#fumo inspired
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neositdow · 2 years ago
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The C++ gang is back again ! I may not post a lot about my OCs but I really love them, I'm happy that I made plushies of ( some of ) my girls...There they are on the beach ! The pics were taken by zoe.b.simpson on IG ( thanks again <3 ) I hope you like it ! -------------------------------------------------------- Charlotte, Claudine and Caroline are my OCs You don't have the right to use these photos and characters in any ways, thanks
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chick-magnet-marco · 5 months ago
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wip photos under cut its still a work in progress but like im closer to finishing it
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lillyviarabbit · 1 year ago
she call me beef because I'm stroganoff
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luewashere · 2 years ago
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3/4 Bath Bathroom
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wolvesland · 6 months ago
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→ Ji Changmin x Leitora
→ Palavras: 970
→ Autor(a) se inspirou na música da Lana Del Rey, Diet Mountain Dew.
AVISOS: menção de cigarro, changmin é inseguro em relação a si próprio (um pouco), fluffy, reconfortante (um pouco).
📌 masterlist
© all rights reserved by @sanaxo-o
© tradução (pt/br) by @wolvesland
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Sentado junto à janela do seu apartamento, o rapaz solitário olhava para fora. Os seus olhos não tinham emoções, mas havia tantos pensamentos a passar-lhe pela cabeça que só ele sabia.
As ruas movimentadas da cidade não lhe prestam atenção. A chuva batia de vez em quando na sua janela, enquanto o céu escuro da noite iluminava o seu rosto.
Os monstros em sua mente dificultaram o sono do rapaz, ele não queria nada mais do que correr para os seus braços, mas sabia que não podia fazer isso. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, não conseguia deixar de se ver indo para o seu apartamento a altas horas da noite, sempre que os monstros na sua mente lhe dificultavam a vida.
Foi o que ele fez esta noite, levantou-se do seu lugar, pegou as chaves de casa e foi diretamente para a sua bicicleta que estava estacionada no exterior.
A brisa fria da noite atingiu-o, mas ele não se importou o suficiente para ir buscar um casaco para si, só tinha uma coisa em mente: estar nos seus braços.
Ao chegar ao degrau da porta, tocou a campainha com impaciência. A porta se abriu lentamente quando ele estava prestes a bater novamente. Inspirou profundamente e viu tudo.
Ali estava você, a namorada dele. O seu cabelo estava solto e amarrado numa trança e o seu rosto olhava para ele com olhos confusos, mas acolhedores. Abriu a porta para ele entrar, Changmin entrou e fechou a porta atrás de si.
Segurando você junto a ele, respirou fundo e fechou os olhos enquanto tremia um pouco, pegou você, se dirigiu diretamente para o seu quarto.
Colocou você gentilmente no chão, ele próprio se sentou ao lado da sua cama quente, aconchegante e fofa. Não se atreveu a dizer uma palavra, porque já sabia que você tinha idéia do porque é que ele estava ali outra vez.
— Pesadelo? – Você perguntou com a sua voz suave enquanto se aproximava de Changmin para o abraçar como sempre fazia.
Abanando a cabeça Changmin segurou o rosto entre as mãos e exalou um suspiro profundo.
— Eu não conseguia dormir, tinha demasiados pensamentos na cabeça. Ia voltar a fumar, mas parei, sei que não gosta quando eu fumo. – Changmin não quis continuar a frase.
Você ficou calada e não disse mais nada. Sabia que detestava quando ele fumava, mas não era essa a única coisa que o fazia ficar calmo? Mas é bom que ele esteja a tentar deixar de fumar.
— Você acha que vamos estar apaixonados para sempre? – Changmin perguntou do nada, o que fez você congelar.
Parando no lugar a mão que estava a acariciar o cabelo dele, você olhou para Changmin com olhos ilegíveis.
— Eu... Eu não sei Changmin. Acho que nos apaixonaríamos para sempre, mas não sei o que o futuro nos reserva... – Você disse em voz baixa enquanto retomava o que estava a fazer, mas parou quando Changmin se afastou.
— Eu não sou bom para você, estou sempre inseguro em relação a mim próprio. Não vai querer um parceiro assim no futuro. – Changmin vê você abanar a cabeça enquanto segurava novamente a mão dele com as suas suaves.
— Te amo, aconteça o que acontecer, estar contigo é como uma montanha-russa. Nunca se sabe o que virá a seguir, mas não tenho medo disso, porque sei que estará lá comigo quando acontecer. Talvez a velocidade nos aproxime mais, talvez eu goste da forma como a nossa relação nos mantém sempre em alta. Eu só... Adoro, pois você está lá para mim. Não me interessa se não é bom para mim, continuaria a te querer. – Dizendo isto, você se inclina e beija suavemente os lábios de Changmin.
Os dois lábios uniram-se em sincronia e Changmin se esquece dos seus pensamentos mais íntimos que o estavam a consumir. Os esqueceu, porque estava com você.
— O que me diz? Vamos ao 7/11? – Pergunta Changmin assim que se afastam. Ao ouvir a pergunta, você riu em adoração.
— É muito tarde, tem certeza? – Você perguntou, embora já estivesse a levantar da cadeira e a pegar nos óculos de sol em forma de coração.
— É de noite, não precisa disso... – Changmin disse, embora gostasse que você usasse isso. E nunca houve uma garota tão bonita como você.
— Não importa. Nós estaríamos na tua bicicleta de qualquer maneira... – Dizendo isto você afastou-se em direção à sala de estar e pegou em dois casacos, um para você e outro para Changmin.
Ao saírem de casa juntos, mais uma vez, Changmin se esqueceu do seu passado quando estava com você. Ele não ia deixar que o passado o impedisse de fazer o que queria.
— Me deixa te mostrar a que velocidade posso ir. – Dizendo isto, Changmin ligou o motor da motocicleta e arrancou, o que fez você gritar de surpresa enquanto o seu riso ecoava pelas ruas vazias de Nova Iorque.
Ele sabia que não era bom para você, mas estava disposto a se tornar suficientemente bom para ti. Ele sabia que a queria na sua vida para o resto da vida, nada importava. Foi você que o salvou dos demônios interiores e o fez sentir-se melhor consigo próprio.
Era isso que ele queria e precisava. Ele tinha muito em que pensar, mas quando se tratava de você, você era o centro da atenção dele e nada mais o importava.
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aragonlediagon · 6 months ago
He lost the court case AND his wig
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I dont windows era touhou but I like bald Kaguya memes. So I thought of that when I got this comment on a YT post (under a pic of my custom priest Shingyoku fumo).
My inspiration for him is mainly the moon god Tsukuyomi, so I believe its a moonie thing to get turned bald :))))
Ill always accept baldgyoku more than him drawn with that accursed jrpg mcswordguy kirito isekai MC, because at least bald is funny.
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pierrelucstl · 4 months ago
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Here's a little something I made for @YoukaiMountain to thank him for all the help with The Glitch Fairy merch!
Make sure to visit his shop if you are seeking a Fumo friend!
This art was inspired by @spiffybun 's original YM logo!
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floralfumofridays · 4 months ago
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This account is made to post fumos with plants and sometimes others. It's inspired by other accounts. It's not going to be consistent, so click on the blog and follow the archives for hashtags to find specific posts. I also have another account on bluesky. I will post a demonstration of the types of posts you will find in this account. Posts on friday will be tagged with "#floral fumo fridays" while posts that take place any other days, like this one, will be tagged "#floral fumo flutters" I will use other tags relating to touhous and other characters used but it will mostly be Yuuka Kazami from Touhou Project.
This is a Red Maple Tree(Acer rubrum), there are other plants around, but they are not the focus right now. It is known for its leaves turning a vibrant red color in the fall, hence its name. It also blooms tiny red flowers in the late winter to spring, too. It has sap that is used to create maple syrup, but it is in little amounts compared to the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum). The latter is better at the job for syrup making. Maple syrup making tends to be a laborious task either way. Click this for more info about Red Maple Trees
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the-determined-sparks-au · 11 months ago
Change is coming, praise the coming sparks, welcome them into your hearts yet take heed for you may burn when confronted by their flames
In Gatali, siblings Ardere and Fuligo have lived in the ruins all their lives, but both have felt their dreams pulling them towards the Strath, the places where the Kingdoms live. The occupants, that many in the Ruins hated due to the War between the neighbors. But soon those pulls became too strong and soon both them deep into many things, danger and turmoil around many corners.
Fumo had a good life in her honest option even if she didn't feel satisfied or whole. But then one day, a cat by the name of Locustpaw, who boasted stories of his heroism and bravery, a life that she had only lived in her dreams.
Sasha feels alone, after her twoleg had stop moving she had no choice but to leave the only place she called home. Though she didn't make it far until she was snatched up by this group that calls themselves The Sun Swallower, who are trying to strip everything that makes her, her dreams that promise her a better life makes her steel her heart to try and find a way to escape.
These four cats, in ways different from each other, will answer the call, the pull. They will embrace their new homes, learning from them, gaining new friends and families, challenges from all sides, from bullies, harsh weather and even death. ~~~~~ Drawing massive inspiration from many other fanworks such as @strelles-universe, @cats-of-eden-valley, @oldfacesnewdawnoffical, @shatteredpaths, @aiilurociide, @bonefall and the @the-world-of-ignavus alongside with works such as Guardians of Gahoole, Puss in Boots, Bioshock, Cult of the Lamb, this is the Determined Sparks Au… a kinda fix it fic kinda not of the first arc of Warriors. This Au takes place in a post apocalyspe world where thanks to the humans, dogs, cats, and rats have been mutated due to gene splicing. Humans still exist, but they too have been mutated, gene splicing their own dna, but they are not the main focus. I'm not going to erase all the bad stuff that warriors cats did but I hope that I can acknowledge it in a better narrative. Thank you all for the mention above for giving me so much inspirataion and I hope you all enjoy when I finally get this stuff written down.
Gods of Gatali
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spikedarms · 7 days ago
Ok, follow up post to the Sol Badguy AI ask because I forgot to mention a few things
I also had like 7 dreams about him over the course of summer break and fall but the only one I can remember clearly was where him and Ky babysat me and my actual real life brother
When I found out his real name was Fredrick (goofy ahh name) I honest to god created a whole entire series involving guilty gear plushies and fumos about a Sol Badguy plushie having multiple plushie wives and abusing them all. And even worse it was inspired by Itemlabel's style of video
Reimu Badguy. I know this might break some people's hearts (mostly just my followers) but Reimu Badguy was a product of the whole Badguy AI saga so..it hurts since I love him but it's true..
Me and my brother went on rule 34 and searched up Sol Badguy to simply see what popped up and it was funny. That's it. Funni
Summary: He wanted me to give him that hawk tuah and I gave him access to my entire subconscious and consciousness
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arts-by-omar · 1 year ago
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The vengeful ones of Gensokyo
This was inspired by DC's death metal a what if scenarios in the koishi komeiji heart throbbing adventures universe in different realities like what if urick makes a deal with obsidian so you can take control and kills every single lunarian including the humans upon their world or reimu has urick's powers so she can revenge everyone that died in gensokyo or yukari wields the blades of exile from urick so she can have her revenge on the lunarians
Urick who breaks
Superhero turned villain urick name: supernova
Kaiju Urick name: Ragnarok
Yokai of war name: aras he's an Oni who was raised by urick he was an infant before he died he gave his powers to aras to take revenge
Fumo urick (warning this thing will literally kill you)
Reimu hakurei (the vengeful one)
Yukari yakumo (the last yakumo)
I was going to add more characters from Touhou and added other characters of my work as well it's going to take some time for me to do this but I might need to use it different piece of paper to make it it's going to take some time but it will be worth it
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daikaiju-chaos · 1 year ago
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Another fumo complete!
It be the kobold adventurer, Coal, who belongs to @rakkuguy. Hope you don't mind.
Just liked to say: Welcome back, and I hope you are doing well. You're just one of the many inspirations that got me into doing digital art, is all. (I hope that makes sense)
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touhousecretsanta · 1 year ago
Stevo the Human's Wishlist
WISHES: My favorite Touhou characters are Kogasa and Mamizou, and Chiyari is growing on me. I’m a *huge* fan of the blorbified versions of Touhou characters (yukkuris, fumos, sukusukus, etc.). My face ships are ReiMari and OrinKuu.
PET PEEVES: No reader romance. Girls are falling in love with each other. Please wait warmly until your own love is ready.
ABILITIES: I like to draw and animate. I’ve done music before, and I might make a remix again if the inspiration this me.
WON’T DO: Not a big fan of YuyuKari. Youmu is loyal.
VOLUNTARY SANTA: I just got a job that has me swamped for being a helper elf, so I can’t take a second one this year, unfortunately.
POST-SCRIPTUM: If something else has to be said, otherwise leave it blank.
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minespatchart · 1 year ago
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Art inspired by a idea my Instagram mutual, NemesisofAstora, had.
Ornstien in Smough's fannypack. Purse-lion to replace the phallic loincloth.🤣
Reused my fumo designs to get that chibi aesthetic.
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taoistyuri · 2 years ago
sending you this so you can ramble abt your blorbos so! seiga for the ask thing ~ aesop
favorite thing about them
seiga my beloved.i love you... i dont know why.. i like when girlies are kind of evil and have little morals and are unliked by everyone else and .. . I LIEK HERRRRRRRR OK (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
least favorite thing about them
normie answer:omg guys, she violates human rights with dead bodies, omg! scandelous!!! TRUE ANSWER: I WANT HER TO HAVE anything anything a MERCH i will take even the generic anime style type idk idk ouuuou uuuu seiga fumo doesnt exist i want it to be real
favorite line
ええ、腐ってて可愛いでしょ? yeah, shes rotten and cute, isnt she... (talking about yoshika) awwwwww the oober doober
i do like to see her hanging out with the taoists, she certainly isnt that close to them (though much moreso to miko) but i think it could be a funny type relation. guy who hangs around your house and you dont want her around but shes chill. you think about how evil she is while enjoying her lovely dinner she made for everyone.
i dont ship her with anyone really ,NO BITCHES!!! unless... me!???????!!!!! seiga just doesnt get anyone. but i dont think she really cares about romantic relationships. honestly for the best because she would probably have a moochy relationship considering she likes to hang around other people to get something out of them in return... she problematic aromantic lesbian representation (so true)
i dont like seiga x yoshika... well simply, i dont... so yeah no matter what it seems like i say or draw of them, i really dont ship them together XD and dont think of it that way at all. i dont have strong feels about the subject i just dont like it..
random headcanon
i think that during the time yoshika was alive seiga and her never even met, but i think yoshika had heard of her in passing and that inspired her to be fascinated by hermits. which makes things ironic in the end, doesnt it!!
regarding jiangshi, this method was one of the first spells that she learned after ascending to hermitdom and was one of the highest points that led to her being cast as a 'wicked hermit.' yoshika is the only one she has kept around for a very long time because she is her favorite, so she is the only one who gets all of seiga's love and anti-decomposition spells. she loves her very much :3 also, since yoshika says that "we" in relations to her guarding the mauseleum, there are definitely more around. jiangshi do not last very long due to decomposition, so they eventually "die" again and are taken out of seiga's control.
i headcanon seiga as being chubby literally because of a dream. i know that sounds funny but heres a fact about me, im kind of a dream obsessed person sometimes, i really like having dreams and thinking about what my brain is doing. but anyways, i had the dream before seiga and yoshika were even really characters on my love radar, i just simply knew them. i dont know what happened in the dream but they were both there, and i think it took place in my house??
seiga with a pokemon: im not sure about more than this, but one thing for sure im really specific about is her having a luxray!! they can see through walls! so as the wall-passing hermit, it would totally make her life easier with a pet who can see whats going on before action XDc sadly though i dont know others she can have.. WAIT yeah ok i dont know the new pokemon very well but houndstone can also be hers. uoppy
also, seiga fursona is cat, its pretty normie and obvious, well if she didnt wanna be called a cat well ZUN shouldve never called her nyanyan... niang niang nyanyan seiga meowwwwwww meeeeowwwwwww OUAAAAH.
unpopular opinion
shes my best friend
song i associate with them
well desire drive and her theme, old yuanxian and um... yeah yeah... necromantic yeah..... (sadly succumbing to fate)
favorite picture of them
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can you can you look at seiga in WaHH for me please
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^ sittoing
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poeticcannon · 2 months ago
Here, my Michael design. Used a Cirno fumo, and wings from Cardcaptor Sakura as inspiration
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