#fucking chicago med man. what a hoot.
fromthewindowtothewally ยท 2 months
I think this is the first time I've genuinely believed in a ship only to find absolutely ZERO FICS FOR IT ON AO3???????? It just. It makes so much more sense than the canon, or the fanon ones. What is happening to me.
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ikleesfiction ยท 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 3,485 words Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 2 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 3 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 4 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 5 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 6 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 7 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 8 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 9 ๐Ÿž‚ Part 10
Part 11 (FIN)
Jay hangs out at Molly's after a good day at work. The bar is packed with familiar faces from Firehouse 51 and The Med. He sits down at a table with Hailey and Adam, talking about dull things, enjoying his drink.
"Jay, did you ever find out who sent you that box of chocolate on your birthday last month?" Hailey curiously asks him.
"Oh, you mean the one that you and Kim confiscated?" Jay teases her.
"Yeah, yeah, you wouldn't even open it if we didn't force you," Hailey rolls her eyes. "So, did you know who gave it to you?"
Jay's lips twitch with a barely-there smile, "Yeah, I did,"
"Who was it?" Adam asks nosily.
"A friend," Jay replies vaguely.
"You have friends other than us?" Hailey mocks him. "I'm shocked!"
"Hey, I'll have you know, I am a social butterfly. I got friends in many places," Jay points his finger at his coworkers who are busy laughing at him.
Adam sobers up from the laugh first and sees Kelly Severide approaching their table, "Hey, man!"
Kelly grins at Adam and Hailey, "Hey, guys!" before beckons to Jay, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Jay is confused but follows Kelly anyway to a quieter corner of the bar. He waits until Kelly starts to speak. "I'm not sure if you know this, but Y/N will be in town next week," Jay stiffens as he hears his ex's name, but Kelly continues as if he didn't see it. "I know that she made a big mistake, and you probably still hate her," Kelly opens his hands in a placating manner, ".. but I'm not trying to play sides here. It's just.. she asked me to give you this," Kelly pulls an envelope from his jacket pocket. "It's two tickets for their show at Soldier Field next week, including the backstage passes. You can do whatever you want with them, man. If you want to use them, she'll be thrilled. If you want to burn them, she'll understand," He hands the envelope to Jay, who hesitantly takes it. "She's scheduled to arrive on Friday night and supposedly stays at The Langham for the weekend. But she hinted that she will try to crash at my place," Kelly informs him further.
"Why are you telling me this? What do you expect me to do?" bemuses Jay.
"I'm not telling you to do anything. I understand that you have a hard time these past months. But I also know it was not easy for Y/N as well. This might be a chance for you to clear any niggling questions you have." Kelly pats Jay's shoulder before walks out of Molly's.
Jay slowly steps back to their table. Hailey immediately grills him, "What was that about?"
Jay shakes his head to answer his friend, "It's nothing important." He puts the envelope in his back pocket, trying to forget the conversation.
The days sneak up on Jay. Without him knowing, it's already Saturday evening. He sits on a couch at home, staring at the envelope on the table, thinking about what he should do. He knows what he wants to do, but he is not sure if it's the right thing to do. Jay bounces his foot restlessly before he decides to call Will.
"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Jay asks Will straight away once the call is connected.
Unbothered by Jay's rude manner, Will replies shortly, "Watching Netflix. Why?"
"I need you to go someplace with me," demands Jay.
"I'm on stand by. I cannot go too long or too far away from Med." Will explains.
"I'll drive you with sirens on if they call you. Please, Will?"
Will is never immune to his brother's pleadings, so naturally, he agrees. "Okay, then. When are you going to pick me up?"
"I'm leaving my place now. You go get ready," Jay grabs his keys and walks out to his car.
Once Will sits comfortably in Jay's car, he begins to ask, "So, where are we going?"
"Soldier Field." he hears Jay's clipped reply. Will starts to put the pieces together when he remembers that alex&y/n playing there tonight. He tries to reconfirm his guess, "Isn't that where..."
"Yep," Jay curtly nods without leaving his gaze from the road.
Will raises his eyebrows, "So you're going to see her?"
"I don't know," Jay shrugs his reply.
Will confronts him further, "Is that why you brought me? To help you decide?"
"No, I asked you to come because I know you're a fan of Y/N and her music," Jay patiently explains his reason.
Will never admits that fact before, but his brother seems to catch it anyway. Jay always tenses up whenever someone mentions his ex's name. Thus Will thought it's wiser to leave him be. But this time, it's Jay who chose to bring it out.
"But I told you before, I won't go to see the show," Will tries to remind Jay. He wants Jay to understand that he is here for his brother.
Instead, Jay tells him, "I know. That's why I brought you."
Will sighs loudly, "You're so confusing."
Stopping at an intersection, Jay grins widely at Will, "Just enjoy it, man."
The first time Jay opens the envelope is in front of an usher who stands by the entrance gate. He shows the tickets to him and lets the usher guides them to the Guest Check-In area.
"Where did you get those tickets? Did Y/N give you that?" Will asks Jay as they stand in front of the check-in booth. Jay simply ignores Will's interrogations.
"Hello, good evening. May I see your tickets and ID, please?" greets the young man behind the booth. Jay silently gives the tickets and his driving license to the man. He checks them for a moment then input something on a laptop in front of him. Soon he returns Jay's ID back along with two gold wristbands. "Here's your wristband. Please tighten it on your hand, so you don't lose it," He pulls out a colorful map and circles several spots as he details further, "You can access the Guest Area here, on the east side of VIP seats. To access the backstage, you need to go to the north side area and ask the officials there for the backstage entrance. Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?"
"No, thank you." Jay folds the map and puts it in his back pocket.
The man smiles politely and bids them goodbye, "Have a good time, Mr. Halstead."
The sky looks clear, tints in beautiful orange as the sun just set. They quickly find the Guest Area and the VIP seats. The seats are on an elevated section, which definitely gets a better view of the stage. The stage is dark now, but Jay can see it's bustling with some preparation. The Guest Area looks inviting. It has a private bar and a few food stalls. "This is very nice," remarks Will as he takes in his surrounding. He almost sounds impressed until he remembers from whom Jay got the tickets. "Nope. I ain't falling for this stunt! Does she think these extravagant things could lead her back to you?" Will shakes his head and declares passionately. He sulks on his way to find a spot with the perfect view of the stage.
Smirking at Will's antic, Jay pacifies his brother, "I think she just wants us to have a good time,"
Before Will can respond, the stage suddenly lit up. Laser and neon lights shine blindingly. In front of the stage, the crowd starts to clap and yell excitedly. As the intro begins to play, Jay looks down at the sea of people below him, shouting Alex's and your name.
"What's up, Chicagooooooo!" Alex cheers as he shows up on the stage, then soon followed by you. The crowd goes even wilder. You and Alex open with the first song, jumping lightly to the beat. Between a gap to the second song, Alex greets the crowd. "Chicago! It's so good to be here tonight" He leaves the beat playing in the background. "It is even better to have my best friend here with me. Would you please make some noise for Y/N!" The crowd hoots loudly. You answer them with a grin and a quick wave. "I hope you're also having the best time with your friends. Or maybe even make new friends. So now, let's party!!" Alex puts the microphone down and begins to play the next song. You and Alex play together for about 30 minutes before Alex leaves the stage. You keep the crowds going with your songs and remixes.
"Is it just me, or she doesn't look like she's enjoying it?" Will yells at Jay's ear. The music is so loud, it's practically impossible to speak over the thumping beats and sing-along crowd. Jay also notices the same thing Will said. It was really subtle. The crowd probably won't see it. But since Jay solely pays his attention to you, he can see that you're looking a bit tired. After another 30 minutes passed, Alex comes back on stage as you go off.
Alex plays solo for about 45 minutes before you come back to the stage. They play together again for a few songs until Alex grabs the microphone, "This is our last ten minutes... We are alex&y/n. We hope you enjoyed our music tonight... You guys are fucking amazing! We love you!" The crowds shout back in response.
When they reach the outro, Alex helps you get up on the table before getting himself up. Both of you bow and send air kisses goodbye to the crowds. The confetti bursts on the stage as fireworks explode beautifully to the sky. Soon as the last note goes, Alex jumps down from the table and helps you down. The stage then goes completely dark again. The crowds start to break. Some move away slowly from the stage. Others decide to sit in front of the stage and wait for the next act.
Will nudges Jay and asks, "You're gonna use that backstage pass?"
"No. Let's just go home," Jay sounds certain, but his eyes don't leave the dark stage, as if he still can see you there.
"They are actually amazing," Will comments about the show as Jay drives him back to his place. "I mean, I know they sound good. But the show was apparently better. Thank you for taking me tonight, bro."
"You know you can talk to her, right? You don't have to avoid her for me," Jay tells his brother.
Will clasps his hand on Jay's shoulder. "I know. But you're my brother. She hurts you. I'm not ready to forgive her yet."
After you get off the stage, it doesn't take long for the entourage to leave the venue. Alex is whining that he's hungry. The time just passed 11 PM, so you take them to one of your favorite late-night eateries in Chicago. You also pick this place because it's only three blocks from Kelly's home. Thus, once everyone is done eating, they drop you off at Kelly's before they go back to the hotel.
Kelly knows that you're coming, so he's not surprised when he hears knocks on his door at 1 AM. But you are the one who is surprised when you see some folks from Firehouse 51 there. You hang out with them, talking and laughing until almost dawn. Some of them decide to go home. Others prefer to catch a wink before leaving. The sleeping arrangement becomes a challenge when there are more people than available beds. You finally get to shut your eyes on Kelly's couch just as the sun rises.
The persistent knocks on the door wake you up from your slumber. Half asleep, you come to the door, expecting Sylvie or Joe coming with brunch since they chose to go home last night.
When the door is opened, you blink a few times, not trusting your eyes. Is that really.. "Jay?" you whisper cautiously, wondering if you're still dreaming.
"Hi, Y/N," Jay lets out a nervous smile. You stare at each other for a while, uncertain of what to say. Before Jay gestures to the door, "May I come in?"
"Uhm, yeah, sure. Please. Come in," You stammer as you open the door wider to let Jay in. When you remember that you're still in your sleepwear of a tank top and cotton shorts, you insecurely put on a sweatshirt from your duffel near the couch.
You see Jay looking around the living room. It isn't messy, but it isn't exactly pristine either. They did bare minimum clean-up before went to bed, but you still can see remnants of the get-together. "Did you sleep there?" Jay refers to the unmade couch.
You let out a small giggle as you walk to the kitchen to make coffees, "Drew a short stick on the sleeping arrangement,"
Jay laughs at you, "Why did you sleep on a couch when you have a heavenly bed at the Langham?"
You're a bit surprised that Jay knew where you should've stayed, "Huh, guess Kelly told you that?" The question feels a bit rhetorical, so you don't expect Jay to give any response. "Would you like a cup?" You offer Jay, gesturing to the brewing coffee when he follows you to the kitchen.
"Please," Jay nods then sits on the chair by the counter. Both of you stay silent as you prepare the coffee. You wonder why Jay is here, but you are afraid to ask. When the coffee's brewed, you fix Jay's cup first and hand it to him before filling yours. "Thanks," Jay says as he accepts the cup. You stay on the other side of the counter as you sip into your cup. You feel like saying something, but you don't know what. Should you ask what's Jay doing here? Would Jay accept if you apologize to him again?
After a few awkward seconds, Jay speaks first. "Your show last night was great. Even got Will to jump and dance,"
That actually surprises you, "You came?"
"Of course we did. Will is a fan of yours." He says like it's a fact. Like it's the only reason he came.
You scoff your disagreement, "Right, I doubt that Will is a fan of me,"
"Will likes your music." Jay differs.
"Now that is something I can believe. But I'm pretty sure Will still hates me," you chuckle despairingly.
Jay takes his time to counter your claim, "Will doesn't hate you. He just... felt like he should. Because of me."
"What about you?" you hesitantly ask. "I understand if you're still mad at me. I just wish I can do something to fix it.."
When Jay gives no answer, you kick yourself in your head, thinking you've really screwed this up.
"When are you leaving?" Jay asks instead after a minute pause. You can hear the imply "again" at the end of the question.
Softly sigh to your coffee cup, you reply, "Monday morning." You see Jay nodding as a sign that he hears you, but he doesn't say anything. "I... might come back here in about three months?" It was intended as information, but your apprehensive voice made it sound like you're asking for his permission instead of letting him know.
Jay tilts his head, looking a bit curious, "For work?"
You take a deep breath before saying, "For you." Your gaze doesn't waver from his face. "If you can somehow forgive me and give me a second chance?" Jay locks eyes on you. His lips stay closed, but his eyes demand more explanation.
"I... realized that what I feel about you is a real deal. These past 8 months, I've been running away, trying to distract myself from my regret. I went back to Amsterdam, thinking I was gonna go home, but instead, it felt like I was walking away from home..."
"But you got your family, friends there. Your job is there. That's the reason you gave me when you left." Jay points out. He doesn't raise his voice, but you hear his upset loudly.
"Yes, they are. But I was too blind to see that I got similar things here as well. That I also have family and friends here.. Amsterdam doesn't feel the same anymore, with the fact that I left my heart here..."
Jay looks doubtful over your words. "I don't understand why you want to do that. How about your work? You're just growing a new career, and I know it's doing very well,"
"No, I don't think I can do it any longer. I hate being on stage. I got these next three months to finish alex&y/n gigs, then I stop touring. Go back to writing and producing behind the stage, which I still love to do. I could do that from anywhere. Might need to travel once in a while, but I believe I can base here."
Jay stays quiet for a moment. You feel your heart beating fast, waiting for his next words, which turn out to be another question. "If I say no, are you not gonna come and stay?"
Your face was crestfallen, your throat felt dry. Thoughts ran around in the back of your mind. If you stay here, you'd be closer to Jay. But if he doesn't want to forgive you, would staying still be better than being far away from him? "I... probably still come back and stay in Chicago." you finally answer him.
A ringing phone interrupts the heartfelt conversation before Jay gives you any response. He picks up his phone without stepping away from you. "Yeah? Okay. Give me 15 minutes." He says to whomever on the phone. Once the call ends, Jay stands up from his seat, "I gotta go."
"Work?" You pry.
"No. It's Hailey. She asks me to go with her for lunch," Jay explains.
"Oh.." Now you really look pathetic. Jealous for someone dear to Jay? Yeah, you certainly are a mess now.
You follow Jay, who already moves to the front door. As he opens the door to let himself out, Jay pauses to look at you. "It's good to see you, Y/N." He sounds so sincere.
You smile softly at him, "Yeah, Jay. It's good to see you too."
"So you went to see her? Why?" Hailey exclaims. She cannot comprehend the reason Jay still wanted to meet his ex.
Jay shrugs. "I just... I don't know. I thought if I talked to her, then I would be able to let go and move on."
"And? Could you now?" Hailey confronts him.
"No. It made me miss her more." Jay admits.
Hailey scorns her friend's confession. "You're not even trying to move on, Jay."
"Maybe. I don't know if I want to though," Jay looks out to the street through the cafe's window.
"She's going to leave again. Break your heart again. Is that what you want?" Hailey tries to make Jay sees the real possibility here.
Jay doesn't give her any response. Without Hailey's reminder, he already thought and feared about the same things.
"I have to state that this is an absolute misconduct." Hailey declares furiously from the passenger seat. "And I'm still thinking that you're making a wrong choice here."
It's Monday morning. Hailey should've been suspicious when Jay handed her a cup of coffee and a bag of pastry from her favorite bakery. Now they are gunning down to the charter terminal at Chicago Midway as if they're chasing a perp who tries to escape the country. Jay glances at Hailey and smirks, "Your complaint has been received and noted."
Jay turns his focus back on the road. He has been informed where the plane is gonna be. When he finds it, Jay sees you and your team walk to a G5 that's being prepared for their flight.
Jay brakes his car harshly. The loud screeching sound makes you pause and look at the source of the noise. Jay jumps out of the car and approaches you. He sees the surprised look on your face when you realize that he's here. You slowly walk towards Jay, gaping at him but utter no words.
"There months, you say?" Jay asks you with a heavy breath.
You answer wordlessly with a nod, not getting where Jay's going with this.
"I could wait for three months. Or more. As long as you come back to me." Jay tells you seriously.
"Yeah?" You stutter, eyes wide in surprise. "You sure?"
"Never been surer about anything else in my life," Jay states confidently. He sees your face beams, then it turns into a wide grin. Before he knows it, he has you in his arms, squealing happily.
+x Taglist +x
@shipshipshipau @itsdesiree86 @thevelvetseries @annaallicce
Author Notes : I plan to continue this story with one shots or drabbles, but I don't know when. Please drop me a message/reply if you wanna be tagged for future fics. You are definitely welcome to follow the account. Or you can just wait for them to appear on "Jay Halstead x reader" tag posts. Thank you for all the loves you gave this fic!
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