#fun fact : the reason the mom was angry was bc some kid started to touch chloes cosplay and pull off the red bulb off her front
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eagehaunting ¡ 4 years ago
Mystery March 2021 day 14: Conceal
Hahah ignore that I’m so late
I wanted to explore a bit of Arthur and Mysterys relationship lol. Takes place directly after the events of the first 3 pages of the msa comic!
The pink from Vivis eyes flicker out with the shake of her head. She smiles apologetically, “Sorry, Artie. What were you saying?”
Arthur’s shoulders sank as his eyes drift to the floor, anywhere but her face in hopes to avoid that dazed look, a pang stabbing him in the chest. “Nothing important... Lunch sounds good.”
“Great! What do you want to eat?” Vivi begins to ramble, leaning over the desk and bouncing on her toe. As much as Arthur wanted to focus on what she was saying, they became warbled in the backdrop of his guilt.
Only to be snapped out of it by a small, barely missable noise of her pooch stretching beside her, yawning.
The sharp, glistening teeth snapped him out of it before Vivi did.
And if her sudden switch in expression meant anything, his own didn’t have anything promising.
Her heel clicks, Arthur flinches, and Mystery’s eyes pop open to stare back in alarm.
Vivi swivels down, face pinched in concern or agitation. “Mystery can you he-“
“Vivi!” Arthur and her both snap to someone far behind Arthur. Standing in a corner, Chloe cowers back against a particularly peeved woman and a child with a quivering lip.”Ma’am, please back up.” Chloe hisses anxiously at the woman, before she waves again for Vivi, eyes upturned.
“Aw, Jeez. Mystery, please get to the back for a little bit.” Vivi grumbles, shuffling past Arthur. Not before lightly touching Arthur’s shoulder. Arthur could only hope that she didn’t feel the tension. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Fumbling with his words, Arthur steps after her, “H-hey, it’s okay if Mystery...” Too late. Vivi is marching up to the scene and leaving him in the dust of whatever angst decided to poke and prod at him today. Steeling himself, Arthur sucks in his breath and turns back to the desk, just in time for the small dog to grab his pink squeaky bone and begin to trot away silently, even if the toy betrayed him.
The dog pauses, still for a moment, before glancing back at him.
Mystery looked less intimidating with the rubber spiked chew toy squeaking in his mouth. His tail wiggling slightly.
And of course, in typical fashion, all words escape Arthur for a few seconds too long, and Mystery starts to move again.
“Uh, wait. I wanted to talk to you. Y-you can stay in your bed until Vivi gets back. I’ll take the blame for you.”
Mystery sits there for a second, before he loops around. Prodding his worn blue bed, before sinking down, letting his bone drop. Saying nothing still- possibly because of the people inside- Mystery stares up at him. Signaling him to start.
Now, if only Arthur knew what exactly to say. A line of sweat drops down his cheek, and Arthur blows out a breath as he plops down on Vivi’s stool.
“W-well, how are you?” He starts. Mystery raises an eyebrow, nodding to the crowd of people and the woman beginning to yell at Vivi. Arthur coughs and nods. “Right. Cant talk now. Uh-“
Vivis distracted, and she seems to be getting slightly more heated as she crosses her arm. Chloe has fled, possibly getting Duet.
Nows his chance.
Bowing forward, Arthur leans close and whispers. “I’m going to look for Lewis, can you come with me and help?”
Squeak! Mystery jumps up, eyebrows pinched together in a way that Arthur couldn’t tell meant anger or concern. Mystery doesn’t drop his bone, instead skittering behind the desk and hiding from everyone. Shuffling onto his stomach, Mystery cranes his neck to look up at him.
“Arthur, I don’t think- you know why it’s not a good idea to ask me of all people.” Mystery hisses lowly.
“I mean yeah, makes sense,” Arthur shrugs, a bit frantically. “But you got a nose! And you can sniff him out. I can deal with the occasional panic- and being near each other will help me cope!”
“No, it will not, Arthur. You should know better than anyone, forcing yourself to spend too much time with particular people is the opposite of a good thing. It could damage your psyche more than help.”
“B-but it’s been working!” Arthur shoots back, gripping his knees tightly. “Every day we spend a bit more time together. I -I haven’t even been having nightmares about you anymore.”
“That doesn’t negate the fact that you may already be pushing yourself too far.”
Mystery hesitated before nudging Arthur’s foot, bringing attention to the constant shake Arthur didn’t remember it having.
And Arthur’s throat and brain locks up, mouth hanging open as he stares pathetically at the dog.
A jolt of electricity rockets through Arthur’s limbs, pushing him back and away from the suddenly familiar voice with a shout.
Vivi is standing there, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. The muahaha of the door signaling the mother had left, leaving Vivi annoyed and bitter...
With him.
Blinking tensely, Arthur moves off the stool and forces his best smile. Littered with cracks.
She tilts her head, “what did I tell you about taking it slow?”
Arthur deflates, frowning and averting his gaze. “... I shouldn’t make myself engage with Mystery to avoid worsening my already existing trauma.” He recites.
“That’s right,” Vivi continues, stepping around the desk and casting a glance to Mystery- whose now on his back, a sign of submission. “I know you’re trying really hard to work through everything. I get it. But you can’t force yourself between a rock and a hard place to make recovery happen. It takes time.”
How many times has he heard her say this? About twice in the last two weeks. It was increasingly obvious that it was getting hard to conceal her exhaustion over it. Arthur doesn’t say anything, and she sighs.
“Look, I’m sure you already know the ins and outs of your boundaries and stuff. So I’m not going to beat a dead horse, okay?”
He winces, but Arthur nods.
They did set up the boundaries so Mystery wouldn’t cause him any more panic attacks, but Arthur still had to do his part in it too.
Why did you have to tear his arm off like that, Mystery? This could have all been avoided. Arthur wants to say, but he keeps his mouth shut.
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snarkwriteswrasslin ¡ 5 years ago
FFT: all the guys want cheerleaders; jon moxley
So... I think that arguably, my favorite universe/pairing to write is Jon Moxley and my OC Jane. Apparently so because I have like 5+ universes just for them and counting. I’m seriously tempted to definitely sit down and like... plan out an actual fic bc this is getting outrageous lmao. Anyway, here’s another thing. This is a teenage!jon and jane. So this is one of those inflexible / non changeable parts, btw.
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles  }
Jon decides to surprise Jane by coming home just to take her to some stupid dance. And surprise her, he does. Fluffy af. I mean.. In Mox’s typical way of being fluffy.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Jane
Uhhh... fluffy surprises.
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“Everything looks like shit on me. That’s it, I’m not going to this fucking dance.” Jane threw down the fourth dress and stared at herself in the mirror, shaking her head. She was only even going to this stupid thing because her grandmother was making a big deal about her going.
It wasn’t like she wanted to go. The guy she’d rather go to prom with was gone, he left town to go off and become some kind of famous wrestler or something. His own words.
As if on cue, the phone rang and Jane grabbed for it. Mox promised he’d call her the second he got where he was going. “Well, dickhead?”
“Hey to you too, Janey.” blue eyes darted around the bar and when the guys got too loud, Mox gave them all a silencing glare. It only got him teased by Callihan and Cole, but Mox ignored the two jackasses and turned away, busying himself by doodling on a napkin. “Ya find a dress?”
“I’m not goin to that stupid prom.”
“Janey, c’mon. Ya promised ya grandma.”
“I know, I know.. I just.. I don’t wanna. Besides, I look like shit in all the dresses she picked up for me to try. Besides, I asked that dumbass in my Bio class if he’d take me as a friend. Turns out he’s already goin with someone. Or I’m ugly as fuck and he’s just too polite to point it out. Or he’s lyin and…”  Janey trailed off, rolling onto her back on the bed and Mox sighed on the other end of the line.
“First of all, ya not ugly. Second, ya don’t have t’ go with somebody to go.” Mox calmly pointed out. He grabbed the beer Callihan bought over to him and took a long sip, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth as he finished. “Ya grandma just wants ya to have a good time. She’s tryin to cheer you up.”
… just tell her already, damn…
He was hell bent on not ruining the surprise though. He knew how much Jane really wanted to go to prom and thanks to peeking in her journal when he stopped by to see her before he left town, he knew exactly why she was digging her heels in about going.
Apparently, she only wanted to go with him. But she’d never admit it, she’d never admit a lot of things she wrote about him in her journal and those things… They were another huge reason he was out of Ohio and trying to make a name for himself. He wanted to be the best he could be, for her. He wanted to be able to give her everything he thought she deserved, despite knowing that she’d be fine with just being with him.
He wanted to give her so much more.
Jane eyed the phone and bit her lip. “ I don’t wanna go, okay? Why’s it so important I go, huh? It’s gonna be lame.”
“If you don’t go, ya gonna look back and regret it.”
“Or maybe I won’t, Mox.”
Mox took a deep breath, trying to keep from telling her exactly why he wanted her to go so badly. If she didn’t go, then he couldn’t show up in the stupid damned tuxedo. He couldn’t give her the necklace he’d bought for her.
… but if she doesn’t wanna go, maybe you could surprise her at home… take her out somewhere real nice… ya gonna have plenty of money, man… and the thought had him taking a deep breath.
“Maybe ya won’t. If ya don’t wanna go, don’t. I gotta ask ya somethin, okay?”
Jane raised a brow and rolled over onto her stomach, propping on her elbow. She tried to picture him, all sweaty and probably bloody, probably fresh from a fight.. She found herself wondering if he was wearing the sleeveless vest, or if he’d just fought in jeans tonight. She found herself wishing that she wasn’t stuck in stupid Ohio, doing what she promised him she’d do. She didn’t get why it was so important she stayed, she could’ve easily finished high school wherever he wound up. It would’ve been their big adventure, just like they always talked about. She could’ve gotten by on her photography and worked as a waitress too.
She just missed him.
She hadn’t seen him in over a month and she was afraid it was going to be like her parents all over again.. One day, she’d try to call their face to memory and realize she couldn’t anymore. The thought had her eyes stinging with tears and she wiped at her eyes, scowling about it.
She just didn’t want to forget him or lose him too and now that he was gone, despite him diligently keeping in touch, she was so afraid that very thing was going to happen.
“Ya there, Janey?”
“Yeah. I was just thinkin.. Ask away.” Jane sat up and took a deep breath or two. This happened, it was a fact of life. Sooner or later, she reminded herself, even the best of friends drifted away from each other. It sucked and it was sad, but it was true.
And she was most likely going to lose him before she ever got to tell him just how special he was to her and how much she loved him, faults and all.
“Ya trust me?”
“That’s a stupid fucking question, Mox. You know I trust you. Probably one hell of a lot more than I trust anyone else.” Jane answered quickly, wondering what made him ask that.
“I need ya to go to our place. Saturday.”
“But you were saying a minute ago you wanted me to go to the stupid fucking prom too.. What do you want me to do, Mox…” Jane trailed off and he chuckled. “You said ya didn’t wanna go to prom. So, I thought maybe if ya went somewhere you were comfortable instead, might make ya feel better.”
… it’s only gonna remind me you’re not here, but okay.. Jane almost said it aloud, but she didn’t dare. Instead, she agreed to go to their spot on Saturday night at 6. And given that her grandma had already given her a ‘free pass’ for the night, Jane decided that maybe she could just get ready like she planned to go to prom, go to their little spot down by the docks and change somewhere in a bathroom. Why Mox wanted her to go, she had no idea, but it certainly seemed urgent.
“Okay, grandma. I’m heading out.”
“Wait, I want to get a picture of you, sweetie.”
Jane tapped her foot against the floor but she smiled, nodded and let her grandmother get a picture of her. She felt guilty for not just telling the woman she wasn’t going to prom, but she was going to wander around the docks, she knew it wouldn’t matter but her grandma would worry the entire time, but she also knew that she might disappoint the older woman.
That was the last thing Jane wanted to ever do was to disappoint her grandma.
After her grandma got another picture or two and hugged her, Jane set out, walking quickly, cursing the stupid heels and the wind and the fact that the stupid dress didn’t have any sleeves at all and herself for not bringing a jacket.
She hadn’t even been able to grab a change of clothing, her grandmother had wanted to hover close, to reminisce about her own prom and how her grandpa saved her from the unwanted advances of some “uppity jock guy” that night. And Jane, well.. She’d had fun listening to the woman’s stories, and letting her grandma do something. They’d been talking and her grandmother admitted that it wasn’t so much wanting her to go to prom, but wanting her not to stop living just because that “sweet boy two doors down” was gone. Her grandmother had apparently been worried about her as of late, because she hadn’t been as bright or as happy as she had been before Mox left.
Jane stopped to lean against a factory and leaned down, taking off the stupid heels, glaring at them as she rubbed her foot.
It was almost 8 now and she was within sight of the docks.
Someone was standing there, their back facing her.
In a suit.
They weren’t so much standing there still as they were pacing a little. Jane almost just turned and left whoever it was to their pacing, but then, the pacing man turned to face her and when she saw him, she didn’t think or bother censoring herself, she just started to run right for him, flinging herself at him as soon as she reached him. Mox wrapped his arms around her, easily lifting her off her bare feet, breathing in the scent of her shampoo because God knew he’d missed it the entire time he’d been away.
“Mox? Is this why you kept tryin to make me go to prom?”
All Mox could do was shrug and stare at her. “Fuck..”
“What’s wrong?” Jane cocked her head to the side, looking up at her friend. Mox blurted it out before he could stop himself.
“Always thought ya were beautiful but goddamn..” he mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his head as he stared down at her.
Jane almost laughed, thinking he was just kidding her, but the look in his eyes stopped her in her tracks. He dug around in the pockets of the stupid suit, swearing, almost panicking when he thought he might have left the box with the necklace inside on the bus he’d gotten off of earlier, but finally, he found it and pulled it out.
“I got ya somethin.”
“Shh.. There’s somethin I been wanting to say. If I don’t say it now, I won’t.” Mox was doing it again, the pacing and mumbling thing he tended to do when angry or nervous. Jane reached out, stepping in front of him and stopping him where he stood. “Say it then, Mox. You know you can tell me anything.”
“I love ya. I love ya so goddamn much and goin away, it wasn’t cos I wanted t’ leave ya, ya gotta know that. It was cos one day, I wanted to… I bought ya this. I saw it and I remembered how upset ya were when ya lost the one like it ya mom gave ya.” he held out the box and Jane opened it, staring at the rose gold heart shaped locket that was almost identical to the one her mom always wore when she was alive. She wiped at her eyes and for a second, his face fell.
Why was she about to cry?
“I fucked up.”
“No, no. No. This is.. It’s perfect and it’s beautiful and I..”
Words were failing her at the moment, so she rose to tiptoe, tugging at the tie that he hadn’t even tied right, pulling his mouth down to her own, pulling him into as deep a kiss as she could. Mox deepened it even more, gripping at her lower back, holding her up as best as he could.
“Ya what?”
“I love you too. I always have.”
“I was gonna take ya to that one real fancy restaurant.. If ya hungry?” Mox broke the kiss to ask and Jane gave a soft laugh, nodding.
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lovexdejun ¡ 7 years ago
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🖤NCT Boyfriend Series🖤
- [🌅]Kun
>>no warnings; just super long because i really liked this scenario >>also, kun with kids is a whole concept
•a responsible one •we’re gonna pretend like kun has a lot of family in this even tho he’s an only child bc it works with the storyline and i can see kun being a huge family man •he’s your best friends older brother (let’s make it by like 3 years), so of course you’ve known him all your life •to your mortification, he’d witnessed you go through all your awkward phases •especially the one when you were 13 and had a massive crush on him •it was at his youngest sister’s birthday party that you realized you never truly grew out of it like you thought •he had been living quite a ways away for college, so you lost touch for a couple years due to conflicting schedules •you were so unprepared when he busted through the front door with a “surprise!” •when he wasn’t being bombarded with questions by his family, he was practically interrogating you •”when did you end up leaving the emo thing behind?” •”you gotten accepted to any colleges yet?” •”are you still seeing that douche bag from st. charles?” •during the party, you’ll watch each other play with all the little ones •the way he picks up the little girl who tripped and wipes her tears away just makes you mELT •and kun seeing you hold his cousin’s baby would make him want to see you with HIS baby •the whole family ships you guys already •bc he’s been attached to your hip ever since the party started and the they can’t help noticing the way he looks at you •the next few weeks after that are full of him subtly hitting on you •so subtly that you don’t notice •and you’re best friend has shipped it since middle school so she’s actually dying •you get frustrated when he gets jealous because you don’t realize it IS jealousy •one day you come into the kitchen while he’s cooking and for some reason he’s being really short with you •so you, finally fed up, confront him about it •which turns into a full blown argument until you accidentally slam your hand onto a hot burner •he doesn’t think he’s ever heard such a high pitch sounding his life •immediately flies into parent mode •while your sitting there with tears running down your face, he’s wiping them away and wrapping up your hand simultaneously •”yah, i said it was hot when you came in” •which just makes you cry more so he begins to coo over you like an actual mom •once you’ve finally calmed down, you guys are just staring at each other for a minute •then he’s kissing you •and that’s how you ended up dating your best friend’s brother •he cares about you sO MUCH •an actual father •like, being with this man would give you a serious case of baby fever •he keeps you grounded while your head’s in the clouds •you keep him on his toes •you have to yell at him sometimes for subconsciously treating you like a child •but in his defense, you have the tendency to act like one •he would rather study that cuddle •but when he would rather cuddle, you weren’t going anywhere any time soon •you’d have to seduce him to get him in bed if you’re in the mood •if he’s in the mood •again, you won’t be going anywhere any time soon •a reoccurring event of you giving him head out of the blue while he’s studying or trying to do something productive •he would cook for you •you’d steal his clothes all the time •you’d be his solace when he’s stressed •when you’re upset/angry/stressed, he’s the only one who can calm you down •loves that fact that you get so amazed by his magic tricks bc you’re an actual child •you roast him 24/7 •pathetically tries to roast you back •he’s funnier when he isn’t trying •you like when he gets jealous because then he gets clingy •he hates when you get jealous because you give him the cold shoulder •when he goes back for college you feel like you’re dying •like you used to spend every ounce of your free time stuck up his ass and now he’s just gone •so surprise him in his dorm at the most random times •you’re the first person he wants to see when he comes home •once he’s graduated, you guys move into your own house together •you’ve asked him to marry you about six times already •but he always says no •then one day, you’re sitting on the kitchen counter while he’s cooking, just showering him with compliments of being a good cook, a good bf, handsome etc… •he drops what he’s doing all of the sudden, sighs, and you think he’s gonna get mad bc you’re distracting him •but he just kinda looks at you with this weird expression •”let’s just get married already so you can annoy me like this for the rest of our lives.” •when you realize he’s serious… •you love him more than you ever thought you could love someone in your entire life •so of course it’s a yes for you •a relationship with kun would have both of you testing your limits, and you would probably get irritated with each other quite a bit, but a love like yours only comes around once in a life time •i would throw kun in with the relationship lines opposites attract, responsible, and old married couple.
>>kun isn’t just a boyfriend,, he’s a wholeass husband. he was super easy to find pics for and he just looks so natural in all of them
A/N: sorry i’m so late again!! i got called into work early😅
A/Nx2: this was probably the most fun to write so far!! i feel like i could have written a novel out of this lol love you guys and enjoy!!
nct | requests are always open!!
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awed-frog ¡ 7 years ago
Hi! I realized something the other day (I'm really slow wth) My parents have the same age as Dean, lit (I know weird but wathever) and my mum is homophobic (I'm bi, sad story lol) and she watches the show with me. The thing is that I annoy her with Destiel and she gets really angry (at some point she started disliking Cas, imagine that) and she looks for back up in my aunt for example, peolple her age. But me? My friends know that I'm bi, one confessed she thought she was too 1/2
2/2 and one of my bf ships Destiel really hard too. And it made realize of just how difficult it must be for Dean to “came out of the closet” if he is bi (I’m sure he is but till it becomes canon…) I mean, it’s not easy for me, it’s not easy right now for a lot of people but I’m positive that it’s better than before. Dean and people his age had it worse I think and it opened my mind to how much he must have struggled, how possible it was that Jhon could have hit him for that, oh too long 2/3
3/3 Bc before realizing this? I was like “Jhon beating hip up for this? no way. Maybe if he caught Dean while drunk and half out of his mind, but sober and knowing exactly what he’s doing?” And i must sound really stupid sorry, bc now it happens this too but it’s just WOW poor Dean, I wanna hug him. Also Charlie is a champion, and those married hunter couple 😢 Why do people do this (Also, if you have more idea of how it used to be, could u tell me? Correct me if I’m wrong?) bye ❤
Hey there! Sorry you’re having some trouble with your mom, here’s to hoping she’ll grown more accepting with time!
(But even if she doesn’t, remember that has nothing to do with you - she can choose whether to be tolerant and kind, while you can’t choose whether to be bi or not, so the ball is in her camp.)
As for Dean - yeah, he’s more or less my age, but he moves in a background that’s vastly different from mine - I’m sure other people (maybe @bert-and-ernie-are-gay or @mittensmorgul or @thejabberwock?) could tell you what it was like to grow up in the States around that time, and how queer people were perceived. All I can tell you is that in my corner of the world, being gay was something people expected you to keep quiet about - in my school, only one kid was out, and five other had that kind of ‘we all know but they never said anything so we pretend we don’t know and maybe we’re wrong��� status, and I know life had its ups and downs for them. Some people were really antagonistic (it was mostly boy on boy banter that was the problem, and I know that the worst time for gay kids was P.E., because here everyone is expected to shower together, so a vague ‘Tom looks sorta gay, haha’ can quickly turn into a ‘Hey why is that f*ggot staring at me now I’m naked’ and then all bets are off), and most people didn’t really care one way or the other, but still - the trouble is, you grow up in a culture where you don’t really have positive representation of any kind - gay people were either men dressing up and wearing feathers in funny movies or hospital patients dying of AIDS in sad movies - even for someone like me, who grew up in a weird household and read all kind of books, it was difficult to imagine a gay person being - a normal person, you know what I mean? Someone who’d have a relationship one day, and a house and a whatever job and would fight over whose turn it was to wash the dishes. And for kids with conservative parents, things were often much harsher, as I wrote here. Plus, even in the 1990s, AIDS was a big concern for most of us, gay or straight, so that was a problem as well - the illness was no longer perceived as a ‘gay’ illness (which it never was, by the way), but the fact we were bombarded with messages about the importance of condoms and safe sex, even as kids, played a role in our general understanding of sexuality (our own and other people’s).
For me, personally, the consequence of this climate of silence and diffidence in how we approached the matter meant that I considered my crushes on girls to be ‘just a phase’, or something like ‘I want to be like her’ rather than ‘I want to be with her’; whether this prevented me from seeking out romantic connections with women, we’ll never know, but since I’m insanely happy with the relationship I have now and am deeply in love with the man who shares my life, it’s not really a problem for me. That said, yeah, it doesn’t really surprise me to see that the more openly we discuss the subject and the more we respect what we feel, the fewer people identify as straight - in the UK, 49% of young people are not straight, and to me that’s a figure that makes perfect sense. We generally fall in love with souls, not bodies, so the more open-minded we are about such things, the more our potential to form relationships with anyone broadens. And, of course, as we’re heading into an age where AI will be a thing, it’s likely our understanding of what a suitable partner is will change a lot over the next few decades.
As for Dean Winchester - as I said, I’m not an expert, but this is a guy who grew up in a very different - and often hostile - environment. Unfortunately, the US is still a country where members of the LGBT community face significant risks - risks teen!Dean would be very familiar with, since half his job as a hunter-in-training was going through the newspapers looking for cases. For instance, in 1993, when Dean was fourteen, there was the murder of Brandon Teena, and the year before, Allen Schindler was killed - since he was a soldier on duty, it’s likely John would have discussed that sooner or later, and the wider ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ issue. And, I don’t know - I don’t see John as homophobic, exactly, but still - he would have considered his kids’ legitimate wish to form a relationship with someone an annoyance at best (I wonder if Sam or Dean ever sulked when they had to move because they’d lose touch with a crush or a girlfriend, for instance - they must have, right?) and an irrational luxury at worst (a partner can distract you or get targeted by enemies, as John knew from experience), and as for Dean being bi - objectively, men are more dangerous than women, and there is a significant risk a predator will pretend to be gay to trap you and hurt you, so I’m thinking this is the reason John would have objected to Dean’s choices, if nothing else. Furthermore, we’ve seen how conservative the hunter community is (or used to be) - I think John would have agreed with the adults I met growing up - would have said that okay, whatever - if Dean wanted to have fun with a man, who could stop him, right, but he’d better be careful and he’d better be private about it and ‘Jesus, let’s hope the kid doesn’t like it up the ass’ because, whatever, people have been having trouble with this particular thing for the past three thousand years and that’s not likely to change any time soon. So, yeah - I think there’s a good chance Dean took a long time to even understand he was attracted to men as well, and there’s a possibility that his acceptance and understanding of himself was muddled by the fact he was abused at some point, and turned tricks later in life - personally, my headcanon is that his experimenting years happened during the Stanford era, when he was mostly alone, and since then he’s not really thought about the whole thing a whole lot - partly because he’s always with Sam (and Sam can be very judgemental), and mostly because Dean’s got zero time for any of that stuff, and a lifespan to match - we know he thinks he shouldn’t have any relationships at all, for a bunch of reasons, and that honestly breaks my heart. 
Poor guy. I really, really hope he’ll get his happy ending - God knows he deserves it.
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fckoffhamlet ¡ 8 years ago
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                 SOMEBODY GOTTA RAISE A  l i t t l e HELL -  hst: 004 ( family tree )       below the cut is everything are some facts and headcanons about the family known                                                                    as the richards
JOHN RICHARDS ( fc: jeffrey dean morgan ) -
age: 50 job: cop  status: turned 
- like major asshole to everyone but his family - cuddly ( grumpy ) teddy bear to his kids and wife - couldn’t exist w/o lillian, like honestly he might actually not function right we don’t know anymore???? - met lillian in highschool and they got married in college so like !!!! it’s been a long time with them  - doesn’t believe in anything but like fully supports whatever the fuck his kids are doing - not kidding he’s a hardcore atheist and just swears after you die that’s it??? but shuts his mouth around his kids bc they all have so many different beliefs -*ophelia voice* he’s only grumpy bc momma is a vegan and forces that on him bc WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER GODDAMN TRIP TO THE ER AT 2AM!!!! ( aka heart attacks aren’t fucking fun )  - l o v e s being a cop- 
LILLIAN RICHARDS ( fc: jessica chastain ) - 
age: 45 job: art teacher  status: dead or turned 
- *ophelia voice* have you met my mother the hippie trash™ - honestly would DIE for her family ( or like stab whatever is trying to hurt them which ever comes first you know )  - very french??? like her accent is so thick most time people are like “w h a t ”  - “ can you pass me the...*snapping her fingers trying to remember it’s name* ah fuck” *one of her kids* “pretty sure that’s not legal mom...ask dad?”  - 100% chance she will have paint somewhere on her body - wiccan and will straight shush your nonsense beliefs about it - the calm parent until you fuck with her kids then you might want to move to another planet  - LIKE I DARE YOU TRY WITH HER KIDS SHE CAN GO FROM CALM TO MURDER IN TWO SECONDS - soft and sweet to all of her students even the assholes who honestly should be smack???
ALEXANDRIA “ALEX” RICHARDS ( fc: rita volk ) -
age: 26  job: psychology major with a minor in criminal law & part time hostess at some restaurant  status: unknown 
- smartest one out of her family and will smack you with that knowledge on the D A I L Y  - will also just straight up smack you if you are being stupid because she really doesn’t have time for it???  - wears her mental illness like a goddamn badge of honor ( bipolar 1 )  - her accent is a weird mix of her dad’s southern gruffness and her mom’s french mess??? she hates it because while tryin’ to sound professional sometimes she’ll look LIKE HER MOTHER AND FORGET PHRASE AND SHIT - 10/10 her father’s kid mainly because they are both violent has heck??? - used to be a pyromanic in her youth- like honestly there is a story buuttt let’s not go there. - will fite your whole family if you mess with her little sister, do not TOUCH OR INSULT DAISY WHILE ALEX IS AROUND!!!! - NOT A JOKE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE. DON’T. FUCKING. DO. IT  - *ophelia voice* she used to be a track star man just think about your life???
OPHELIA RICHARDS ( fc: kat mcnamara ) - 
age: 20  job: trader  status: alive 
- adopted child of the family bc 1.lily wasn’t having three kids, two yes sure fine, THREE NOPE NADA ( she would’ve murdered john ) 2. lily fell in love with ophelia right away and would’ve murdered john and adopted ophelia after killing him if he said no. - most violent out of all her siblings like has a record for shit  - happiest little bean on the planet though, most of her record is for getting to fights for people starting shit about her GODDAMN FAMILY.  - agnostic but like aliens and ghost’s are fucking real as shit man.  - *ophelia voice* high school can burn in hell man. 
DAISY RICHARDS ( fc: sabrina carpenter ) - 
age: 17 job: part time at the local animal shelter.  status: unknown
- youngest of the fam and never aloud to forget with the nicknames always flying outta alex’s or ophelia’s mouth - small little bby who is so innocent  - flower child to the M A X ! ! !  - bullies can suck it and they can suck it hard for picking on this sweet baby ( mostly likely they will be sucking their food through a straw after o or alex get’s a ahold of them??? ) - has like 50 animals- loves her some animals - only swears in french bc reasons - like the smallest cutest thing until she gets angry then y’all might wanna run - somehow she’s worst than o and alex together when pissed so it doesn’t happen often - 100% she was an accident, like her parents call her a happy FUCKING ACCIDENT TO HER FACE??? this family is the most fucked up man i s2g 
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