#fukushima masanori slbp
annicaax · 1 year
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Such a small snippet but I loved it... he and kanbei I love how MC reaches out to everyone who needs help even though it's a lot selfless of her...
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munchmallow5 · 4 years
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chiruran · 3 years
I liked Masanori's event story.
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GENIUS. What a wonderful idea.
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yasumasahh · 4 years
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wingcinna · 5 years
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Oni!Masanori (again, but less toothy this year) and kitsune!MC
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that-otome-potato · 4 years
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Soft...eyes... Masanori... help
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moonlit--river · 5 years
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One of @buddy-anon 's little comics inspired me to do somethin kinda similar
I love the idea of this lil exchange aaah
And Masanori is an utter babe but woefully underappreciated
Here y'all go
The quality is,,,, not great because of how I had to crop the paper but
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Wowie, first of all I'm so so happy for you!?!?! Your writing is so wonderdul and it makes me so happy to see it getting so much attention and love 💓 secondly, you remember that Masanori fic you wrote a while back where mc was blindfolded? Could we maybe get a little continuation of that, but this time its Masanori being blindfolded 👀
Aww, yes! Thank you for reading that one and being interested in a little more! I appreciate your kind words, and your participation in my follower celebration. \(^▽^)ノ
He was at sword training when she found him. He felt more hulking than ever, having shouted at would-be warriors for some time before she stepped down onto the dirt where they practiced and all the assembled bastards watched her walk to him. Masanori could feel the rise and fall of his shoulders as she took her tidy steps to him, so feminine and so fearless—peerless— as she paid the other men no mind.
When she reached him, she stroked the sweat-damp cloth at his shoulders, and when his breath lifted those shoulders her hands pressed down against them in resistance so subtle it was nearly private despite the dozen sets of eyes watching them. Before he could ask what she was up to, she raised herself into her tiptoes and pulled on his shoulders to bring him close enough for whispers.
“After this, wash off and meet me in your room?”
The request tumbled around in his head for a moment, then he barked “You’re all dismissed,” at the soldiers.
She went back onto her heels with a smile so sweet he wondered if he had misheard her. But then she winked in that way of hers, knowing, and it was suddenly extremely troublesome that he couldn’t take her right there in the dirt.
But he couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
“Go there and wait for me,” he said. He made himself walk to the bath after that, and the stress of having to focus on not running made his footfalls thunder on the floors. He cleaned himself impatiently, but carefully— she deserved thoroughness. And then he went to his room to meet her.
She was in the center of his floor, a mirror of her place in his heart. In her lap there was a familiar sash, and the sight of it made his blood beat hot in his ears. So she wanted that?
“It’s probably not what you’re thinking,” she said sweetly as she patted the space beside her. “Come sit?”
He had no reason or desire not to sit by her. He sat.
“You took very good care of me that night,” she whispered. Masanori watched her fingers move over the sash, gently stroking the fabric with the backs of her fingers. She did that to his shoulders sometimes, allowed her knuckles and fingernails to trail lines after she massaged him. Memories of her care relaxed him.
“I liked it,” he quietly admitted. “I like pleasing you.”
“I know, and I like pleasing you, too,” she said. “I liked it so much that I want to… return the favor, if you’ll let me.”
He felt his body go rigid. “You want to blindfold me?”
“I want to surprise you— did it work in the courtyard?— and yes, I want to blindfold you so I can please you while you can’t see what’s coming next.”
He had spent enough time in trouble that
“Please let me do this,” she whispered. He thought about it, and how the way she gave him silence and time to consider her offer was so much the way she loved him. He found himself nodding, not his usual clipped movement but a slower, more thoughtful dip of his chin, down and down again.
His voice was lower than he expected when he said “Alright. But— I’ll want to check the corners of the room first.”
She laughed and agreed. “Tomorrow?”
“Not… now?”
She laughed again, and draped herself around his back so she could rub her cheek against his. “No. Now I want you to see me,” she whispered.
Knowing he would be blindfolded the next night, he pulled her forward and made sure to get a very good look.
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She had slicked her hands with an oil, so her touch was slippery. His sash was wound around his eyes, comfortably and thoroughly, so he could not see her, only feel her touch and hear her sighs, and the darkness was a pleasurable madness. Her tongue glanced along the muscles of his belly so smoothly he wondered if she had oil in her mouth, too.
He felt every touch of the tip of his cock to her chest, her throat, her chin… until he was in her mouth, and he shouted and tried to find her head without hitting her. A laugh traveled up her throat and into his body through warmth and wetness, and he groaned while his fingers sought the softness of her hair.
“You don’t–”
“I want to,” she said, forceful in a way she had never been before, and kissed his navel. Then her mouth was back around him. Her hands slid up his thighs and found their home at his hips. She held him and loved him and he felt everything. because he had no choice. Even behind the blindfold, his eyes shut tightly and stayed that way. It was magnificent to feel so wanted by her, so worshipped by her. Tinder sparks flashed in his non-vision and he felt them in the muscles of his arms and legs.
She knew when he was close and she stopped, but as she climbed into his lap she pulled his hands to her hips, and put her own around his neck, so he felt close to her, still. Her kiss was wet and shameless and he loved it.
When she whispered, her wet cheek smudged against his. It made him feel like a great beast, something powerfully destructive. But when her words registered, the hushed “Be still,” his entire soul quieted to wait for her. “Just for a moment,” she added, and the gentleness in her voice over the needy hitch he loved to hear… that made his soul go absolutely silent, just in case there was more to hear.
He did not breathe as she took him in hand, so he was blessed by the shake of her breath when she fit their bodies together and brought herself down. His hands followed her hips without daring to push. Without seeing, he knew that he was deep within her, all her heat tight around him. Tight around even more of him than usual.
“Love,” she croaked. He blindly sought her mouth. She moaned into their not-quite kiss and flexed around him, fast like a bird’s wing, a stuttered motion that lacked control. He flexed back– it was a bit of a fight against her walls, which made him twitch– and she gasped, sweet and high, and then sucked on his lip as her body attempted to relax around him.
“Love,” he said back, strong and solid for her.
She said his name as she began to move. Carnal and affectionate, she rode him slowly. He missed seeing her, but he felt so close to her it seemed right to put his hands at her back and pull her chest to his. She fit like she was supposed to.
They stayed very close. She did not seem to want to surprise him further, and he was plenty happy with that. A predictable build meant he got to enjoy it from beginning and look forward to the vindication of a known blissful end. Her thighs trembled and her kisses became shorter, more frantic. She pulled her fingers down the back of his head, through the close-cropped hair, and they both shuddered.
“Please,” she whispered.
He was too close to risk an attempt at words, so he nodded tightly against her face and held her as he pushed up three times, four–
And they gasped together.
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When he came to, she was along the length of his body, there on the floor. He must have slumped– no, he thought he remembered her soft coaxes to lay down.
“Are you awake?” she asked. He still did not trust his words, so he nodded. She shifted beside him and he felt the warmth of her hand near his cheek, then the slip of the fabric around his eyes being pulled.
She filled his vision as it was restored.
“Thank you,” she said with a smile. Sweet, so unbelievably sweet. He was luckier than he understood.
“It’s good to see you,” he said. When the joke caught her, she laughed and leaned down to kiss his nose, then his mouth. “I should be thanking you,” he murmured.
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xlysaaa · 5 years
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look at their smiles❤
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sakurairin-games · 5 years
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*sharp inhale*
Look at that smile♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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frywen-babbles · 5 years
Sounds of Silence pt9
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 | Part8 |
Mitsunari dragged himself through the door only to find Masanori sitting at their kitchen table playing cards with her. After the incident, Kiyomasa and Masanori had insisted they’d be allowed to watch after her as well and somehow she had formed an unexpected friendship with Masanori. When he thought about it, he shouldn't be surprised. Compared to Kiyomasa and Toshiie, both of them were levelheaded and quiet until they were in the right company.
Masanori acknowledged him with a small nod, which made her head snap to him. Her face immediately lit up when she saw him and she bounced up to him.
"You'll never guess what I saw!" She barely had time to greet him before she blurted out her question.
"When we came home puppy was kissing his sister in the hallway! His sister!"
"Brother can give his sister a kiss if he feels like it, what's the excitement?"
"That was no brotherly kiss! He kissed her like he wanted to-" He didn't recognise the signs she made, but they were obscene enough for him to feel his face flush bright red with embarrassment.
Just then Hideyoshi walked in and greeted them absentmindedly. When no one answered he looked up to see all three of them staring him intently.
“Oh, hey what’s up?”
“Apparently the mutt was kissing his sister. And not in a brotherly way,”  Mitsunari explained after she gave his sleeve a firm tug.
“...What?” Hideyoshi blurted looking as flabbergasted as Mitsunari felt.
They heard a noise from the hallway and Hideyoshi made a beeline to the door, cracking it open so he could peek outside. He gestures them to get closer and she hurried to his side to peek into the hallway over his shoulder. Mitsunari tried to keep his cool but he couldn’t help when even Masanori looked over Hideyoshi to what was happening in the hallway.
He tried to hear what was happening, leaning closer to her, when suddenly Hideyoshi lost his balance and the four of them stumbled right into the hallway falling over each other.
He landed right on top of her, his face only inches from hers, but she wasn’t paying any attention to him. He followed her frightened gaze to Toshiie who was glaring at them, his sister behind him dying of laughter.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Toshiie growled towering over them his hands curled into fists.
“Inuchiyo, stop, you’re scaring her...” his sister pressed her palm on his chest as she murmured her warning. It made Toshiie look at their way and he took a step backwards a sheepish frown overtaking the anger.
“...Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you...” he muttered as he leant down and offered his hand to her, trying to appear as harmless as possible.
Mitsunari crawled up and slapped his hand away before he helped her up himself. She carefully set herself behind him, which made Toshiie push his hands deep in his pockets.
"He's all bark and no bite. Tame little puppy, that one." Toshiie's sister peeked at her around his shoulder speaking slowly and clearly, so she could read her lips. Mitsunari felt her relax the hand squeezing his shirt and when he glanced behind him she had a small smile on her lips.
15 minutes later they had gathered in their livingroom around the kotatsu. All of them stared at Toshiie and his sister, who kept happily smiling as she poured them tea.
"You really thought Inuchiyo was my brother? Seriously, you never told them the whole thing? Silly."
Toshiie stuffed a cookie in his mouth to avoid answering his sister... err girlfriend? who kept blabbering their whole history.
"So, when I was like, what, ten? My father came home one day with this raggedy kid in tow who had the worst scowl on his face I had ever seen. Apparently, he'd been in a fight or something and the social services couldn't find his parents because he wouldn't tell them his name. So he stayed with us for some time and mom came up the name Inuchiyo for him because he kept following me around everywhere."
"What, that's not your real name, puppy?" Hideyoshi looked genuinely surprised, which made the scowl on Toshiie's brow even worse.
"Of course not! It's Toshiie! Toshiie! I've told you countless times!"
"Yes, yes, darling we know." His girlfriend patted his hand and Mitsunari had to admire how fast the man deflated in her hands, his frown immediately softening into a sour pout.
"Anyway, long story short, he wasn't the first foster kid my parents had over the years, but he stayed with us until he moved here to study."
"But that doesn't explain the uh..." Hideyoshi waved his hand between the two and the grin on her face got even wider, while he was sure if Toshiie had really been a dog his ears would have drooped.
"You don't-" Toshiie started, but his girlfriend interrupted him the most wicked grin on her face Mitsunari had ever seen her have.
"Oh no, they absolutely must hear it. The big love confession. The drama."
"Please, don't..."
"So can you believe this idiot blurts out 'I love you' just when I'm in the middle of doing the dishes? Like a god damn moron?"
Mitsunari was busy translating their conversation to her so she wouldn't feel out of the loop but when he got to the part where Toshiie was called a moron she started to laugh but quickly hid her mouth behind her hands. It didn't stop the adorable gigglesnort from escaping her mouth. It pulled his heartstrings and tucked at the corners of his lips, but his smile immediately died when he caught Toshiie's girlfriends eyes. She had a knowing smile, but before he had the chance to ask her what she wanted, she continued,
"Anyway now that everyone's back in the loop, like I was saying, Inuchiyo's a moron-"
"You don't have to repeat that...!" Toshiie exclaimed his cheeks flushed red.
"I'm not the one who got into this mess! And I sure as hell am not the one who's gonna dig you out of it!" She shot Toshiie a dirty look before she smiled at them again. "He still hasn't sorted things out with Sayuri, so we're just roommates and that's that."
"Roommates, who kiss each other in the hallway for everyone to see?" Mitsunari asked. Toshiie's girlfriend... roommate? buried her face in her hands but he could still see the bright blush on her face.
"I'm so sorry...! It won't happen again, just a lapse of judgement..."
"It's okay..." she reached to pat Toshiie's roommate on the shoulder and she looked up at her a grateful smile on her lips. Masanori made an agreeing hum, but Hideyoshi had a bright smile on his lips.
"This calls for a celebration! The puppy finally got some sense in him!"
"I have beer." Toshiie jumped up and made an escape to his apartment while Hideyoshi started to dig through their cabinets with her.
While everyone else was busy drinking, Toshiie's roommate slid next to him, clearly a few beers in herself.
"Soooo, have you told her how craaaazily in love with her you are?"
"What?! I'm not-!"
"N-nooo don't try to deny it. I see the way you look at her. And just look at how she looks at you, seee?" She pointed at her, while she tried to follow the silly drinking game Hideyoshi, Toshiie and Masanori were playing, a smile on her lips. Toshiie's roommate waved at her and she glanced their way. Instantly, a bright smile lit her face and she waved back at them. But she was only looking at him, not the drunken girl next to him.
"Told you!" she whispered in his ear, "And guess what when she was over at our place the other night we did some girl talk and I asked her if she liked you and she was like 'Mitsunari is always so nice, of course, I like him'!"
Before he had time to reply anything back, she escaped to look at the game others were playing over Toshiie's shoulder.
After everyone was gone and he was in his bed all he could think about was Toshiie's girlfriend's words. He was sure she wasn't in love with him. How could she be, it wasn't that long after she had left her husband.
But his own feelings?
Surely they couldn't be love. She was his friend. Who made his heart race... who he couldn't stop thinking about... who's smile he wanted to see every single day... who he regularly had dreams about...
Oh shit...
How could he be so stupid?
He was not in love. Definitely not. A crush maybe, but love? No. No way. He would stuff down these feelings until they went away. And never speak about them again.
Damn that idiotic drunken woman.
Mitsunari was woken up by a strange noise from their living room. He had almost fallen back asleep when his door creaked open and she stepped inside. He reached for the lamp on his nightstand and sat up rubbing his eyes.
"Nightmare," was all she said. He nodded and patted at the bed next to him. She sat down at the edge of the bed and when he brushed her shoulder he could feel her shiver, all the muscles tense in her body.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what (or rather who) she'd had a nightmare about.
He pulled her to his arms awkwardly and patted her back until the tremors in her body calmed down. The shoulder of his shirt became wet with her tears as sobs shook through her body, her hands clasped tightly on his shirt.
When she finally lift her head and wiped her eyes, he reached to give her a tissue. She wiped her nose and looked at him a hint of uncertainty in her face.
"Can I sleep here?"
He moved to make room for her in the bed and she flopped down and curled under his blanket. He stared down at her for a couple of moments, too stunned to do anything. Did she... just decide to sleep under the same blanket as he? A part of his brain seemed to short circuit for a moment. Was he supposed to just casually lie down at the bed next to her? Deem his blanket forever (or at least for tonight) lost?
Finally, he steeled his resolve and lied down leaving as much distance between himself and her as possible. Only, that hadn't apparently been her idea, because she inched closer until her back was against him.
He was supposed to do what now? Hug her? Let her lie there uninterrupted? He carefully put his hand on her arm, where she could easily brush him off if she wanted. But when he felt her hiccup with a sob he wrapped his arm around her tighter and stroked her hair until he could feel her breathing calm down. She took his hand in hers and held it tight against her chest.
His chest didn't feel fine. Neither did his face. He was sure his face had never felt as hot as it did the moment she accidentally pressed the back of his hand against her breast. He should just keep his cool. Not like he was hugging the woman of his dreams. In his bed. Under the same blanket.
She smelled like a mixture of his conditioner and a unique smell that was her. The smell was enthralling, captivating and he couldn't help but nuzzle his nose at the back of her neck, hoping, praying she wouldn't wake up now that she was finally asleep.
He didn't feel like sleeping. He felt as if he'd never been as awake in his life as he was now. She shifted in her sleep and turned on her back and his hand fell on her breast.
His face flared with a blush. But it was not the only thing feeling hot, his whole body had heat soaring through him and he needed... no, wanted to touch her more. He wanted to feel the heat of her skin under his fingers, the softness of her lips on his lips, hear her voice unrestrained...
He moved his hand lower, on her belly, only to have his pinky finger find a sliver of bare skin just above her pyjama pants. The heat in his body gathered in his loins, his length pressing uncomfortably against her hip and he intensely, desperately wanted to reach his hand down his pants to relieve himself, but at the same time she was asleep and he shouldn't- wouldn't do something like that.
This was going to be a long, sleepless night if this kept up. In retrospect, inviting the woman he had a hopeless crush for in his bed was a devastatingly terrible idea.
@honeybeelily   @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age   @han-pan   @masamunesmistress   @dreamfar628 @enchantress96
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annicaax · 10 months
he's so underrated... I love him sm
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munchmallow5 · 5 years
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Mitsunari Act 2
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heavenzfiend · 5 years
Fanfic: Falling Slowly (Fukushima Masanori x OC)- SLBP
Read on AO3
Word count: ~5080
Warning: LEMON, Arranged Marriage
Summary: Toyotomi Hideyoshi is set on his westward expansion, shaking MC’s quiet life with talks of proposals and arranged marriage to his trusted retainer, Masanori.
Author’s Note: I randomly wanted to write a Masanori story and it ‘happened’ to become a smut fic, which mine tend to do. This story does not occur in the same timeline/universe as my ‘Helping Hands’ story! I hope you enjoy!
Every day was painfully mundane for the youngest daughter of the esteemed Tsuda family. How she wished for something exciting to happen while gazing out at the same old garden of her family estate. The most exciting thing that happened in her corner of the house was when the squirrels shimmied down with their mouths full of acorns on a tune of their own or when she had the honor of listening to a delightful acapella of cheerful birds.
However, she could not escape the chaos of the world as a samurai’s daughter. There was no way she could delude herself into thinking she would be unaffected when even the farmers were being pulled in all directions to serve a lord under their jurisdiction. She knew the day would come but she did not expect it to be that day, that day when her boring yet peaceful life turned upside down. How can one be prepared for such a thing?
Even she, who had no interest in politics whatsoever, has heard bits and pieces of the news that a powerful Lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi was seeking westward expansion and would soon eye Japan’s southwestern lands, thus affecting her family’s governance of the Kyushu region. A big shock came when the lord himself came to their corner of the country, with no prior notice, to pressure their allegiance to his sovereignty. Although that alone would not have affected the naïve MC all that much necessarily, what her father then promised the warlord was beyond her line of reasoning.
To show their absolute loyalty to the ever-growing Toyotomi clan, MC’s father offered not only his lands and soldiers, but also his daughter’s hand in marriage to one of Toyotomi’s trusted retainers. She knew that she most likely wouldn’t be marrying Lord Hideyoshi himself since her family was not the most prominent samurai clan out there but she also knew he wouldn’t outright refuse their offer since he would basically have nothing to lose.
Weeks had gone by since the proposal, in which time MC could forget that whole incident occurred, pretending the whole ordeal was happening to someone else. Unfortunately, that was not the case and harsh reality slapped her in the face as her father rushed for her when the Lord of Nagahama had replied back in a pleasantly penned letter with the name of her future husband and some very basic information about him.
Fukushima Masanori.
He had familial connections to Lord Hideyoshi himself, a distant cousin perhaps, and was also one of his closest friends as well. Her father was thrilled at the news and even hired a matchmaker and supposedly, according to the characters of their names and the alignment of the stars at the time of their birth or whatever nonsense, they were a match made in heaven. Not that MC believed in any of that, of course, since the matchmaker probably said that to any paying person of importance. No one wanted their head disconnected from their shoulders at simply delivering a bad omen. It was so much easier to simply lie or embellish and sugarcoat the truth until it might as well be a lie.
How could her father be so thrilled at his daughter marrying someone he, nor she, had ever met before?
The carriage carrying her constantly swayed back and forth, mirroring the state of unease in her heart. Her entourage of close handmaidens, some soldiers for protection, various gifts of silk and gold and, the greatest gift of them all, herself, made for a cumbersome set as they wobbled through the bumpy roads on the slow journey.
Being so far from Nagahama, no one in her hometown had any idea who Fukushima Masanori really was. Desperate for any news about her would-be-husband, she asked various passersby in towns when they rested for the night. The fact that it took weeks to reach their destination, she had gained quite a bit of information along the way—mostly gossip on how big and strong he looks, how his looks alone instill fear upon enemies, how he was involved with a bad group of thugs in his early years and how he was always involved in shameless brawls in broad daylight—all baseless, possibly, yet terrifying nonetheless.
She really had no other choice but to follow her father’s plans though; the life of a woman born to a samurai’s house was not all lavish kimono and never-ending happiness. She was to be used as a tool for the greater good of the clan. That was her fate and she had to accept that before her very birth.
The auspicious day picked out for the wedding ceremony had arrived and MC could not stop trembling the entire evening. The porcelain bridal makeup was hiding the fact that her face was of equal coloring to the makeup itself—a ghastly white. She tried to take deep breaths but it mostly came out in short puffs and although her mother drilled into her the importance of keeping a smile upon her face, the tight line of her lips betrayed her brain’s will and would not upturn no matter how much she wanted it to.
They announced the start of the ceremony as her husband approached and she was able to see him for the first time. MC lifted her head up to sneak a glance through the veil and her eyes grew wide in shock. He was nothing like what she had imagined he’d look like from the descriptions of others. Although he was tall and muscular, almost hovering over Hideyoshi, his face was surprisingly boyish and handsome. He had an expression that he’d rather be anywhere else than sitting next to her right now though, a frown etched on his face. She wondered if he was disappointed in her. Despite circumstances, MC tried to bring her thoughts to more optimistic, understanding line of thoughts. It must’ve been a shock to him as well to suddenly get thrust into a marriage.
Wait… What if he already has a lover? With her seemingly selfless act, what if she was actually forcing him to sacrifice his love to another? Her heart twisted painfully in her chest but she had to take a deep breath and try not to overthink it any further.
MC had never had a lover before, let alone a friend of the opposite sex. Being such a timid girl, she never ventured too far from her house. Even going out to town was for the servants, not befitting a lady of her status. She was fine with the company of her female relatives but even her male cousins intimidated her. Men were creatures she simply did not have a firm grasp on, their very air seemed so different.
The ceremony proceeded flawlessly and finally, they exchanged sake from the same cup, as per protocol.
All seemed to be well during the gift showering, with gifts from retainers and family ranging from luxurious to downright lewd.
“Don’t embarrass her. Show some respect, Kiyomasa, and keep your dirty toys to yourself before I kick your ass,” Masanori growled next to her. Was he protecting her? Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
However, that thought was short-lived as Masanori suddenly shot out of his seat next to her and started running around the room, crashing all over the place with his face flaming and throat yelling incoherent noises. MC blinked owlishly as she sat helplessly in her seats as Hideyoshi and Kiyomasa dragged him far away from the main festivities.
What was that?
He must be absolutely insane. There was no other explanation as to what she had just witnessed. MC would have to live the rest of her life with a violent husband. What had she done wrong in her past life to deserve such a fate? She could feel tears forming in the back of her eyes but rapidly blinked to keep them at bay.
Hideyoshi came back after some time to placate her. “I’m so sorry about that, Lady MC. Masanori is uncontrollable if he drinks alcohol but we couldn’t manage to swap the sake out without the priest knowing. It’s really my fault and I apologize for that. That must’ve startled you, no doubt.” He looked just as apologetic as his words as he said this.
Oh, so that’s what happened. Still, today was just the beginning of her married life and it didn’t look to be smooth sailing in her future. What if in his fit of rage he hits her? She shuddered at the thought.
“T-That’s alright, Lord Hideyoshi…” she managed to stammer out.
“Please retire to your chambers for tonight. If Masanori regains consciousness, I’ll send him your way.”
“…Yes, thank you.”
After coming to her wedding chambers, MC’s hands were restless, smoothing out the silken sheets over and over again, rearranging the pillows and patting the sheets here and there. Just to keep her hands busy and her mind occupied so she didn’t have to think about what was to come when he did arrive. Ears straining to hear the sound of his footsteps approaching, she could barely breathe properly.
Not knowing when he would possibly show up, she waited and waited. And waited some more.
When she opened her eyes and jolted upright, she realized that morning light was streaming in through the windows with her husband nowhere in sight. Her neck and back felt terribly uncomfortable but she was glad she avoided those terrifying wifely duties, at least for one night.
The morning after, MC was met with an onslaught of curious, probing looks from some of the giggling young maids whom MC figured had a more-or-less crush on her now-husband. With a sigh she tried to avoid eye contact with everyone despite not doing anything worthy of awkwardness.
Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months.
MC eventually found out that her husband would never physically hurt her. Hurt her? She had to laugh at herself at that absurd thought. He didn’t touch her at all.
As they lived together at the castle, she discovered more things about the man she had married.
Despite being a man of few words, he always said ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to even the lowest of the servants and never falters before admitting fault followed by an apology if someone deserves it.
Also, one day when she had the rare opportunity to take a stroll with Masanori, on his offer no less, she discovered the purpose of all those dried pieces of squid she had randomly found in almost all of his pants pockets when they ran into a stray dog.
There were numerous stray dogs and cats in various corners of the city and Masanori made sure to pet each encountered animal behind the ears or under the chin, as well as offer snacks, making sure none were being greedy but also that none were left behind.
To think that her burly husband had a penchant for animals! How delightful it was that they share a common interest. She couldn’t help but smile at the endearing scene—her tall husband crouched down, as low as he could go to not frighten them, and tearing off niblets of squid for the small creatures’ easy consumption.
She realized over time that she got lucky in marrying a man of such integrity. Finding out little by little about someone was like opening the lid of a treasure chest just a fraction and one had to stick her fingers in to fish out one interesting piece at a time.
“You must be hungry. How about we stop to eat before returning?” Masanori surprised her even more that day. They had stopped by a restaurant together when the sky darkened. It was rare for her to eat with him all alone, with most of their meals being served in the grand hall with fellow Toyotomi retainers. She was now able to observe his perfect mealtime mannerisms in ease, without having to strain her neck to sneak glances at him from across the hall—which, unbeknown to him, she did on the daily.
“Masanori, welcome!” He must be a regular customer if the worker knew him by name. His short reply was met with, “I’ve never seen you with a woman before!” Before MC had the chance to panic in not knowing if she should introduce herself or wait to see how he will introduce her, her husband’s nonchalant tone was heard.
“She is my wife,” Masanori stated without a single moment’s hesitation. So he wasn’t ashamed to be seen in public with her nor embarrassed to tell others about her!
Pleasant conversation followed when they were waiting for their food and she felt considerably lucky to have given this invaluable time to themselves. Did her husband plan this date for her?
MC almost choked on her tea when, out of the blue, Masanori said, “You’re such a strong woman, Lady MC. You travelled halfway across Japan to marry me. Know that I feel bad that we can’t spend more time together. It must be so hard for you to be far from your home, far from everyone you’ve ever known. I… I hope I can meet your expectations even a little as your husband.” His words truly touched her.
“Don’t worry milord. You already have.” There was not a hint of lie in her words.
They both mostly ate in silence after that but MC felt considerably closer to her husband and she couldn’t fight off the tickling of the corner of her lips as she looked down to hide her goofy expression from her unexpectedly blunt companion. Little did she know that across from her, her partner also looked down and focused on eating to hide his blush.
A season passed and MC was waiting by the gates of Nagahama Castle for the return of Toyotomi’s troops on a long expedition.
Leading the welcoming group was Hideyoshi’s wife, whom MC had gotten close to during her stay at the castle. Despite being the wife of the lord of the castle, she could still be seen in the kitchen cooking all sorts of delicacies for everyone, perhaps due to her coming from a humble background of a restaurant owner. MC suddenly wished she had the skills to offer her returning husband a meal she herself cooked up instead of relying on others, but she had no experience in the kitchen and apparently Masanori was an excellent cook so he most likely would not want to consume anything her hands could manage to come up with.
The huge crowd of men and horses came within sight and Hideyoshi’s wife, abandoning all conventions, sprinted all the way up to her husband, who then leapt off his horse to fiercely embrace her in front of everyone. MC stared in awe at the brave Lady Toyotomi.
She looked behind the adorable couple and saw a peek of red hair. There was Masanori! Her knees started bouncing to the rhythm of the hooves, unable to stand still but not bold enough to do much else. She couldn’t help but stare longingly at his handsome features that his battle armor and side-parted hair amplified. The rays of sun were perfectly shining off the armor that she had meticulously polished, despite looking worn out from the long battle.
Her heart was beating out of her chest as he rode closer and closer to where she was standing. Their eyes seemed to lock for the briefest moment and a smile was forming on his face but before she could even let out a greeting, a soldier amongst the ranks started a conversation with him.
Had he actually seen her or was she just imagining him looking at her? Did he know that she was out here waiting for him, not out of marital obligations but out of actual desire to do so?
Seeing that Masanori was conversing with others, MC’s attention shifted back to Hideyoshi and his lady as they retired inside, hand-in-hand. MC squeezed her own hands together in front of her when suddenly she heard a familiar voice to her right.
“MC, I’m back.” Masanori’s voice was slightly muffled by his dark mask covering half of his face.
“Lord Masanori, welcome back. You must be tired.” They sound just like how a normal married couple ought to, each keeping a respectful distance from one another yet not uncomfortable in any way.
“I’m alright. How have you been?”
“Things have been thankfully calm here while you guys have been away.” ‘I’m so happy to see you,’she thought, but couldn’t voice it. But she gathered all the courage she could muster up to ask, “Can I help you out of your battle gear?” Shock flashed across his face by her forwardness but his crimson eyes softened considerably. No longer does the color of his eyes frighten her like they once did.
“Please, if you could. I would be most grateful.” He walked ahead with her trailing behind him but when they reached the door to his room, he gently slid it open and gestured for her to enter first with his hand.
“Then, if you’ll excuse me…” MC stepped into his room, noting how this was her first time in this meticulously clean room while the owner was present as well.
Before she lost all courage by fidgeting around, MC dived in to the task at hand. The first thing MC took off was the mask that hid his beautiful face. That couldn’t be comfortable. She undid the ties at the back and the ropes fell around his ears, making him shiver slightly when her cold fingers slid along the tips of his ears.
Then she kneeled down to remove his shin guards, carefully placing them off to the side before standing back up. Goodness, her husband was so tall and those gigantic shoulder pads were not helping his intimidating factor. She was grateful they protected his dependable shoulders but they had to be the next to go.
Never having done this before, MC fumbled around for the clasp when his large hands overlapped hers and brought them to where they need to be. Perhaps noticing how cold hers were, his warm hands squeezed them, simply holding them for a while before slowly going back to helping her undress the rest.
She could barely look at his face as only the black robes and undergarments remained and she wasn’t sure if he expected her to undress all of him. Technically, his armor was off… should she continue?
He let go of her hands and in her clumsiness she whacked a part of him as she quickly moved to retreat her hands, making him gasp and grimace.
“I’m so sorry milord! Did I hurt you? Where did I hit you?” She looked down at where her hands could have been and… no way…
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he ground out through his teeth, looking like anything but fine. However, as he loosened the clench of his abdomen and stood straight again, MC noticed a growing bulge that was not there before.
For a good while, both parties were standing stock still, cheeks inflamed and not even daring to breathe until Masanori finally broke the silence.
“Thank you for the help, MC. I can finish the rest if you’d like to head to the banquet first?” MC mumbled out a quick reply, grateful for an excuse to be alone in order to collect her thoughts.
Before she could take a step out the door, his soft voice halted her.
“Tonight… do you… want to meet me back in my room?” He quickly added, “Only if you want to, that is.”
“Yes, of course. I will be here,” MC’s mouth automatically replied. Her mind was reeling but this was progress and progress was good. Very good.
He had finally invited her to his room that night. She almost couldn’t believe it. Was today finally the day they would…?! She choked on air, coughing into her fist, unable to stop her brain from going crazy. It repeated his words over and over again, dissecting the hidden meaning behind that simple question. She could tell he took extra precautions to not let a single drop of alcohol touch his mouth during the great welcoming feast.
When it was socially acceptable for her to leave, she discreetly exited the main hall and made for his room. She hadn’t seen Masanori for a good while as well so she didn’t want to keep him waiting.
Standing in front of the door, she raised a hand, poised to knock but hesitation boggling her mind. Does he expect her to knock or should she verbally announce herself and go in? She was his wife after all and he was the one who had invited her in the first place. Maybe he wasn’t even in there?
“Please come in, MC.” Ack, he know she was here? She made sure to keep her feet extra light as she walked here too! Did he see also see her standing here raising her hand up and down as she contemplated like a fool through the paper door?
She slipped through the door and paused by the threshold, not because she didn’t want to be here or didn’t want his company. Quite opposite, really. Masanori was sitting on his bedding of single futon, dressed simply in his white nightclothes. Seeing her in this state, he quickly reassured her.
“We don’t have to do anything… I just wanted to be with you. Won’t you come sit with me?”
MC moved to sit in front of him and tucked her legs beneath her.
“I want to do it though…” she trailed off, unable to say the actual words yet hoping he’d understand through her vagueness. She heard him take a deep breath before proceeding.
“Only if you’re sure MC. Tell me to stop at any time and I will. Even if you’re slightly hesitant, please let me know.” She nodded quickly at that, trying to urge him on.
“I will.”
“Then… May I?” He asked her while gently cupping her cheek in his hand. Ah, that warmth again. It felt so nice to be touched.
“Y-Yes…” Whatever it was he was asking permission for, there was only one right answer befitting of her desires.
MC closed her eyes as her husband brought his lips to hers. It started off with the gentlest meeting of two lips, soft lips tickling each other this way and that. It took no time at all though for things to get heated. When she opened her mouth in shock at the feeling of his hand on her obi tie, their breathing mingling together to the point where she couldn’t tell if she was breathing his air or if he was breathing hers. Gasping for breath, MC tightened her hold on his collar which prompted him to give her a brief respite.
“I don’t really know how any of this works. I hope I won’t be a big disappointment…” she admitted. Surprisingly, he didn’t look annoyed at all by her disclosure.
“You will never be a disappointment, MC. But allow me to apologize in advance. I don’t… I’ve never… actually done it before either…” MC was shocked by this revelation. She had assumed all men were insatiable, horny creatures who stick it into whoever’s offering and her husband was quite the looker so she was sure there were a ton of willing girls who offered.
“I’m actually happy to hear that but if we both don’t know what to do then…”
“Well, you forget the kind of people I’m forced to hang out with.” He gave a sheepish smile. “I have a fairly good idea of what to do. Now, lie back for me.” MC did as he requested and peered at him from the vulnerable position.
Masanori traced his hands down her body through the clothes, anticipation building for the feelings that were slowly surging in her body at his mere touch.
When he slipped the robe off of her shoulders and peeled it off of her body to fully expose her, she was sure there was not an ounce of her that was not a stunning shade of red.
He buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent as his hands massaged her breasts. MC couldn’t stop the moans escaping her lips.
“Aaaah… mmmh!” He took a mound in his mouth, alternating between sucking it and teasing the nipple with his tongue. She was seeing shooting stars behind her eyelids now. Wow, what was she missing all this time?
Realizing he was overdressed, Masanori threw off all of his clothes in few jerky movements.
“Wow, you have so many scars…” MC couldn’t help but gasp, her hands naturally reaching out to trace the large ones across his chest.
“I think it’s safe to say most samurai have them. These are nothing compared to what some others have.”
“I don’t doubt that milord, but the only ones I’m concerned about are yours, not anyone else’s.” She can see a swirl of admiration and lust building in his eyes. Feeling shy at the intensity of his gaze, she lowered her eyes but was met with another shocking sight instead. She had never seen a naked adult man before but that was certainly not what she had expected to see.
“Why… is it supposed to be so big?” she squeaked.
“It’s not like this all the time.” His blush was so strong she wasn’t sure if she had offended him with her artlessness but she had hoped not because they had unfinished business! “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We really could stop now and I won’t be mad.”
“No way. I really do want to continue…” Gods, please don’t make him stop.
He had kissed her again while bringing his hand down south to a place not even she had ever dared to touch. She rubbed her thighs and everything felt so slippery down there, almost as if her monthly menses started. Surely, it did not?! Wide-eyed, she looked down and nothing appeared to be red. She gave a big sigh of relief when his hand fumbled around her opening, inciting wet sounds.
When his fingers slid over a certain bump, her bottom jumped off the futon a bit.
“Did you like that?” It didn’t sound like he was teasing her, merely curious. She couldn’t form words and merely nodded. He touched her over and over again in that delightful spot, making her legs completely weak.
“Ahhhhh, that feels so… so… ahhhh!” A jolt of pleasure flowed from the tips of her toe all the way up to her head as a strange sensation robbed her of coherent speech.
As her sensitive parts still throbbed inside, he grabbed her knees and situated himself in between them. MC couldn’t believe how wide her legs had to be spread. Thank goodness this was being done during the cover of darkness. She doesn’t think she would ever be able to face her husband again if they had done it during daylight. Surely no one does that…
“I’m sorry if it hurts…”
A splitting pain followed his push inside. It certainly hurt and felt like something foreign was inside of her but he didn’t move at all after the first push so she was able to control her breathing relatively soon. When she felt like she could get adjusted to the size, he pulled back and pushed in again, going in a bit further every time. He slipped out a few times by accident but quickly put it back in, continuing on as if those mishaps didn’t happen.
They were bound together in a way that was special. No one else would be her first. No one else would be his first.
“Just… call me Masanori,” he said in between thrusts and pants. He didn’t want to take too long for her first time, worried that he was the only one actually enjoying it and she was pretending just for his sake. But it didn’t seem to be an issue since it was his first time being inside of someone and it felt too good to last much longer.
“Ah, MC!”
Soon, as she was making another round of cries, his pleasure exploded, releasing everything of his deep inside of his wife. He groaned and rolled on his back next to her while holding her hands.
MC sits on the veranda while nibbling on carefully peeled chestnuts. Discovering that Masanori loved chestnuts, she had personally gone out to pick some from the trees in the wooded area behind the castle but her husband had rushed out to stop her and proceeded to not only pick them for her but also steamed, peeled, and offered them to her on a plate.
She looks up and her eyes find her husband in the courtyard, surrounded by young men wanting to spar with him. Sensing eyes on him, he looks up and sends her a small smile from across the yard, followed by a thumbs up and a tilt of his head. MC responds with a quick thumbs up and rubs a hand across her protruding belly, to reassure her husband that everything is alright with her and their little one, lest he bounces over to her in unnecessary worry.
‘No, dear husband, nothing is wrong. I was simply admiring you,’ she will have to admit if she is honest. But he doesn’t ask, nor does he have to. He probably knows and he isn’t one for teasing—every word and action of his extremely genuine.
It won’t be long now until they finally get to meet their treasure—their son or daughter who was conceived with love from two people who were semi-forced together but grew to like each other. She hopes that he or she has more qualities of him than her as she gazes at him once again. As her vision fills with the serene gardens in this city near Lake Biwa, she also hopes that their children and all the children of Japan can experience a peaceful rule under Lord Hideyoshi in the near future.
Their marriage is of a quiet companionship and mutual respect. As they spend more time together, love can blossom slowly but surely… perhaps it already has?
A/N:  I miss this red-haired giant! I hope we get an event story with him one day! This does not have much basis in actual history, except for the fact that Masanori’s wife was from Tsuda family but everything else I made up. This ended up mostly being fairly a self-indulgent piece. Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think. :)
Tagging: @kitsune-mana, @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons @lilster360 @rubyleeray @julias1993 @theweatheredwarrior @mayorasadist @pseudofaux @kawa-akarin @dani677 @otonymous
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wingcinna · 5 years
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twitter doodles from earlier this week and last 🤗
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