#fucking jonas brothers funny moments were all i had you know? i would fully come home and go on team jonas and finally felt like i belonged
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can i just say i Did have a full jonas brothers breakdown last night bc i realized how special it is and how lucky i am to be able to travel and see them in other cities with friends STILL like obv i’m doing this for current me but 12,13,14 year old me wouldn’t in a million years believe that what i’m doing now is possible and it’s just so insane to me
#and like. the community of people they’ve cultivated is so special like why are we all still in a facebook group together that we made in#2008 😭 obv there has been drama it’s unavoidable but i feel so safe and comfortable around all of them and jonie shows are just such a#special place to me#i cant stop thinking about me in 7th and 8th grade and how miserable i was because of everything at school and like. these communities were#all i had#fucking jonas brothers funny moments were all i had you know? i would fully come home and go on team jonas and finally felt like i belonged#don’t even get me started on how lucky i was to have been able to meet them in 2019 like ik it sounds silly but jesus it was such a full#circle moment for me and like. i did that for her you know#i’m the one going to shows now and doing all of this but so much of it is for her
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Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 1
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so.... yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count: 5.1k
[Next Chapter]
Meeting Jonas felt as if the world finally started turning for Annalise. Her lips felt dry seeing the blonde boy. Her tongue instinctively licked her lips to moisten them once more. His bright blue eyes were just as Martha had described. He was different though. He did not radiate the happy energy that Martha had once described.
“Anna,” Bartosz called to pull her out of her trance from seeing Jonas. He leaned over to his best friend and teased loud enough for everyone to hear, “Forgive her. She’s still a foreigner so her German isn’t the best.”
Annalise grumbled, “Please don’t call me that.” She rubbed her shoulder anxiously. She never understood why Martha decided to date such an ass when she was previously dating such a sweet boy, especially since the ass was the sweet boy’s best friend.
“Hey.” Jonas gave a small smile, “You know, it’s a fairly pretty name. It’s close to my mom’s name. Hannah.”
She laughed, “Did you just say my name was pretty because it sounds like your mom’s?”
Jonas blushed. He bit his lip for a second. “Yeah.” he quickly changed the subject, “You’re German isn’t that bad.”
Annalise rolled her eyes as she watched everyone walking towards the doors, “Well, Bartosz likes to make fun of me.” She spotted Magnus and said, “I’ve gotta go talk to him.” She honestly just wanted to leave the awkward conversation.
Bartosz laughed and explained to his friend once she left, “She lives with them since her exchange status, you know. Anna is weirdly close to Magnus. Martha always asks me to stop pointing it out but the way she looks at him is fucking weird.”
“Did you tell anyone,” Jonas changed the subject.
Bartosz chuckled, “I told everyone you were on a two-month school exchange in France, playing hide-the-baguette. Conveniently enough, Annalise came over from America a month later so no one really questioned much.” He looked at Jonas who still seemed worried, “Relax. Come on.” He walked towards the school and encouraged his friend, “Come on.”
Magnus looked down at Annalise and rolled his eyes at the girl’s smelling of him, “Yeah. Mikkel is at school safe. You should have just waited for all of us if you were that worried.”
“You smell like weed,” She commented pulling away from the older boy.
Magnus shook his head, “Who are you? Franziska? What has gotten into everyone today?” A slight blush grew on his face.
“Franziska,” Annalise teased dancing just out of his reach, “That’s a big surprise, Magnus.”
“Shut up,” He turned his head and asked, “Shouldn’t you go find Martha?”
Annalise nodded then turned just in time to spot her, “There she is, I’ll go. Bye Magnus. Have fun~”
Martha looked at her foreign friend. “You left without me this morning,” she complained, “where did you go?”
Annalise shrugged, “I just walked to school.” She lied. She had gone to try to pick up some bread for herself that morning and past Ulrich on her way coming back from the bakery. He made her promise not to tell anyone about it, so she had eaten as much as she could before getting to school before passing it off to one of her other classmates.
“Assemblies like this are for idiots,” Bartosz reasoned, “They need to get rid of them.”
Jonas didn’t reply, but instead, kept an eye on Martha who was walking towards them. He truly smiled for the first time since getting home. His hopeful eyes watched as she moved to sit.
Bartosz moved to give Martha a place to sit next to him. When he noticed Annalise with her, he whispered to the person next to Jonas to move.
Martha sat in between Bartosz and Jonas. Sorrowfully, she gave Bartosz a kiss as he wrapped an arm around her. Completely unaware of Jonas’ face changing to one of hurt, she linked her hand with Bartosz’s.
Bartosz leaned over and confessed as if an afterthought, “Maybe you did miss something.”
Annalise shifted uncomfortably on the other side of Jonas and looked away. A sick feeling filled her stomach seeing how Jonas’s expressions changed. She just bit the inside of her lip and decided to stay out of it for the moment though.
Martha looked up at Jonas to finally fully study him. She mustered up her courage to let out a, “Hey.”
Very quietly, Jonas replied back, “Hey.”
Martha looked around the room trying to figure out exactly what she wanted to say next. She could feel that they were making this moment awkward for everyone. “How was France,” She asked.
Before Jonas could respond, Bartosz answered, “French. How else?” He laughed at his own joke causing Martha to look at him unamused.
Annalise leaned over, made a face at him, and said, “Shove off Bartosz, that wasn’t even funny.”
“Oh, shut up Anna,” Bartosz rolled his eyes and sneered back at her before he and Annalise shifted to sit correctly in their seats once more.
Everyone started to applaud as Katharina walked onto the stage as if the entire school were thankful that she interrupted the awkwardness between Jonas and Martha. The woman thanked everyone for their warm welcome and then started on the assembly about Erik Obendorf. This caused numerous students to whisper amongst themselves as Jonas and Martha just looked at each other.
Afterward, they all walked to their classes. Annalise lagged behind with Jonas kind of just following Bartosz and Martha. She really didn’t know what to say to make the situation any better. So she instead elected to stay silent. The girl did overhear Bartosz talking about meeting up to go to the caves later to get the remains of Erik’s dope. She shook her head and stormed past them, “Excuse me.” She walked into her and Martha’s shared first period.
Bartosz smiled and chuckled, “She really needs to get some dick. Magnus still hasn’t done that yet?” He teased Martha.
Martha lightly hit her boyfriend, “Gross.” She pulled away and followed Annalise into the classroom to try and apologize.
Bartosz anxiously waited until the middle of the first period with Jonas to discuss going to the caves. First, he needed to make his friend laugh though. While Franziska gave her report, he leaned over to his friend, “You know what I’ve been wondering for days? If the blackest hole of all is parked in Franziska Doppler’s ass.”
Jonas finally chuckled. A giant grin spread across his face and he tried to suppress his laughter.
“But, seriously,” Bartosz stated seriously, “what I really wonder is this: If Erik didn’t run away, but got snuffed out or something instead, then all his dope is still in the caves.”
Jonas looked at his friend confused.
Bartosz continued, “He kept his entire stash there.”
“So,” Jonas asked.
Bartosz shook his head, “Oh, man!” He sighed at his friend’s foolishness, “We go in there and….bingo!”
Jonas scoffed, “That’s bullshit.”
“It’s awesome,” Bartosz counteracted.
Martha leaned over to Annalise and whispered, “I know you two aren’t the greatest of friends, but can’t you and Bartosz try to be at least a bit more polite and nicer to each other?”
Annalise twirled her pencil in her hand, “Tell that to him first. I’ve always been the one to try and play nice.”
“Well, you are coming with us to the cave tonight right,” Martha pleaded, “It would be really awkward if it’s just me, Bartosz, and Jonas.”
Annalise smiled and stifled a laugh, “Isn’t Magnus also going? Want another person there so you can hoe with your boyfriend without feeling bad about Jonas.”
“Shut up,” Martha blushed and hit her shoulder against the other girl a bit harder than she expected that caused Annalise to fall out of her seat with a large clang of the metal stool against the cement floor.
The bell rang signifying the end of the school day before any of the kids could realize.
Jonas called Bartosz on his bullshit then asked, “Then you’ll go around selling it or what?”
Bartosz hummed, “No dude. We’ll smoke half of it ourselves. And if there are capacities on the market, you don’t hesitate.” He further explained, “We’ll go there and get the stuff. Easy Peasy.”
“Who’s getting what stuff,” Magnus’s deep voice called over to the two boys as he and his sister joined them atop the stairs.
“We’re going to the caves tonight,” Bartosz explained to the boy before going to greet his girlfriend with a deep kiss.
Magnus laughed. He turned towards Jonas and asked, “You turning into boy scouts?”
“Bartosz thinks Erik’s dope is there,” Jonas replied.
The group started their way down the stairs to meet up with Annalise who was waiting hanging off the metal banister on the outside of the stairs. Martha spoke up, “Fanny told me they once found a dead squirrel with five legs there.”
“You’ll believe any old crap,” Magnus teased his sister.
Annalise laughed and said, “Come on Magnus. Leave Martha alone. Let her live in her dreams.” She hopped off to pounce on her surrogate brother’s back causing him to stumble a bit. They both started to laugh and Jonas smiled at the pure ridiculousness of what was going on between Magnus and Annalise.
Martha turned to the two laughing like crows, “Just because you can’t see past your nose doesn’t mean there aren’t things going on out there that the nuclear power mafia keeps secret from the public.”
Magnus pushed Annalise off while Martha went on her rant. As he passed his sister, he told her, “Don’t forget to breathe.” Franziska, as if on cue, stood in the doorway blocking the group. She looked up at the tall older boy. Magnus carefully moved past her. “Franziska.” he acknowledged her.
“Magnus,” she replied walking backward to eye him up and down before continuing her way into the school.
Bartosz, Jonas, and Annalise stood back to watch her walk away in awe with what had just happened.
Just as Franziska was out of range, Martha looked at her brother disgusted, “You got a crush on her now or what?”
“Shut up,” Bartosz muttered under his breath.
Annalise chuckled and murmured, “So it’s mutual. I see.”
When Magnus ignored her, she said, “Hey, idiot.”
“Okay, what the hell.”
The other boys started to ‘Woah’ at Martha and Magnus. Starting to get into the middle of the near fight, Jonas said, “Let’s go to the caves tonight and look.”
Bartosz gently slapped his friend’s shoulder, “Yeah dude.” He did his handshake with Magnus before taking Martha’s hand and walking ahead, “Come on.”
Jonas stood there and watched as the other three walked for a moment. He was completely lost staring at the sight in front of him that he nearly panicked at Annalise bumping her shoulder against Jonas’s.
“Do you live at school or are you coming,” Annalise teased as she started to urge him to walk with her.
Jonas laughed a bit while shaking his head, “Yeah. Thanks.”
The rest of the group was so far ahead at that point that Annalise decided to try to make some conversation. She smiled at Jonas and walked ahead of him a bit so she could walk backward and face him, “So, you know the first time I got here, I wasn’t used to so many men speaking German. In fact, I was a bit afraid of German.”
Jonas looked up and raised a brow at her, “Yeah?” He didn’t one hundred percent want to be rude since she was Martha’s friend, but he really didn’t know where she was going with telling him this.
Annalise smiled and continued with her story, “Well, when I was first moving here for the program, I heard that Katharina was going to pick me up. So I was waiting for her when a tall authoritative intimating man walked up and started speaking to me in full German.” She started laughing, “I knew what he was saying, but I couldn’t help it. I just started crying right there in the middle of the airport. Everyone just kept staring at Ulrich and me until someone asked what was wrong. You should have seen his face.” Annalise doubled over laughing at her recollection.
Jonas smiled and chuckled. He couldn’t help but feel a bit more cheerful after seeing her eyes sparkle. Her laugh infected him and before he knew it he was laughing as well even though he didn’t even think the story was that funny. He just really enjoyed the fact someone was putting so much effort into making him feel normal again. Jonas looked at her again. It was as if she was made of vibrant colors and radiating it outwards. The pinkish-orange hue that she emitted from just existing in his life was like watching the most beautiful sunset.
Annalise finally was able to stop laughing as they got where they needed to part ways so that way she could pick up Mikkel and then head home. They stopped and looked at each other for a moment. “Please don’t tell anyone I told you that,” She plead with him jokingly, “Bartosz would never let me live it down.”
“I won’t,” Jonas nodded. He laughed.
Annalise laughed again and said, “Jonas. Don’t laugh! Makes me think you are going to tell him as soon as I’m gone.”
Jonas continued to laugh, “What do you want me to do about that, you’re laughing too. You stop first.”
“Promise me, Jonas,” Annalise giggled.
The boy wiped happy tears away from his eyes, “I promise.”
“I promise what,” She dogged him.
“I promise,” Jonas smiled, “that I won’t tell them so that they will make fun of you. Only I get that.”
Annalise shook her head, “See you later asshole.” She giggled and blushed as she walked away.
Jonas watched her leave. He walked towards his house still watching her. “See you later,” he whispered under his breath as he waved towards her leaving form before he turned around to continue walking back home before the meetup.
Annalise touched her tree of life necklace. Its silver comforted her as she waited for Mikkel to walk over to her. She scanned to try to find the little boy who had grown to be like a little brother to her. Her heart felt scared knowing she was going to keep Ulrich’s secret from him. It was for the best, but she never wanted to lie to him.
When Mikkel spied Annalise, he smiled and ran up to her. He gave her a forceful hug that made them have to spin to keep balance. He yelled, “Lise! You came to pick me up!”
Annalise smiled and said, “Yeah I wanted to be the one to walk you home before Magnus took you to Heide’s.” She laughed as she held the boy, “So you will never guess who I met today.” She grabbed Mikkel’s hand so that they could walk together.
Mikkel laughed, “Did you finally meet Jonas?! He’s great, huh?”
Annalise ruffled the boy’s hair with her other hand, “Yeah.” She didn’t notice the pink painted on her face until Mikkel spoke up.
“You’re blushing,” He teased, “Do you like him?”
Annalise unconvincingly scoffed, “What? Me? I just met him.” Her face glowing.
The young boy laughed and concluded, “So you do like him.”
“Well, he isn’t not handsome,” She conceded with the boy letting the truth out about her feelings just a little bit.
When they got home, Annalise hurried upstairs to get freshened up. Martha was just about to leave but decided to wait for her friend. Martha looked at her and asked, “Wanting to impress someone now?”
Annalise blushed and finished up freshening up. She turned to her friend and asked, “Are we going?”
Martha nodded and asked, “Can you pick up some drinks from the convenience store since we are so early?”
Annalise made a face but agreed to anyway. She walked to the convenience store. She wandered down the isles and grabbed a six-pack of the mini plastic bottled Coca Cola’s and grabbed two tall glass Coca Colas. She smiled as she walked back towards the train tracks where she was going to meet back up with Martha.
Then she heard voices. She squinted and snuck closer making sure they didn’t hear her. “Where are Bartosz and the others,” asked a boy’s voice. Annalise surmised it must have been Jonas’s. It was similar and very fluid like the way he spoke.
“Late.” Martha responded, “As always.” This made Annalise want to wring her neck, but the girl stayed silent to listen. “The thing with Bartosz…”
Jonas quickly interrupted sounding panicked, “It’s okay. You don’t need to explain.”
“But I want to,” Martha replied to him. She started to sound like she was holding back tears, “I wrote you a text while you were away. Not just one. But I never sent them. It all sounded wrong somehow. What happened between us last summer…I...” Martha trailed off.
Jonas spoke up once more, “It’s really okay.” It didn’t sound okay. They were silent again. Annalise was just about to reveal herself when Jonas started again, “Something up? They were both lightly laughing now. This really hurt Annalise for some reason.
“I think I’m having deja vu,” Martha explained, “The light, the forest. As if all of this has already happened before.”
Jonas looked around looking right past Annalise with no notice. He looked back towards Martha with a small chuckle and a shrug, “A glitch in the matrix.”
Martha asked confused, “What?”
“If the world is a simulation,” Jonas explained, “deja vu is a glitch in the matrix.”
“Or a message from the other side,” Martha retorted, “I read that somewhere.”
Annalise felt very awkward watching such an intimate moment. For some reason, her heart ached a bit hearing them talk so easily. Part of the girl honestly wanted to just leave and go home. Have nothing to do with any of this.
Then Mikkel and Magnus walked near her. The younger boy noticed the girl hiding from the other two. Mikkel smiled as he linked his arm with Annalise’s and made her walk up with him.
“Hey, what the hell,” Martha asked Magnus.
He quickly replied, “Parents’ meeting. Heide’s got a stomach bug. I’m stuck with him.”
“Hi, Jonas,” Mikkel pulled away from the girl, “Ultimate fist bump?” He held out his fist to the older boy.
Jonas smiled and gave the boy a quick fist bump.
Annalise looked to Martha and Magnus then offered, “I can go home and stay with him if you want me to.”
Martha shook her head and looked towards her brother who responded with, “You take him back.” Magnus looked straight at Martha.
“Relax guys,” Mikkel interrupted, “I’m not a baby anymore.”
Bartosz, then, jogged up. “What is the idiot doing here,” he asked swatting Mikkel behind the head.
“Hey,” Annalise pulled Mikkel more towards her.
“Yeah,” Magnus agreed, “Only I can do that, okay?” Then he swatted his little brother behind his head. Annalise made a face as Mikkel complained that it hurt. She pulled the boy closer to her and gave him a plastic bottle coke while covering one finger over her lips. Magnus flipped his flashlight in his hand and held the light up to his face before saying, “Let us go.”
Mikkel looked up at Annalise as everyone started to follow Magnus, “Thank Lise.”
“It’s no problem Mikkel,” She grabbed a glass one out of the bag for herself. She opened it and turned to Jonas, “Do you want one?”
Jonas smiled gently, “Yeah. Thanks.” He took the other glass bottle from her and held it towards her so that she could open it.
Finally hearing the noise of a Coca Cola being opened, Bartosz turned around, “Oh nice! Thanks Anna.” He grabbed the bag from her hoping to find more of the glass bottles then turned towards her, “Did you only get two of those?”
Annalise smiled coyly at the boy, “It’s not like I was paid to get everyone a glass one. First come, first serve.” She clinked her bottle with Jonas then took a sip just to spite the boy.
Bartosz rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” He turned back around to continue walking with his arm around Martha howling at the moon with the others.
Jonas looked at the two wistfully and Annalise bumped his shoulder, “Come on.” She coaxed him into walking with her as a pair in the back.
It wasn’t too long once they entered the woods that the group started to walk more in a line across. Mikkel was the first to speak up again, “What do you guys think happened to Erik?” He walked with his older brother then continued, “Kids in our class are saying someone kidnapped him and has him locked up in a basement.”
Magnus rolled his eyes, “Oh shut up. He just ran away.”
Martha used this opportunity to look at Jonas once more.
“But it could be that he’s locked up somewhere and can’t get out,” Mikkel explained his side. “Why would someone do that? Lock someone else up?” the boy asked.
“It’s like the witch in Hansel and Gretel,” Bartosz tried to joke, “When she gets hungry, she has something to eat.”
Martha held back a laugh and hit her boyfriend much to the displeasure of Mikkel. She shook her head then replied, “No, Even if Mom and Dad tell you that most people are nice, there are people out there who are anything but nice.”
Magnus and Annalise both spoke up.
“Like your sister,” the oldest boy said.
“Like Bartosz,” the girl had said at the same time as the boy.
They turned towards each other and laughed as Martha complained, “You idiots.”
Jonas then spoke up, “My father said good and evil are a question of perspective.” He looked around seeing everyone suddenly quieter and a bit awkward. He joked, “Dead father, bad topic?”
Mikkel spoke up once more to get the topic back on track, “And if Erik is no longer alive? If he���s lying dead somewhere and no one finds him? That would be the worst. Even if you’re dead, you want to be found.”
“No one is dead and no one won’t be found, okay,” Martha angrily said clearly tired of the conversation, “Can we please change the topic now?”
Bartosz smiled deviously and said, “Annalise has been awfully quiet during this exchange. Why not we pick on her for a little bit?”
Annalise rolled her eyes, “You’re only mad that you didn’t get a glass bottle. Here, if you want it so badly take mine.” She held it out to the boy who quickly took it and returned the back of plastic mini bottles to her.
“Thank you,” Bartosz teased getting hit again by Martha, “Ouch. What?”
Jonas looked towards Annalise and held out his bottle, “I didn’t drink too much of it if you still want some from the bottle. I saw that you only took like one sip of yours.”
Annalise smiled and joked, “Thanks, I’d much prefer to share an indirect kiss with anyone else.” She was just about to press the bottle to her lips before she realized what she had said then paused. She tried to hand it back to Jonas.
Jonas, trying to ignore his own blush, said, “No. It’s okay.” He smiled, “It’s just funny that you would say that.”
Annalise took a quick sip before handing the bottle back to Jonas, “Why? Is it weird I don’t want to kiss my best friend’s boyfriend?”
Jonas laughed, “No. I think it’s just funny that it was your first thought. It makes me think you’ve thought about it before.”
“Ew,” Annalise shook her head, “That’s Bartosz you’re talking about. That’s disgusting.” She blushed and mumbled, “maybe someone else but not Bartosz really.”
Jonas chuckled and drank some of his drink himself.
“I’m bored, can we go home,” Mikkel complained as they passed the nuclear power plant.
“We are almost there,” Bartosz explained.
Jonas stood in front of the gates and stared. Strangely enough, he felt as if all of this had happened before as well. He was lost in this thought when he felt a small gentle pressure next to him and a girl’s voice call to him.
“Jonas,” Annalise tried to snap the boy out of his trance. “The others are leaving us.”
Jonas stared back at the plant then nodded following her once more.
It wasn’t long before the group finally made it to the caves. Bartosz called for everyone to split up to look for the drugs. He, himself, went to the chair it was normally in and looked.
Magnus called to him, “And?”
“Fuck, dude,” Bartosz replied, “It was here.”
A girl’s voice called over to the group, “Looking for this?” Everyone turned to see that it was Franziska holding the drugs and what looked like a burner cell.
“What is she doing here,” Martha complained.
“That’s mine,” Bartosz told Franziska.
Franziska sneered, “The definition of ownership says, ‘the possession is nine-tenths of the law,’ so it’s mine for now. But I’m selling. What’ll you give me for it?”
Bartosz pretended to think for a moment before moving to push her, “A kick in the ass.”
“What’s in here is easily worth 500,” she said pulling the drugs away from him, “It’s yours for 200. Daddy’s got plenty of money.” She tormented him.
Bartosz pushed the redhead and said, “Stop the bullshit.” He growled, “Just give it to me.”
Magnus shifted trying to hold back his anger at his sister’s boyfriend as Bartosz took the drugs away from Franziska.
As Bartosz walked away, he sang songed, “Jackpot.”
Franziska was just on her way closer to the group when there was a loud noise that came from within the cave. It sounded as if a door had opened inside of it. “What’s that,” Magnus asked terror unhidden from his voice.
There was a noise that sounded not too far from the group that made all of them turn to look. Martha spoke up, “Someone’s there.”
“Oh, shit!” the oldest boy whispered.
The noises continued making everyone turn. Then everyone’s flashlights started to flicker while looking towards the cave.
Everyone started to panic. It wasn’t long before Magnus yelled for everyone to run and go.
The rest of the group turn and ran leaving Mikkel and Jonas behind. Jonas quickly grabbed Mikkel’s hand and told the boy, “Come on.” He ran with Mikkel through the woods. Jonas tried to keep the boy ahead of him as he kept turning back to see if anyone was chasing them.
Annalise looked around realizing that Jonas and Mikkel weren’t with them and turned back quickly.
Jonas tripped in the woods. He tried to stumble and crawl his way back up. He turned and tried to call out, “Mikkel?” He yelled out, “Mikkel!” When he turned again, the boy saw his dad covered in black liquid. Jonas started to panic even more. He fell again before he was fully able to run away from the terrifying fright.
Annalise heard Jonas’s call and ran towards it, “Jonas?” She called. She started to hear footsteps as if they were running towards her. “Jonas?!” She called afraid.
Jonas soon revealed that it was him and grabbed her, “Lise, come on!” His iron grip pulled her with him as they ran out of the forest. He never let go of her wrist.
“Where’s Mikkel,” she called to Jonas over the falling rain that had started to drench them. When he didn’t answer her she called to him, “Jonas, where’s Mikkel?!”
He asked, “Is he not with the rest of the group?” He stopped only for a split second to ask her. His chest heaving from running so much.
“I don’t know, I came looking for y’all,” She yelled over the rain. Thankfully the rain hid her tears from him.
Jonas shook his head and started to pull her towards the exit again, “He must be with the others.”
When the rest of the group got to the bridge, Bartosz hit Magnus’s chest, “What the fuck, man! What was that?”
Magnus yelled, “No idea. Shit!” He looked towards Franziska and Martha that had finally caught up to them.
“Man, what was that,” Martha yelled as the other girl thrashed around as if looking for something or someone.
Magnus finally had a moment of clarity and yelled, “Where’s Jonas, Lise, and Mikkel?!”
Right on time, Jonas emerged from the forest dragging Annalise behind him. He sprinted to get to the rest of the group causing Annalise to trip. He stopped to help her up only to run back to them.
“Where’s Mikkel,” Magnus asked the two. Jonas and Annalise tried to take a moment to breathe. When they didn’t respond Magnus yelled, “Where is Mikkel?”
Annalise started to sob. Jonas replied, “Why isn’t he with you?!”
Martha yelled back at Jonas, “He was with you!”
“Shit,” Magnus yelled before running and calling for his brother in vain, “Mikkel! Mikkel!”
Everyone else ran after him. Annalise stopped and pulled out her phone. She quickly called the police and said, “H-h-hello. I think my brother has gone missing in the Winden woods. We’ve been calling for him, but he won’t respond.”
The police then instructed her to gather everyone else so that way they could stay together and accounted for. They then asked who was with her. Annalise started to give everyone’s names and the police then notified the parents.
All the teenagers split up into groups so that way the adults had an easier time finding who was who’s.
Ulrich ran to his son and daughter who had started to make their way towards their father. Charlotte and Regina comforted their respective children. Annalise stood behind Jonas still sobbing and shaking as Hannah ran to her son and held him. Jonas turned back towards Annalise and extended his hand to lace his fingers with hers. He pulled her close to him as she tried to calm herself. Hannah instinctively grabbed onto Annalise to pull her into the hug as well.
Ulrich, when Katharina finally arrived, ran his way through the woods calling for his son.
The next morning, everyone was just in shock. Annalise turned to look at Jonas. Hannah had let her stay with them that night to let the Nielsens’ have some family time alone. Lise had end up sneaking in with Jonas after asking if it was alright because neither one of them could really sleep. They just lay there breathing next to each other staring up at the ceiling not knowing what to say or do.
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How Do You Want It - Part 3

Rating: M (Smut, Violence, Language)
WARNING: This is pretty much just straight smut!
They were playing a delicious game of Cat and Mouse until a prank ups the stakes in a way that neither had imagined but both craved. The wait has been such sweet torture but how much longer can they play this game before they give in? Eric/OC M AU (Smut, Lemon and fluff)
Inspired by: Bebe Rexha ‘I Got You’, 2Pac ‘How Do You Want It’, Boy Epic ‘Dirty Mind’
A/N: You can thank a night of listening to old school music and drinking with a friend for this gem. The title should say it all…love me some Tupac.
@kenzieam@ericdauntless@jojuarez26@jaihardy@iammarylastar@captstefanbrandt @captainviolets @badassbaker@readsalot73@fuckthatfeeling@dani5102@beltz2016@beautifulramblingbrains@affabletimelady@irasancti@meganbee15@meganbee15@lauraaan182@gylisaa@scorpio2009@gylisaa @bookgirlthings@pathybo
Part 3
Soundtrack or mood setter: Tove Lo ‘Crave’, Tom Petty ‘Breakdown’, The Weekend ‘Earned It’, Lisa Hall ‘Is This Real’, Kehlani ‘Gangsta’, Enigma *insert anything yummy from them here*, Nick Jonas ‘Close’, Nine Inch Nails ‘Closer’
Cass never forgot a debt and she owed her supposed friends big time.
Yes, she had enjoyed her digital time with Eric. Several nights in a row for the past few weeks, actually she had enjoyed it.
She still owed them and she was biding her time. She was sitting smugly in the dining hall at the leader table at the moment because Uri and Ed were at the table with the rest of the crew jumpy as shit.
She chuckled darkly and took a bite of her food. Victoria followed her eyes and then looked back at her with a quirked eyebrow. She had grown close to the newest leader in the few years she had been with them. She looked at her almost like a little sister and had gotten to know her well enough to know she was up to something and something big.
“Care to explain why your two friends have been jumping at shadows and if there is a whisper of you in the area they get even worse?” Victoria takes a bite of her food and smiles, settling in for a story.
Cass laughs at the effect she is having on them and the sound carries to the table of her friends. She can see them wince and their muttered ‘oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, dude’ Is heard coming from Uri.
“Gods, I love seeing them squirm.” She grinned wickedly. Her brother threw a look in her direction, a disapproving look, so she smirked at him and shrugged. He huffed at her and she winked back at him.
“And gods damn do I love annoying the piss out of my brother.” She sighed blissfully almost.
This draws several laughs from the other leaders and senior members at the table.
Eric had to force himself to sit away from Cass. Their sex messaging sessions had gotten even more intense and it was making the tension between them even thicker. It was so thick he could see the others getting affected by it as if they were exposed to a damn serum. Pheromones were real shit and the two of them were pumping out enough to fill Dauntless and then some. It was fucking amazing.
It also made times like now, when something as simple as her showing how she can truly be, turns him on so damn bad it has her almost panting because she can feel it coming from him.
Cass breathes and clears her throat. “It isn’t a secret my friends, the Pedrad’s specifically, like to pull pranks. Well, I wasn't a slouch in that department even before I came here. I took the digs and meted out my punishments where I could.” She shrugged and shook her head as Eric tensed in anger at just who she was giving those punishments too.
She has had to restrain him on several occasions in the past even before they upped the game from going after Marcus when he looked at Cass funny during meetings.
There was an unspoken rule in leadership.
Cass would never go to a leadership meeting where Marcus might be present alone. Eric was always included because he demanded it, vigorously. Also, Cass and Eric were never to go with just them two to a meeting where Marcus would be there. Those two together, alone with Marcus, was just asking for something to happen. Not that anyone really thought the bastard would be missed.
She continued on. “So when Uri, Zeke and Ed decided to pull some shit on the girls and thought they got away with it...I let them. They never saw it coming and in the end I gave their girls power over them in the best possible way. Well the dicks decided to get back at me and I wouldn’t have minded but their timing fucking sucked balls. So I am biding my time to get back at them which is almost as bad as what I have planned.”
Max smirks as he looks at the two young men and laughs. “And will we get to witness this repayment? Or is it along the same lines of the crap I don’t want to hear about?”
Cass flushes a little and smiles. “No, this one isn’t along those lines. This one will be public and just as humiliating. But I am patient and can bide my time. When I strike it will be hard and fast and they won't even see it coming...again. Until then the wait is enough torture for me to start out with. Because it starts with them suspecting and dreading me. Then I make it seem like I have others in on it. Soon they will be jumpy around everyone and everything. They won't be able to eat without worrying. They won't want to go out because they will be paranoid. I play a long game and one I will win.” She shrugs with a smirk as the two guys get up quickly and start to back out of the room as if she would be coming at them right now.
From Eric's place at the table his breathing picks up at how sexy, deadly and terrifying she is. He had always known this but the other leaders were getting a real taste of it now.
The elder leaders all exchanged knowing looks. There were bets on when the two would stop playing cat and mouse games and finalize shit already.
Cass message alert buzzes and she already knows it is Eric. She had just seen him sending something out. She takes a few more bites of her breakfast to allow for time and then takes her phone out to check the message.
‘Plan on skipping lunch or just take something to your office. Then when lunch hits lock your fucking door. The rest you know the drill for.’ - Eric
‘You want to wait that long, Eric?’ - Cass
She smirked as she sent the message, fully aware that he had a meeting with Erudite. She heard his mumbled curse from his place down the table. She tried to not laugh as she and Victoria shared knowing looks.
Victoria knew some of what was going on with them. She couldn’t understand how Cass could hold out so long but she didn’t understand either of the young leaders really. They were ultimately committed as hell to each other, in ways that only leadership had the privilege to know about. In almost all other respects they acted like a couple and everyone knew that much at least. They also seemed content to take things at their own pace in their own way. A way that if she thought about it, fit the two of them perfectly.
‘If I could I would bend you over this damn table and take you now baby. Seeing as how I would have to kill every fucker in here for hearing things only I am allowed to hear and seeing you the way only I am allowed to see you, I will have to refrain. After my meeting with the damn noses will have to suffice. Better be ready because I will for damn sure need you more after dealing with their shit.’ - Eric
‘Lunch then. Don’t keep me waiting longer than that.’ - Cass
They exchange looks before Eric winks at her over his cup and smirks into it when she blushes as Harrison starts making kissy noises at the two of them. She flips Harrison off but is laughing along with the rest of the leaders. The laughter at both tables dies down and the leaders get on with talking about the business of the day.
She almost forgot about their appointment for today. Almost. Until Tris stopped by her office about forty five minutes before Cass normally took her own lunch with Eric and asked if she wanted to join her since Eric was out of the compound.
At first Cass had looked up and smiled, about to accept and then she remembered. Just the reminder had need and desire flooding her, making her skin flush. She cleared her throat and shook her head.
“Thank you though. I think I will just work through lunch again. I am sure I will pick something up later.” She tried to make her tone as even as possible but there was no use. She was already worked up and had been since she left breakfast.
Tris smirked at Cass and nodded. “Well, if that is the case, I can pick you something up and drop it off. I was going to drop something off to Chris at the shop anyways.”
Cass smiles brightly at Tris and nods. “Thanks that would be fantastic. I know you know what I like.”
Tris winks at Cass and wiggles her eyebrows. “Oh, I know what you like alright. And can I just say...thank you.”
Cass blushes and laughs. “For what?”
“You know Four has been going nuts over the thought of you and a certain leader. Keeps his crazy butt off my ass and I am free to finally breath.”
Cass laughs louder and shrugs. “What can I say. I make it my mission in life to annoy and harass the shit out of my brother. He still giving you shit about saying you need time to find your own place and that you need space?”
Tris nods and sighs. “I knew he was a tad overbearing but it is getting ridiculous. I can't step out and even think of dating because he is always there watching.”
Cass narrows her eyes in thought and then gets a wicked little grin. She laughs when Tris shivers and shakes her head. “You know, you and Eric are fucking made for each other.”
Cass blushes a little and shrugs. “Don’t worry about brother dearest, Tris. You go ahead and make plans to go out tonight with that guy from R&D that I know you have been flirting with.” Cass laughs at Tris’ blush and sheepish expression. “I think I have an idea on how to deal with Tobias. Maybe it is time he came out of that Abnegation shell he has his head shoved so far up. I have the perfect idea for it. No, I will not be telling you. You might want to get going though.”
Tris laughs and nods wondering what kind of devious plan Cass will cook up. Anything that will help give her room to find herself and what she wants from herself much less a relationship would be welcome. She heads out to pick up food for herself, Chris and Cass; leaving the leader to plot and plan.
A few messages later and the plans were set. Tris had dropped off food after about twenty minutes and shortly after that Lynn dropped a small brown paper bag on her desk. She only smirked at Cass before she waggled her eyebrows and fingers and then made her way out.
It still wasn’t time for lunch when her phone rang. When she saw Eric’s name pop up she was frowning, already sure he was stuck at Erudite because Jeanine was being a demanding and bossy bitch again.
She stuck her earbuds in and swiped to accept. “Gods Eric, you better not be calling to tell me you have to cancel.”
Eric chuckled huskily and shook his head in denial as if he could see him. “Fuck no, Cass. I couldn’t listen to her voice anymore; so I just fucking walked out.”
His tone was full of that frustration she was all too familiar with when he had to deal with the crazy Erudite leader. They all had that tone with dealing with her ‘holier than thou’ attitude. Cass laughed in relief and imaging him scowling then just stalking out of there without saying shit. “Oh how I would have loved to been a fly on the wall after that.”
“Fuck her. I don’t want to talk about her. Cass, where are you at right now?” Eric growled out his questions and stopped in his tracks when the thought struck him. “Please tell me you are in your office.”
It wasn’t a question but a lust filled demand even plea. The tone and deepness of his voice had her swallowing. “I am in my office. I haven’t left it. Tris got me lunch and dropped it off not to long ago.”
Eric let out a relieved breath and nodded. He had stopped where he was in the corridor just before The Pit and was bracing himself with one arm against the stone wall. “Thank fuck baby. Cass if I had run into you in The Pit or the Dining Hall…..”
He trailed off and left what he meant being left unsaid. They both knew they were reaching the end of their patience and quickly. The tether was as far as they could stretch it and was straining to snap.
Cass nodded and closed her eyes, letting out a shaky breath. “I know.” She said simply, her voice matching the undiluted lust that was filling them both.
“Baby, I need you to do something for me. Before I take another fucking step into this compound I need you to get up, walk over to your door; then close it and lock it. I need to hear you do that now, Cass.” He commanded her hoarsely.
Cass nodded and rose on shaky legs to walk over to her door. It was quiet and they only heard the sound of each other's breathing before he heard the snap of the door closing and then the click of it being locked.
She could only stand there, breathing through her flared nostrils and leaning against the door. She closed her eyes at the sound of his own labored breathing that had her going weak in the knees.
“Gods baby, you’re fucking killing me right now. We aren’t even doing shit and just the sound….” Eric closes his eyes and shakes his head, praying for the strength to walk by her door and keep walking. “Move away from the door baby. I don’t want you even near it. I know you are going to know when I am outside of it but don’t fucking open that door for anything. Do you understand me, Cass? Don’t even get near it because I might just….I will just fucking kick that shit down.” Eric groans at how bad his body is vibrating with need for her.
They are both thinking that maybe that wouldn’t be a bad idea. To just go ahead and end this wait and torture. But they had made a silent pact that night. They would hold out just a little bit longer. They were so fucking close to give in now.
Taking a deep breath she nodded. “Yes Eric.” She said in the tone and manner she never used with anyone but Eric. It was rare that she did but he knew what she meant when she did.
Eric smiled softly and sighed. “Good girl.”
Cass didn’t do submissive. He didn’t want her submissive. She was his equal and his partner in every respect that he gave a shit about.
But when she gave herself over like that in those rare moments she did take on the submissive role it meant so much more to them both. They may never say the words that others said and they didn’t need to. Their actions showed each other.
This was her way of showing it to him right now. Cass took a seat at her desk and breathed in. “Okay Eric.” She gave him the all clear.
“Remember don’t go near the door baby and I don’t care who fucking knocks just ignore it. I will call you when I am in my office.” Eric pushed away from the wall and was already stalking his way to his own office.
They didn’t need to say goodbye before he disconnected the call and made his way quickly, not willing to wait even another second to stop and get his own lunch.
She tried not to count down the seconds that felt like hours until she heard him. She felt him just like he said she would. She could tell by his steps that he had tried just barreling past her door but it must not have worked. She could see the shadow of his hulking frame in the sliver of space under her door. She could just imagine him leaning against it and that alone had her gripping the arms of her chair in a death grip.
Everything in her was screaming to go throw the door open and pull him in.
She heard a growl and then a muffled. “Don’t.” Before he must have pushed himself back from the door with enough force for it to rattle it in it’s frame.
She couldn’t breath as she heard his steps move away with almost impossible speed and then the slamming of his own office door just beside hers.
Somehow she knew he was going to call not message like they had been. After that sample of just what their breathing had done to each other, there had been no other option. She swiped to accept the call and swallowed.
“I wanted to open the door.” Cass breathed out as a way of greeting.
“I wanted to break the shit down.” Eric agreed, his hands clenched in fists as he leaned his head back into the headrest of his leather office chair. His eyes were clenched shut as tight as his fists and even now, ten minutes after he had entered his office, he was still restraining himself from doing just that.
“We are close, baby.” Cass whispers in a pant.
Eric gets a wicked grin and breathes in and out deeply. “I am counting down the hours, Cass. What would you have done if you had opened the door love?”
Cass sighed in thought and felt her hands go to her throat as if he was there stroking it right then. What she wanted to do wouldn’t have been what she would have done. She must be seriously sadistic because she still wouldn’t have given in all the way.
“I would have tortured us both some more, I think. But you already knew that.” Cass finally said, her voice having dropped to a deep breathy whisper.
Eric gave a huff of gruff laughter and smirked. “Of course you would have, baby. It’s you and me. Tell me what you would have done, Cass. I am standing there, panting with need for you. Fighting myself to not take your mouth in a kiss because when I do, I won’t stop. You know that right? That will be my fucking undoing with you, Cass. Not feeling your body against mine or even your hands on me. It will be when we finally fucking kiss, baby.”
Cass smiled and nodded but vocalized her own desire for that as well. She wouldn’t say it but that was another thing she had saved for him. Even with having given in and having sex with Trey...that was all it had been. There was no kissing or even real foreplay. That had all happened in her mind with Eric and he was just the physical release needed for the one part of her.
“No kissing until it is time, Eric.” She chided him as if he really were standing in front of her. “I take your hand and lead you to my chair. You get that smirk that I love when I push you down into it. I think you are expecting something different than what I do though. And what I request of you.”
He really is smirking when she says this and quirks an eyebrow at where she leaves off. “What do you want, baby?”
Cass shifts uncomfortably from how turned on she is just by thinking about it. She already knows her panties are going to be useless to her because they are rapidly approaching that point right now. “I want you to be my hands. I want you do for me all the things I would normally do for myself and not let me touch myself even if I beg you for it.”
Eric’s hands clench even tighter as his erection reaches even new heights of hardness. The fucking things she does to him. “Sit in my lap, Cass. Now.” He commands her gruffly.
“My back is against your chest Eric but my head is just to the side of yours so you can give me your commands but so I can do the same as well. Because you want me to tell you what I want you to do to me and for you, don’t you?” Cass asks as her hands ghost along her face and neck. Imagining his breath against both. That same breath that she hears picking up.
“Yes. I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. But you better not even try to touch yourself, Cass.”
“I won’t Eric and if I do I give you permission to punish me…..this time.” Cass growls out and groans at the same time. She smirks at the return groan and growl she gets from Eric.
“Where do you want me to touch you, Cass? Where are you touching yourself right now?”
Her hands are still at her neck, throat and cheek as her fingertips lightly graze against the exposed skin of her deep v neck t shirt. “I can feel your breath on my face, neck and throat, Eric. It sends shivers down my spine to have the warmth of that and your body against mine. I want you to move your hands along the exposed skin of my shirt, my shoulders, then down to my breasts. The nipples are so hard and straining against the fabric.”
Eric gives a sideways smile and closes his eyes. He can almost see and feel her weight in his lap and the fabric of her clothes against his nails. “You want me to scrape my nails against them through your shirt, don’t you?”
“Yes.” She breathes as she was doing exactly that. “My hands grip the armrests tighter because you don’t stop at just scraping your nails on them. You can’t resist pinching them through the fabric.”
“Keep going, Cass.” Eric’s voice is raspy. He is unwilling to even begin to touch himself right now.
What is about her and him that brings out the ability to torture themselves so badly? Whatever it is he loves it and always has.
“You pause briefly to cup them through the shirt but I need more. You slowly pull up the shirt until we can both look down and see the lace of my bra. The one that has the hook in the center. With a flick of your fingers, baby, you undo that simple clasp, exposing me to the air.” She swallows and groans as her hands move to do exactly this.
Eric’s nails dig into the palm of his hand as his breath picks up and he swallows nodding. “Their perfect, baby. So fucking perfect and the nipples are standing out ready for me to roll between my fingers. Is that what you want?”
He hears her moan and shifts as his eyes close. That soft whimper of a moan that has him straining in his pants even more as his hardness demands to be released. “Yes, Eric. I want you to do what I would. I would tug, roll and tweak them. I want your hands to cover them and rub your palms over them. I want to feel you cover them and know those hands and only those hands belong there.”
Eric growls his agreement, his nostrils flare and he bites his bottom lip. He doesn’t have to speak to tell her to keep going because he knows she is losing herself in it.
“One hand stays moving between my nipples giving it the exact attention I need and crave while your other arm moves to something you and I both crave. I need to feel the heat of your hand against my heat through my pants, Eric. Cupping me…” She gasps and moans as her hand moves between her legs.
It isn’t her hand she is seeing. It is his and his breathing that she can hear picking up that is blowing it’s intoxicating scent and heat over her skin. She can almost feel her hair being moved by it.
“Cass, you are so fucking wet for me. I can feel it through your pants, baby. I won’t be able to resist feeling for myself how wet you are.” He is almost impatient for it and he knows he is going to demand the panties he knows are drenched for him.
“You want me to move my pants down, Eric?” Cass gasps her question and is rewarded his growl and denial.
“No. You don’t get to touch yourself, Cass. Not even for that. This is all me, baby. I undo your pants and lift your hips to push them down.” Eric commands her, his forehead furrowed in desire and with the force of his restraining himself.
Cass smirks a little and sighs. “We have a problem though, Eric.”
“What?” Eric groans out, not liking be denied even in their play.
“You are right. I am drenched. And it is only going to get worse as we go on. You are right under me baby and it is going to mess up those pants that are barely restraining your cock as it is. Yours are going to have to come off too.”
“You don’t have to fucking ask me twice, baby. I give you permission to stand and take your pants off but no more, Cass. As soon as you get them off put your hands on your desk until I get finished. Do you understand me?” Eric commands and is already moving to unfasten his pants as he hears the rustling of her working to do the same.
“Yes, Eric.” Cass gasps out and hurriedly kicks her boots off and then shoves her pants down. She does just what he asks and her hands go to her desk.
She can feel his smile over the line, as he knows she has followed his command. She hears his groan and knows he has freed himself and her breath picks up when she hears his chair creak slightly from it taking his weight again.
“Come here, baby. Sit back in my lap and put your hands back on the arms of the chair.” He waits until he hears the same sound of her chair creaking and her weight settling before he breathes to calm himself as much as he can.
Just imagining her in her office, stripped of all but her panties with her shirt pushed up and her breasts heaving.
The now familiar clenching of his fists resumes as he stops from touching or even adjusting himself, afraid it might set him off. “Do you know how fucking maddening it is to know you are next door? Always just a fucking door away from me, Cass. I can see and smell you that is how real this is to me, baby. I feel your breathing and gasps. The hums of pleasure that vibrate through your body into mine. I feel it all and it is so fucking close but still way too fucking far away.”
Cass bites her lip and moans but still hasn’t gone back to touching herself yet. She closes her eyes and imagines Eric sitting in his chair. Those powerful thigh muscles bunched up with the effort of holding his body in place. To keep himself from breaking through her door and taking her with everything he has and is. She knows his fists are clenched hard enough that they are cutting into the palm of his hand.
“I feel your straining, Eric. How you have every bit of muscle you have coiled in so you don’t lose control of your body and make your way to me. I feel the way your veins in your arms are strained and bulging because you have your fists clenched so tightly that you are cutting into your palms.” Cass moans as she moves to get them both relief of some kind. “They want to touch me so badly that you can’t help it anymore, Eric. I want to feel the roughness of your hands as you once again move to my breasts to remind me they are yours.”
“I can’t be gentle, Cass. It won’t be gentle when I take you. You know that right, baby?” His voice is deep and worried because he can already imagine how it is going to be. They will enjoy the fuck out of it but he also knows that he won’t be able to control himself.
“I don’t want it gentle, Eric.” Cass growled. “I want you not some softie. Just like, now that my heat is right there for you to feel and see for yourself how wet you make me; you take it roughly with your hands. Cupping me and then sliding fingers up and down through the cloth. Making it soak up more of me for you.” She moans and smiles because she hears his groan at her gasp when her hands move along with her words.
“Get it all Cass, because those are mine after this. I expect them to find their way to my desk or door after I hear you cum for me, baby.”
���Take them off of me, Eric. I don’t even need to get up as I only have to lift my hips slightly and then bend and bring my legs up to my chest. Can you guess what that does for us, Eric?”
“Fuck! You drive me crazy. You are spread wide open for me aren’t you? Keep your fucking legs right there, baby. Use your hands to hold them behind your thighs. I am going to pull you up enough and free myself, baby. But you aren’t taking me in. Not yet. I just want to feel you slide against me while I run my fingers up and down your folds.” Eric works his boxers down his legs as he pants out his commands.
He knows she is following along by her little moans. “This is crazy, Eric. It’s like I can feel you right against me. So fucking close and I need it, baby.”
“I know baby and soon. So fucking soon….but for right now I am going to take two fingers and slide them to open you up and roll your swollen clit between them. Pulsing and pinching ever so slightly. You’re moving your hips for me aren’t you? Trying to get to my cock, sliding yourself along it”
“Yes, I can’t help it. God, how can I be so close already, Eric? How are you able to do this to me?” Cass whimpers and moans as her fingers mimic his words an already feels her climax so fucking close.
“Our bodies know what each other needs, love. Just like we know what each other needs and always have. You know I need you to come soon baby, because I am hurting here with how much I fucking need you and release. I can’t stop from stroking myself as I imagine my fingers sliding into you. You are so wet for me. Let me hear how wet you are, Cass. I’ve heard it before, baby. In the bathroom. I want to hear it again like I did then.” Eric groaned his demand as he tried to restrain the pace he had on stroking himself.
Cass moaned and closed her eyes as a smile ghosted her lips.
Of course he did.
He wouldn’t have let what she had been showing and what she caused in him go without wanting to talk to her. Only she hadn’t been in a state or even given him time to. She could imagine him there in that bathroom with her. He had been there and that was why she had been able to achieve her climax. She had somehow known it.
“I think I knew that, Eric. Did you like hearing me beg you to make me take it, Eric?” She purred out as she began to do what she knew he wanted of her. She wanted her to plunge her fingers into herself just like she had done that day.
They both groaned at the sound and her whimper when she made the contact that they both wanted and that would have to do for now.
“Gods yes, Cass. I barely stopped myself from bursting into your fucking stall and demanding to know if it was fucking me.” Eric growled out as they both picked up there.
“It was you, Eric. It is always you, you know that. I wanted you to be the one bending my over to grab the wall and fucking me hard and fast. I want that right now, baby. I need it so bad. I don’t even care if you make me beg for it first.” She moaned out as he hands worked harder and faster. All pretense of torture over for them.
“No begging this time, Cass. I want you take all of my cock now baby because I am about to lose it. I want to be deep inside you when we cum. Are you ready to come with me?” Eric’s hand was working fast over his length one hand cupped his balls that were tightening. He was there and holding out for her.
Cass moaned and panted her yes as her free hand began to work over and pinch her clit. “Fuck….Eric yes...now baby...fill me up now.” Cass got out just before she let go with a force that surpassed even the day she was pumped full of that damn serum.
“Fuckkk….” Eric groaned as his hips thrust forward and he released forcefully.
Cass’ body was arched up and her legs had fallen together to clench around her hands. There was a faint sheen of sweat that had built up quickly over her body just from the strain she had been placing on herself to drag things out at first.
It took long seconds for them to calm their breathing and then Eric gave a huffing laugh. “That was fucking amazing, Cass.”
Cass sighed blissfully and hummed her agreement. “Amazing. I don’t know about you. I am a fucking mess over here.”
Eric chuckled and looked at himself then groaned. “Yeah.” He sighed and shrugged. “Fucking worth it. It doesn’t take it all away though.”
Cass nodded and whimpered a little when she untangled herself and went to start cleaning up. “No it doesn’t. I can still feel the ache for you.”
“Tonight, baby. Just hang on for tonight. I am going to get myself cleaned up and then get some lunch. I expect those panties on my desk, Cass.” Eric said seriously as he made the decision to use his boxers as a towel for now. Not like he can’t follow her example and go commando.
“Yes, Eric.” Cass used the tone again. It was like the caress she wanted to give him along with the kiss he longed to give her.
“Good girl, love.” Eric followed it up with his own before they both disconnected the call.
Tonight would be the night their games ended. Tonight the welcome celebration the initiates would happen and it marked one year from the time they made their pact and had celebrated something in their own way.
Eric walked the halls wearing the smug smile that scared so many without giving a shit. Cass quickly slipped her panties into an envelope along with a note that for the night she would be going as she was now.
Then with her own smug smile she went back to her office to eat her well earned lunch, finish her plans for her brother and work on paperwork for the new training group.
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