#fucking crazy ass tinhats
ik u dont ship but ur fair to shippers so i hope its ok to rant a bit. I ship cockles (just for fun not serious) and i get attacked by j2 hats a lot. they call me disgusting and delusional and say how can i ship such a fake ship when j2 are really a couple. we are ALL shipping something that isnt real so how are cockles awful and delusional but j2 hats are right? they are so mean and hateful to the wives and other shippers i dont get it.
I think the problem you’re having is you are logical & hats are a universe away from logic. You’re aware that it’s fun/not real & they aren’t. J2 hats are FUCKING INSANE OK. Idc how much hate this gets me, the truth hurts. In a fandom full of wank, I have never seen the level of hate from anyone else than I have from them. They go out of their way to come up with conspiracy theories, drag the wives thru the mud & attack the “het stans” who dare to disagree with them & actually believe the Js are happily married. Truth is they have ZERO respect for either Jared or Jensen. All they care abt is their lil fantasy & the guys “supporting” it. When they don’t (aka when they openly show love to their wives or hang out with other ppl) then the assholes are just as vicious to J2 as they are to the rest of the fandom.
And if ya don’t want generalities how abt personal experience. In response to my pro-Danneel & having the audacity to disagree w a hat posts I’ve been threatened to be punched in the face, spit on, called vile names & told to “drop dead & die bitch” How do they think that’s ok to say to someone...over a fucking ship of all things??? But seeings as how they say it to Gen & Danneel, I guess it’s all the more easier to say it to just fans. When you’re a vile disgusting human being, that is.
And to anyone offended by this idgaf bc if it offends you then you’re part of the toxic fucking problem. So go fuck off back to your hole with ur fellow psychos.
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hintsofhoney · 2 years
two years!!
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today marks two years since I made this account and I just had to make a post about it cause it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. the people I have met through this fandom have become a second family to me. i have gotten the chance to meet so many of them in person, and to the ones who I haven’t gotten to squish yet just know I can’t wait for the day that I get to! these people are my people. and I have a few words to say about em cause I’m feeling sappy.
to @ellewritesfix05 — man am I happy I decided to slide into ur dms a year and a half ago. our year and a half long conversation doesn’t end, and I never want it to (no matter how many times we forget to press send on our texts). i feel like I’ve known u forever. u were my very first fandom friend, the very first one I met irl (very glad u were, in fact, real, despite what our s/o’s thought at the time LMAO) and I can’t wait to hug the fuck outta u next month (and get a picture together? cause like how did we not take one the first time around? smh) ANYWAYS. i love you so so much and I am so thankful for u & our friendship!!
@treat-winchesterswith-kindness — ohhhh the love of my life. you dmed me saying you liked my layout and now we have matching tattoos in jensen and misha’s handwriting and you’re a bridesmaid in my wedding. life is crazy. the other half of my brain, the one who always knows what I’m thinking, my damon-obsessed, dean-coded, favorite playlist making girl — I hope you know how much I love and adore you. there is no one else I’d rather tinhat with about cockles/larry or watch videos of jensen singing while crying because we both need mental help. thank u for letting me be so unapologetically me. You get me like no one else. you changed me or whateva… I love you and ur stuck with me forever sorry I don’t make the rules
to @winchest09 — I’ll try not to make ya cry. i don’t know where to start so I’ll keep it short and sweet cause there’s so much I could say about the things u have given me (and a whole lotta other people), but I’ll just say this. your strength, your resilience, your light… the person that you are leaves me in awe every day. you are the kind of person that makes me want to be a better person. you are the epitome of kindness and the embodiment of love and selflessness, and I am so so proud to call you a friend. watching you grow into the person you are now over the year and 3 months that I’ve known you has filled me with a pride that I cannot put into words. you’ve always been fucking amazing, but you just leave me speechless now. I hope you know how much I cherish all of our conversations about the good, bad, and ugly… and that you will always have a friend in me. i love you!!
@deangirl93 — my twin!! my other half! my love! where do I even start? thank you for always being there as a shoulder to cry on or vent to, or just as someone to bounce ideas off of or listen to my crazy ass ramble. your support when it comes to my writing has been such a huge factor in what keeps me going, but your support when it comes to the things I do in my life leave an impact greater than u will ever know. thank you for always being my cheerleader. I hope u know that I will always be yours. I cannot wait for the day that I get to hug you real tight before we grab some orange chicken and binge watch the mummy movies. i love you more than I could ever put into words.
to @watermelonlipstick — my voice of reason. the one who never fails to text me and make sure I’m okay when things that might upset me happen. we are so different, yet very much the same. i love you as much as you love jared and I love misha. as much as you loved the finale and I hated it. as much as you don’t ship destiel and I do (that’s a whole lotta love, and I hope you feel it). you keep me balanced, opposites attract, etc etc… hey we should do a podcast ;) anyways. thank you for simply being there whenever I need you, and for talking sense into me when I’ve gone off the deep end. everyone needs a friend like that, and I am so so so thankful that u are that friend for me.
@superfanficnatural — god where the fuck do I start with you. i love the shit outta you dude. whether you’re calling me about a cute boy or sending me thirst traps of cute boys or texting me random smut you’ve come up with about cute boys… jdjsjsk I’m kidding (kinda) but I’ll be serious now. you’re my little brother, point blank. i feel the same protectiveness about you as I do with my actual little brother, and I know you can handle yourself but I hope u know I got ur back no matter the situation. i could be having the worst day ever and all I gotta do is look at ur smile and bam, instantly better. i mean it. I’ve told you a million times before, but you are such a light. i don’t know what I’d do without ur horny ass. your friendship means so much to me!!
@writercole — my other mom. the one who tells it like it is, always. the kind of mom you are is the kind of mom I wanna be someday. i hope finn and lana know how lucky they are to have you in their corner (and jay too, I suppose, but this isn’t about him). thank you for taking me in as your own without hesitation. thank you for being someone I can both vent to and thirst with (and sometimes both at the same time?). thank you for being up for my crazy ass “hey wanna do a 4 hour road trip to FBBC this weekend?” ideas. thank you for your support and your love and your friendship. i hope u know how much I fkn love and adore you
@that-one-gay-girl — syd, my love. you’re always up for an adventure whether that’s a weekend road trip or helping me paint my entire house or attempting to make chili cause I’d never had it before, etc etc… I hope u know I will always be there for you no matter what. you are selfless and kind and loving and good, and I thank u for your friendship. i love you to death girl
@soaringeag1e — the hardest working person I know. if I was a millionaire, I’d give you half in a heartbeat. you are so deserving of everything good in this life, I hope you know that. the weekend I spent with you left me speechless at your work ethic and drive. you are an absolute force to be reckoned with, and the whole world should know it. i love you (and the lil human u made) to the moon and back x1000
to @huffle-pissed — my sweet kay!! if sunshine and candy and everything warm and sweet in the world was personified, it would be you. your joy, even on bad days, radiates. and I think it radiates even when you don’t know it. a conversation with you boosts my serotonin. i love you I love you I love you
@440mxs-wife — my con buddy! my fellow hawkeye! the only person I know who still has a physical map in their car! whether it’s navigating our way through the austin streets or through the plano convention center, it’s always an adventure. i am so glad we had eachother to lean on after going through the ordeal that is looking Jensen Ackles directly in the eyeballs. i probably wouldn’t have made it through that by myself. i love you to bits
to @smol-and-grumpy —my realist. you’re never hesitant to be up front about just about anything and I fucking love you for it. you are fierce and loyal and true and somehow always have a new picture of jensen up your sleeve. im so thankful that I get to know you!
@jensengirl83 — brandy my love, you are the purest example of what it means to be a fighter. no matter what life throws at you, you find a way, and it’s the most badass thing I’ve ever seen. you inspire me on the daily, I’m so fucking proud of you, and I love you so so much!
@denim-devil — brooook my boyyy!! a ball of sunshine when you’re sober and a ball of chaos when you’re drunk. the perfect combo. haha but seriously, you amaze me with both your artistic talent and the way that you are so unapologetically you. I love you a million my yorkshee boy
@ejlovespie — I am so glad you slid into my dms and asked to be friends. your talent in writing, gardening, candle-making, photography (literally jack of all trades over here) never fails to leave my jaw on the floor. i love you so much and i cannot wait to get to squeeze you next month!!!!!
@lassie-bird — zoë, my sunshine babe. your energy rules whatever room you’re in. you have the ability to bring someone from sad to laughing in .5 seconds. you are bubbly, sweet, loving and kind, and there’s a light in you that’s not found in a lot of people. i hope you know how much I adore you, my love
@sams-sass — chels, my sam girl. you are one of the most genuine, firey, straightforward people I know, while simultaneously being one of the kindest and most empathetic — I don’t know how you do it but I have always admired that about you, and watching you become a mama has been the absolute coolest thing to see. i love you so much!
to @thinkinghardhardlythinking — I knew we’d be friends the minute you dropped that Dean fic into my dms that made me cry for 3 hours afterwards. our little talks every now and then since that day have meant the world to me. the kindness and joy you radiate is contagious, and I can’t help but smile whenever I see yours. you’re also like, fucking hilarious, miss comedy queen. i simply love and adore the hell out of you.
to @emoryhemsworth — I still can’t believe I got to hug you!! and then proceed to have one of the most interesting conversations ever. my jdm-loving, tom ellis-shirt-owning (still incredibly jealous abt that btw), country music listening, through and through dean girl… I hope you know how much I love you!!
@akshi8278 — I mean it when I say that your comments and support on fics has a lot of the time been the driving force that kept me writing. and then I got to know you, and it turns out you’re the sweetest human on the planet. i am so lucky that I get to call you a friend, and am so glad that I have someone to thirst over those vampires with (no pun intended). love you to pieces!!
@deanwanddamons — my sian [sharn]. my favorite accent. my favorite cat lady. my favorite welsh person (what do you call people form wales? welshers? welshans?) anyways — I adore the hell out of you, my girl. whether it’s writing or acting or singing — you can do it all — and it’s nothing short of amazing. sending a million cwtchs (cwtches?) your way. i love you so dang much
@percywinchester27 — ana, my artist! your writing and your art are both some of the most beautiful things my eyes have had the joy of looking at (your face too), but more than that, I am just so lucky that I get to call you a friend! you are caring and loving and sweet and gentle and kind — and I could not love you more
to @katelyn--renee — sweet kate!! you are beautiful, inside and out, and yeah, your writing leaves me speechless sometimes, but nothing compares to your warm and sweet personality (and you give like… the best compliments ever!). so thankful for you and this friendship. i love you!!
@rebel4fandom — my harry styles loving, horse riding, future veterinarian. seeing you work so hard for your dreams has been amazing to watch. i am so proud of you. you are such a light, your energy is unmatched, and I seriously can’t wait to hug you one of these days. i love you so much!
and to @janicho88, one of the biggest hearts I know, @waywardbaby, the real life aphrodite, both inside and out, @cockslut-padalecki, the kindest and kinkiest soul, @unfortunate-brat, the sweetest person, @winchestergirl2, who is absolutely lovely (and an spn encyclopedia) — we may not talk much but know that your support and your love and everything else has been felt through the conversations we have had — and it means the world all the same. I love you all to death!
it’s these folks right here (and I’m sure a few others I’m forgetting but it’s 1:43am and I’ve had the longest day of my life so know that I love you either way) who have made my time here not only enjoyable, but have taught me so many things and given me so much that I cannot even begin to express my gratitude. but I hope this post does that, at least a little bit.
here’s to 2 more years, and hopefully some more after that!
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Support them by leaving them alone. They don't need our crazy ass Fandom bullshit thrown at them. They don't owe us an explanation. We don't need to know. They're two grown ass adults who 100% didn't go into this all willy nilly. Repect Misha. Respect Vicki. Respect their kids. Don't tinhat this. Don't make this about Cockles. Don't get on SM and act like a fucking asshole about it. Support them. They need it. LEAVE.THEM.ALONE. Show them the respect they deserve. This hurts. Bad. Blog about it here, talk to your mutuals about it, but don't bother them. They don't need our shit too. Have some fucking tact. What if it was you? Would you want some crazy assholes up in your family's business? Just stop and think before you act.
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r1ot-ghoul · 3 years
If you ever want to know what it’s like to have ocd (at least for me) imagine having one of those fully delusional, drunken three pots of coffee, tinhat and on the verge of collapse from sleep deprivation conspiracy theory dudes just living in your brain. At all times. He’s got an entire room filled with fucking weird ass drawings, maps and obscure pictures covering everything and there’s different colored strings connecting everything. And he is suspicious of everyone and everything.
And you know that all he is saying is bogus. He goes on and on every hour of the day, but damn is he some how so god dam convincing.
What if he’s right about the bugs in your food, what if this time he’s on to something on your friends getting a live feed of everything you’re doing on the internet. Maybe, just maybe, he’s right about the buss driver that’s going to kidnap you and everyone else on that buss.
And to make it worse he has this roommate that likes to annoy and torment him by constantly out of nowhere telling him about the absurd horrid things that could happen and loves to showing him fucked up gore and injuries he found on Reddit.
They just combine into this awful mess of constant thoughts in your mind and all you can do is try to keep yourself sane and not give in and cave under the stress of everything. Because you are sane, you are normal. At least you need to seem like it. Because if people knew about the fucked up dudes in you brain they would blame you for being crazy despite you having no control over it.
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freakygirlie · 3 years
no matter how many slips we get...*nothing* so far beats g's fucking *sister* posting on son goss like FIRST OF ALL 💀 first of fucking all, if they weren't gay they would just laugh at us and take it as a joke, not lurk around on a random ass fan forum like for what??? and IF they weren't gay her sister would've commented something like "y'all are delusional and crazy lmao" but noo girlie went with the "why do u care if they're gay?" plsss WHAT 💀 hets are honestly insane for existing
THIS ANON THIS. Once she realised she had posted off anon, she deleted her comment but people already caught it. The thing is if there's nothing going on, why would people lurk on that site and fight off tinhats, like you're drawing attention to yourself for nothing. And she said ''why do you care if they're gay?'' like sis.... :))
here's the -> screenshots and everything.
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cowboylikedean · 2 years
Hello! I’m a recent follower who saw your posts about Harry new songs and started following you over those. I’ve seen a bit of you on my dash recently and think we actually got a few interests in common (supernatural for one)! I just read your latest post, and would like to know: did you use to think Harry and xander were dating? Do you think could they have dated or nah? And about spn… did you ship destiel??
Hey anon! Welcome! Just so you know, I don't post that much spn because it's really toxic and not good for me... but you will see some of it on my blog.
Gonna break this up into questions.
Did you used to think Harry and Xander were dating?
Yes. Yes, I did. I said I was here for "whatever was going on," but what I meant was "THEY'RE DATING THEY'RE DATING THEY'RE DATING I'm not going to say it because they haven't but THEY'RE TOTALLY DATING" 2015 was a rough time, and also the best time. I felt ALIVE and ON TOP OF THE WORLD but also I was SUPREMELY miserable and afraid.. I let Xander and Harry's supposed relationship act as a stand in for happiness. When the snapchat fiasco happened, I was extremely upset in a couple different ways. I was upset because the person responsible had lied to Xander and attempted to blackmail him.... Which was really gross and shitty. I was also upset because... If xarry wasn't real, what was? I had myself so wrapped up in the fantasy world where I knew exactly what was going on between them, that to be punched in the face with a reminder that I didn't actually know them or what was happening between them..... hurt. And that's why I used them in my cockles post last night... Because I know that's happening for a lot of cockles tinhats rn and I know that it is.... undoubtedly..... Hard. And Hurtful. The loss of confidence in your tinhat ship can be a very profound loss.
Do you think they could have dated or nah?
Yes. For years, my headcanon for them was on-again-off-again long term fuckbuddies/boyfriends with the most serious part of their relationship in 2015-2016. I still find that plausible. I also find it plausible they're just friends and always were. I used to look at things like the birthday cake and the playing lacrosse on stage and "I'm here for Xander Ritz" "Me too" as undeniable evidence there was something not platonic. Now, I see these things as evidence of love, regardless of platonic/non platonic status.
So yeah, I think they could have dated. They also could have not.
That said, no matter what happened and happens, the fact that they've been in each other's lives for 8 years and seem to be going nowhere is adorable. I love their relationship as a friendship, and I love it as less platonic too.
Did you ship destiel?
lmao anon this is a really complicated question. Yes, I shipped destiel. However, it was always with the caveat that Cas not treat Dean like an enemy or someone so unhinged they were not to be trusted. Cas lying to Dean and not trusting Dean for the sake of it is his worst and most toxic quality, and my shipping of destiel was always Dean-centric. I wanted Cas to be better for him. Ultimately, the writers after Sera Gamble had other plans (Gamble gave him the most beautiful redemption arc at the end of season 7 with all that character growth that came with Crazy!Cas. She is iconic and all other showrunners - including Kripke - suck in comparison). I stopped shipping destiel in season 9 when the whole show was much more of a fight between Sam and Dean. At that point, I didn't give a flying fucking shit what happened with ships, I just wanted Sam to hurt.
I find destiel to be the second worst and toxic ship in spn, second to wincest. And yes, that means I think that John and Mary were less toxic than Dean and Cas. I don't apologize. Cas is an ass who is abusive and likes to hold power over Dean. This is so clearly shown in all the seasons, but most clearly, I think, in season 15. The most "destiel" of seasons is also the season where Cas is the nastiest and cruelest to Dean. This is able to be the case because destiel was never about DEAN and Cas, it was about CAS and Cas only. This is true of the writing staff's opinion of destiel as seen in the narrative structure of the show AND the fandom's opinion of destiel as seen in fannon. Dean is an object in the equation of destiel, not an active participant. And to that I say FUCK destiel.
So yes I did, but always with the caveat that Cas needs to be better to Dean, and then I stopped when that wasn't going to be the case.
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 years
Wonderiryna is completely crazy she's spamming all the benedict fans, my God she's worse than gator
Yeah I know, I just blocked her. This is what happens when you let tinhats run wild. I also reported her to Twitter. I don't if she's a sockpuppet or just a new hater, but she's annoying as fuck. "Sophie is a satanic witch" my ass.
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can tinhats please never talk about allergies again? they make themselves look like even bigger morons than normal whenever they do. your photos of darren with dogs do not mean he's not allergic. people with allergies can, in fact, be around dogs for a time but still not be able to live with them. find us proof that darren lived with a dog, then we'll talk about how he's faking it. until then, shut the fuck up and stop talking out your asses about something you don't understand.
Exactly, and allergies can declare themselves after a long time of using said product. 
They understand nothing about many subject but act like they’re the most most knowledgeable people in the world. that’s crazy.
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cooloddball · 5 years
PS. I do not know how to make gifs and or use photos yet so feel free to add yours
I have said this before and I will say it again. I have been in this fandom for a month and I ship Destiel and Cockles anyone who has a problem with this then move along and/or if you are an anti and read this, keep your hateful comments to yourself.
That being said, I have read about almost all ships in the fandom but mostly Destiel, Cockles, Wincest, and J2. Through all the reading and discovery, I still have to say I ship Cockles and Destiel more than ever before. However, I have seen some things from the antis that did not sit well with me.
This is going to be a long post so brace yourself and it is mostly about the hate the antis (anti-cockles, anti-wives , and anti-Destiel Shippers spread). Also this is a rant so don’t mind me,
The hate on Destiel is massive. Mostly this is from Bronlies who hate Cas like he is the anti-Christ, and the Wincest shippers.
Now I am not trying to rain on anyone’s parade but come on. Cas is Dean’s best friend. Whether you ship them romantically or not, it is canon that Cas Dean’s best friend. We have seen time and again how miserable Dean is every time Cas dies. Dea has also expressly stated that Cas is his best friend and even said they are better together; all three of them including Sam. He has called him his family. So why the hate? Chuck himself has said that he has rebuilt Cas more times than anyone.
Now, people who believe that it is better to ship Sam and Dean who are literally blood brother but it is not okay to ship Dean and Cas what is wrong with you? Is it okay for someone to fuck their brother and/or be in love with them? I mean come on.
Before I was even a shipper, I always looked forward to episodes that Cas was in. He brought a different dynamic to the show in a positive way. Yes, I love the brothers but Cas is just deifferent and all the sass he brings makes the show, at least to me 10 times better. Sue me.
People saying that JA would never be comfortable with Destine because he is a Christian. I mean, he can call Chuck a dick, call angels dicks, make deals with demons and all other unchristian things but kissing another man is where he draws the line? If he was such a Christian, why does he let another man straddle him on stage or want to kill God?
Someone once said that JA supports wincest. I saw the video and I get what he said is that whatever floats your boat or something like that. So why is it so hard for him when it comes to Destiel? I don’t understand this man. He is a paradox.
I have seen antis, mostly those who ship J2 throw shade at MC saying that JA doesn’t like him, he just tolerates him and everything they do is for PR. I have not once seen anyone say that JP doesn’t like MC. You know why? I believe they view MC as a threat to their J2 ship.
So I stumbledupon this antis blog who had a whole analysis (much like am doing here) on why JA cannot be a couple. Here are some that I remember from the top of my head:
1.     That JA said that he thinks Matt Bomer is attractive.
2.     That JA moved to Austin to be live next to JP.
3.     That JA and MC have nothing in common being that JA plays golf and sings etc and that MC does woodwork, writes poetry and bicycle touring.
4.     That JA is with JP hence no. 2.
5.     That JA does not curse on stage but MC does.
6.     That MC does not take acting seriously but JA does.
Now now now. This beats logic. All the above things I beg to differ with not because I am cockles shipper but it is just common sense.
Being with someone or rather being in love with someone does not mean any of the above things have to be true. Hear me out.
1.     On finding Matt Bomer attractive. I have many celebrity crushes, there are also ordinary people that I find attractive. But then again, I have a boyfriend, who I am in love with; I have been with for six years. But he looks nothing like my celebrity crushes or the ordinary people I find attractive. Does that mean I am not in love with him? No. It means I have eyes and I can appreciate beauty and have a few fantasies but I chose to be with him because I love him. He also has other people he finds attractive that look nothing like me, does that mean he does not love me? I mean come on.
 Oh the most hilarious thing is that the anti said you cannot compare Matt to MC since Matt is way attractive. I mean come on; they may not look alike but they both have dark hair, blue eyes. Seriously people! And MC is so handsome and adorable at the same time. Sometimes I feel like he looks better than JA and JP. Sue me.
 2.     On JA moving to Austin. Lol. This means that he went to live next to his best friend. I mean come on. I have moved to live next to my best friend (bff) who is married. Does that mean I am in love with her? Hell no! But I feel safer knowing that she is there for me.
Also people need to understand, MC and JA could be involved romantically or not (pick your poison) but you don’t need to be next to your lover to love them or be in a relationship with them. Lond distance relationships anyone? They have families and kids and other priorities. Just because you are in a relationship with someone does not necessarily mean you live together or evn in the same area. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and also they are where they are now because of other priorities in their lives. So, living together or in the same town doesn’t make you more or less in love.
3.     On the issue of common interests. This made me laugh so hard. I mean comeon, People who are together do not need to share any interests. The diversity of their interests is probably what attracted them to each other. Also how can you say a poet and a singer have nothing in common? They are artists. MC can write poems that JA can sing. Oh also remember that video MC’s friend DM posted on Twitter where they did the whole bicycle touring in Germany? Uh huh? JA seemed to be interested in that a lot. So..
4.     I could say a lot about JA being with Jp. This J2 being married and their wives being beards is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Seriously, J2 tinhats have gone ahead to hate of D’s posts and call her names. Telling her to stop pretending that she is JA. It is laughable and not in a nice way, really. Can they just stop? Before I became a cockles shipper I watched J2 videos where they interact be it cons, red carpet moments or even gag reels. It is just different. All I see are two bros; one that is really playful like a little puppy and the other one trying to be the big brother. As for JA and MC, it is different, there are things that JA is comfortable when Mc does that he is not comfortable when JP does them. Neck kisses for a start.
Also most of the J2 tinhats evidence about J2 being real is rarely backed up by visual evidence and if there is any, it is usually from years ago. I am not hating on antis, just stating facts.
5.     I mean, cursing on stage really? I curse all the time my bf doesn’t. Does that mean he doesn’t like me or love me? Hell to the Fucking No! Suck it!
6.     On Mc not taking acting seriously. Yeah I can guess why he doesn’t. It is not his only priority unlike JA who has chosen it as a career path. From what I have seen, MC’s priorities include making the world a better place through charities, politics, and oh, he is also a writer. Oh so forgive him if he is not obsessed with acting. Besides JA says that he likes how he acts as Cas because it is not like anything he has seen from other guest stars that have come on the show. I mean not being serious about something does not mean that you are not good at it. Would he have lasted 11 seasons if he was not good at what he does?
There was also hate that JA is only around MC for PR and he actually hates him. There were some photos and gifs so the apparent hate. So, if he cannot stand him, why is there so much evidence of JA going to MC to give some love, Neck kisses, intimate IG posts, face caresses, ass smacks, calling him his baby dadfy, heart eyes, even when they don’t know that they are being filmed?
Also why is it during the Vegascon 2020 all JA did was bring up MC unnecessarily even when no one, absolutely nobody asked him to. Come on! stop the bs and admit that Cockles is the realest ship in the history of ships!!
I swear bitches be crazy. How can you just hat someone for literally nothing? This is mostly from J2 tinhats at other J2 stans who do not ship J2 together romantically. I mean…comeon. You do not need to be a stan for the wives just because they are married to J2 but please stop with the madness.
I recently saw someone comment on various JA posts on IG asking why he is lying to the fans that he is with D when he is with JP. So many rude things have been said about the wives especially D that it breaks my heart.
Seiously? People have gone ahead even to say that she is with JA’s friend SC and that the twins are not JA’s they are SC’s since D and SC are ‘always’ hanging out together. My question is, so D is not supposed to hang out with their friends? And for Chuck’s sake, everyone can see that the twins especially the boy (idk their names, sorry) looks like JA’s twin. I mean come on people.
I believe that they hate D because she says how much she loves MC and that Cas is her favorite character and that they are also bitter that JA chose her and not them. Just my opinion, but what do I know. On JP and G. I don’t know much about them mostly because I do not follow either of them of IG or elsewhere but I have seen hate on G as well.
The antis have gone ahead to say that when JA said that he was hanging out with SC writing songs, that he was lying and that nothing was happening he was just trying to dampen the rumours. I wonder how they felt when the album by JA and Sc came out last year. Jokes on you haters. Bitches be crazy fr.
Oh, the antis also say that the same way JA looks at his wife is the same way he looks at MC. With contempt. I mean talk about hanging yourself with your own rope. What they are saying is, JA feels about his wife the same way he feels abouts MC. Aww! That is true love bitches.
If JA actually cannot stand MC, shouldn’t he have gotten him fired from the show or at least make sure he gets less screen time and that they don’t have any panels together being that JA is the star of the show and all. I mean Mark left and he was a major character to the plot so...
Also why would JA give and buy MC clothes if he hates him? Give him a ring, a bracelet? Huh? Explain it to me.
Oh, some anti also said that before every Cockles panel at JIBCON JA cries and has to be forced on stage by Daniella and JP has to give him a hug and that’s why he drinks a lot of apple juice. LOL. WTF? What do you say to such people. I cannot even..My question is, are we talking about the same Cockles panels that I have seen? Then JA deserves all the Oscars and Tony Awards for his impeccable acting skills when he is around MC. Must really hate him. *wink*
I know JA gives off mixed actions about MC. But I think it is to confuse people like us, shippers.  He does’t want to too out there so he tries so hard to be mean with his words. But his actions tell a different story. I mean, who gets a boner when their friend straddles them on stage and then goes ahead to post that chest to chest selfie on IG. That is the gayest thing I have ever seen.
Sharing clothes? I mean friends do share clothes but if it is like a daily thing. More than 20 articles of clothing exchanged between each other on various occasions even when they are apart does not make sense to me. And to make matters worse, JA does not deny it. One even had a tag on it. Lol. We are not children, we can see what is going on.
The 2014 DallasCon – Rob’s Birthday Party. WTF? Was all that between JA and MC? Why did he he swallow and react like that when he saw MC’s bare abdomen? Who does that? Also the looks when MC was leaving the stage. Come on.
Also what was up with the” I love you from the bottom of my heart” at the MTV top 10 in 2010.
The wife is my rock but I am glad to have some pebbles in my life.
Truth is, JA could post a video of him balls deep in MC and the antis could say that somehow MC manipulated JA to post it for PR.
People need to leave MC alone, he ie a human being who has made mistakes, JA and JP have too and I don’t see the antis hating on them. The double Standard s FOH.
I could write about this forever but the truth is JA loves MC, and D and V know that they love each other. All their friends know including JP and other castmates. I believe they know it is more than just friends and the antis can’t stand it because they also know it to be true.
I am not done but I am done for now. I could be here forever writing about this if I do not stop.
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zicarusfalls · 7 years
And the fact I used to love z*am bcuz I thought l*am cared for zayn the most lmao
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I so agree about the tinhat stuff. I think fetishizing of hot male guys together seems to be widespread amongst the hats because otherwise why such investment in their personal lives all the way to trying to convince gen/danneel aren't pregnant. Like why care? They justify their obsession because they "believe" that js are unhappy and they have to save them by outing them? Maybe in some pics js are unhappy because a part of the fandom is painting them as liars and may jeopardize their careers?
They don’t even see their own hypocrisy. They get pissed off for them not coming out & lying about their being gay & psychoanalyze Jensen’s internalized homophobia & go on rants about how it’s ruining their lives (& even as far as saying that’s the cause of Jared’s MI) so bc they “love” them so much they want ‘em out of the closet. But even if all that were true (I have zero belief it is ftr but for the sake of my point let’s set aside reality for a sec) they’re  fetishizing 2 guys isn’t them being “progressive” & supportive, it’s sexualizing who someone is. That’s not ok. Plus if they gave a shit about Jared or Jensen & they truly believe the big conspiracy they’d LEAVE IT ALONE. You don’t freaking bully people into coming out ffs. If all your psycho theories are real then freaking maybe they’re unhappy bc you assholes keep trying to spill their secret. They’re obviously trying to keep it for a reason & that’s their business.
Again, I need to stress how I’m not in the least agreeing or even considering their ideas, I’m just saying even from their point of view what they do is STILL WRONG. So they can justify their shit all they want. Oh we want them happy so they have to come out No, you want them to confirm your delusions for your spank bank & so you can feel validated for all the hate you spew at their wives & the ‘het stans’ as you so adorably call us fans with a brain who actually LISTEN to Jared & Jensen & respect their marriages. Get off that self-righteous high horse before you fall & break something.
I think you make an excellent point & I’ll get to it in a sec, but personally a lot of their so-called examples of the guys being “unhappy” are ridiculous. Every damn time one of ‘em doesn’t smile for a photo op or smth the hats scream SEE HOW MISERABLE THEIR REPRESSION IS MAKING THEM. How abt they take like 800 pix every god damn con & their face would fall the hell off if they smiled like little suzie sunshine for every.single.one. It’s sick. I’ve seen them do side by side op comparisons. Ones with Jensen solo ops & the other a J2 op & they comment “Look he wasn’t happy in the pix w/o Jared” That is someone’s personal fucking op they paid good money to have with someone they care abt & ur gonna sit there & shit on it & say Jensen wasn’t happy in the pic??? How do they think that makes the fan feel, oh he was miserable with you??? But they obviously don’t give a flying fuck abt anyone’s feelings. They treat their so-called “faves” like shit too so why would some poor random fan’s feeling matter when they could use their op to support their shipper delusions.
Ok, back to your point. I think that’s more than likely. We know from both of them that they’re aware of the hate they get, their families get. This tinhat shit has been going on since S1. They know abt it. Just like the other hate I’m sure they try to ignore it & move on but they can’t unsee it. In the back of their heads it’s always gonna be there; these delusional shits are constantly spreading rumors abt us...& unfortunately in this society what people tend to remember more is what they see, truth be damned. There’s a reason big exciting news stories make the front page but if they’re found to be false the retraction is at the bottom of page four...people don’t care about true, they care about attention grabbers. For both Jared & Jensen’s sake I can only hope that when it comes to anything important (future jobs etc) that those people realize how bat shit crazy some of this fandom is & not take anything they may see seriously. I mean, best case would be them not seeing the shit period but sadly that ship has sailed. I don’t even remember wtf I was googling abt Jensen the other day but the 2nd thing that came up was an article abt him being homophobic bc of that horse shit from NJcon ‘13. Ik I didn’t search anything that should have gotten that at all & yet it was THE 2ND PAGE RIGHT IN FRONT FOR ALL TO SEE. Fucking hate the toxic part of this fandom. 
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edsbev · 5 years
im SAD and in PAIN can i get sum reddie hcs
sorry for not answering this earlier !! i was struggling to think of some but then i went into my drafts and found this long headcanon of young richie and eddie being idiot best buds who are lowkey crushing on each other and its so dumb which is why i never posted it but here u go
ok so. imagine.
the losers all have an elaborate walkie talkie set up, stranger things kids style, but richie and eddie have their own special station/channel where they can just talk to each other
and a lot of the time, richie uses it to call eddie late at night to invite him to some crazy shenanigan
like richie thinks his neighbour is a vampire or a serial killer or somETHING weird bc the guy is always shifting around in his yard and garage at night so richie always calls eddie to come spy on him with him (bc eddie is the only one who also believes that something is up with this guy) (bc if either richie or eddie believes some dumb shit then u can bET the other one does too)
so anyway thats how richie and eddie end up spending a lot of their summer nights hiding behind bushes in richies neighbours yard, trying not to go red when they have to huddle together, whisper-arguing abt whether or not richie pushed eddie into the bush on purpose or not, whisper-laughing abt some lame jokes they came up with on the spot bc they got bored or distracted, whisper-shouting and then actually shouting when they get caught
they try to bolt but the guy grabs them by the collar of their shirts and drags them to richies front doorstep. and they both smile sheepishly when maggie opens the door and finds them with their very angry neighbour again
(because this has happened multiple times and yet richie and eddie always go back bc theyre dumbasses)
maggie sighs as she lets the two boys inside and richie immediately begs her not to tell sonia bc she’d probably lock eddie up if she found out they were doing this and thats not even an exaggeration she’d rlly whoop eddies ass and look at eddies cute, innocent face mom how can u let her do that to him please dont tell…
maggie looks at eddie, who is giving her his very best puppy dog eyes
(the last time they’d gotten caught and dragged up to the toziers house by their neighbour, maggie had threatened that she’d tell sonia if it ever happened again. so now richie is literally on his knees pleading for her not to, bc he doesnt think he’d be able to manage if eddie got grounded and wasnt allowed to see him for a week)
and maggie relents bc despite everything, eddie actually does keep richie out of trouble most of the time.
once, she had seen richie about to attempt chugging a whole carton of milk in under a minute. and before she could interject, eddie had said, “dont do that idiot” and richie had said “yeah ok” and put the milk back and maggie had been dumbfounded bc richie literally never lets anyone tell him what to do ever
so she says she wont tell and lets eddie stay on the condition that they will never go into the neighbours yard again. and the two boys shout excitedly, richie wraps her up in a hug, and they ramble their promises over each other before racing upstairs to richies bedroom
where they pull out binoculars and continue to spy on the neighbour
they spot him out in his back yard. digging a hole in the ground.
“what do you think thats for?” eddie asks. he is using the binoculars. richie is pressed up next to him, his face pushed against the window to get a good look. (there is plenty of space by the window btw, richie is pressed against eddie bc he wants to be)
“probably to bury us in when he finally kills us,” richie jokes. eddie laughs ‘ha’ and then gives richie the binoculars so he doesnt have to look at the neighbour so closely anymore.
neither of them say anything after that. but something abt the joke rlly spooks them. maybe its the fact that its getting dark, the fact that they can hear the faint sound of the shovel scraping against the ground, the lingering memory of the angered look on the neighbours face when he’d caught them
theyre both a little on edge. so much so that when they finally call it a night, eddie hesitates by the made-up bed on the floor before deciding fuck it and climbing into richies bed with him
“what are u doing?” richie asks. his bed is small enough that eddie bumps against him as he shuffles under the covers
“nothing,” eddie grumbles. he turns so his back to richie, but their feet are touching. “kick me in your sleep and you die.”
“noted,” richie says. he stares at the back of eddies head and his heart flips up into his throat. he wants eddie to look at him. he also wants to tease eddie for being scared but hes scared too. so he ends up with: “you know if that guy rlly tries to kill us im sacrificing you for my own safety right?”
eddie doesnt miss a beat: “yeah right. i could just step on your glasses and you’d be done for. blind-y.”
richie kicks at eddies shin and eddie kicks back. richie laughs and eddie laughs. and they rib at each other until they fall asleep.
(but richie has a nightmare in the middle of the night and in his half-awakeness hisses at eddie until he also wakes up. and when richie tells him he cant sleep, they make a sleepy, fumbly deal to hold hands until theyre both knocked out again)
(and they think nothing of it. bc theyre not rlly awake and also theyre bros)
and the next day they sneak back into the neighbours backyard to check out the hole he was digging bc theyre idiots who never learn.
the hole looks body-sized.
theyre both convinced its for their soon-to-be-dead bodies
no one else can convince them otherwise, bc richie and eddie are two chaotic tinhat conspiracy theory believers 
and also best buds who like to rile each other up until they actually get scared
eddie sleeps in richies bed again that night
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A few weeks ago some cool people on here shared some of their theories on what in the world that weird J2M panel from JIB 8 was actually about and I thought I would throw my tinhat in the ring and share what’s been cooking in my own brain box. I have to admit though that it is so hard to watch with the sound on. For actors, they sure are bad at whatever that was. Especially Jensen. But I gotta tell you, that clusterfuck sorta makes sense if you view it from a crazy Cockles’ tinhat perspective. Just saying. I also made some shitty gifs to help illustrate and I used these videos as sources [ x, x, x ].
First off, I do agree that it looks suspicious that Misha intentionally avoided hugging Jensen at the beginning. But Jensen doesn’t appear all that bothered by it imo, and I'm convinced that if he was bothered by not receiving a hug from Misha, he would have shown it in some other way besides fetching the bae a drink. 
I also think that Jared knew exactly what he was doing. After he hugged Misha he dove straight into the story before any of them had sat down or could begin the usual changing of the guard pleasantries. And neither Misha nor Jensen appeared shocked or unprepared for that. In fact, looking at Misha's body language, it looked like he knew it was coming and waiting for impact. Jensen and Jared looked neutral if not excited about it. What actually came to my mind was something the three of them have said jokingly for the past couple of years. It looked like "someone lost a bet" and in this case, it was Misha. Or maybe it wasn't designed to make Misha look foolish. Like maybe it was just a fun J2M story that they all agreed they would talk about. I don't know, but imo it looked like something that was planned that quickly went off the rails.  
Jared started the story talking about filming hours, but when he got to the house and the number of bedrooms, as @jensensitive mentioned in this post, there is this moment where it appears as though Jensen silently urged Jared to remember it was a four-bedroom house and to lie about it.  And Jared did. He played along, but when he did, he did something weird. He pointed with his middle finger and motioned with his nodding head to both Jensen and Misha. It's subtle but you can see that he pointed behind Misha, where Jensen was sitting, rather than following Misha along his linear path. 
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This is probably subconscious on Jared's part and it might not be anything at all, but if Jared was pointing at both of them, then maybe it means Jensen and Misha rented the house together or Jensen was involved in some way in Misha’s plans when he rented it. Obviously, if they were in a relationship, that would make sense.  
After that things started going sideways. Poor Misha fucked up, and it was the beginning of the end of the fun:
Misha: That was a little bit of a bait and switch. I was like ‘guys I've got this bli- huge place, might as well come st- come stay’ and then Jensen went – you– you got up early. He played some golf. He went early to throw his bag in and he was like how many bedrooms did you say this place had?  Cuz it was two bedrooms?
So this is a mess. Especially if Misha was just recalling something that actually happened. He misspoke, repeated himself, messed up pronouns, and altered the pitch and speed of his speech, which when all clustered together, are all highly indicative of an anxious, deceptive person. So yeah, I think Misha was weird there because he was lying to cover up something. *cough*cockles*cough* 
My theory is that Misha was gonna say something else that would have outed them, but while he was talking he realized this in mid-sentence, so he had to change his story and it got messy. When he originally said Jensen got up early, he was actually talking about Jensen waking up early in the morning, rather than getting up to the house before anyone else did, which was the implication. And is “got up” supposed to be “drove up”? Plus he later changed it to “he went early”, which I mean that is some really ugly wording from the poet/wordsmith/grammar technician if that is what he meant. 
Just to be clear though, what I’m saying is that I think Jensen getting up early means he and Misha were sleeping in the same bed after a night of fuck-filled passion and Jensen woke up before Misha did. But since Misha and Jensen are in a secret relationship and he shouldn't have said that, Misha clumsily improvised and he lied. And as liars tend to do, especially when they slip up, Misha overcorrected and added unnecessary information to make it sound more convincing. In this case, it was the extraneous details about getting up there early to golf and Jensen throwing his bag in, which actually has me asking more questions like did he meet and check in with the VRBO host before Misha did? Where was Misha? But when Misha was talking about the early golf stuff, Jensen looked down and started sifting through his memories trying to figure out what the hell Misha was talking about. 
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I think Misha was trying to cover his ass and get Jensen on board with him. Isn’t it interesting though how Misha kept conferring with or looking to Jensen for confirmation about the story of the house instead of Jared? As if Jensen was more involved in the process than Jared was? At least that's what it looked like to me.
After Misha’s initial flub, they all tried to get on the same page but failed. Instead, all three of them stepped in it. Here’s the dumb convo:
Misha: Cuz it was two bedrooms? 
Jensen: At most
Misha: At most. That's stretching it.
Jensen: It was two bedrooms one of the bed- be-
(Jared and Misha point at each other and speak at the same time)
Jared:  I ended up sleeping on the floor
Misha: On the floor next to -
Jensen: He slept on the floor next to his- the bed that he slept in. I don't know what happened. I was in the other room.
Misha: You were resting after what we'd been through.  
Jensen: I needed it.
Jared and Misha fucked up first. They both said at the same time that Jared slept on the floor, but Misha didn’t stop talking when Jared did. He continued and added the incomplete prepositional phrase, “on the floor next to -”. On the floor next to what, Misha?! My theory is that Jensen was freaked out by this and awkwardly finished it for Misha by ad-libbing that Jared “slept on the floor next to his-” but he paused, started over and said, “the bed that he slept in”. But that self-edit of Jensen’s is so unnatural. What did Jared actually sleep next to? Plus is Jensen saying that he alone slept in the master bedroom in at least a queen sized bed and he made Jared and Misha (the guy who supposedly rented the place) sleep in the tiny room together? It didn’t sound like Jensen was sleeping in the tiny room. It just doesn’t add up. 
Obviously, if Cockles was real, it would make more sense. Jared probably slept on the floor in the tiny room, probably on an inflatable mattress, and the couple got the master with the big bed. But even if I didn't believe Cockles was real, the fact that Jared volunteered the info that he had to sleep on the floor right after both Jensen and Misha were bemoaning the tiny size of one of the rooms, suggests to me that that's why Jared brought up sleeping on the floor, to begin with. It’s the way conversations and thoughts generally work. He was reminded of sleeping on the floor in that tiny room because they were discussing how tiny the tiny room was. 
I have a theory about this tiny room though. Since J2M claimed it would be stretching it to call one of the rooms a “bedroom", maybe that tiny room wasn’t a bedroom at all. I mean technically it was a bedroom but maybe the VRBO host had that tiny room set up or furnished to function as something else, like an office. So when Jared had to sleep on the floor and Misha was saying "on the floor next to -", maybe the sentence would have actually been finished with something like "my computer" or "my desk". After all, later in the panel when the three of them were telling the phone call story between Jared and the host, they said that after unplugging the phone lines, Misha had to sprint upstairs to where Jared was because he realized he left him alone with his computer where Jared was already tweeting on Misha’s twitter. Plus Jensen said that wherever Jared was sleeping and snoring, it was just down the hall from where he, himself, was sleeping. Therefore, presumably, both the master bedroom and the teeny tiny “bedroom” are both on the same floor then, which I think means that the tiny room could be an office where Misha kept his computer and Jared slept on an inflatable mattress.  
Anyway, back to panic-stricken Jensen ad-libbing Jared sleeping on the floor next to the bed Misha slept in, which Jensen made so much worse and more awkward when he implied something sexual happened between Jared and Misha. But watch Jared after Jensen insinuated that Jared and Misha were getting busy in their own room. That obviously didn’t happen and it didn’t need to be said. Jensen is the one that made it about sex first. 
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But Misha, I guess wanting to tease Jensen and put him on the spot in retaliation for what he just said about him and Jared, ignored the lie and threw Jensen under the bus instead. Misha then implied that Jensen was in the other room recuperating after their strenuous sexual activities. 
But let’s talk about Jensen’s reaction to this. In that post of theories @dimples-of-discontent described Jensen’s eye-contact, his nodding, and his smile perfectly as though he and Misha have “got a secret”. (gif src 👀) 
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I agree that there was definitely something secretive going on between them there. Personally, with the intense stare, I kinda think Jensen might have been trying to communicate to Misha something like “don’t do it, dude”  but as Misha kept on going, I think part of the meaning behind Jensen’s nodding was possibly “yup, we fucked and you’re really gonna say it, aren’t ya”.  And as we all know, Misha kinda did, much to Jensen’s disappointment and our delight. Even though the audience was laughing, and it appeared that Jensen was bent over laughing too, I just don’t think his was genuine.
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I don’t think that was genuine laughter because Jensen’s face and forehead are too tense. For a smile and laughter to be authentic, the forehead needs to be relaxed and the muscles around the mouth and eyes must both be engaged, but those specific eye muscles on Jensen aren’t. And also for laughter to be real, the smile has to linger. We have seen Jensen do that a lot when he is around Misha, but that ain’t happening here. His smile quickly faded and he bit his tongue and lip, contracted his forehead muscles, and expressed a mouth of fear (a pulling laterally and down of the mouth) after saying “I needed it”. 
Jensen isn’t happy here and I think Misha knew it. When Jensen bent over and Jared whispered something, Misha looked at both of them and there was a moment of stillness when he realized just how badly he fucked up. The poor guy even silently whispered “Oops” while anxiously wringing his mic. He timidly looked back over at Jensen to see how he was reacting. Look at him say oops! He looks so flustered and guilty, regretting his choices. 
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So after that, Jared was gonna do what Jensen couldn’t and try to get everything back on track by ignoring Misha’s statement and just carrying on:
Jared: Umm, so  so yeah we filmed to like three or four.
Misha: How much of this story are we going to tell?
Jared: We're telling it all
Misha: We're editing as we go though.
Jared:   We shouldn't tell it.
Misha: Not all of it.
Jared:   You know what guys I think that's all for us.
Jensen: I think- I think we're done. I think we got to go. And we were so close.
Jared: Daniela is telling us we got to go.
Misha: So I get upstairs in the morning
This is an emotional turning point in the panel. After Jared said, “we’re telling it all”, Jensen started effusively shaking his head no with a “let’s not” face, which I’m pretty sure Jared saw because he quickly pulled a 180° and insisted they had better get off stage instead. Jensen, eager to get off stage, was like “shoot, if only there was more time to continue this stumble down memory lane, guys”. At that time though, Misha started fiddling with his bracelet, hard-swallowing, breathing through tight lips, and tonguing the inside of his mouth. He was sweatin’.
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Jared blamed Daniela and it looked like he and Jensen were gonna leave the stage until Misha continued the story, stressing “In the morning” while sharing a meaningful look with Jared. He took a pause, scratched his face, and it looked like he and Jared had a silent conversation where Misha was silently pleading “help me out here, buddy”.
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Jared picked up on it and sided with Misha so he did another 180° and continued the story...
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...which pissed off Jensen. 
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He rolled his eyes at Misha and I’m pretty sure Misha noticed because he quickly looked away and down and pacified himself by licking the inside of his mouth some more. Then Misha stood up to fuss with the fan, which probably helped him regulate his emotions.
I think Jensen might have been having a conversation in his head or deciding something because gears were turning and his facial expressions were not matching up with what Jared was talking about when he restarted the story, which was something about drinking to celebrate the end of season 12. Jensen is not happy at all. In fact, he is jutting his jaw forward in the first gif, which is indicative of anger, and his lower lip was pouting. 
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Jensen was looking down, until what I guess, was when he decided to rescue the panel by enacting what he thought was the perfect cover-up. He chimed in with some unbelievable and self-contradictory statement about how since there were so few places to sleep in the house anyway, they decided to just stay up all night and forego sleep.  When he finished what he was saying, he was looking directly at Misha to communicate something, but it looked like Misha was purposely avoiding his glare, which didn’t help Jensen’s mood. 
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To make matters worse, Jared helpfully added: “so we stayed up, went to bed” which made a mockery of what Jensen said. Plus Misha begrudgingly played along with what Jared was implying and gave him a high-five. Jared laughed an impish laugh, but if you look at Misha, he was not completely enjoying the teasing that they were inflicting and it could be because neither was Jensen because he was getting ganged up on. At least that’s what I see.
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So I guess as another attempt to rewrite what Misha implied about them sexing it up, Jensen completely contradicted what he just said about not sleeping and said that Jared was snoring, which happens a lot when one is sleeping and not staying up all night. But Jensen, which I guess, either driven by self/cockles-preservation or revenge, ignored the lifeline Jared threw him when Jared asked, “is this the night or the day of”, and instead of getting off the topic of night-time sleeping arrangements, Jensen carried on with the snoring bit. But Jensen made it real weird when he added that animal thing, right? Jared also brought up how sick he was (which makes it even more unlikely that Misha slept in the same room as him) and Jensen, undeterred, pushed on: “Jared was snoring so loud from down the hall in a closed door bedroom it woke me up and I'm like how is Misha possibly sleeping in the same room”. We get it, you dink. You and Misha definitely never stayed in the same room together except you totally did and you suck at damage control:
Jensen: Jared was snoring so loud from down the hall  in a closed door bedroom it woke me up and I'm like how is Misha  possibly sleeping in the same room
Jared: Oh he had been put to the test the night before
Jensen: He can sleep through anything
Jared: No he woke up for -
Jensen: When you nudged him.
Jared: They're all like what's true whats not? I wanna believe. No, so...
When Jared said, “oh he’d been put to the test the night before”, I think he’s talking about Jensen having some fun with Misha while he was sleeping. And not like that cute Sandra Bullock romcom from the 90s either, although I do love me some Bill Pullman. I mean more like they wake each other up in the middle of the night to bone. And I think Jared knows this about them. Maybe they told him or maybe he ‘s heard them in the middle of the night going at it, but it amused Jensen. Until he remembered he’s crap at this lying thing, which is when he again made it about Jared and Misha. He said, “yeah, when you nudged him”. He is so bad at this.
And poor Misha. I don’t think he was saying much at this time because, for one, Jensen wouldn’t let him, and two, because he was upset about fucking up and having Jensen mad at him. Which is hilarious considering Jensen was the one that made everything so much fucking worse. They are messy and I love them.
Luckily Jared had the perfect solution to this clusterfuck when he called us shippers out for wanting to believe. Well, he called some shippers out. Mishalecki shippers out? It’s hard to tell really. But it was nice and suspicious that both Jensen and Misha were able to laugh together in that moment. Finally, the panel shifted again into a more relaxed, fun tone. Misha could finally unclench, breathe, and get on with the story that I think he thought they were going to tell to begin with. 
I think others covered the second half of their panel really well so I won’t get into it, but I totally agree with the theory that Jensen and Misha were having shower sex. I also think Jared and Misha didn’t let Jensen talk because he had already fucked up the first half. Clearly, he could not be trusted.
And that’s my not quite but almost brief breakdown of what I think was going on in the first half of the J2M panel. Sorry for the wordy tinhatting and the crazy, but apparently, some people don’t mind like @savannadarkbaby  ;)
And as a side-note, can I just say that I love Jared for describing the house as “architectured”. “Architectured” is a made-up word that Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, used a lot in her book and in interviews that came out in 2017. Jared was mocking the idiot Trumps and it was glorious.
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incarnateirony · 6 years
An apology, but a story.
Okay guys, sorry for uh, talking so much about Pillowfort lately. I do mean it when I say I’m still here to stay until Tumblr totally dies, and I know I’ve been posting a LOT of PF content, but I’m also trying to help tailor an environment over there where this fandom can thrive. Add in momma’s heart attack and coma and my dash has been a hot mess and bare bones of my usual content, and I apologize.
But at the same time I’d like to sort of tell a bit of a flashback story of social media, fandom, and why I really do hope the best for Pillowfort. Some people are too young to remember the slow death of Livejournal, and I’m having like, flashbacks from that. I wasn’t in SPN fandom itself at the time but I was on LJ, so if you’re 
worried about your friends leaving
intent on sticking to tumblr hell or high water
kind of upset at some friends trying to manage both
Let me give a little bit of history to explain what people are doing right now and why.
Long long ago, in a digital world far away when the internet still screamed at you when you connected to it, fandom wasn’t really globalized like it is. Twitter didn’t exist. Eventually Facebook was a hot new commodity not everybody adopted immediately. Tumblr wasn’t a sparkle in anybody’s eye. 
Fandom was mostly relegated to php forums and places like Livejournal. Livejournal proved to be -- at the time -- one of the best methods to engage in fandom. You could have your own journal, but you could also join communities with your account and comment on long discussions. 
There were weaknesses of this to be sure. Notifications were pretty raw to nonexistent compared to how we know of them modernly. You had to basically manually check the comm to stay on top of things, and what was said in that comm was choked to that comm. Now, that had its strengths: you could control the community and posts, ergo minimizing flame wars, but it made fandom a bunch of pigeonhole wings and, to be honest, echo chambers. Lots of things got missed, overlooked, and what have you. And god help you if you pissed off a big name fan in your wing that owned one or most of the communities you went to. Replies and the ilk were pretty limited on what you could do, too. But it was something. It was more than just a standard forum. You could still try to cross-engage.
Then came the LJ Purge, which... is pretty much identical to the Tumblr purge. New rules banishing NSFW to the depths of the internet, some out of control censorship, targeting all LGBT content no matter how pure as NSFW and explicit -- you name it. They didn’t really have wildly out of control filterbots, that’s a new modern invention just to shit in our bin a little better, but you get the idea. What happened -- and is still, more quietly, now that the shock has passed -- to Tumblr is what happened to LJ. People lost mountains of work. 
Now, LJ didn’t die overnight. It died over the course of a few years. Some people left fairly quickly, others tried to stay aboard. For example, Destiel fandom was fairly young at the point the LJ Purge kicked off, and were already sort of outsiders among the fandom newsletters that were more Gen or Wincest doused at that point because -- well, duh -- they had a several year running start on that platform. The communities, as above, were really regulated. There just wasn’t room to breathe. Sure, they had their own comms, but once material started vanishing, they were much more eager to, en masse, migrate to a new platform. And yes, some stayed behind longer, because people, even in shipland, aren’t a borg.
Other communities, like gen or Wincest, stayed behind longer. They had years of built up work and huge communities they were attached to there and it was a lot harder for them to let that all go. But it didn’t get better. More quietly, once the hysteria ended, people just lost their will to continue to use livejournal and they more dribbled across.
Some went to Dreamwidth back then. Some went to tumblr. Long term, tumblr worked for everybody until now. Dreamwidth was pretty much Livejournal, minus censorship, plus a few bells and whistles but it worked for a few people, but let’s face it -- that’s not where central fandom ended up.
Now, people are talking alternatives. Some are saying to go back to Dreamwidth. I refuse. 
Because there’s a reason it wasn’t the most successful platform in the past and we’ll go back to completely segregated fandom like before and 
because certain aspects of fandom that DID go to Dreamwidth and stay there, have still been there, and are a huge thorn in the side to almost anyone with their head screwed on straight, Destiel fandom or not. J2 tinhats are the eternal asscramps of the fandom and they’ve squatted on dreamwidth for their crazy ass tinhat page for years, god knows they probably went to adjacent communities, god knows how ingrained they are into it, and I am NOT willing to deal with that level of horse shit again.
Pornhub tried a grab, that didn’t work, as it shouldn’t, for a list of reasons as long as my arm; Mastodon was suggested, but has a huge issue in some of its other channels that people don’t want to float in the vicinity of. 
And then there’s Pillowfort.
So look, Pillowfort is young, it is a smolbabe. In a few months it went from 4K users to 25K users and is growing innumerably by the day. Its servers are struggling. That turns some people off. I get that. But that isn’t permanent.
So first of all, early pioneers are what make migrations work. Just like LJ had its initial members, and then tumblr had its early migrators, places like Pillowfort can be the same. Dreamwidth already has its foundations. That’s redundant, and foundations I’m not even going to touch, much less the regressive, divisive form of communities that will segregate all of us again. It’s fine if you aren’t one of the first people to take up the platform. The people ahead of you will start laying down content and communities and, if it works out, you can join in when you’re ready.
So what makes Pillowfort so fucking special?
Okay, so check it out. On tumblr, we’re used to reblogging shit into the bowels of the internet. As Pillowfort grows it, too, has that capability with some differences.
The boldest difference is that when you reblog, your opinion doesn’t get attached to the end of the post. It just reblogs the base post. Some people initially complained and thought that was the loss of a feature but came to realize it’s a blessing.
You see, that means someone can’t kidnap your post with a shitty opinion to reblog it to their friends with a shitty opinion that all attach their heckling shitty opinions. Like, let’s say it’s someone that’s Destiel fandom reading this. Ever had an anti shit reblog your post and it run wild? Well, now, if they try to reblog it, all they reblog is... your Destiel post. Thanks for that.
So how do we actually say what we need to?
Well, fam, it incorporated elements from LJ/DW, in having threaded replies. Multiple threads if so needed. The threaded replies are capable of housing just about anything an OP has. So a blog post has, alongside Like/Reblog notifications, comments. Open the post, read the comments, start an actual conversation with some merit. Did some douchebag come to spam your comments since they can’t reblog? No problem, delete their shitty comments and block them, problem solved.
But it doesn’t end there.
See, like LJ, PF has communities. While your post can reblog just about anywhere just like on tumblr, you can blog or reblog them into the communities you follow. Anyone following that community, whether they follow you directly or not, gets that turning up in their feed, maximizing your spread. So sure, it’s a young platform and you only have 20 followers or whatever, but if you make a general Supernatural style post and blog it to the SPN com, 300 people (at current) see it. If you post something to the Destiel comm, over 200 people see it. It’s a way to even find new accounts and friends.
If you don’t like something that’s turning up in a community, you can blacklist shit. And/or find a more appropriate community if it gets out of hand to you.
When you make your own communities you can have internal discussions or blog in/out posts, you can set rules, promote moderators, remove or ban problem users, and generally control the flow of your community to keep out shitlords. But, if for example, you subscribed to a community that turns out to be secretly run BY a shitlord because, IDK, maybe they don’t like that you think Sam is bi or something, most of these communities are large and blog in/out/engageable enough that you won’t lose your contacts, you WILL find your people over time, and you won’t be completely choked off to a singular abyss.
So the base beat is
PF treats every single post like any root post on an LJ/DW comm, but is able to be reblogged from/to communities or your own blog page as freely as tumblr.  PF takes the best concepts of current and previous fandom platforms in its base application and lays a groundwork that literally all of us can prosper on if it survives and continues. 
But that’s the catch.
And it’s cool if you aren’t ready to completely take that leap yet. I get that.
“I kinda like PF but it doesn’t have X feature-”
Okay look, PF is a smolbabe, like I said. It’s in beta. The thing is, they’re adding things every day. They have a dev list like 2 pages long for goals and things are getting crossed off and added like, biweekly. It might already be on their list to add. And if it’s not, guess what?
The staff actually give a shit and react to questions and concerns. There’s entire beta groups to talk about features with bugs, and/or features that should be added or adjusted. There’s a comm to talk directly to the staff about things.
A small, young platform needs people willing to be out there saying what would improve the experience. So if you go there, you’re not just fandom pioneers, you’re social media pioneers if you so choose to be. It’s not mandatory. You can just fan in your space how you want. Or you can go to the beta groups and staff groups and tell them what you think would improve the experience. 
And again, it’s okay if you aren’t willing to move right now.
I’m not moving entirely. I’m double blogging, and will return to my regularly scheduled blogging on tumblr here soon, now that my life is calming down and I got most of my PF heavy lifting out of the way. But I want to make a nest in case this does pan out to be the next forward horizon, rather than taking a step back to something like Dreamwidth that segregates us all again. I want to help them build that platform. 
But I’ll still be here with you guys.
But if you’ve felt like friends are abandoning you
Please try to understand the history, please understand what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, and just try to encourage them to cross blog where you can/will engage. And if you’re feeling daring one day? Try to poke your head into PF.
I have one remaining key that I’m willing to give a really good fandom creator. I gave one to a meta-mind and I’d like this to go to a heavy, inclusive gif creator, because that’s still a sparse art on PF. You’d be the belle of the ball just for crossposting your work, in a place that DOESN’T have a threat of it getting deleted when tumblr throws a hissyfit. Just post on both. Tada. Suddenly you’re the popular kid.
If you’re interested, if you poke your head in, check my recent post listing communities that are growing rapidly and the ilk to know where to get your feet wet. Or send me a DM. I’ll help.
We good? Cool.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
I look at Darren replying to shitty comments on his SM again and can only smh and think CCers always stay in their lane though, right Abby? Meanwhile, I'm sure the cult will give him shit for responding at all or whoever they think was behind it. Because you should just ignore the shit people spew at you and never react, they say as they demand the tumblr staff and even the FBI take down a blog they're mad at.
Anonymous said: Oh FFS now Abby is claiming that Darren's response to an obnoxious troll on Instagram is not him. AGAIN. So I'm assuming just anyone can take his phone, log on to social media, and reply on his behalf? Celebs hire teams to post to their social media all the time, and yes, sometimes reply to comments, but these people can't just go rogue and say whatever they want. They need permission to post. So whatever the response was is approved by Darren. Anonymous said: OMG, it's so fucking embarrassing when Darren has to clap back at the haters and tinhats. Like, seriously, you all think he's stalking your blogs and worshipping you for saving him? He's not. He's avoiding fanspaces like Tumblr like the plague because he knows it's full of disgusting BS and fake fantasies/fetishes about a false ideal of himself. This is proof he thinks y'all batshit crazies with your heads up your asses and deluded about reality. Stop making the rest of us look bad!
Yep. They are idiots. That was a the most obvious Darren response ever.  They need to get a life and realize that he doesn’t like their rhetoric. And Abby and co can deny they post it on his social media but when their exact words are used- it’s no different. 
Great point that Darren clearly isn’t reading their blogs in glee because he loves what they say in their support of him against his evil beard.  Reality is that he isn’t happy with their rhetoric.  He is literally pushing back against their lies because he happened to see that comment as he was editing the post. Instead of running to Tumblr and figuring out how you would discount his comment, why not read it...hear him...ARE YOU LISTENING?  ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?  He has said in several recorded interviews that Ben is his great friend. The fact that the ccers refuse to believe it is all on them.  
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ourpickwickclub · 5 years
Don't mind them, they're crazy. No one gives a fuck about crazies tinhatting two grown ass straight men with wifes and kids
I’ve read some of their tweets and whoa! It’s like the flat earth people. The level of delusion is astounding
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