#fun facts by iona finn
parf-fan · 6 years
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(Check out Michael Ulrich’s photography!)
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my-sensorium · 4 years
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So I’m working on developing this side character and plan to get him involved a little more. So here’s a few fun facts about the angry, mean-muggin’ inn owner of Wexford (aka Jacob’s best friend):
- Finn was born on September 19th. He’s a Virgo (which is why he’s super cool with Slania, a fellow Virgo!)
- His mother was an Irish nun named Saoirse Ó Brádaigh and his father was a Northern Raider named Rørik Hall. They had a scandalous affair and married before settling in Wexford, but their cultural differences and contradictory beliefs led to a divorce. His mother returned to serving the Lord forever, and his father drank himself to death. 
- His uncle Leif Hall took him in when he was seven. Sadly, Leif died as a result of wounds he sustained during the Fires of Wexford.
- He started to raid when he was 16/17. Shortly after, he met a Northern girl by the name of Iona, and fell head over heels in love with her. They got married and had a son. No one knows what happened during his time married to Iona. All everyone knows is that his little son was murdered in a fire and that he left Iona right after the event.
- He was a liquor merchant before he decided to help his uncle run the inn.
- Finn has had one night stands, but he hasn’t been in a relationship since he divorced Iona. He’s been alone for about 14 years lol
- He met Jacob when Jacob was adopted and taken to Wexford by his adoptive parents. He occassionally played with he and Katy, but he wasn’t that close to them. Jacob made himself Finn’s best friend once they were both adults living once again in Wexford though :D
- Finn is now the co-owner of the inn, with his Aunt Helka helping him run the place.
- He adores Slania’s dog Lugh, and wants a dog of his own someday. 
- He’s usually a back-up for Jacob in battle, and has worked with Leviticus too.
- In battle, he uses a heavy, long axe.
- His life revolves around work. He likes to fish though! 
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themori-witch · 7 years
4, 21, 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 41, 52, 56, 69, 70, 75, 82, 88, 94, and 98?
Hoo, boy! Thank you for sending the numbers in!
4: Do you like your name? Why?
I do! I just think it suits me quite well, really. 
21: Sandals or sneakers? 
I don’t think I’ve ever voluntarily worn sandals,… but if converse count as sneakers then I’ll say sneakers. I lived in those for years. Nowadays it’s boots, creepers and these weird fake Vans.
23: Describe your dream date?
A day out to the museum, or perhaps to a big park on a warm day. I’ll probably get ice cream and we’ll pet some dogs because, hello, dogs. Afterwards, we’d probably either go to the cinema (I know people think it’s a bad date idea, but I love being able to lift the arms of the seats, and curl up next to whoever I’m with and just be together in the darkness of the cinema screen. It’s intimate and nice.), or go to one of our respective homes, bust out the games, order Chinese food and just have fun.
As much as restaurants and fancy things can be nice, I’m much more comfortable in a low-pressure environment because that way I am more inclined to come out of my shell, and usually so is the other party.
Fun Fact: Rhys and I have never been on a date!
28: How many friends do you have? 
Genuine, close friends that don’t include members of my family or my boyfriend? Two.
30: Whats your favorite candle scent? 
Vanilla. All day every day.
31: 3 favourite boy’s names?
Jace/Jayce, Rhydian, Finn.
32: 3 favourite girl’s names?
Nemain, Iona, Thalia.
34: Favorite actress? 
Oh, my. Um, it would probably be Kate Winslet or someone like that. I don’t really know.
35: Who is your celebrity crush?
Megan Fox and Dane DeHaan.
36: Favourite movie?
LoTR movies, Hotel Transylvania, Wreck-it Ralph, Shaun of the Dead, Treasure Planet.
41: Top 10 favourite songs?
1. Closer by Nine Inch Nails.2. Ringfinger by Nine Inch Nails.3. Burn by The Cure.4. Star Fighter by Wice.5. Blind Trust by Cabaret Nocturne.6. Hold Your Colour by Pendulum.7. Propane Nightmares by Pendulum.8. Coming Undone by KoRn.9. Majesty by Ghost B.C.10. Feel Good by Syn Cole [NCS Release]
52: What is your dream car?
I doubt I’ll ever drive, but I’d love a Mini.
56: Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
Rural area but with easy access to amenities, - and preferably somewhere with decent public transport links. I’ve lived in a very small town for my entire life, and we have very, very poor transport links. It’s a nightmare.
69: Do you play an instrument?
I used to play the guitar and violin, but haven’t touched either in 8 years at the least. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano, though.
70: What was the last concert you saw? 
I’ve never been to a concert. I know, I know.
75: Are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
I don’t think anyone is going to want to commit to my hot mess of a personality/life, forever lmao.
But, I’ll humour you: some parts of me don’t like the roots of taking on the surname of your spouse when you get married, but then again a part of me does like it - not the ownership part because the person I marry will know full well that our relationship is a partnership and nothing less, but the old, hopeless romantic in me loves the idea of being someone’s… Oh, the hypocrisy.
I think I’d double barrel my name, actually. 
Listen. I love it when Rhys calls me his, or says “my girl”, or “my princess”, or anything like that, okay? Allow it.
82: Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough or Mint Choc Chip.
88: Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I like it when anyone who isn’t a sticky fingered child plays with my hair, yes.
94: Favorite lyrics right now?
All hail the underdogs, all hail the new kids. All hail the outlaws; Spielberg’s and Kubrick’s.
98: Favourite month?
October because H A L L O W E E N.
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