argentinianidiota · 16 days
I'm sick and tired of Argentina voting another right-wing party just so we can all be shocked when said right-winged party makes us lose more and more workers rights to the point of non existence while the fucking president takes a honey moon trip to Italy with her sister so they can fuck each other.
It's fucking exhausting to still be right about peronism and leftism in this country, people see all the rights we fought so hard for and think "the government can't take that away" and vote for the fucking gremlin who wields a FUCKING CHAINSAW MACHINE as a propaganda stunt. You literally vote for your butcher and you still think voting for him makes you any less of cattle, we are, thats the whole fucking point of the proletariat, stop voting for capitalist fucks who prefer to fuck you sideways and vote for someone who at least fakes respecting you so you bend over first.
Antiperonism is a fucking virus that still works on the uninformed and sensationalist, you literally saw 3 different presidencies and still believe one is no different than the other, I hate it, hope people realize they are killing the country and giving it away to an Elon Musk fanboy
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