#fun fact if you’ve gotten to this part in the tags — judy wasn’t even paired up with anyone at first — much less did i think i’d pair
wexhappyxfew · 4 months
Rosie about literally everything Judy has ever said
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CONFIRMED: judy rybinski says *any* sort of word (example: rambling about oranges being her favorite thing ever) and rosie is automatically all ears watching her with hearts in his eyes no doubt.
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chantelle-x0x · 6 years
When The Time Comes - Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
A/N: This took a very long time and I’m very sorry that it took this long! It was a request and I thoroughly enjoyed writing this for @ehkw1989. Thank you very much for the request and for your wonderful patience, I hope you enjoy. Tags are at the bottom x (Side note, I put the cut at the start because it is a kissing gif so maybe some people aren’t comfortable with it?)
Disclaimer: **All characters besides Reader, belongs to Marvel (MCU)**
Word count: 1,933
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader/Platonic!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
MCU Characters: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Request/Prompt: Hi! Could you please write a fix about pre-serum Steve x reader using prompt "I thought you were better than this." Thank you so much!
Summery: You have liked Steve, for a long time now actually, but when he gets a girlfriend, you become distant. But what happens when you see him and her together after not seeing him for 3 weeks?
If you’d like to be part of my permanent Marvel tag list or an individual character tag list, let me know!
My blog has the links to my Masterlist, Fic Request Guidlines and Prompts and my AO3.
The song used in this is called ‘Nobody’ By Judy Garland from 1940. Listen to it if you want to get the idea of the song used here x
(Gif isn’t mine, credit to owner)
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‘Miss Y/L/N!’ The man behind the counter of your local grocery store greeted you with a smile. Sunday was when you went all out for dinner. You and Steve would buy the items needed for a beautiful and special meal.
‘Hey, Edward! How are you today?’ You replied cheerily.
‘I’m doing alright, thank you. How are you doing?’ He asked, putting down his paper.
‘I’m doing well today. Did Margaret like the cookies from last week?’ You had baked cookies for Edward and his wife Margaret to thank them for their generosity. You weren’t a person who earned very much, so you occasionally worked there, but they always gave you the items you needed with the money you had, even if you didn’t help them that week.
‘She loved them, had them with her tea throughout the week. I only got one actually. She really adores your baking.’ You laughed.
‘I’ll be sure to try and get you some more soon.’ You turned around taking your fabric bag and started to put vegetables in.
‘Where’s your little friend today?’ Edward asked you.
‘He’s with Bucky. They’re applying for the army.’ You smiled as you replied with confidence.
‘That would take a lot for Steven. He’s a little…sick.’ You chuckled.
‘He’s not a little sick, he’s a lot sick. I mean, I get worried about him but he’s old enough to make his own decisions. Even if they’re bad ones.’ You sighed, rolling your eyes. You walked up to the front and paid for your groceries before leaving with a goodbye. You knocked on Steve’s door, it took a little before he opened the door.
‘Oh, hey Y/N.’ He greeted you. You smiled and replied with a ‘hi’ of your own before going inside his apartment.
‘Just get up?’ You ask him, setting your bags down on the kitchen countertop.
‘Yeah. Buck and me went out last night and didn’t get back home ‘till late.’ He replied, taking a sip of water from his bottle.
‘I thought you were going to have an early night since we were supposed to spend the day cooking together.’ Steve rubbed the back of his neck and went a light red.
‘I uh, I got a little distracted. Bucky’s girl brought along a friend last night that actually took a liking towards me so we stayed out later than we were supposed to.’ You couldn’t help the jealousy that started coursing through you. You truly hated the thought of Steve being happy with someone who didn’t appreciate him for who he is; call it selfish but you loved him and couldn’t help the feeling. Though, instead of showing how you really felt, you took advantage of how oblivious Steve could be and masked your feelings.
‘I’m glad you had fun. I um, I don’t want to disrupt your day though, so I’ll be leaving now.’ You smiled softly before turning around.
‘Y/N, wait!’ You turned around to face your friend again. ‘Maybe we can cook together tomorrow?’ You sighed before nodding your head.
‘Tomorrow.’ You agreed before leaving through his door. You walked to your apartment and after placing your go-to sad record on the gramophone, you turned up the volume, louder than you usually did. You hummed along with the song and sang to the chorus while making yourself a meal. Steve wasn’t yours to have, but hopefully, things would go back to normal; the woman wouldn’t want him anymore and you’d have him. You’d have to toughen up and tell him you liked him if that happened.
The next few weeks were lonely for you. You baked constantly and gave Edward baskets of goods every week; three baskets. At least he was getting some now, you would think every time you went to the store.
You bumped into Bucky on a walk in the park, and he looked quite tired. ‘Hello, Bucky.’ You said trying to keep your voice steady; you at least thought that Bucky would be there for you, but he hadn’t been.
‘Oh hey Y/N.’ He said smiling at you.
‘What are you doing here? You don’t usually walk around alone.’ You asked raising an eyebrow.
‘I was actually on my way to see you. Stevie and I are gonna make dinner t’night so I wonderin’ if you wanted to swing by and have dinner with us.’ You smiled at your friend, you couldn’t be mad at him.
‘I’ll come.’
‘Great! Wanna walk there now? Together?’ He asked. You thought about saying no, but neither of you would get anything out of waiting longer.
‘Sure.’ You replied shrugging. The walk to their apartment was comfortably silent and you didn't mind that. You'd rather he not ask you about how you've been doing, because truthfully, you'd been better. As you arrived, Bucky unlocked the door and let you in first.
'I haven't done very much here since you last came over, so it's pretty much same old.' You smiled as you put your bag down on the floor next to the door. As you round the corner into the living room, you saw a stunning blonde haired woman and Steve next to her.
'Hi, I'm Y/N.' You waved at her and you could see the way she judged you.
‘I'm Ava.’ She commented, linking her arms around Steve’s right arm. You simply said a sweet hello to Steve before going into the kitchen with Bucky.
‘She’s been around for a while.’ You said out loud to your dark haired friend.
‘Yeah, she’s pretty nice. And Steve really likes her, so I guess it’s okay.’ You cocked your head as you leaned against the counter.
‘Pretty nice and guess she’s okay? Someone hasn’t gotten the Bucky code of approval.’ You said smirking.
‘She’s not that bad it’s just, there are times I catch her looking at other men with a longing in her eyes. It makes me want to protect Steve, but he’s an adult and can make his own choices.’
‘It’s okay to be protective of him Buck, but you’re right, he’s an adult and if he likes her, we have to accept that.’ You tried to get your Bucky to smile with that, but it was obvious it didn’t work. ‘C’mon James, lighten up. We have a wonderful meal prepared by you, great music since I know you have it somewhere here, and even though one of the guests here isn’t awesome, I’m here.’ Bucky laughed at that along with you before you headed into the living room with the hot food.
‘Finally!’ Ava commented when you both entered the room, which made Bucky grumble under his breath.
‘Smells good Buck.’ Steve said with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend. You agreed with him and took a seat next to Bucky. Dinner passed with chatter between the four of you, but you couldn’t help your glances at Steve. His hair was a little more tousled than you’d last seen and he looked way less tense than you had ever seen. Maybe Ava was good for him, you thought. You didn’t notice how Steve kept stealing glances at you whenever you laughed at dinner though. You also lacked notice in how he smiled every time you smiled.
‘I’ll clean up James.’ You said to Bucky.
‘I’ll help.’ Steve chimed in. You nodded with a smile before picking up the plates and heading to the kitchen.
‘I like Ava.’ You casually commented as you were standing next to Steve near the sink.
‘That means a lot.’ You looked at him in question as you started to scrub another plate. ‘I mean, it wouldn't have felt right if you didn’t like her, so it’s good that you do.’
‘Mmm-hmm.’ You replied looking at the plate in your hands.
‘I have to say, it’s been really quiet without you here every day.’
‘Yeah, well, I have my reasons.’ You whispered, hoping it wasn’t audible to Steve. Unfortunately though, it was.
‘And what were they?’ He asked as you handed him the now clean plate.
‘It doesn’t matter Steve.’ You tried, but he didn't let it go easily.
‘It does to me, so what was your reason?’ You didn’t dare look at him when you said the words you knew you’d never be able to take back.
‘I like you Steve, but like in a more than friends way. I know you have a girlfriend, and I really don’t want to ruin what you and she have because you really do like her and she really likes you. I just have to suck it up because you really shouldn’t be kept from having a really full life with someone as wonderful as her.’ You leaned on the counter, your eyes darting to the floor. You only noticed that Steve was in front of you when there was a shadow towering over you. Your face was only looking up because Steve’s gentle touch was lifting your chin.
‘I like you like that too. And I do like Ava, but I think it was more due to the fact that I thought no one else liked me.’
‘You’re really blind if you thought I didn’t Steven.’ He laughed along with you. Your eyes catch his and you can’t help your next movement. You lean into him and place a gentle kiss on his lips. It only lasted a second and when you pulled back, you definitely couldn’t control the smile that graced your lips. ‘I probably shouldn’t have done that, but I have to say, I thought you were better than this.’ Steve looked at you with a curious and confused look. ‘I wouldn’t have pegged you as the type of guy to kiss someone else while with someone else.’ A wave of guilt washed over his face.
‘I should go tell her. Stay here?’ You nodded and kissed his cheek.
‘Let her down easy okay?’ It was his turn to nod before leaving the kitchen. A few moments later, Bucky entered and looked at the smile on your face.
‘Steve finally admit his feelings for you?’ Bucky asked.
‘How’d you know?’ You ask stunned.
‘2 reasons, Steve came out off the kitchen smiling like an idiot and secondly, he asked me to leave because he wanted to talk to Ava alone.’ You laughed a little at how well Bucky knew his best friend.
‘I hope Ava takes it well. I don’t want her taking it out on Steve.’
‘She will take it well. I heard her talking to her friend the other day saying she didn’t really care about him but more just wanted to say she was dating someone. Apparently, Steve is 6’2, strong and can beat up anyone he wants.’ You couldn’t help but laugh at what Ava made Steve out to be. Steve made his way into the kitchen, his hands in his pockets and a wide smile on his face. ‘How’d she take it?’ Bucky asked. With his new found confidence, instead of answering with words, Steve made his way over to you and kissed you hard. Without a doubt, it took your breath away but it ended all too soon. ‘I’m gonna take that as a yes.’ Bucky said with a smirk.
‘Heh, yeah. Ava wasn’t really interested anyway, said she was planning to dump me soon since her friends wanted to meet me.’
‘Aww, Stevie.’
‘It doesn’t even matter anymore though. I’ve got you and Buck.’
‘About that Steve, uh…I’ve been accepted to be a soldier and I’m leaving in a week.’
Permanent tag list: @the-everlasting-dream, @rousetta, @fuckyourgondola, @whiskey-cokenfanfic
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