#fuck you dentist/j i choose this-
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galaxy-tacos · 3 days ago
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spoopieere · 1 month ago
A collection of my Asa Emory headcanons [PART 1]: Shit he does to his body and his stupid bodily quirks <3
I need y'all to see the version of Asa in my mind :3
RULE OF THUMB: Asa is autistic. I do not take criticisms on this.
Asa bites his lips a lot, peeling off the skin of his bottom lip, either by biting or picking with his hand in general. He does so because he is either bored, anxious, or stimming. It goes to a point where his lip would bleed, and scars, which causes little black spots to form on his bottom lip. --
His teeth is slightly crooked. A bit yellow too. But his dental hygiene is on point, he flosses everyday, and does everything he can to avoid having to go to the dentist. Because the idea of some stranger digging around in his mouth makes him anxious. I think he was afraid of going to the dentist as a child and it persisted until adulthood, which is why he didn't get braces for his crooked teeth. But I think he also applies that fear by inficting it on his victims instead, because even HE thinks it's scary. --
His eyes look like that due to a birth defect. He was blind for the first few years of his life, which made his hearing develop way more than the average person. Even after the surgery, his vision is still affected and he has to wear aiding eye-contacts to see properly, or else everything would just be blurry to him. Sometimes trade the contacts for prescription glasses. --
Asa smokes, sure, but he doesn't do it often. He'd mostly have one or two cigs during long periods of working/planning. You won't catch him smoking anywhere else that isn't the hotel, his home, or behind the university at night. --
Asa doesn't like being seen/watched while he's eating. Asa has a weird relationship with eating i guess. He hates eating in the presence of people who he doesn't trust. He thinks the sight of his chewing makes him look clumsy, or "not up the image he made for himself" infront of the people who looks up to him (or afraid of him). --
Which is why bro fucking eats his lunch in his car during lunchbreaks at the university. God forbid you dare find him while he's chewing on his food, he might just put you in the collection for that reason alone. --
Stims very quietly, usually goes unnoticed. He'll stim by flicking his tongue inside his mouth, or does light tapping with his hand under the table, wriggling his toes also works. When he gets happy and needs to stim, he'd just stare into the distance with a fuckass smile on his face, before walking around aimlessly. He'd try to make sense of the walking by sitting down, and try to do something, but would end up getting up to walk around again. Rinse and repeat until the excitement fades. --
Hates sudden and/or prolonging loud noises. --
Asa loves the rain, but absolutely hates the sound of it. If it gets too loud, he's putting on ear muffs. But due this hatred, it makes it very hard for him to drive home during rainstorms bc the sound of rain is amplified in his car. So usually he'd choose between waiting for the rain to calm down; Ask someone to drive him home so he can have his earmuffs on during the ride; If it's at the university, he'd just sleep in his office. (Asa has a stash of his stuff in his office at the univeristy, just in case he has to stay there overnight) --
Absolutely has a 2nd job or does some shady shit at the side. Because I refuse to believe he has the money to afford all that gear, resources, materials and drugs for his Collection, with a Uni Prof's salary. (His pest control business might be a front for money laundering lmao /j) --
At night, while it rains, Asa would brew Jasmine tea before bed to help him sleep. --
Light sleeper. Will literally wakes up to anything that sounds out-of-place. He also sleeps straight like a log, hands on stomach and all. God forbid he has a stuffy nose or else he'll snore for the neighbors to hear. --
He eats primarily simple, easy and and quick-to-make food due to his... busy schedule *cough*. This also includes frozen dinners, takeouts and left-overs. But he tries to cook at home whenever he can. --
Asa only visit a specific restaurant for a specific dish, he will not order anything else, nor would he go to any other restaurant for that dish. He can taste it whenever the recipe for the dish changes, to which he will evaluate and decide whether he should stick to the same restaurant for that dish anymore. --
He judges a restaurant based on their mashed potatoes. I will not elaborate. --
Asa likes mushroom cream soup :3 --
Fav flavour of ice-cream is pistachio :3 --
It is also mentioned in an interview ( I can't fucking find it yet ) that Asa is a coffee snob, so I won't be surprised if he wakes up at 5AM just to make his morning coffee to perfection. --
His hands aren't as smooth as one like to think. They feel a bit sandy and rough. Stiff. You need to slightly squeeze in order to feel the squishiness of his flesh. This is primarily due to his exposure to chemicals, and all the disinfectant damaged some of his skin. --
Sleeper build. He may look stocky and a bit blurby, but he got good muscles under all that fat hehe. All that hauling and carrying and running and killing and torturing people leaves him exercised enough lol --
Nature, history, science,... documentaries are his go-tos, he'd even listen to some podcasts or audiobooks about them as he works on other projects. Currently subscribed to AntsCanada on Youtube. --
His guilty pleasure is watching shitty reality TV shows and judging the contestants' skills. --
Hypochondriac. He especially does not want to die from a random stroke. --
Hygiene must be on point. He shaves regularly, but his bush does get kinda crazy. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE STOP HIM FROM ERASING HIS HAPPY TRAIL PLEA- --
Asa dresses like his father. He doesn't want to admit it, nor does he realize it, but he dresses like his father. Denims, jeans, trousers and old dress shirts... His style hasn't changed much over the years. Because it is the "appropriate" style for men like him to wear, apparently. One of the few clothing items he ever strays away from that dress-code is his signature turtleneck. He has like 6 of them in the same color. --
His daily life is a constant carousel of tasks he NEEDS to get done. They don't have to be on time, they just need to be done. Or else he'd get very upset. One can say that his life is motivated by tasks. Once he ran out of tasks to do, he'd just make up one to distract himself. Even resting, is a task. Because he knows if he doesn't choose a time to rest, his body will do it for him. One can even say that Asa is dependent on these tasks to keep going, or do things "on time". For example: He wakes up at 5AM on the weekends, because there are plants that NEEDS HIM to water them. And because of these plants, he is able to wake up at 5AM on the weekends. --
Gets hurt more than he'd like to admit. But most of the time it's just small injuries or cuts, or him bumping into something. Nothing too dangerous. He knows how to keep himself safe from the maze he built at the hotel and avoid all the neccessary attacks from his victims, and that's enough. --
His favourite weekend activity is catching, pinning new INSECT specimens, and visiting the local museum- which he had already visited hundreds of times, and can recite most of the descriptions word for word. --
He gets jealous of the families outside his window sometimes. Whenever he sees them, he'd just draw the curtains close. --
He lives in the same house his family was murdered in. (Buying a house??? in this economy???) He just renovated the first floor, the 2nd floor is almost untouched. He sleeps in his parents' old bedroom. His sibling's bedroom got turned into storage. His childhood bedroom is behind a bookshelf. The layout is the same, but he moved the kitchen and livingroom to a different area. He can still recall where he saw his mother's and sibling's body laid. He put storage boxes and crates over those spots.
That's all i can remember for now lmaooo, might come back from time to time to update it :333 -More parts abt other aspects of Asa coming... soon >:)
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Given the chance, would you ever go into space? I’ve answered this exact question on a recent survey...but yeah absolutely, as long as it was a free opportunity. Outer space has always interested me so it would be awesome to actually get there. What is your all-time favorite thing to snack on? A local brand of chips called Nova, corndogs, powdered fries, and pizza. I couldn’t choose just one :( Have you ever been jealous of anyone's socks? Not in a toxic way but I have seen socks that made me go “damn, I wish I had that” and it’s usually socks based off of famous paintings like Starry Night, The Scream, etc. Do you match your clothing, or are you careless about fashion? The most I’ll match is colors; I’ll make sure the colors I wear complement each other. But I’m not likely to buy outfits that come in parts, like a matching top and skirt that have their own price tags. It’s an annoying scam that makes you have to pay more money for one outfit lol. Know anyone that has amazing fashion taste? There’s a professor in the communication research department of our college that dresses SOOOO well. She’s never recycled an item of clothing either. She dresses literally exactly like Audrey Hepburn, except with more printed clothes.
Do you know or wish you could knit? I don’t know how to knit and have no desire to learn.
Like earmuffs? They’re alright, I guess? I never have to wear them, so I don’t have much of an opinion. Have you ever had the roof of your mouth sore? Yeah, that one time I ate takoyaki while it was still burning hot and I burned off the skin on the roof my mouth. Do you like orange juice? I’ll drink it if it’s served or if it’s free, but I never crave for it. How many times a day do you brush your teeth, honestly? Once or twice. Do you think anyone really looks good in a jumpsuit? Yeah. Well it’s since become a trend so that’s really all there is to know about people’s preferences nowadays. I have several jumpsuits that I feel really good in. Have a collection of anything? Not anymore. Ever ran out of something that made you very upset? Sometimes my family will bring home leftovers from a really good restaurant. When we finish them all up it bums me out. Biggest lie you ever told? Saying ‘yes’ with a big ol’ smile on my face to my high school guidance counselors whenever they ask if my situation at home is good. Is there a song that makes you want to rock out? For sure. I have my fair share of favorite punk/rock bands. Do you have a religion? No. Believe that there is a point to churches? Not a single one. How do eat Oreos? I just bite into them. Never really got into the whole twist-lick-dunk thing because 1) I don’t want to bite into something I had already licked (even if it’s my own saliva lol), and 2) I can’t consume a lot of milk, anyway. -This or That- Sunsets or sunrises? Sunsets. I’ve seen more sunsets than sunrises with Gabie, so I have good memories of them. I don’t like the idea of getting up early just for a sunrise either. Pennies or dimes? Can’t relate because we don’t use these concepts. Coffee or tea? Coffeeeeeeee. Never been a tea person, actually. Windows or Mac? Mac. I did use Windows for a while, but when it comes down to it I would rather get a Mac. Headphones or speakers? Headphones. You get more of the sound when you listen to music, so the listening experience is a lot better. Loud or soft & quiet? Depends on the context...I like my concerts loud, but I obviously prefer soft and quiet when I’m doing something like going to bed. Odd or even numbers? I don’t really have a preference lol. The cookie dough or the actual cookies? Cookie dough, heh. Speaking of, I recently found a recipe for edible cookie dough but I keep putting it off... Mp3 players or iPod? iPod, mostly because MP3s went out of style like, a decade ago. Calm or rock music? Again, depends on my mood. I’d listen to rock music if I’m pissed off or going through a similar emotion, and I’d prefer hearing calm music when I wanna focus on something, like if I’m doing surveys. Love or lust? Love. I don’t feel lust for the most part. Converse or Vans? Converse. They’re AJ’s favorite and I find them more comfy. The few times I borrowed my sister’s Vans I always got blisters at the end of the day. Lipsyncing or actual singing? I would prefer to lipsync than to let people hear my actual singing voice; but if I’m watching a performance obviously I’d want the performers to be using their real voice. Walking or running? Walking. I find strolls to be relaxing. Dancing or watching others dance? Watching others. Dancers are crazy talented. With friends or by yourself? When it comes down to it, I wanna be with friends. Local concert or a popular band? Popular band. It’s rarer, so I find it more precious. I still support local though! Blond or brown hair? Brown. Idk, I just don’t know a lot of people who are blonde. Red or black? I like both, but I like black slightly more. Blue or green eyes? Green. Having fun or being asleep? Having fuuuun. Carnival or park? Park. I can’t go on rides anyway, so a nice stroll and picnic at the park sounds lovely to me. -Favorites- Favorite thing to buy? Uh food, I guess? I’m super easy to please lol. What do your favorite pair of socks look like? My bacon and eggs one. Kind of tea/coffee? Iced tea/iced caramel macchiato. Way of communication? Face-to-face with Gab, instant messenger/text for everyone else. Time to sleep in to? Midnight is most convenient for me. Band to dance to? PARAMORE. Also helps that their music has turned dance-y too. Favorite gum? Don’t really have one. I’ll chew on any kind/flavor of gum. Type of cereal? Cookie Crisps. Color of hoodie? I don’t mind color, as long as the hoodie is comfortable and keeps me warm. Spice? Cumin smells lovely. Favorite thing to touch/feel? Dogs. Website? Probably Twitter. I’ve been on it the longest and still have no reason to be tired of it. Person in your life? My girlfriend...but also my dogs, if they can count. -Would you Rather- Hire one of your friends, or fire an enemy? Hire one of my friends, as long as they work well without me. Firing an enemy seems a little bit more unprofessional, especially if they objectively perform well. Be a contestant on American Idol or America's Got Talent? I’d go with AGT I guess? I’ve watched some snippets of the show and their judges seem more nice, whereas on American Idol the judges tend to laugh or embarrass you if you do badly. Live in Britain or Australia? Australia. I feel like it’s a more Filipino-friendly country, not that Britain isn’t but yeah. Travel by plane or helicopter? Plane. Aren’t helicopters loud? I think I’d be more relaxed in an airplane. Trade places with a male or a female for a day? I’d rather remain a woman, thanks. Shop at Wal-Mart or Target? I don’t know. I’m honestly curious though – for the Americans survey-takers, what’s the difference between them and what do y’all prefer? Hahaha Read Shakespeare or Artistotle's work? I internally winced at both lol but when it comes down to it, Shakespeare. I do like his work, as long as I’m reading a modern English version. I hate philosophy straight up, so that’s a definite no on Aristotle. Have a regular donut or donut holes? Regular donut. Spell better or smell better? Smell. I can already spell well. Rather be in a tornado or a large earthquake? This is horrible, no one ever *wants* to be stuck in a natural calamity. 80's or 90's music? I like the 80s sound better. Eat a plain peanut butter sandwich or PB & J? Peanut butter sandwich. I tried PB&J before to see what the hype was about, and it just didn’t work for my Asian tastebuds. Wear a uniform every day or go half-naked? Wear a uniform. I wore one in Catholic school for 14 years and survived, so it’d just be the same thing. Would you rather Santa or the Easter Bunny actually exist? Santa. I’m more familiar with him. The Easter Bunny’s not really a part of our culture so I don’t actually know what it’s supposed to do. Apple pie or Pizza pie? Pizzaaaaa. Y’all should know me by now haha. Spend an afternoon cleaning or clean things later? I’d rather work early so I can be satisfied earlier. Flying or X-Ray vision? Flying. Dentist or Doctor? I guess dentist? There’s fewer reasons to be scared when you go to the dentist because the health problems are just limited to your mouth, I guess. Would you rather spread gossip or start a fight? Both sound awful. I’m never one to start a fight and I never initiate gossip myself, though I do take part in it sometimes. Get rid of your favorite shoes or your favorite pants? Pants. I love my shoes. Visit Florida or New York? New York. Myspace or Facebook (or do they both suck)? Facebook. It sucks, but at least the memes there are hilarious as fuck.
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brookebond · 7 years ago
I just realised @lolahardy tagged me in this and I didn’t get to it!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a // age: 28 turning 29 this year
b // birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
c // current time: 4:20pm
d // drink you last had: Water
e // easiest person to talk to: JBond
f // favorite song: I have to choose? It varies depending on my mood and what I’ve recently discovered
g // grossest memory: The time I cut my own foot open with a pair of scissors? Literally sitting there and cutting it myself... For a reason, I promise!
h // horror yes or horror no: Sure but no clowns. Never any clowns
i // in love?: Of course
j // jealous of people?: Sometimes, unfortunately
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again?: Walk by again
m // middle name?: Brooke (Oh man, there goes my secret)
n // number of siblings: Three
o // one wish: To be happy
p // person you called last: My sister
q // questions you’re always asked: Is that an eye on your arm?
r // reason to smile: Because I’ve read a really good story
s // song you last sang: Sang? Probably the wiggles song @lbswasp reminded me about
t // time you woke up: 8:30am
u // underwear color: Grey with white trim
v // vacation destination: London
w // worst habit: Thinking of the worst possible scenario
x // x-rays: Other than at the dentist? Only when I fucked up my wrist which still makes an awesome clicking sound!
y // your favorite food: Lemon chicken
z // zodiac sign: Leo
10 people.... @jambees221b @pinkys-creature-feature @coffeewithconsequences @coffeecupandcorgi @jaimistoryteller @lbswasp @dandalf-the-disco @thewibblywobblystuff @amysnotdeadyet @somedrunkpirate
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styczniowy · 7 years ago
okay questions 1-70 ily babe
there's a lot of twenty one pilots in this...
1. A Song you’re ashamed of likingthat terrible valentines day song from jacksfilmstbh im ashamed of even liking jacksfilms
2. Favourite lyrics"but there's hope out the windowso that's where we'll go"
3. Favourite band/artisttwenty one pilots
4. Top 5 Favourite songs at this momentalt-j - bloodfloodfall out boy - hold me tight or don't run the jewels - downthe neighbourhood - you get me so highflatsound - sleep
5. Latest song that made you smileboyinaband - spectrum (ft cryaotic and minx)idk i just like this songand i also like dave and cry so
6. An overrated bandfifth harmony
7. An overrated songdua lipa - new rulesit's not that good.
8. Latest song that made you cryode to sleep by twenty one pilots because i accidentally played the live version and i wasn't expecting the feels
9. Artist/band that saved your life twenty one pilots
10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it beeither twenty one pilots again or adele
11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for youamerican authors - best day of my life
12. saddest song you knowtyler joseph - literally the whole npi album
13. Favourite song to sing in the showerjon bellion - all time low
14. If you played an instrument in grade school, what was iti didn't
15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your wedding elvis presley - can't help falling in lovepreferably with tyler joseph singing it live but that's just a detail
16. 5 Songs to have sex tothe weeknd - oftenthe weeknd - earned itthe weeknd - where you belongbeyonce - crazy in love (50 shades version)frank sinatra - witchcraft(i know almost all of these are from 50 shades of grey thanksan yes, i like the weeknd a lot)
17. One band you’d have get back together/bring back from the dead@my chemical romance when's the reunion tour
18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is itvessel by twenty one pilots
19. A song that gets you through shittwenty one pilots - guns for hands (and also truce)these two got me through a lot of shit.
20. A song to shut everything outfall out boy - the phoenix
21. A song that’s a joke between you and your friends i don't have friends bye
22. A song to jam out to at 4amliterally any song by jinsang
23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time my chemical romance - welcome to the black paradei don't think this is a suprise
24. A song that calms you downthe deli - 5:32pm
25. A song that makes you feel alive twenty one pilots - trees
26. If you could get any lyrics tattooed, which would you choose"stay alive, for me."i'd tattoo the all over my body if i could.
27. What band/artist would you get your children addicted to at an early age ALL OF THEM, MAKE THEM SUFFER FROM FANDOMS
28. Can you play any instruments, if so, which no, but i want to play the drums ((:
29. If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it bei'd be josh dunso i could play drums, look hot, and look at tyler's butt for an hour
30. CDs or Vinyls cds because i'm poorbut i wish i could have like 9284957 vinyls
31. 25 songs to play at your funeral HOOO BOY GET SOME POPCORN1. (i was going to list all of my favorite twenty one pilots songs but that's more than 25 so just play all and count them as one.)2. troye sivan - heaven3. alt-j - deadcrush4. alt-j - in cold blood5. my chemical romance - cancer6. dodie - i have a hole in my tooth (and my dentist is shut) (this song is so dumb i love it)7. dodie - 6/108. adele - set fire to the rain9. patrick stump - spotlight10. panic! at the disco - girls/girls/boys (a song about a threesome? why the fuck not)11. mike bliss - the disconnect (mike is a blessing to this worls and i love him)12. jesse cale - the saddest panda (because i love jesse too much)13. fall out boy - the phoenix14. fall out boy -i don't care15. fall out boy - the last of the real ones16. imagine dragons - demons17. run the jewels - down18. run the jewels - panther like a panther (only bc it makes everyone uncomfortable)19. run the jewels - early20. alessia cara - scars to your beautiful 21. thirty seconds to mars - up in the air22. thirty seconds to mars - kings and queens23. sia - breathe me24. sia - cellophane25. depeche mode - where's the revolution
32. What are some song titles that you love"nothing good comes from being gone" - flatsound"it's thursday, january 12th and this is the last time i'll talk about drowning" - flatsound"our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued" - fall out boy"i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off" - fall out boy"the only difference bteween martyrdom and suicide is press coverage" - panic! at the disco"lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" - panic! at the disco
33. If your life ended today, what song would you choose to represent itidubbz - i'm gaybecause this song is dumb and i am gay.
34. Give me a random 10 song playlist 1. fall out boy - dance, dance2. the 1975 - if i believe you3. quebonafide - bollywood4. boyinaband - christmix 35. royal blood - little monster6. pierce the veil - circles7. harry styles - kiwi8. muse - madness9. lp - tightrope10. idealism - a moment of silence
35. A heart wrenching songtyler joseph - drown
36. A band/artist you’re proud ofbry. MY BOI IS POPULAR
37. A song that has a lot of meaning to youfor the 100th timetwenty one pilots - guns for hands
38. A song that reminds you of schoolleathermouth - 5th period massacre
39. A song not sung in your native languagelil' kleine - krantenwijk(i could've chosen any song in english, but i thought that's too boring so this one's in dutch :))
40. An instrumental songflatsound - consciousness
41. A classical songuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
42. A song with no percussionsayuw - see you
43. Something you’ve heard performed livedo you want the whole twenty one pilots ers setlist or..?
44. Something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live5 words: twenty one pilots dual drummers
45. A song from a band/artist that’s from your town/city/state/province i don't listen to any so idk
46. A song made suddenly precious because of a special someonethe neighbourhood - wiressuddenly i like it more than i should
47. A song made suddenly painful because of someone specialeeeeh idk
48. A song that demands lip syncing and a makeshift microphonepanic! at the disco - miss jackson
49. A song from a band/artist you met/knowi have never met any artist really??
50. A song that you would rock at karaoke fall out boy - i don't carei can't sing but i'm ready to fuck your ears up
51. A song you can’t help but dance topatrick stump - run dry
52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table panic! at the disco - don't threaten me with a good timethis song is wILD
53. Your 10 song stripper playlistcan i skip this question?i can. NEXT!
54. Favourite Disney song hakuna matata!!!
55. A song that starts with the first letter of your namechristina perri - jar of hearts
56. A song from an artist still alive dillon francis - love in the middle of a firefight
57. A song from an artist who’s deadfrank sinatra - chicago
58. A song you love by an artist/band you hate justin bieber - love yourselfi despise him as a human but this song is really nice so hsjfhksjf
59. A song you love with a colour in the titletroye sivan - blue
60. A song you love with a number in the titlefall out boy - 27
61. A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget abouti don't think i really have one???
62. A song that needs to be played LOUDfrnkiero and the cellabration - .blood infections.
63. A song that makes you think about lifehonestly just most flatsound songs.
64. 15 Songs that get stuck in your head easily alt-j - breezeblocks  little mix - shout out to my exadele - rolling in the deepportugal. the man - feel it stillmajor lazer - get freetwenty one pilots - polarizeparamore - hard timespanic! at the disco - golden daysfall out boy - jet pack bluespatrick stump - spotlightfoxes - youthvesperteen - insanej balvin - tranquilacamila cabello - havanakaty perry - e.t.
65. A song that you think everyone should listen to twenty one pilots - gonerat least once.
66. A song that makes you want to fall in lovei'm already in love sooo
67. A song that makes you think about ‘him/her’troye sivan - talk me down
68. A song that you remember from your childhoodi had a shakira phase, i guess any song from she wolf shdhdhdgddb this is embarrasing bye
69. A song that reminds you of youa what
70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1trippple nippples - lsdI HAVE NO REGRETS
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xcorruptedgamesx · 5 years ago
Hi again,
I haven’t been on here in awhile, I kind of feel regret for this.
It’s the end of the year and my deep ass is reflecting and re reading, rewatching videos, going through old pictures... life is just so fucking crazy.
I can’t believe how fast I change. It’s kind of scary, actually. Sometimes I feel afraid of myself. Sometimes I feel like i can trust others more than I can even trust myself. How does one moment feel like forever but the next feels like the end?
How do you want to be a dance so bad earlier this year but now at the end you want to be a dentist so bad? I guess it’s better to be choosing between two rather than one. I guess people left your life for a reason and your hip got injured for a reason as well as everything else, right?
I feel so lucky to have met Nu. I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I hope I’m not lying to myself again. Am I actually lying though? Am I just stupid? I don’t know what each and every moment will hold next. I guess that’s the beauty in life.
I feel like I’m ready for love, like really true love. I’m ready for commitment and to build a family while I also build my career. I really want to make this my next biggest thing to overcome.
Last month when my best friend Christine visitied me, we went out. She told me at the end of the night hours before her flight that she could tell that I’m not happy, she can sense something. I realized in that moment that I don’t want to be single. I want to be partnered and partnered is what I’m meant to be. I have so much to give.
I’m grateful for all of this time that I have alone, as I’ve never had this much before. Being with my thoughts is a really hard, challenging, task that I feel I’m conquering. I feel grateful, so fucking grateful every day and for every thing and every person in my life. I feel like I’ve grown so much this year. My soul has ascended so high this year. I know it will continue to connect and grow but it’s just done a lot and I’m proud.
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eunstarrywoo · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @otter-minhyuk ten days ago. But guess what; I forgot about it, so here I am now.
tagging: @candradm , @jinkernoodle , @bookdragonthings , @binubin , @starlightbangtann , @1991shinwoo , @thefireflydreamsonganymede , @get-t-rekt , @hyun-swoon
Note: no one has to do this, but I needed to tag people
A: Age | 20
B: Birthplace | Iowa
C: Current Time | 6:25 PM
D: Drink you had last | water (for once I’m being healthy)
E: Easiest person to talk to | the one I talk to the most is @aspiring-ssr-agent and since I’ve known her for years, it’s pretty easy to talk to her. @candradm is pretty easy to talk to too even though I’ve known her for only a little over a year. @jinkernoodle and @bookdragonthings are also close friends easy to talk too.
F: Favorite song | right now it’s either O Sole Mio by SF9, Step by Step by ZE:A or Tomorrow, Today by JJ Project (check them out. they are wonderful. love them)
G: Grossest memory | one time, years ago, at my day camp, we were at the river, and we could smell something terrible. when we searched for it, we found this dead creature in one of the side streams leading into the river. the elements of nature had stripped it of its fur, so it just looked like a pale sac. it was probably a raccoon, but it was so bloated and stinky we left it alone and just made sure everyone stayed upriver of it. it wasn’t really that gross, but that’s all I could think of
H: Hogwarts house | Hufflepuff
I: In love? | I have lots of small crushes every day, but nothing I consider to be love (and I’m not in a relationship either so yeah)
J: Jealous of people | I’m more envious than jealous. jealousy implies that I’m afraid they’ll take something that I have, yet I have nothing worth taking. I’m envious of people who have their life in order or at least those who can bullshit it so well that it seems like they do
K: Killed someone | RIP to all the spiders, ants, and leggy/silverfish critters that I’ve smashed throughout the years
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? | walk by again. you haven’t noticed me yet
M: Middle name | Rae
N: Number of siblings | one younger sister
O: One wish | to be able to choose to redo anything if I fuck it up (which I will) and have it so that no one remembers the previous attempt
P: Person you called last | a coworker. we had gotten busy at work and needed her ASAP
Q: Question you are always asked | “What’s your major/what are you studying?” (English) and “Do you want to teach with it?” I hate the second question so much. There are so many options for an English degree beyond simply teaching. Why does it always have to be teaching?? I escaped from my El Ed major only to be greeted with this everytime I’m asked what my major is. I want to scream.
R: Reason to smile | bro, cats exist (to everyone who thought I would say dogs, cats are just as lovable and friendly as dogs. I love cats so much. I'm going to become the crazy cat lady when I'm thirty)
S: Song you last sang | Try Everything by Shakira (yes, it’s the song from Zootopia. sue me, it’s a great song and a great movie)
T: Time you woke up | 10 AM
U: Underwear color | boy short style, teal, hamburger print
V: Vacation destination | EVERYWHERE but specifically New Zealand
W: Worst habit | nail-biting and having a short attention span for literally everything
X: X-rays | only occasionally at the dentist
Y: Your favorite food | at my work we have a delicious Tom Yum soup but I also love fresh snow crab legs. I am an expensive bitch
Z: Zodiac sign | Taurus
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morgansmornings · 8 years ago
tagged by: @justabrooklynkid
tagging: @brooklynislandgirl, @magnetician, @jerseysass, @theregoesthebellhop, @ronmanmob, @fullrangeofemotions, @lilxlionxman, @the-blackest-spider, @chaoticvictors. And anyone else that would like to.
A  -  AGE : 23 B  -  BIRTHPLACE : Powell, Wyoming.  C  -  CURRENT  TIME : 21:52  D  -  DRINK  YOU  HAD  LAST : Coffee E  -  EASIEST  PERSON  TO  TALK  TO : @brooklynislandgirl and @justabrooklynkid F  -  FAVORITE  SONG : Don’t make me choose. G  -  GROSSEST  MEMORY : The grossest thing I remember doing, was play jump rope with intestines of the animal I had to dissect in Advanced Anatomy and Physiology in High School.  H  -  HORROR  YES  OR  HORROR  NO :  Horror FUCK YES!. I love horror.  I  -  IN  LOVE ? : Forever and Always   J  -  JEALOUS  OF  PEOPLE :  I try not to be. But that is part of being human. K  -  KILLED  SOMEONE :  No.  L  -  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SHOULD  I   WALK  BACK  BY  AGAIN ? : I would not oppose to seeing you walk by again. M  -  MIDDLE  NAME: Margaret (Don’t laugh.) N  -  NUMBER  OF  SIBLINGS : one half brother O  -  ONE  WISH : The same everyone wishes for. P  -  PERSON  YOU  CALLED  LAST : My Grandmother Q  -  QUESTION  YOU’RE  ALWAYS  ASKED : I thought she was your sister, is this your mom? (...... No she is the woman that kidnapped me from the Fae and raised me as her own. Secretly I am actually Royalty but I have forgotten my ways and now my people are waging War just to bring me home......) R  -  REASON  TO  SMILE : I’m alive. S  -  SONG  YOU  SANG  LAST : Friend Like Me while I was fixing the library because people are idiots. T  -  TOP  3  FICTIONAL  CHARCTERS :  Beth Riley, Baz Barton, Stellaluna U  -  UNDERWEAR  COLOR : Right now? Grey. V  -  VACATION : Taking a week to go fishing in the Jemez Mountains away from civilization. W  -  WHEN’S  YOUR  BIRTHDAY : June X  -  XRAYS : Dentist. I hated it but it had to be done. Y  -  YOUR  FAVORITE  FOOD : Meat, lightly salted and peppered. Introduced to fire long enough so it is not cold. (Or as I put it “Raw, and just this side of running away because I am too lazy to chase it myself) Z  -  ZODIAC SIGN : Twin Crab. (Gemini Cusp Cancer)
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supergrossie · 6 years ago
The Beautiful and Damned :: Book One, Chapter 2
Regretfully, I couldn’t read nor transcribe yesterday, having gone tete-a-tete with my dentist lady and then having to resort to painkillers afterwards. But today! And oh, what a chapter this has been.
To expound further on Fitzgerald’s abilities of description, I must talk about Gloria. In the sub-dividing chapters preceding the one titled The Beautiful Lady, much is spoken of Gloria by others around her, for her, and on behalf of her. This undoubtedly builds suspense in the reader anticipating her and Anthony’s first meeting (and of course, knowing as most of us know that they are to marry later, a double curiosity). In revealing her at last in this chapter, Fitzgerald peels back the layers of her ever so gradually, in fragments of dialogue with one or two sentences trailing after them, dropping hints at her likeness and character. This graduality and sparseness is in such contrast, again, to the writers of today, who prefer to introduce to us a character in one big, hefty block of description. 
One could argue that such a big, hefty block can often be dismissed or forgotten, and put in the back of the mind as inconsequential. But sprinkled around the action tactically like this, as she enters Anthony’s apartment, hands over to him her fur, and begins remarking on the decor of the place — Gloria becomes immediately a living thing. Hell, he doesn’t even mention that her hair is blonde until much later. (I for some reason interpreted her as a rich brunette, or deep russet, though this too is minor, inconsequential details when considering Gloria. Details which many contemporary writers hold of the utmost importance. But I digress—)
In describing her, Fitzgerald is indeed sparse, never weighing down the readers with many hefty and on-the-nose specifics authors often rely upon. And yet, I see Gloria as clearly as one would see her in a scene of a movie, for these sparse commentaries, made like brushstrokes on a painting upon her likeness and character, paint the most striking and vivid portrait of Gloria one could ever hope for.
Consider this:
On a photograph she must have been completely classical, almost cold — but the glow of her hair and cheeks, at once flushed and fragile, made her the most living person he had ever seen.
“The most living person” is quite the quote, don’t you think? A beautiful punchline, at any rate. Here’s another most excellent description, relying once again not on the physicals, but speaking on temperament and character:
Carefully, Gloria considered several locations and, rather to Anthony’s annoyance, paraded him circuitously to a table for two at the far side of the room. Reaching it, she again considered. Would she sit on the right or on the left? Her beautiful eyes and lips were very grave as she made her choice, and Anthony thought again how naive was her every gesture; she took all the things of life for hers to choose from and apportion, as though she were continually picking out presents for herself from an inexhaustible counter.
Immediately tells you the kind of person Gloria is, doesn’t it? It’s uncanny.
And thus ends most of my technical analysis, now into the silly. I did mention at the start, how I saw myself in Gloria. Well, here are the forgotten fragments that basically make me Gloria:
“I wish you’d tell me how old you are.” “Twenty-two,” she said, meeting his eyes gravely. “How old did you think?” “About eighteen.”  “I’m going to start being that. I don’t like being twenty-two. I hate it more than anything in the world.” “Being twenty-two?” “No. Getting old and everything. Getting married.” “Don’t you ever want to marry?” “I don’t want to have responsibility and a lot of children to take care of.”
(I’ve had this exchange verbatim with a friend of mine once. Although I was 20 at the time telling her that I would thenceforth consider myself 16 because I could. Minor differences. ) 
Here’s another:
“I just think of people,” she continued, “whether they seem right where they are and fit into the picture. I don’t mind if they don’t do anything. I don’t see why they should; in fact it always astonishes me when anybody does anything.”
“You don’t want to do anything?”
“I want to sleep.”
I relate to that so damn hard, I’m earnestly considering getting ‘I want to sleep’ tattooed on me. No joke.
There’s an observation about authors Fitzgerald makes that is rather poignant on page 36, and a funny one on getting old on page 38, but this is turning less into analysis now and more ‘look at this bit that I found amusing’, so I shall spare you rehashing those parts for the sake of brevity.
There is one part towards the end I want to talk about though, and it imbues that magical quality Fitzgerald takes on every once in a while, his words so cinematic as to bring forth that scene to you like you were simply watching a movie. (honestly, who needs film versions of Fitzgerald novels when there are simply the novels themselves?!) It’s this magic neither-here-nor-there quality, of a world beyond ours, something fantastical bordering on the supernatural — like the green light in Gatsby or the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg. A passage hypnotising as it lulls you into a trance you don’t even realize. The effect is slightly lost without having read the preceding, but listen to this:
“Do you object to this?” enquired Anthony.
Gloria’s face warmed, and for the first time that evening she smiled.
“I love it,” she said frankly. It was impossible to doubt her. Her grey eyes roved here and there, drowsing, idle or alert, on each group, passing to the next with unconcealed enjoyment, and to Anthony were made plain the different values of her profile, the wonderfully alive expressions of her mouth, and the authentic distinction of face and form and manner that made her like a single flower amidst a collection of cheap bric-a-brac. At her happiness, a gorgeous sentiment welled into his eyes, choked him up, set his nerves a-tingle, and filled his throat with husky and vibrant emotion. There was a hush upon the room. The careless violins and saxophones, the shrill rasping complaint of a child nearby, the voice of the violet-hatted girl at the next table, all moved slowly out, receded, and fell away like shadowy reflections on the shining floor — and they two, it seemed to him, were alone and infinitely remote, quiet. Surely the freshness of her cheeks was a gossamer projection from a land of delicate and undiscovered shades; her hand gleaming on the stained tablecloth was a shell from some far and wildly virginal sea…
Reading it back now sans context, it’s a bit more difficult to grasp at the power of a passage like this, but leading into it after the description of the cacophonous cabaret hall that came before it, the effect is singular. Everything else fades into background but Anthony and Gloria, and a cinematic spotlight falls onto Gloria. It is pure magic, writing transmuted into a shimmering kind of sorcery that leaves all else around it dull, that is so uniquely Fitzgerald and cements his place among the greats (Hemingway fucking wishes). Oh, but to have one moment like this in my own work, is all I dream of!
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nerdzewordart · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @textbookwitharms to do these ABC Tags (fuck you Fang. It’s like 1 in the morning. I want to sleep. JK I love you bestie)
A - Age: 23 as of an hour ago
B - Birthplace: Fort Collins, CO
C - Current Time: 1am
D - Drink You Had Last: Coke, because it was the only thing we have at work with caffeine
E - Easiest Person To Talk to: @textbookwitharms (Love you too Fang.) and my other two best friends who are lame and don’t have tumblrs. And probably @sleepdeprivedanimator who I forgot had a tumblr until this very moment. Guess who is getting tagged in all the things now (Hint: it’s you James.)
F - Favorite Song: I cannot answer this. Tis impossible. 
G - Grossest Memory: That one time I was walking down the street with headphones in and this guy decided he didn’t like being ignored and tried to grab me. If he had succeeded, I would have had the opportunity to judo flip someone outside of the dojang though, so that would have been fun.
H - Horror Yes Or No: I am indifferent. I much prefer psychological thrillers if I’m forced to choose though.
I - In Love? nope
J - Jealous Of People? I’m much to lazy to be jealous of people. 
K - Killed Someone? I frequently dream of stabbing one of my managers. He’s useless and I hate him.
L - Love at First Sight or Should I Walk Past Again? I don’t even like people at first sight yo
M - Middle Name: Nicole
N - Number of Siblings: Biological? 2 Including the adopted ones? 6
O - One Wish: To have my student loans paid off in full. They are my number one source of stress atm. 
P - Person I Called Last: IDK Probably my mum. It’s always her.
Q - Question You’re Always Asked: What does your tattoo say? closely followed by Are you a lesbian? I can never decide which is more annoying. (I lie. It’s the lesbian one. I always want to launch into a lecture on sexualities and the ace spectrum, while simultaneously wanting to call people out for being rude)
R - Reason to Smile: My cat. 
S - Song You Last Sang: Just a Dream by Nelly (car radios ftw)
T - Time You Woke Up: 9:15AM aka 10 minutes before I had to leave, like always.
U - Underwear Colour. I dunno and I’m too lazy to check.
V - Vacation: Just got back from Europe, which means it’ll probably be another five years before I go anywhere again.
W - Worst Habit: I chew on the inside of my lip when I concentrate, so I usually end up with a bloody mouth when I draw.
X - Xrays: just at the dentist
Y - Your Favorite Food: Waffles! also Ice cream. Or the combination of the two. Also waffle fries are delicious. 
Z - Zodiac: Virgo
tagging  @rosyredlipstick @sleepdeprivedanimator to do the thing
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ritzy-biscuit · 8 years ago
Tagged by @enygmass
a - age: 26 b - biggest fear: Everything. Everything scares me. So many opportunities lost. *sigh* c - current time: 9:00 pm d - drink you last had: Earl Grey. Hot. e - every day starts with: A Work out f - favorite song: Can’t choose, but anything by Agnes Obel. g - ghosts, are they real: Yes and i don’t fuck with ‘em. h - hometown: Los Angeles i - in love with: Spock currently j - jealous of: Extroverts, the social butterflies, the optimistics, the determined and motivated k - killed someone: Myself. Everytime i look in the mirror (so edgy) l - last time you cried: yesterday ( baby goats man, they’re too cute) m - middle name: Clara n - number of siblings: 4, younger brother and step-sister and older brother and sister.(middle child. whoop) o - one wish: i don’t know, but you can bet i’ll question if i even deserve it. Most likely give it to someone else instead. p - person you last called/texted: My older sister q - questions you’re always asked: why are you so quiet?, are you ok?, are you hungry?, how are you? what are you doing? r - reasons to smile: my cat, baby animals, cold foggy mornings s - song last sang:  “End of Our Days” by Archive t - time you woke up: 6:00 am u - underwear color: cheetah pattern *rawr* v - vacation destination: i don’t know w - worst habit: overthinking x - x-rays you’ve had: Besides the dentist, maybe my leg? i had supposedly broken it falling down some stairs as a kid. i vaguely remember it. y - your favorite food: Cheese Pizza, Pancakes, and Granny Goose Blazin Hot chips (seriously, healthy eating be damned, you give me a bag and i will eat ALL of it myself). z - zodiac sign: Gemini
tagging...whoever. I’m too tired.
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yoddel · 8 years ago
Tagged by @virescent-phosphor​
A (age): Turned 27, like, a week ago
B (biggest fear): Getting stuck in this rut, never truly gaining autonomy
C (current time): 23:37 when I started 02:31 when I finished.
D (drink you last had): Black tea with honey.
E (easiest person to talk to): Rosie and/or Caroline and/or Tove
F (favorite song): The Show must go on - Queen, but this is liable to change per minute...
G (grossest moment): I stayed out in the sun too long and got a sunburn so bad I was bedridden, blisters and sweat and green vomit.
H (horror yes, horror no): Horror movies have gone from “why tho” to “I will grow stronger from repeated exposure” in my mind. 
I (in love with): IDK, fuck. I have 5+ crushes I maintain.
J (jealous of): People who can pick and choose what to do, people who know what they want, people who have romantic relationships. 
K (killed someone): Now that would be silly thing to admit to. 
L (love at first sight or should i walk by again?): Just keep walking. 
M (middle name): Joseph.
N (number of siblings): Four, I guess.
O (one wish): I wish magic was real, but this magic could only be accessed from a deep, true sympathy, and only to improve the situation that sparked said sympathy.
P (person you last called): My mom’s boyfriend, so as he would pick me up.
Q (question you’ve always been asked): Variations of “what will you be working as”, the answer has transformed into “I’m tired of this question, and of trying to live in the future”.
R (reasons to smile): There are still stories to explore, people to hear out. 
S (song you last sang): What’s Up - 4 Non Blondes
T (time you woke up): 10 ish
U (underwear color): Black 
V (vacation destination): I’d love to go to visit the peeps I know in the US, Australia, and wherever else they live.
X (x-rays I’ve had): Teeth, a couple of times. Dentist loves them x-rays.
Y (your favorite foods): Salty, savory and full of protein and carbohydrates. Honestly, I’m anosmic so food is 90% consistency, making any blanket statement regarding favorite food dumb, the ingredients are more important than the dish itself. 
Z (zodiac): Taurus.
Oh, and I tag... @hietalaa @rhythmbastard @theladyspanishes 
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flyingsaucereyes · 8 years ago
Tag Meme Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you….most importantly, have fun! I was tagged by @minikvelp in this thin g i haven't done one in so long im so ready ty ainsley 💕 a / age - 25 b / biggest fear - dying in a fire or something like that??? idk c / current time - 10:30p d / drink you had last - water e / everyday starts with - not wanting to leave the cinnamon bun warmth that is my bed f / favourite song - impossible to choose lately i love anything sza is singing g/ ghosts are real? - energies are h / hometown - detroit mi i / in love with - radiohead and fluffy bunnies j / jealous of - people who can live steadily without worrying about money k / killed someone - ???? lmfao what l / last time you cried - it's been a couple weeks m / middle name - marie n / number of siblings - a 19y old sister o / one wish - safety and contentment p / person you last called/texted: my sister q / questions you’re always asked - “how's everything at lush?" r / reasons to smile - cute humans and funtimes w those humans s / song last sang – drew barrymore by sza t / time woken up today: noon thirty ish u / underwear colour - non existent v / vacation destination – there are so many choices honestly too many to count japan norway pacific northwest hiking vancouver islands cambodia new zealand w / worst habit – biting my nails for sure x / xrays you have had – weird ones of my chest and my wrist and also my teeth at the dentist y / your favourite food - oh fuck all food lmao no uhhhh strawberries watermelon any kind of popsicles sushi pizza any italian cuisine rly z / zodiac sign - scorpio that's all that matters lmao i tag @wuph @unfuckthereallife @gabbythegr8 @cfeg @djch1991 @ragnaroses literally everyone do this ok love u
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save-the-squirrels · 8 years ago
I was tagged by the super rad @americanbeautiies to do this!!!! I’m tagging @musicallylester @trust-me-i-just-get-weirder @unearthlychildren bc we’re mutuals and you guys seem really awesome 
a. AGE: 17
b. BIGGEST FEAR: rejection/being abandoned? idk that sounds depressing but it’s true
c. CURRENT TIME: 5:35 p.m.
d. LAST DRINK YOU HAD: water lol
e. EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: anti depressants and brushing my teeth
f. FAVORITE SONG: i could literally talk for hours about this subject. i cannot choose
g. GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL?: idk man maybe? if they are they’re just doing their thing and i respect that
h. HOMETOWN: a charming (read: horrifying) suburb of worcester, massachusetts
i. IN LOVE WITH: no one atm 
j. JEALOUS OF: people that have money, mental stability, and get enough sleep
k. KILLED SOMEONE: not that i can think of, no
l. LAST TIME YOU CRIED: friday, pretty much all day that i wasn’t in school
m. MIDDLE NAME: anderson
n. NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 (both brothers.)
p. PERSON YOU LAST CALLED OR TEXTED: my ap gov group chat
q. QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: where are you going to college?
r. REASONS TO SMILE: my dog, my fish (Elizafish Warren), Elizabeth Warren, nice girls, that fucking nazi Richard Spencer getting punched in the face, poetry, rain, space, homosexuality, and the women’s march
s. SONG LAST SUNG: sleep on the floor by the lumineers
t. TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9 a.m. 
u. UNDERWEAR COLOR: black and white???
v. VACATION DESTINATION: honestly im from new england but i love the mountains so i wouldn’t go very far. probably burlington, vermont
w. WORST HABIT: i am LITERALLY UNABLE to stop putting my foot in my mouth. i never shut the hell up and i constantly embarrass myself
x. X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: I have had pneumonia so many times so that plus the dentist and that one time i swallowed a quarter
y. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: i am and will always be a hoe for strawberries
z. ZODIAC SIGN: taurus
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