#fun fact i made squiggle slightly reference this phrase in PUE
quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
I love Katana To Saya as a megop song because, being about someone whose life meaning lies in battle enganging in a battle to the death with their fated rival as an act of love, is just fitting, you know? And there are many lines that suit these two, but right now I'm thinking about the song citing 天上天下唯我独尊
Tenjō tenge yuiga dokuson (Jap.). ‘Above heaven, under heaven, I alone am worthy of honour’, a statement which Zen Buddhists believe was made by the Buddha Śākyamuni after his enlightenment. Far from being self-aggrandizing, it is a subtle statement of the realization that all appearances in the universe share the same buddha-nature (busshō) and are equally empty of self (śunyatā).
And from another source
In Buddhist legend, the phrase that Shakyamuni uttered right after he was born and on his feet taking seven steps about, pointing at heaven with his right hand and at earth with his left. This phrase seems to be a more condensed translation of what the Buddha was supposed to say. Compare the Pali aggō hamasmi lōkassa, jeṭṭō hamasmi lōkassa, seṭṭhō hamasmi lōkassa, ayamantimā jāti, natthidāni punabbhavo from the Dīgha Nikāya. A slightly different form is 天上天下唯我為尊, from a Chinese translation of the Dīrgha Āgama. Although the phrase sounds extremely arrogant, especially given that the one who purportedly said it was the founder of Buddhism, and it is indeed used to describe hubris, the 我 (“I/me; self; ego”) could be interpreted as "humans" in general instead of the Buddha alone, expressing a human-centric attitude in a country dominated by Hinduism, a polytheistic religion.
This is quoted in many places in Japanese media (often translated as "On heaven and Earth, only I am the honored one"), sometimes with the intend to sound arrogant, and attributing it to the megops can come up with a variety of meanings. Starting with the conflicting meanings this phrase is portrayed with. Megatron is, of course, extremely arrogant, seeing himself as the only one who can save Cybertron and thinking all the Galaxy's resources are his for the talking. Whereas Optimus recognizes the worth of all sentient beigns as the same.
So there's that, but there's also the fact that Optimus is the choosen of the Matrix, the Honored One, whether he likes it or not, that's his claim to power. And he himself can be prone to arrogance thinking that he's the one with the right choices. And then we can compare the human-centric interpretation, to Megatron's own Cybetronian-centric worldview.
And that's not getting into the Buddhist parallelisms in "'Till all are one" which coul be interpreted as a nirvanic union.
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