#fuck.. KLFJSD
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3416 · 11 months ago
never got to see a game at the mullett... hold on i'm going through it
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vaindumbass · 4 years ago
god guess whos quickly becoming OBSESSED with Dorian Electra
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hansolmates · 4 years ago
Omgggggg jiyu gives off big dumb bitch energy and I’m not here for her anymore. Jk also def is hanging out with her because he feels bad and honestly I’m tired of him too he better get his shit together if he wants anything remotely serious with not just oc but even any living thing at this point. Honestly the only person with any head around here is oc and I’m all for the smart no bullshit energy. Also jiyu needs to grow the fuck up because she’s only making herself seem more and more pathetic it’s like she has no self respect and that infuriates me. Also once again an amazing story I’m dying for the next part already XD <3
klfjsd;lfjsdklf baahahaha the PASSION IN THIS!!! so story time: in high school there was this pair of best friends who were always being told “they’ll end up together one day” like they were really cute, normal best friends. the pressure eventually got to them and they ended up dating but i’ll let u know now it ended messy. now im not saying that they weren’t a good couple, they were great and i liked them together. but i knew the boy was immature, felt pressured by his peers, and imo he kind of convinced himself that he loved her more than just a best friend. that’s what i feel like jk avoided throughout highschool/college which brings us to the present day drabbles 
and honestly i would’ve dropped this whole thing if i were in mc’s shoes i would dip SO FAST 
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funfactory-moved · 6 years ago
i lov a long story!
also congrats on freeing urself
klfjsd thank u ALRIGHT HERE WE GO (in case other ppl didn’t see: i quit my job today and was gonna talk abt why the whole thing sucked)
so for some background, i worked at bagel place in the union building on my campus and i worked every sunday from 7am to noon doing food prep (which is chopping vegetables and preparing things for the upcoming week), every thursday from 2pm to 6:30pm (closing shift), and every monday/wednesday form 6am-11am (an opening shift). so my hours were pretty consistently early which i knew would be hard for me but i was willing to try.
so my first two shifts were ok. i was tired for both of them and the monday shift was busy as hell but there were a sufficient amount of people around to help and people were helping me out with what to do. then wednesday comes around. i show up at 6am and absolutely no one shows up until i’ve been there for an hour. no one called or texted me to tell me i was going to be alone and no one gave me any sort of instruction for what to do despite it only being my second time working at 6am like that. i called and texted my boss so many times and she didn’t respond until hours after my shift had ended. not to mention when someone finally did show up, we were the only two people there until 9 because several other people who were supposed to work at that hour just didn’t show up without giving any notice and we had to call in people who technically didn’t even work with us because we were so understaffed and we couldn’t handle the breakfast rush.
so basically i had only been trained on one thing (taking orders) at this point and i had never made any of our bagel sandwiches before and suddenly i was expected to learn how to make all of them while on a time crunch because there’s so many people in line waiting for food and i have to try and do that while also taking orders because we didn’t have enough people so i had to take on multiple things. so it was my third day and i knew nothing and yet i was thrown into doing half of the tasks required to handle the breakfast rush. 
and then my next sunday shift comes and my boss doesn’t show up yet again with no word. and this is the food prep shift and the first time me and the only other person who works that day had done it was the week before and my boss just gave us little tasks to do at the time and did a lot of the things for herself. so basically we’re left trying to guess what the fuck we need to do to prepare for week since the two of us only learned a portion of what needed to be done and my boss didn’t answer her phone and didn’t tell us she wasn’t going to be there and didn’t tell us anything.
and the next day was pretty similar to the first wednesday i mentioned where no one showed up and we were left rushing to get things done and while i was a little more familiar with how to do things, our breakfast rush was worse since it was a monday and i ended up accidentally burning and nicking myself multiple times because i was in such a rush to get things done that i was being careless with things that were hot/sharp. bc you know.. getting things done on time is more important than my physical safety. and then wednesday wasn’t as bad because the required amount of people actually showed up but ever since sunday, i had started getting so stressed and anxious about this job that the night before my shifts i wouldn’t be able to sleep and i would lie awake crying because i was so nervous about being left to do things on my own with hardly any idea of what i was supposed to do.
i should also mention that at this point, even though i had only been working there for slightly over a week, my parents and all of my friends were already telling me to reconsider employment there because i was so stressed and lacking so much sleep. during shifts, especially busy ones, i was having to work and try to hide the fact that i was on the verge of a panic attack because i needed to get so many things done.
so then we get to this sunday, and my boss doesn’t show up yet again with no fucking word about why and we’re told by someone that we “should know what we’re supposed to do” despite it being our third time working that type of shift, and the last time we had worked that shift we guessed on everything we needed to do.
and then today is when i finally cracked. i was going to wait until the end of the week to see how i felt, but today pushed me over the edge. i thought it was going to be a good day because someone actually showed up at the same time as me. but then the only other person besides him that showed up was a guy who was literally working there for the first time because someone who was supposed to show up didn’t show up without notifying anyone she was going to be gone. so it’s me, who barely knows what i’m doing because everything i’ve been doing is a wild guess and i’m still learning things, a completely new guy, and another guy who knows more.
so the guy who knows more is being a fucking asshole because he’s acting like he’s doing all the work since he’s more experienced than we are and he’s making it seem like he’s taking the majority of the workload when i was busting my ass trying to make sandwiches and i was being given so much and rushing so much that i kept dropping fully made sandwiches on the ground and would have to remake them. we also had implemented a new system where instead of taking orders on paper, we would take them on the register and the order would be printed out on the receipt. but orders kept getting lost so we would have customers sitting off to the side angrily wondering why their food isn’t ready when literally we don’t even have any record of the order.
we were in such a rush to complete things that the new guy sliced a bagel pretty badly to the point where it got stuck inside the toaster and literally fucking caught on fire. it wasn’t big enough to endanger anyone but it smoked up the kitchen and made it smell for the rest of the day. and then the worst part was when i was trying to get sauce out of a squeezy bottle but couldn’t get any out because there was a tomato chunk stuck in the nozzle. i was in a rush so i started squeezing it more forcefully, thinking that the bagel would just get covered in a large glob of sauce once the tomato got unstuck, but the sauce literally exploded. 
i had sauce on my shirt, jeans, shoes, and face and it was in my hair and it splattered onto the bagels in the bagel case behind me and it got on the floor and on the screen of one of the registers behind me. and since i was so overwhelmed with the amount of orders i still had to do and how behind i was and how this was a rather prominent inconvenience, i wasn’t able to stop myself from sobbing in the middle of the kitchen in the view of all my coworkers and customers. and like.. the customers just looked super displeased because they had already been waiting ages and now they had to wait longer bc i couldn’t stop crying.thankfully my coworker let me go calm down in the back for a moment but i was still embarrassed and still covered in sauce with no change of clothes and still had 10+ orders to complete. i was so fed up after today that i decided i really need to quit my job.
so basically this job is managed unprofessionally. there was a lack of communication and proper training that often left me working by myself trying to figure out the things i needed to do and would often leave my coworkers needing to pick up what i missed because i was clueless. even when i was working with someone, i would have to stop my coworkers in their tasks every two second to ask what to do because i didn’t know and they were the only people i could ask. this job was also shitty because there was absolutely no backlash for people who didn’t show up to work without warning, meaning that people started doing it all the fucking time. it fucked over everyone else because we always had disastrous mornings with 2 people doing jobs meant for 6 people.
my anxiety was just through the roof with this job and i couldn’t sleep at night thinking about it. i quit because of the shitty managing and because the way it was managed was extremely damaging to my mental health, which was already faring pretty badly due to homesickness, school stress, and my depression just generally being worse lately.
sorry this was so long but fjklsdj i warned u it was a long story. if u read this then yeehaw
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