fuckyeahrtfanfic · 7 years
Old School Mavin 1 Old School Mavin 2 Old School Mavin 3 
Now You See Me by PicassoPickle
Summary: Gavin wakes up one morning to find himself invisible. He has no idea how or why, but his friends believe he has been kidnapped, presumed dead. [PG]
WC: 8,377 - Complete
[Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Series]
The Boy Behind The Fence by Hashtagmavin
Summary: (15 year old AU) Michael’s family has just moved to a new home, and he quickly becomes friends with his next door neighbor through the fence in their backyard. But as he talks more and more to the young boy, he realizes that something isn’t right, and Michael’s determined to find out what it is. [R]
WC: 22,230 - Complete
T: Child Abuse
[Tags: Angst, AU (School), First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Series, Violence]
The Helpless and the Holders by BloodstainedBlonde
Summary: Michael had always known about Gavin’s OCD.
He’d always had it, and it had always been severe, and Michael had always loved him regardless.
He’d wait through a million light switch flickers because they needed to be done, listen to a million repeats of words just been said because they didn’t sound right and stand through a million retried kisses because the angle wasn't aligned perfectly.
Because Gavin always said ‘I love you’ afterwards.
And almost as if he had his own compulsive disorder, Michael always said it back.  [R]
WC: 3,720
T: Mental Illness, Self-Harm
[Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort]
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ghosthuntershane · 4 years
Favorite ah blogs pls?
That’s a pretty tough question so I’ll probably forget some but I’ll try. 
@sortamaliciousryebread @duoachievement @acheemient @ilookbetterinslowmo @ryanthecomputerguy @thevagabondandthegoldenboy @savage-animal-idiots @team-loveandstuff @thisiswhatmylifehasbecome 
And if you’re looking for amazing artists, may I recommend you check out, @rikurobo @samijen @millacm @bara-kick @fullunadulteratedart @attic-salts @the-eevee-experiment @nikkodakota @misstvhead @trip-wild-art 
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yallreddieforthis · 4 years
Reddies, if you haven’t already seen all this art, holy cow. All of it is absolutely stunning!
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✨ I’m open for commissions! ✨
If you’re interested please email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Commission [username]”
Prices are in USD. Payment is through Paypal.
Things to include in your email: - Commission type (Sketch & Colour / Clean lines & Colour  -   Bust / Half Body / Full Body  - Background if applicable) - References of the character/s and a brief description of their personality/relationship. - Description of what you would like me to draw (a specific scene, pose, etc)
Will not draw: - NSFW / explicit gore / explicit nudity / over-sexualisation         (minor blood and semi-nudity okay) - Complicated mecha / armour
✧ Thank you! ✧
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bloopsiedaisy · 7 years
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Jeremy “Rimmy Tiim” Dooley stimboard
Art by @fullunadulteratedart
Gifs - x x x x
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acindra · 7 years
👯🐶🌍💕 ❤️:
👯: talk about your best friend
My best friends are @iaveinabox and @thisandthensome. I met them through the @fuckyeahrtfanfic blog’s tinychat (now on discord) like 4 and a half years ago. Tats is the creator, Ave is the second in command and does wips, and I run the chat and do recordings.
Ave is the sweetest most caring person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She’s really fucking good at keeping a level head about things and I tell her most of my problems, especially with my mental illness because she usually provides good insight or support. She’s very forward thinking and when she wants something she’s not afraid to go and get it, even if she has to suffer. A good example (and promo) is her running of the @ragehappysecretsanta that she now pretty much organizes and runs by herself. She loves languages and sloths and pizza and basically I’ve had her for 4 and a half years and if anything were to happen to her I would kill everyone in the world and then myself.
Tats is super smart and sharp as a whip. She’s very ambitious, as well, and very open to trying new things like starting the fyrtff blog and contacting Rooster Teeth employees for interviews and being the head mod for Ryan Haywood’s twitch streams. She’s a people pleaser which can both be good and bad at times. She’s a very reliable shoulder for me to cry on and is pretty good at calming me down when I’m irrationally upset. She’s super kind and really cool. She likes birds of prey and cats and coffee and has a delicate soul that I will protect until my dying breath if given half a chance. 
🐶: what do you wish you could have as a pet?
I want a cat sized dragon! Failing that, a cat or a snake but my mom is allergic to cats and has a phobia of snakes. Also at this time I’m not capable of caring for myself reliably so I would not subject an animal to having me as an owner.
🌍: where would you want to travel if you had the chance?
I’d like to go back to Japan because I think I’m at an age where I’m more receptive to appreciating the culture now. I’d also like to live in Iceland because it’s nice and cold there.
💕: Favorite blogs?
I mostly follow art/fandom blogs and then my friends so…
@ghostatm0st I don’t remember why I started following them but they have nice general posts. I notice them on my dash more than most people because their icon is done by Maris
@positivelyweird14 Also does general posts and I think Rooster Teeth and some other fandom stuff.
@fullunadulteratedart Is an amazing artist and author. One of their fics is my favorite Joelay fics ever and I commissioned them to do art for my fic because I love it so much. They mainly draw Rooster Teeth things.
@kittycole Is a really cute Rooster Teeth artist as well as aesthetics blog.
@duoachievement Is my go-to for Rooster Teeth posts and information. Their blog reminds me of like an archive, documenting everything that happens which is really cool.
@nomnomnami Is my favorite game designer pretty much ever. Their characters are diverse and adorable and playing their games is like eating candy for me or listening to a bubbly song.
@shima-draws Is my favorite Be More Chill fandom artist. They also write but I have yet to read their fics because I don’t read incomplete fics. 
@askguyslikeus Is my favorite Be More Chill fandom askblog. The cast is really in character and the current storyline is adorable.
❤️: Best internet friends
@teamrtist Maris is hands down my favorite artist and I commission her every chance I can get. She’s also super cool and super sweet and super funny. I once told her that she reminds me of the feeling of an idealized summer and it’s very true. She makes me feel warm and sunny. Talking with her always lifts my mood. 
@dryangon Ryan is one of my newer friends and also an amazing artist. She’s fucking hilarious and really quick witted. She’s also very kind and understanding and I think I talk to her the most out of all of my friends right now.
@amythestquill Friend is a really cool, easy-going bean. I record stuff with her and it’s a lot of fun because we tend to get invested in the games! She likes puns a lot and, like her name says, is very friendly.
@comp-lady Comp and I also record but the videos tend to devolve into bitching about the games and characters and situations rather than playing along like with Friend. We also bitch about writing a lot. 
@blazingstarininkyblackness CJ is a cool dude. He writes long fic which baffles me. We’re in a lot of the same fandoms, which is nice, especially when I need someone to rant to about Be More Chill stuff. 
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samijen · 7 years
What are some of your favourite ah artist?
pretty sure im missing some ppl 
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officialfreewood · 7 years
do you know any fics where ryan has to kiss gavin to evade the cops? plea se god this is my favorite trope and i just need it so very badly
The only thing that’s in my mind rn is fullunadulteratedart’s drawing 
anyone know any fics???
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thisandthensome · 9 years
Sudden Heartfelt Explosions
Summary: Chris comes to a sudden realization as he and the strange man go and save Josh from the shed.
WC: 2,265
A/N: I finally caved and became official Climbing Class trash. This is for fullunadulteratedart and agentoklahoma. Prompt from FUA ♥ I hope you like it. Also, I want to say this is my first Until Dawn fic so I’m sorry if characters seem off. Part of it is borrowed from the game, but you should be able to tell where it deviates off XD I’d very much appreciate comments and critique! And maybe prompts who knows I got a lot to write still lol
Master List of Fics 
There was silence as everyone shifted in their seats, taking in what this strange man had said to them. The only thing that broke the silence was Mike, who sharply inhaled, opening and closing his mouth a few times.
“Guys….I ran off and left Josh when I heard screaming.” He whispered to the group. Everyone exchanged glances before looking at Chris. Chris did not look any of them in the eye, feeling heart drop down into his stomach instead.
“Where did you leave him?” The stranger asked, his grizzly face staring Mike down.
“In the shed.” Mike replied shortly with a shrug.
“Ahhh. You’re friend will already be dead.” the stranger shrugged, taking a step back against the wall behind him and a morbid smile on his face.
“No…N-no. He can’t be. I-.We were just with him!” Chris stuttered, standing up and running his hands through his hair. The stranger looked into Chris’ eyes as if searching for something. “A lot can happen quickly on this mountain.”
“No.I’m going to go get him” Chris simply, shaking his head. He ignored the protest from others and paced back and forth, his heart pounding like a beast trying to escape its cage. Anger swelled up around him, mostly at himself. “I’m supposed to be his best friend an-and I let him down!”
“No. He let you down, Chris - he let all of us down.” Ashley tried to reason with the blond man, but Chris brushed her off. “I don’t care. I’m going to get him.”
“Then I’ll go with you.” Spoke the stranger, stepping forwards towards Chris. Chris, in reply, huffed. “I don’t need your help.” The stranger just stared Chris down until Chris lowered his head and quietly whispered “Fine.”
The stranger talked to the rest of the group about what to do while Chris walked towards the door, Ashley in tow.
“Please...just come back safe.” She begged and threw her arms around Chris. Awkwardly, he put his arms around the girl and patted her back.
“Don’t worry Ash. You’re like a sister to me. I’ll be back in no time, Josh in tow.” Chris spoke into her beanie, kissing it softly before taking a step back with a smile. Ashley frowned, hurt flashing across her features before understanding settled in. She just nodded and smiled back before returning to the group.
The stranger gave Chris a shotgun before the two headed out into the icy snow. Chris had to squint to be able to see where to go.
The entire walk was eerie. The stranger walked slowly with his fingers on the trigger to his flamethrower whilst Chris kept looking behind him and all around, his whole body on edge. He’d ask the man questions about these creature, the Wendigo’s, and with every reply the man gave, Chris’ heart fell further and further into the pit of his stomach. How there was no cure if the process started, no real way to kill them, and how the hunt; by movement.
As the shed came into sight, Chris and the stranger stopped and hid.
“There is one last thing I need to tell ya boy. A little something to keep you movin’ on your feet. The Wendigo...he'll render you immobile. And then...he strips the skin off your entire body. Piece. By. Piece. And then....he keeps you alive and aware and feasts on your organs. One piece at a time. Remember that when you are staring on in the face.” The stranger recalled, his voice as quiet as he could make it. He locked eyes with Chris before a small smile appeared, and disappeared just as fast. “We will get the boy.”
Chris opened his mouth to give his thanks when a loud scream interrupted.
“Shit, that’s Josh!” Chris yelled, standing up and out of their hiding spot. Another, louder shriek followed right after, sounding more inhumane than the first.
“And that there’s the Wendigo. Let’s move.” The stranger ordered and ran towards the shed. Chris followed right after him gun clutched tightly in his hands. They rounded the corner and Chris’ spirit rose, and then promptly plummeted.
Josh was alive.
But a Wendigo was holding him up by his neck.
“Josh!” Chris screamed and pulled the shotgun up to take aim at the creature's head. As soon as he got his aim steady he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet right into the side of it’s neck. The Wendigo screamed and dropped Josh, who was still tied up on the stool. Chris started to run towards Josh, but the Wendigo blocked his path. Cocking the gun, Chris pulled it up and aimed again. Just as we was about to pull the trigger flames came at him and Chris had to hastily step back in order to not get burned.
“Hey watch it!” he screamed at the stranger. The stranger said nothing in reply and dragged his flamethrower closer to the creature, trying to burn it. It shrieked again and climbed up to the roof of the shed, turning its head and staring at the two men fighting it.
“Don’t. Move.” Chris spoke softly, just loud enough for Josh to hear. Josh groaned, still a bit out of it from having been dropped.
“Chris?” He asked, his voice cracking a bit.
“Shh.” Chris urged. Josh shook his head, trying to clear his mind before he started to shake it more violently.
“No. No no no please.” He begged and closed his eyes. He started to rock on his stool back and forth.
“Oh for f- Josh!” Chris screamed and pulled up his gun just as the Wendigo launched itself at the broken man.
“Hey! Jerk! Leave him alone!” Chris screamed at the beast, shooting it in the shoulder and re-cocking it instantly to shoot it in the face.
“Fire would be really helpful right about now!” He hollered back to the stranger. The man just grunted and let loose a stream of fire, separating the two boys from the Wendigo. Chris took this time to quickly look around for something to cut Josh free. Spotting an ax, he grabbed it and went behind Josh.
“Okay bro. I’m going to cut you free but please stop moving.” Chris begged. Josh seemed to not have heard him, looking around wildly and chanting no under his breath. It broke something inside Chris to see this man like this, so broken and out of it.
“Please Josh...I can’t...I can’t lose you.” Chris pleased, setting the ax down.
“Any time now lad.” The stranger called over to the two.
“Just give me one more minute!” Chris called back and took a hold of Josh’s face in his hands. This seemed to have stopped the chanting and Josh was able to somewhat focus his eyes on Chris, but they still had a dazed look to them.
“Come on…” Chris whispered. He felt his eyes start to tear up the longer he looked. He thought back to when they first came back to this hell of a mountain, how drained Josh had looked, and how his eyes lit up when they saw Chris. He thought back to when he found Josh and Ashley tied up and waiting death, how it broke him to have to chose. How his heart and soul shattered as the blade spun towards Josh, his best friend, his something. As it cut him in half, how Chris felt like he would never be right again. Chris thought how he saw Josh again, healthy and alive, if not deranged.
Betrayal. Happiness. Relief. Love.
One of Chris’ hands fell from Josh’s face as the foreign emotion flew through him. He loved Josh. His revelation was short lived as Josh started to mutter under his breath again, please, please. So Chris did the first thing that popped into his mind to help snap Josh out of it.
He brought his hand back up to Josh’s face, sliding back onto the nape of his neck and brought him closer. It was not soft or shy, nor was it delicate in any means. It was quick, rough. There was a savage monster waiting to eat their flesh and Chris needed his Josh back, and needed him back now. Lips pressed against lips, Chris felt tears finally slip down from his eyes as he closed them.
A hand came up to his face and cupped his cheek, thumb brushing the tears away.
Pulling back hastily, Chris saw that Josh had closed his eyes and inadvertently brought his hand to Chris’ face.
“Chris?” Josh whispered. Chris broke out into a half-sob, half-laugh and hugged Josh.
“Come on. I’m going to cut your ropes and we need to run. When I saw stop, don’t move an inch okay?” Chris took charge and picked up the axe, cutting the ropes. Josh nodded and rubbed at his wrists once they were free. He attempted to stand by let out a cry of anguish as he put pressure on his left leg.
“Shit. I can’t. I can’t. Chris. Please, help.” Josh called out. Chris turned his body to sling an arm around Josh but instead came face to face with the Wendigo. Chris froze in place, like a deer in headlights. The creature opened its mouth and let out a scream and Chris felt the blood drop from his face. He was doomed.
Just as the creature raised its arm to slice it’s hand through his neck, an ax came from its right and lodge itself in it’s own neck. It cried out and climbed up the wall away from the two. Chris saw that Josh had staggered up and was panting.
“Let’s….go….” He got out in between pants. Chris nodded and supported Josh with one arm and the other holding on to the shotgun. They met up with the stranger at the doors and hurriedly walked the path back to the lodge. They were loud and walking not as fast as they wanted because of Josh, but surely the lodge came into view.
A few meters away from the door, the stranger held out his hand to motion to the two boys to stop.
“Stay...still.” He demanded. Chris nodded and Josh dropped his head onto Chris’ shoulder. Not wanting to be surprised, the stranger slowly turned around to make sure their back was covered. However, in doing so he accidentally stepped onto a stick. The snap was the loudest thing Chris had ever heard, followed closely by the blood pounding in his ears.
“Shit.” he muttered and clung on tighter to Josh.
“Shit is right. Run. Run!” The stranger shouted, bringing his flamethrower in front of him where a Wendigo appeared.
“God DAMN!” Chris screamed and pulled Josh as fast as he could towards the door.
“Ash, Ash! Please let us in. Quick, quick!” Chris screamed once they got close to the door. He heard the Wendigo scream and turned just in time to see it attempt to leap away from the stranger, who had released the gas valve on his pack before lighting up. In a small burst of flames, both him and the creature burnt to a crisp, a scream echoing out of the flames from the creature.
“Oh god ASHLEY!” he cried louder.The door opened suddenly and the two fell in in a heap on the floor.
“Chris, oh my god Chris! What happened? You got Josh thank god.” Ashley cried out, flinging her arm’s around the blond. Chris quickly shrugged her off and turned his attention to Josh.
“Josh? Man, come on.” Chris shook his shoulders. Josh groaned and swatted at Chris. Chris just laughed and hugged Josh tight.
“Thank god I got to you bro.” Chris muttered into Josh’s ear. Arms came around Chris and tightened, holding him close.
“Me...too.” Josh mumbled back. They pulled apart and stared into each other’s eyes. They both didn’t notice when Ashley left, going to fill the others in and keep them away about the situation.
“I thought….that that thing...was going to kill me...take me away.” Josh muttered, looking down. Chris pulled his head up by his chin, making them look into his eyes.
“I would never...I could never let that happen to you.” Chris said softly. Josh stared back.
“In the shed...you kissed me.” Josh said, matter of factly. Chris had the audacity to blush at this.
“I realized that, when I saw you, not as you, but that something had changed in you, that I might not ever get my Josh back. The one I had met in grade three, the one where we went through so much together, not just as friends, but as something more. At least...something more to me. I was surprised it took me so long but… Josh. I..I think I honestly love you.” Chris whispered with passion, the hand on the other man’s face tensing up slightly before he pulled Josh in for another kiss. He let himself kiss Josh for a few moments before he started to pull away.
“No…” Josh whispered and pulled Chris back into another kiss, this time angling their face just right as to not bump noses. The kiss did not last long, as the situation was still in their mind.
“We need to survive until dawn. Think you can do that for me?” Chris asked Josh, leaning his forehead against the other man’s.
“Yeah...I think I can.” Josh replied, his eyes now more focused and clear than they had been this entire trip.
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fuckyeahrtfanfic · 7 years
Old School Mavin 1 Old School Mavin 2 Old School Mavin 3
Millstone by jolach
Summary: Michael is beginning to suspect that his job might be better done by a team of highly-trained sheepdogs with a specialty in herding manchildren: a Bodyguard!AU. [NC17]
WC: 45,950
T: Gore, Illness/Trauma
[Tags: Angst, AU (Modern), Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Violence ]
Suck it, Howard Carter by hallo catfish
Summary: The Wind in the Wadi, or Gavin, NO! Being the story of two adventurers and one deranged accidental necromancer (and, let’s face it, a butt-ton of the recently undead in flapping linen bandages) in 1920s Egypt. Wherein Ray turns out to be just as good at Indiana Jones-ing it up as he is at videogames and Michael knows that Gavin Free is a menace to society and possibly the entire world but can’t help being a little bit incredibly attracted to him anyway. [R]
WC: 67,073 - Complete
[Tags:  Adventure, Angst, AU (Media), Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Series, Supernatural, Violence ]
The Mp3 Experiment by donutsandcoffee
Summary: The guy’s cute.
Not, like, five-month-old-puppy cute, the kind that elicits a fond sigh and a long ‘aw’ from a group of expressive teenage girls; the guy’s more like Adult Cute, capital letters and all, the kind that's cute at a glance but gets you hot and confused at night after waking up from a dream that is most definitely not cute, like those One Direction boys or the 90s kids’ Chad Michael Murray, if you know what he means. [PG]
WC: 2,270
[Tags: AU (Media, Modern), Fluff ]
Michael/Gavin + Ray/Joel
I Can Tell You by fullunadulteratedart
Part 01 02 03 04 05
Summary: There are so many things that are left unsaid, joked around but never really touched upon. Just a small step outside of the ordinary is all it takes for the barriers to break down. And it takes extraordinary circumstances to bring people together. [R]
WC: 15,651 - Complete
[Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Series, Smut ]
Michael/Gavin + Geoff/Griffon + Jack/Caiti
Press Start by dxtr
Summary: Michael Jones has been an AI on the Starship Galacticraft since he was twelve and has secured his place in the Top Five Achievement Hunters. Five years later he gets a new Gamer, a friendly, though annoying, British boy named Gavin, and Michael convinces himself there's no harm in beginning a friendship. Unfortunately for Michael, though, it doesn't remain just a friendship for long. In a world where Gamers and AIs are forbidden to have relationships, the pair risks everything to be together.
WC: 59,607 - Complete
[Tags: Angst, AU (Media), Friendship, Future, Hurt/Comfort, Series]
♥ The Team
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renegadeartist · 9 years
Echo, chapter 3
The apocalypse isn’t fun, especially if you manage to get bitten so soon after it starts like a dumbass.
WC: 2,631
Ao3 Link
The next few weeks went by in something like a blur, and this time he bothered to count the days.
On day one only Michael and Ryan didn't have a problem with him. It probably had something to do with the fact that he was a zombie, even if he wasn't feral, and his appearance certainly echoed that of runners. But Michael didn't seem to mind. Apparently they knew each other. That sounded right, so he went along with it. Ryan took to asking him questions about what he was, most of them his medical history which he, unfortunately, couldn't remember.
"You don't remember?" Ryan had asked, scribbling something down in his grimy notebook. Honestly, why didn't he just get a new one? The one he was using was absolutely filthy.
"No, I don't," Ray replied stiffly.
"Anything else you don't remember?" Ryan asked, glancing up to look at Ray.
"Uh... yeah, a lot of things. Like, most things before I was... bitten." Ryan nodded and wrote that down. He asked how Ray had gotten bitten. He found he couldn’t remember that, either.
On day two Ray was certain Ryan had told Michael he didn't remember a lot because Michael spent the day near him, talking about things they'd done in the past that Ray didn't really remember. It was nice, though, because even if he didn't remember them happening he could imagine them. It was nice, to be reminded of a world that wasn't fragmented and overrun by zombies.
The third and fourth day the others started warming up to him. Gavin started cracking jokes and playing pranks, the former of which were mostly something about his condition. Geoff would smile slightly at him if they ever found themselves together and he made sure Ray knew everything that was going on. Jack made sure to include Ray in any conversations that he was close enough to engage in. Lindsay, after finding out about Ray's DS, offered to let him use her charger. Anyone in the camp that liked pokemon had participated in a last-minute tournament. Ray had won by a landslide, much to Michael's annoyance.
The fifth day was the first time he left camp since getting there. They were going out on a supply run and apparently they trusted Ray enough to have him go out with Gavin and Michael. They had walked through the streets and raided nearby shops, packing their bags with supplies that they would need later. Everything went smoothly until they climbed out of the shattered window of an old clothing store.
Ray heard something. A gunshot. "Did you guys hear that?" he asked hesitantly.
"Hear what, Ray?" Gavin asked, his grip tightening on the strap of his backpack. "Did'ya hear zombies or something?"
"No, I-" he stopped himself when he heard another gunshot. By the looks on everyone else's faces they heard it too. Ray felt his feet moving as he ran towards the sound.
"Ray! God damn it!" Michael shouted. Ray didn't look behind him but he knew they'd follow. He turned the corner into an alley and almost tripped over a few bodies on the floor. Zombies. His eyes swung up to find more - maybe three, at most - and a dirty and bloody man, holding a gun unsteadily in front of him. Ray wasn't sure what he was doing but the next thing he knew there was old blood in his mouth and a zombie body on the ground. He spit it out quickly, panicking. What the hell was that? Why did he do that?
His thoughts were cut off by a gun pointed at his chest. He vaguely registered the fact that the other zombies attacking the man were also dead. "What the hell are you?" the man asked, his legs shaking badly. The wound on his shoulder was bleeding heavily behind the bandages that the man had obviously wrapped around the wound in a hurry.
Ray held up his hands and stuttered, trying to form a response. "I- I'm- I-"
"Ray!" Michael yelled, skidding to a stop behind Ray and leaned over his knees, panting heavily. "What the hell, dude. Fuckin' wait for the rest of us."
The survivor's gun was still pointed at Ray but now he didn't look so sure of himself. "I- what?" "I'm Michael," he introduced, still breathing heavily. "That fuck's Ray, the other one who's... not here right now," Michael glanced behind him, probably looking for Gavin. "Is Gavin. Who're you?" "I'm... Kdin. My name's Kdin." Michael raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? You're a survivor, I assume. Unless you're like Ray." "Like... Ray?" Kdin asked slowly, his gun finally lowering. "He... he looks like he's..." Michael shrugged. "He is. Apparently he got bitten like... how long ago, Ray?" "Uh... like a month? Or maybe a month and a half?" Ray mumbled, not really wanting to be included in the conversation. He was just fine letting Michael do all the talking. Kdin looked confused beyond belief, a common expression when Ray's condition was discussed. "But how's he not... y'know, feral?" "Dunno," Michael shrugged. "Ryan thinks it's an immunity or something. He calls people like Ray the Strange." The gun disappeared and Ray allowed himself to relax. Gavin skidded into the alleyway, shouting something about waiting for people and not running away without warning. They all agreed to take Kdin back to camp to have Jack look at his wounds. Kdin ended up staying with them for four days before he said he had to leave again. That was the last time Ray heard anything about him for a long time and he could only hope he survived. He seemed like a decent guy. Ray had been with them for three weeks when they decided it was time to move camp. The entire process took a surprisingly short amount of time. You only took what was yours and only what you could carry. They left quite a bit of random items behind, but Michael assured Ray that they weren't important, that they could replace them if they really needed to.
It was late in the day when they headed out, and Ray asked Michael where they were going. "I don't know," he shrugged. "We could be going anywhere. It doesn't really matter. We're trying to survive. Maybe find a settlement of survivors that has room if we're lucky and stay there. I doubt it though. Those fuckers are strict when it comes to letting people in." Ray just nodded. They walked for a while longer, the tall buildings starting to become noticeably scarce, before Ray worked up the courage to ask, "What happens if we find a settlement that'll take you in? Would... would they take me, too?" "They better," Michael growled, "Or they'll have to deal with me." Ray tried to smile at Michael, tried to feel good about what the other man said, but he found he couldn't. They couldn't give up safety just because of Ray. They couldn't just leave a settlement because one of their members wasn't quite human anymore. They shouldn't have to choose between him and safety. They walked for a long time, taking breaks when the sun set by holing up in abandoned gas stations or empty homes if they were lucky. It had been a long time since Ray had properly slept in a bed and it was a welcome feeling when they found a suburban neighborhood that was still mostly intact. The closets were full of broken hangers and empty boxes. The kitchen was stripped bare, the drawers and ice boxes thrown onto the floor. It was obvious the family left in a hurry and that the house had been raided already but there were still beds that were relatively undamaged so they spent the night there. Ray found he couldn't sleep so he had just laid there, staring at a broken picture frame on the ground. He wondered if the people that used to live here were still alive, if they'd found refuge or if they were still running for their lives. He wondered if at least one of them had ended up like him. At some point he must have drifted to sleep during the night because he was awoken by the sounds of someone moving around downstairs. He stiffly climbed out of bed, hoping it was just one of the other guys getting up to look if they missed something on their initial search for supplies. His footsteps woke Michael who had been wrapped in a pile of blankets on the floor, having insisted for whatever reason that Ray should get the bed.
He sent Ray a confused look and the other man could only shrug. The sound of cupboards opening and closing loudly was enough to get Michael on the same page. In an instant he was up, his gun tight in his hand. “I’m going to get the others, you see who’s down there,” he half whispered, half mimed. Ray nodded.
He tiptoed quietly towards the stairs, pressing his back into the wall as he walked down them. He went slowly, listening closely. There was definitely more than one and they certainly didn’t sound like zombies. That meant they were probably survivors. That meant Ray would have to be careful not to let them see him. He pulled his hoodie farther up to hide his bite.
He almost cursed aloud when the second to last step groaned under him and the small murmurings he’d heard before were cut short. He heard footsteps and before he could make it more than a few more steps he felt rough hands grab his arms and he yelped, trying to pull away.
“Hey, hey, dude, calm down,” someone said, and Ray felt the grip on his arm released. He stumbled up a few more steps, turning around enough to get a good look at the strangers. There were three of them, all men, clearly survivors. The one that had grabbed him looked a bit younger than the others though bags were clear under his dark eyes.
Ray wasn’t sure what he should do, if he should run or try to talk to them or what, but thankfully he was saved from making a decision when Geoff’s voice reached his ears from the top of the stairs. “What the fuck is going on?”
The three strangers froze, seemingly uncertain of where they stood in this situation. “Uh…” one of them said, this one with blue eyes and lighter hair then the other two. “We’re looking for supplies?” He held up a large backpack supposedly full of random items they’d found while searching.
Geoff said nothing, just stared at them with narrowed eyes. Ray could see his hand twitching to his gun. Thankfully Jack put a hand on Geoff’s arm before he could do anything rash. “Ray, come up here,” Jack said lowly, and Ray was all too happy to comply. He pushed past the two gents and into an adjacent room with the door open. He found the rest of the Hunters there, some with guns out, others crouched and listening.
“Did you live around here?” one of the strangers asked, attempting to lighten the mood.
“No,” Geoff replied without emotion. “Did you?”
“No, we’re living at a settlement. If… if you guys wanted to come back with us I’m sure they’d let you in. It’s a few day’s walk from here, though, so there’s that.”
Geoff hummed. Jack smiled. “We’ve actually been looking for a settlement that’s not overcrowded already.” Jack stuck out a hand. “I’m Jack. He’s Geoff. If you want to stay here for the rest of the night you’re welcome to.”
“I’m Bruce, this is James and Adam. If you’d like, we can head out when the sun’s up back to the settlement. See if we can get you in.”
Jack nodded. “That would be great.”
Ray broke off from the group, his hands suddenly feeling clammy and his chest tight. They were going to go to a settlement. That was good, right? Well, maybe for the others but there would be no way they’d let Ray in. He was technically a zombie, even if Ryan had given him a fancy name and fancier explanations as to why he wasn’t really a zombie. As far as Ray was concerned he was still the biggest obstacle in the way of the others reaching safety.
So he left.
It was near sunrise, when everyone was still asleep. He grabbed his backpack, wrote a quick note telling the others not to worry, he’d find his own way in the world. Maybe they’d meet again someday. He hoped so. Maybe if the world managed to piece itself back together, maybe if someday the zombies were gone or cured. Wishful thinking, he knew.
He walked alone for a while - he had no idea how long it was, probably close to four or five days, he had no idea – in relative silence before he heard a gunshot. His head snapped up and he listened for another one. Maybe it was a survivor? He was starting to wonder if he'd imagine the shot before another one rang out. He felt his feet start to move towards where the sound had come from. It was somewhere near an abandoned neighborhood, so he started running that way. He heard the shuffling of walkers when he reached a low chain link fence, broken in some places but still tall enough to force Ray to climb over it. He felt his foot snag on the broken wires and he could only force out a curse as he felt himself fall. His head impacted against the hard dirt and black spots danced in front of his eyes. He blinked and shook his head violently, forcing himself to focus. He tore his pant leg out of the wire's grasp, grimacing when he saw that it had torn a long groove down his leg. He figured it should have hurt but he could only feel a dull stinging. The next shot jarred him out of his mind and he climbed to his feet, catching sight of a few walkers through a gap between houses shuffling toward something. Ray tried to walk, only for his leg to burn in dull pain and his head to swim. He bit his tongue and limped toward where he assumed another survivor was. When he rounded the corner of the house he saw the survivor fighting a small group of walkers. He held a shotgun in unsteady hands, his hair sticking out at every angle and his dirty hoodie was caked with dirt and dried blood.
He looked like he was doing fine against the zombies but Ray noticed the runner sprinting towards him before the survivor did. Ray sucked in a deep breath before he forced his legs to move. He slammed his body into the runner and he felt his elbow hit against the ground with a loud crack.Ray hissed in pain, scrambling away from the runner that was trying to pick itself up, only for it to get shot in the head. It was still after that.
The pounding in Ray’s head got worse as the survivor shuffled over to him and offered a hand. “Hey, thanks for helping me, uh…”
“Ray,” he managed to force out, just barely staying upright.
“Ok, thanks, Ray. I’m Joel. You wouldn’t have happened to have seen anyone named Matt, Jeremy, or Adam have you? I'm kind of looking for them.”
Ray shrugged and tried to answer, tried to remember, but he was only met with a wall of white. He felt himself pitch forward only for shaking hands to catch him. He tried to stay awake but soon enough black overtook his vision.
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obscene-tevene · 9 years
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|~Tyria and her Lordling~|
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Alphinaud loved to wind down each day in the safety of his bard’s strong arms. Tyria was never one to turn down any sort of affection from her shy beau, and was quick to wrap him in a tight hug. A few moments of peace was often hard to come by, especially when one was acquainted with a certain noisy black mage.
But Laxus was away, and Tyria got her quiet time, smiling gently as Alphi settled against her. It was just the two of them in their own little world.
...Until Laxus came to drag her away again. 
Commission by fullunadulteratedart 
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samijen · 8 years
Would Ryan do the thing when endearment freak out and lower their jaw like a muppet?
@fullunadulteratedart​ drew that and pretty sure im gonna get nightmares 
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peakesqueak · 9 years
don’t think about the splash i will create
Pairing: Joel Heyman/Ray Narvaez Jr.
Summary: The sounds of groans and pounding on wood woke up him that morning, and part of Ray wished for a vague moment between sleep and waking up, that it was just his neighbors the next apartment over getting too hot and heavy for how early in the day it was.
Words: 3122
A/N: loosely based on fullunadulteratedart’s joelay zombie au!! im so sorry im in pain right now bcus of this. i also did this suuuuper weird style of writing at the end. woo trying out things.
The sounds of groans and pounding on wood woke up him that morning, and part of Ray wished for a vague moment between sleep and waking up, that it was just his neighbors the next apartment over getting too hot and heavy for how early in the day it was. 
He spent a moment, thinking about how that's what it used to be, how happy he was before all this happened, watching his breath puff up hot into the air, before there was a gentle click of a tongue, and he slowly sat up, his muscles and bones protesting the movement, looking over to his companion who was packing away their things into their backpacks in the early morning light. There was a crash of something falling over and he jolted, before there was backpack thrown into his arms. “We gotta get going,” the taller man said in a hushed, frantic voice. Ray crinkled his face up a little, standing up and putting his backpack on, before following the man out through the back way of the house they had holed themselves into for the night.
The early morning sunshine was filtering through the trees from the horizon, casting long, dark shapes across the ground and building, and Ray shivered as they crossed the snowy backyard, before hauling themselves up over the wooden fence and landing on the other side with softened crunches. 
“Where did they all come from, Joel?” Ray asked quietly, holding his arms to his chest and shivering. It was going to be cold like this until the sun rose and they felt comfortable to try and stop to warm up, and he honestly would have taken trying to do this in the summer at this point. “They weren’t there last night…”
Joel hummed, his breath passing by Ray as a cloud, before it disappeared into the freezing air around them. “I don’t know…” he mumbled quietly. Ray eyed the baseball bat he always carried in his hand, how his fingers tightened around it at the conversation. “But I’m glad we got out of there without much problem.”
Ray went quiet, pulling the hood up on his hoodie and stuffing his hands into the pocket on the front, running his fingers over the cool metal of his switchblade. He hated having to carry around something like that, but he didn't see any other choice; it was life or death now, his comfort zones be damned. He just hoped he never had to use it. He wished Joel didn't have to swing that baseball bat he carried, but it was too late for that; Joel had already used that baseball one too many times for Ray's liking, mostly to protect Ray himself, which only added to his increasingly exhaustion with the world. He hated feeling so defenseless.
He stopped when he heard Joel's boots slow against the snow, looking up from where he had trained his eyes on his shoes. Joel was looking back at him, a grimace on his face and Ray's stomach bottomed out. "What?" he asked.
"You're quiet," Joel said, his eyes looking over Ray.
"I'm tired," he shot back, voice bitter. Joel recoiled a bit, the grimace falling. He wasn't lying, but he knew Joel wouldn't know what he was really talking about. "I didn't exactly get the best awakening. I just need some time to wake up."
It was Joel's turn to fall silent, turning back and continuing to walk, only glancing back to make sure Ray was following, which he did after a few moments of silent contemplation.
It was going to be a long day.
Hours seemed to pass before they finally stopped to rest. It had started to snow again in the middle of the day, piling up around their feet and making their trek through the wooded areas harder than before. Ray had never remembered it snowing in Austin before, but he'd be damned if this wasn't the time for the weather to freak out and make their lives just that much more difficult. Joel left Ray shivering out in the snow as he checked the inside of a small highway rest stop, before coming back out and motioning for the all clear. Ray could see a few stumbling figures in the distance, slowed down by the cold, which made him sigh in relief, before following Joel inside the small building, shivering and holding his arms closer. "How long are we resting?" he asked, looking up at the dark haired man. He had taken the silence of the past few hours to wake himself up more, although the overwhelming exhaustion seemed to way on his chest more than he'd care to admit. 
"Just a few hours," Joel said, kneeling down and putting down some old newspapers he kept wadded up at the bottom of his backpack. Ray caught a glimpse of the front page headline; "New Virus Kills Hundreds Overnight". That must have been the days before the outbreak. "My body isn't what it used to be, and it's getting too cold out there to keep going without spending some time to warm up."
Ray moved to sit down where Joel was trying to start a fire, arms around himself and eyes watching the matches kindle against the newspaper, little orange crackles of flame burning the edges, before Joel started putting small branches he had collected during their journey. "That sounds nice," he said, trying to keep the conversation going, at least, to keep the thoughts from his head. He didn't know how to talk to Joel, though, even back before the outbreak. They worked in two different departments at Rooster Teeth, and when they did talk, it was often short and far between, or awkward and neither of them brought it up much after that. Although it had been months since it seemed like his biggest issue was trying to start small talk with the older man, he still felt that familiar churn in his stomach at the idea of talking to Joel. Maybe somethings just didn't change for him. He wished that one did.
"Yeah," Joel said simply, and Ray's heart fell at how the conversation dropped with that, moving his legs up to his chest so he could hold them, resting his head on his knees and watching the fire consume the paper in front of him. For a moment, he thought about what it'd feel like to push his hand into the flames and let it take him, before he looked up at the sound of Joel's voice. "Do you want something to eat?" he asked him, holding out an energy bar to him, a small smile on his face. "Your stomach is growling."
"Oh," Ray said quietly. He hadn't even noticed. He nodded, before taking the snack from him with an even smaller, weaker smile. He couldn't bring himself to much more than that. "Thanks, Joel."
Joel nodded back. "No problem," he said, before they fell back into silence. Ray sighed to himself, opening the package for the energy bar and starting to take bites out of it, watching the fire as he ate.
He wished everything could have gone back to normal; at least before he didn't feel as bad as this. Time seemed to go by slower and slower by the day, and every morning when he pulled himself off of the floor where he had been sleeping, his bones and muscles ached more than the day before. His brain seemed to be in a constant state of buzzing, numbing fuzz that felt like cotton clouding his thoughts, until the bad ones started, then its all he thought about. He was bad before, he knew he was; more than once Michael had to come over at Burnie's request on work days to see if he was okay because he was almost two hours late to work, only to find him curled up in bed with dark curtains drawn over the windows and staring blankly at his wall. But however bad he had been before, it felt like nothing to how bad he was now, in such high stress situations and positions, barely having time to sit and calm himself down, or find something to take his mind off of whatever self-destructive thoughts popped up in his head. If he could hold a conversation with Joel, he knew it would be easier to keep his head at least a bit more clear, but Joel was hard to talk to, and he couldn't block things out with his DS anymore (that died a month into the outbreak, as hard as Ray tried to keep a charge on it), so he was stuck in a constant cycle of bad thoughts that drained more and more energy from him the longer it went on. 
Ray just wanted his head back on straight, or for everything to go back to the way it was before, or, to an even worse extreme, he wished that maybe he just wasn't here. His eyes narrowed at the thought, holding his legs closer and taking another tiny bite of his energy bar. He felt Joel's eyes on him, but he ignored them, before re-wrapping the partially eaten bar and setting it to the side. "I'm taking a nap," he said quietly, almost silently, before turning away from Joel and the fire, curling up on the ground and trying to will away the tears as he fell asleep.
Days later, and it felt like they were still no more closer.
Joel had started rambling to Ray about what they were really doing wandering around the Austin area with no clear directive; he was under the impression he'd find the rest of the Rooster Teeth company somewhere, holed up in an old building and making a thriving community of survivors themselves. He never pegged Joel for an optimist, but when Joel finally told Ray about it, his eyes seemed to brighten up in a way Ray hadn't seen in forever. He truly believed that they could find Burnie and the rest somewhere in Austin, if they just looked hard enough.
Ray didn't have the energy to tell him it was a fool's errand, that they were just going to get killed running around in Austin looking for something that probably didn't exist. It was almost refreshing to see something so full of hope against all the death and pain he saw every waking moment of his life, but he knew it was false hope. Burnie and the others were dead, just like anyone else they knew from before, and trying to look for them was just going to get them killed. Part of him wanted Joel to just stop, to call it off and let them find somewhere to hole up for themselves, but the other part of him, the part of him that wanted nothing to do with this planet and this life anymore, wanted Joel to keep going, because he knew it'd lead to his death.
He ended up keeping all his thoughts to himself, in the end, following Joel quietly through streets they both knew like the backs of their hands, streets they used to meets friends on and lived their lives on, but now where cold and empty. They were going in circles for weeks, stopping in abandoned restaurants and office buildings, scavenging for supplies and more clothes to replace their soaked, dirty ones, once it got to that point. Ray's energy level was falling even lower, Joel having to physically help him up in the morning, more often than not. He couldn't physically do this anymore, he thought, following behind Joel slower than normal, his legs dragging him along. Joel said something in front of him and he glanced up, looking up at him as he turned to look at him. "Ray?" he called back, slightly louder. Ray caught up, smiling weakly. "Are you alright?"
"Y-Yeah," Ray managed to bring himself to say. He didn't need to bring Joel down with this. "I'm okay. Just cold. Let's keep going."
Joel frowned, before nodding and turning, walking a bit slower so Ray could keep up, and Ray thought for a moment that if the world wasn't ending, Joel would have been a good boyfriend for him, had he had enough guts to tell him his feelings. He couldn't bring himself to say anything now, and he wasn't sure that churning in his stomach whenever his and Joel's eyes met was even the same feeling he had before. Nothing felt the same as it did before. "Let's stop in here, okay?" he asked Ray, motioning to a building to their right. 
Ray nodded when Joel looked back at him, stopping outside of it while Joel went in, kicking at the melting snow and sighing. He went quiet, before hearing a whimpering in an alleyway around the corner. He quietly headed over to find out what it was, taking out his switchblade and holding it in his hand, peeking around the corner. He saw what looked like a dog laying in the alley, whimpering and twitching, and Ray frowned, heading over to it quietly, clicking his tongue to get its attention. "Hey puppy," he said quietly, stepping slowly toward it. The noises stopped. "Hey buddy..."
His blood ran cold at the growl immediately after, and he backed up. The light came in just enough for Ray to see the large chunk missing from the dog's rib cage, the bones visible against the taunt skin, clumps of fur missing. Ray held his blade out as the infected dog charged him, and he screamed as he was tackled, trying to push it off of him, pushing his blade against it every way he could as it's mouth got closer to his neck. He heard Joel's frantic footsteps, rushing out and yelling his name, before taking the baseball bat and slamming it against the dog's head. There was a sickening crack, before the dog fell of Ray limp, and Ray panted where he laid, before he felt Joel's hands helping him up. "Ray, Ray are you okay?" he asked quickly. "There's blood, is this yours?"
Ray came back around, before shaking his head. "N-Not mine," he stuttered, looking up at Ray. He tried pulling his thoughts together. He didn't want to break down. Not now. "I'm okay, I'm fine. C-Can we just... Rest now?" Joel looked over him, before nodding. "Yeah, let's head in," he said, heading into the building while Ray followed him in, hands shaking.
That night, after Joel was asleep, and the shaking in Ray's hands had calmed down, he got up from where he had Joel had set up their camp, heading over to the small restroom and going in. He took the flashlight he kept out of his backpack, turning it on and situating it to light up the bathroom enough for him to see. He looked at himself in the mirror, wiping at the dried blood on his face and glasses, before pulling his hoodie back from where his shoulder and neck met, eyes clouding over as he stared at the dog shaped bite mark in his skin.
A few days later, he felt like he was burning alive.
Ray's entire body was trapped in shivers, teeth chattering as he panted out weakly, holding his arms to his chest. When Joel had finally woken up that morning, he played it off as the flu, or a cold he caught, something that kept Joel from the truth, watching as the older man offered to go out and find him something to help. "You don't have to," Ray said weakly, eyes half open and barely focusing on the blur of the man in front of him. He had gotten worse and worse faster and faster, and he wasn't sure how to tell him. Joel almost depended on having somewhere there with him, to share this crazy dream he had, and Ray didn't want to ruin that for him. He'd have to find a gun and end it himself. He didn't want to have to make Joel to do that.
After Joel left, he felt the time blur together, his vision out of focus and fuzzy, but when he saw Joel came back, he heard a loud curse from the older man's mouth, a clatter of some kind of pill bottle and a frantic pulling at his hoodie. Ray's focus came back quick at that, and he pulled away, shaking his head. "J-Joel stop," he said.
"You're bit!" Joel said, his voice shaking and raising in tone, and Ray felt the stone bottom out into his stomach. "You're fucking bit, Ray!"
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine," Ray said quickly, shaking his head. "P-Please, I'm okay."
"You know what happens when you're bit, why did you hide this from me!"
Ray felt the world coming down around him, eyes blurring again, but with tears. "B-Because I'm okay-"
"You're not okay!"
Ray went silent, tears falling down his face as Joel scrambled up, moving away from him with his hands in his hair. "J-Joel..."
"Ray, I-" his voice was strained, and Ray let out a soft sob. "I can't... do this Ray..."
"P-Please, I'm okay... Joel, don't leave m-me..." he sobbed, his ears rinigng as his head spun. "D-Don't leave me alone..." he trailed off, before his vision went black and he fell back against the ground.
When he woke back up a few hours later, Joel and Joel's backpack were gone, and Ray was alone.
Had it been months?
His feet drug against the ground as he walked, his mind mostly blank, except for one face; dark hair, dark eyes, a smile that made his heart feel like it was going to burst from his chest.
Maybe it had been days? 
Did he even know?
He let out a noise as he walked, glancing around as he did. His body felt heavy, but part of him didn't feel it at all. He didn't feel anything at all.
Weeks. It had to be weeks.
He saw a figure in the distance, moving quickly. The patterns seemed familiar to him. A smile crossed his face.
He just wanted to see Joel again. He had to see him again.
There was a baseball bat, the crack of skulls against wood, before those dark eyes locked onto him, face twisting into pain and horror, a loud gasp reaching his ears. "O-Oh God..." he said, voice stuck in his throat. "R-Ray?"
He smiled the best he could, dead white eyes staring at Joel, wobbling a little on his clumsy feet. 
"Hey... Joel..." he managed to croak out against his broken voice box.
Ray just wanted to see Joel again.
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scooter-s-c · 10 years
My Open Letter to Princess Luna
Dear Princess Luna, During my years of traversing the Internet, I learned that sometimes I become the exact thing I hate. A pony with their head up their ass. Once I realise this, I'll try very hard to dislodge it and mend any harm I may have caused. I've learned that the policy "reblog anything and everything" can actually be very toxic to many ponies. I now will no longer reblog anything and everything. Yes I'll still reblog a lot, but I will be more careful about Reblogging issues that could turn into the witch hunts this site is known for. I also learned that even if people say you shouldn't be afraid to voice an opinion, and even if you are fully prepared to take any heat you may get, you should still be MINDFUL of what you put out there. I try my hardest but sometimes I'll screw it all up. If I ever hurt anypony, I want them to know I'm sorry. Admitting you we're wrong is one of the hardest things to do, dontcha know? I really do like this website and the people I've come to follow. Those people in the small lit up hole in the wall of all the terrible people on this site have been the reason I stay here. They give me the chance to catch my "head up the ass" problem early so I can cure it relatively easily and before anypony gets harmed. So thank you to them. I'll put your names in the tags below. Thank you Your Faithful Student, Rainbow Veins
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namgigrl · 10 years
if at least one of your otps songs isn't 'relient k - must have done something right' you're doing it wrong
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