#fuckin. if i have autism sure then whatever man i dont care i just dont want to have to fuckin go through *another* self discovery thing
crazyw3irdo · 2 years
uh oh im hyperfixating on my own ocs again
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vv3spa · 2 years
Chuck please tell me more about homelander and moyear . Please 🥺
AAUGHH FINALLY some good anons. grips you by the shoulders god i fucking RANTED SO MUCH SO I'M PUTTING IT UNDER THE CUT. i hope you can enjoy my hyperfixation ramblings
i dont know if you know anything about homelander, but he is a fucking nightmare!!!! probably my most problematic fave. i'm glad i haven't gotten flamed for liking him (yet), but i just find the insane atrocities he commits just... genuinely compelling. he's so fucked up but insanely complex. it's really interesting to see how he is literally just a product of society, not to get all joker on you. he was "bred" and raised to be an icon, a symbol, but he grew up trained to be a weapon rather than a caring hero... his mommy/daddy issues are funny and all what with the milk, but it HURTS sometimes. he just wants to be loved!! he wants NOTHING MORE than to be loved. he tries to convince himself over and over he doesn't need people, but fuck he just wants them all to like him but he doesn't know HOW TO PEOPLE or be LIKABLE without a script to read from or without someone holding his hang along the way. he did not ask to be like this but it's all he knows how to do............ still doesn't excuse the murder, intimidation, manipulation, or anything else he's done throughout the series. he's godawful. homelander doesn't give a fuck about the atrocities he commits either because someone will just clean it up for him. he's a raging manbaby who wouldn't know responsibility if it punched him in the face. and i love him for it. he's BEYOND fixing but honestly whatever's wrong with him is so much funnier.
funny thing is about morryear is that i really don't have a lot actually plotted for them. I JUST think they're a cute couple... mo is a lot more extroverted and a people person while buzz is more reserved. it's the adhd/autism ship of the century. mo thinks buzz's vibes are chill and likes to hang out with him, tease him a little and laugh it off, meanwhile buzz just kinda gets into his head about it like 'ahh what did he mean by that...😳' i think any real advancements made towards romance or anything beyond that would have to be done by buzz, who has a lot more confidence than mo. the tables turn when mo's laughing and being bubbly when buzz leans in for a kiss or holds his hand, INSTANTLY shy and puppydog eyed (something that also makes buzz insanely weak for mo... he's got those sad eyes so hard but they're sooo cuteee). mo's stupidity makes buzz so baffled that someone could lack so much common sense, but he finds it endearing. correcting him and watching mo get all defensive or embarrassed makes him chuckle. neither of them really think to call their relationship anything for a while... obviously insanely in love, but they're a little scared to ask each other out.. they just kinda run around being head over heels so much that it makes izzy and darby roll their eyes. buzz cares so hard for his man... mo can be irresponsible as hell and so buzz makes it his mission to make sure he's eating properly (something mo fails at) and is taken care of, as well as getting his fuckin work done. in contrast, mo likes to see buzz relax. he likes it when he gives up on that super formal attitude and demasks and can be vulnerable in front of him, be a little silly and show mo a side of himself that he hardly lets see the light of day. he's clearly just.. so yearnful for tenderness and softness since his life is usually so hectic and military, mo likes being able to be there and help him relax. especially when buzz is an extra cuddly mood!! you know mo is so touchy.
OKAY THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA SAY FOR NOW I WROTE TOO MUCH. i hope this all fills your brain with much stimulation as it did for me to write it. 😁😁😁😁
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
anyways, autistic adult here going out to all the autism parents out there;;; stop fucking bragging about abusing your autistic kids. i lived through my autistic childhood, you havent, you need to hear me out. stop posting your horrible ‘inspirational stories’ about how happy you are that you ‘pushed through’ and did something awful and distressing to your child in an effort to make them normal. it is so harmful and so disgusting for autistic people to have to hear about. those stories make me wanna gag. they give me physical discomfort, the way these people are so... Proud of themselves, for thinking they are ‘eradicating’ these evil autism symptoms, like the symptoms arent just an inherent fucking PART of their child they destroyed out of blind ignorant ‘care’. fucking listen to yourself. you did not help them. i dont care that they learned some new (usually unnecessary and performative) neurotypical skill you had been pushing on them for years. i dont care how fuzzy inside that makes you feel. i dont care about whatever you come up with that proves their ‘progress’. no. you were projecting your frustrations. you were pressuring them into smth they didnt need. you didnt Fucking help them. you made them Conform. you Hurt them to make them act like everyone else, bc you let yourself become that convinced that their autism is whats damaging them, and not the outside world that tries to dismantle what they are on the daily, for no fucking REASON besides irrationally projecting your own standards and ideals onto them. the ‘cure’ for autism is not ‘acting normal’, for gods sake. you Punished them for being autistic instead of accepting it and accommodating them. frankly, no matter your real intention, its selfish.
like. im sorry but im livid, i am TIRED of seeing this kind of shit encouraged everywhere. forcing your kid into meltdowns unless it is a 110% safety concern, is abuse and disability discrimination, especially when you are trying to force them to be ‘normal’ by punishing them in these awful prejudiced ways until they meet YOUR idealized standards of functioning and ‘quality of life’, which is self centered for gods sake! like! nah man actually im totally fine with some of my symptoms if you people would just leave me the fuck alone about it??? i like stimming, i like special interests, my ‘sensory issues’ can become blissful when i find the right sensory experience, my struggle to communicate has given me so many beautiful Alternatives and connected me with so many people. im fucking fine, i dont always need to bend to you, you can bend to me sometimes, okay? like. smh, neurotypicals/abled people, society revolves around you, sure, but that doesnt mean someone being Different from you makes them the wrong or unhealthy one... they can be Perfectly happy even though they dont live the way you do, and to think otherwise is again, just really self centered. why are you the default? why is YOUR HAPPINESS with YOUR LIFE the default standard??? someone being different from you doesnt always mean their existence automatically Pains them, or that its Lesser or Worse. accommodation and understanding does a hell of a lot better for somebody than trying to just force them to act how you do under the ignorant assumption that it Must be inherently better for them and their existence. “but- things would be easier for them if they were normal right! thats just how the world is!” cool. but they arent. listen to me. They Arent. just fucking accept that, and focus on fixing the obviously bigger issue, the whole ‘WORLD’ part that rejects everything abnormal, jesus christ. like honestly, thats the worst part about being ‘abnormal’, how the outside world fucking treats you. its how they wont fucking let you exist and wont get off their ass to try and understand or support you, without conditions that include ‘copy me as best as you can so its easier for me’. the worst part is that the people who ‘support’ you view that support as wittling you into something less difficult for them to ‘help’ at the expense of your fucking basic comforts or happiness, and they still think theyre doing you a noble favor by making you like themselves. ffs. guys. stop abusing your kids. stop.
“well guys, my autistic kid wouldnt stop pissing themselves so i just stopped buying diapers and made them sit on the toilet for 6 hours, and guess what, they use the toilet the Right way now! :)” “my kid wouldnt hug me or say i love you, so i held them down on the bed till they stopped fighting my affection! now we hug all the time!” “i took away my childs favorite item until they were able to verbally ask for it back. now they know how to say “please”. they must be SO much happier!” i need for you to listen to me right now. you are not fixing them. you are not HELPING THEM. you are breaking them into your neurotypical life like a pair of fucking tennis shoes. its for you. you are conditioning them, with trauma. the fact that you dont see that is a Disturbing display of how little you actually are trying to understand about your child’s life, or frankly anybody elses experiences besides yours. Leave them the fuck alone. you really wanna help your autistic kid fit into the world? dont punish them for stimming, tell ppl in public to stop fucking staring, bc it is their fucking problem. dont force your type of affection or communication, pay some fuckin attention and you’ll start noticing the ways in which THEY communicate with you, which is just as fine. and for the love of god my dude! buy diapers! they exist for a reason! just buy your fucking child their fucking diapers. ill kick your ass oh my God, 
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