#fun callback to the pilot with the lamaze breathing :)
pinazee · 4 months
Meat is murder, but murder is also murder.
Ill be honest, the writing in this ep is a bit, uh, disney channel-esque at times- like when Uncle Burton tore up the postcard, or finagled his way into the crime scene. It’s not one of my favorites. I really like the premise though, because Dulé got to be the psychic for a change and have some fun (and boy did he!), and we got to see someone from Gus’s family for the first time, even if he was an asshole.
Which makes me wonder why his mom would name him after him. Maybe they were close when they were younger?? Or maybe she just told her brother that but it was really after a different burton (i looked up famous burtons, scientists named burton etc. just to see if i could fill the gap myself but it was fruitless. Though i did learn theres a villian in The Call of the Wild called Black Burton, so theres that).
I wish the resolution of Gus’s family drama had been him telling Uncle Burton that although it was a privilege to have been given a name with purpose and honor, he was his own person that could define himself however he pleased and to fuck off.
What are the fan theories surrounding Lassies broken wing? I know Tim had a real life tumble, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun ;). Obviously it has to be something really embarrassing if he doesn’t want to talk about it. Figure skating? Im going to go with figure skating.
This is a really creepy kid poster
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So just to summarize, Lassie is an Aries, Juliet is Libra, and Henry is Sagittarius (also it’s weird henry read it at all) This is just a small inconsistency but lassies paperwork in the poker ep says his birthday is feb 22 so he is not an aries, hes a pisces. And if anyone is curious, tim’s a leo, james is aries, dulé is taurus, maggie is Leo, corbin is virgo, Kirsten is libra
The way Dulé says but muurder is also muuurder! Kills me.
I hope James got to keep this fish. No prop is safe from him lol
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This is the best part of the episode and frankly the only part i care about haha
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P.S they had this green striped shirt dude walking behind them with 3 different ladies in the same scene. Why would they change the actress and not the guys blaring blonde hair and bright ass shirt??
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Almost forgot! Props team is on point.
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