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desperdiciandopalabras · 10 months ago
"Institution is in Decay"
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sexii-charisma86 · 2 years ago
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Such a piece of shit. I am wholeheartedly #disgusted
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empathicnobody · 4 years ago
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Capitalism at its finest.
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eddievillanueva · 5 years ago
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Saw #hanshaacke @newmuseum today! #FuckTheMan #anarchy #overthrowthesystem #rageagainstthemachine https://www.instagram.com/p/B56MFlsFqv3/?igshid=12lwi8t0u6lvb
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iammikedee · 5 years ago
Deadname: dropped
Both Planned Parenthood and my pharmacy asked me what my preferred name was. “Mike!” I responded. Yesterday, Planned Parenthood called me by my birth name. Booo. Today, Walgreens called me by my birth name. BOOOO.
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summatimelovin · 2 years ago
Phuck the man
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empathicnobody · 4 years ago
Thank you, if I may add to this. I'm originally from NE Montana and the Bakken is very much a part of life for us and our neighbors in ND and something to remember is these people are working in below zero weather through much of the winter with windchill regularly reaching -40 F. The oils rigs in these conditions become incredibly slick and as you might imagine workers hands become incredibly numb making lethal errors incredibly easy, not to mention they are housed in paper thin trailer houses in one of the coldest places jn the nation. That entire region is facing impending economic extinction both in the oilfield and agriculture where farms are going bankrupt right and left. Studies have shown rural education to be as poor as inner city education and quite frankly these people don't have much more hope than the poor folks who were in the auto industry or the miners in Appalachia. It's honestly depressing the way they worship their oppressors because they believe if they work their asses off they'll get a fair shake.
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bexi-apparel · 7 years ago
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For real tho - fuck being responsible. Lets get our rhinestoneezz on!!
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blackbeltbabe107 · 4 years ago
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fuck your stupid boss. #fucktheman https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1CWtSl0i4TUeAf-N4AvoI-sWOO3CUpu_emgQ0/?igshid=1fx3a56pv9vj6
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greenhippiegirl-blog · 7 years ago
Are you really trying to tell me money is key to success and happiness?
Spend money to make money.
What about mother earth?
Destroying her to feed your empty soul with materials no one needs.
Want to feel real success and happiness?
Take care of mother earth and your fellow brothers and sisters. Watch how true success blooms from within.
Love yourself 💛
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empathicnobody · 4 years ago
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Nationalism in red white and blue.
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dmariehh · 4 years ago
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So I got fired today 🙃 and it legit wasn’t even for good reason I couldn’t stress that enough....
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jaxaphone · 7 years ago
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I will forever be in my own little world, always with my best people supporting me ✌❤ . . . #ownlittleworld #fucktheman #mylife #flowerchild #positive #happy #freedom #hippie #boho #indie #peace #loveyourself #quotes #blackandwhite
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empathicnobody · 5 years ago
"But if the Dead Kennedies do not like the man so dont i"
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cascadiareigns-blog · 7 years ago
Barter Faire/Okanogan Family Fair
I feel like I am just now able to steal enough time to sit and write. So, Barter Faire!! For those who aren’t quite sure what it is: The Okanogan Family Fair is a gathering that was started by some rural hippie farmers in the 70′s as a way to trade homemade and harvested goods at the end of the growing season. It eventually got so big they bought their own land to have it on and it has turned into a family festival (http://www.okanoganfamilyfaire.net/). It has been something that I have heard whispered in my circle of beautiful feral people for about 6 years now. It is on many people in my community’s must attend list along side Subdued Stringband Jamboree, Meltdown, Folklife, Hempfest, Deming Logshow, Rainbow Family Gathering etc. I have always wanted to attend and I have tried on a few occasions but it never ended up happening. But as some of you may have experience the universe has a way of growing the seeds you plant as intentions, only when you stop forcing and let it be. I felt really stuck in life like I wasn’t moving in the direction I wanted too anymore, and that my ideal life/self was not any closer. This last year I had a lot of frustration, anxiety, and depression about this and it was sort of debilitating. One of my best friends came this summer from her homestead in remote AK, and she told me in one of our talks about how I was feeling, “Why don’t you just start living like you want to? Doing the things you can right now to live like you want?”. It seems obvious, I know. But I think I just needed to hear it from someone I loved. I felt something shift in me, and I began creating and haven’t stopped since. I learned to can and bake this summer, have been crocheting, preserving foods left and right. It has felt so good! I never had any intention of attending barter fair this year. I was crafting with the intention of attending the quarterly handmade/homegrown barter event in Bellingham (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1332234776791417/). Which is another barter event I have been wanting to go to for a very long time. People kept asking me if I was planning on going to THE barter fair and I kept saying no. Then it hit me... Why the hell not!? So with a couple weeks notice I got the time off work ( I work weekends) and I crafted and canned and baked my little heart out. We should have left Friday after K got off work, but we left Sat morning. I woke up at 5am to make breakfast sandwiches and pack up Bitchin’ Minni ( our beast of a minivan). K always likes to tell me I over pack, but I AM ON POINT. We used everything I packed and it was comfortable. He went to pick up one of our besties M, while I packed.We went over highway 20 and got to Tonasket, WA in a mere 6.5 hrs ( The gps quoted us 4...!?!?). We didn’t get the address of the actual gathering so we got to Tonasket and asked people at a gas station. They said, “7/8 miles west on 20″. So there we went. K HATES to go anywhere without a set address or directions, and I am of the “let the universe guide us” foo foo. So he immediately started worrying and getting antsy. SInce he was our generous driver I told him to drive as long as he felt comfortable, then turn around to go back to town to find more concrete information. At the point where I was about to strangle him and he said ok Im turning around he turned left to do so and THERE IT WAS. We turned right up the road to the fair. Divine guidance ya’ll ;) We got there and realized it was COLD. I had packed in anticipation of this, and all the snow we saw on the way told us it was coming. But jeez it was cold. We got there and layered the F up. It was already 11am so after exploring a bit we realized we needed to find a family friendly place to camp and K realized he needed to do his run. So he did that and M and I and the kids went to find a good spot and we did. Another divine gift. We found a very large spot right next to “town” and our neighbors told us that a lady had been chasing people away from it all day, but we figured we would set up anyway and talk to her if she came to shoo us. We got enough room to have the van, two tents, our trading table, our fire pit, and chairs. Perfect :) The lady did end up showing just to tell us she had been saving that spot for her friends RV but their friend just canceled when we showed up. She had saved it for us with out even knowing it! This lady and I did multiple trades and it turns out she knew many mutual friends of ours. Our other camp neighbors ended up being folks who live on the same community property as our good friend in Bellingham, and we actually spent Halloween with them. All in all in was a really amazing experience.It was something that I had wanted in my life for a long time. I really believe that incorporating handmade goods and barter into my life can help make a difference. I going to get a little real here so feel free to bow out if you don’t like anti-establishment sentiments or curse words. Why barter? Because fuck the man. Fuck taxes. Fuck consumerism. I want to have less stuff of more quality. I want to trade and say fuck money and fuck capitalism. And when I do give away my money I want to give it to real people, not throw it into the economic abyss and hope some pennies trickle down to my neighbors. I want to drink illegal milk and eat illegal eggs and sell illegal food because fuck the FDA. I want to build community and love people because fuck isolating technology. I want to build a world that I dream up for my kids and their friends, because fuck the oppressive system and culture that keeps us from it. Whew okay I’m done. But really, The Man eats money. Stop giving The Man your money. If you want to make a little bit of a difference you don’t have to light up a J and slap an ANTIFA patch on. I know so many regular joes joining the barter movement because IT FEELS GOOD. Put energy into your craft and put it out there, take the baby steps every day to build your dream life, think about how your actions and your consumption effect others and our environment.
Thanks for letting me share with you,
PS  I keep trying to insert pictures with my words but I can’t figure out how the heck to do it. You can see what pictures I took if you follow me on Facebook. 
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nihlisticalchemist · 6 years ago
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Fuck, even the cookies know the revolution is coming. #fortunecookie #revolution #fucktheman #theygetit #itstime #fortune #wrongdoing #virtue https://www.instagram.com/p/BurXXIXBaDq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13k8abfulqxc4
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