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el-eee · 4 years
Life is difficult. A pandemic makes it harder.
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rogueofsorts · 3 years
I come from a small community region where the biggest population is probably 20,000 (if that) for at least an hour any direction.
And people constantly complain we don’t have enough stores/restaurants/stuff to do etc., and I’m not saying I don’t agree, but. I’ve considered opening my own bar or restaurant and looked into all of it and almost NO MATTER WHAT you’re doubling your interest after say, a 30 year business loan. It’s insane.
You have to GUARANTEE absolutely that the business is going to succeed. And that’s just not possible.
Most restaurants/bars fail within the first year. Another solid chunk fails within the first five. You don’t profit for a long time. That’s just the reality. So to take out a 30 year business loan on a place that might or might not make it is just insanity. Doesn’t matter how good you are, you can never guarantee anything in this industry. (Been in it over 10+ years, NOTHING is guaranteed.)
The people are what makes this industry run. The people. Entirely. I’m mostly just ranting at how insanely hard it is just to start your own business, but the PEOPLE who consume the product, whatever that may be, are the ones who actually run the business. Bad or good reviews. Constant business, whether daily, weekly, or monthly. Word of mouth. And now especially, social media. You can do your absolute best and it will not matter if the people don’t come to you.
So I guess my point in all of this is, if you want the small business, support the small business. If you’re wanting a variety of shops/restaurants, make sure you continue to use them and give them your business. The reality is, these places can’t stay open if you don’t frequent them!!
Stop complaining about not having a Target or Olive Garden and check out your local boutique or diner/bar. You might find it’s better than you imagined!!
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rogueofsorts · 3 years
I’ve been dealing with this shitty car warranty company for a month now. They’ve triple charged me now in the month I’ve been trying to cancel with them. Each time made my bank account go negative. Just did it again today directly after I called them to cancel. Again. So now I’m beyond negative and don’t even have money to live the rest of the week. But hey. Thank god my car warranty is covered. Again. Even though I don’t need it or want it and I can’t afford it. I love my life right now.
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cr3hvte · 9 years
When you look at the 6 piles of laundry you need to fold, then look in the opposite direction at the Xbox with Fallout 4...
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sinozick · 9 years
I wish growing up was like evolving in pokemon. When I hit age/level 25 I evolve into adult. When I'm age/level 99, I'm a god and I look super badass.
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beccanicole1478 · 9 years
That made me feel 100%
You know what I love getting screamed at for being stressed about spending the next 10 years paying back thousands of dollars that i spent to get a good job by working at a dead end job that I’ll never get a raise or promotion at and can’t afford to leave because i’m too busy paying back thousands of dollars. but that’s okay you screaming at me definitely made me LESS stressed.... oh wait  t(-_-t)
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stuckintheskyline · 9 years
So I know that I haven’t written in here in a while but I kinda have a lot on my mind that I feel I can talk about on here. I’m very stressed out. Me and my fiance are trying to move out and for some reason finding a job for me seems to be basically impossible. I have no idea what I am doing wrong in all my interviews, I look the part I act the part I mean Jesus if they had owners of salons come into the school undercover as clients when they were looking for new talent then I would have a list to the floor of salons who want me. Because when I was at school I was on fire, I was the top student. I have no idea why I am almost four months out of school and I don't have a job and some of the girls who would literally skip school to go get stoned in their free time have jobs like i’m beyond confused. This job market is really hard. You either don’t have enough experience or too much you need a certain licence etc. Like this whole situation is starting to make me think that I don’t know what I am doing and I KNOW that is complete crap because HELOOOOOOO i’m the bomb! I’m an amazing hairdresser and I have no idea why no one out there will see that.. I know the way my brain works and if I am stuck in my house for too long i start to get really depressed and that can’t happen...
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fabber0oz · 9 years
#icantadult #fuckbeinganadult #thatswhatmomsarefor #middlefinger #momflippedthebird
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amermaidspurse · 10 years
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android13-blog · 10 years
I usually know what I want and go for it but at the moment I am so confused and lost. I don't know if it is from all the stress or I just genuinely don't know what I want. Either way I will end up really happy or extremely upset. 😔
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