surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSurreal And FuckinSway - September 13th, 2013
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/I left after helping @PoutyIsabella get Pippa down for her nap, my Camaro cruising down the few blocks to the shop. Glancing down at my watch after parking I see I still had time to set up for my appointment for the day.
I climb up the back steps, and unlock the back door to duck into the air cooled interior of the building. The shop atmosphere is fairly subdued, #Ted was etching some ink into a college dude who’s yapping his gums about the UT game tomorrow.
I tick my head up in greeting to him as his eyes cut my way, then stride over to my station to get it sanitized. Thoughts of the evening’s plans playing in the back of my head/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I throw my pencil down on to the pad of paper. I can’t concentrate. I keep thinking back to the other night when I had @FuckinLucid in my dream. So real I could touch and almost taste her… until my damn phone went off and woke me up.
Gah! I run my fingers through my hair. I need to get out of this apartment. I quickly stand up and grab my keys, locking up and leaving the building.
My feet take me in whatever direction they feel like going, the pavement crunching under my shoes. I realize that I’m walking towards the bar and also to the shop where @FuckinSurreal works. I think I’ll stop by to visit.* 
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /I scan my eyes around the shop, wondering if the new girl @FuckinWolfBites is working today and how she’s getting on with everyone, my attention turning toward the front shop window catching a glimpse of someone I think looks like @FuckinSway just outside/ 
 Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I enter through the doorway, eyes scanning the room before they land on @FuckinSurreal. He doesn’t look like he is too busy and I walk up to him.*
Hey man, I don’t know if you remember me. We met at the expo. I thought I’d stop by to visit.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/Stripping the latex from my hands I stand upright to clap palms with @FuckinSway/
Hey man, Julian, right? Yes, I remember you.
You were the one who was hanging around @FuckinLucid, your stalker.
/Shakes head, grinning/
How you been doing? 
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I grin back at @FuckinSurreal.*
I’m good, I’m good.
*Rubbing the back of my neck for a second.*
So, how do you know @FuckinLucid anyway? 
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Spins out a seat for you, checking over your shoulder for any sign of my client, turning back to you with a quirk of my brow at your question/
How do I know @FuckinLucid? Hm, you can stay we tend to bump into each other.
/Chuckles shortly/ 
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
Yeah… @FuckinLucid has a way of doing that. So… how are you doing?
*I look around at all the artwork on the walls. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if he wanted to look at any of my art.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Swivels in my seat, yanking the latex free from my other hand, taking in the time and seeing my client is late/
Yes @Fuckinlucid does.
/Mumbles under my breath/
Seems to find herself in trouble as well.
/Clears throat, reaching for the sketch for today’s sitting, tucking it into my sketch book realizing the client may not be making it in/
I’m well. Hey, are you up for a brew?
/Calls out over your shoulder asking #Shace to call up the client for a reschedule before turning back to you/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Grins at @FuckinSurreal.*
I’m definitely up for that.
*I watch him put the sketch away. I love the chill vibe I am getting from him. It is comfortable and putting me totally at ease. I stand up from the chair and smile.*
Lead the way.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Pushes my palms off the back of my chair, recapping the inks and clearing my guns away safely before snatching up my sketch book. I tuck it under my arm, letting #Shace know I was out for the night and turning on my heel toward the back of the shop/
Cool, I stay out back so it’s not too far.
/Stops at the foot of the stairway for you, climbing up the short flight to unlock my door. Hand delving into my jeans for the keys, pushing it open for you to pass through/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I walk through the doorway and take a glance around @FuckinSurreal’s place. I like it. I wait for him to come through the door before striding over to the living area.*
You got a nice place here @FuckinSurreal. And it is not far from work. That is always a good thing.
*I plop myself down in a chair.*
What kind of brew do you have?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Chuckles quietly, striding over to the fridge, dropping my sketches over the bartop as I scan the almost bare shelves/
I’ve got some Heineken or Bud. Which do you prefer?
/Thinking I’d need to restock the supplies soon, but wondering if I should even bother with as much time I’d been spending over at @PoutyIsabella’s house/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
A Bud sounds good to me.
*I get up and wander over to the fridge where @FuckinSurreal is. I pop open the cap after he hands it to me and take a gulp.*
Ahhh… this is refreshing. So how long have you lived here @FuckinSurreal?
*I sit down on one of the kitchen chairs, fiddling with the paper surrounding the brown bottle.*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Grins over the mouth of my bottle of Heineken, swigging back a thick gulp before lowering/
Thanks, about the place before. Hm… I’ve been here a few months now. I think it’s been that long.
So what’s been new with you?
/Hoping to find out why you were looking for @FuckinLucid before, walking over to drop into a bar stool beside you/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I rub my neck uncomfortably, not sure whether to speak about the dream invasion by @FuckinLucid or her tattoos moving.*
Let me ask you a question. When we were at the Expo and @FuckinLucid got her tatt, did you see anything… strange?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /My brow and interest quirk at that. I cough out my swig of beer, spilling it onto the bar top with a throat clear being somewhat caught off guard at your question. Did you see the same thing I had? I reach over the counter for a rag to soak up the spill/
What do you mean strange? What exactly did you see while I was inking @FuckinLucid?
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I’m silent for a moment. @FuckinSurreal is going to think I’m nuts. But, I blurt out anyway.*
It might have been a trick of my eyes, but I thought I saw @FuckinLucid’s tattoos moving. It was very strange. It could have been the lighting. I don’t know. I was also getting a strange feeling off of her.
*I snap my mouth shut before I give away what I can do and what I can feel. I can’t go around announcing that I’m an empath. I take a swig of beer.*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /I swallow another sip of the cool brew, allowing things to sink in. You had seen@FuckinLucid’s ink move. I knew it wasn’t my eyes. No, and no trick of light. I remember that look of bliss over @FuckinLucid’s features, the strange reaction to the ink as it was absorbed into her skin. I sit quiet, studying you. I felt somewhat protective of @FuckinLucid. Why were you so interested in her? I roam over your form folding in the seat next to me, you didn’t seem like a threat. I tick my head down with a low hum/
Yeah. I saw the same thing. But what does that mean?
/A question that had been playing in a loop in my mind ever since the day of the Expo/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*My brows pull together as @FuckinSurreal admits that he saw it as well. First, her ink moves.
Then, she invades my dreams. Why? How? I’m deep in thought for a moment, playing with the beer wrapper again. What is @FuckinLucid’s deal? Does she have a special ability like mine? I glance over at@FuckinSurreal.*
I honestly have no clue. I wonder how it is able to move. Any ideas? Have you seen anything like that before?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway /Shakes my head on my broad shoulders, pulling the last draw on my beer with a low mumble/
I’ve never seen it before.
/Blue eyes shifting down to my clock and seeing I needed to get a move on. I still had to clean up and grab last minute things for the plans I had with @PoutyIsabella later tonight. I stand upright, gathering up my empty bottle/
Sorry, dude, I’ve got to get ready for the night.
/Tosses my bottle into the bin, walking over to clap a palm over the top of your shoulder/
Whatever it is, we’re not going to get to the bottom of it tonight.
/Shakes head/
I’ll speak with @FuckinLucid about it more next time I see her.
/Maybe she can enlighten more as to what was going on and what was up with her skin art/
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I finish my beer and stand up, tossing it in the same place @FuckinSurreal did.*
It’s all good man. And remember, if you ever want to come down to the bar, I can get you free drinks, plus you get to see me play my set.
I hope you have a good evening man! I’ll see you next time.
*I leave @FuckinSurreal’s apartment, thoughts flying through my head. I step out into the warm air, gravel on the sidewalk crunching under my feet as I stride quickly in the direction of my apartment. What an enigma @FuckinLucid is. I wonder if I’ll ever see her again. I shrug, reaching my apartment. I guess I’ll have to see.*
0 notes
surrealinkk · 11 years
FuckinSurreal And FuckinLucid
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/The thunderheads were growing in size in the distance, discomfort strong in the tendons of my hands. Restlessness in full drive as I toss in my sheets, my bones weary but wouldn’t rest. The impending storm had my hard body tense and shaking almost expecting the dreaded dream episodes from before. I needed to keep awake.
I sit up with a harsh exhale. The clock is blaring red bright numbers, the time five in the morning as a tired groan rushes past my firm lips. I’d had a busy day working on a twelve hour sitting, the client holding strong like a fuckin’ trooper, my knuckles blasted from the long session.
I knead over them in the low room’s light, my eyes catching on @FuckinLucid’s nap sack. I’d yet to be able to return it, or see @FuckinLucid again after the expo. I push my palms off the edge of my mattress, my body rising upright to lift up the bag. I had no idea where to find @FuckinLucid.
The club where @FuckinSway performed was a bust. For now. I turn my attention back to the bag, unzipping slowly to rummage through quickly and only seeing some of her personal belongings.
Looking in the front zipper compartment I find something that may work. A pay check stub for a coffee shop. The address not far from where the shop is located.
I pull on some loose fitting, low hip hanging black sweats, a grey sweat hoodie, and my sneaks to sprint out the door. It was a long shot, but maybe a coffee run would be just the answer.
I swing the strap of @FuckinLucid’s bag over my shoulder, small drizzling drops starting to fall as I tug up the hood on my sweater with my hands thrusting into the side pockets/
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[As I leave @FuckinSway’s apartment, a sense of relief lifts from my shoulders at the awkward tension which was bearing down on me. Oh shit. Did we actually… sleep together? I try to push away memories. Not sure whether I want to think about it right at this moment.  I needed to get to work.
It was so early, but the manager had asked me to open up today as she wasn’t going to be around. I’d stupidly agreed to it. Why? Why did I drink the night before? It was taking a while for the painkillers I took from @FuckinSway’s cabinet to kick in. But one thing I was certain of… No nightmares. No feeding. I slept. And I didn’t feel shitty.]
[As I walk to work, deep in thought, I fail to notice the light drizzle that’s soaking through the already dirty clothes I’m wearing. I also don’t happen to see @FuckinSurreal as I walk straight into his back, almost knocking us both over.]
Whoops! Sorry!
[I grab onto him to balance myself.]
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/I stumble forward with a high squeak of my sneaks, palms reaching out and back to steady both myself and the clumsy fucker behind me./
What in the fuck?
/I growl, @FuckinLucid face blurring as we straighten up/
/I push down the hood on my sweater, allowing myself to take in @FuckinLucid fully once I’ve gained my wits some. She looked a bit disheveled and beat with heavy bags under her eyes/
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I hear @FuckinSurreal curse and I wince. It’s not like I meant to crash into him. I scrub my hands over my face before giving him a sheepish smile.]
Hey there, @FuckinSurreal. Long time no see.
[I look up to see him standing outside of the coffee-shop.]
Waiting for me?
 Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinLucid /I shake my head, my rusty hair falling forward somewhat damp from the drizzles/
I was stopping in for a cup of Joe. Are you okay? I didn’t knock anything loose, did I?
/Jacks a brow down at you while moving to the front door to open for us/
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[My eyes widen at hearing @FuckinSway’s name… or what I thought was his name…]
Joe? What did he say? I haven’t seen him since…
[I don’t want to admit that I just came from his place. I clear my throat.]
Yeah. I’m fine.
[I wave my hand dismissively and laugh nervously before pulling out the keys to the shop and dropping them on the floor. I bend down to pick them up and sigh at my obvious clumsiness.]
I’m damn peachy!
[I mutter under my breath]
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinLucid /My brows draw inward at how jittery and nervous you’ve suddenly become. Joe? Who’s Joe?
I vaguely remember you calling @FuckinSway Joe at the expo, chuckling low while I swoop forward to snatch up the wet keys from the rain slick concrete.
Why was @FuckinLucid suddenly acting nervous and confused when I mention @FuckinSway? I hand her the keys, shaking my head thinking there was definitely something up. @FuckinLucid’s attempt at fibbing about @FuckinSway falling flat/
Right. You sure about that, Aleva?
/I chuckle low adjusting the strap of @FuckinLucid’s bag on my shoulder/
Oh hey, you forgot this before.
/Trails off as I pass you the lightly rain covered bag while @FuckinLucid fumbled with the shop lock/
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[My eyes dart between the door I’m unlocking and something @FuckinSurreal is holding in his hand. My backpack.]
Oh, damn. I’d forgotten about that…
[Which was unusual as it had my iPod, my beloved blanket that I carried everywhere and a couple of other personal possessions. The door clicks open and I hold it open whilst holding my hand out for the bag.]
Thanks. Step in. @FuckinSurreal
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinLucid /I tick my head down, stepping quickly through the doorway when a loud rumble of thunder rolls through, the rain drops growing in size. I brush off the tops of my sweater/
You are welcome. How has your tattoo healed?
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I follow @FuckinSurreal inside the shop and make my way over to the alarm. Keying in the code and setting the bag down on the nearest table. I switch the power to the building on, waiting for the lights to slowly brighten the dim room.]
Um… fine.  
[I walk over to @FuckinSurreal and hold out my arm for him to see. Running my finger over the bumpy inked skin.]
All is good. Sorry about almost passing out by the way. I’m not sure what came over me. It’s the first time that’s happened. Can I get you something to drink? I’m guessing you didn’t come to chit-chat at 5am…
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/I run the pads of my fingers over the inside of @FuckinLucid’s forearm, nodding in approval at how well it was healing. The ink taking well./
I could use some caffeine, @FuckinLucid. I’m glad to see you’re doing better after. You had me concerned when you stumbled off.
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I pull my arm away from @FuckinSurreal and walk over to the coffee machine, setting everything up and filling it up with fresh coffee beans.]
How did the rest of the Expo go? Get your name out a bit?
[I grab a couple of clean cups and the milk from the fridge.]
What kinda coffee do you want? I’m making myself a latte.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinLucid /My firm lips turn down, palms scrubbing over the scruff of my cheeks while you start your set up/
It went well. It boosted the shops traffic that’s for sure.
/Shakes my head, folding onto one of the tall stools/
Don’t give me none of that foamy fru fru ladies coffee. I’ll take a dark roasted blend of anything you got.
/Turning back to your ink/
Do you usually have those type of reactions while having ink done?
/Shifts my feet to rest over the stools bottom rail, waiting/
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I chuckle as I pour steaming dark liquid into a cup for @FuckinSurreal, handing the drink over.]
Nope. I’ve got many tats and never have I experienced something like that.
[But I can’t tell you it was due to my lack of sleep and need to have a fix.]
I must have forgotten to eat or something.
[I shrug it off, pouring the hot milk and coffee shot into my own cup before joining @FuckinSurreal at a table.]
Need sugar or anything?
 Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/I pour a small amount of cream, adding some sugar with a hard stir before slipping my rear from the stool to join @FuckinLucid. I wasn’t buying her story, @FuckinLucid’s gaze shifting away hesitantly some when I asked about her reaction, remembering that look of utter bliss cracking her features while my guns brazed the ink into her skin.
I settle down into the seat across from @FuckinLucid, blunt nails tapping over the ceramic sides of the coffee mug as I steel my gaze over to @FuckinLucid/
What about them moving? You mind sharing what that was all about, @FuckinLucid?
/I stare down into the steaming dark contents of my coffee mug/
I know I wasn’t imagining that, was I?
⌘ ☯ Aleva ☮ ⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[The coffee mug I’m holding slips from my hands as an image of ink shifting across my skin flashes through my mind.  A customer chooses that moment to walk in and I move away from @FuckinSurreal, not knowing how to respond to his query.
I’d thought it was a dream, or I’d imagined it in my sleepy haze. But if two of us had seen it, then surely it had to be more than that. I serve the customer, frothy milk is still hot from the latte I made myself so I can serve her fairly quickly. But before I can talk to @FuckinSurreal, another customer comes in. My hands are shaking and I’m not sure if it’s from the caffeine already hitting my system or the shock of the question @FuckinSurreal just posed.
By the time I’ve finished with the flurry of customers… I realise @FuckinSurreal has left the shop. I bite my lip nervously. Thrusting my hands into my hair and not knowing what to do except keep serving and keep working. For now that is.]
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinLucid And FuckinSway
Aleva:  I sigh as I start to rouse from the most restful sleep I’ve had in a while. Despite the sleep being all well and good, my muscles ache and I seem to be developing a headache. I moan to myself, wondering what time it is. I should be okay to rest a little longer. I only usually stay sleeping for a couple of hours at the most. Wouldn’t it be great if I could just keep a coffee maker next to my bed. I chuckle to myself and stretch a little. My leg coming into contact with something. Huh…
Julian:  The fingers of sleep are beginning to loosen its hold and I become aware of a throbbing in my head. I shift in my slumber to throw my arm around my pillow, what seems to be a nice, warm, soft pillow. Wait, pillows aren’t supposed to be warm like this. My eyes flutter as I try to wake up and open them.
Aleva:  A man’s arm is flung over me and it takes me a moment to register the tattooed arm of Julian. ARGHHHHHHHH I yell and jump out of what I presumed to be my bed. It’s not my bed. It’s his! Oh my god! I look down. I’M NAKED! I make a grab for the sheet.
Julian:  My eyes fly open at the sound of Aleva’s voice, staring at her standing there, naked, before she makes a grab for the sheet. I quickly grab a corner of it to cover my junk as I am naked too. My fogged brain questions why I’m naked for a split second before the obvious conclusion dawns on me. What the fuck!
Aleva:  Stumbling as I’m pulled back towards the bed with the sheet. I scowl atJulian. Did you drug me? Creep! I’m sooooo gonna kick your arse!!! Frowning. When I’m dressed that is. Care to explain how I ended up in your bed?
Julian:  I’m just as shocked as Aleva is. Why on god’s green earth would I drug you to sleep with you? I’m trying to think, remember last night, silent for a moment before speaking. I suspect that I was drunk. My head is beginning to throb harder. Do you remember anything?
Aleva:  I blink for a moment as I think back to the night before. Drinking, dancing, kissing… Um… I cough as the image of sweaty nakedness burns into the forefront of my mind. I shake my head vigorously. Nope. Nothing. You?
Julian:  I vaguely remember the bar… warm, responsive flesh under my hands… I don’t remember jack-shit.
Aleva:  Ah-ha! I point a finger towards Julian. I remember you wanted me to call you by your name! Jack…. Right? I nod my head.
Julian:  You were calling out JACK? I feel a bit offended at this, arching a brow.You know damn well my name is Julian. You must have loved it though if you were calling out my name. I smirk.
Aleva:  Loved what exactly? Are you saying we… did it? I gasp. Did you at least wrap it? Must have been “some” night for me not to recall a single thing! I grab a discarded t-shirt of Julian’s from the floor, flinging it on.
Julian:  My boxers are right next to the bed and I quickly step into them. I find a discarded condom wrapper flung on the floor and I hold it up for Aleva to see.Would you like to repeat the experience so you do remember? My smirk gets wider, a wicked gleam in my eye.
Aleva:  I shake my head at Julian in disgust before seeing the clock. Shit, I’m late for work! How did that happen? I slept a whole night and don’t even recall a single dream? Due to the alcohol intake? Thinking of the amount of whiskey and tequila I drank, has my stomach churning and the my head pounding. Can you direct me to your painkillers?
Julian:  Painkillers would be a good idea. I can’t seem to think straight with this headache and the remaining alcohol in my veins. I groan. What the fuck did I do? All this manly fronting is not going to make this situation any better. I drop my gaze from Aleva and scratch the back of my head uncomfortably. Yeah, err, in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I turn away from her to find a shirt.
Aleva:  I pick up my clothes on the way to the bathroom. I want to be away fromhim as quickly as possible. Why didn’t I dream? Or did I dream and just not remember? If so… then why don’t I remember? Did I have my own dreams? Did I slip into Julian’s mind? I shake my head at the thought. That wasn’t possible. Hewould have been suffering nightmares all of last night and he certainly wouldn’t have that ridiculous smirk like a kid on Christmas morning. Once in the bathroom, I quickly start to get washed and dressed, remembering to steal the bottle of painkillers for my headache whilst at work.
Julian:  As soon as she is out of the room I rest my hands in front of me on the dresser, hanging my head and blowing out a breath. The amount of the uncomfortable emotions Aleva was flinging out is almost crawling out of my skin. It only is intensifying my own emotions. The feeling has eased up a little since she had walked out of the room, but she is still in my apartment and those tendrils are still making its way into me. I stand up and scrub a hand over my face, running my fingers through my hair. I need to manipulate her into feeling calmer.
Aleva:  I tie my hair up off my neck. I’m sweating and my palms are clammy. I feel like I’m having a panic attack. Then the strangest thing begins to happen. A wave of calmness from nowhere starts to relax me. It’s foreign. I know it’s not my own emotions. But I can’t explain it and I cling to it. I close my eyes for a moment and try to focus on it, taking a few deep breaths.  When I feel ready, I leave the bathroom. I look around for where I must have dropped my purse, seeing it on the floor near the door. I walk towards it, shouting to Julian at the same time. I used your toothbrush! May want to get a new one!
Julian:  I see Aleva walk out of the bathroom yelling about my toothbrush. I sigh and walk to the bathroom. My eyes can’t help but fly to the toothbrushes on the sink. I notice the one that is still dripping water. I can’t help but laugh. She didn’t use my toothbrush, Aleva used Belle’s.
Aleva:  I don’t know what to do. This is the place I’m temporarily supposed to be staying at. But everything is different now.  I’m not even sure if I’m welcome anymore. I can’t really think of anywhere else to go. Perhaps Vane can recommend somewhere. It would be nice to see him without being knocked out or passing out. I make it my plan to pop by Vane’s place soon and say hey. For now though, I have to get to work. And figure out what happened. I’m not even shaking anymore. Could Julian be the one to thank for that? I slip the handle of my bag over my shoulder as I wander back to the open bathroom door. He is standing in there and I clear my throat to get his attention.
Julian:  I look over to Aleva. It’s much easier now to be around her since her emotions have calmed, not that the awkwardness has completely disappeared. I can barely look her in the eyes, regret flooding through me and I hold the feeling back from leaking all over the place and affecting her. Yes, Aleva?
Aleva:  I shift from foot to foot, not looking Julian in the eyes. I just wanted to say thank you for the dance… and I’ll see you around  sometime. Maybe. I don’t givehim a chance to reply as I walk away. Heading to the apartment exit as quickly as possible.
Julian:  I have no clue what to say and I just watch Aleva walk away. Part of me wants to make sure she is okay and the other part just wants to avoid her. How could I be so stupid? My jaw clenches as I walk out of the bathroom to go to the kitchen. I need a cup of coffee… badly.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinLucid And FuckinSway
One Night Stand
Aleva:  I step into the bar that Julian suggested we go to. Actually, I didn’t really care at that moment whether we were in the street, at a nightclub or back at the coffee-shop where I worked. As long as we were away from his apartment and alcohol was involved. I glance around at the bar surroundings. First impressions of this place are that it looks like a complete dive. There is a smoky atmosphere to the place. The low sounding jukebox fills the room with sleezy notes. The click of a cue hitting a pool ball makes my head snap to the side and I smirk. I’d be playing a game of that later. I step further into the room to allow Julian walk in behind me. Nice place.
Julian:  I chuckle as I enter behind Aleva and guide her to the bar area, sitting down on one of the stools. The bar top is slightly sticky from the previous customer’s spilled drinks. Obviously the bartender is slacking if it isn’t that busy and he’s not wiping down the wooden countertop. I wait for Aleva to sit down before turning to her. What kind of poison would you like tonight?
Aleva:  I hop onto a stool and lean forward on the bar. Ignoring Julian for the moment and shouting… Yo… can we get a little service? I slam my hand down on the wooden counter a few times before sitting back and smirking at him. I’ll have a top shelf.
Julian:  I cringe at Aleva’s behavior, sizing up the burly looking bartender who is now heading in our direction. I tightly smile at him and explain.She’s overly excited to be let out the house, don’t mind her. We’ll have two double Patron tequila’s.
Aleva:  I snort and elbow Julian in the ribs. Creep. The insult doesn’t come out as intended. It now feels more like a light joke than a serious blow to his personality. I smirk and watch the bartender fix up our drinks. So… is it always this slow here?  Actually the bar looked pretty wicked cool. But asJulian recommended it and I’m trying to find more reasons to dislike him, I didn’t want to like this place either. I decide to make it my own personal mission to rule Julian out of my life, to try and hate the evening as much as possible and make sure he doesn’t want anything to do with me in future.
Julian:  I shake my head and try to hide a slight grin at Aleva’s insult.Ahhh… you keep saying that but I’m beginning to think that you don’t really mean it that much. I thank the barman for the shots and kick mine back, letting the liquor burn down my throat to pool in my stomach.
Aleva:  I wink at the man who served us as he glares right back at me. I grab the shot and acknowledge Julian in thanks. Cheers for offering to pay for the drinks all night! I down the shot, the liquid stinging my lips and burning down my throat. I gasp and pull a face as I slam the glass down on the bar, shuddering. Ugh… that was nasty. I wipe my mouth before smirking. We’ll have another two! I turn to Julian and hold out my hand.Got some change for the music box, Joe?
Julian:  I stare down at Aleva’s outstretched hand and flick my gaze back up to her face, raising my brows at her question… ney, more like a demand. I reach into my back pocket for my wallet and pull out a few dollars, placing them in her fingers. Make sure you put something good on for me. I turn my attention back to the shot glass placed in front of me. I think getting drunk is a good idea, muttering. I need to be drunk to put up with your ass…
Aleva:  I snatch the money from Julian’s hand and sneer. I heard that. I turn my back on him, smirking as I stroll over to the machine. I might just put Britney on. I could do with a little dancing. Chuckling to myself as I flick through some of the artists.
Julian:  Britney? Fuck. No. I slide off my stool to follow Aleva, coming up behind her and placing my hands on either side of her on the jukebox, leaning in and speaking in her ear as I watch her flip through the songs.How about some Ozzy?
Aleva:  I almost jump out of my skin as Julian’s voice sounds close to my ear. I brush up against his arm as he cages me in. Excuse me, but you ever heard of something called “personal space”? I rest my hand on his chest to push Julian away before shivering from the the contact. I narrow my eyes and stamp on his foot to get him to move. Move, Joe. I’m picking the song!
Julian:  I wince at the sudden twinge of pain traveling through my foot, backing off from Aleva. Now, now pet. Play nice. There was no good reason to go stomping on my feet. I smirk at her.
Aleva:  I blink innocently at Julian. Oh… that was your foot? I thought it was some creepy bug creature. Smirking as I turn back to the jukebox. I put the money in and flick through various tracks until I come across one I like. Perfect.
Julian:  Love Is Strong by The Rolling Stones comes on and I grunt in appreciation. Okay, so maybe Aleva has decent taste in music. I glance back over to the bar area. Want me to grab another drink for you?
Aleva:  I practically skip over to the bar and down the second shot still waiting. The buzz of the alcohol working its way through my veins. It’s not quite as satisfying as the adrenaline of a dream being twisted into a nightmare, but it killed the craving of wanting to fall asleep. I tilt my head as I watch Julian follow me back to the bar. Under different circumstances I might have even been attracted to him. But being a junkie and needing a fix constantly made my brain want something else. Hit me up, Joe. I gesture to the bottles of whiskey.
Julian:  The corner of my mouth lifts up at Aleva’s new demand. Name is Julian… I lift my hand to grab the bartender’s attention, picking up on his emotions. Bordom is pouring off of him in waves as he approaches me. I smile at him. Can I get a bottle of Jack and two shot glasses.
Aleva:  I shrug at Julian and wait for him to pour the shots. My skin feels so tight it’s beginning to itch. I tap my fingers impatiently on the bar top.Sure. I’ll remember for next time. I nod at the shot glasses, wishing hewould just hurry and pour already.
Julian:  I pour the two shots, grabbing one and knocking it back. I pick up the other one, moving to hand it to Aleva. I wait for her to reach for it and at the last moment lifting the glass to my own mouth to down it. I settle the empty shot back on the counter and smirk at her. Now, what is my name?
Aleva:  I try to process what just happened. Julian drank my shot and then demanded I call him by his girly, weird name? Um… Julio?
Julian:  I pour two more shots. Tsk, tsk, tsk… nope, that’s not it. I down the two shots before looking at Aleva with a big grin across my face. I’m beginning to pick up on a little bit of frustration coming from her and I shrug. I’m waiting for you to get it right. I pour the next two shots, the alcohol beginning its insidious slide into my brain.
Aleva:  I sigh, determined that I’m not giving in. Sorry, Juliette. That better? My hands clench and unclench. I need… something.
Julian:  I do a repeat of taking shots and pouring them. The waves of intense frustration spilling its tendrils out of Aleva’s emotions and registering in my brain. I laugh at her, waving the glass in front of her face. What is my name, pet?
Aleva:  JULIAN! I don’t wait for you to pour me a shot. I reach up and grab the bottle from your hand, necking it and taking a few gulps of the amber liquid to catch up. I maintain eye contact as I do so, finishing and licking my lips. Mmmmm. Yum.
Julian:  My eyes follow the trail of Aleva’s tongue swiping across her lips, my own curling up. I gulp down the two drinks I had poured and suggest to her. You want to play pool or something?
Aleva:  I smirk as The Regulator by The Clutch sounds around the room. I shake my head at Julian. I’d rather dance. I don’t wait for a reply as I take the bottle with me to a bit of open space. My skin is warm, I’m buzzed and light-headed. I take another sip of the whiskey bottle in my hand, swaying to the guitar in the song.
Julian:  I follow Aleva, watching the way her hips are swaying as she dancing, patrons glancing in her direction as she is waving the bottle of Jack in her hand. I slide up behind her and reach my hand up to grab it from her as I murmur. You aren’t going to start stripping again are you?
Aleva:  I should be offended by Julian’s comment. I allow him to take the whiskey from me as I lean up and begin to whisper the lyrics to him. And how many times… have I prayed? I smirk as I move away from him and continue to dance in my own little world.
Julian:  I lift the bottle to my own lips to take a swallow before going to where Aleva had moved. I smirk to myself as I drink in the sight of herdancing. I really can’t help myself when I approach her from behind and slide an arm around her waist as I lower the Jack in front of her.
Aleva:  I allow Julian to bring the bottle to my lips as I keep dancing, sipping the drink and laughing as it spills. I turn around and find myself up close and personal with him. His grey eyes boring into mine. An unexpected shiver slides over me and electrical tingles flutter inside. I frown. Unsure if it’s the alcohol or something else. Despite wanting to pushhim away, part of me is enjoying the close proximity. I clear my throat and step back out of his embrace. I think I want to leave. Find a motel.
Julian:  I raise my brows at Aleva’s forwardness, flicking my gaze up and down her body. I lick my lips before speaking. Why do we  need a motel? We can just go back to my apartment…
Aleva:  I frown before slapping his arm. No, you creep! I’m going there alone. As in… by myself!
Julian:  I take a look at the clock on the wall. It’s almost two in the morning. Just finish the bottle and we’ll go back to my place.
Aleva:  The combination of dancing and drinking have infused me with a merry, high-spirited happiness. And whatever this other sensation is, it was getting stronger. I know it’s not a good idea, but I nod along to Julian’s suggestion anyways. I didn’t want to stop in a cheap motel. The first night I’d had peace in a long while was in the comfort of his apartment. It would only be one more night. What was the harm in that? I take the bottle again from him and drain the rest of the contents. I grab ontoJulian’s arm for extra support as my mind blurs at the edges, a fuzzy bliss making me giggle. Lead the way!
Julian:  I chuckle when Aleva sways on my arm while I escort her out of the bar. The night has a soft breeze to it, ruffling her hair and wafting her scent towards me. I look down at her. Do you want to sleep in my bed?
Aleva:  I raise my brow before stumbling. Whoops. They should make these pavements level… I tilt my head at the perfectly straight ground. Muttering… Sure. Prove me wrong. I cling onto Julian for more stability. Not even paying attention to his words.
Julian:  I shrug at the ignored question and I stumble along with Aleva to my apartment building. I grab the keys from my pocket as we walk up the steps. I shift my arm that she is on so that I’m holding her hand instead to help her get up the stairs better. I chuckle as Aleva wavers slightly. Almost there…
Aleva:  I’m holding your hand… I bring up your fingers for my scrutiny as we walk along the passageway to your door. You know…  I like your hands. I bite my lip as I try to reword what I’m saying. I mean, they do so much. You draw with them… I rub my own fingers along his. Another wave of something making me breathless. You play the guitar. You’re very talented and skilled with them. You know? I look up at Julian to see if he actually understands what I’m trying to say as we pause outside the door to his apartment.
Julian:  I feel a spike of arousal pouring off of Aleva as she plays with my hand. I inwardly groan. She. Is. Fuckin. Killing. Me. I’m starting to harden within my pants and I only pray that she doesn’t look down to see the erection straining my jeans. I don’t even process what she has said, just answer. Yes. I quickly stick the key in the lock, struggling with it for a moment before opening the door.
Aleva:  Too hot. I feel too warm and suffocated. The need to remove something, anything is strong. I turn to Julian and the mental image of him stripping my clothes off has me turning away and blushing. I try to fan myself with my hand. Unsure of what I’m doing as I move away from him and step into the apartment. I have to get out of these clothes. I’m speaking mostly to myself, but I can feel something change within the air around us as the words slip from my mouth.
Julian:  I stand still for a moment as Aleva speaks those words, then back her up to the wall, hands sliding into her hair as I lower my mouth to claim hers in a shattering kiss. I press in close to her as my lips start to explore hers, all rational thought going out the window.
Aleva:  A moan escapes my mouth as Julian’s lips slant against mine in a possessive kiss. I don’t respond at first. Even the small contact of a kiss has been so long. It’s like T.N.T. for my mind. I forget the need to feed the monster inside of me which lurks and waits for me to fall asleep. I forget where I am and who I’m actually with. The skin to skin contact is enough to drive  me crazy with something. Needing anything. I lift my hands to hisshoulders and cling to him harder. Tasting the whiskey on his tongue and forgetting everything else but this moment.
Julian:  Deepening the kiss and growling in the back of my throat as I slide my hands from Aleva’s hair, down her arms to her waist, cupping her ass and pulling her even closer to me. I love the feel of her hands on me, the taste of her. Everything around me is just feeling and passionate emotions, the arousal from her feeding mine and in turn feeding back into her in one big circuit. I have an overwhelming need to consume, devour her. I sweep my tongue into her mouth, sliding against Aleva’s.
Aleva:  A wave of something foreign, but delicious crashes over me and I groan as I press closer to Julian. my skin burning with every touch. I want more, but not here. I pull regrettably back from the kiss. Bedroom?
Julian:  I open my eyes to look at Aleva, not hesitating to pick her up in my arms, mouth closing back on hers again as I carry her to my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinLucid, FuckinSway And FuckinSwiper
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I crack my neck as I leave the coffee shop. A ten-hour shift with only a twenty-minute break. I know I am being over-worked and under paid. But it’s keeping me busy, and right now I need busy. Last night I’d managed to get some good sleep. But rest didn’t seem to be helping me anymore. The more I rested, the more I wanted to take from other people. The more I was tempted to drift into the minds of innocents. To see what they see, to feel what they feel. The joys, pleasures of their dreams. Taking the energy and letting it seep into my own skin. Transferring their beautiful imaginings into my own personal hell. I can’t stop. I don’t know how to. So work is keeping me active. Busy. Distracted. I badly want a cool breeze to drift across my skin as I walk through the streets, but the muggy, warm Texas air chokes the energy right out of me. Like I haven’t been downing coffee shots all day. I sigh as I pick up the pace back to @FuckinSway’s apartment. Perhaps a small nap whilst he was working would tie me over until the evening.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*After emptying my suitcase back in my wardrobe, I look around, not finding my iPod. I had left town for a few days, after the fear I had felt when seeing what I did the night at the strip club, I had needed to escape for a while. I hadn’t explained @FuckinSway where I was going or why I had left. After all, what was I supposed to tell him? That I had seen a flash of Beckett kidnapping me to bring me to the boss of his gang? Yeah right! I moved back to the thoughts of my iPod and decided that maybe@FuckinSway had borrowed it. I wanted to have a nice relaxing bath and I loved to lit candles and put on some music while doing that. I slipped out of my room and made my way to his room to check the nightstand in his room, finding it empty, I sigh and wonder where it could be*
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I reach @FuckinSway’s apartment, leaning up to try and grab the key at the top of the door frame where he hides it. But I’m just not quite tall enough. I have to jump a couple of times to try and grab it. Growling to myself as I nudge it down.] Come on!!! [Third time is a winner. I grin and go to place the key in the lock, twisting it. But it won’t twist. Huh… it’s already unlocked. Is Joe home already? I open the door and walk inside. There doesn’t seem to be much movement until I hear a noise from@FuckinSway’s bedroom.] Hey, Joe. I thought you were at work? [I call out, sliding my bag off my shoulder and onto the counter in the centre of the room.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*I hear a feminine voice just as I am about to walk out of @FuckinSway ‘s bedroom. I quirk a brow and wonder who the hell that could be. I open the door and walk out of the room, curious as to how the girl looking for him and apparently knowing how to get into his apartment looks like. I open my eyes wide as I walk out and face @FuckinLucid * What the fucking hell are YOU doing here? *I fold my arms and lean onto one hip as I look to @FuckinLucid, one eyebrow quirked questioningly. The look on my face showing that I am not pleased to see you*
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I blink in shock as I watch @FuckinSwiper walk out of @FuckinSway’s bedroom. I didn’t realise he had other company staying here as well. Then @FuckinSwiper’s words register and I recall how she simply left me at the club on stage. I narrow my eyes at her.] What am I doing here? Where have YOU been? Why did you disappear on me and what are YOU doing here? [Although… @FuckinSwiper just walked out of Joe’s room. So I’m pretty certain I know everything I need to. Perhaps @FuckinSwiper saw@FuckinSway’s interaction with me that night at the club and that’s why she decided to leave. Thoughts buzz around my head and I’m not sure what to do.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
First of all, @FuckinLucid, I asked you first. *I huff and keep my eyes onto yours* Second, -I- have every fucking right to be here, I LIVE here and to answer your question. You, @FuckinLucid were a fucking bitch that night, and needed a little lesson! I hope you enjoyed being almost naked on stage in front of everyone! *A malicious grin forms onto my lips as I look @FuckinLucid putting the pieces together*   
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I raise my brows at @FuckinSwiper and process what she’s telling me.] You’re telling me you set me up because I called your boyfriend a creep? [I shake my head at @FuckinSwiper and begin to walk towards her to get past her.] Well I WAS staying here too. But I can see I’m welcome. So if you move outta my fuckin way, I’ll grab my shit and leave you to your tantrum. [I give @FuckinSwiper a fake smile.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*I burst out into laughter @FuckinLucid ‘s reaction, her thinking I’m @FuckinSway ‘s girlfriend, just makes it hilarious and I don’t plan on telling that fucking bitch @FuckinLucid that I’m his cousin. I see her make her way towards her stuff and walk faster to grab her clothes before @FuckinLucid does* Let me give you a hand. *I pick it up even though she protests and make my way over to the window, opening it, I throw all her clothes I grabbed out the window and swipe the wallet in between them*@FuckinLucid There you go!
 Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I sigh as I walk down the sidewalk. It was an early evening tonight and I’ll be happy to just get home and check on @FuckinLucid. I take my keys out of my pocket as I approach the apartment building and stop in my tracks as I see clothing being thrown out of what is my bedroom window.* What the fuck? *I murmur, confused.*
 ⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I snarl at @FuckinSwiper before stopping in my tracks. If this is @FuckinSway’s girl, I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate me messing up her face. I try to see things from @FuckinSwiper’s point of view. First her guy is paying more attention to me at the club, then she finds all my shit in his bedroom. I shake my head at @FuckinSwiper before grabbing a glass of water and throwing the liquid in her face.] That’s for the bar! [I grab my bag from the counter and storm out of the room and apartment.]  
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*my mouth drops open as I didn’t expect the water @FuckinLucid threw in my face, I storm out after her and grab her by the hair in the hallway* FUCKING BITCH *I pull @FuckinLucid back to start a fight* who the fuck do you think you are?!
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I shake myself out of my confusion and quickly open the door to the building. As I am walking up the stairs, I hear @FuckinSwiper screeching out obsinities. Uh oh. I hurry to the second floor to see@FuckinSwiper and @FuckinLucid in a catfight.* WHAT THE FUCK?! *I step in between them to break it up.* Whoa, whoa, whoa… what is going on here? *I demand.*
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[One moment @FuckinSwiper has yanked a handful of my hair out, stinging my scalp and causing me to shout out in surprise. The next I’m being pulled away from @FuckinSwiper as I move to slap her, my hand connecting with the face of @FuckinSway instead. I gasp and step back. My hand lifting to my mouth in horror at my own behaviour.] Oh… Joe, I’m so sorry!! [I look between @FuckinSway and@FuckinSwiper as a smug smile lurks. I sigh and turn around. Not saying anything more as I walk away from them both.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*My eyes widen as @FuckinLucid accidentally slaps @FuckinSway in the face* you fucking whore! *I reach out to grab her again when Julian blocks my way* That fucking whore @FuckinLucid called you a creep, @FuckinSway ! What the fuck is she doing here? *I glare into her direction, knowing that if my eyes could kill, @FuckinLucid would be dead right now*  
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I look wide-eyed at @FuckinSwiper.* What the fuck is wrong with you Belle?! @FuckinLucid is my guest! *I sigh.* Wait in here while I go talk to @FuckinLucid. *I leave @FuckinSwiper before she can say a word and hurry down the hall, calling out.* Aleva! Wait!
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I ignore @FuckinSway and the pain from where @FuckinSwiper ripped my hair out. Storming out of the building to the sidewalk where my possessions are strewn across the sidewalk. Sighing as I bend down to pick them up. Muttering to myself.]
Belle Mancini ‏@FuckinSwiper
*I open my mouth to reply to @FuckinSway then close it again as he runs after her. I turn on my heels and head inside to go to my bedroom and calm myself down. maybe I also didn’t like the idea of a fucking bitch @FuckinLucid getting @FuckinSway ‘s attention? He deserved better than @FuckinLucid *
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I rush after @FuckinLucid, catching up to her on the lawn with a pile of clothes in her hands. I close my eyes for a moment to calm myself.* So… what happened? Why were you two fighting?
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I snort as I bend down to the floor and shove my clothes into my bag.] Don’t act all innocent, Joe. [I glance up at @FuckinSway and shake my head.] How did you expect her to react? Seeing my shit all over your apartment? HER apartment?  
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I give @FuckinLucid a puzzled look.* First of all, it’s not just HER apartment. Second of all, my cousin shouldn’t have reacted that way. I apologize, usually she is very sweet. Please come back upstairs and we’ll get this sorted. You are my guest and she has no say if I choose to have you stay here. *I give@FuckinLucid an imploring look.*  
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid
[I shake my head] Your cousin? [I let out an empty laugh] Yeah. I’m sorry @FuckinSway. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but your “cousin” is the reason I was screamed at by a random stranger and stripping on stage that night at the club. So I think I’ll pass. [I sling the bag over my shoulder, feeling sorry for@FuckinSway being caught in the middle of this when it wasn’t his fault. Vowing that I’ll pay@FuckinSwiper a visit in her sleep if I get the opportunity. I sigh.] But I could do with a drink. [I offer@FuckinSway.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Taken aback at this information about @FuckinSwiper. @FuckinLucid’s voice rings true and I know I’m going to have to have a nice long talk with @FuckinSwiper. I sigh and grab @FuckinLucid’s free hand.* Come on, let’s go. I’ll pay… it’s the least I can do for you to make up for Belle’s behavior.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSurreal, FuckinLucid and FuckinSway
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
@FuckinSway @FuckinLucid /Snaps on some new latex, starting to thread the liner into my tat iron and setting aside to pick up a razor/ Are you sure that’s that one you want, @FuckinLucid? /Lifting a shoulder/ Where are you mounting the art? /Snorts shortly/  
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid 
[I move closer to @FuckinSurreal, turning my back on @FuckinSway and pointing to my arm.] Here will do. [Anything to keep awake.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I frown as @FuckinLucid turns her back to me, but I am interested in watching her get tattooed.* I would love to watch if you don’t mind.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/Chuckles quietly giving a tick down of my head before starting to shave and prepare the area/@FuckinLucid @FuckinSway It’s fine with me Dude as long as @FuckinLucid doesn’t mind. /Grinning between you both/ So you play at a bar? What instrument? /Cleans off the lower section of@FuckinLucid’s inner arm, starting the free hand drawing before whirling up the iron with a low hum/
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I start to tap my foot, a sweeping of anxiety rushes through me as I watch @FuckinSurreal set up and clean the area. I shrug at @FuckinSway.] If you must. [I mumble but I’m not sure he heard me. I drift into my own mental space, already feeling buzzed and excited about the ink that’s soon going to be etched into my skin. @FuckinSurreal and @FuckinSway start a new conversation but I’m not listening. I’m closing my eyes and biting my lip, waiting for that tingle, the thrill of being permanently marked.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Looking intently at @FuckinLucid being inked as I reply to @FuckinSurreal.* I play the guitar and sing. I do covers and also write my own music. It’s a great atmosphere over there. I can also get you free drinks if you come by. *I turn my attention back to @FuckinLucid’s etching.* How’s it going, pet?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
/Lifts a brow down to @FuckinLucid bouncing foot, rolling forward in my seat to start lining the ink, small ink drops gathering at the edges as I braze the dark lines across her flesh, wiping away the excess and hitting the ink caps to load up the ink into the needle. I furrow my brow in concentration listening to @FuckinSway/ Guitar, nice. Are you participating in that Blue on the green fest? I’ve heard people talking about it, and being in Austin it’s got to be great for musicians with it being the live music capitol. /Nods over to @FuckinSway/ You get groupies hitting on you?
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[Despite the pain of the needle in my skin, the shivering from the adrenaline high and the busy movement surrounding me. My body relaxes and I sigh as I feel myself sinking into the depths of a blissful calm.]  
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*The crowd is insane. People lined up from venue to venue, others loitering around tables covered with tattoo designs, waiting to get new ink. I’d been to one of the expos before, back in LA, but the building was larger, so it didn’t feel as cramped. Sliding the flyer into the back pocket of my jeans, my eyes scan the area again. The leaflet mentioned human suspension and the tinge of excitement to see that only kept building the closer I got to where it was. While watching someone hang by hooks through their skin makes me cringe it also feeds into that ever curious nature of mine. Exactly how can they do that?! When I finally push through the crowd, I’m met by two men, both suitable enough for the Hot Stud contest I passed when I came in, hanging from the hooks. There’s no way in heck I could do that! “Fuckin’ epic, right?” My gaze shifts from the men to a girl, her grin spreading from ear to ear. She’s completely covered in ink and I’m curious as to why she’s not in line for the Hot Babe contest. Her hot pink mohawk makes me grin and before I realize it, I’m nodding.* It is… and not a bad sight to see either. *She winks and continues moving through the crowd, getting as close as possible to the men. Pulling my phone out, I snap a few quick photos while moving around, catching different angles, to send to Lily. She can’t stand things like that and I love giving her hell about it. Deciding to start scouting for an artist, I shift to the side, slipping between a couple and head towards the artists’ booths. I judge a few at first based on the artwork and photos of tattoos hanging up or displayed at their tables. The first couple of artists seem to focus on the death side of things, their pieces mainly skulls, reapers and the like.* Definitely not what I’m looking for… *My hand clutches the tiny paper in my pocket and I suddenly feel a little foolish for thinking I’d find what I’m looking for here. Most of the artists are hardco… my train of thought stops I come up on a female artist currently working on a side piece. Her work is cute and frilly, all enhanced with a little freak. I love it. The piece she’s doing consists of stars, feathers and… something else. It kind of reminds me of a paisley design and is something that I definitely wouldn’t mind having. Shifting my gaze from Jessie, my eyes scan the surrounding booths. If I didn’t find someone else to do my randomly crazy tattoo, then she’s going to be who I choose. Not just because of her designs, but she’s cute, too. Always a plus in my books.*
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Speaking to @FuckinSurreal.* Yep. I’ve heard about it. *Chuckles.* I don’t have any groupies yet that I know of. *Looking back at @FuckinLucid. I frown as I notice her eyes closed and rhytmic breathing. Is she…? *I lean in to whisper in her ear.* Are you falling asleep?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway @FuckinLucid /Chuckles out, lifting my eyes to scan around the booth briefly/ Who knows, perhaps you have some stealthy stalkers. @FuckinLucid here could be one. /Grins down, seeing Aleva relaxed with a blissful grin across her lips. Strange some. I bend forward to clear away a large drop at the corner of a line, my lids blinking rapidly as I think I see @FuckinLucid’s new tat line shift from where I’d just lined. What the hell? I shift back in my seat, wiping a small trickle of sweat from my brow thinking I may need to rest my eyes soon./
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[The soothing voice of @FuckinSway whispers through my head and I smile in response, forgetting that I’m supposed to hate this guy. But my mind is elsewhere, concentrating on the flood of sensation in my arm as the new ink settles and becomes a part of me.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Tranquility is radiating off of @FuckinLucid, contrasting to the anxiety she had before the tatt started. My lips twitch in a small smile before I notice something strange. Frowning, I take a closer look.* I must have been seeing things. *I mutter to myself, having thought I saw her ink shift before my eyes. Shaking my head, I decide to go for small talk as @FuckinLucid seems calm and not ready to bite my head off.* So, where do you live?
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@FuckinSway @FuckinLucid /I finish up the lining, the shader being loaded carefully as I begin adding the different hues of grey and black to highlight the piece making it stand out more. I refill the ink caps, using the clean the outline and concentrate on blacking in the points in slow even strokes. My head shooting to the side catching an odd expression flicker across @FuckinSway’s face. Did he just see the same thing I had? My temple pounds, finishing the last few strokes on @FuckinLucid’s tattoo, wiping it clean and coating with jelly before allowing her to check the work/ I think you’re all finished,@FuckinLucid. How you holding up? /Slips off my latex, eyes watching closely for her to sit up/
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid  
[I frown as I open my eyes.] Done already? [I didn’t feel a thing. I sit up and start to lean to one side. This has never happened to me before. Shit, I shouldn’t have gotten a tatt when I haven’t slept properly indays! A rushing through my ears has me losing my balance as I try to stand too quickly. What the hell is happening? I feel like I’m crashing after a sugar high as I feel myself shake, starting to fall.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I notice @FuckinLucid sway on her feet and I grab hold of her to help her catch her balance. I glance at @FuckinSurreal, he is talking to other customers. I take a wad of cash out of my pocket and tap@FuckinSurreal’s shoulder before nodding bye and slipping the money in his hand. I wrap my arm around @FuckinLucid’s waist to help guide her away.*
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I stumble away from @FuckinSurreal’s booth with @FuckinSway, unsure why I’m having such a physical reaction to the tattoo. I must have at least twenty of the things in various places. It has to be something to do with dreaming state I’d been drifting into whilst getting inked. I grab onto@FuckinSway’s arm for balance. Clinging to him as we walk, unsure of where we are going but thankful. My breathing is erratic as we walk and sweat drips down my face.] I need to sit. [I hear myself whisper to @FuckinSway]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I can feel her anxiety spiking and using my empathic abilities to bathe her in calmness. I steer her to a chair.* Would you like for me to get you some water, Aleva?
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I sit on the chair @FuckinSway directs me to, nodding at him.] Sure. Water is good. Coffee is better! [I close my eyes again to try and direct the swirling vivid lights away from my eyes. Please… not now. I can’t go into this state now. I take a deep breath and feel myself calming. But I shouldn’t be calm. The forced emotion is just as disconcerting as my own addiction trying to take a hold of me.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
I’ll be right back. *I leave @FuckinLucid to go grab a coffee at the beverage stand and hurry back to her.* Here, sip this. *I hold the cup out to her.* Would you like for me to give you a lift home?
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I practically snatch the cup from @FuckinSway’s hand, downing the scolding liquid, not caring that it is burning my lips and throat. Just needing the caffeine and now. I take a deep breath after draining the contents of the styrofoam cup. Licking my stinging, puffy lips. I shake my head at @FuckinSway.] I don’t know where I’m staying yet. I was kicked out of my last motel.
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I gaze down at @FuckinLucid. I don’t want her to be without a place to stay. I can always sleep on the couch in my art studio and let her have the bed my room. I blurt out.* I have a spare bedroom if you’d like a place to stay.
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I raise my brow at @FuckinSway, the coffee finally taking effect on my body and waking me up. I feel messy and my arm is stinging. I look down at the new ink and remember I didn’t give @FuckinSurrealany money.] Oh shit, I forgot to pay! [I start to stand again but stumble and lean against @FuckinSwayinstead. Groaning and lifting my slightly bloodied and newly tattooed arm to wipe my face which is soaked in sweat from the adrenaline and Texas heat. I remember @FuckinSway asking me a question.] You say you have a bed, Julian?
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I lift my brows at the use of my real name. So she does know it after all. I inwardly chuckle, but not letting my amusement show. I hold her up and let her lean on me.* I paid @FuckinSurreal for you so don’t worry about that and, yes, I have a spare room if you’d like to take advantage of that.  
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[I chuckle, as a foreign sense of amusement sweeps through me. Unable to control my words, I blurt out…] As long as you don’t make me strip. [It sounded funnier in my head and I’m not even sure why I said it. Letting @FuckinSway guide me to wherever we’re going. I should definitely sleep. And soon.]
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*Laughing out loud this time, shaking my head.* Don’t worry, I’m not that creepy. Is there anything you need to get before we go to my place? *I begin to steer you out of the building.*
⌘☯ Aleva ☮⌘ ‏@FuckinLucid   
[Snort] You really are a creep. You just have trouble admitting it. [I chuckle to myself before realising…] I left my bag at @FuckinSurreal’s booth. But I know where his shop is. I can grab it some other time. You got some spare clothes?  
Julian Blake ‏@FuckinSway
*I could loan you a shirt and some shorts.* Yes I do. *I help you over towards the car.*
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinLucid And FuckinSway
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[Nerves got the better of me for most of the night. I turn restlessly in my sleep, hoping to at least get one hour before the nightmares begin to kick in. I’m sweating profusely, gripping the sheets, tossing and turning across the bed. Like every night. The sweet slumber takes a hold of me. Twisting and fighting my mind for control. Searching my thoughts and targeting in on someone. Someone whose sleep pattern is healthy. Soon, very soon… their dream will become my nightmare and my addictive habit will take a hold of them with its alluring claws. The vivid bright and shiny world, turning into a dark and desolate hell. I try to steady my breathing as I feel the usual seductive hum, vibrate around me. Filling me with adrenaline. Yes. This is it. A perfect drug of choice for the dream junkie.]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I slide between my sheets, the warm breeze blowing through the window permeating the room with the fresh scent of night-blooming flowers and fresh rain. Perfect for lulling me to sleep. I try not to think about my evening at the job. The bubbly red head, chatting and flirting with me but I could only find myself thinking of a particular brunette instead. I shake my head to clear my mind. Sleep, Julian, sleep. I close my eyes and wait for the fingers of slumber to grab ahold of me.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I pass through the unconscious minds of the innocent, the guilty, children and adults. My addiction wanting something else. Or rather… Someone else. It is looking for a particular person, but I’m not even aware of who it is until I feel, rather than see him. @FuckinSway is thinking of me. How sweet. I wonder if that’s what has drawn me to him. Not only is he a #Creep in reality, but in his mind he must think of me often to warrant dreaming of me. I try to pull back, away. I’ve never taken from those who’ve met me before. What if I’m exposed? But I can feel need scratching at my skin. @FuckinSway is here, now. It’s only a dream. A little taste won’t hurt…]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*There is a dream unfolding itself before my mind’s eye. It starts off black as it always does, but it feels a bit different somehow. Like those really vivid, almost real dreams. The dark curtain parting, showing me a room that I had never seen before. @FuckinLucid is standing in the middle of it, beautiful and full of fire as always.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I tilt my head as I let my gaze drift over @FuckinSway. I reach my hand out… but before I can touch him, common sense overrides me and I’m yanked back out of @FuckinSway’s dream. Gasping and cursing, it wasn’t enough. Yet it was too much. I bolt upright in bed and clutch the bedsheets to me like a life-line.] Fuck!
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I suddenly wake up. I sigh, draping my arm over my eyes. Damn, I wish that dream had continued. I begin to toss and turn before giving up and going to my trusty coffee pot.*
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSway: Thoughts
The cold spray hits my back, cooling me off in this fuckin heat. It’s been hot for days and is relentless.
I sigh as I think back on the past few days. What does Becks want with my cousin Belle? He didn’t look exactly like he was going to give her roses and daisies.  And he said that she took something. I have no clue what Belle would take. She’s a sweetheart and would never steal anything. But, what if it is true? Have I been blinded by my affection for my cousin? I guess I will have to have a talk with her. I need to know what is going on.
And what about the girl from the coffee shop. She intrigues me. Not to mention that I’m attracted to her. But, no. I will not pursue her should I run into her again. Women are nothing but trouble. I’ve had my heart torn out once in the past. I will not gamble with it again. I need to keep the stone in place around it. However, I can still see the hurt in her eyes when I asked if she was a stripper. I feel so awful about that. I had meant to be degrading, a defense mechanism to hold her out at arm’s length. She is not the type of girl I usually go for. She is not someone to just fuck and leave. I resolve to get all romantic notions out of my head. Wait. Romantic? I shake my head and lean against the tiles of the shower. No. I forbid myself to feel. That’s just the way it’ll have to be.
Goosebumps begin to appear on my arms and I realize that I’ve just been standing here, thinking. I reach for the shampoo, rubbing the suds into my hair. My thoughts once again wander.
I need to go down to the tattoo shop around the corner from the bar. I want to see if they would be interested in my commissioned tattoo art. I have a portfolio already put together. It’s just a matter of when. I want this blasted heat to go away first. Last thing I feel like doing is walking down there in this ninety degree weather. Maybe I’ll just go after work. Yes, that’s what I shall do. I can even work on another piece to add.
I finish up my shower, stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel. Much better.
I walk out in my boxers and go to my desk, grabbing my pencils from the drawer. In fact, I will start that next piece now.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSurreal and FuckinSway
Vane: /Closing time at the shop. My kicks stride sluggishly toward #Swayz for my nightly drink. I’d been spending more shifts working on appointments till the wee hours of the night. My knuckles burning from the crab like hold on the custom tat irons I’d held continuously for hours. That and the vibrations numbing my burning pain, leaving my tendons twitching for long after one of the long sitting sessions.
I’d crashed more nights than most upstairs, above the shop, lost in thoughts on how my life had changed from the past. The holidays had definitely opened my eyes to how much things had progressed from my previous life in Miami. Shopping for @PoutyIsabella, @MonkeyMiniCakes, and later for @Bentley_McCarty was an experience I’d never thought I’d have. With @PoutyIsabella taking in @Bentley_McCarty our little family was expanding. It was all a little overwhelming at times, and I felt lost with wondering if I was ready for it. I was sure all would be fine in the long run, but with my lifestyle at the shop temptation to slip back into my bachelor ways was always a struggle.
It killed me to even think of being unfaithful to @PoutyIsabella. I knew I couldn’t do that to her. I just wasn’t sure where I belonged. Was settled life even in the books for me?
I shake my head, turning down another downtown street, the paved road slick from the recent rainfall. #Ted had invited me to a house party tonight, something I’m sure would be filled with nothing but drugs, hard drinks, and dolls looking for a rough ride for the night. No. I wasn’t up for that kind of life right now either. I groan past my gritted jaw.
It all seemed to make me feel in limbo and still searching for something more. I could go anyway right about now. Stick to the family life and lean into the everyday monogamous life or dive into the darker side of living. The one where there was no escape from the seedier side of existence.
I round the corner toward the bar entrance, the lights of the neon buzzing above the darkened doorway. Fuck I couldn’t wait to toss back some Jameson shots. To numb the flurry of thoughts if only temporarily.
Things at the shop, to the outside eye, seemed just fine. The books however were mounting in debt. The gang had been stepping up pressure. More thug figures hanging around outside the shop looking for their “protection” payment. It made my blood boil thinking of the greed they held in their eyes. #Roman had been keeping them at bay for long enough, it was all starting to take it toll on the older shop owner. I wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hold onto the shop.
Just another worry to add to the pile. I was getting tired and not sure where to go. I’d spoken to Aleva before she disappeared to God only knows where about finding their headquarters, but what would I even do if I found the gang’s hideout? Threaten them with the army of one? Plea for some way to make payment arrangements other than bleeding my boss out of every penny we earned?/
Sway:  *I’ve been down at the bar every damn night for the past weeks, even if I don’t have to play a set. I need my fix. I need to siphon off the positive emotions, not wanting the demon to come back. After that nightmare of me killing that girl, the black eyes, the fangs; I can’t risk it. Yes, it’s a moral dilemma, but what is the least tragic? It’s not like the patrons won’t feel good again. I just take from them for the night. But, I’ve been finding myself taking in more and more from people and I feel so fucking guilty for it too. It’s become an addiction and I don’t know if I could even stop if I wanted to. The only people I won’t take from is my friend Vane and his family. I would never be able to live with myself if I did.
I swivel on my seat and see Mike. I lift my glass at the burly man to let him know that I need another whiskey, double on the rocks. My usual. I push my empty glass away from me, the ice cubes melting in the heat of the bar creating a puddle of clear liquid. I sigh, raking my finger through my hair. What am I going to do? I can’t just keep taking more and more; I’m already at a loss at how many people I’ve taken from. It’s jumped from one, to two… to now, what? Twenty five? It could’ve even been thirty tonight. I’ve lost count now. Hey, but at least I’m feeling positive at the moment, high off the ecstatic emotions from those I’ve drained tonight.
I hear the thud of a glass being placed in front of me, the amber whiskey shining in the overhead lights. I lift up the tumbler and tip it back on my lips, letting the fire burn down my throat to gather in my stomach. My empty stomach. I can barely eat lately; just living on coffee and liquor. I’ve noticed my clothes hanging loosely on me. My jeans are laying low on my hips, arms no longer stretching out the sleeves of my shirts. Damn! I want to bang my head on the polished wood. Maybe splitting my skull open will help everything, a fucking concussion to bruise the part of me that is slowly becoming possessed. I don’t want to lose ME. I don’t want to be a monster. The dire thoughts flee after a moment and a silly smile is plastered on my face.*
Vane: /My hand closes around the freezing bar, yanking open the weighty door, and stepping inside the warmth of the bar. I’m taken back off my feet, the normally stale bar air thick as a wall. An eerie creeping feeling climbs up my spine, my nape prickled a path over it and spreads to my scalp. I shake it off. My fist clenched tight and rubbing at my tired eye sockets when I notice the peculiar crowd tonight. The music is playing over the speaker system, the patrons standing locked still in their movements a moment. They break out of their seemingly trance like state, swaying on their feet as if they are inebriated on more than alcohol. Several of them rubbing over their head with lost expressions creased over their features./
What the hell was that about?
/I hiss low, my head dropping on my shoulders, dark rust hair curtaining the front of my face. I approach the bar, @FuckinSway coming into view when I straddle a barstool and tap over the bar top twice for a shot. I glance down briefly, @FuckinSway’s forearms resting over the edge of the wooden bar, and notice his half sleeves are more filled out, dark ink spread over his once sparse skin. Man he must have been busy getting all that sick ink work done over his absence.
I hadn’t spoken to @FuckinSway since when—? @MonkeyMiniCake’s birthday, I think. The holidays passing by with only seeing him while he was performing on stage during my nightly stop in. I crook my elbow out, catching @FuckinSway’s arm to catch his attention. I’m jarred slightly in my seat at the look in his eyes. @FuckinSway’s pupils dilated wide as black fucking platters.  An almost dead stare that reminds me of that of a shark. Deadly. I shake myself when he gives me a lopsided grin, his tone lazy as his words are drawn out. Was he tripping right now?/
Dude, are you okay?
Sway:  *I feel a nudge at my arm and I turn to see @FuckinSurreal sitting next to me. Man, I haven’t seen him for a long time. I give him a huge smile, turning my gaze on him.*
Hey Vane! How has it been? @FuckinSurreal
*I tilt my head to the side as I clap him on the shoulder, the fabric of his jacket sending jolts through my fingertips and I shiver. I quickly remove my hand and grab my glass of whiskey, tipping it back and downing it in three swallows. I raise my arm to Mike to signal for another, the warm feeling of the amber liquid is amazing. I’ve had about five tonight. As I wait for my drink, I turn my attention to @FuckinSurreal’s question.*
Yeah. I’m great man. *I give @FuckinSurreal a huge, probably cheesy, grin. I lean over the counter and call over to Mike. “Can you make that two and put them both on my tab!”.* What have you been up to? @FuckinSurreal
*It feels amazing to see my friend. I should go visit his place and get some inkwork done on my forearm, I would love to stretch out the left sleeve. I just don’t know what to get done. I should go take a look online or flip through some tatt books. Actually, getting one done right now would probably feel really good… I shake my head almost imperceptibly at that thought. It’s too late at night. Again, I turn my attention back to @FuckinSurreal as our glasses are set in front of us and I pick up mine.*
Vane: /I scrub my palms over my weary features, shooting back the shot promptly after it’s set down. I needed sleep, that has to be the reason I’m seeing all these strange things. My mind must be overworked and seeping smoke out my ear holes. I lower the shot glass over the table, turning back to @FuckinSway. His eyes are less dilated, the eerie feeling around the room before now dissipating as I flash my friend a friendly grin/
It’s been going, bro. It’s good to hear you’re good.
/I spin halfway around in the stool, tiny shocks running down my back again under @FuckinSway’s touch. Now what was that? I can’t stop thinking of all I’d already seen since stepping inside of #Swayz tonight. My brows wrinkle while my sweaty palms smooth over the tops of my jean covered knees and thighs as I attempt to shake free the uneasy sensation from me.
Something was up with @FuckinSway. I couldn’t shake it off. Something lying down deep, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. He’d changed after Aleva’s skip out of town. A complete contrast from the easy going man I’d first met back in August./
I’ve been keeping busy with the little ladies, the shop, and the holiday. We’ve taken on caring for one of @PoutyIsabella’s nephews recently. He’s a good kid.
/I tick my head down, thanking the bar keep as he refills our shots./
You should stop by for a visit some time soon. I’m sure Isabella and Pippa would love to see you again.
/I swallow down a gulp of whiskey, Adam’s apple bobbing hard as the fire from the liquor burns down my esophagus. Maybe @FuckinSway being around the family again would help rouse up some part of his former self before Lil Twerp came traipsing through town and our lives along with igniting the fires of curiosity inside me on shifting tattoos./
Sway:  *I swallow some more whiskey, the smoky oak courting my taste buds. I place the tumbler back down, my fingertip circling the rim of it. I glance at @FuckinSurreal, he looks good, content. Part of me wants to reach out for it, but I hold myself back. It would seem sacrilegious to me if I took in his emotions. Those belong to my friend and I would never do that to him. He deserves his happiness.*
I’m glad to hear that the ladies are doing well. Nephew you say. That must be awesome to have another child running around. @FuckinSurreal 
*I smile, thinking about how much fun it was to be at the birthday party. The little family seems to be expanding. It is something I never think I will have, especially with this dark, insidious entity that is trying to take hold of me.*
I would love to stop by again @FuckinSurreal. I completely enjoyed myself last time I visited.
*A wistful smile ghosts across my face, lips curling up at the edges. @FuckinSurreal’s family makes me happy without even having to siphon emotions off of anyone. Maybe that is just the thing I need. To surround myself in my own happiness.*
Vane: /I nod minutely, swiveling in the stool while my eyes scan over the dance floor with patrons still mingling quietly around the dark tables just on the outskirts of the polished floor./
It’s taking some getting use to that’s for sure. I’ve never really had a family, or had that advantage of being part of one for very long. I’m almost scared to open up to it for fear I’d screw it all up. Maybe even worse, turn into my pops and end up losing it all.
/I groan out a small grump. Damn liquor already doing it’s job with assisting with loosening lips to spill the truth so freely. I switch subjects, my hand lifting up to scratch along the scruff under my jaw./
Hey, Blake, I have a question for you. Perhaps you’ll be able to help me.
/I spin completely around in the seat, elbows resting back over the bar ledge/
You see a lot of people come through here, huh, @FuckinSway?
/I tilt my head to the right at @FuckinSway with a kicked up brow./  
Have you by chance…seen anyone with moving ink lately? I mean…other than Aleva?
Sway:  *I watch @FuckinSurreal look out at the bar full of dancing people and I feel a longing to go out among them and siphon off more emotions. It’s like a drug and I sigh.*
I’m sure it’s something to get used to but don’t be afraid of it, just be yourself @FuckinSurreal. You are a good man. I don’t think you’ll screw anything up.
*I notice @FuckinSurreal rub his jaw like he is uncomfortable with the topic. I raise my brows at this but I’m not going to pry. What is his business is his business. He turns back around on the chair, propping his elbows across the edges of the bar top, quirking a brow up at me. Then he comes out with a question that catches me completely off guard.*
No, no I haven’t @FuckinSurreal.
*I speak after thinking for a moment. No, I’ve been too consumed by looking for victims, I tell myself. I notice one of the waitresses hovering nearby and I scrub a hand down my face. If @FuckinSurreal weren’t here, she would be a perfect candidate to siphon from, but I do feel a slight curiosity coming from her as she stands there still for a moment… almost like she has been listening to us. At my side-long glance, she bats her lashes at me, lips all sultry and turns away to disappear into the crowd.* @FuckinSurreal
Vane: /I give @FuckinSway a small nod. I knew I was a good man and knew that I couldn’t be the man my father once was; but usually when you fight with your internal demons so hard, trying your absolute best not to turn into the person you despise, that’s when you lose sight of the good and end up falling right down the same footsteps to becoming said person.
I didn’t want that. Not for myself and not for @PoutyIsabella and the little ones. They didn’t deserve that. Not after all @PoutyIsabella had already overcome. I let loose a slow exhale, catching @FuckinSway’s gaze trail over to the female at my other side. She’s cute enough, nothing spectacular, and I shake my head before mulling over what @FuckinSway’s just said. He’s not seen the gang member’s I’d been looking for. How was I going to proceed after this? I couldn’t very well walk up to them and ask them what it was that caused their skin art to shift. I toss back the last shot, hissing at the slight burn, and promise to do away with all my fascinations with magic ink, along with worries of running down the same path my hard ass father did to drive our family apart. I drop the shot glass over the bar, pulling free my wallet to make payment and leave a nice tip for the bartender. My hands are properly numbed from the liquor in my system.
I clamp a hand over @FuckinSway’s shoulder, giving him another once over in the low bar lights and groan under my breath at how light he looked. He’s been losing weight, most likely not keeping up with his eating habits living the single musician’s life. I shake my head with a sigh, reinforcing the invitation to stop in for dinner soon before heading back out into the night. I needed something deep fried to fill the hole in my gut and some much needed rest before our busy day with @PoutyIsabella’s family tomorrow./
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinLucid, FuckinSwiper And FuckinSway
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I feel refreshed and upbeat. I’ve slept and showered, damn I haven’t felt this good in days. So I decided to take a walk down Sixth Street. A selection of bars to choose from and a great atmosphere for the evening drinkers. The night-time air doesn’t feel much cooler in Texas. So I settled for a little black dress and zip, knee length boots for a good time dancing. Now… which place to choose? Each bar seems to have it’s own hammering beat, pulsating from the doors as I walk by. But none grab my attention until I hear a particular Britney song that I haven’t heard in a while, remixed into what sounds like a mash up rave tune. I shrug and head towards the door. Only to be dismayed there is a line of people waiting to get in. Shame they don’t serve drinks out here. I stand and wait.]
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper: 
*I check my new watch as I reach the waiting line of the club I wanted to “visit” tonight. I looked at the crowd to see if I could find anyone interesting to get some cash from. The people seemed to be interesting. I shrugged and waited. Crossing my arms under my breasts, to push them up just a little when I see a guy staring at my cleavage. I act as if I didn’t see him watch and look away. My micro skirt just barely covering my butt. If I needed to get some cash, I might as well pull the guys’ attention to my features. I leaned on one hip and started to tap my foot on the pavement impatiently*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I hear a woman sighing and I turn to see @FuckinSwiper tapping her foot, dressed daringly in something I really don’t think I’d ever be able to pull off. Part of me wishes I’d at least tried to dress a little…. “sexier” whilst the other part of me just doesn’t care. I smile at @FuckinSwiper.] Nice outfit. [Might as well kill time while I’m stood… missing my favourite song.]
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*I look to @FuckinLucid, she didn’t seem much taller than me and I smiled. Could be nice to have a female friend. I didn’t have anyone except Julian, okay, that probably was because of my sassy bitch attitude,but still.* Thanks, my name’s Belle, what’s yours?
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I’m a little taken back by @FuckinSwiper’s outgoing nature. She seems fairly confident and it takes me a moment to gather my wits and respond. I offer my hand as we step closer to the entrance. Only a few people in front of us now.] Aleva. [I gesture to the door.] Does it usually take this long to get in?
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper: 
*I laugh and shake @FuckinLucid ‘s hand* Yeah, though you can also do this… *I start walking around* Follow me… *The line of people towards the guy that checks ID’s and smile at him.* Hey sexy. We are running a little late, we wanted to check out the place and maybe audition… *He looked down at me then @FuckinLucidand smirked. I reached my hand out and trailed my index over his tie* Mind letting us in? *I used my most seductive smile and he grinned, nodded and let us in before everyone. I wink to @FuckinLucid when we make our way inside.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
Oh fuck… [I mutter to myself as I follow @FuckinSwiper. Did she say “audition”? My heart is in my throat as we walk inside the place and I see exactly what she means. How the hell did this happen? I try to be polite to someone and I end up in a strip joint? I laugh nervously as I look over at @FuckinSwiper.] Um… perhaps a drink or something? [I try to shout above the noise, gesturing towards a large bar which dominates one side of the room whilst a stage with dancing girls is on the other side.]
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*I nod to @FuckinLucid and turn my back around when I see a guy talk to his friend and walk our way, knowing I am standing in his way and he’ll be bumping right into me. I turn around when I guess he’s just about to bump into me, making us bump into each other. I instantly smile and apologize.* I…I’m so sorry sir. *I bite on my bottom lip as I look up at him through my dark lashes. The moment he had bumped into me, I had taken hold of his wallet unnoticed. I was sure even @FuckinLucid wasn’t able to have seen it. I walked around the man, leading the way for @FuckinLucid and I* I’m offering! *I grin and lean lightly over the counter as we wait to order drinks*
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I need to get out tonight and treat myself. And, I can’t think of a better place than the strip club. I step in line to wait my turn.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[My eyes widen at the shots @FuckinSwiper has purchased for us, downing the tequila followed by a wedge of lime. I pick up some weird pink shot and hold it up.] What the hell did you buy us @FuckinSwiper? [I chuckle as I down that as well, pulling a face and reaching for my glass of “Sex on the Beach” which @FuckinSwiper deemed so appropriate to get.]
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*Laughs to @FuckinLucid ‘s reaction, she seemed way too sweet. I nodded for her to down the next drink and followed suit. Why not make a new friend AND get drunk tonight. We’ll have fun and could dance some* @FuckinLucid Is the drink good? If it is, it doesn’t matter what’s in it, right? *I laughed and turned around to look at the women on stage, knowing I could dance just like them and laughed at the idea of @FuckinLucid trying it, being sure she’d be hilarious since she seems a little … I couldn’t find the right word to describe @FuckinLucid*
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I finally get in the door and I make my way to the bar to order a double whiskey on the rocks before heading over to a booth on the side, sitting down on the plastic. I settle my drink down and take my wallet back out to count the dollar bills I have stuck in there. I smile to myself. Yes, this is going to be a fun night! I pick up my glass to sip on it, watching the girls gyrate and play with the pole.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[My head is already swimming and feeling tipsy from the few drinks @FuckinSwiper has made me consume in such a short time. I find myself loosing up and swaying to the music. The place is fairly busy but it is a comfortable atmosphere. I stand next to @FuckinSwiper with my back against the bar and let my eyes roam across the room. I see @FuckinSway and I groan, turning to @FuckinSwiper.] For fucks sake.
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*I look @FuckinLucid then follow her gaze over to @FuckinSway* What’s the matter? *wondering why she reacted that way. Sure it had nothing to do with @FuckinSway, since he is my cousin and fucking adorable*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I shake my head and pull a disgusted expression before pointing @FuckinSwayout to @FuckinSwiper] You see him? Total. Creep. [I sip some more of my drink, before realising I’ve finished it. Sliding the glass onto the bar behind us. I turn to @FuckinSwiper and nod to the dance area beside the stage.] Wanna kill some moves? I could do to unwind.
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*I keep myself composed when @FuckinLucid calls @FuckinSway a creep. That bitch was going to get what she deserved for calling him a creep* I have an idea. *fakes a laugh* I dare you to go UP there *I nod towards the dancing women and slip the swiped wallet into @FuckinLucid’s purse unnoticed* I bet you don’t dare doing it, do you? *I chuckle hoping she’ll take the bait, I look over towards @FuckinSway and back to @FuckinLucid, that bitch! how could she say something like that about someone like him?*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I snort. Dance on a stage? Seemed easy enough. I could do with a little extra courage though… A guy walks past @FuckinSwiper and I snatch the drink from his hand. Downing the strong rum and coke before he can object. I pass the empty glass back and grin at @FuckinSwiper.] Sure. I’ll dance up there. [I shimmy on over to the stage, my hips already picking up an extra swing to them as I walk up the steps. Part of me is screaming to get the fuck off and stop making a fool of myself. But a small part of me wants to impress this new friend, @FuckinSwiper. And to show that I’m not a frightened of a little public dancing!]
Belle ~ @FuckinSwiper:
*I roll my eyes when @FuckinLucid heads towards the stage and start looking for the man, I’ve stolen the wallet from. After finding him I walk over to him and whisper in his ear that I saw @FuckinLucid steal his wallet. I describe her, without showing him where she is. Knowing he’ll recognize her, when he sees her on stage. I then hurry out the door, to avoid trouble linking back to me.*
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I just come back from the bar to grab another glass of liquor when I realize how loud the catcalls the men are making really are. What gorgeous woman do they have up there now? My interest peaked, I take a closer look at the swaying hips, up to her bouncing breasts until I look into the face of @FuckinLucid. What on gods green earth is she doing here? HERE! My first instinct is to run over there and pick @FuckinLucid up off the stage where no man can lay their eyes on her while she is obviously drunk and not thinking straight. My second instinct is to just keep watching @FuckinLucid. I down my whiskey as I look on with a smirk on my face.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[The sound of Rihanna’s voice and the beat of the song S&M drives me on as my dress somehow ends up on the floor beside me. I’m laughing throwing my arms up into the air as I gracefully try to dance. I’m pretty sure I’ve stumbled a few times, but all the eyes on me don’t seem to care as drunk men leer and cheer me on. It’s all harmless, right? I smirk and run my fingers through my hair. Just as I catch sight of @FuckinSway also watching me, a pair of rough hands grab me, pulling me across to the side of the stage. I frown as the man seems angry. Ranting on about some money and his wallet.] I-I don’t know what you… wallet? [I look around, expecting @FuckinSwiper to come to my aid, but people are just staring, watching as the man reaches for my bag.]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*The pleasure of watching @FuckinLucid vanishes when a man grabs her and yanks her off the stage. They seem to be arguing, her dress forgotten on the floor. I stand up to stride to the wooden stage to grab @FuckinLucid’s clothing and edge in closer to see what they are arguing about.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me as a wallet I’ve never seen before is pulled out of my purse. I shake my head in denial but coming up with no explanation as to why it was there.] I’m sorry… [Is all I can manage… but the man seems furious as he opens the wallet up and there’s no cash left inside.] “You dirty, whorish little bitch!” [His words cut through me like a knife and I begin to shake. Sobering up and wondering what the hell happened to my dress! The man’s hand tightens on me and he begins to pull me towards the front of the bar when my eyes meet @FuckinSway walking towards us, also looking furious. I give him a pleading look to help me.]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*The guy is now trying to force @FuckinLucid to the door ignoring everything that she’s telling him. I had heard them arguing about a wallet, but I find it hard to believe that @FuckinLucid would steal someone’s wallet. She isn’t faking the reaction to having been caught out. I reach them.* I don’t believe the lady wants to go with you. *I inform the man. He ignores me and keeps dragging @FuckinLucid. A cold rage settles over me and I take hold of his arm, spin him to face me and coldcock him right down to the floor. My teeth clench and my jaw ticks as I approach @FuckinLucid.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I watch in horror and a little awed that @FuckinSway smacked down the aggressive guy who wouldn’t listen. Part of me thankful and another part of me annoyed that he felt I needed rescuing. I glare at @FuckinSway and see my dress in his possession. I hold my hand out.] Can I have my clothes please, Joe?
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I comply and hand the dress over, watching @FuckinLucid get covered up.* Name is Julian, not Joe. Do I get your name now? *I smirk.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I hastily dress myself as @FuckinSway watches. Even after I’ve smoothed the dress out and I’m just standing and waiting. His eyes are on my breasts. I feel a flush flood my face and I stalk past @FuckinSway, turning back to announce…] You are a little creepy you know.
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I cock my head to the side, suppressing a little snicker.* So… are you a stripper? *I rake my gaze over @FuckinLucid again.*
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[I feel so horrid and dirty. It was supposed to be a fun night out and @FuckinSway’s question has me rendered speechless. I stare at him trying to convey how much his words feel like a knife. But then again, it’s not like @FuckinSway knows me at all. And I was dancing half naked on a stage in a strip bar. How could I fault @FuckinSway for coming to such a logical assumption? I merely shake my head.]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*The smirk on my face fades as hurt and shame pour off of @FuckinLucid in waves. I feel like such an ass. No, of course she’s not a stripper. I sigh.* Do you want me to walk you home?
Aleva ~ @FuckinLucid:
[Despite my bad luck previously, the overwhelming need to be alone takes over and I shake my head at @FuckinSway again. I just hope I never have to look this guy in the face again. I try a small smile but fail miserably.] Thank you for the rescue, Joe. [I walk away from @FuckinSway quickly. Tonight… I will indulge in somebody else’s dream, as today I’ve had one huge fucking nightmare!]
Julian ~ @FuckinSway:
*I watch @FuckinLucid head down the street whispering.* Good night, Precious.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSway and FuckinLucid
Julian Meets Aleva 
Julian: Coffee. I need coffee. After the other night when Becks came in I pounded down those whiskey shots. Now I need to wake up. There is a little coffee shop down the road. I’ll go there. Plus they make awesome coffee. I grab my wallet and keys, making sure to lock my door before heading down the stairs and hitting the pavement. Walking in and out of the shade of trees on the way, I think about the note I left for Belle. I hope she’s not in too deep. The air conditioning hits me when I enter the glass door. It feels so damn good and I sigh in pleasure. I think I have sweated out all the liquor that was left in my system. I lean onto the counter to order my usual. A hazelnut coffee with 3 sugars and about a finger of milk.
Aleva: (Julian)  I walk inside the coffee-shop, cool air hits me and I sigh in pleasure. The air-con waking me up, giving me another boost of adrenaline.  I look around the place, it is pretty empty. Especially for it to be so close to a bus terminal. There only seems to be one waitress serving people and she looks completely run off her feet. I spot a table close to the corner of the room and head over to it. Dropping my bag into the seat, thankful to have the extra weight off of my shoulders. I roll my neck and look towards the counter. I pause. A man is standing with his back to me. Leaning forward on the counter, waiting for his coffee. I take a moment to admire  the view before walking over and standing besidehim. It’s not until I’m standing next to him I realise I left my money at the table. I sigh. For fucks sake. I meander back over to my table to get some change.
Julian: (Aleva) I turn my head in the direction of the voice I had just heard. I see the back of a slender woman shuffling back to a table. Her hair is tied up into a loose knot on the top of her head. I cock my head to the side as I appreciate the sway of her hips rocking back and forth, showcasing a pert little butt. I close my eyes, trying to stop myself from thinking this route. Women are only trouble. However, I still appreciate the female form. I wonder what her face looks like. I can see tattoos across her arms. This intrigues me. Two things I love in this world is music and art… specifically tattoo art. Okay three, and whiskey. “Sir?” Started out of my reverie, I look at the cup of coffee in front of me. Thank you miss.I start digging for my wallet.
Aleva: (Julian)  I snatch some money from my bag and make my way back towards the counter where the man is accepting his coffee. I stand behind him  and look up at the price board. I feel my eyes close of their own accord and I pinch my arm to wake myself up. Not now!
Julian: (Aleva) I pick up my coffee after paying the cashier and turn to go to a table bumping right into that girl, who is standing close behind me.> <Coffee spills and splatters across and down her shirt. Oh shit! I’m so sorry… um, whatever your name is. I grab a bunch of napkins from the counter and start mopping at her shirt. Here let me help… I sweep the napkins across the top of her chest, almost delving between her breasts without thinking.
Aleva: (Julian)  A burning sensation scorches my chest and I gasp. The pleasant, low tone of his voice reaches my ears, but I’m not paying attention as his hands grab at my breasts. I freak out and push him back as hard as I can. What the hell do you think you’re  doing?! I’m torn between the hot contents of his coffee cup still stinging and wanting to slap this guy for his indecent touching.
Julian: (Aleva) Suddenly pushed back, her words enter my brain. It dawns on me that I was practically fondling her. I want to facepalm myself.What a stupid asshole. No wonder she sounds angry. I was just trying to help. My gaze sweeps up her  body, noticing her breasts, lingering for a moment before glancing at her face. Beautiful.. but looking a bit rough, like she is hungover. I notice a cut on her temple and I frown. Did she get into a fight? Then I notice other various little scratches. It still doesn’t distract me from the fullness of her mouth, her beautiful brown eyes. I close my eyes. I can’t think that way, especially when she is glowering at me in all her glory. I’m so, so sorry. Let me buy you a cup of coffee… What’s your name?
Aleva: (Julian)  I glare at this guy, snatching the remaining napkins from his hand and trying to wipe the rest of the liquid from my skin. Tall, white mocha with cream. Make it a double shot. Perhaps I’ll give you my name later. I’ll be right back. I toss the tissues at his chest, noticing the way his eyes linger on me and muttering… Creep. I walk towards my table and bag. Grabbing a clean top and making my way to the female restroom.
Julian: (Aleva) My brow raises at the term of “creep”. Sighing, I turn back to the counter to order her drink and another for me. As it is getting prepared, I grab the napkins that were tossed at me that had fallen to the floor. Shaking my head. She might be attractive but she is just a bit immature. I had only been trying to help, just to get it thrown back at me. The waitress places the coffees in front of me, just after I get back from tossing away the messy napkins and spilled paper cup. I take out my wallet again to pay.
Aleva: (Julian)  I pull the coffee soaked top over my head, wincing a little at the pink skin underneath where his coffee has lightly burnt me. There doesn’t look to be any serious burns. If anything, the pain seems to have woken me up some more. I shudder at the  thought of needing to resort to such measures. As soon as I’ve had coffee and some sleep, I’ll be fine. The shaking doesn’t subside. I frown and pull the clean clothing on. Using cold water in the sink to wash the remains of the coffee from my skin. I have to blink my eyes a few times as I think I see some of my tattoos move. I’m losing my mind! I splash the cool liquid onto my face, taking a deep breath and making my way back out to the man and the coffee counter. My dirty clothes still in my hand as I approach him.
Julian: (Aleva) I watch her wearily as she comes closer. I push myself up from my position of leaning on the counter and grab her cup of coffee, holding it out, hoping that she won’t be so stand-offish again. Here you go. Common topic I tell myself. I like your tatts.
Aleva: (Julian)  I snort, taking the coffee from him. I like my tatts too. I walk away from him and over to my table where my bag is perched on the extra seat. I shove the dirty laundry in, pick the bag from the chair and stick it on the floor. Gesturing to the empty seat for him to sit. Might as well join me. I offer. I don’t really want to spend any time with this strange creep, but he did  buy me a coffee back. Least I can do is give him a chance to make amends. It is then I notice he has some ink of his own.  Nice tatts. I smirk as I repeat his own words back to him.
Julian: (Aleva) I sit down to the offered seat and look at my own tatts.Thank you. I do tattoo art as well. I have commissioned pieces I do, plus I’m putting together a portfolio. Not quite a tattooist, but I love art as well as tattoos, so why not put them together. Julian, stop rambling. I take a sip of coffee to shut up.
Aleva: (Julian)  I raise a brow and tilt my head at him. Now I feel like a bitch. I’ve been looking for a new piece. But then again, I was also going to head back to that tattoo place and hope to get something done there. I smile genuinely at him. Exciting job. I eagerly gulp some of the scolding liquid, sighing and sagging into my seat comfortably. Sliding my shoes from my feet.
Julian: (Aleva) Well, my actual job is being a musician. I have a gig at the bar, playing guitar and singing. That’s my job. I’m Julian by the way. I take a look at your tired and bruised face. Hungover?
Aleva: (Julian)  I glare at Julian. Damn, you sure know how to flatter a girl don’t you, Joe? I drain the rest of my coffee impatiently and slam the cup down. My shaky hands making it skitter across the table. I’m sure you’re a nice guy. But I have an elsewhere to be.
Julian: (Aleva) I look at you, knowing I said something wrong. Done with trying to impress this beautiful girl, I resort back to my normal self… being an asshole. That fits me best. So oh well, I say what I think. I shrug.Name’s Julian, not Joe. Not going to give me yours? I smirk. If you ever want to find me, I work at the corner bar. Later… Precious.
Aleva: I roll my eyes. Julian, Joe. Same diff. I ignore the creepy pet name he used and stand up. Not even gracing Julian with a second look as I thank the waitress and leave the coffee-shop. Once again the heat hits me like a tidal wave as I step outside. Now to find another motel. Perhaps if I look for a shitty run down place with little custom, there will be less chance of being kicked out due to the night-terrors which I know are itching to crawl out of my skin and into the minds of others. But the bliss that will come with it is just so tempting that I smile to myself as I look for my next potential bed.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSway - Julian Blake:
I enter the bar with my guitar case in hand, looking at the person at the bar and giving them a grin. I go to my regular spot, the area cleaned of clutter where just a stool is standing. I place my case down to open it, pulling my beautiful guitar out of it. Nothing like the feel of her strings under my fingers. I gaze across the bar, it’s beginning to get full. Time to play.
I drag the microphone that is hiding in the corner over to my seat, setting it up and checking that it’s on. I sit down, picking slowly at the strings. A tune going through my head. I know what I’m going to sing. I speak into the microphone. Hello everyone. After a few more words, I settle into my singing mode.
Okay, so my first song tonight is going to be a cover, and, even though my eyes are green, I give a small smirk, I’m going to play for—you tonight “Behind Blue Eyes.” I begin to strum my guitar, the opening riffs.
“No one knows what it’s like
 To the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes” 
"And no one knows what it’s like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies.”
"But my dreams
Are not as empty
As my conscience
Seems to be.”
"I have hours
Only lonely
My love is vengeance
That’s never free.”
"No one knows what it’s like
To feel these feeling
Like I do
And I blame you.”
"No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through.”
"But my dreams
Are not as empty
As my conscience
Seems to be.”
"I have hours
Only lonely
My love is vengeance
That’s never free.”
"No one knows what it’s like
To be mistreated
To be defeated
Behind blue eyes.”
"And no one knows how to say
That they’re sorry
And don’t worry
I’m not telling lies.”
"But my dreams
Are not as empty
As my conscience
Seems to be.”
"I have hours
Only lonely
My love is vengeance
That’s never free.”
"No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes.”
I end the song and hear the applause around the room and I chuckle.Thank you. Glad you liked it.
I start to take requests from the audience and begin to play my next song. It’s going to be a profitable night tonight.
~”Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who
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surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSway - Julian Blake
The lines stroking on the paper take form. The feel of the pencil sliding and gliding in swirls inspires me to draw further. Once the outline is finished, I grab a new pencil to begin shading. I painstakingly concentrate on perfecting it. This commissioned piece of work includes some writing. This is the hardest part to do. I tap the pencil on my lip as I consider which font to write it in.The words flow from my hand, the words taking place perfectly, finishing the piece’s outlines and shading. Next is the color.I pick up a red pencil and color in the flames coming off of the dragon’s wings. This Japanese dragon is complicated. All the scales that had to be done, the complex twist of its body… the ribbon surrounding its form.
Soon, I am finished and I look at it. It is perfect,ready to be given to the contractor. They should be very pleased and I should get a good amount of money for this. I’m one of the best artists in this area.I place it in one of the tubes I keep for the art, two pieces of stencil paper on either side of the drawing to keep it smudge free. Putting it to the side of the desk, I wipe off the surface of my desk, clearing it for the next piece I have to do in the future.
I rub at my stomach, I should eat but I should get dressed before my cousin, Belle Mancini, comes home.
Sighing, I go upstairs to throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I start to think about how I was able to make that girl from the bar feel better. It’s been becoming more of an occurrence as of late. More and more I seem to be able to manipulate how people feel. Their emotions seeping into me. Letting me know how they are thinking. I have an overwhelming need to fix it so I can feel better. I’m tired of mood going up and down with the people I’ve been meeting lately. I need to keep them at a distance or else I will be pulled under even more. Thank god I don’t get Belle’s emotions seeping into me. She is the one person I can be close to without feeling them. I need to learn how to block this empathy. It is beginning to really get to me. I am frustrated, thrust into this never-ending cycle of sadness and happiness.
But,it also gives me a ecstatic high when I am around happy people. Feeding from their happiness and pleasure. That is the catch. I want more. So much more that I don’t want to block it then. I’m a selfish bastard. There are times when I feed on it so much that it leaves the person drained, distraught. I leave them then.
I shake my head. I don’t want to go on this train of thought. It will just drive me crazy.
0 notes
surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
/After leaving @PoutyIsabella’s home I drove back to the shop, my mind beat from the long day and brain fried from the news that she had laid on me. What struck me as odd was I wasn’t put off by @PoutyIsabella being a mother. No. I even looked forward to seeing her again and possibly meeting her little one, Pippa, which seemed strange for myself. I’d never been inclined to see a woman more than once, well at least not more than a roll in the sheets that is, but this was feeling much different. I didn’t have that uneasy “It’s time to get out of dodge before the expectations” creeping urge I usually got when I’d attracted a woman. 
I’d crashed into the sleep rumpled sheets with heavy lids slammed shut before I hit the pillow. I awoke the next morning to #Paul pounding on the door. The contractor was almost done with the upstairs small renovation and would have the kitchen cabinets installed fully by the end of the day. I shook off the minor annoyance at being disturbed from sleeping in longer by hitting a hot shower. The scalding stream of water massaging over my hard sculpted frame was a relief to my sore muscles. Soap suds rinse down the edges of my body and swirl the drain near my feet. I snag a fresh towel off the rack, soaking up the moisture from my hard body before wrapping it low on my hips, thick fingers scratching along the low trail of hair leading below the towel’s folded edge before rustling them through the long wet strands at the top of my head.
With the day freed up for appliance shopping, I head off to tug on a fresh pair of boxer briefs, jeans, a crisp white undershirt, and red flannel before topping it all off with a flat billed snapback. Calling out a “See you later, man.” to #Paul I jog down the steps leading to the shop floor below and out the back entrance after snatching up a snack from the break room fridge. #Shace was walking up the stoop as I brush past nearly knocking him back./
Dude, you seriously need to put some weight on.
/I air punch at him, ducking my head to the right and left in a playful manner./
We should hit up the fitness center and get you pumped up. Then you’ll have all the honeys hitting you up.
“Oh fuck off, Vane. Hey, I’ve got an appointment set up for you soon. You’ll have more luck with @FuckinSwiper than myself I’m sure.”
An appointment, eh? Okay, as soon as I get back I’ll take a look at the book. You sure you’re not up for the gym? I’ll take it easy on you if you’re game for pulling on the gloves.
/A rush comes over me at the prospect of getting into the ring again. Man it had been awhile since I laced up my own gloves. #Shace grumbles a “Pass” under his breath along with some muttered words and waves me off. I clamp a palm over his narrow shoulder and chuckle deeply as I run down the rest of the cement steps with my hand delving into my front pocket for my keys. I start up the Camaro, driving out of the back lot and cruise slowly a few blocks toward 6th street before I’m halted at a red light.
My shaded eyes scanning the surrounding area while my fingers tapped along the curved steering wheel to the tune the local alternative rock station was airing. I catch sight of a large sign across the intersection with Sways blazed over it and remember @FuckinSway inviting me by to check out one of his sets.
I cross the intersection as the light changes thinking I’d hit up the place soon for a drink, maybe give @PoutyIsabella a call to join me. Any reason to see her again sounded like a good idea to me./ 
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surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
FuckinSurreal And PoutyIsabella
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*Pushes through the crowd to another table, well near it. Several people are lined up at this booth, watching and waiting to see the piece that’s being done on a girl. A guy is standing close to her, chatting away with the artist. At least I think he is because the girl in the chair is completely relaxed and it kind of looks like she’s snoozing, but I can’t really see the guy doing the tattoo, so I’m not too certain. Spotting a book of tattoo designs on a nearby table, I pull it closer to me and idly thumb through the pages. I don’t really need to look, but I’m curious. This guy has some great designs and his work ranges from creepy as fuck to pretty cute. The crowd shifts in closer, trying to get a peek at the now finished piece and I glance up, barely focusing on it when I see the artist’s face. Hmm… shaking my head, I figure I’m crazy, but the odd familiarity of him doesn’t go away. Brows furrow and I go back to studying the designs. I’ve met a lot of folks in my time, so seeing someone who might look familiar isn’t a big thing for me*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/I’m pulled away after wrapping @FuckinLucid’s arm up, potential customers lined up on the front of the tattoo tables shouting out out questions and #Shace still nowhere to be found. That little shit. I grump out a groan, knuckles sore yet fingers wrapping around the cash @FuckinSway thrusts into my hand. A concerned look passes over my face seeing @FuckinLucid sway on her feet slightly. Fuck that didn’t look good. I sigh out through my nose sharply, yelling out into the crowd asking @fuckinsway to watch out for @fuckinlucid before turning back reluctantly once @FuckinSway and @FuckinLucid are lost in the sea of inked and body modified decorated people. My eyes skit to the side catching a flash of red through the crowd, @PoutyIsabella coming into view with her auburn fiery lock resting over one shoulder. I have to double take, my mind pounding with frustration from the day, but also trying to place @PoutyIsabella. Why did she look familiar?/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*The sea of people seems to ebb and flow with each new contest announcement, which is good because it’s given me a chance to move even closer to the tattoo artist’s booth. I could see @FuckinSurreal now. Plain as day, and while I can’t tell you his name, the fact that I feel I know him won’t go away. My eyes fall from @FuckinSurreal’s face and I go back to pretending to be interested in a book of skull designs that say they were drawn by @FuckinSurreal*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/I answer the couple in front of me questions, passing on the new flyer for #RiverCityInk asking them to stop by the shop some time for a larger piece. The Japanese piece they were interested in would need more than one sitting. They thank me before moving on to the next booth, my firm lips slowly curving upwards as I see @PoutyIsabella flicking through my portfolio/See anything you’d like, doll?
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*eyes widen, moving up to @FuckinSurreal’s, my hands moving quickly to close the book* No, not really. Too manly for me, I think. *gives @FuckinSurreal a playful grin* You’re really good. But, I think Jessie *points to the female artist next to you* might have the skills I’m looking for with the idea I have in mind. *bites the inside of my cheek to stave off a smirk*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@PoutyIsabella /Quirks a dark heavy brow up, firm lips thinning along with my lids as I drop my blazing blue gaze/ I can guarantee Jessie doesn’t have a finer hand than I, doll. /The corner of my lip curves up in a smirk, heavy palm bracing on the edge of the table/ I’m sure anything you have in mind I’ll be able to handle, Beautiful. /Breaks back with a slow swallow, thick arms crossing over my broad chest/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*glances over at Jessie, thinking you’re rather cocky and it could be fun to play off that* Ah, but there’s nothing nicer than a woman’s touch, @FuckinSurreal. *crosses my arms, making sure to push my boobs up a bit, kind of proud at how easily I can give as good as I get. At least with strangers* Besides, @FuckinSurreal, you seem to have a line of folks waiting for you to touch them.
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/Snorts out quietly, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in a hard gulp at that thought, feet shifting thinking @PoutyIsabella was a cheeky one. I liked that and still felt like @PoutyIsabella was familiar, but how? I shake my head swiping over my dry lips/ They can wait. I’d make the time to fit you in, doll. /Grin spreading wider/ Are you going to show me what you’ve got?
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*quickly decides against the tattoo I’d been wanting for well over a year, my mind takes me to the second one I’ve wanted for a bit, it’s meaning as equally as important to me. Slides my hand from my pocket, leaving the drawing I had done tucked safely inside* Do you think you can handle a bow, @FuckinSurreal? Hello Kitty’s bow, to be exact? Right.. *slides my hand to rest near my pelvic bone, eyes staying glued to @FuckinSurreal’s face. Ever since Pippa, I’ve been worried about how my body looks and this would give me a little more reason to realize that, aside from a few stretch marks, my body’s not hideous*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/My eyes drop down to watch the slow glide of her delicate hand as she moves it to her pelvic bone. I groan internally at the thought of touching and inking @PoutyIsabella there. I clear my throat, ticking my head down. A bow? I could handle that. I scoff gesturing for @PoutyIsabella to walk back into the tattoo area./ No problem at all, doll. Are we going with red? /I turn back with a palm scrubbing over my nape, happy to see #Shace had finally showed back up, as I reach out to shake @PoutyIsabella’s hand/ I’m Vane by the way and I’ll be your tattooist for the day. /Chuckles quietly/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*studies @FuckinSurreal for a moment, his face clearly expressing… something. It makes me grin on the inside, practically giddy that I can still get to a man. Wraps my fingers around @FuckinSurreal’s hand, giving it a soft shake, nodding* Yep. Traditional red with black outline, @FuckinSurreal. *smiles at the guy moving through the booth, cringing a little because he could go for a sandwich. Or three. Suddenly feels a little nervous but pushes it aside, fingers working the button on my jeans, shoving them down a bit to reveal the lime green and black lace panties beneath* Oh darn, @FuckinSurreal. I should’ve taken these off. *huffs a little, knowing I’m being a little mean to Mr. Cocky by teasing, but also knowing the lace will rub the shit out of the new ink*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/Grumps a growl seeing #Shace’s eyes turned back in our direction, turned low to where @PoutyIsabella is revealing the tops of her lace panties, the crotch of my own jeans tightening as I move to block his view/ Yes, @PoutyIsabella that would probably be wise. Do you need time to strip them off? /Steps closer, slightly looming over @PoutyIsabella as I husk out/ Or I could just rip them free from you. /Firm lips purse into a hard smirk, thick fingers thrusting into the black latex giving a hard sounding snap at my wrists/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*tilts my head, glancing between @FuckinSurreal and the other guy, a devilish smirk forming* You help? Maybe him.. he seems a bit less pushy and though he’d not shred my favorite panties. *winks, turning my gaze back to @FuckinSurreal* Do you have somewhere I can go @FuckinSurreal to take them off? *arches a brow, losing my ability to swallow when the latex smacks against your skin*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal
@PoutyIsabella /Chuckles out, slowing down and backing up to give space with a tick toward the back/ There’s a curtained area in back. I turn a sharp look over my shoulder shooting #Shace a hard look if he even dared to entertain that thought./ I’ll set up  while you lose the lovely panties. /Smirks more, a low rumble in my chest at your breath catching at the sound of latex snapping. I narrow my blazing gaze toward #Shace once more, starting to sanitize tools and spray down my work station/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*presses my lips together, grinning when I pass the other guy, patting his chest* Ignore him, I think he’s jealous. *smirks back at @FuckinSurreal, slipping behind the curtain. Quickly kicks off my heels then pushes my jeans and panties down. Separates the clothes and pulls my jeans back on, leaving them undone. Folding my panties, I step into my shoes heading back out to the booth where @FuckinSurreal is.* All done! *brushes my hair back and hops up onto the chair, watching you*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/Grins broadly seeing @PoutyIsabella walk out and hop onto the tattoo chair, finishing setting up the ink caps with the colors I’d need/ Okay, @PoutyIsabella how about tying your shirt up high, and undoing the jeans to tuck down? /I smirk sitting back to grab the razor ready to get my eyes and hands on @PoutyIsabella’s body/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
Up high, @FuckinSurreal? You are cocky! *laughs, leaning back in the chair, lifting my shirt up just enough to give you room. Folds it over then slides my hands down over my stomach, watching @FuckinSurreal very, VERY closely as I push my jeans down enough, folding the fabric down just enough to keep… things covered* There, @FuckinSurreal. You should have no problem now. *winks*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/Groans deeply as I lean forward, tongue swiping out across my firm lips as the smooth expanse of @PoutyIsabella’s creamy skin is revealed completely clear of other tattoos. I hum excited to get to ink such a beautiful area of @PoutyIsabella, I barely whisper out/ Beautiful… /I cough to disguise the words, raising my gaze to @PoutyIsabella while my fingers fumble to the side for the tat iron/ Are you ready?
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*takes a deep breath, nodding, my eyes falling closed* Yeah.. *@FuckinSurreal had called me beautiful, he tried to cover it, but I still heard him. @FuckinSurreal had been cocky, arrogant even, up until that point. Acting like one of those men who know they’re good  looking and tries to use it for their advantage, which was both kind of sexy and a turn off. But when @FuckinSurreal utters that word something stupid and simple, I can’t think of anything else to say. No flirty, teasing things can be thought of* Ready, @FuckinSurreal…
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/Nods, grabbing the iron after drawing the bow on @PoutyIsabella’s pelvic bone, making sure it was positioned right before dipping the needle into the black ink cap. I rub over the line with jelly to track it, concentrating on @PoutyIsabella and her reaction to the needle/ Don’t be afraid to let me know if it’s too much. I don’t know your tolerance to pain, @PoutyIsabella. /I drop my head back down, breathing as steady as I could being this close to @PoutyIsabella. Her beautiful skin absorbing the ink with each long stroke of the needle/
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*the hum of the tattoo gun helps relax me, nodding slowly at @FuckinSurreal’s words. The moment the needle meets my skin, a groan slips from between my lips, eyes squeezed shut. Exhales a shaky breath and bites down on my lower lip, losing myself in the  almost pleasant sting of the needle*
Vane Everett ‏@FuckinSurreal 
/I keep my eyes focused on the path of the needle, @PoutyIsabella’s lower belly hollowing with each pull of air in and out. My ears prickling at the gentle groan parting @PoutyIsabella’s lush lips. Fuck… I shift in my seat, pulling the skin tight as I change from lining to coloring the inside of the bow. The bright red puddles, my napkin wiping at the sensitive area to clear the excess ink free. I roll my tight neck feeling the tension racking up as I finish the last of the color./
Miss B ‏@PoutyIsabella
*@FuckinSurreal is quiet, focused and I can’t help but let my head roll to the side to watch him, his jaw set and eyes slightly narrowed. My gaze flickers from @FuckinSurreal’s eyes to his jaw. Gosh… that jaw… it makes me want to just… swallowing thickly, I push the thoughts aside. @FuckinSurreal is a stranger, sexy as heck, but a stranger nonetheless, so I feel a bit less guilty over the idea of licking @FuckinSurreal’s jaw, but still.. I should know better! His quick movements tell me he’s close to being finished and I’m suddenly eager to see my newest tattoo*
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surrealinkrpstories · 11 years
/Leaving the emptying Austin convention center late Sunday night had been a daunting task. The cars were lined up with blaring red rear lights waiting in long lines for the traffic to lighten and allow them free from the packed parking lot.
Fatigue had started to wash over me while I waited in the shop’s truck, the back loaded up with our equipment. My knuckles ached from the grueling tide of expo customers adding to their skin art collections all weekend. The money made during the event lifted #Roman’s mood, the cash replenishing the debts he’d racked in while business was low. After parking out back I helped #Shace and #Ted unload the truck, our equipment lugged back inside and stored in the rightful places.
One unidentified bag hidden among the other stored items had me recalling @FuckinLucid carrying it when she showed up at the expo. @FuckinLucid’s must have forgotten the nap sack near the tattoo chair when she had stumbled off, #Shace most likely packing up away at the end of the night. I sigh out, toting it over my shoulder as I climb the shop stairs to the upper level.
Worry and guilt building in my mind over @FuckinLucid and her reaction to the ink work I had done on her. I hoped that @FuckinSway had made sure @FuckinLucid had made it home alright. I blow out a harsh breath thinking I’d have to stop by @FuckinSway’s bar one night soon to inquire. Something about @FuckinLucid had stirred some protective instinct within me; ever since the unexpected brawl that first night outside of #RiverCityInk. Hell, I felt badly that I hadn’t been able to assist @FuckinLucid after the tattoo work.
I knead thick blunt fingers slowly into my furrowed forehead, the memory of the inked lines shifting while I etched the ink over @FuckinLucid’s skin still rousing my curiosity more from before. What had caused them to move? My weary eyes, or was there something more to it?
I drop the bag over by a table I’d constructed out of scraped wood I’d found out back, and start to retire from the long night. While I emptied my pockets, my brows draw down in surprise when I discover the small scrap of lime and lace. I had to chuckle seeing the panties and remembering where they had come from. The lace intimate doing a great job of distracting me of current thoughts of @FuckinLucid’s mysterious ink. It seems the ladies were all about leaving me with little mementos this weekend.
I caught hell from the other tat artists when they had seen the sharpie stunt @PoutyIsabella had pulled. Even more shit talking was mumbled under breath when I’d returned to the booth with my jaw and cheek raw and pink from the scrubbing to remove the black scribbled numbers.
I shake my head in amusement and fling the satin fabric onto the makeshift bedside table. Slowly I start to peel the sweat soaked tee from my worn body with a heavy groan. Fuck I was exhausted. With a flick of the lights I sink down into slumber, and surrender to my dream state.
I awaken hours later to streaming late morning sunlight filtering around the room, and roll free from the mattress. The day’s plans were to finish up cleaning the space, painting over the walls, and purchasing some more sensible furnishings. #Roman had agreed and given me permission to fit the upper level with amenities, with my own funds of course, and a local contractor was scheduled to start a build on a small functioning kitchen and bath. #Paul, the contractor, assured me the work wouldn’t take too long, and the price was just right with some side negotiating on future ink.
I start my day with my first stop being the hardware store. @PoutyIsabella and the encounter at the expo spinning in my head. I needed to give @PoutyIsabella a call, my fingers itched to press the numbers in my newly acquired cell, but not wanting to seem overeager. What was it about @PoutyIsabella that had intrigued me so? Maybe it was the fact that she seemed different, much more than the other dolls that I usually found interest in.
I move through the next few days, busy working on the above the shop improvements with my hand constantly delving into the dark of my pocket wondering if it was too soon to call @PoutyIsabella. Questions mounting…Who did I even ask for? What if @PoutyIsabella had given me a fake number? I grit my teeth down, jaw ticking at that thought. What if I can’t find @PoutyIsabella again? I knew nothing about her apart that she was new to town.
I thrust my hands through the top of my thick hair, a frustrated groan rumbling free. There was only one way to find out, the tiny internal voice replies. Fuck. I needed a clear head with starting back on my work schedule and I was not going to have that until I called @PoutyIsabella./ 
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