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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
Heyyy can you please write something for Nico x male reader where Nico has seen reader around camp and reader is friendly and always laughing and talking with everyone. And Nico develops a crush on reader and eventually he decides to confess to reader when he sees them in the woods. Fluffy mainly but like a little spicey at the end if u do that stuff? :)
hey there bestie, let's pretend it hasn't been two months. this fic is also for @golden-boy-muda 's request for nico x transmasc reader <3
I couldn't find an idea in my empty ol head for this request but then I was looking for old oil painting wallpapers for my phone and now you have this incredibly sappy 3.2k of art references [I advise you keep another tab open for cross-referencing if you want the fUlL eXpErIeNcE]
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Oil on Canvas--- Nico di Angelo x transmasc reader [3.2k] »»————- ★ ————-««
Nico definitely isn’t a stalker, he understands boundaries [once Jason explains them to him, of course], but he might have a bit of a staring problem. 
Sometimes he’s just eating gluten free waffles with Hazel in the dining pavilion and ends up watching you shove your siblings around and plait your little sister's hair so it doesn’t get in her face when she goes Pegasus riding.
He spooned some blueberries onto his plate. 
It’s not his fault.
It’s yours, if anything. What is he supposed to do apart from feel like there’s moths beneath his ribcage when you pose, your nose scrunched, up for photos with Drew’s polaroid camera that’s covered with inappropriate stickers? 
Hazel elbowed him meaningfully in the side when he couldn’t help but grin because Holy Hades, a single person shouldn’t be able to look that much like the painting Ophelia [by friedrich heyser, to be specific], just because they wore a green camp shirt and a pearl necklace. 
Maybe it was his fault that he was comparing you to beautiful paintings. 
He scooped the blueberries onto his half eaten waffle and reached for the maple syrup Hazel had finished drowning her breakfast in. 
The Stoll brother’s mortal mum had sent a stack of paintings from art galleries all over the world last Christmas, and they’d let him pick out a few of the older more poetic ones that didn’t have enough blood and guts for their taste. 
Now the oil paintings of lakes and birds and crying angels and… mainly cats, actually, hung around the dark walled Cabin he slept in. 
Your laugh when you threw strawberries at Kayla and Austin while they worked in the infirmary reminded him of Angel [carl von marr, of course] and he felt like Chat a difficult catch [charles van den eycken] when you walked right past him without even glancing back.
So he’d made peace with watching from afar how you would forget daily to put sunscreen on but somehow always remembered to wear this pair of white crocheted gloves that looked like cat paws. 
On a completely irrelevant note, Nico was learning to crochet. 
Hazel made eye contact with him again when he looked from you to her, and he plugged his ears and glared before she started kicking him in the shins and begging him to pluck up the courage to walk over and even just make eye contact. 
Not that he didn’t want to. 
He may have lined up in his catalog of daydreams, this scenario where you both went down to the beach. Any beach, really. You’d collect shells and eat popcorn and grapes and lemonade and squish sand between your toes and pick up crabs with him. 
PROMENADE ON THE BEACH [Charles Atamian, obviously].
There was another scenario where he’d take you to the farmers market. It had the biggest bouquets of flowers, and rows upon rows of fruits and vegetables and incense and beaded jewelry. 
When he was laying in bed underneath the fluffy zebra patterned duvets that Piper forced him to use, mainly because they matched the dark reds of the cushions and browns of the bookshelves and antique lamps in the cabin so well, you were walking down the rows of little stores with him.
You were holding his hand with those soft cat paw gloves and you liked the feel of his rings [he’d read that people liked rings in a book, somewhere] and you’d filled the Studio Ghibli tote bag you had with berries. 
He’d watched most of the movies after he saw your bag. He liked Arriety the best. 
Clarisse stomped past the Hades table, leaving bloody footprints no one asked about, and smacked him in the back of his head. Nico went back to eating his waffles and daydreaming about your smile. 
In the farmers market you would sniff candles and never buy them because Hazel had far too many for all of her spells and the such that he would never run out. And what was Hazel’s was his and what was his was hers, meaning that what was Hazel’s was yours. 
Because Nico would give everything he owned, even his favorite jacket, for you to look his way. 
And he would buy you flowers, whichever were your favorite. 
Maybe the ones from the painting Hazel forced him to take because ‘you can’t just not hang a painting that literally is you, Neeks’. 
Italian Girl with Flowers. Joaquin Sorolla. 1886. 
He didn’t see the resemblance.
But it didn’t really matter, because he’d get to watch you looking at all the cool things for sale and then he’d take you to the best gelato he’d found so far [he was making a list] or just use the shadows, and take you to a proper gelato shop. Whatever you wanted to do, really.
Nico blinked. He huffed, mainly at himself, and stabbed his waffle. It fell apart on the fork.
“Why’re you angry?”
He looked up from his plate, to Hazel. She was sitting opposite him with a mustache made of orange juice. “...I’m not.”
“You’re not supposed to be pushing down your emotions, remember?” she said sternly, and started picking the green bits off a strawberry. She was eating as many berries as she could, since she wasn’t allowed lollies anymore. The perks of braces. 
Nico looked away. “I’m fine.”
“You’re thinking about the cat glove girl, aren’t you?” she asked with a smirk.
“Cat glove boy, remember?” he muttered, and took a bite of his waffle, wiping squished blueberries off his chin.
Hazel’s golden eyes widened, “Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” he said, and was grateful for the excuse to peek your way. You were eating toast. Very pretty-ily. He felt his face heat up.
Hazel perked up, a mischievous grin he didn’t appreciate on her face. “Okay! I’ll go apologize to your boyfriend then-”
Nico stared at her. Why was she like this? She actually went to stand up, and then he yanked her sleeve, pulling her back down to the table. “No! Don’t just… you can’t… stop!”
“You didn’t deny that he’s your boyfriend,” Jason chuckled, sitting down next to Hazel. 
“I hate you all,” Nico said. 
It was torture. 
He felt like Sleepy time potion [Vanessa Stockhard], stuck in the middle of your loveliness, unable to do anything except stare and hope that his face wasn’t too as red as the mushroom he was sitting on. 
In the painting. 
Not in real life. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico stared down at the hat in his lap.
He’d done it. He’d actually finished one of the hundreds of projects he’d started in Piper’s efforts to find him a hobby that wasn’t sitting on the fences of cemeteries or standing in line at Mcdonalds. 
He had lots of other hobbies, he just… couldn’t come up with them when she was arguing with him. 
So they’d gone through writing, painting, records, sleeping, which he excelled in, and then crocheting. None had lasted very long, but he may have had an idea half way through trying to stab Piper with the crocheting stick.
And now he had a white bucket hat with cat ears.
He threw it to the end of his bed, and hid underneath his duvet. Fuck. 
Repose. Malcolm Liepke. 1953. 
What on Olympus was he supposed to do about the way he wanted to hold you so badly he felt like throwing up and tearing his hair out?
He lay underneath in the pocket of stuffy darkness for a moment, before sitting up, untangling his blankets and teddies from him, and then standing. He may have just had the greatest idea anyone had ever thought of before.
Hazel was still in the shower, singing, most likely, so he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack that was actually just a skeleton, and then stomped out of his cabin, the stupid hat in his fist.
His heart was beating wildly. Stupid heart. 
The Wedding Dress. Fred Ellwell. 1911.
He rubbed his face and groaned at the sky. The stars were just peeking out, but it was still pink and yellow, and the sun hadn’t dipped yet. It was hidden by the trees he was trudging through, though. 
His chest was hurting. 
Nico scrunched up the stupid perfect crocheted hat that just had to stupidly perfectly match your stupid perfect cat gloves because Nico was stupidly perfectly obsessed with you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect.
Psyche Weeping. Kinuko Y Craft. 1995.
He trod on twigs that broke underneath his boots and weaved through the tree’s that slowly became more and more laden with hanging pendants and wind chimes and ruins carved into the bark.
He stepped over a thin stream. A frog croaked at him like it was dying. As if it could ever feel like it was dying. As if it could ever fall in love.
Nico groaned at the sky again. 
“Just let it all out.”
He turned, and glared. “Do you mind?”
“Yes, actually,” Lou Ellen said, raising a purple eyebrow. It matched the undersides of her curly hair. She pointed to the cabin concealed in shadows and moss and stones behind her. “This is my house. And you are yelling very loudly.”
“I’m not yelling,” Nico argued. “I’m groaning.”
She stared at him for a second. She rolled her eyes. “Just come in, what do you need?”
“I need a spell. Or a charm. Or hex,” Nico said, following her through the wooden double doors. A wind chime tinkled even though the air was still. There were a few bunks lined up against the wall to one side. “Or a magic thing. I don’t care which one.” 
The rest of the cabin was filled with small coffin shaped pet beds and empty pink soda cans and voodoo dolls hanging from the roof and rugs with cats wearing strawberry hats on the fluffy material and misty crystal balls. 
Lou Ellen lent back on a desk stacked high with papers and paperweights that were actually jars filled with things. “Okay. I have three rules. I don’t kill people, and I don’t make people fall in love.”
“I’ll break both if it’ll be fun?”
Nico frowned. “No. Aren’t you supposed to say you won’t bring people back from the dead? That’s always the third rule.”
She squinted at him. “Uh…no. I send those people to you.” 
Nico squinted back at her, sticking his tongue out. He fiddled with the stupid perfect hat and looked around. There was just more creepy things and stuffed animals. “Whatever. I need your help.”
“With what?”
“I need you to… like,” Nico started. He sighed. He looked away. 
This was awful. 
He was not about to admit that he might be in love, even if it was to reverse the feelings in the first place with whatever heart ripping out brain altering magic was necessary. 
The Apollo cabin would find out through the witch in less than thirty seconds. He would never live it down. 
Nico groaned again. “Oh for fucks sake, do you need me to fic your voicebox or something?” Lou Ellen hissed. 
Nico glared at her. He groaned again, and then whirled around and stomped out of the weird mossy mushroom cabin. “Nevermind!”
“Fine! Have it your way!...weird little emo.”
Nico glared at the frog croaking at him, and kept walking through the forest. 
He followed the little stream through the woods until he could hear wind chimes or Taylor Swift’s latest album anymore. 
The little stream widened into a proper stream, filled with a lot more frogs. Why were there so many frogs? He nearly stood on a green one leaping across the path. Stupid frog.
Nico stuffed his hands into his pockets, along with the hat. He was tempted to just toss it into the river. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with all of the silly feelings that felt like the biggest things in the world to him and his silly head full of thoughts about your lips.
Maybe the frogs could use the hat as a home.
“Here froggie… Come here… I said, come here... No I am not taking a tone with you!” 
Nico froze. 
Fuck. He took a deep breath, probably too loudly. He glanced to the side. 
Of course you were catching frogs, knee deep in a river.
You looked over, making eye contact, and Nico realized the moths underneath his ribcage were turning into bats. You squinted at him, hands on your hips, while water swirled around and leaves drifted from the trees above. A bucket was wedged between two rocks next to you.
A frog jumped out of it and landed near your leg, on a lillypad. 
“Look Albert,” you said, turning to the frog. “It’s a little Victorian ghost.”
“...I’m Italian,” Nico said quietly. He stared at you. He couldn’t help it. Wow. Fuck. Leo was right. He really was pathetic. “And I’m not a ghost.”
“Okay, Victorian ghost.” 
Nico stared at you. Fuck.
After that exchange, he should be able to hate you. Right? Right. He now resented you, and the moths turned bats would stop clawing at his chest and he would go back to having a normal life. 
You squinted at Nico, and then slowly turned to Albert. “I think the cute Victorian ghost is having a stroke.”
Nico blinked once, gulped, and then marched forward through the cold water and frogs, his shoes squelching loudly. Gods. This was so embarrassing. But you thought he was cute, even if you also thought he was a dead english boy, so he would be content with dying from embarrassment. 
He shoved the stupid perfect hat into your stupid perfect hands.
And then left in about 0.3 seconds. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
You stared down at your pancakes. Why were they so gray looking? Had someone poisoned them? You figured that it would be a pretty good way to die, and tipped extra maple syrup onto them before you dug in. 
To counterbalance the poison, of course.
You scratched at the mosquito bite underneath the strap of your binder. It had flowers embroidered into it. Your binder. Not the mosquito bite.
One of your siblings across from you kicked at your shin, probably on purpose, but you continued to eat your odd tasting pancakes and picked blueberry grit off your white cat paw gloves. They were your favorite gloves. 
They also matched your new hat. The new hat that the cute Victorian but actually Italian ghost boy had given you before he teleported away with whatever dark magic he had stored in all that goth-ness.
You tossed a blueberry at Clarisse when she walked past and tried to bash you over the head. 
She wasn’t allowed to ruin your new hat.
You turned to see her flicking the blueberry over at someone else, and your eyes flicked past that too. Now way. You stood up, but you’d lost sight of the mess of dark hair when the Hermes cabin barrelled past.
You clambered onto your seat and stood up there. “Oi! Victorian ghost hat boy!”
The dining pavilion went quiet pretty quickly, and everyone turned to the cute guy with a skeleton hoodie and wide eyes. He pointed at himself when you pointed at him, and then went pink. 
Clarisse stuck her arm out so you didn’t faceplant when you jumped down from your seat, and you held onto your new hat as you traipsed across the cracked floor. 
You’d never figured out how that crack had got there. But there were bigger mysteries. 
Like this cute goth. 
His face just pinker when you grabbed his sleeve and tried to tug him out of the entire camp’s curious eyes. A dark skinned girl with a lot of butterfly clips and a Steven Universe t-shirt sent a thumbs up in your direction. 
It was only when you were standing by the low burning fire pit in a patch of daisies did you realize you hadn’t really planned far enough ahead. 
You took off the cat-ear hat and looked down at it. “...Uhm…”
“Sorry,” the goth said quickly, and when you made eye contact he looked away even quicker. “It’s creepy. Boundaries and stuff, I just… saw your gloves.” 
“It’s not creepy,” you argued, putting the hat back on with a grin. He was really cute when he blushed. “I mean, I don’t even know your name, and I have no idea who you are but your eyeliner is really really great and… Holy Hades if you smile like that again can I… please kiss you?”
The goth with no name stared at you, and then nodded about ten times too many. “Yes please. But, uh.. If you’re gonna kiss me, please, maybe don’t get my dad involved.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Nico could feel his cheeks growing hotter.
Not because of the sun, specifically, but it was hot and bright in the woods. He’d worn sunscreen though. And forced you to put it on too, once he’d found watermelon scented sunscreen, because you refused to smell gross no matter how sunburnt you would get anyways. 
His face was hot and red because of you. 
You, who was stupidly perfect and also possibly kind of Nico’s stupidly perfect boyfriend. 
“Psst, Victorian ghost boy,” you said with a sing-song voice, quietly, and waved your hand in front of his eyes with your pink, blue, and white painted nails. He blinked. You smiled. “You zoned out again.”
“Sorry,” Nico said, and pulled a daisy out of the ground. He handed it over. “I was thinking about you.”
He hadn’t realized the effect that saying that would have on you, but it was worth it when you opened and closed your mouth like one of the frogs you kept as pets. 
“I.. well, what were you thinking about?”
Nico had played his cards right. He smirked, and you shuffled forwards on the checked picnic blanket Piper had stolen from Drew, who’d probably nicked it from poor unsuspecting Demeter or Iris kid. You knocked over the basket of strawberries too, and then took your bucket hat off and stuffed it in your lap with a grin.
He tilted his head down. You were both following a very well rehearsed script. “...Kissing you?”
You launched yourself forwards then with a laugh, your cat-paw gloved hands landing on either side of his waist and probably squishing some of those strawberries at the same time. 
The sun reflected in your eyes and Nico held the sides of your face as he pressed his lips to yours. 
You kissed back, and once you both stopped smiling widely, you could kiss back. 
He scratched his fingernails, the ones you’d painted rainbow that afternoon after catching more frogs and complaining about sunscreen, along your jaw when you bit down on his bottom lip.
Not as a complaint, certainly not, and you knew that too because you just sat back on your knees between Nico’s lap and tilted your head to fit deeper against Nico’s bruised lips. 
The ones that hadn’t had a single day off since you jumped up in the middle of breakfast with your gluten free waffles you hadn’t realized were gluten free until he had explained it to you later. 
It was intensely crazily unbearably romantic but it also meant whatever cold one of you managed to catch, the other would come down with only minutes later. 
And Nico felt like that smug little cat from Julie Manet’s Auguste Renoir.  
»»————- ★ ————-««
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ihatesocialmedia45 · 28 days
Chapter 7: For Better or Worse (In Sickness...)
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I saved for months to get front-row tickets to his V51 event; I'd planned to finally say something to him, though I don't know what. I just wanted... to see him. To feel the brush of his cape as he turned to go. He'd been staring into the cameras, though, never looked at the audience - but as much as that hurt, I understood. I hadn't wanted to look at the audience, either; the way they clamored for photos, begged for autographs when it was nearing midnight, and he must be busy tomorrow. He couldn't have known that somewhere in that crowd, was someone who at least tries to see. Tries to understand. Someone who also comes home to a lonely house - one that, for all my decorating, I can't seem to make less empty. 
I read up on his time with  Maeve, just to see, to imagine what it might be like to date him... it was hours of work; someone had wanted to keep it hidden. But I finally found an article, where Maeve had discussed it herself. The interviewer had asked her to summarize her relationship with Homelander in one word. She'd said "overwhelming".
I was angry. I was so, so, unbelievably angry - because I would do anything to be smothered, anything to be overwhelmed. To be loved so totally that there isn't room for anything else. I thought to myself - how could she appreciate that kind of love, when she had no idea what it took for someone to offer it? I love like I want to devour, to be devoured. And that day, I knew that he felt the same. 
Homelander... I want that kind of love. It's not too much for me. I want you to wrap me in it, subsume me. Hold me by the waist, kiss me, then drag me into your abyss. 
Hold me close, until I can't tell which heartbeat is mine, and which is yours.
Noir hung upside down from the rope in the center of his room, feeling the blood pool in his skull. He couldn't take off the mask to smoke, or drink - not that he'd cared for such vices - and so, in light of a particularly stressful meeting, he'd found his own alternative. Everyone in the Seven had a vice, he supposed. Everyone had their demons.
As he closed the woman's journal Stan had given him, he took a deep inhale, exhaling slowly. This... was worse than he'd thought. When he'd first been tasked to investigate the woman, he'd set off earnestly, hearing Sage and Maeve's plans of tailing Homelander and realizing that this developing romance had gotten out of hand. It was good that all of them were aware to the danger this union could bring. It almost felt like teamwork.
But as he'd spied, creeping into her apartment at night, he'd gotten a horrible feeling. Immediately, upon entering, he was struck with the force of the temperature. The entire place was sweltering, the very air shimmering with the heat. He'd actually had to pull off his mask for a moment, and rinse his face, before carrying on.  The way the apartment was decorated, firstly, filled him with a deep sense of foreboding, of unease. It was saccharine in its sweetness - an armoire full of porcelain figurines, flanked by two antique-looking lamps. A pastel floral wallpaper with vintage-looking teddy bears, pasted in the living room. A large glass table which held more figurines, old cards, a stack of magazines that all featured Homelander, another framed photo of him on the wall. A bearskin rug lay underneath the table, the eyes vacant and unseeing. Noir had sniffed, recoiling in disgust. It had been real. And the couch... that couch... Noir remembered looking at it, feeling an inescapable pull to rest in its embrace -  and, upon doing so, feeling like it was pulling him into its downy recesses, never to return. He gave a rare shudder.
What really interested him, though, was the small space behind the bookshelf in her bedroom. He'd been looking for more articles to take to Vought, possibly something with her DNA, when he'd moved the shelf, expecting a lip gloss - and finding a hollowed out space in the wall, where she'd set up a shrine.
Candles, articles - even a piece of old, hardened gum in a jar labelled "His", in deliberate print. And, of course, the pictures. So, so, many pictures. He looked through them, a vague sense of horror crawling under his skin, trying to piece together who she was, really - when he'd seen the most disturbing piece of her collection: a candid photo of Homelander, poised for flight, his cape billowing, and his head pointed high.
But he wasn't truly worried. Homelander and this girl... it would all be a disaster. But that was because she and Homelander were disasters, and there was no way for them to be anything else. Maybe, he considered dryly, it was fate that they met. Noir remembered watching John grow, from that spindly boy in the hospital gown, into the creature he was now. It had been like watching a supernovae; one bright flash, the hurling of all that molten rock and gas through space... and then the settling in of biting, unrelenting cold. If he never met her... Noir couldn't imagine things going any differently.
Sliding quickly into an upright position, he wobbled on his feet, watching the room around him warp and swirl, the hint of nausea in his gut making him hold a hand to his mouth. He waited for a moment, then uncapped the water bottle he'd placed on the desk nearby, pulling the water through the straw and his mask, taking a deep swig. Finally, he let out an inaudible sigh. 
Today would be a long day.
Homelander raced down the halls, his feet pointed to add a boost of speed as he flew, zipping past Vought personnel and ducking around groups of people. He had plans to meet her today, and he would not be late. She was going to cook him dinner, she'd said, the thought making him zoom faster. His mouth watered; he hadn't eaten since she'd given him the news, but he liked the way the hunger sharpened his focus, turned him into an icy dagger.
Breaking free of the doors of Vought, he skidded to a stop, landing lightly on his feet, considering the past few days with a smile that was almost serene. He'd been so ready to give up on them during their coffee date, he chastised himself, shaking his head. But she'd shown him, hadn't she? Shown that she was honest, that she understood. At least... he thought she might. He could never be too sure. Madelyn had seemed to understand, too. 
Pushing the thought of her from his mind, Homelander stepped into the florist's shop, a grin blooming on his face. He'd indulge her, for now, though he expected - no, deserved - some further proof soon, that she was exactly who she professed to be.
The woman stirred the white sauce she was making with a soft look in her eye, bringing the spoon to her lips to taste. Oldies music played smoothly in the background, and she hummed along, imagining the feel of Homelander behind her, turning to offer him the spoon. One day, it really might be like that - him, coming home to her, sweeping her into his arms, the tail of his cape enveloping her. She thought back to the kiss they'd shared, a grin lighting up her face. The way he'd held her... 
Too many times, other people had told her that her love was too much, that she was too much. They couldn't bear the weight of her embrace, and so they'd pushed her away each time she'd offered. She was on the verge of believing that there was no-one alive that matched her intensity, wanted that same intensity given back to them. He hadn't been interested in the façade she offered to everyone else, she considered. But was it really true? She wanted so badly to believe that it was, that she could present to him that dream of subsumption, and he'd accept - no, reciprocate.
"Oh, Homelander... I've just been hurt so many times," she sighed, taking the ground beef out of the oven and the sauce into the meat. She seasoned liberally, adding a dollop more of cream, before tasting again, a soft, satisfied sigh leaving her. The dinner was hearty, and cozy - solid; everything she'd wanted, everything she hoped to give him. She hoped he'd understand.
A knock on the door startled her, and she leapt for the door, a grin splitting her face. She checked her makeup in the mirror quickly, and looked around to make sure everything was just right; she'd switched out a few of the bulbs in her lamps for soft pink ones, and dropped a few leather and vanilla melts into her wax warmer, filling the air with a thick, rich scent. She'd adorned herself with a hint of perfume - the Yves Saint Laurent she saved for special occasions - on her neck, her breasts, her inner thighs. Tonight was the night, she'd decided when she'd told him about her plans. 
Taking a deep breath, she swept open the door, looking up into what should have been Homelander's face - but instead, she stared into a bouquet of roses so large they blocked out the outside. She gasped, pulling him in. "Oh, my goodness! Homelander!" She gently took the roses from him, inhaling deeply, satisfied to find a trace of his scent among the petals. She placed them into the vase on the table. "These are beautiful," she murmured, looking up at him, and taking him into a gentle kiss.
He pulled her in immediately, lifting her off her feet and pressing into her, the shift of their bodies guiding them to the couch. She relaxed onto its pillowy surface, pulling him on top of her and gasping when he pressed his lips to the shelf of her jaw. Lips parted, she sighed out contentedly as his hands roamed her body, squeezing, pulling her. Needing her. She explored his body in turn, drawing him closer with her arms, the brush of her thighs against his waist making him shudder.
Finally, they pulled apart, a dopey smile on each of their faces. "Hi," Homelander greeted her, the tip of his nose glowing a faint pink. She kissed the spot, her answering greeting just as shy. "Hi," she breathed, ending in a soft laugh.
Reluctantly, they moved off of the couch, though a spark of hunger still lingered in the air; Homelander raked his eyes over her, the feline curve of her spine, the shelf of her collarbone. She breezed over to the kitchen, ladling their dinner into bowls, a large mixing bowl for Homelander, a smaller one for herself. "I hope you're hungry!" she called. Homelander grinned.
You have no clue, he thought, rising to meet her.
Joining the woman in the kitchen was like stepping into another world, Homelander marveled. She'd carried that same warmth from the living room here, the frilly decorative towels and fluffy coasters making him feel... fuzzy. He'd gotten better about being angry at her for inspiring these feelings as of late; he still felt the unease, that this was somehow a cruel trick - like she might be some Vought honeypot cooked up by Stan to get him to comply. But he'd found out everything about her; she'd never set foot in Vought until he brought her. She worked at the office downtown. Despite the violent churning in his brain that told him not to trust her, not to grow weak... he couldn't help but feed the belief that she just might care. 
But had she made him weak? It certainly had felt like it, in the beginning. But now... that the thought that this wasn't like the other times clung to him fiercely, like a sticky wrapper on a piece of candy. She really might just... want him.
She looked up at him then, brandishing a spoon, offering him a taste - and his body immediately lit up with an intensity that set his nerves singing, vibrating. Dinner, just as she'd promised him.
He opened his mouth, letting her guide the spoon to him, closing his eyes as the flavors danced on his tongue. 
Savory. Hearty. Indulgent. Rich.
Homelander moaned, the sound shocking his eyes open - but when he looked down at the woman, she was staring into him with a voracity that made his stomach seize. She caught her lip in between her teeth, before subtly licking her lips, eyes half drawn in a hypnotic gaze. "That good, huh?" she asked him softly. He nodded, flexing his hands. 
But they'd have to eat; Homelander's stomach grumbled, and she laughed in response, patting his stomach gently. "Alright, alright! I'll get on it," she told it teasingly, setting their plates on the living room table with Homelander close behind. They sunk into the couch, letting a show run in the background as they ate.
"What did you do today?" she asked him. Homelander thought, brow furrowed as he finished his bite. "You know what? I think was actually on autopilot until I came here," he said. "I feel the same way," she said, scooping a bite into her mouth. "I woke up, got the ingredients for our dinner, then went to work... and I couldn't tell you a single thing I did." They laughed together.
"This is delicious, by the way," Homelander mumbled around a bite of pasta and ground beef. "Family recipe?" 
A tinge of pain flitted across her eyes - nearly too quick for him to notice. "No," she said, "I made this one myself, actually! I'd been experimenting with recipes I already liked, then I added truffle one day, and it finally clicked."
Tell me why that made you sad, Homelander urged. Tell me who hurt you.
"My little chef," he said instead, pressing a kiss to her forehead, purring when she melted against him.
It was too perfect, the both of them eating this cozy meal, in this dollhouse replica. Things were easy, Homelander thought, as long as they kept the mask on. But then, what was he doing here, if he was only going to pretend, and let her pretend? Pretend that they weren't lonely, pretend that there wasn't a darkness festering - at least, within him. Maybe she did share that darkness... but as long as she played the perfect girl, he'd never know. This couldn't go on. Homelander sat up straight, his eyes now sharper as he looked at her.
"I lied. Just now. I do remember what I did today." he faced her, daring (begging) her to meet his gaze. She did, and did not waver.
"I flew to China... and set fire to a rival company's manufacturing plant. I burned it to the ground. There were a total of 200 casualties."
A beat of silence passed as she looked into him, her gaze unflinching. Any moment now, he thought, would come the rejection, the horror. He'd torn them to pieces, just as he'd tear her apart for rejecting him after promising so much...
She cocked her head. "Why?" she asked simply, confusion coloring her tone. Homelander started. "What?" "Why... do it? Is Vought struggling? Were you under orders?"
Homelander struggled to process her question, so abruptly had it brought him up short. She was asking him why. Not running in fear, or begging for her life - but asking why he'd done it, as if she were asking if he'd like to go out for dinner. Homelander opened his mouth, then closed it.
"I..." Why had he done it? Some need to prove his godhood, his usefulness to Stan? Homelander grit his teeth. Even if it were true, he wouldn't tell her that. But the question bared answering; that was only fair. He'd confronted her with it - and she'd called his bluff.
"Because it needed to be done," he'd answered finally. There. That was true enough, he thought, a little irritated by the way she'd put him on the spot... but secretly relieved all the same. She resumed her dinner, a curious hint of amusement in her eyes.
You big silly, she thought, wanting to kiss him. You don't scare me.
"Then... I guess it was a good day for Vought," she said cheekily. Homelander narrowed his eyes.
"That doesn't bother you? I razed a building to the ground, with innocent people inside... and you're joking?" She set down her bowl and looked him fully in the face now, levity gone from her eyes. 
"Everyone has to die sometime," she murmured. Homelander gave a low growl.
"But - not like that! That... why are you okay with this?! Why are you okay with..." with me?
She leaned in, as though she'd heard the unfinished plea, and pressed a kiss, achingly slow, to the tip of his nose, looking back at him with that impossibly warm expression.
"Because... you'd said... it needed to be done. I believe you."
 A moment of disbelief, the Sword of Damocles hanging sharp in the air above them - and then he was kissing her, pulling her by the hips again, pulling her on top of him and pressing enough that he could feel the faint twinge of her heart against him. She felt it, too, moaned loud in his ear, kissing him breathless and coming up ragged for air. She kissed him like she wanted to make her home in between his ribs, merge into him completely; she wrapped her arms around him, gasping in the scent of him, feeling that perfect blanketing of her body when he flipped her onto her back, wrapped her in the cocoon of his cape. 
He pressed into her, insistent and hot, desire drawn all over his face, and she licked a slow stripe up his neck before taking him into another, slower kiss, melting into his touch, pressing herself into him at every point.
Homelander was murmuring into her skin, reverent snatches of words she felt rather than heard, each one binding something that had been broken inside her. He stitched her together on that couch - and suddenly, she knew what she had to do, to stitch him up in turn.
Lightly, she pushed him off of her, gathering her breath, her heart suddenly jittery in her chest. She hadn't wanted to do this - wanted to keep kissing, doing more - but he'd been honest with her tonight, done his part; now it was her turn.
"I want to show you something," she whispered, fear coloring her tone. Homelander's brow furrowed. 
This was it, then. She'd go into the other room, reveal that she'd been recording all along, that all the news stations would be reporting of his overseas massacre - and he'd have nothing left to lose. A vision of him, soaring through the sky and raining hell down on the city, flashed through his mind... and Homelander felt at peace. This was inevitable, he thought, letting her lead him away from the couch, and into her bedroom. It had been nice while it lasted.
He leaned down, to press one last kiss to her lips, as she opened the door. "Sorry for the mess," she apologized weakly. Homelander looked up, and gasped.
The room... was impossibly cozy. There was a crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting a rosy glow over the room, and pink and cream candles adorned the bookshelf and sewing desk. A dramatic coral canopy hung above her bed, and he flexed his fingers at the sight of the sheets, the duvet. Even from here, he could tell - it was real silk. A framed print hung above her desk, a zoomed in segment of the Creation of Adam, focused solely on their hands. She had painted over it; instead of empty space, the fingers now touched.
"This... is beautiful," Homelander murmured despite himself. The woman flushed. "Thank you! I've been decorating for years, it seems." Her face turned somber, a note of apprehension in her eyes.
"But... that's not what all I wanted to show you," she whispered. Homelander flicked his gaze over to her at the sound of unshed tears in her voice, and he suddenly felt the sense that this revelation would be something not even he had expected.
"Homelander..." she breathed. He took a step closer, eyes searching. "What is it?" he murmured, drawing her face to meet his with the tip of his finger. She took a deep inhale.
"All my life... people have called me... intense. Overwhelming. Suffocating. And for so long, I felt like there was nobody who would accept me, as I am. But that changed... when I met you. Oh, Homelander..." he kissed her, quickly, pulling away with an urgency in his eyes that froze her.
"What are you saying?" he whispered. Tears brimmed in her eyes. "If you're disgusted... if you... if you want to pull away from me..." she choked back a sob, "I'll understand."
The couple stared at each other, hearts racing. She looked up at him again, fear and resignation draining the color of her face. In the flickering candlelight, she looked like a tragic painting, all shiny eyes and swollen lips. Homelander fought the urge to kiss her tears away.
"I want you... to move the bookshelf." she said it like she wished she hadn't, wished she could snatch the words back... but it was too late, the air tinged with their weight.
Homelander shifted his gaze to the oak shelf, curled ornately at the top, a frilly doily draped across it. He peered inside at the miniature figurines inside, these more sensual than the idyllic ones in the living room. Two figures lay on their side, tangled in a heated embrace. Another set depicted a couple, engaged in the act of undressing each other. A book stood proudly on the top shelf, clearly thumbed through, a leather Kamasutra. Homelander raised a brow, but moved on, lifting the shelf, listening to the anxious racket of her heart as she watched him, eyes wide.
Leaning down, Homelander felt all the air escape his body in a sharp exhale as he took in the scene before him, kneeling to peer at eye level. Behind him, the woman tried to muffle the sound of her tears.
She'd built a shrine to him.
Homelander looked closely, plucking the small booklet of articles she'd handbound imperfectly, feeling the ripples of the leather cover. He thought back to their coffee date, and his heart seized. She'd wanted to tell him, all along. 
Flipping through, his heart racing, he saw every gesture, every kiss, every moment she'd professed her devotion... all proven to be true. The first article was dated to 2012. He'd been 24, young, lost. Alone, with Mirror John as his only confidant. He'd left the Bad Room behind, left Vogelbaum behind... but the emptiness still lingered. Vought had just proposed the idea of a league of heroes, and he'd been excited - only to have it all dashed upon meeting them. His lip curled at the memory.
But she'd been watching... saving these moments, revisiting them, this whole time. He looked up, saw the jar of what could only be gum that he'd chewed, and felt a sense of wholeness so complete that it nearly rocked him. He rose to his feet, resolute, and turned to face her.
Tears rolled down her face, the apples of her cheeks hot as she tried her best to keep from crying out. Homelander closed the distance between them, and held her in his arms, lifted them off the ground, and onto the bed, the duvet whispering against her back. He looked down at her, the coldness that had lurked before cracking open, revealing the breaking of dawn in his eyes.
 "You don't ever... have to hide from me," he whispered. "You will never... be too much for me." And leaning down again, he took her into a kiss, melding into her once more.
In the haze of their tearful union the couple kissed, the salt of her tears lingering on his tongue, the shuddering of his breaths rocking her body. Above them, Vought's hidden camera watched on, nestled securely in the corner of her ceiling, beneath the drywall.
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priya-joshi · 1 year
The Future of Full Stack Development: Envisioning Cutting-edge Trends and Innovations
In the rapidly evolving digital era, the concept of full stack development has emerged as a critical component for modern businesses. Embracing full stack development means embracing the ability to handle both frontend and backend development tasks, effortlessly bridging the gap between different layers of technology. By having a holistic understanding of all aspects of software development, full stack developers hold the key to unlocking innovation, efficiency, and adaptability in the tech industry.
Staying ahead of the curve is imperative for any developer, and full stack development plays a vital role in enabling professionals to do just that. In this article, we will explore the realm of full stack development, its evolution over time, and the cutting-edge trends and innovations that are shaping its future.
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II. Understanding Full Stack Development
Defining full stack development and its evolution over time
Full stack development refers to the practice of handling both frontend and backend development tasks, making developers proficient in multiple technologies. While the term "full stack" was initially coined to describe web development, its scope has expanded to encompass a broader variety of technologies and platforms, including mobile applications.
Throughout its evolution, full stack development has transformed from being focused on traditional web development stacks to embracing modern and versatile frameworks. This shift has allowed developers to have a more comprehensive understanding of the entire software development process.
Importance of full stack developers in today's tech industry
The demand for full stack developers has soared in recent years, primarily due to their ability to handle various development tasks efficiently. Full stack developers possess a unique skill set that allows them to contribute to different stages of the development lifecycle, making them highly sought after by organizations looking to streamline their processes.
By being capable of working on both the frontend and backend, full stack developers bring synergy to teams, facilitating seamless collaboration and reducing the need for heavy dependencies on specialized roles. Their versatility empowers organizations to innovate rapidly and respond effectively to changing market demands.
III. The Evolution of Full Stack Development
Early days: Traditional web development stacks
In the early days of full stack development, traditional web development stacks like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) dominated the scene. These stacks provided developers with the foundations to build dynamic and interactive websites, integrating various frontend elements with backend functionalities.
Shifting to modern stacks: MEAN, MERN, and more
As web technologies evolved, modern full stack development stacks like MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) and MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) emerged. These stacks capitalized on the power of JavaScript to provide developers with a unified language for both frontend and backend development. These modern stacks enable rapid development and enhance code reusability and maintainability.
The rise of versatile frameworks and libraries
The continuous innovation in the tech industry has given rise to versatile frameworks and libraries that augment the capabilities of full stack developers. Frameworks like Laravel, Ruby on Rails, and Django simplify backend development, while frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js provide efficient solutions for creating dynamic user interfaces. These frameworks, combined with powerful libraries like Redux and Bootstrap, empower full stack developers to create robust, user-friendly, and visually appealing applications.
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IV. Key Technologies Shaping the Future of Full Stack Development
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning integration
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing full stack development by enabling developers to create intelligent and data-driven applications. Integration of AI and ML technologies into full stack development empowers applications to analyze vast amounts of data, make informed decisions, and provide personalized experiences to users.
Blockchain technology and its impact on full stack development
Blockchain technology is another key innovation that is transforming the landscape of full stack development. Its decentralized and immutable nature brings enhanced security, transparency, and traceability to applications. Full stack developers are leveraging blockchain to build secure and trustless applications for various industries, such as finance, supply chain, and healthcare.
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality and its potential applications
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are emerging technologies that hold immense potential for full stack development. These technologies offer unique opportunities to create immersive and engaging user experiences. Full stack developers can harness AR and VR to build applications for gaming, training simulations, virtual tours, and other interactive experiences.
V. Exploring Advanced Front-end Development
Progressive Web Apps and their advantages
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a cutting-edge advancement in full stack development that combines the best features of web and mobile applications. PWAs offer fast and reliable performance, offline capabilities, and push notifications, providing users with an app-like experience directly from their browsers. Full stack developers can leverage frameworks like React and Angular to build PWAs that support cross-platform compatibility and deliver seamless user experiences.
The role of JavaScript frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js
React, Angular, and Vue.js are a few examples of JavaScript frameworks that have completely changed front-end development.These frameworks provide developers with the tools and components necessary to build interactive and responsive user interfaces. Full stack developers proficient in these frameworks can create dynamic web applications and enhance user experiences with ease.
WebAssembly: Unlocking high-performance web applications
WebAssembly (WASM) is an innovative technology that allows full stack developers to run high-performance applications directly in the browser. With WebAssembly, developers can compile languages like C, C++, and Rust into a binary format that can execute at near-native speeds. This capability enhances the performance and versatility of web applications, opening up new possibilities for full stack development.
VI. Innovative Back-end Developments
Serverless architecture and its benefits
Serverless architecture is transforming the way backend development is approached. With serverless computing, full stack developers can focus more on the core functionality of their applications, without the need to manage the infrastructure. Serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions provide scalability, cost efficiency, and ease of deployment, allowing developers to build and deploy applications more rapidly.
Microservices: Enhancing scalability and flexibility
Microservices architecture is gaining popularity in full stack development due to its ability to enhance scalability and flexibility. By breaking down applications into smaller, modular services, full stack developers can independently develop, test, deploy, and scale different components of the application. Microservices enable teams to collaborate more effectively, improve fault tolerance, and achieve faster time-to-market.
Containerization: Docker and Kubernetes revolution
Containerization has revolutionized the deployment and management of applications. Docker, combined with orchestration tools like Kubernetes, allows full stack developers to package applications along with their dependencies into lightweight and portable containers. This approach enables seamless deployment across different environments and simplifies scaling and maintenance, making it a preferred choice for modern full stack development.
VII. The Convergence of DevOps and Full Stack Development
Understanding the collaboration between developers and operations
DevOps has emerged as a crucial discipline that emphasizes seamless collaboration between development and operations teams. In the context of full stack development, this collaboration becomes even more critical, as developers are responsible for both frontend and backend operations. By adopting DevOps principles, full stack developers can streamline processes, accelerate delivery, and maintain a high level of quality in their applications.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines are fundamental practices for full stack development teams. CI/CD pipelines automate the process of integrating code changes, running tests, and delivering applications to production environments. By embracing CI/CD pipelines, full stack developers can ensure faster, more frequent releases while maintaining the stability and quality of their applications.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a key practice that enables full stack developers to manage infrastructure programmatically, treating it as code. Using tools like Terraform and CloudFormation, developers can define and provision infrastructure resources declaratively. This approach enhances scalability, reproducibility, and consistency, and reduces the chances of manual errors, making infrastructure management more efficient and reliable.
VIII. The Impact of Cloud Computing on Full Stack Development
Cloud-native development: Advantages and challenges
Cloud computing has transformed the landscape of full stack development. Full stack developers can leverage cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to build scalable, reliable, and cost-effective applications. Cloud-native development allows developers to take advantage of cloud services, such as storage, databases, and machine learning, without the need for extensive infrastructure management. However, challenges related to security, vendor lock-in, and latency must be carefully addressed when adopting cloud-native approaches.
Leveraging Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions offer full stack developers a simplified and streamlined environment to develop, deploy, and manage applications. PaaS platforms, like Heroku, Cloud Foundry, and Google App Engine, abstract away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on application logic. PaaS solutions accelerate development cycles, remove the burden of infrastructure management, and enable developers to iterate quickly.
Serverless computing and its implications
Serverless computing, offered by cloud providers such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, has gained significant attention in recent years. With serverless computing, full stack developers can focus on writing small, event-driven functions that automatically scale based on demand. This approach significantly reduces operational overhead, improves resource utilization, and allows developers to build highly scalable and cost-efficient applications.
IX. Full Stack Development for Mobile Applications
Native vs. Cross-platform development
When it comes to mobile application development, full stack developers face the choice between native and cross-platform development. Native development involves building applications specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android, using platform-specific programming languages. Cross-platform development, on the other hand, allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms. While native development offers maximum performance and access to platform-specific features, cross-platform development provides greater code reusability and faster development cycles.
Mobile frameworks: React Native and Flutter
React Native and Flutter are two popular mobile frameworks that have gained significant traction in the full stack development community. React Native, based on JavaScript, and Flutter, based on Dart, provide the ability to build high-quality native mobile applications using a single codebase. These frameworks offer reusable components, hot reloading, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, empowering full stack developers to create stunning and performant mobile apps rapidly.
Mobile web development: Challenges and opportunities
Mobile web development enables full stack developers to create web applications optimized for mobile devices. While this approach provides the advantage of platform independence and ease of maintenance, it poses challenges like limited access to device features and potential performance limitations. However, leveraging responsive design, progressive enhancements, and caching mechanisms, full stack developers can overcome these challenges and deliver seamless mobile experiences through web applications.
X. The Future of User Experience (UX) in Full Stack Development
Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are transforming the way users interact with applications. With advancements in technologies like Speech Recognition and Natural Language Understanding, full stack developers can build applications that respond to voice commands and understand natural language. By integrating VUIs and NLP, developers can provide intuitive, hands-free user experiences, enabling better accessibility and increased user engagement.
Augmented Reality (AR) and User Interface (UI) integration
Augmented Reality (AR) is reshaping the user experience landscape by overlaying virtual content onto the physical world. Full stack developers can fuse AR technology with user interfaces, creating interactive and immersive experiences. By integrating AR into applications, developers can enhance visualization, spatial awareness, and engagement, opening up new possibilities in areas such as gaming, retail, and education.
Intelligent chatbots and personalized user experiences
Intelligent chatbots powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly prevalent in applications. Full stack developers can leverage AI technologies like Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to create chatbots capable of understanding user intents and providing personalized responses. By incorporating chatbots into applications, developers can automate customer support, improve user interactions, and deliver tailored experiences at scale.
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XI. Security Considerations in Full Stack Development
Protecting applications against data breaches and cyberattacks
The most important consideration in full stack development is security. Developers that work across the entire stack must be well-versed in secure coding techniques and have a solid grasp of typical vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Developers may safeguard apps against data breaches and cyberattacks, protecting user information and preserving the integrity of the systems they create, by integrating secure authentication mechanisms, input validation, encryption methods, and routine security audits.
Implementing secure coding practices
Secure coding practices are essential to mitigate security risks in full stack development. Developers must adhere to industry best practices, such as validating user inputs, using parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection, and employing access control mechanisms to ensure proper authorization. By following secure coding principles, full stack developers can minimize the likelihood of introducing vulnerabilities and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of applications.
Incorporating encryption and authentication mechanisms
Encryption and authentication mechanisms play a critical role in securing full stack applications. Full stack developers should implement encryption protocols like SSL/TLS to protect data transmission and storage. Additionally, robust authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication and OAuth, should be utilized to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive resources. By incorporating these security measures, developers can fortify applications against unauthorized access and data breaches.
XII. Scaling Full Stack Applications for the Modern Era
Horizontal and vertical scaling: Pros and cons
Scaling is a fundamental aspect of full stack development to ensure applications can handle increased user demand. Full stack developers can choose between horizontal scaling, which involves adding more instances of servers to distribute the workload, and vertical scaling, which involves increasing the resources of existing servers. Horizontal scaling provides better fault tolerance and can handle rapid spikes in traffic, while vertical scaling offers better performance and reduced overhead. Choosing the appropriate scaling strategy depends on the unique requirements and architecture of the application.
Optimizing performance with caching and load balancing
Optimizing performance is crucial in full stack development. By implementing caching mechanisms, such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and in-memory caching, full stack developers can minimize server response times and reduce the load on the backend infrastructure. Additionally, load balancing techniques distribute traffic across multiple servers, preventing overload and ensuring optimal performance. By leveraging caching and load balancing strategies, developers can improve scalability, reliability, and user experience.
Monitoring and error handling strategies
The vitality and stability of full stack applications depend on monitoring and error management. Full stack developers should use reliable monitoring tools that offer in-the-moment visibility into the performance, resource usage, and any problems of the application. Developers can proactively discover and address issues by utilizing logging, alerting, and automated error handling techniques, which reduces downtime and improves the user experience overall.
XIII. Learning Resources
Given that there is so much to learn and comprehend, staying current with the most recent full stack development trends and breakthroughs can be a challenging undertaking. Fortunately, there are many tools at their disposal to assist developers in keeping up with the most recent developments and technology. These sources include blogs, books, tutorials, and Full Stack Developer courses.
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In conclusion, any software developer must stay current with the most recent trends and advances because full stack development is a field that is continuously changing in order to produce better, more effective solutions. We have examined some of the most recent full stack development trends and innovations in this blog, including low-code/no-code development, automation, artificial intelligence, open source platforms, cloud-based solutions, cross-platform development, containers, blockchain development, GraphQL, data-driven solutions, augmented reality, and virtual reality applications. There are several resources accessible for those who want to learn more about full stack development, including online courses, tutorials, books, and blogs.
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sam-glade · 1 year
Hi, Sam! Happy STS! :D So how much do you think about worldbuilding when writing? How do you fit worldbuilding into your work?
Hi Jax, thank you for the question💜 Oooh, worldbuilding, my favourite.
The answer is: I think about it way too much. This may get long, but I'm too excited about the topic.
I'm an incorrigible perfectionist, and I like my setting to make sense (to me - which is a tall order). I like delving into various rabbit holes, understanding why certain phenomena occurred in history, and figuring out whether they can be reflected in my setting. So e.g. legendary figures live forever? That means that the Sun King doesn't need an heir. It's definitely not going to have consequences in Prodigal Children. The Sunblessed Realm's politics are reclusive and non-expansive? Great, they have a reason not to have tomatoes and potatoes.
I've spent about 2 hours researching street lighting, to write this sentence:
It was a warm summer night, fairly light, with a waxing moon shining orange-yellow, and spirit of coal burning in the street lamps to match.
SImilarly, for the avian planet in The Fulcrum, I have borrowed a stack of books on evolution from the Biology Department where a relative of mine works, and I keep pestering them with questions about the hypothetical paths evolution could have taken.
And to be absolutely clear: I LOVE IT. I enjoy worldbuilding so much that I consider it as a tangentially related hobby to writing, and sometimes my stories end up being what they are just to showcase the world. And I use it to explore the real world, and then organise the information I've learnt in my mind.
How do I fit it in - now that's also interesting. The Stormlight Archive is a major inspiration here, with a lot of terms being thrown at the reader, without much description around the time they're first used (thinking of spren and crem, and rockbuds). I love piecing together bits of information, and the satisfaction that comes from finally getting the full picture.
And I'm very happy to leave it up to the readers to fill in the details. In fact, I'd be very curious about how they do it and what they come up with. If it's not on page, they won't be wrong.
So e.g. all I've described about first shearings is:
Marta's hair was falling out of an attempt at a single braid — her first shearing took place not even two years ago, marking her coming of age at thirty-five, and her hair barely reached past her shoulders now.
And later there's a mention that half of the village is preparing the village green to celebrate someone's first shearing. I don't actually describe the ceremony anywhere😅
Or, your only hint that sugar is still considered a luxury, is:
The cakes were delicious, so much finer than the ones offered at the winter fairs back in Aritia, and much, much sweeter, but not as aromatic. Ianim noticed Lissan’s confusion, and quickly explained that they were sweetened with beet sugar, not honey. Lissan gulped at how offhandedly he’d said it.
Note that this is about sugar from beet rather than cane.
But, being the pantser that I am, I discovery-write the plots and consider it a wander through the fictional world. I'll pause and research bits that come up as I develop the story, rather than doing a lot of research (that I might not use) up front.
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imayaishear · 2 days
MERN Stack vs Other Full-Stack Technologies: Why Choose Techmindz in Kochi"
Introduction The MERN Stack is gaining immense popularity, but how does it compare to other full-stack technologies like MEAN or LAMP? Techmindz, a leader in full-stack training in Kochi, breaks down why the MERN Stack course is the best choice for aspiring developers.
Why MERN Stack? The MERN stack offers a robust platform for building scalable web applications. With a growing number of businesses adopting MERN, developers with this skill set are in high demand.
Techmindz’s Unique Approach
Hands-on learning.
Real-world projects.
Job-oriented training.
Whether you're in Kochi, Kerala, or looking for training near me, Techmindz provides all the tools to succeed in the world of web development.
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tpreetitravling · 2 months
Choosing the right full stack development framework is crucial for your project's success. A full stack framework encompasses both front-end and back-end technologies, streamlining development and ensuring compatibility. Popular frameworks include MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js), and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Each stack has its strengths: MERN is known for its JavaScript consistency, MEAN for its efficiency in handling dynamic web applications, and LAMP for its stability and robustness. Selecting the right stack depends on your project's specific needs, scalability requirements, and the expertise of your development team.
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jph0 · 2 months
What Do You Need to Know Before Becoming a Full Stack Developer?
A full stack developer requires a detailed understanding of back-end and front-end technologies, version control systems, APIs, servers, applications, security best practices, data structures and algorithms, and user interface (UI) design.
Besides the above mentioned elements, the developer should have an excellent grip on soft skills, project management, and DevOps. First, let’s have a look at popular stacks.
MEAN stack includes the following:
Front-end framework: JavaScript and AngularJS
Database: MongoDB 
Web-framework: Node.js
Back-end web framework: Express.js
The LAMP stack is made up of
Operating System: Linux
Web Server: Apache
Front-end framework: JavaScript
Database: MySQL
Programming and Development: PHP
MERN stack, like MEAN stack, consists of JavaScript-based technologies. These are the main components of MERN stack: 
Database: MongoDB
Web Programming Framework: Express
Building UI: Node.js and React
Full stack development course in chennai
Web developer course in chennai
Full stack training in chennai
Full stack course in chennai
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websourceitsolution · 4 months
🚀 Looking for the best web design services in Mohammadpur, Dhaka? Look no further! 🚀
🚀 Looking for the best web design services in Mohammadpur, Dhaka? Look no further! 🚀
Web Source IT Solution offers top-notch website design and development solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you're in Mohammadpur, Lalmatia, Sankar, Adabor, or Shyamoli, our team of expert web designers is here to elevate your online presence!
🌐 Why Choose Web Source IT Solution? 🌐
🔹 Front-End Development:
HTML/CSS: Create responsive, accessible web layouts using HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, and CSS Grid.
JavaScript: Skilled in vanilla JS and frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js. Expertise in building interactive UIs and managing state with Redux.
Responsive Design: Ensure mobile-friendly websites with Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS.
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Guarantee consistency across different browsers and platforms.
🔹 Back-End Development:
Languages: Proficient in Node.js, Python (Django, Flask), PHP (Laravel), Ruby on Rails.
APIs: Design and consume RESTful APIs and GraphQL.
Database Management: Expert in SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB). Proficient in database design, indexing, and optimization.
Security: Implement secure authentication with JWT, OAuth, and session-based methods.
🔹 Full-Stack Development:
MEAN/MERN Stack: Full-stack development with MongoDB, Express.js, Angular/React, and Node.js.
LAMP Stack: Develop web applications using Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
Testing & Debugging: Use Jest, Mocha, Selenium for testing. Skilled in debugging with browser developer tools and server-side logging.
🔹 DevOps and Deployment:
Version Control: Proficient with Git and GitHub/GitLab.
CI/CD: Set up CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions.
Cloud Services: Experienced with AWS, Google Cloud, Azure. Proficient with services like EC2, S3, Lambda, Firebase.
Containerization: Utilize Docker and Kubernetes.
🔹 UI/UX Design:
Design Tools: Proficient in Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch.
User Experience: Apply user-centered design principles and conduct usability testing.
🔹 Project Management and Collaboration:
Agile Methodologies: Experience with Scrum, Kanban. Use tools like Jira, Trello.
Team Collaboration: Strong communication for cross-functional teamwork.
🔹 Security Best Practices:
Secure Coding: Knowledgeable about OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
SSL/TLS: Implement secure data transmission.
Example Projects:
E-commerce Websites: Full-featured platforms with user authentication, product management, shopping cart, and payment integration.
Social Media Applications: Real-time messaging, notifications, recommendation engines.
CMS: Customizable content management systems with user-friendly admin panels and rich text editing.
Technologies and Tools:
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL.
Frameworks/Libraries: React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Django, Flask, Laravel, Ruby on Rails.
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis.
Tools: Git, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, Google Cloud, Adobe XD, Figma.
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edutech-brijesh · 4 months
Full stack development covers both the front end (client side) and back end (server side) of web applications. In the early days, web development was limited to static HTML pages. The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and early frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django made dynamic web applications possible. Today, popular stacks include MEAN/MERN and JAMstack, alongside advanced front end frameworks like React and Angular, and back end technologies like Node.js. DevOps, CI/CD, and cloud computing play critical roles. Emerging trends such as WebAssembly, AI, edge computing, PWAs, quantum computing, and advanced security practices are shaping the future of full stack development.
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braininventoryusa · 4 months
LAMP vs. MEAN: A Comparison of Popular Web Development Stacks
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Quick Summary:  Over time, the technology utilized for constructing websites has undergone substantial advancements, resulting in the rise of specific frameworks that have gained popularity in web application development. Two widely used technology stacks are LAMP, comprising Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl, and MEAN, incorporating MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. While the specific languages and frameworks have changed, the fundamental approach of combining databases, servers, programming languages, and libraries into a cohesive stack has remained constant. Though the acronyms highlight different tools, both LAMP and MEAN provide proven solutions for building dynamic websites and applications. This article contrasts these two approaches, looking at their characteristics, benefits, and applications to assist developers in making knowledgeable choices about utilizing them.
LAMP Stack Overview:
The commonly used software stack for web development called LAMP is made up of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and a programming language for the server side like PHP, Python, or Perl. This set of open source technologies is well-liked for constructing dynamic websites and web apps. LAMP provides a solid and open source collection of components that is widely accepted for customized web development and hosting situations, especially for dynamic web apps and content management systems. Each part of the stack is a specialized and sturdy open source technology, and when united, they present a complete solution for building and releasing web applications.
MEAN Stack Overview:
The MEAN stack, which comprises MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, refers to a favored collection of frameworks for developing interactive web platforms. MongoDB functions as a flexible, JSON-compatible database that provides both scalability and rapid processing. In contrast, Express.js is a light web framework for Node.js that eases server-side development by managing routing, middleware, and other typical duties. Angular is a different JavaScript framework from React. Google created it specifically for building single-page web app development. It enables capabilities like data binding and dependency injection. Node.js is a runtime setting that allows developers to execute JavaScript code on servers. This allows them to make fast, scalable server apps using event-driven, non-blocking I/O. Together these technologies provide a powerful full-stack solution for crafting robust, modern web applications.
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Comparison of Components: LAMP vs. MEAN
Determining which stack is better, MEAN or LAMP, depends on various factors such as project requirements, developer expertise, scalability needs, and industry trends. Both stacks have their strengths and are suitable for different use cases. Let’s compare them based on key aspects:
Language and Ecosystem: The LAMP stack is built of a mix of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and scripting languages for the server side, such as PHP, Python, or Perl. In contrast, the MEAN stack uses JavaScript across the stack, including for the back-end and front-end. If your team is already experienced with JavaScript, MEAN may offer a more consistent development process.
Scalability and Performance: MEAN, with Node.js as the back-end runtime, is known for its event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture, making it highly scalable and efficient for handling concurrent connections and real-time applications. LAMP can also handle scalable applications but might require additional setup or infrastructure considerations for high-performance scenarios.
Database: LAMP typically uses MySQL, a widely adopted relational database management system. MEAN stack employs MongoDB, a flexible NoSQL database that offers scalability and schema flexibility for agile development. The choice between a relational or NoSQL database depends on the specific project requirements.
Development Speed and Productivity: MEAN’s unified use of JavaScript across the entire stack allows for smoother communication and shared code between front-end and back-end developers. It can accelerate development processes and enhance developer productivity. LAMP also offers a wide range of mature libraries, frameworks, and tools that can expedite development.
Community and Support: Both LAMP and MEAN have active communities and a vast collection of resources and libraries. However, LAMP has been around for a longer period and has an extensive ecosystem with a larger developer community. Conversely, MEAN is gaining popularity and has an increasingly active community.
Industry Adoption: The LAMP technology stack has been commonly utilized for content management systems, online retail platforms, and other conventional web applications. It boasts a proven performance record and is well-entrenched across many sectors. In contrast, the MEAN stack is frequently chosen for modern cloud-hosted apps, real-time interactive apps, and single-page web apps.
In wrapping up the blog, we’ll provide a concise comparison summary, offering insights into when to consider LAMP or MEAN based on project objectives, developer skills, and industry trends. We’ll emphasize that both stacks have their strengths and are well-suited for different types of custom web applications, ultimately helping developers make informed decisions based on their unique project requirements.
By covering these essential points, the blog will serve as a comprehensive resource for developers and technology enthusiasts seeking in-depth knowledge about LAMP and MEAN stacks, facilitating better-informed technology decisions and promoting the adoption of suitable development tools and frameworks.We provide web development services with many capabilities that allow us to build highly sophisticated web applications. We are extremely discerning regarding the development platforms we utilize, only opting for those that satisfy our rigorous standards. At Brain Inventory, our sole focus is on creating software programs for the web, so we have vast knowledge in coding secure, error-free code. The apps we build enable encrypted data transfers to guarantee the work we provide is safeguarded. Our code is protected from unauthorized alterations or removal because it is only accessible with a private key under our control.
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acquaintsofttech · 5 months
Key MEAN Stack Development Trends for Modern Web Apps
In the rapidly growing world of web development, staying ahead of the competition can be an uphealing task. However, staying updated about the latest trends can be helpful to ace the competition. One such trend in MEAN stack development is known as MEAN Stack architecture.
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This technology stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js, which offers developers a powerful toolkit for creating dynamic websites and applications.
In this article, we’ll first learn What is MEAN Stack development, how it works, and 10 Trends of MEAN Stack architecture. Let’s first begin by understanding what the MEAN stack is.
What is MEAN Stack?
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Before understanding the trends of MEAN Stack architecture, it is important to understand what MEAN stack is. MEAN stack is an acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js. Each component plays a vital role:
MongoDB stores your back-end application's data as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents, making it a document database..
Express.js is a back-end web application framework running on top of Node.js that makes the request-handling processes faster and more flexible.
Angular.js is a front-end web application framework that allows you to extend HTML vocabulary for your application, thus resulting in a more expressive, readable, and quicker approach to the development environment.
Node.js is a platform that is built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to easily build a faster, scalable network application.
Now, let’s understand how MEAN Stack Development works.
How does MEAN Stack Development Work?
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The MEAN Stack development facilitates full-stack JavaScript development by eliminating the need to learn multiple languages more common in traditional LAMP or a .NET stack. Below is the summary of each component technology and how they are interconnected.
It is an open-source, non-relational database that stores a flexible JSON-like document with dynamic schemas. It is designed to scale rapidly on commodity server hardware and handle a large volume of read-heavy application data in a distributed highly-available cluster.
As a NoSQL database, MongoDB makes it easier for developers to store unstructured or nested application data without the need for complex table schemas enforced by a traditional SQL database.
Express.js is a minimal yet very powerful server-side web application framework that runs over Node.js. It simplifies a common web development task like basic routing between application endpoints, connecting a middleware layer for requesting processing, rendering server-side templates for dynamic HTML generation, and handling cookies and sessions.
Express.js provides an MVC architectural foundation for a powerful NOde.js backend and REST API development. The simplicity yet customizability of Express.js helps MEAN stack developers craft a production-ready service.
Angular.js is a mature, stable client-side JavaScript framework to build a responsive UI component with dynamic data binding. It greatly simplifies web application development with a structured MVC code, a reusable component, and a two-way DOM data flow.
For MEAN Stack Development, Angular.js handles all UI rendering and user interactions, communicating with the backend Express+Node layer for data. The declarative nature of AngularJS uses a plain HTML for templates which are paired with powerful directives, thus making it easier to visualize the application UI flows.
Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime to easily build a fast, scalable backend service. It has an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model which works fine for a real-time app that needs to handle a bunch of data and run on multiple devices.
Node.js accommodates the required level of concurrency for modern web apps through its asynchronous execution With Node.js handling a resource-intensive task outside of the browser, a client-side UI is freed up to focus purely on presentation and user experience.
In short, these technologies work together to support full-stack JavaScript development, using JSON to manage data consistently across all parts of the application. This close integration speeds up the process of building modern web applications.
Now, let’s understand a few trends of MEAN Stack Architecture
What are the 10 Trends of MEAN Stack Development?
MEAN Stack Development is an evolving technology with some exciting trends in the lineup that streamlines and enhances web application building.
Let’s understand all of them briefly.
Trend 1: Modular Architecture
MEAN Stack Developers are shifting towards a modular approach, breaking applications into smaller parts that can be managed, tested, and upgraded with ease. This method would speed up development and help the application to grow smoothly as and when the business needs to expand.
Trend 2: Hybrid Mobile Development
With an increased number of users of mobile phones, MEAN stack developers are increasingly using various frameworks like Ionic or React Native. This enables the creation of a mobile app that works across various platforms that use using same code for web applications, thus making development faster and maintenance simpler.
Trend 3: Real-time Application Development
Real-time features are now essential. MEAN stack’s use of Node.js and Socket.io supports live updates and interactions within apps, ideal for chat apps, notifications, or collaborative tools.
Trend 4: Full-stack JavaScript Environment
Using JavaScript from both server-side as well as client-side development would simplify the development process, as it allows the developers to use the same language throughout the application to improve efficiency and minimize errors.
Trend 5: Enhanced Cloud Integration
MEAN stack applications are increasingly integrating with cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Node.js’s compatibility with these platforms will enhance the app's performance and scalability when reducing costs.
Trend 6: Performance Optimization
There is a very strong focus on making apps run faster and smoother. Developers use server-side rendering and advanced caching techniques to boost speed and improve user experience, which is crucial to keep users satisfied and improve SEO..
Trend 7: Security Enhancements
As web apps are more complex, security is also becoming crucial. A MEAN stack developer incorporates an advanced security measure like JSON Web Token and an OAuth to ensure safer data transmission and authentication.
Trend 8: Progressive Web Applications
MEAN stack, specifically Angular, is being used to build PWAs that offer a higher-quality user experience with varied features like offline use and background updates.
Trend 9: AI and Machine Learning Integration
AI and machine learning are becoming an important part of any MEAN Stack development, thus allowing for more intelligent and interactive applications. This includes personalized content and advanced data analytics.
Trend 10: GraphQL over REST API
GraphQL is replacing the REST API for many developers because it allows clients to precisely define what data they need, which enhances performance and efficiency.
How can Acquaint Softtech help you in building a Flexible MEAN Stack Architecture
Acquaint Softtech is an Indian company specializing in software development and IT staff augmentation company. We primarily use the Laravel framework for web development, offering custom solutions tailored to clients' needs. We can help you hire mean stack developers that are available at $15 per hour, with an onboarding process that can bring developers on board in just 48 hours. We're expanding into MEAN Stack Development, inviting clients to hire from our skilled team for innovative and efficient projects.
Wrapping Up!
A MEAN stack Development is not just about keeping up but it is also about pushing forward with innovations that improve the scalability, performance, and user experience of a web app. From adopting a modular structure to integrating cutting-edge technology, MEAN stack has become a top choice for remote developers who aim to build a dynamic and efficient web application.
These trends show how flexible and powerful a MEAN stack continues to be in addressing the modern-day needs of web development by using its four elements, i.e. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
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fullyautomated · 7 months
Full stack SDET - a story of conflict and misunderstandings
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The latest fad and bandwagon folks seem to be jumping on in the recent past is this fixation on what a full stack SDET is. Or rather that it doesn't exist. If this sounds similar to past vendettas like manual testing, automated testing, and others, it's because it is! In this article I demystify what it means to be a full stack anything so that hopefully we can set this to rest once and for all. Let's get to it.
What is a stack?
I think first, since we are talking about stacks, we should define what a darn stack is. In computer and technology parlance a stack can mean many things depending on the context, but they all share one common attribute, it is a collection of things grouped together and more specifically "stacked" on each other.
In the context of software development, a "stack" refers to a set of software subsystems or components stacked on top of each other to create a complete platform. This can include the operating system, the web server, the database server, and the programming languages used to write application software. Two popular examples are the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) and the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js).
What is a Test Engineer?
A Test Engineer is a professional who specializes in designing, implementing, and conducting tests to ensure the quality, functionality, and reliability of products or software at every stage of the development process. There are test engineers that focus on front-end testing and others that focus on testing the back-end of a software application.
Using the example above, a front-end Test Engineer may focus on component validation of a UI that is built in AngularJS. While a back-end Test Engineer may focus on validating the API (Express.js).
What is Full Stack Test Engineer?
A Full Stack Test Engineer is a professional who specializes in testing both the front-end and back-end components of software applications. This role encompasses a broad range of testing activities across the entire stack of technologies used in the development of a software product. A Full Stack Test Engineer needs to have a comprehensive understanding of all layers of the application, including the user interface, the business logic, the database layer, and the network interactions. Their expertise allows them to conduct tests that assess the functionality, performance, security, and usability of the application as a whole.
Using the example bove a full stack engineer would be involved in every aspect and technology used for the application being developed. From validating the front end in PHP to the back end web services in Apache all the way to the database layer in MySQL. If you think about it, this is actually the role most Test Automation Engineers perform today. This is called end-to-end testing.
So, where is the conflict/misunderstanding?
For a good example, check out this LinkedIn discussion: Do I support Full Stack QA/SDET. This author claims that there is no such thing as a full-stack QA for the simple reason that it isn't practical to become an expert in all layers of the stack. The old "Jack of all trades, master of none" mantra.
Some even went as far as calling the term a "marketing gimmick". So I ask, if we are all professionals in the technology field. Don't we know that the term stack is commonly used in computer engineering and it’s used to signify layers. For example, protocol stack, memory stack, etc. This is not a marketing gimmick!
Check out the thread and you will read the barrage of comments from the author's followers claiming concurrence with the point of view that there is no such thing as a full-stack SDET.
In summary, I think the notion of a full-stack SDET is not anymore less probable than the notion of a full-stack SW engineer. Full stack engineers are not masters of all trades, they still have their specialties, but they have the knowledge and capability to work comfortably at any layer.
Full-stack means that you understand end-to-end systems from an architecture perspective. Of course there are specialists like front end folks and database experts but that’s not half a stack that’s a specialist working only at a specific level in the stack.
Whether you’re in healthcare or fin tech or social media a stack is a stack regardless of implementation details (react, vue, mongo, oracle, etc). What counts is not the tool (these are easily learned) but the understanding of what the tool is and its purpose on the stack.
IMO, That’s what makes a full-stack anything someone with this tool agnostic understanding of a "stack".
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nitsan · 7 months
Top Web Development Stacks in 2024
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In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, new technologies and stacks are introduced at an unprecedented pace. If you find yourself bewildered by the myriad of options, wondering which technology stacks reign supreme in 2024, you’re not alone.
As we stride into 2024, certain stacks, such as MERN Stack and MEAN Stack development, have emerged as the frontrunners, showcasing their prowess and capabilities. Numerous web stacks are poised to become the most popular choices in the IT industry, thanks to their widespread popularity and robust features.
Without further wait, let’s delve into the top and most popular web development stacks in 2024.
What is a Web Development Stack?
A web development stack, also known as a web application stack or solution stack, is the collection of technologies used to build a website or web application. It’s essentially the foundation upon which your website or app is built, and it includes everything from the programming languages and frameworks used to the servers and databases that power it.
Front-end: This is the part of the website that users see and interact with. It includes technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Back-end: This is the part of the website that handles the behind-the-scenes work, such as storing data and processing requests. It includes technologies like programming languages (e.g., Python, PHP, Java), web frameworks (e.g., Django, Rails, Laravel), and databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB).
What are the Leading Web Stack Technologies in 2024?
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The MERN stack is a popular web development stack that consists of four main components: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
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MongoDB stands out as a NoSQL database, storing data in documents resembling JSON format. Offering scalability and flexibility, MongoDB efficiently manages substantial data sets. Its document-oriented model facilitates seamless integration with JavaScript and applications based on JSON.
Express.js, serving as a backend framework for Node.js, streamlines the process of web application development. It presents a comprehensive array of functionalities for routing, middleware management, and handling requests. Express.js delivers a nimble and adaptable framework, ideal for constructing scalable and efficient APIs.
React js
React, a JavaScript library designed for crafting user interfaces, adopts a component-based architecture empowering developers to fashion reusable UI components. Through React’s virtual DOM, targeted updates are efficiently executed, enhancing performance by focusing solely on the essential parts of the user interface.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to execute server-side code using JavaScript. Developed on the V8 JavaScript engine by Google, Node.js enables the execution of JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is particularly well-suited for building scalable and high-performance network applications, as it utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
What is the Serverless Stack?
A Serverless Stack refers to a set of technologies and services that enable the development and deployment of applications without the need to manage traditional server infrastructure. In a serverless architecture, developers can focus on writing code and building functionalities without concerning themselves with the underlying servers or infrastructure management. The term “serverless” does not mean there are no servers involved; instead, it implies that the responsibility of server management is abstracted away from the developer.
LAMP stack:
What are full form of LAMP stack?Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
The operating system (OS) on which the other components of the stack run. Linux is chosen for its stability, security, and open-source nature. It provides a robust foundation for hosting web applications.
The web server software that serves as the HTTP server for the stack. Apache is highly configurable, reliable, and widely used. It handles incoming web requests, communicates with the application server, and serves static content to users’ browsers.
The relational database management system (RDBMS) used for storing and managing the application’s data. MySQL is known for its speed, reliability, and scalability. It is often used with the Structured Query Language (SQL) for database queries.
The scripting language used for server-side web development. PHP is embedded within HTML code and executed on the server, generating dynamic content that is sent to the client’s browser. It is widely used for building web applications and is known for its ease of integration with MySQL.
PERN Stack :
The PERN stack is a software stack that is specifically designed for building web applications. PERN is an acronym representing the four main components of the stack:
The relational database management system (RDBMS) that serves as the data storage layer for PERN applications. PostgreSQL is known for its robustness, extensibility, and support for complex queries. It is a powerful open-source database.
A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that serves as the backend (server-side) component of the stack. Express.js simplifies the process of building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and handling HTTP requests in Node.js applications.
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces that serves as the frontend (client-side) component of the stack. React is developed and maintained by Facebook and is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces in single-page applications.
A JavaScript runtime that allows developers to execute server-side code using JavaScript. Node.js is used as the runtime environment for the Express.js server, allowing for server-side JavaScript execution. It enables building scalable and high-performance network applications.
Ruby on Rails Development
“Ruby on Rails,” often referred to as Rails or RoR, is a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. Created by David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails follows the principles of convention over configuration (CoC) and don’t repeat yourself (DRY). Released in 2005, Ruby on Rails has gained popularity for its elegant syntax, developer-friendly conventions, and emphasis on productivity.
Choosing the right web development stack for project success in 2024 is critical, impacting aspects ranging from user experience to scalability and maintenance. With no one-size-fits-all solution, it’s essential to recognize each project’s uniqueness, necessitating careful consideration of factors like project requirements, scalability, team expertise, and security. In the dynamic web development landscape, staying informed about emerging trends is vital, enabling adaptability to evolving user needs and technological advancements.
Read More at - https://nitsantech.com/blog/top-web-development-stacks
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Innovations in LED Grow Light Design: What's on the Horizon for Indoor Farmers?
Revolutionizing Indoor Farming with Cutting-Edge LED Grow Light Designs
In today's dynamic agricultural landscape, indoor farming is experiencing a remarkable transformation, thanks to groundbreaking innovations in LED grow light design. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, indoor farmers are presented with a myriad of opportunities to enhance crop production, optimize resource utilization, and maximize yields. In this article, we delve into the exciting developments on the horizon for indoor farmers, propelled by the latest advancements in LED grow light technology.
Unveiling the Next Generation of LED Grow Lights
The emergence of next-generation LED grow lights marks a significant milestone in the realm of indoor agriculture. These innovative lighting solutions are meticulously engineered to replicate the full spectrum of sunlight, providing plants with the precise wavelengths they need for photosynthesis and optimal growth. With customizable intensity levels and spectral compositions, modern LED grow lights empower farmers to tailor lighting conditions to the specific requirements of different crops, ensuring maximum productivity and quality.
Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability
One of the most compelling advantages of LED grow lights is their exceptional energy efficiency and sustainability. Unlike traditional lighting systems such as fluorescent or HID lamps, LED grow lights consume significantly less energy while delivering superior performance. This not only translates to substantial cost savings for indoor farmers but also contributes to reducing carbon footprint and promoting environmental sustainability. By harnessing the power of LED technology, farmers can cultivate crops year-round with minimal impact on the planet.
Optimizing Growth Parameters for Maximum Yields
In addition to energy efficiency, LED grow lights offer unparalleled control over various growth parameters, enabling farmers to create tailored environments that promote healthy plant development and accelerate growth cycles. Advanced features such as dimming capabilities, spectral tuning, and programmable lighting schedules empower farmers to fine-tune lighting conditions based on plant stage, crop type, and environmental factors. By optimizing light quality, duration, and intensity, indoor farmers can unlock the full potential of their crops and achieve consistently high yields.
Facilitating Vertical Farming and Urban Agriculture
The compact size and versatility of LED grow lights make them ideal for vertical farming and urban agriculture initiatives. By utilizing vertical space efficiently and maximizing light distribution, farmers can cultivate crops in vertically stacked layers, significantly increasing production capacity without expanding horizontal footprint. This innovative approach to farming not only addresses the challenges of limited land availability and urbanization but also promotes local food production, reduces transportation costs, and enhances food security.
Harnessing Data-driven Insights for Precision Farming
The integration of LED grow lights with smart sensors and data analytics platforms enables farmers to gain valuable insights into plant physiology, environmental conditions, and growth performance in real-time. By monitoring key metrics such as light intensity, temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels, farmers can identify potential issues early, optimize growing conditions, and make data-driven decisions to maximize yields and quality. This proactive approach to precision farming empowers indoor farmers to achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and profitability.
Embracing the Future of Indoor Agriculture
In conclusion, LED grow light design innovations are revolutionizing indoor farming, offering unprecedented control, efficiency, and sustainability. With the dawn of next-generation LED grow lights, indoor farmers can unlock new levels of productivity and usher in a new era of sustainable agriculture.
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oditeksolutionsyaass · 8 months
In today's digital era, a dependable software stack is crucial for efficient web application development. MEAN Stack, comprising MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js, has gained popularity for its ability to build scalable and robust web applications.
MEAN Stack utilizes a combination of JavaScript technologies to develop fast, scalable, and efficient web apps. Its architecture follows the MVC structure, focusing on logic, data, and presentation layers.
MEAN Stack development facilitates lightning-fast web apps with scalability and efficient performance. The architecture typically involves AngularJS handling client requests, Node.js managing server-side processing, Express.js building APIs, MongoDB storing and retrieving data, and AngularJS displaying the final results.
Key reasons to choose MEAN Stack for web development include its open-source nature, ease of implementation, extensive skill base, simplified code-sharing, lower development costs, enhanced developer competence, common language across the stack, straightforward data transfer, creation of user-friendly interfaces, and elimination of the complexities of traditional frameworks like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
MEAN Stack offers an easy-to-use, open-source framework for building both mobile and web applications. With advancements in technology, MEAN Stack continues to improve.
OdiTek Solutions specializes in Full-stack and MEAN Stack development, offering expertise in web application development. They have been recognized by TopDevelopers as a leading MEAN Stack development service provider.
For more information about OdiTek's services, reach out to them at [email protected].
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