the midst of stabbing someone, the person falling over with a loud cry, and she gaped at Darcy for a solid minute.
  “Darcy?!” Kate yelped, and Darcy looked around the battlefield slowly, taking it all in. Kate sputtered for just a moment before finally speaking up.
  “This isn’t what it looks like!” Kate cried out desperately, her eyes ridiculously wide. Darcy just furrowed her brow, narrowing her eyes a little as she looked at the insanity taking place around them.
  “You broke character!!!” the guy she had freshly killed accused loudly, and Kate jumped out of her skin, looking down at the person and shouting a quick apology.
  “Sorry!!!” Kate yelped, and Darcy looked at her uncertainly as Kate cleared her throat and straightened a bit in an attempt to seemingly recollect her sense of character. She then hardened her gaze and pointed the absurd foam sword at Darcy as if it were actually truly threatening. It was well-made, but it was still obvious foam given the slightly blunt end on it.
  “This, peasant, is not what it appears!” Kate declared boldly, and Darcy just raised an eyebrow.
  “So you’re not out here LARPing like all the rest of these fruitcakes?” Darcy asked, and Kate paused for a moment before laughing somewhat nervously.
  “Well… It might kind of be what it looks like,” Kate admitted. However, just as she uttered her statement, one of the crazies came up behind her with a foam axe. Before Darcy could even make a move to point to them or say anything, Kate turned quickly and stabbed them in the side under their arm. They cried out dramatically and fell to the ground.
  Darcy huffed in surprise. Kate was honestly amazingly good at this, and Darcy had not even been there long enough to see her fully in action.
  “Yeah… Probably an inefficient use of my combat skills, but it’s fun, so why not?” Kate somewhat breathlessly told her, and Darcy nodded slowly, not sure how to react but finding it quite entertaining that Kate was this into it. She herself did not want any part of it and was honestly creeped out by the other people on some level, but she was happy that Kate was happy.
  “Hey! No interrupting unless you’re going to join!” one of the people nearby declared, hurrying over to Darcy where she was standing on the sidelines. Kate looked at the woman in surprise, and Darcy raised her hands.
  “No worries! I was just—”
  “About to sign in!” Kate quickly interrupted her, and Darcy looked at her as if she had lost her mind. If Kate seriously thought that Darcy was about to participate in all of this insanity, then she definitely had lost her mind.
  The woman immediately raised her eyebrows, and she nodded happily.
  “Alright, then. Come on this way,” she beckoned, starting to walk off to the nearby tent.
  Darcy narrowed her eyes before looking at Kate quickly.
  “Look, hear me out—"
  “Hear you out?! Have you lost your mind?! I’m a scientist, not a LARPer!!!” Darcy cried, whisper-yelling, and Kate shook her head as she tried to explain herself.
  “No, no, no, look, it could be fun! We could spend time together like we’ve been trying to do this whole week!” Kate told her, and Darcy furrowed her brow.
  “Look, I’ve been trying to get time to have coffee and talk or watch a movie together, but I did not sign up to come to a place where a bunch of middle-aged people that are way too old to be doing this and should be getting jobs are out here slapping each other with glorified pool noodles!” Darcy cried, somewhat running out of breath in the midst of her rant.
  Kate shook her head, stepping just a little closer as she lowered her voice just enough so that she was not necessarily speaking at a volume where very many people could overhear.
  “These people have jobs. Most are policemen and firemen, and we’ve even got veterans here coming in on the fun. It’s just a fun hobby,” Kate explained, and as they stood there for a moment, Kate suddenly squinted a little, studying Darcy carefully, and Darcy uncomfortably looked back at her, worrying about what Kate was thinking.
  “You’re scared,” Kate suddenly declared, and Darcy’s eyes widened, Kate seeing right through her.
  It was unfortunately true. Even though this was a ridiculous fest of insanity, something in her just was terrified of the thought of insane cosplayers running at her. While their weapons could not hurt her, she definitely did not want to be crushed by them or something.
  Plus, who really knew how far they would take their cosplaying? She had even seen something on her way there that looked a lot like an authentic guillotine replica that they must have put together. The last thing she wanted to do was become one of the roleplay execute-ees.
  But nevertheless, she knew how ridiculous it would likely sound out loud, especially to Kate who was so obviously immersed in this insanity, and she did not want to look stupid or weird.
  “No! No, I’m not! I’ve faced portals and an insane dark elf man and never flinched,” Darcy proudly proclaimed, and Kae laughed incredulously with a wide grin.
  “You’re totally scared,” Kate pointed out, far too pleased with herself for her discovery.
  “I’m totally not scared! I’m—”
  Kate suddenly moved forward, pushing her shoulder as she shoved her out of the way and sliced with her foam sword across a man’s throat. He fell to the ground with a loud cry of dramatized anguish, and he just laid there.
  Darcy’s eyes were wide, and Kate looked back at her with a grin.
  “I’ve got to get back to the battle. But seriously… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth about this, and that I hid it from you. It’s a little embarrassing to tell people because they don’t usually understand,” Kate admitted, and Darcy felt her chest squeeze a little for the girl.
  “And you don’t have to sign up but… at least consider it maybe? It really is fun,” Kate told her with a lopsided grin and that sweet glint in her eyes that she had when she wanted something but was not going to ask for it in favor of making the other person comfortable.
  As Kate turned to go and reengage in battle, Darcy groaned deeply, rolling her eyes. She looked down at the guy lying falsely dead at her feet and she sighed tiredly.
  “Wanna trade spots?” she questioned. At his lack of a response, she just huffed and shook her head, walking over to the tent that the woman disappeared in.
  The things that she would do for her friends…
      Darcy narrowed her eyes as she headed out into the field. She was now clad in ridiculous armor and she had one of those ridiculous swords that looked like a far less cool version of Kate’s. It was more like something that one would find in the clearance section of Walmart.
  She groaned deeply, and she tried her best to spot Kate. She was not about to get killed. If she was going to play this game, she was going to make sure that she won. And Kate was good enough at it to win.
  “Good day, my fair friend! Art thou ready for battle?!” a familiar voice questioned suddenly from behind Darcy. Darcy turned toward it quickly, sucking in a swift breath as the nervousness crept upon her and the thought of the guillotine came to the forefront of her mind all over again.
   To her utter relief, it was just Kate, and Darcy could not help but let out a deep breath of relief. She finally nodded tiredly, pinching the bridge of her nose and adjusting her glasses before responding to her question.
  “Sure,” Darcy agreed with a shrug, and Kate stepped closer, almost bouncing in place in the midst of her excitement.
  “Thank you for doing this. I really am excited to do this with you,” Kate confessed, and Darcy’s gaze softened as she shrugged with a small smile.
  “It’s okay. I know you’d do the same,” Darcy told her, and Kate smiled as she straightened, pointing her sword toward the air as she stood next to Darcy.
  “Come! Let us gloriously bathe in the blood of our enemies!!” Kate called loudly, and Darcy could not help but wince a little at both Kate’s volume and the insanity of the statement.
  These people really did take this stuff seriously.
  Kate took off, running in the midst of the battle as she effortlessly took on two or three sword-wielding looneys. Darcy hurried after her, pausing a small distance behind her as she looked around uncertainly. She did not have a clue what to do.
  Kate quickly eliminated them, using some fancy sword moves as she efficiently took care of the group. She then charged forward, knocking off a few more of them with her unexpectedly swift moves.
  She then found someone that was far better with weapons that Kate’s previous foes and she went at it, fighting the person valiantly. Darcy could not help but raise her eyebrows, utterly shocked at how fast that Kate was with her sword. She was seriously talented, and training with Clint must have taught her quite a lot. Quite a few of the moves she was pulling had nothing to do with what little that Darcy knew about fencing.
  Finally, Kate fake-killed the guy, and she turned toward Darcy. However, as she did and in the midst of Darcy being completely shocked at Kate’s sword fighting skills, Kate’s eyes went wide, and she pointed behind Darcy.
  Darcy immediately realized what Kate was trying to tell her.
  Darcy spun around with the sword clutched in her hand, unintentionally whacking someone in the head with it in the midst of her haste to turn around and see what was behind her. He cried out and fell to the ground, and Darcy’s eyes were ridiculously wide as she looked down at the person she had successfully taken down.
  She was quickly shaken as Kate ran up next to her and wrapped her arm around her, squeezing her in a joyful side-hug. She laughed happily, and Kate grinned at Darcy. Darcy’s eyes were wide and she looked at Kate uncertainly. However, Kate’s energy quickly rubbed off, and she could not help but laugh a little with her.
  “Oh, my gosh, you really kicked his butt!” Kate joyfully cried, and Darcy grinned incredulously.
  “I guess I did.”
  “Carry on, my fellow soldier! Let us vanquish more foes!” Kate happily yelled, and she ran off again. Darcy looked down at the guy she had taken out, and she chuckled softly before taking off after Kate.
  Maybe this was not quite as bad as she thought.
      At some point, only the most experienced LARPers were left behind, and Darcy was only alive as a result of Kate saving her on multiple occasions.
  Currently, they were hiding and trying to strategize. They were lying down on the ground in the dirt surrounded by the bushes, and they were whispering amongst themselves.
  “Okay, so I think there’s a group of them on our left flank and to the front of us. We’re going to have to decide which ones to take care of, and figure out a plan,” Kate softly explained, and Darcy shrugged.
  “I don’t know. Why don’t we pick them off one by one? Like one of us go and distract them and the other of us stab them from behind?” Darcy suggested, and Kate grinned, looking at Darcy happily.
  “I think you were made for this,” Kate complimented, and Darcy rolled her eyes, knowing that Kate had likely already come to the conclusion on her own. She scoffed in reply to her.
  “And I think you’re patronizing me,” Darcy replied, and Kate shook her head quickly, quick to deny it as she tried to keep her voice quiet as she could.
  “No! I genuinely think you’re good at this. And honestly, I’m really glad you decided to join in. It’s been really fun getting to do this with you,” Kate confessed and Darcy shrugged, smiling gently.
  “It’s been nice getting to see you have so much fun. You’re actually extremely talented with a sword. And not like in the usual fencing kind of way. Like in the super awesome hero kind of way,” Darcy complimented. Immediately, just as Darcy had expected, Kate puffed up ridiculously with the praise. Darcy could not help but feel her heart warm at the sight of Kate’s happiness.
  “Nah, I’m not that good… I mean… I’ve learned a few things, but I’m not that good,” Kate self-deprecatingly declared, and Darcy shook her head.
  “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re super cool,” Darcy assured her, and Kate took in a breath to speak and reply to her.
  But just as she did, people suddenly jumped through the bushes and tried to stab them. The both of them just barely managed to dodge, and they stood up, starting to try to get away as they tripped over the bushes together.
  They almost fell, but just as they thought that they had managed to get out the people’s sword range, someone threw an axe and hit Darcy in the back with the foam bouncing off her back. One of them managed to jump out far enough to stab Kate in the back with a sword.
  Kate paused and let out a horridly agonized sound. Darcy just stared at her as if she had completely lost her mind, and Kate fell to her knees dramatically.
  “I think I see a light… Mother? Dost thou beckon me?” Kate questioned aloud before hacking aloud in a dramatic cough. Darcy just stared, honestly shocked at the theatrics as she watched her.
  “The world… It is fading,” Kate declared, straining as she spoke. She clutched at her throat.
  “Goodbye, cruel world,” Kate cried before falling the last bit of the way to the ground, splaying out. Darcy just looked down at her, completely unimpressed.
  However, as she looked back at the people, she realized they were staring at her expectantly. Darcy let out a deep sigh, rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.
  “Oh, I am slain. Dead for a ducat, dead,” Darcy complained aloud before very slowly and carefully lowering herself to the ground. She slowly laid down on her back, trying to position her beanie so that it covered some of the back of her hair. She laid there with her hand on her stomach and remained still.
  After watching her for a moment, they eventually left to go and eliminate the other groups, and as soon as they were gone, Kate opened her eyes and looked at Darcy.
  They were quiet for just a moment before laughing heartily.
  “A ducat? What was that?” Kate asked in shock.
  “I was quoting Hamlet,” Darcy shot back in defense, unable to keep from laughing in spite of herself. Kate chuckled along with her, shaking her head.
  “You’re breaking character!” one of the dead people yelled suddenly, and they both went silent. They slowly looked at each other, and as soon as they made eye contact, they burst into laughter again.
  The dead person just groaned in irritation.
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Passing this ask game on if it sounds fun: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!!
Oh that sounds neat, tho many random people rb my stuff so I might pick and choose who to send this:
5)BDSM. No but seriously, it's such an important part of my life, it allows me to express the darkest (no joke) part of me in a way that me and other people enjoy and it genuinely helps me process my trauma. Also sex as a form of intimacy and pleasure just makes me happy! I know it might sound weird because of how mundane it is considered but if it's something to enjoy I feel like it can be so full filing! And just...just pleasurable!
4)Food! Like really I love eating, I love flavors, I love feeling full. It is a (I think very patriarchal) cliche but the way to my heart truly is my stomach! I will love you deeply if you cook me something.
3) Reading! And I guess watching media or listening to podcasts or radio dramas too but reading can feel so...just SO GOOD I dunno how to explain it.
2) Hanging out with friends! Which may sound basic but seriously I feel so happy and whole when I'm spending time with my friends!
1) Roleplaying Games. Tabletop, LARP in whichever form it comes it is my biggest passion. Seriously nothing beats it, it's my life and makes me feel happier than anything else.
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what do you think lila + the rest of rfa halloween costumes would be??
Great question. There are some answers for this since we've seen the cast in Halloween Costumes officially before. I feel like some of their choices make sense and others were done just because they fit their basic element of getting dressed up.
I believe that I would keep Jumin as a vampire. He's friends with one and he loves being a part of the nighttime fanfare. He's mysterious to many and I can't see him thinking too hard about a costume. There's nothing wrong with the classics, after all! You can't go wrong with a tried and true monster... of course, get ready to debate the multiple types of vampires.
Zen can stay a werewolf. That's a given and I don't think we need to dive too deep into that thought process. He warns you about them and he is one. Point blank. Get a spray bottle to cool him off since he gets too into character. Yoosung would spend hours putting together a costume for his LOLOL character. He got the idea from a buddy... and I see him being over the top with how much time he'll spend on this. Good luck learning about LARPs, Yoosung. That's your path in the future.
V uses every Halloween to be a detective. I feel like he just uses the excuse to carry his pipe around to smoke. Since, canonically, he does use a pipe to smoke. So, sorry to anyone hoping he's going to get out of the Sherlock costume. This is your man and you need to accept his dream of being a detective.
Jaehee is hard to pick a costume for. She would obviously go along with the event rules since they'll hold a party for Halloween and every person attending needs a costume. I think she'd go for traditional just as Jumin does. She deserves a chance to be a classy witch. She can order people around and a few of them might play along with a spell. I'm looking at you, Saeyoung. You're playing along with it to see if you can make Jaehee laugh.
Speaking of Saeyoung, listen. He can make a funny costume or a serious one. But, I want him to fit a theme with his brother which means that he's going to be a little devil. It fits him since he might as well lean into his sadistic tendencies. I expect no less from him... and frankly, count your blessings. This is better than him showing up as a "sexy car." Not a race car driver. A car. He knows how to have fun but we gotta reel him in.
This means that Saeran is an angel to counter his brother being the devil. It fits him since he's always a delight to be around. Everyone he's around already comments that he's a saint for choosing to be forgiving and sweet to others, so he might as well let himself fit the angelic quality and put a halo on his head. It's better for him to go with something light, anyway. The last Halloween he went through was as a Phantom... and he's learning to curb his obsessive desire.
Rika's been a witch before but I feel like it's too on the nose to make her a witch or an enchantress. I want to see her as a vampire. I want to see her confront her demons by choosing a costume that makes her feel not only powerful and in charge of her body, but also helps her remember that her choices have power and she can choose to do what's right for herself... there's also just something very nice about a blonde vampire staring at you intently.
Vanderwood refuses a costume. If you ask, they're just going to pull a Wednesday Addams, “This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.”
And, hm... If I had to pick a costume for my CMC Lila? You know what, let's just be consistent here. She and Saeran would want to match a theme, so she'd need to fit into the theme that Saeyoung and Saeran already set up. Hilariously, she'd just dress up as half angel and half devil, and say that "Saeran and Saeyoung are acting as my conscientious." Because I just think it's hilarious if they tell her to do something and she just goes through with it.
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rorytelling · 2 years
Honestly though, did anyone else's school do this?
In elementary school we had little holiday parties, we celebrated birthdays if the kid wanted to, we had recess multiple times a week, we did crafts coinciding with the lesson.
Then in middle school we only got recess on Fridays in 6th grade. 7th and 8th grade there was nothing. No holidays, no birthdays. If there was a craft it was usually an ice breaker on the first day of school. Some years they actively forbade us from dressing up for Halloween. All we got was "Civil War Day" where instead of lessons we larped as civil war soldiers and were served hardtack for lunch (yay).
No wonder middle school is miserable. You're 11-14 and they suck all the fun out of school with no warning. Older kids need to play too
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centrumlumina · 2 years
multiples of six for the writing ask game!
For this ask game.
6. If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
I went and checked my old NaNoWriMo spreadsheets, and apparently one year I wrote over 8k on the first day.
That was way back in 2011 though, I think now I would probably say about 3k is my max, and that's only if I have nothing else to do that day, my spoons are good, and I'm feeling super inspired - which is sadly rare.
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
I have loads of part-complete or planned-but-not-started original fics, so I'll try to stick to fanfics... I do lowkey want to try writing a Locked Tomb fic set in the "marriage games" AU from Book 2, is that too specific?
More generally... I don't think I've ever written a bodyswap fic, that would be fun!
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
I'm pretty proud of most of my writing, but recently my favourite thing has been Red In The Night. This is the emotional climax of the "Bet It All On Red" series I've been working on for months, so it had a lot of build-up over 9 preceding fics. I always knew that this point in the plot would be a confrontation where Jason revealed himself to Bruce and Tim officially declared his allegiance to Jason, but originally it was going to be (like the other fics up to this point) written from either Tim or Jason's POV.
Then a commenter mentioned that they were really interested to know what Alfred and Bruce were thinking after Tim's escape from the Manor. I had a chat with @cynassa about how Bruce is genuinely terrified for Tim, and to him Red Hood seems like a doppelganger trying to take everything Bruce loves away from him and replace him as Gotham's hero. At that point I knew that the confrontation had to be from Bruce's POV, and from the reaction I got in the comments I was dead on.
24. How did you come up with title for [x fic]?
(i messaged la and lu specified my "gender trinary" verse)
The name "Dismantle the Gender Trinary" came from my aims in the verse - to explore transness in the omegaverse, and challenge the weirdly gender-essentialist vibes that some a/b/o universes have. I have a lowkey love of creating fantasy-world feminist/activist slogans (my only experience of twitter was in-character for a fantasy larp as a campaigner for witch rights), and "Dismantle the Gender Trinary" is absolutely a pin that genderverse!virgil would wear.
The individual fics within the series are generally named pretty straightforwardly after the concept of the fic or a significant line spoken, with the exception of the "firsts" series (which are all named for which first they depict).
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
I don't really have any longfic ideas currently - I've been vibing with the episodic thing for most of my Batfam fics, because it's much less pressure if I'm struggling to write the next part.
But I do have a semi-original story which might land on AO3 if I ever manage to finish it. It's very loosely inspired by Les Mis, specifically by "what would have happened if Eponine survived her wound after making the dramatic love confession?" (except all the characters are now queer af)
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