#fudou yusei
thefigureresource · 3 months
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Nendoroid Yusei Fudo [Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's] from Good Smile Arts Shanghai coming August 2024.
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splenderai · 1 year
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repping the new icon with the aroace king himself, mr. fudo yusei
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merryfortune · 2 years
A Little Pinch
Written for Aki as part of a Secret Santa on Discord
Title: A Little Pinch
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Relationships: Yusei & Jack & Rua & Ruka
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,678
Tags: Found Family, Fluff
Summary: Rua wants to get his ears pierced, just like Jack.
   Rua expected a lot more opposition to his idea than what he got.
   He thought for sure that Ruka would whinge and whine and nag him that absolutely not. Horrible, terrible idea but instead, she smiled and her eyes sparkled.
   “I think that sounds wonderful,” Ruka gushed, “I think you would look really nice with earrings, just like Jack.”
   “Heh, yeah, just like Jack.” Rua embarrassedly admitted.
   He wanted his ears pierced - and yes, exactly like Jack. Rua felt his cheeks flushed as his twin sister, as if by telepathy, had exactly picked up on where this whim had come from. He wanted to be just like the big brother that he saw in the Jack Atlas. It was such a cool, almost rebellious statement to make. Their parents would never let Ruka pierce her ears, let alone her brother at their wee tender age of thirteen-ish. 
   It was exactly because their parents wouldn’t ever let him pierce is his ears which is exactly why Rua thought Ruka wouldn’t want him to go against their wishes. Instead she smiled and negged him on.
   “Do you want both ears pierced or just the one?” Ruka asked, excited.
   “Both. Exactly like Jack.” Ruka nodded.
   “I see, I see.” Ruka nodded in reply and then clasped her hands together with a gasp. Her eyes lit up with an idea, Rua could see it written all over Ruka’s face as she then asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if I designed you a pair of earrings to wear?”  
   “Oh, um, yeah the greatest. As long as they look cool, and not cutesy.” Rua replied. 
   He did think a pair of earrings made by his sister would be innately uncool but her excitement at his idea, rather than spurring it, well, he could make an exception. Unless they were really some cutesy, girly thing that Rua knows that Ruka would never want to willingly wear in a million years.
   “Got it, got it.” Ruka giggled but once her laughter and smiles petered out, she blinked owlishly. “So who’s going to pierce your ears? No way one of the shops downtown would let you waltz in without parental permission.”
   “Good point.” Rua replied and he crossed his arms. “I was really hoping Yusei could do it. He’s probably good at that sort of thing.”
   “Yeah, probably.” Ruka agreed.
   But that probably turned into certainly. The next time they swung by the garage, Rua, at Ruka’s nudging, almost immediately brought up his desire to get his ears pierced - and specifically by Yusei - and sure enough, Yusei revealed something interesting. He was the one who had pierced Jack’s ears way back when.
   When Rua brought up the topic, shyly, Yusei’s expression turned nostalgic. He smiled fondly and recalled when he had done Jack’s ears. Same for Jack. He practically peacocked at Yusei’s side, absolutely bespoke and proud that Rua wanted to follow in the same footsteps as him. 
   “Yes, I would have been about your age when I decided I wanted to get my ears pierced as well.” Jack reflected with a grin. He folded his arms in front of his puffed out chest.
   “And I made the piercing gun myself,” Yusei said, adding in, “it was a lot more difficult than I was expecting but good practice for other, more complicated projects that I was thinking of doing.”
   “No way was I going to let Yusei give me a stick and poke ear piercing, I wanted the proper deal.” Jack said. He gave Yusei a pat on the back. “I didn’t doubt for one minute that my Yusei wouldn’t be able to handle the challenge of making a piercing gun.”
   “Heheh, thanks.” Yusei chuckled in a tiny voice, humbled by the bombastic praise that he was receiving from Jack.
   “That’s so cool.” Rua beamed. There were sparkles in his eyes.
   “You weren’t worried about infections or anything?” asked Ruka. “I don’t want Rua’s ears going all gross if you do it wrong.” Her level-headedness brought down the atmosphere but in a good way.
   “Of course not. Martha would have had a pink kitten if I messed up doing Jack’s, I promise I won’t mess up Rua’s ears either.” Yusei said and he patted the top of Ruka’s head. “Thanks for worrying though.”
   “So? Can you do it now?” Rua excitedly asked.
   “Not right now but this afternoon, let me just clean it up first - and maybe do some upgrades. I’m sure it's around here somewhere…” Yusei said as he got up, trying to retrace steps from years ago.
   In the meantime, Jack shook his head, “Leave it to Yusei to keep all sorts of old junk around.”
   “Hey, it's a precious memory. I would never throw such a thing away.” Yusei scolded him but sure enough.
   Yusei found the old piercing gun rather quickly. He pulled it out from an old, rickety milk crate piled with goodness knows what but there it was. With a little bit of elbow grease, he got it to work arguably better than before. He gave it a clean and let Rua watch, he even explained how the mechanisms inside it worked as Yusei replaced a part here and there.
   The main thing he needed brand spanking new of was the needle, for obvious reasons but he ducked out to the nearest hospital and managed to acquire one through it. When he came back from his fifteen minutes top errand, Yusei didn’t really elaborate on how he had convinced to get a new sealed needle but it did the trick.
   “You're not scared?” he teased Rua one last time as he fed the needle into its holder.
   “‘Course not.” Rua replied, he puffed out his chest.
   “I am.” Ruka worried and this was where Rua was finally getting all the opposition that he had been worried about. “It's not going to hurt him, is it?”
   “It’ll be a little pinch.” Yusei replied.
   “Why? Worried that garbage about hurting one twin, you hurt both.” Jack laughed.
   “What? No, I just don’t want my brother to get hurt, it has nothing to do with me.” Ruka replied, the joke completely going over her head.
   “There is nothing to worry about. I promise.” Yusei said.
   “I wasn’t worried. I swear.” Rua big-noted, nose in the air.
   “Good, then let’s get you sorted.” Yusei said.
   Everyone then drifted from the garage and into the kitchen, where the lightning was much, much better. Yusei pulled up a bar stool for Rua to sit on and he clambered up on top of it. Jack and Ruka, meanwhile, watched from the sidelines as Yusei sanitised the needle with a fresh baby wipe, for good measure, and Rua put on his bravest face.
   Up until now, Rua had expected that the opposition to getting his ears pierced would be fully external. No from his parents on behalf of Ruka, no from either Yusei or Jack, calling him too young for such a thing, too. Not once did he expect it from himself as suddenly, Rua was all sorts and shades of nervous. Fidgeting as he sat on the bar stool.
   “You have to be still, okay? I don’t want to make a bigger hole than necessary on accident.” Yusei warned him.
   “O-Okay.” Rua sputtered out.
   Ruka slinked in closer and she put her hand on Rua’s knee. He looked up at her and he clearly wanted to dismiss her with a big brave boy face but instead, he smiled fondly and put his own hand on top of Ruka’s. Heck, for good measure, Jack stepped in closer as well and put his hand on Rua’s shoulder, too. His big, strong hand just caused all the nerves prickly and fuzzy inside of Rua to soften and become a total non-issue and so, Rua stopped fidgeting for Yusei.
   Yusei lined the piercing gun to Rua’s right ear and then click! It took only a second and it didn’t even hurt, to Rua’s surprise. Stunned by the absolute non-event of getting his ears pierced, Yusei then swooped in with Rua’s practice stud, to get him used to it and then the other side. Same, swift process that Rua grinning ear to shiny ear.
   “See? I wasn’t worried or nervous at all.” he bragged.
   “Yup.” Yusei replied and he ruffled Rua’s hair. 
   “You look good, kiddo.” Jack agreed, slapping Rua’s back.
   “Yeah, you were super brave.” Rua gushed.
   “Now, just wear these for about a month until you get used to them and then you can wear whatever you want.” Yusei said.
   “Got it.” Rua said.
   “Just let me know if you do have trouble, okay? I can take you to get some disinfectant, or even some different studs.” Yusei added.
   “Okay, yup, I got it. You don’t have to be a worry-wart, I promise.” Rua replied, he sounded dramatically grated on.
   “Glad to hear it.” Yusei said, “Now, do you want to go and have a look at yourself?”
   “Oh boy would I.” Rua excitedly replied and he hopped off the stool.
   He raced to the bathroom and held tightly onto the sink. He got up onto his tip-toes so he could even see himself in the bathroom mirror hung up above it and he smiled at his reflection. He looked this way and then that way, his turquoise hair bouncing with every movement as his smile got bigger and bigger.
   He looked so cool. The little silver flashes in his ears catching his eye every time. And once he could start wearing his own, preferred earrings, Rua just knew he would look even cooler. So, from the bottom of his lungs and from the bottom of his heart, Rua yelled out from the bathroom: “Thanks Yusei! Thanks Jack!”
   His gratitude absolutely ricocheted off the tiles of the bathroom but it made Yusei smile.
   “You're welcome.” Yusei warmly replied, a little louder than his usual soft cadence, as he glanced between Ruka and Jack, as they seemed pretty pleased with the outcome too. It really was a job well done for Rua.
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nyupuun · 4 months
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talaofthevalley · 5 months
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sapp0w0 · 1 year
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U gay now
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yugiohdilf · 2 years
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npdclaraoswald · 10 months
I know that they all consider Martha a mother, but I never personally got the vibe that Yusei, Jack, and Crow considered each other brothers. But I've seen more and more people recently call them brothers, so I'm wondering what the general consensus of the fanbase is.
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mesugakl · 1 year
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pleuvoire · 2 years
i really so much love characters who are reserved and aloof and not Friendly and maybe even rude sometimes but are also fundamentally selfless and caring and heroic. and i don’t mean the “asshole with a heart of gold” trope like the kind of character who tries to hide their kindhearted tendencies or where there is a purposeful contrast on the part of the narrative, that is a fine type of character but not who i am talking about. i mean the kind of person who’s like hi :| i am not here to make small talk :| i have limited social graces :| i will fight for love and hope as long as i have breath in me
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hakaibunshi · 4 years
Break A Heart
AU:canon-divergence // KingCrab
When Jack betrays Yusei to leave for Neo Domino City, he breaks both his trust and his heart. But Yusei was never good at giving up. He spends the next years trying to rebuild what Jack has taken and finally manages to follow him.
When Jack learns about Yusei's arrival in ND, he makes sure Yusei is invited to the Fortune Cup, and to the opening party preceding the event.
Without a second thought, Yusei accepts this chance to take back what he has lost.
read on AO3
“You don’t need to be so hostile, Jack. I didn’t come here to bother you, really.” They were standing between the desk and the glass front now, facing each other, too far apart for Jack to reach him.
He scoffed in response. “You are already a bother. You know you can’t play this game forever, and I can tell you finally start to worry about what will happen when it’s my turn. Good.” Of course, the threat did nothing but engage him. After all, it was the fire that Yusei fell in love with. 
He was happy to be the oil to that flame, even if it meant decomposing into toxic fumes.
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heleentje · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh 5DX Fanfic: One Second Per Second (29/49)
Story: One Second Per Second
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh 5DX
Author: Heleentje
In one universe, Paradox dies in an ill-fated attempt to change his future. But in another, he survives.
It only takes one card to change the world. Now, Paradox is alive and no one, least of all Paradox himself, is quite sure what to expect anymore.
Chapter Title: XXIII. Unmoving
Chapter Length: 7612 words
Fudou Keiko first noticed the new student in her Monday morning first-year physics class. It was hard not to; she knew the faces of all of the thirty-odd students who actually bothered to show up for her eight o’clock class, and the new guy stuck out like a sore thumb. He had wandered in five minutes before class started, taken a seat somewhere near the middle of the room and sat there hunched over taking notes for the next thirty minutes, baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. Did he even have the textbook? No, Keiko didn’t think he did. Should she say something about it? Perhaps he’d just forgotten it. It really wasn’t any of her business.
AO3 | ff.net
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hopes and screams
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worldstraveller · 7 years
My most favourite pairing/shipping of all time
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1. Fudo Yusei x Izayoi Aki ( Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s) (Edit: I have given links of the collages of my favourite moments for a better view and understanding of why are my favourites)
They are my most favourite couple/pairing/shipping of all time, before Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's aired, it was SakuraxShaoran, then YuseixAki came, for some years I was quite undecided which one I liked most, there was a time it was equally. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is a very special for me as Yu-Gi-Oh! spin-off, even as an anime, animated series and tv show, because it was the first one I watched from the beginning, I knew before it aired in Japan, I will never forget the memories I had  watching in livestream in RAW right in the morning before going to vocational school, online friends that I have fond memories shipping together YuseixAki, it was fun, theories and speculations about the plot, I still hold some grudge and issues in season 2 regarding the story development and lack of limelight and focus in some main  characters (season 1 was pretty good, I think Fortune Cup story arc is the best arc in 5D's). How I came to start liking and then loving this shipping as much as I do today, when the series aired in Japan, I did catch up with japanese dub with an excellent translator who given the subtitles in .ass file, I was bit wary at first about these two while on edge to jump into shipping them, due to pairings in YGO doesn't usually appeal me or doesn't satisfy me enough in terms of hints and development (I like MaixJounouchi, KaibaxIshizu and Priest SetoxKisara in a indiferent way), let's say I was with low expectations, so I wouldn't get disappointed (a bit like Eleteo), it was fun finding the hints and you could tell there was a special connection between them, it actually kinda started as rivals as well as not because involves the plot and their character development, their duels, technically two, it's very nicely done and usually moved me, their duels are some of the most emotionally, metaphocally and symbolically charged, I get a little moved or very moved. It was after their first duel I started to ship them hard, when they become friends officially, they're always there to support each other, trust each other while giving hints they like to love each other in romantic way, they even have a "date" and many sweet moments.
Why I love this pairing so much to even be my most favourite:
- Most of you who follow me don't know much about Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Izayoi Aki is a bit of a tragic character (unusual for a female lead in YGO), she is a psyhic duelist, a card game player with psyhic abilities through duelling, in her case, she can materialize the cards she uses, in order words, she can cause physical damage with monsters cards, spell cards and trap cards (but can heal if she uses cards that restores LP - Life Points), however she couldn't and didn't know how to control her powers, in result she was ostracised and feared by society, at first when she met Yusei and during the tournament, she was very wary of Yusei, despite of her being ostracised, Yusei was the first person who step up in wanting to understand her and her pain, to help her and be her friend, it took a while for her to accept his friendship and trust him, Yusei became her very first friend and person willing to genuinely understand and help her, he even helped her parents to reconcile with her. (I didn't expect the first reason to be this long, wow...). - Before them becoming friends, as I said above, Aki was wary of Yusei in the beginning due to her past and his always serious expression were bit intimidating and so his skills, Yusei, well... is a bit difficult to make out due to his poker face, he did also felt a bit uneasy about her, not really because of her psyhic abilities (even though is natural for one be scared of her) but her duelling skills, their skills and posture are closely matched, but Yusei was most curious and eager to understand her side, while Aki being wary of him prefered to avoid him, the main reason being they are are signers (exists 5 of them, 5 chosen ones of the crimson dragon). - How Yusei tried to help Aki by her opening up to him bit by bit and himself taking all of her pain and hatred, trying to convince she can think for herself, loving herself and save herself from the hatred in herself and society who always shunned her for her powers, while implying the marks they both hold in their arm and they share all the pain this mark gives and share between signers in trying to guide them, in other words, that they're friends (this happens in their first duel) - In their rematch, Yusei tries to help Aki once again since last time they were kinda interrupted when their last duel ended (by the crowd shunning Aki and the leader who is using her as psyhic duelist to escort her back to the organisation), he says he sees her as a friend (dearly and secretly holding romantic feelings for her as eps 40 implies), helps her and her parents to reconcile. (the post has become a little too long, so I had to cut a little, that’s to be expected to be my most favourite pairing...)
- When they become friends, Yusei is very supportive of Aki and Aki gives personal space to him when he needs it. - After sometime has passed, their friendship has grown stronger, Aki feels more confortable around people, specially her friends, she feels very grateful to Yusei for the support and help he has given her, being her first friend, so she is eager to help him in return (it's a bit obvious she holds some romantic feelings for him by this time). - Both Yusei and Aki have soft spot for and protective of the fraternal twins (Rua and Ruka) and each other. - Their trust in each other grows deeper and closer, sometimes they argue a little but is in matters in protecting and saving each other, their connection is quite strong to a point when one of them is in trouble, only their marks glow (even when the 5 signers are present), she has such absolute trust in Yusei to open up to him when they become closer friends, when says she wants to get her riding duel license in order to understand Yusei better and her friends who are D-Wheelers (Jack and Crow) as in return for Yusei effort to understand and help her. - As it reaches the end, they don't exactly confess their feelings but they imply to each other (in a sense is more of a declaration). - By YGO main pairings standards, they're one of the most sucessful and well done pairings in making it quite obvious and clear in YGO that they have a romantic connection, specially compared to it's predecessors. - they are the first male and female lead characters when both do not follow a "duelist" path, instead they become doctors in their respective fields, Yusei being more of developer-physician doctor while Aki in becoming a medical doctor. - also their personalities do match well, they hold similarities such as they are serious, level-headed and both reserved, they have differences, Aki is a very fiery and emotional person under her calm and reserved posture, Yusei hardly shows any emotions unless from people who know him for years (even so, he still behaves serious), he is more of introspective nature than Aki, kind and faithful to his ideals, they do bring out each other what they lack and need (Aki has bit of a challenging personality and middle wise between emotional/fiery and calm/serious (it only becomes problematic when she is feeling emotinally vulnerable or very unstable), for Yusei who is mostly serious and more reserved, so is natural he would be drawn to someone who is able to be calm as much emotional without overwhelming him, in Aki's side, well Yusei given everything she needed and still does, so Aki is very eager to help him).
Favourite Moments:
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1.    episode 154, it's when Aki goes to his house to say farewell to Yusei (she will study abroad to become a medical doctor) and try to confess to him, but in the end Aki tells him that she was glad she met him and Yusei replies it was the same for him, then they talk about their first impression they had  of each other when they first met, they admit they thought of each other as scary, she got a bit angry, then comes the romantic lines and scene from each other, starting with Yusei saying to Aki...
Yusei: Aki, don't forget to smile. There's no one in the world with a smile better than yours. as he holds her hand while saying this, tightly holds her hand and Aki one hand holds his hand tightly in return, then Aki's other hand holds over his hand and replies: Aki: You're the one who put that smile on my face...Yusei. then they look into each others eyes, Aki closes her eyes, it's implied they kissed (it wasn't shown, so we can't confirm, but there is rumours in the DVD, there was a scene that was cut of them kissing in this scene, so we can't be sure), then they let go of each others hands, you see there is hesitation in them in let it go of their hands and say goodbye, then Aki leaves and Yusei looks at the door from where she left for a awhile and turns around...it's a very beautiful and romantic scene, even a romantic insert song starts playing in this scene. what they say to each other, is not exactly a confession but more of a declaration. I was actually quite surprised about such a romantic scene even their lines...
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2. episode 75, the "date" episode between Yusei and Aki, Yusei to help Aki to get her sense of balance in riding motobike for evasive techniques for her license in Riding Duel, he takes her to a rolling skate rink, while the twins watching them from the rink bench (to not interfere with Yusei helping Aki) and making the conclusion it is a date, it's very likely Yusei had this intention in mind a little, since Aki didn't skated before, Yusei ends up teaching her, as she gets the hang of it, Yusei and Aki are so well synchronised skating.
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3. episode 40, this happens before their rematch, Aki is in the hospital unconscious dreaming of her sad memories regarding her past and recent memory she dreams is the first person who approach her genuinely trying to help her being Yusei and tears starts to come up as moved by his words, Yusei was brought by Aki's father for Yusei to help her wake up, when he arrives by the side of the hospital bed where Aki is unconscious, he whispers her surname "Izayoi..." (probably would be behaving too familiar with her if was just her name), removes his glove in order to remove her tears, their marks starts glowing, she finally wakes up.
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4. episode 42, It's right in the beginning of the episode, when the secretary Mikage of Public Security of Domino City presents evidences about the organisation for Psyhic Duelists about abducted children and living test recordings, the organisation Izayoi Aki was in, revealing the real intent of the organisation was to use psyhic duelists as soldiers for war-torn regions and she was chosen to be one of them, she was disgusted, slightly shocked and hurt by this reveal and she leaves the room, Yusei who was watching her reactions worried followed her and found her sitting in front of a table lost in thoughts about the recent info, when she talks about her feelings regarding this reveal of the true intent of the organisation, Yusei was able to cheer her up, affirming to her he won't reject her and that they're friends/comrades and that there is people that will trust and need her now.
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5. episode 99, there is three great scenes and both very moving between these two, around beginning, middle and ending, I don't know which I like  it more...it happens in the middle of a team vs team riding duels...in the beginning, Aki's turn is coming and she is feeling very nervous, Yusei in effort to relax and encourage her and points out her parents are watching to support her and says she isn't alone anymore...
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6.episode 99, in the middle of the episode, it's revealed that before she started her time to riding duel, Yusei borrowed and entrusted his ace and favourite card, Stardust Dragon to her as token for her to have fun riding duel, between duelists and D-Wheelers, it's a very big deal, it's a sign of unwavering trust towards her (and romantic feelings for her, it's obvious he also wanted her to see schryncro summoning his fave card) and his rxcited reaction when she summoned his monster while doing the summoning chanting...
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7.episode 99+100, at the end of the episode and beginning of episode 100, Aki is feeling quite down, because she lost the duel but was able to keep Yusei's card that he borrowed her and two of her facedown cards to Yusei, after Stardust Dragon being put in his duel disk by Rua, Yusei puts his hand over the card gently and tells her "I've carried on your feelings. Let me handle the rest.", he is quite touched by her gesture and intentions...he has intentions to make up for it and more determined in not wasting her efforts... (there is much more moments I could include, but I went a little overboard with this post...)
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talaofthevalley · 5 months
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railroadz · 2 years
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finally posting my piece for the @ygocookbookzine !! this zine was such a blast and im so happy to have been a part of it!
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