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jareckiworld · 1 year ago
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Wang Jie —"Divine Beauty" (sand sculpture, Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival, 2018)
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leeydxd · 1 month ago
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mysterious-art-greenhouse · 1 month ago
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DA art compilation
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croatostrophe · 2 months ago
Let's fucking gooo I can get another noodle alongside the one I have alr soon
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fukanoy · 2 years ago
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Fulong .w.
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fleder-refs · 1 month ago
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He/him. Owned by @fledermaus-art. From Dragon Adventures.
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thistransient · 1 year ago
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I biked out to Waziwei 挖子尾 today cause the weather was nice and I hadn't been in a while. Normally I consider myself a conscientious cyclist and silently judge violators of the rules, but of course the one time I decide to make a foolhardy maneuver based on the fact that the only people visible in either direction are two aunties pedaling at the speed of molasses, precisely then must a guy dressed in all black like a ninja on a racing bike materialise from around a shrubbery at extreme velocity. While I yelped "fuck!", in remorseful anticipation of my self-wrought and untimely demise, he evaded smoothly and silently, but it still generated much more adrenaline than I'd desired in an afternoon.
Bali 八里 is significantly more chill in winter than the summer, I discovered. The crowd was much reduced, along with the 4-person pedal cars usually clogging the bike path (whose ongoing renovations finally seem to be mostly complete and blissfully smooth, further enhancing the experience). I got some fresh donuts from a stand and went to the beach, stomped about barefoot in the squishy low-tide sand, and explored an area I'd never been to over near the bridge construction (the 橋樑封閉禁止進入 photo).
I wish I could say going back was a fun time too but I've come to hate headwinds with a fiery passion. True, that could have been avoided if I'd just taken the bus home, or perhaps the ferry to Danshui 淡水 and then the train, but part of my scheme had been to try and work on extending my biking endurance to facilitate a different scheme to bike to Sandiaojiao 三貂角 and back using a Youbike from Ruifang Station 瑞芳站. I've entertained the conclusion that either I am perhaps not fit for a career in distance cycling (admire though I do those who are), or it's a harebrained idea to do it on a Youbike. (Yes, I know there were some foreigners who went the length of Taiwan on Youbikes, good for them, they also did the west coast.) But it could well be that I was simply cranky on account of being hungry, dehydrated, and not stopping to remedy these things because I was annoyed by the wind. The only way to find out is to keep at it, I suppose.
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deadhealthcareexec · 1 year ago
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smore cool dragos i got recently
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Lán FúLóng 藍伏龍
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The current leader of the Lan clan and the oldest of the current ruling generation
His courtesy name 伏龍 FúLóng means crouching dragon. This is a reference to the most accomplished strategist of the Han dynasty era, Zhuge Liang, who is also played by Takeshi Kaneshiro (pictured above) in the movie Red Cliff
His title is 太寧君 TàiNíng Jun, meaning peace under the sky
His given name is 明 Míng, meaning bright
He is a direct descendant of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, who adopted several children during their mortal lives
His disposition is very calm and serene, but driven by academic curiosity. He especially is very open-minded towards demonic cultivation, and not only because of his heritage
He's widely respected as a very accomplished swordsman, but his true calling is teaching
He upholds the tradition of keeping rabbits in the Cloud Recesses
He and Lan Fengchuan are childhood friends. He finds her ambition and nerve inspiring
He has a sweet tooth but doesn't indulge, unless it's a special day such as a festival, and even then only a little. When Lan Fengchuan brings him candy from the city, it's a gift from a friend and thus different
From the fanfic The Tale of Tiger Mountain
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paperstorm · 5 months ago
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Taiwan part 3, Fulong Beach edition 🏝️
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ayelen0o0o · 2 months ago
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Deff I'm doing obsolete nothing for fault of the new event in dragon adventures
(I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want the Fulong)
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444names · 4 months ago
Names generated from the List of empires on the English Wikipedia
Acenishu Acente Afavin Afracy Afria Afrianan Afshai Afsharan Akkari Akonger Akonic Akontrese Akontuʻi Akorea Akory Akwamugha Akwarmand Akwassyrid Ariannic Asalleucid Asarman Assamonfed Assian Assyriana Atecha Athity Aughabulo Augush Aulian Aurraza Aurysincid Aussoulta Avarthu Avieth Avietnazil Avijapal Ayunepal Azmian...
Babulou Babylo Bamany Bamitanian Bamonfed Bamongha Baterman Baths Beles Belga Benish Benoes Benthit Benti Bermen Betanisha Borde Boreattold Borebian Bracen Braneian Brazi Brian Britan Brunid Bulgarchal Bulgian Bulikan Bulikh Bulof Bulor Bulou Buria Buryeo Burépec Bylof Byzan Cartharic Cedian Cedoman Cenoesean Chaem Chazil Chornu Conian Coninem Contrid Danavarian Danicaluk Denti Duchese Duchold Ducian Ducid Duryeo Duryeoryeo Duttan Dutthenial Duttin Duttiquith Duttiquity Duttola Egyptan Elassyri Eljuk Emermens Empite Ethenid Ethes Etnarid Firachal Firacy Firan Firavian Firazan Firebial Firencan Frallic Frazil Fraznamai Frenor Fressyrea Frited Fritiquit Fulganate Fulgarid Fulonger Fulor Fulte Funemer Funepan Fungdonic Funghaeati Funghal Funish Ganan Ganian Garal Garian Garic Garthaga Genorg Geordenlu Geordent Germar Germara Gevijapalo Ghaburi Ghaica Ghassin Ghazil Goguese Gogurkic Golerbian Goleuchy Goral Gorgialli Gotharit Gothes Gottond Grajapahia Granavi Gravian Grenian Grenican Grepal Grepublite Grese Guese Gustrat Haempian Halmyrepur Hania Hanian Harican Hiopira Holdenia Holder Holes Holof Horthaic Hortuʻi Horysan Hosican Hoyungevia Hoyunghaya Hoyutchy Hunaths Huneman Hunew Hungorea Huniannid Hunnican Ibenoesean Ibetallity Ibeth Ibetna Itanagazi Itinchai Japahionic Japahite Japal Japarite Jayuna Jayunic Jayutton Jolat Joltan Kadian Kadiana Kadish Khaga Khitish Khmede Khmedia Khmen Khmexic Khwar Khwarlem Kinga Kondannian Konfed Kongenia Konian Konid Kontrica Koratec Korazi Korazte Korthity Korya Koryeo Kosia Kosini Kospal Kospaloni Kospitai Kospite Kulitti Kussikarid Kussyrean Kustecolof Kustedian Kustrenla Lamurg Lasam Macenian Maica Maitand Majapal Majapan Majaya Majayan Managianew Mania Manian Maniong Maracy Maria Marid Marth Maryand Masafsh Massannish Massia Maulof Maulte Maush Media Mediane Meninagian Menlamanca Mentish Mermeni Mexic Mexica Monfedoman Mongoltany Moniana Monica Monid Montinina Montrat Moraj Mordenew Morgin Murkic Muryeornu Neianish Nemerbiand Nemexic Nianamu Nishu Noesec Noeser Odryeo Odryeorya Odrysafsh Oltan Omacedon Omallica Osingol Ospira Ostrozvia Oysal Oyunid Oyutch Pagany Pagiani Pagin Pahimorea Palican Pality Pallia Palonid Palukust Parysalith Pongaran Poniali Ponid Pornu Poryeo Prean Prephtha Publi Publite Qarch Qaria Qariante Qarmaj Qoyunia Qoyutchy Ranamitti Ratec Rathai Ratinican Ravia Raviethit Razil Razna Raztechian Rogolte Roguessin Rogur Rogurran Romaraj Rozvid Rozvin Rungan Runlu Runni Rustrid Rustrozvia Safrian Safsh Safshuan Salukyan Samajapan Saman Samaran Samian Samur Sanandan Sanannid Sanantrid Sanianican Sarala Sarazte Sarchalic Sassinian Sechan Seconish Selgal Selgan Senchite Senem Seran Sermany Siana Siani Sical Sikaria Singa Songa Spahitai Spali Spalikh Spian Spirst Spirstrit Sultan Sulte Sultec Sumedish Sumen Sumenian Sumerate Sumerithai Surkin Suryeo Swedenia Swediant Thianew Thitant Tibenoese Tibeta Tinciand Tinga Tolasal Tolornu Toltan Toltang Tomacedia Tonghazte Tontec Trian Tromai Tughaeater Tughai Tuguryeo Tukyan Turian Turrazil Tussou Tustrozvi Uniallernu Unningara Vietala Vietalic Vijapagan Vinghaitan Waman Waral Waran Warchorn Warchy Warian Wassian Wassin Wassyria Wedebian Wedencid Wedia Wedianate Wesea Westria
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zhanglinghez · 1 year ago
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"Congratulations, Zhao Xintong, the chief commander of Fulong State." "You're amazing. You're the first woman to take that position in hundreds of years." "No one is more qualified than Xintong."
Tiger and Crane 虎鹤妖师录 (2023) | EP.23
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croatostrophe · 2 months ago
"Oh sweet I got a CB Hong and Yue I don't need to farm the event anymore since I have a Fulong already"
[Achievement for completing 25 firework shows pops up]
[I look in the Achievements tab]
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ayipee-fr · 1 year ago
all of my fav dragons in dragon adventures atm
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my latios and latias xerthos twins :-)
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my lny fulong
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my albino fm skyrix
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my other skyrix who I just really like the color scheme
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My tarottas
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My hielo (prob one of my fav dragons I love how cute they are)
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& my paukiki sweetpea :-)
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ramen-tokyo · 2 years ago
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✔️Store name / Menu
✔️Side Menu : 叉焼二種盛り
✔️Nearest : 中野駅
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